What to do if cut marks are found on the hands of a teenager: psychological help and methods for masking scars. Cuts on the hands - what to do if a deep and severe cut, help

  • cracks in the feet
  • weathering
  • pruritus
  • diaper rash
  • dermatitis
  • peeling and dry skin
  • cuts
  • frostbite
  • abrasions
  • calluses
  • Cuts: what are cuts and how to treat cuts effectively with the help of GUARDIAN balm

    cuts- these are cut wounds, various in depth and size. Cuts occur as a result of careless handling of piercing-cutting objects or as a result of deliberate infliction of damage to oneself or others.

    Types of cuts

    Depending on the depth of penetration, there are the following types cuts:

    • scratches- minor injuries, when only the surface layer of the skin is damaged;
    • shallow cuts- affecting the papillary layer of the skin or subcutaneous tissue, but not passing to the muscles and other deeper tissues and organs. The injury is accompanied by moderate bleeding, but in case of damage to large superficial vessels, for example, the carotid artery, it can threaten the life of the victim;
    • deep cuts- Injuries that penetrate beyond the subcutaneous layer are accompanied by severe bleeding and can be life-threatening for the patient. However, no matter how deep the wound, when cut, its length always prevails over the depth.

    Also, cuts can be uncomplicated clean and complicated.

    Complicated cuts divided into inflamed, infected and purulent. Inflammatory process in the wound can cause various agents, including chemical, allergenic or biological nature. At the same time, the entry of pathogenic microflora into the wound does not always lead to the development of infection.

    In case of especially severe injuries, as a rule, due to accidents, there may be complex combined cuts in combination with burns, bruises, bone fractures and other types of injuries. Such injuries require qualified medical care and inpatient treatment in the trauma department.

    Causes of cuts

    The main cause of cuts is household injuries from sharp piercing objects, glass fragments, dense plastic, etc. Cuts can be the result of accidents, accidents, traffic and other accidents, sports injuries.

    Cut symptoms

    Cuts are characteristically different from all other types of injuries in some ways:

    • the length of the wound always prevails over the depth, otherwise we are talking about a stabbing wound;
    • the edges of the wound are never torn, they can be smooth or jagged and defective;
    • cuts are always accompanied by bleeding, with scratches and minor cuts, bleeding can be very weak, if larger vessels are damaged, it can be very significant and dangerous;
    • any tissue damage is accompanied by swelling and redness, however, excessive swelling, hyperemia and extensive redness, increased pain or the appearance of throbbing pain, itching, unusual or purulent discharge - all this indicates infection and / or inflammation of the wound;
    • pain syndrome can be of different intensity and does not always correlate with the depth of the wound, since the skin is abundantly supplied with nerve endings, and there may be fewer of them in the depths of the tissues, then shallow, but excessively long cuts can bring more pain than deeper, but less long ones.

    When to See a Doctor for a Cut

    • At heavy bleeding. It is necessary to apply a tight bandage over the wound and immediately take the victim to the nearest point of medical care.
    • For too deep wounds. In this case, as a rule, a suture is applied.
    • For cuts on the face - for wound treatment and overlay cosmetic suture.
    • If damage is suspected internal organs, tendons or other tissues, as well as in the case of combined injuries.

    Diagnosis of cuts and incised wounds

    diagnostic procedures for cuts usually not required, except:

    • deep cuts, when there is a suspicion of damage to large vessels, arteries and internal organs;
    • complex combined wounds;
    • when there is suspicion of:
    • wound infection or inflammation
    • self-harm,
    • violent wounds,
    • the presence of foreign objects in the wound.

    If a cut infection is suspected, it may be taken bacteriological culture from the wound to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. However, in most cases they do not do this, but immediately appoint topical application or intramuscular antibiotics a wide range.

    If damage to internal organs, large vessels is suspected, or in case of complex combined wounds, depending on the specific circumstances, ultrasound, CT or X-ray studies may be prescribed.

    Cuts treatment

    First aid for a cut

    Any wound must initially be washed with running water and remove all dirt, and then treated with an antiseptic.

    At large cuts and severe bleeding, it is imperative to revise the wound in order to remove possible foreign bodies (glass fragments, for example) and check the condition of large vessels. Then

    If there is bleeding, it must be stopped. To do this, you must either press on the wound itself, if it is shallow and short, or apply a tight bandage over the wound. Hydrogen peroxide, iodine and brilliant green, in addition to antiseptic properties, also help stop bleeding.

    Before applying a bandage, make sure that the wound is clean and free of foreign bodies. The bandage is applied only across the cut to bring the ends of the wound together and speed up healing. It is highly desirable to apply a sterile bandage, adhesive plaster, cotton swab or other material to the wound itself. Gauze can be sterilized at home, for example, by ironing it with a hot iron on both sides. However, since cuts are accompanied by bleeding and, as a rule, it is not possible to stop it before applying a bandage, when using conventional dressings, they very often stick to the wound, which further complicates dressings and healing. Therefore, it is desirable to use modern dressings with a wet antiseptic layer to provide first aid for cuts.

    If the victim has not previously received a tetanus immunization, it is recommended that they be vaccinated no later than two days after the cut.

    How to treat cuts

    Superficial wounds and scratches do not need special treatment. It is enough to disinfect and process them, as well as stop the bleeding, if any. Then you can apply a bandage with healing balm Keeper, or, with a minor cut, simply apply a band-aid gauze pad with balm. The balm will accelerate the healing of the wound and prevent the appearance of a scar.

    On the deep a cut a sterile dressing is required. After treating the cut and applying a sterile dressing, it is advisable not to remove it unnecessarily. It is necessary to change the bandage when it becomes dirty, wet, or 2-3 days later (sometimes daily) after application. If the bandage is stuck to the wound, then it cannot be torn off or soaked, with the exception of infected, inflamed and purulent wounds. When changing the dressing, the wound must be re-treated with an antiseptic or an external agent, which includes broad-spectrum antibiotics. If the bleeding is stopped, then the Guardian balm should be applied to the wound under the bandage to speed up healing.

    Dry wounds take longer to heal than wet wounds and leave a more visible scar. This is due to the fact that the resulting crust, which is always present with dry cuts, makes it difficult for the formation of new epidermal cells. The use of dressings with the Keeper balm will prevent the appearance of scars and scars.

    Remember that an infected or inflamed cut, especially a deep one, cannot be treated on its own - the treatment process must necessarily take place under medical supervision. In most cases, the infection is caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. Most dangerous infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, which include the causative agent of tetanus and gangrene. Therefore, unskilled self-treatment of infected cuts is fraught with life-threatening complications.

    Balm KEEPERS - effective treatment of cuts and scratches

    Natural balm GUARDIAN - reliable assistant in the treatment of abrasions, scratches, cuts skin. Thanks to a unique complex of natural ingredients, healing natural oils, vitamins A and E balm KEEPERS is a highly effective and safe preparation.

    The balm promotes regeneration and restoration of the skin, increases its elasticity, improves the protective functions of the skin.

    The KEEPER balm is applied directly to the wound, previously cleaned and treated with a disinfectant solution. To prevent accidental injury and infection of the wound, after applying the balm, it must be covered with a sterile dressing, which should be changed each time the ointment is applied or when it becomes dirty or wet.

    The KEEPER balm has no contraindications, does not cause allergies or irritation. Can be used to treat children. Safe for long term use.

    Careless handling of a knife in the kitchen, the use of sharp objects at work or at home can cause cuts on the body. After breach of integrity skin traces remain. Some of them can be on the body even after the wound has healed. If you do not want to put up with them, use the tips with which you can remove the scars from cuts.

    Scar formation after a cut normal course wound healing. The type of scar depends largely on several factors:

    1. Depth and length of the wound.
    2. The location of the cut.
    3. Physiological characteristics of a person.
    4. Asepsis of the wound.

    The appearance of a scar can be the result of various types of skin injuries:

    • tissue incision during surgical or plastic surgery;
    • intentional opening of the veins in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist on the arm;
    • finger injury and inside palms of broken dishes;
    • foot cut when stepping on broken glass;
    • violation of the integrity of the skin of the face, legs and other parts of the body with a razor blade during hygiene procedures;
    • household knife injuries.

    Complete healing of the injured skin occurs after 6-12 months from the moment of injury. If a person has a tendency to develop a pathological scar, treatment should begin at the beginning of its formation. The maturation of scar tissue takes place in 4 stages:

    1. An exudative or inflammatory phase that lasts the first week after the wound is received.
    2. Granulation of the wound (lasts about a month).
    3. Scar formation from the connective tissue (continues for 3-5 months from the day of the cut).
    4. Complete healing of the wound surface with the end of scar formation.

    How noticeable the scar will be depends on the work done during the first two stages of scar formation. Attention should be paid to the wound in open areas of the body: face, arms, legs, décolleté, neck. Today, there are many ways to help prevent the formation of ugly defects on the skin.

    In what cases can it hurt

    Often you can hear complaints about pain in the area of ​​the scar. Symptoms may be caused by:

    1. If the scar is located on the foot, knee, elbow, wrist, folds of the fingers, sometimes unpleasant pulling sensations in a scar. This is due to the location of the scar formation. With pressure, tension, flexion movements, pain may appear in previously injured areas.
    2. A scar can hurt from frequent contact of the problem area with clothing. Abraded, scarred skin may appear painful sensations and redness.
    3. Deep cuts cause injury to tendons and internal organs. For injuries and surgical operations scar tissue is formed on the surface of the skin and under it. Often the cause of pain after surgical intervention is the formation of adhesions, hernia and ligature infiltrate.
    4. If we are talking oh, then it can hurt due to inflammation of the ligature when internal sutures are applied. This phenomenon is not uncommon and pain can occur several years after the formation of scar tissue.
    5. Large scars, even old ones, can manifest as pain when the weather changes.

    How to get rid of cut marks

    The healing of cut scars worries girls and women more than men, especially when it comes to rough and large scars on open areas of the body. There are many options to help get rid of the hated traces, including:

    • the use of regenerating ointments;
    • impact on problem areas with the help of hardware procedures;
    • treatment with cosmetic procedures;
    • surgical removal of scars;
    • reduction of scars by folk methods.

    Consider each of these methods in more detail:

    Methodology Description
    Ointments, creams, gels In the pharmacy, you can buy wound healing, restorative, which affect the formation of scar tissue during the healing period of the cut and smooth out the already ripe scar, making it less noticeable. These drugs include Dermatix, Contratubex, Zeraderm Ultra (for children), Scarguard, Kelofibraza.
    Hardware methods Physiotherapy methods successfully deal with various types scars. Also, hardware methods can remove . For this apply:
    • fractional photothermolysis (therapy with a laser device);
    • microdermabrasion (scar resurfacing with aluminum powder);
    • darsonval (treatment problematic skin current);
    • electrophoresis using lidase;
    • bioptron light therapy.
    Surgery The surgical method is used in difficult cases when other methods are powerless. Plastic surgery with skin grafting can be carried out with extensive scars after a burn. If steroid treatment does not help, ugly large keloid marks after cuts are excised by a surgeon, excess scar tissue is removed and a cosmetic suture with small stitches is applied.
    Cosmetic procedures You can remove marks on the skin after cuts with the help of peeling. There are acidic (exposure to the skin with acids of various concentrations), mechanical (exfoliation of epidermal cells with abrasive substances) and chemical (smoothing scars with the help of chemical compounds).

    To remove the scar, cryotherapy is also used - the removal of growths on the skin with liquid nitrogen.

    Medical treatment Getting rid of keloid and hypertrophic scars is possible with injections with corticosteroid solutions.
    Exposure at home You can cure a small fresh scar from a cut at home with simple and affordable recipes:
    1. To heal the scar without excessive growth of connective tissue, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the slightly steamed skin in the problem area with onion juice.
    2. An overnight compress from a baked onion is also great for healing. fresh footprint on the skin. The result will be noticeable after several procedures.
    3. An effective way is to use flour from dried melon seeds and ground eggshell. These ingredients are mixed with olive oil and applied as a compress to the scar. The scar will disappear after 3 weeks - 1.5 months of regular application of the product at night.
    4. If it doesn’t completely remove it, then it will slightly smooth out the mark on the skin of a bear or badger fat. The product should be abundantly covered with a damaged area, covered with a film and fixed with a bandage, left overnight, and in the morning blot the remaining fat paper napkin. This should be done within 1-2 months.

    If you don’t know how else to remove cut scars, you can always cover them with a beautiful and high-quality tattoo.

    How to avoid the appearance of a scar when healing

    Even minor cuts can leave marks. You can influence how the marks on the skin will look after the wound has healed. To exclude a strong proliferation of connective tissue great attention should be given to the wound during its healing period.

    It is much more difficult to treat old scars or hide scars on the face with cosmetics than to properly heal the wound surface. To make the scars neat and inconspicuous, you should use a silicone patch, which acts in three directions on the formation of a post-traumatic trace:

    1. The patch, exerting compressive pressure on the wound surface, will not allow the connective tissue to grow, but will contribute to the parallel arrangement of collagen fibers.
    2. Under the applied agent, there is sufficient moistening of the scar tissue to ensure its elasticity.
    3. A silicone-based preparation will protect the damage from infection and help the wound heal faster and without complications.

    Creams that have a regenerating, moisturizing and resolving effect will help to influence the formation of a neat scar and cure existing scars.

    If it's about a cut big size, then without the participation of a doctor can not do. Do not try to heal a large wound on your own. Otherwise, the edges of the wound will diverge and a hypertrophic scar will form in its place. Photos on the Internet are evidence of how unattractive scars on the body that are not cured in time after accidental or intentional cuts can look.

    The application of a cosmetic suture to the wound, its subsequent treatment with antiseptic agents to exclude complications due to infection, and the application of regenerating creams will help prevent hypergrowth of the scar.

    "I am 14 years old. When scandals at school become unbearable, I take a penknife and try to hurt myself as much as possible. When there is no knife at hand, I plunge into the skin ballpoint pen or scratch myself until I bleed. I don't know why, but when I do that, it makes me feel better. It's like I'm pulling a splinter out of my body. Everything is fine with me?" There are also such disturbing letters from teenagers.

    There are also letters from parents: “My daughter is 15 years old. I recently noticed burn marks on her arm. It is not possible to talk about it, she takes every word of mine with hostility and refuses to meet with a psychologist. I feel completely powerless and don't know what to do now."

    Blade marks on the forearm, cigarette burns on the body, cut legs - almost 38% of teenagers at least once tried to injure their body. The realization that own child hurts himself, terrifies his parents. Automatic, at the level of a reflex, the desire to save him from pain is faced with an unusual obstacle - the absence of an enemy and an external threat. And the question remains: "Why did he do it?"

    Contact with your body

    In maturing children, from about 11–12 years old, desires, interests, behavior change - their inner world becomes different. It is especially difficult for teenagers to adapt to changes in their body. The arms and legs are extended, the gait changes, the plasticity of movements, the voice become different. The body suddenly starts behaving arbitrarily: erotic fantasies and treacherously spontaneous erections in boys; menstruation, often painful, in girls, can also begin at any time - at school, in training.

    “The body seems to become something separate,” says family therapist Inna Khamitova. “Hurting yourself is one way to get in touch with him. The behavior of teenagers resembles the gesture of a person who is dreaming horrible dream: he wants to stop him, pinch himself and wake up.

    frightening world

    At 37, Tatyana clearly remembers the years when she cut her thighs: “I grew up in a family where it was forbidden to complain - my parents did not understand this. As a teenager, I could not find words to express all that tormented me at that moment, and I began to cut myself. Now I understand that it was a way not only to deceive adults, but also to console myself: now I know why I feel so bad.

    Adolescents, damaging their bodies, experience ... an infantile sense of their own omnipotence

    many modern teenagers, like Tatyana once, it is difficult to express their feelings - they do not know themselves enough, and they are frightened by the distrust of adults in their feelings. In addition, many simply do not know how to speak openly and honestly about themselves. Having no other means to relieve mental stress, teenagers force themselves to experience pain.

    “In this way they struggle with immeasurably great suffering,” says psychotherapist Elena Vrono, “it’s hard to trust yourself if you are sure that no one understands you, and the world is hostile. And even if it’s not, many teenagers’ behavior is driven by this very idea of ​​themselves and the world.” However, their actions, which frighten adults, are not connected with the desire to part with life. On the contrary, they confirm the desire to live - to cope with suffering and restore peace of mind.

    Pain relief

    The paradox of the moment is that teenagers, damaging their bodies, experience ... an infantile sense of their own omnipotence. “The body remains the only reality that completely belongs only to them,” explains Inna Khamitova. - By damaging it, they can stop at any moment. By controlling their bodies in such a wild (from the point of view of adults) way, they feel that they are in control of their lives. And it reconciles them with reality.”

    And yet, their frightening behavior speaks of a desire to live - to cope with suffering and regain their peace of mind.

    Physical pain always muffles the mental one, which they cannot control, because you cannot force the one you love yourself to love, you cannot change your parents ... It can also indicate experienced violence (mental, physical or sexual).

    “By demonstrating the wounds that a teenager inflicted on himself,” says sociologist David le Breton, “he unconsciously draws attention to those that are not visible. The cruelty that children show towards themselves allows them not to show it towards others. It acts in the manner of bloodletting in ancient times: it relieves excessive internal tension.

    They hurt themselves so they don't feel pain anymore. Many teenagers talk about the feeling of relief that comes with self-inflicted injuries. 20-year-old Galina writes about this: “After the cuts, there were moments absolute happiness. All the dark feelings seemed to flow out of me along with the blood. I stretched out on the bed, and I finally felt better.” It is this kind of appeasement that entails the risk of becoming addicted: destroying yourself in order to feel better. It is based on the analgesic effect of the action of endorphins - hormones that are produced in the body to drown out pain.

    family frames

    “I cut myself from about 14 to 17 years old,” recalls 27-year-old Boris. - And he stopped only when, becoming a student, he left home. Today, thanks to psychoanalysis, I have come to the conclusion that this is how I experienced my mother's dislike. She did not want me to be born and made me understand this every day. For her, I was the most worthless creature who will never achieve anything. I felt terrible guilt and regularly punished myself for not being worthy of her love.”

    “A child who lacked gentle touches in the first years of life, growing up, can continue to experience this painfully,” explains Elena Vrono. - The body, which he never perceived as a source of pleasant sensations, remains detached, external to his personality. Injuring himself, he seems to destroy the boundary between the inner and the outer.”

    Cuts and wounds on visible parts bodies help children to attract the attention of adults to themselves

    Parents can exacerbate the suffering of teenagers. “Out of the best of intentions, many of them try not to praise their children, as if they could be spoiled by this,” says Inna Khamitova. - But children at any age need support and approval. They believe what we tell them. If adults constantly criticize the child, the child gets used to the idea that he is a bad (ugly, clumsy, cowardly) person. Self-harm can also be a revenge on yourself for a sensitive teenager, a punishment for being so bad.

    But by hating themselves, teenagers don't realize that they actually hate what others think of themselves. This is confirmed by 16-year-old Anna: “Recently, I had a big fight with my best friend. She told me terrible things - that I didn't love anyone and that no one would ever love me. At home, I felt so bad that I scratched all my knuckles on the plaster.

    A teenager thinks something like this: “At least in relation to myself I will act as I want.” And always cuts and wounds on visible parts of the body help children to attract the attention of adults to themselves. These are signals that parents can no longer dismiss, writing them off as features of the transition period.

    risk boundary

    It is important to understand the difference between single strength tests (“can I stand this?”), blood-written vows of friendship, and repeated self-torture. The former are associated either with recognizing one's "new" body and experimenting with it, searching for new sensations, or with rituals that exist among peers. These are transitory signs of the search for oneself. Constantly trying to hurt yourself is a clear signal for parents to seek professional help. But in every case when teenagers show aggression towards themselves, it is necessary to understand what they want to say. And we must listen to them.

    What to do?

    Teenagers seek understanding and at the same time carefully protect their inner world from annoying intrusions. They want to talk - but they can't express themselves. “And therefore,” our experts believe, “perhaps the best interlocutor at this moment will not be parents who find it difficult to remain passive listeners, but one of their relatives or acquaintances who can be there, sympathize and not panic.”

    Sometimes all it takes to stop a kid... is a good beating from the parents. In such a paradoxical way, they make it clear that he has gone too far, and express concern. But if such behavior becomes a habit or the wounds pose a threat to life, it is better to consult a psychologist without delay. It is especially important to do this in the case when a teenager withdraws into himself, begins to study poorly, feels constant drowsiness loses appetite similar symptoms may be a sign of more serious psychological problems.