How to decorate a denim jacket with lace with your own hands. Denim makeover: an old jacket with a new twist

The fashion for denim jackets and vests seems to be only gaining momentum for the fall. This article will tell you about the most current methods of decorating denim and jeans, as well as fashionable cuts, including adjusted for the colder season. Back to school is coming soon, so why not make a really impressive appearance in front of everyone, especially since you have just enough time to decorate your favorite jeans before the start of autumn?

Lace and peplum

In the spring article on the topic, the fashion for lace collars, cuffs and lace inserts in slits and specially cut uneven holes in or above denim was already indicated. Now the emphasis has shifted more to the lace bottom (peeping out from under the bottom edge of the jacket), and the lace is necessarily sewn on the wrong side, and not on the front. Weaving is sewn onto straight jackets and straight or fitted vests cut to the waist, but the most trendy thing is lace running along the bottom of the peplum (it’s very easy to sew it with your own hands -). In addition to finishing the bottom, lace is necessarily sewn onto other strategic (described above) places on denim jackets, jackets and vests. In this case, the color of the lace is either white or dark beige (golden, brown).

In addition to cuffs, lace is sewn instead of sleeves into sleeveless vests, vests and boleros. In particular, a similar option can be sewn from grandmother’s napkins; simply fold a wide oval napkin in half, insert the corresponding side into the armhole of the vest, pin it, and then sew it on a machine. And vo-a-la, the sleeve is ready! Repeat on the other side.

Strategic places for beads and rhinestones

Everyone has already heard about beads and artificial stones. They went from the current fashion for large decorations in layers and levels. Today is the most fresh version- very large beads and stones in a creative, but cohesive, close disorder on one collar, and something similar can be made from ordinary brooches. The collar can be balanced with a similar gathering along the edge of the pocket or on the lower corner of a denim jacket or vest opposite the collar. It seems like flashy elements, and yet in the end it turns out not only trendy, but also really tasteful.

Another great option- meaningful pictures and solid patterns made of large beads and fabric in combination with denim fringe on the back, as shown in the picture. This fashion came from bikers. For example, the zodiac sign Taurus is depicted here. First, the beads are sewn onto a circle, and then the circle with fringe is attached to a denim jacket. The picture must necessarily convey some information to the viewer.


The pictures are sewn entirely on the back, but on a specific area in the center between the side seams. The collar can be finished in the same spirit.

A certain branch of this particular trend will be not solid, but large figures cut out from paintings along the contour. See examples below in combination with a very successful use of fringe. And although these 2 options (below) were invented and sewn even before the trend appeared, today they could not be more relevant.

Graphic prints

Today's fashion is for graphic prints and contrasting shades. She also switched to denim items. When using such bright and expressive details, be careful: several stripes on the cuffs, bottom edge and side seams - more than enough. Under no circumstances should you sew on these details like the pictures described above, otherwise you will start to look like you just traveled in a time machine from the 70s. And although the fashion of the 60s and 70s is still king now, it has been greatly modernized, and much more taste has been introduced into it.

Perimeter trim: through the collar and sides to the bottom

One of the most popular options among girls: a very feminine model. The collar of the jacket is completely cut off, leaving only a round neckline and straight sides that meet at the front. Starting from the very bottom, a wide strip of fabric in a trendy metallic color is started with large long beads or large beads loosely sewn or glued onto it. artificial stones tone-on-tone among a small scattering of their analogues.

Variations with a thinner stripe and other types of decorative elements (chains) are also acceptable, but compare for yourself, you will probably find the first option more interesting.

Zippers with inserts

A small innovation that has long been known decorative element- unfastening zippers on the sleeves, along the hem and in other places. Just cut the item in a strategic zone, sew a high denim triangle into the cut - to its edges - and then sew a short zipper on top, right on the front side. Ready!


This will especially come in handy for denim jackets in the fall. It is sewn in almost the same way as lace before: only on the collar and cuffs or from the bottom through the folds and collar and again to the very bottom. Fur options are similar to lace: white, brown (but not bright red or red), and also separately white sheepskin.

Fur is also sewn separately along the edge of the hood and, by the way, they have returned to fashion long lungs denim jackets gathered at the waist with a drawstring. To make one, you just need to sew it on the waist area from the front side long shirt with a hood, a strip of denim or jeans, wide enough to then thread a lace through.

Strategic location for rivets

Rivets are still in fashion, but their number and volume are very limited to certain small areas. The most trendy option is a feminine fitted vest, in which the rivets are not too close to each other and are distributed along the prominent lapels.

Combination of stripes and patchwork

Both options are in fashion. And it’s very easy to do something like this with your own hands: using paint and masking tape. .

Indian, Scandinavian and Chukchi motifs

They are cubic, and this answers modern fashion. Therefore, Indian, Scandinavian and Chukchi patterns are reproduced on denim jackets and jackets wherever one wants. One condition: carry the images, but not their classic riot of color. Only White color or in as a last resort, muted shades of 2-3 colors (for example, muted dark blue, muted red and the same white). They are painted on denim with the same paint and using the same masking tape, only the latter is now pasted onto the fabric not in stripes, but in various geometric shapes.


He has not yet been forgotten. The modern ombre trend is certainly used, that is, when the bottom is light, and it transitions in a gradient to the dark top, and not vice versa. . It's pretty easy. Please note: the ombre effect is combined here with an equally fashionable innovation - large inscriptions on back side collar and at the top of the cuffs.

Patchwork, just patchwork

And finally, the simplest and most creative way without restrictions is advanced patchwork. When pieces of material are not simply sewn on with invisible threads, but a standard, slightly careless pattern is created from the threads themselves - yarn, for example. The result - if you don’t overdo it and don’t pile up details - falls under the currently fashionable grunge.

Master Class. The second life of denim pants.

01. To work you will need:
- jeans that for some reason do not suit you,
- floral fabric for finishing and appliqué (leftovers will come in handy),
- beads for straps - 10 pcs,
- buttons or snaps for fastening and centers floral motifs,
- sewing machine, scissors, matching thread color...

02. Alteration: we will transform jeans (flares) into a sundress (apron).

03. In our work we use decorative elements: - applique using the Yo-Yo (Yo-Yo) technique - decorative machine stitching (or hand embroidery). - brooch and straps with beads.

04. Uncover. Take the jeans and cut along three lines. Horizontally - cut off top part from the trouser legs, grabbing the seam of the seat. And vertically, along the legs - cutting approximately in the center (only the front part).

05. Construction. We connect the fabrics along the long sides and grind them down (the middle front of the future sundress). We press the allowances of the central seam in one direction, on the front side for better fixation of the allowances - inconspicuous stitching into the edge of the seam with matching threads. Important: factory seams without branded stitching (usually the inside seams of jeans) should be on the back, decorative seams on the front. We outline the contour lines of the apron (bib), according to the design, and cut it out. Can be cut according to finished pattern apron or pin the fabric to the mannequin and outline the contours. Note: the seam line can be made curly - for tazing. Back, factory seams without finishing can also be adjusted according to the silhouette. If it’s not enough, we make additional shallow darts on the sides.

06. Floral chintz trim will transform our future sundress and give it a romantic touch.

07. Beika. We edge the open sections of the sundress. For the binding, we cut out strips of fabric, the length is approximately equal to the length of the cut being processed, and the width is equal to twice the width of the binding in finished form+ seam allowances. Single facing (back edges of the sundress) Cut out a strip approximately 4 cm wide. A) Smooth the seam allowances, bend the edges towards the center (it is convenient to use a strip of cardboard for the template). B) Fold it in half lengthwise and iron it. C) Lay out the binding and pin one side to the edge ( front side to the inside of the sundress). We grind, almost reaching the fold line. D) Turn the binding over the seam to the right side and pin it with a stitching seam. D) Carefully stitch along the edge (you can sew hidden seam). E) From the inside, if the thread is the same color, the stitching is practically invisible.

08. Double facing. We cut out a strip approximately 6 cm wide (allowances are approximately 1 cm). A) Fold the facing in half - wrong side inward. Let's smooth it out. B) Pin the cuts to top edge canvas from the front side. B) Turn away wrong side(for convenience, you can baste) D) On the front side, carefully sew at the edge of the facing so that the stitching is not noticeable.

09. Frill and fringe. A) At the bottom of the sundress we put a frill, fabric into strips (if it is plain fabric, it is more convenient to tear it with your hands, then the fringe will turn out even) B) We lay the strip with folds and attach it with blue threads so that the stitching seam is not noticeable on the front side. Pockets. C) We transfer the finished parts of the pockets from the jeans to the sundress, and decorate the edge with fringe. Fabric fringe will look more aesthetically pleasing, and no one will guess that the pocket was cut from another place. D) The blue threads with which we attach the pocket are not noticeable at all (we make two lines near the original ones, the second “seals” the fringe and is not accessible from inside the pocket). E) A little trick: if the pocket has a welt entrance and a rivet fastener, the mating part of the rivet can be transplanted with the “meat” by cutting it out of the jeans along with the area of ​​fabric around the rivet, then stitching it (then you won’t have to spend money and punch a new button). The top of the jeans will still go to a good cause.

10. Yo-Yo technique (YO-YO). This is one of the types patchwork using round elements. One of the variations of the motifs is the hexagon. The element is attractive not only because of its clear geometric shape, but also because no tools are required for its assembly - the round blank is folded without basting, like origami.

11. Making Yo-Yo. A) Cut out a round blank with a diameter of approximately 10-11 cm. You can simplify the task so as not to build (remember how you cut out snowflakes) - fold the square of fabric into a cone and round the corner. B) Fold in half, smooth the middle (we do this horizontally and vertically) C) Unfold and mark the middle. Fold one side so that the edge is on the middle line. Smooth the edge. D) Fold the formed edge on one side towards the middle. Smooth again. E) Repeat the procedure. G) Attention!: folds are laid in a circle in one direction. H) To fix the folds, we pin them with pins. I) The last fold is corrected (otherwise it will look the other way) K) Iron the edges.

12. Decorative elements – flowers and leaves. A) We lay out our Yo-Yoshka back: the smoothed contours of the hexagon will be noticeable. B, E) We attach the element to the sundress along the inner edge (marked with a dotted line), slightly retreating from the intended contour. This principle gives some liveliness to the edges and volume. Sew a button in the center and decorate with a zipper stem. C, D) We cut out the leaves and attach them: we use a light thread to make vein stitches (you can embroider them by hand).

13. Improvised twigs, stems. We connect the “flowers” ​​and leaves with a decorative stitch, which plays the role of a stem. You can first outline the composition with chalk.

14. Details. When closing the back sides of the sundress, a general picture Yo-yo. From the same floral fabric, with the addition of jeans, we make straps for our sundress. The strap option can be chosen depending on the style. You can use ready-made denim accessories and sew simple straps from denim. If you want originality, we make straps with beads.

15. Original beaded straps. Two in one: hold and decorate. The base is cut from floral fabric (finished width ~ 3 cm). The strap consists of two stitched parts, since the length will be sufficient - about 1.45 m. We sew together a narrow pipe, turn it inside out, iron it... We decorate the top of the sundress with a drawstring and thread a strap. We put in beads (5 on each side), and make the bridges from denim. We sew the strap to the edge (the bead area is not affected). On top of the strap, to revive it, we attach a denim strip. Decorative stitching will decorate and protect the edges from excessive fringe.

16. Accordion detail. At the back, the straps are joined; the connecting link is a metal half-ring, to which the ends of the straps are attached, and a denim accordion piece (elastic band inside). Such a design, like on suspenders, will give a margin of freedom and ensure comfortable wearing (simple straps either tend to slip or pull, and overlap is not always appropriate on the back). The ends of the straps can be stitched or made with several buttons to further adjust the length (when putting on a thicker top).

17. Four-button closure. You can additionally sew a secret button from the inside just below, so as not to be afraid. The sides can be made with a wrap if the volume allows (if the width is not enough, join them like on an apron - sew on a zipper or ties and wear them with leggings).

18. Flower brooch. The brooch is spontaneous - from what is at hand (segments of an old zipper and the rest of the frill were used), shape and design - depends on your imagination. Bring your own romance into the item.

19. And we got such a sundress!

Remaking a denim jacket from an old one allows you to update your wardrobe and create a unique item.

Most of the jackets that you have in your wardrobe, as a rule, were bought two or three seasons ago (and some are much older) and have hopelessly lost their relevance, but not their visual appeal and quality!

What to do with an unfashionable but high-quality jacket? Upgrade, style, update, remodel in accordance with the latest fashion trends.

On the search fresh ideas I went to the Internet. I present everything interesting that I have found to you for free inspiration!

Condition: true to size and no defects requiring masking.
You don’t have any special sewing or cutting skills, but you have a desire to get creative, plus a bunch of unnecessary accessories, old jeans, colored braid.

The most common option is to make a stylish vest out of an old jacket.

Cut the sleeves with scissors close to the shoulder seam, add a couple of abrasions, put a thin strap on top and....

... it turned out new interesting option peplum top! Not as feminine as a typical peplum, but with a certain relaxed and casual feel.

An interesting option for converting a denim jacket into a vest - using braid:

The next modification is a little more complicated...

For work, in addition to the jacket, we need a piece of other fabric.

Carefully cut off the sleeves and cut out new ones along them.

However, it can be done simpler. For this we will need sleeves from an old sweater.
Preferably the same size or larger than the jacket/vest.

When cutting sleeves from a denim jacket, leave a good margin (~2.5 cm) OUTSIDE shoulder seam. Same thing with a sweater - cut a decent amount from the shoulder seam. This will give you the ability to easily sew them together.

As I mentioned above, if the sleeves of the sweater are about the same size as the denim jacket, this will make the whole alteration process much easier, because. they don't need to be adjusted. In this case, the shoulder of the sleeve fits more or less tightly to the arm opening of the vest
However, if they are not the same size, try using sweater sleeves that have larger armholes than the openings in your jacket's sleeves.
Obviously, it will be easier to make sweater sleeves smaller at the armhole than to make them larger (you can do this by simply stitching a straight line down the long side of the sleeve).

Next, turn the vest inside out and attach the sleeve along the armhole opening. I usually line up and pin the center of the sleeve cap and the shoulder seams together first. side seams, and then I fix the parts in a circle with pins.
Before sewing, turn the jeans inside out right side and check that the sleeves fit - they look directly at the shoulder / side seams match.

Sew it together. I like to start right at the armpit area so that where the two ends of the stitch meet is hidden. Sew right behind the seam as you can see in the picture below.
The denim seam serves as a conductor.

Repeat with the other sleeve, turning the vest inside out and then pinning the sleeve to the shoulder.

As for leftover sweater material, you can always sew

Stylish jacket denim with knitted sleeves and a hood - a perfect example of crossing the old denim vest and a worn-out knitted sweater.

Here's another interesting option:

The belt of the jacket needs to be cut off.

Cut the jacket to the length you need.

Sew on the previously removed belt.

Insert eyelets.

Decorate with ribbons, cords, scarves.

2015-04-01 Maria Novikova

Remember, in the last article I wrote about. In this article, main theme There will be denim and its restoration. One day I decided to remake an old denim into a stylish and exclusive item. The result exceeded all my expectations, you can find out more about this. As I promised earlier, I provide you with short review handmade denim jackets.

What can you make from an old denim jacket?

Here is a simple version of a denim jacket updated with the help of: sewing, lace and a train made of colored pieces of fabric.

Denim in vintage style, decorated knitted lace, embroidery, ribbons and applique. To give the effect of wear, the method of boiling denim items was used. If you want to know more about this, then read my article about doing it at home.

Just don’t get too carried away, otherwise it might turn out like this:

If, after all, you didn’t succeed the first time, don’t be upset, but make yourself a brooch. As my mother says: “There are no hopeless situations!”

But I'm sure 100%, that you won’t go to extremes. Look what I have here: gentle option reconstruction of denim in national style.

And I really liked the denim ethnic style. Simple, beautiful, creative!

Another interesting option for updating denim. A method of sewing appliqués from scraps of fabric onto the surface of a jacket.

Stunning denim, combined with a vibrant patterned fabric and knit trim at the hem. Looks very stylish! How do you like it?

Or maybe this combination of denim with a decorative peplum at the bottom will interest you?

Well, what do you think of these denim update ideas?

The main thing is that all models are made easily and simply, and the effect is magnificent. You don't need any special education or equipment to perform such a miracle. You just need to apply a little imagination and patience. As a result, you will have on your hanger luxury item own production. Why pay a lot of money for branded clothes if you can do it beautiful thing yourself. You know, when you succeed, you will receive great pleasure from your work and pride in the result.

With all my heart I wish you success on your creative path 😉

P.S. Write something good.

And also don’t forget to like and leave your comments below, by doing this you help promote the blog.

Until new articles. Bye! Bye!

Best regards, Maria Novikova!

Stop being a gray mouse, join the ranks of the fashionable and stylish! Don't know how? I will help you!
Right now, place an order for a personal pattern or consultation on sewing and cutting clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and personal image.

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I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

Perhaps jeans are the most versatile item of clothing that has not gone out of fashion for several decades. Only the shapes change, but nowadays you can successfully wear a model from 20 years ago, you just need to slightly transform it. These 17 cool ideas for remaking old jeans they can actually give away an old item the new kind.

1. Braid

Quickly refresh appearance For old jeans, black braid with pom-poms will help. Sew it carefully along the side seams and along the front pocket stitching.

2. Small detail

Carefully cut out the corner of the back pocket and secure it with thread. Decorate the opened area metal rivets. So insignificant, at first glance, will transform old thing and will give it a new fashionable look.

3. A scattering of beads

Beaded jeans are one of the fashion trends season. However, do not rush to spend money on buying another pair of trousers. You probably have a pair of plain old jeans in your closet. Carefully sew a couple of dozen beads to the legs and voila - you are already the happy owner of brand new, trendy pants.

4. Bag

At all old shirt or jeans can be used to create an original handbag. Of course, to implement such an idea you will need a sewing machine and skills to work with it.

5. Lace

Stylish trousers with a spectacular black lace insert on the sides are an idea that anyone can realize, armed only with scissors, a needle, thread and a piece of guipure fabric.

6. Short vest

Give a tatty denim jacket a new look. To do this, you need to shorten it by about half, cut off the sleeves and fasten it at the bottom. beautiful ties from tape.

7. Patches

Extend the life of your kids' jeans by decorating the holes in the knees with colorful patches featuring superhero designs, or transform the rips into funny monsters.

8. Mickey Mouse

Classic plain jeans can be turned into a unique trend piece by decorating them with Mickey Mouse images. Moreover, to implement this idea you will not need any special artistic skills, just a special stencil and a felt-tip pen for fabric.

9. Glamorous fringe

A glamorous fringe ribbon, bright patches, sequins and half an hour of free time - that's all you need for a fantastic transformation of a simple denim jacket.

10. Leather inserts

Do you want to bring it into your casual look notes of daring and sexuality? Decorate the couple classic jeans skinny with wide eco-leather inserts.

11. Checkered patches

Eye-catching red plaid patches look great paired with classic blue denim. Therefore, if you have a pair of these jeans in stock, it makes sense to pick up scissors, needles and threads and start making their fashionable transformation.

12. Gradient

Unusual painting will help update an old vest. To do this, dilute a little special fabric paint in water, dip the item in it so that the water covers it a little more than half and leave it for a while. After removing the vest from the water, place it in the bath and carefully scrub the dye border with a stiff brush. After completing all these manipulations, rinse the vest well in cold running water.

Video bonus:

13. Bright pockets

With the help of scraps of bright fabric you can transform in no time summer shorts. Such bright detail will undoubtedly attract the attention of others and become the highlight of the image.

14. Unusual divorces

Bleaching your shorts with bleach or dyeing them special paint for fabric. Despite the fact that these methods are as old as the world, they have not lost their relevance even now.

Video bonus:

15. Embroidery

Denim vest with knitted details.

A stylish denim jacket with knit sleeves and a hood is the perfect example of crossing an old denim vest and a worn-out knit sweater.

Video bonus:

Did you know that jeans were originally clothing exclusively for workers? Read more