Types of Russian appearance: Nordid, Uralid, Baltid and others. Physical signs of the Nordic race

NORDIC race - a specific concept that today embraces all ethnic groups that emerged from the large original race of Caucasoid Cro-Magnons, but migrated from the Arctic Circle to the south no further, however, northern Eurasia.

When this release occurred, no one can say for sure. We will never know for sure whether it began before or after the Cro-Magnons, together with the giant Eurasian platform that gave birth to them, found themselves at the edge of the glacier in a matter of minutes (and someone even under the edge), because all the main evidence in this regard lies at the bottom Arctic Ocean. However, in this regard, we are obliged to mention that V.V. Bunak in the article “On the Question of the Origin of the Northern Race” (Anthropological Journal, No. 1, 1934) comes to the following conclusion: “We must recognize as very probable the existence of two types of Europe in the Paleolithic , namely: Cro-Magnon and Aurignac, and in them to see essential elements who formed the type of the northern race. So, both culturally and schematically, a successive connection is established between the Paleolithic and Neolithic races, in which we already find the craniological prototype of the northern race. Today there is reason to believe that before giving life to the ethnic groups of the Nordic race, the Cro-Magnon type singled out from its environment the earliest common cultural subtype - Aurignac, although the same Cro-Magnon remained the biologically dominant type. The result of further fragmentation of the Cro-Magnon dominant was also such subtypes of the Cro-Magnon as "man from Chancelad" (in the territory of modern France, height 155, not 180 cm, arms and legs are small, wide cheekbones, high brain box), "Brunn people" ( in the Czech Republic, a narrow face, a long brain box), Grimaldians (in Italy; some researchers find Negroid features are noticeable in them - a trace of miscegenation with a Neanderthal), etc. All of them could well become relatives of different European ethnic groups.

One way or another, anthropologists have established the fact of direct origin from the Cro-Magnons - the Nordic race, which our Russian scientist I. E. Deniker in the work “ human races” (1900, in French) described it as follows: “ The long-headed, very tall, fair-haired race can be called the Nordic, since its representatives are grouped mainly in the north of Europe. Its main features are: growth is very high: 1.73 meters on average; blond, wavy hair; eyes light, usually blue; head oblong (cephalic index 76–79); pinkish-white skin; the face is elongated, the nose is prominent straight.” Deniker has never been challenged on the merits by anyone, his classification has taken root in science and crossed out the previously popular theory of "Aryanism", developed mainly by linguists. Under this confrontation, the leading German racologist G. F. K. Günther drew a line in his book “Racial Elements in the History of Europe”: “In philology, the word “Aryan” used to designate the Indo-European languages; today the term is usually used only in relation to the Indo-Iranian branch of this language family. At the beginning of racial studies, the (non-existent) white or Caucasian race was sometimes referred to as Aryan; later, peoples who spoke Indo-European languages ​​\u200b\u200band, finally, the Nordic race began to be called Aryans. Today, the term "Aryan" has fallen out of scientific use and its use is not recommended, especially since it became popular among the profane in opposition to the "Semites". But anthropology also abandoned the term "Semites", since the Semitic languages ​​are spoken by peoples of the most diverse racial origins.

As follows from the entire previous presentation, the Nordic race is the modern incarnation of the Cro-Magnon (large original Caucasoid) race. It is homogeneous, and this homogeneity is only increasing in our time. It is sharply demarcated from other large original races - Mongoloid and Negroid, although in the past it created many hybrids with them. However, not everywhere and not with all racial subtypes; so, for example, hybrid forms from the mixing of Eupropeoids with Australoids are unknown to science. But hybrids - secondary races - do not enter into our consideration now.

Which of the modern ethnic groups belongs to the Nordic race? It depends on how strictly we adhere to the criterion of dolichocephaly/brachycephaly. Since the most influential group of anthropologists believes that the oldest representatives of the Nordic race were all dolichocephalic (long-headed), and the manifestation among them of brachycephals (short-headed, round) at an increasing pace is a relatively late phenomenon, explained by miscegenation - first with the Celts, then with other ethnic groups. Which is not entirely clear, since the Celts are also unequivocally attributed to the direct descendants of the Cro-Magnon.

So, what is the present composition of the Nordic race?

The German racologist K. Stratz believed: “Since Montelius proved that the Swedes at least 4000 years ago were already natives in the north and even then had a relatively high culture; I consider myself entitled to accept the northern race instead of the German one; even all the oldest legends about Gods and heroes are not of Germanic, but of northern origin. This fair-haired and blue-eyed racial branch of the great white race has probably been rooted in Scandinavia since ancient times, for if we compare the statistics and graphic representations of blue eyes and blonde hair, then you get a radiation that is lost to the south, north and east, in the center of which is Scandinavia. This northern tribe, in addition to the Scandinavians, includes northern Germans, Frisians and Dutch, part of the British and northern Russians.

In the future, points of view on the ancestral home of the Noric race diverged, but still not very far, within more or less one geographical area.

Thus, the book "Nordic Man" (1929) by the Norwegian scientist H. Brun distinguishes, from the point of view of evolution, representatives of light racial types into a special biological species - homo caesius, literally "a gray-blue-eyed man." Brun pointed out that there were areas in Norway where 100% of the adult male population had white skin, 98.5% - blue eyes and 99% blond or red hair, which made it possible to draw a logical conclusion: "In Lately much is said about the ancestral home of the Nordic race. The fact that it is now represented in almost pure form on the Scandinavian Peninsula, suggests that he was her ancestral home.

D. Rees in 1836 suggested that the Aryans could come from somewhere outside the Arctic circle, in particular, from the north of Finland, and D. H. Rendall in 1889 gave the following definition to the Aryans: "The dolichocephalic race of blondes, comes from the Baltic coast" .

The recent discoveries of Professor V. Demin on the Kola Peninsula (1990s), information about which passed through the channels of ITAR-TASS and through the pages of many printed publications, gave food for new discussions about ancient Hyperborea as an ancestral home that had gone under the ice white man.

Anthropologist L. Krzhivitsky, being a subject before the Bolshevik revolution Russian Empire, had the opportunity to participate in numerous archaeological and paleoanthropological expeditions in the spaces of the Russian state. Digging out Neolithic cemeteries on the shores of Lake Ladoga, he found that their cranial index is 72.1, which means that the tribes that became part of the Western and Eastern Slavs much later were hyperdolihocephals - carriers of the pure "northern type". The conclusion of L. Krzhivitsky is simple and at the same time convincing: “In the era of the mounds, from Olonetsk to Kiev and Kursk, from Moscow to Poland, there lived a very long-headed and racially pure people, in all likelihood, fair-haired.”

The founder of the German Anthropological Society, R. Virchow (1821–1902), systematizing the data of excavations he carried out throughout Europe, came to a completely unequivocal conclusion: "Both the Germans and the Slavs were originally blond, but from mixing with the Celts, they perceived more or less elements of a swarthy type." Another luminary of the German anthropological school, I. Ranke (1836–1916), in his large two-volume work Man (1901), developed his ideas, emphasizing: The ancient typical form of both the Germanic and Slavic skulls was long-headed, dolichocephalic. Therefore, wishing to explain the short-headedness in a certain area of ​​Germany, we must not think exclusively of the Slavs, who, in all probability, like the Germans, originally had a long skull shape and changed it due to mixing with other short-headed peoples. Just as we met in the north of Central Europe main area the spread of blondes, we see in the north of the Slavic and Germanic world, a rather compact core of long-headed skulls. This is a population group with a predominance of long-headedness surrounded by sharply short-headed tribes on all sides. Thus, the distribution of both principal physical properties mutually combined: blondes and long-headed, brunettes and short-headed. From this we must conclude that in Central Europe dominated common causes the formation of local differences in color and shape of the skull. Light coloration of skin and hair along with blue eyes is by no means distinguishing feature German nationality, but extends to a vast area that embraces completely different and, moreover, anthropologically different sections of the population. The whole of modern Finland is populated mainly by blonds and even strong blonds. Only in Lapland begins dark coloration. The Slavs in the north and east have remained blond to this day, and perhaps all of them were. Then come the Germans, who were blond, and the so-called fair-haired Celts, and finally the Caledonians in Scotland."

A. Ecker (1818–1887) and J. Kollmann (1834–1918) jointly concluded on the basis of excavation data that even during the Roman rule in Germany, long skulls were predominant.

Soviet scientist A. L. Mongait in the monograph “Archaeology of Western Europe. Stone Age "(M., 1973), based on modern material, emphasized: “In the Neolithic, Europe was inhabited by tribes, among which all the anthropological types that are preserved among modern Europeans are already known. By the time of the developed Neolithic, the number of dolicho- and brachycephals becomes the same. At the end of the Neolithic, the number of brachycephals again somewhat decreases. The Neolithic brachycephalic type includes Homo sapiens alpinus(in Central and partly Western Europe), giving rise to two groups of dolichocephals: northern and Mediterranean. The Neolithic dolichocephals of Western Europe were divided into: 1) Cro-Magnon type; 2) Mediterraneans; 3) nordic type. The latter inhabited the Scandinavian countries, and partly the territories of Switzerland and Germany. These people were tall and slender. Modern Scandinavians are the direct descendants of the local Neolithic population.”

These observations of Mongait are especially important for us, since they reflect three points: 1) the presence in the Neolithic of the still unchanged Cro-Magnon type; 2) separation from it of the "Nordic" branch with the most pure and pronounced three signs: blond hair, bright eyes, dolichocephaly; 3) highlighting the mixed Mediterranean type as still predominantly dolichocephalic, but already losing the original “Cro-Magnon” hair and eye color.

There are many data - and they should not be forgotten, allowing, as mentioned above, to assert that the Nordic race did not just "dig in" in the North, but migrated from the North - and not only to the South, but also to the East and South-East, reaching the future of Beijing and everywhere leaving traces of their camps and cultural influence. Time has turned these peoples into semi-mythical creatures, like the Dinlins, Khakasses and Usuns of Northern China, but anthropological data confirm the former reality of the ethnic groups that have disappeared to our days.

So, the Russian scientist G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo at one time was fascinated by the Dinlins. He came to the conclusion that according to all the external descriptive features, the overall psychological portrait, as well as the details of everyday life and specific behavioral traits, it could only be a Caucasoid race with an obvious dominance of the substrate of northern origin in its biomass. And in his work “The Blond Race in Central Asia” (St. Petersburg, 1909), he writes: “Excavations of graves within the Altai-Sayan Highlands indicate to us this mountainous region as a long-term stop of the long-headed. Here, one must think, and should have mainly moved, if not the autochthonous of Transbaikalia, then the subsequent long-headed population of this region, who, like the long-headed Altaians, belonged to a superior race, most likely even European, which is proved both by the shape of their skulls and plaster masks, many of which are distinguished by remarkable beauty and completely European features.

The largest domestic anthropologist G. F. Debets in the article “Once again about the blond race in Central Asia” (Soviet Asia, No. 5-6, 1931) actually supported the Grumm-Grzhimailo hypothesis: “At the end of the first millennium BC and at the beginning of the first millennia of our era, Chinese sources speak of tall, blue-eyed, red-haired tribes that inhabited the territory that covered the Altai-Sayan highlands. In the same era and somewhat earlier in the territory Minusinsk Territory there lived a people, anthropologically, of course, Caucasoid. The predominant part of the skulls is craniologically very close to the northern race.

Excavations of mounds and graves in the valley of the Selenga River also revealed the existence of two racial antipodes in this region in prehistoric times: a short-headed type with a cephalic index of 93.6 and a long-headed type with a cephalic index of 68.4.

Shifting deeper into Asia the zone of racial analysis, which historians and ethnographers for some reason still associate with the zone of distribution of only the Mongoloid race, Ginzburg and Trofimova refute this: “The population of the Pamirs in the Bronze Age was also very homogeneous and without Mongoloid admixture. The basis of the anthropological type of the Usuns of the Semirechye, as well as the Tien Shan, is the Caucasoid race with a small Mongoloid admixture. The Mongoloid admixture is generally small.” The admixture of Mongoloid traits in the population of the Central Asian interfluve in the 1st and early 2nd millennium AD. e. was also very small. A strong increase in the Mongoloid component in the racial type of the Uzbeks occurred, apparently, only in the 13th century in connection with the Mongol conquest. In the middle of the first millennium A.D. e. in connection with the advance from the East new wave nomadic Turks, there is a growing Mongoloid admixture in the composition of various groups of Central Asia, both nomads and the settled population. In the XIII-XIV centuries, the Mongoloid features of the population of Kazakhstan, as well as throughout the plains of Central Asia, are even more intensified, which is a direct consequence of the Mongol invasion.

By the way, the ancient Huns were also racially heterogeneous, among them a great community stood out - the Hephthalites, or White Huns, who dark hair generally considered abnormal. In the 4th-5th centuries AD, the Tocharians also came under the influence of the Hephthalites (“Tochar” means “white hair” or “white head”). Similarly, the composition of the Sarmatians was also racially heterogeneous: 60% of their fossil skulls are of the Caucasoid type (of which 23% are northern), 21% are Mongoloid, and 10% are mixed type. The Sarmatians, by the way, bandaged their babies' heads in such a way that they, sandwiched between the planks, deformed during development, imitating dolichocephaly in the future. Which clearly speaks of their racial ideal, although gradually lost, but still prestigious.

The collection of fundamental works “The Bronze and Iron Age of Siberia” (Novosibirsk, 1974) is also devoted to the problem we are studying. The classic of Soviet anthropology, V.P. Alekseev, in the article “New Data on the Caucasoid Race in Central Asia” emphasized: “The material studied by us expands the range of factual data by which one can judge the wide distribution of the Caucasoid race in Central Asia right up to Western Mongolia in the era early iron; analogies to this material and its comparative study show that the era of the penetration of Caucasoids into Central Asia can be presumably pushed back to the Eneolithic, and their range extended to Inner Mongolia.

All this again reminds us of the era when again and again the desperate "quanta" of the Nordic descendants of the Cro-Magnon, trying to escape from the unfavorable life of the harsh zone of the Arctic, went in search of a better life to the South and South-East, but found there, in the zone of domination of another race, if not physical, then ethnic death, which overtook them sooner or later. Today on the ethnic map of the world there are neither Dinlins, nor Usuns, nor many others, and today I don’t even want to talk about the Caucasoid origin of Tajiks or Uzbeks: they don’t correspond to the Nordic type so outwardly.

But what was, was. It is only necessary to note once again that, unlike the Nordic ancestors of the Dinlins and modern Uzbeks, who went towards the Altai, Sayan, Siberia, the Gobi desert, the Tien Shan and other places not very suitable for life, the ethnic groups that moved to the south of Europe and further to Mediterranean, turned out to be much happier in their historical fate.

Let us return to those ethnic groups that have retained their racial identity, and now turn from the shape of the skulls to the other two main characteristics of the Nordic race: hair and eye color.

W. Sieglin's book, Blond Hair of the Nordic Peoples in Antiquity (1935), which is small in volume but rich in important factual material, deserves special consideration here. As you know, hair is rarely preserved in the burial grounds of many thousands of years ago: how did it manage to reveal the topic chosen by the author? Sieglin took an unusual path in his research: “I collected evidence from ancient authors about the hair color of their peoples and their neighbors, but did not limit myself to data on individual peoples, but also collected information about personalities that we know about from literary sources or from works of art. I also took into account gods, heroes and literary characters. This is eloquent evidence of what were the ideas of the era that spoke about them, about their appearance».

What turned out?

Firstly, that the ancient Hellenes, Italics, Gauls, Germans, Scythians, Armenians, Persians, Alemanni, Batavians, Franks, Goths, Lombards, Rugs, Saxons, Suebi, Teutons, Vandals, Celts, Alans, Albanians, Antes, Arimaspians, Getae, Sarmatians, Libyans and many other peoples were not only described by ancient authors, but also captured in pictorial works of art as peoples consisting almost entirely of fair-haired individuals. The ruling stratum of the Indians, after being conquered by the Aryans, also for some time consisted of blonds.

Secondly, analyzing the appearance of the ancient Greek Gods, Ziglin comes to the conclusion that more than sixty of them, including such the main like Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Eros, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Helios, Hermes, Dionysus - all were pure blonds. And of the main mythical and legendary characters, these were: Hercules, Perseus, Jason, Theseus, Cadmus, Adonis, Meleager, Oedipus, Orestes, Amphion, Achilles, Patroclus, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus, Andromeda, Elena, Medea, Ariadne, Electra , Medusa, Pandora, Penelope, Nausicaa, Phaedra and many others. At the same time, there were only twenty-nine Gods with dark hair, and only nineteen brunettes were found among the mythical characters. (Ziglin considered it necessary to draw the attention of the readers of his book also to the fact that the most ancient Vedic deity, Indra, was blond.)

Thirdly, among the largest historical figures of ancient Greece, Alexander the Great, Anacreon, Apollonius of Tyana, Aristotle, Dionysius of Syracuse, Sappho, Pythagoras and dozens of other philosophers, generals, scientists and cultural figures, a total of up to two hundred of historical figures, had blond hair. fixed. But only twenty among the historical figures of Hellas had black hair.

Thus, it is not difficult to arrive at the simplest conclusion that the heroes and creators of ancient Greek culture were people of the Nordic race, who had predominantly blond hair, personifying the leading and favorite type of their ethnic group.

It would seem that the Roman pantheon mirrors, adopts the Greek, albeit under the original names. But here's what is striking: for those centuries that separate the birth and flourishing of Greek culture from Roman, very noticeable changes occurred in the genotype of the Mediterranean descendants of the Cro-Magnon. And now we see that in the ancient Roman pantheon there are already only twenty-seven blond gods (two times less compared to the Greek!), And only ten mythical characters have blond hair. The descendants of the Nordic race have darkened over the centuries, and with them their ethnic ideal has also darkened! Such was the sad biological result of the conquests of Alexander the Great, and then the Roman Republic and Empire.

Nevertheless, we would like to emphasize that the very archetypal symbolism of ancient civilizations, from the point of view of the canons of beauty, is definitely associated with the biological type of the Nordic race. The image of everything divine, heroic and supernatural has always been clothed in easily digestible features of light-skinned flesh, personifying the concentration of the highest solar substance and grace.

The closer to our time the peoples that have undergone anthropological analysis are, the more traces of miscegenation are visible in them. But still not everywhere. And if today we talk about the racial core of the Nordic race, then this core should include, first of all, three ethnic groups: these are the Germans (in the broad sense of the word, including the Scandinavians, Dutch, Belgians, Danes, partly even the British and French), Finns and Slavs, primarily Russians and Belarusians.

So, the Cro-Magnon race, breaking up into families, clans, tribes, from which the peoples of Europe originate, gave rise to such tribes, whose fate was not so successful. All of them sought to escape from the icy trap in which their ancestors found themselves suddenly and against their will. Some settled in relatively warm Scandinavia washed by the Gulf Stream, while others had to clear the territories of Germany, Rus', France, and Italy in battles with Neanderthals. Still others moved to the South and South-East, passed through Altai, Siberia, reached Northern China, Inner Mongolia and Tibet. The fourth crossed the Himalayas and set foot on Hindustan ...

Their racial fate was different. Some disappeared altogether, dissolved, completely changed their identity (Dinlins). Others formed a chimera with the locals and, more or less intact, survived as the upper social stratum (Brahmins and Kshatriyas of North India) in the midst of a non-racial or highly mixed population. Still others in the same environment have been preserved in their pure form as isolated relics, inclusions, "isolates" (Berbers). The fourth merged as a basis into new, secondary races.

But those who at the earliest stage conquered Europe for themselves and their descendants, especially Northern Europe, remained unchanged, gradually cleared of Neanderthal admixture. And today the peoples inhabiting Northern Europe make up the Nordic race.

We note to ourselves that it is the Russian type in many respects, primarily in eye and hair color, that in total deviates from the Central European type towards a common prototype - Cro-Magnon or Nordic, whatever you like.


This is clearly and expressively written, for example, by the classic of Russian anthropology A. A. Zubov in the article “Debatable Issues in the Theory of Anthropogenesis” (Ethnographic Review, No. 6, 1994): currently undergoing a major revision. It is assumed, for example, that it was not bipedal forms that evolved from tetrapods, but, on the contrary, great apes - the ancestors of chimpanzees and gorillas - were descendants of bipedal upright hominids. It is also known that the volume of the Cro-Magnon skull on average exceeds the volume of the skull of our contemporaries, as well as the weight of the brain, which also indicates a certain degradation.

What, if not about the close, inseparable in essence proximity from time immemorial, prehistoric times, is evidenced by the Russian-Finnish union of tribes, who once called on Rurik and his brothers to “rule” their joint state. Nothing else can explain such a symbiosis, which ended with the complete assimilation of many Finnish tribes.


The Norwegian anatomist and anthropologist Christian Schreiner (Skreiner) of the first half of the 20th century believed that the northern type is associated with the culture of battle axes: “Since this type is most concentrated in our time in the central regions of Scandinavia, it would be logical to assume that this is due to the fact that The Neolithic invaders of these areas were predominantly of the eastern tribes of the battle-axe culture, which of all the Neolithic tribes were closest to the Nordic type.

Characteristic features

  • Hair blonde
  • Eyes - light (blue or blue, sometimes gray)
  • Growth - high
  • Head (Skull) - dolichocephaly (high vault of the skull)
  • Body type - dolichomorphic (asthenic)
  • Nose - narrow, long

Historical subtypes

German anthropologist F. Paudler in his book Die hellfarbigen Rassen distinguished between two Scandinavian types:

  • Dalonordic (Falsh according to G. Günther) - tall, long-headed, with a mesorrhine nose and a short, wide face;
  • teutonic- tall, long-headed, with a long narrow nose and face shape.

The first type was considered by Paudler to be the direct descendant of the Cro-Magnon.

The German anthropologist E. von Eickstedt identified three Nordic types (1937):

  • dalonordid;
  • teutonordid;
  • Finnonordid.

In his book The Races of Europe (1939), the American anthropologist C. Kuhn identified four subtypes of the Nordic race:

  • Celtic Iron Age type;
  • Anglo-Saxon type;
  • Osterdal type.

The Italian anthropologist R. Biasutti in his monumental work "The Races and Peoples of the Earth" (Ital. Le razze e i popoli della terra, first edition - 1939, second - 1953-1960) identified the following subtypes of the Nordic race:

  • Irish race;
  • Finnish race.

Nordicism (Nordicism)

Nordicism or Nordicism is a theory based on the assertion of the superiority of the Nordic race over other races of mankind. French sociologists A. Gobineau and J. Lapouge are considered to be the founders. Nordicism was widespread in Western Europe and North America at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. and had a great influence on the formation of the ideology of National Socialism.

The problem of the disappearance of the Nordic race was dealt with by the creator of his own racial theory G. Günther, who in 1925 formulated the Nordic idea as "a philosophical complex of natural-scientific, biological, and racial-political problems."

see also

Write a review on the article "Nordic race"


  1. Northern (Nordic) race // Safflower - Soan. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1976. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, v. 23).
  2. Northern (Nordic) race // Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / Scientific Editorial Board: A. M. Prokhorov (prev.). - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981. - S. 1195. - 1600 p.
  3. Cheboksarov N. N.// Scientific notes of Moscow State University. - 1941. - Issue. 63 .
  4. .
  5. (English)
  6. (English)
  7. Richard McCulloch
  8. Vasilchenko A. V. Aryan myth of the III Reich. - M.: Yauza-Press, 2008. S. 65.


An excerpt characterizing the Nordic race

He left. And night fell on my little world...
All this terrible time, I mentally communicated with my beloved, exhausted father, who, unfortunately, could not tell me anything soothing, except for only one positive news - Anna was still in Florence, and at least for now there was nothing to fear for her .
But my unfortunate husband, my poor Girolamo, returned to Venice with a desire to help me, and only there he found out that it was already too late - that they had taken me to Rome ... His despair knew no bounds! .. He wrote long letters to the Pope. He sent notes of protest to the "powerful ones" whom I once helped. Nothing worked. Caraffa was deaf to any requests and pleas ...
"Couldn't you just disappear?" Or "fly away" for that matter...? Why didn't you use something?!!! - Unable to stand it further, Stella exclaimed, upset by the story. - You must always fight to the end! .. That's how my grandmother taught me.
I was very happy - Stella came to life. Her fighting spirit took over once again, as soon as there was an urgent need for it.
– If only everything was so simple!.. – Isidora answered sadly, shaking her head. “It wasn't just about me. I was completely unaware of Caraffa's plans for my family. And I was very frightened that, no matter how much I tried, I could not see anything. It was the first time in my life when no "vision", no "witch talents" of mine helped... I could see any person or any event for a thousand years ahead! She could even predict future incarnations with absolute accuracy, which no Vidun on Earth could do, but my Gift was silent when it came to Karaffa, and I could not understand this. Any of my attempts to look at him were easily “sprayed”, bumping into a very dense golden-red protection that constantly “curled” around his physical body, and I could not break through it. It was new and incomprehensible, something I had never encountered before...
Naturally, everyone (even my little Anna!) in my family knew how to create magnificent protection for themselves, and everyone did it in their own way, so that it would be individual in case trouble happened. But no matter how difficult the defense turned out to be, I knew very well that at any moment I could “pass through” through the protection of any of the witches I knew, if there was an urgent need for this, including also the protection of my father, who knew and could do much more me. But it didn't work with Karaffa... He wielded some kind of alien, very strong and very refined magic that I had never come across... I knew all the Veduns of Europe - he was not one of them.
It was well known to me, as well as to everyone else, that he was a true “servant of the Lord” and a faithful “son of the church”, and, according to universal concepts, could in no way use what he called the “devil manifestation” and what was used we, Witches and Veduns!.. What, then, was it?!.. Was the most faithful servant of the church and the Grand Inquisitor, in fact, a black Sorcerer?!. Even though it was utterly and utterly unbelievable, it was the only explanation I could give with an honest hand on my heart. But how, in this case, did he combine his “holy” duties with the “devilish” (as he called it) teaching?! Although what he did on Earth was truly Devilish and black...
Once again, mentally talking with my father, I asked him what he thought about this?
- It's not him, dear ... It's just helping him. But I don't know who. There is nothing like it on earth...
Hour by hour it didn’t get any easier!.. The world really got upside down… But I made a promise to myself to try somehow to find out what this strange “holy father” used, simultaneously pursuing and burning his own kind ?..
Since, if this was true and he used the "teachings of the Devil" (as he called it), then he himself, the Great Karaffa, had to end his "righteous" life at the stake, along with all those burned by him, Veduns and Witches !..
But I'm late...
The next morning, I was waiting for Caraffa, clearly determined to find out what this amazing “holy father” did use. But Caraffa did not appear. He did not appear the next day, and all next week... I couldn't figure out if this was just a reprieve, or if he was plotting something very scary about someone in my family? But, to my great regret, as I later found out, it was neither one nor the other ... It was much more dangerous than any of his tricks ... Very soon, from the never-ending ringing of bells and sad singing in the streets, I realized - the Pope died... This perfectly explained the long absence of my jailer. And the next day, a dumb maid, almost dancing with happiness, brought me an exquisite piece of paper, on which it was reported that Giovanni Pietro Caraffa, my most terrible and unpredictable enemy, had been declared the new Pope, Paul IV...
Now all that was left to do was wait...
Two days later, blindfolded, I was transferred to some kind of palace, stunning in its inner wealth and defiant beauty. As I found out later - the personal palace of Karaffa. He appeared a week later, still fit and dangerous, in "the radiance of his unlimited power," and held out his well-groomed hand, with a huge, sparkling Papal ring ... I bowed before him lower than before, because it was required by decency, and also because I had not yet figured out for myself how I would continue to behave with him.
How are you, Madonna Isidora? I hope you are satisfied with your quarters?
Caraffa was extremely secular and contented, knowing that I was in his full power, and that now no one would be able to interfere with him in anything...

15 anthropological types of the Caucasian race with photographs and characteristics.

4. Nape: protruding.

12. Forehead slope: Moderate.
13. Eyebrow: Moderate.

15. Chin: protruding.

nordic type(Nordid, Scando-nordid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, upper values ​​of mesoprosopia.
3. Head height: medium, high.
4. Nape: protruding.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
convex or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Width of the nose: very narrow, narrow.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. Forehead slope: Moderate.
13. Eyebrow: Moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate and strong growth of hair on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
18. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
19. Hair color: blond, light blond, medium blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
21. Structure, shape of hair: straight or wavy.
22. Height: above average, tall.
23. Build: asthenic, stenoplastic and subathletic types.

Trönder, East Nordic type (Eastern Nordid)


3.Height of head: high head type.
4. Nape: protruding.
5.Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high and medium nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight,
convex or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.

10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.

12. The forehead is very high, narrow, slightly sloping.
13. Eyebrow: Moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high.
15. Chin: protruding.

19. Hair color: blond, golden blond, light blond, medium blond, dark blond.

21.Structure, hair shape: wavy.
22. Height: tall.

Trender is one of the tallest northern types, characterized by sexual dimorphism.

Eastern Nordid
1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, upper values ​​of mesoprosopia.

4. Nape: protruding.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight,
convex or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: narrow or medium.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. Forehead slope: Moderate.
13. Eyebrow: Moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate and strong growth of hair on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
18. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
19. Hair color: blond, light blond, medium blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
21. Structure, shape of hair: straight or wavy.
22. Height: above average, tall.
23. Physique: men according to Bunak - pectoral, muscular, pectoral-muscular and muscular-pectoral
types, women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and subathletic types.

3. Nape: rounded.

12. Eyebrow: pronounced.

14. Chin: protruding.

21. Height: high.

Western Baltic type (Western Baltid, Baltid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), yuriprosopia, square-rectangular face
with large face diameters.
2. Head height: high head type.
3. Nape: rounded.
4. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
6. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: a straight or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly elevated, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is medium.
7. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
11. Forehead slope: medium or large.
12. Eyebrow: pronounced.
13. Jaw: medium-wide, wide, angular, medium height.
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
17. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: blond, light blond, medium blond.
19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
20. Structure, hair shape: straight.
21. Height: high.
22. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Eastern Baltic type (Eastern Baltid, Ost-Baltic)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia, yuriprosopia, square-rectangular face.
2. Head height: medium.
3. Nape: rounded.
4. Horizontal profiling of the face: weakened profiling of the face, reduced nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: reduced.
6. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings:

7. Nose width: wide nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: moderately pronounced Mongoloid tilt.

10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia, mesognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: forehead slightly sloping, wide, slightly curved.
12. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.
13. Jaw: medium wide, angular, low height.
14. Chin: straight or beveled.
15. The growth of a beard and mustache, tertiary hairline: below average development of the beard (3 tbsp.

16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray) or No. 5-8 (mixed).
17. Crease of the upper eyelid: strong, upper eyelid with swelling.
18. Hair color: blond, light blond, medium blond.
19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
20. Structure, hair shape: straight.
21. Growth: small, medium.
22. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic,
mesoplastic and picnic types.

Norian type (Norik, Norid, sub-Adriatic type)

1. Cephalic index: - subbrachycephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, mesoprosopia.
3. Head height: high head type.
4. Nape: - flat.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.

10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.

13. Eyebrow: pronounced.

15. Chin: protruding.

strong growth of hair on the chest.
17 Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).

19. Hair color: blond, light blond, medium blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.

22. Height: high.
23. Physique: for men according to Bunak - pectoral, muscular, pectoral-muscular and muscular-pectoral, for women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and subathletic variants.

3. Nape: protruding.
4. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.

7. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
11. Forehead slope: medium or large.
12. Eyebrow: pronounced.
13. Jaw: medium-wide, wide, angular, medium height.
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
17. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.

19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
20. Structure, hair shape: straight.
21. Height: high.
22. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Falian type (Falid, Dalo-falid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, sub-brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), yuriprosopia, a square-rectangular, pentagonal face with a protruding chin pole, with large facial diameters.
2. Head height: medium, high.
3. Nape: protruding.
4. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
6. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight, slightly concave or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly elevated, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is medium.
7. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
11. Forehead slope: medium or large.
12. Eyebrow: pronounced.
13. Jaw: medium-wide, wide, angular, medium height.
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
17. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: blond, light blond, medium blond, dark blond.
19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
20. Structure, hair shape: straight.
21. Height: high.
22. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Celtic Nordic type (Celtic Nordid)

1. Cephalic index: dolichocephaly/mesocephaly (78-80)
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, upper values ​​of mesoprosopia.
3. Head height: low/medium head type.
4. Nape: protruding.
5.Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings:
convex back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small, medium
8. Nose width: narrow or medium.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips. Underlip may be slightly twisted.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. The forehead is high, narrow, moderately sloping, strongly sloping. The temporal regions are depressed.
13. Eyebrow: Moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high/medium
15. Chin: Moderately protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: strong, above average.
17. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, blue-widespread, gray-blue, gray).
18. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium.
19. Hair color: chestnut, medium blond, light blond, golden blond, dark blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: No. 1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
21.Structure, hair shape: straight/wavy
22. Height: tall.
23. Physique: men according to Bunak - chest, muscular, pectoral-muscular and muscular-pectoral
types, women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and subathletic types.

Mediterranean type (Mediterranid)

2a. Face shape: medium high and medium wide / moderately narrow.
3. Head height: small / medium.

9a. The shape of the palpebral fissure: often - almond-shaped

11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia / mild mesognathia.
12. Forehead slope: slightly / moderately pronounced.
13. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.
14. Jaw: Relatively narrow.

18. Crease of the upper eyelid: absent, medium.

15. Build: asthenic / normosthenic.

Atlanto-Mediterranean type (Atlanto-Mediterranid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly / sub-dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia / leptoprosopia.
2a. Face Shape: The face is tall and medium-wide/wide.
3. Head height: medium / large.
4. Occiput: Relatively protruding.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: medium / medium-strong.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: medium / medium-large.
7. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: a straight bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal; the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is medium.
8. Nose width: narrow / medium wide.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: absent.
10. Perioral region: lip thickness - medium / large.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. Forehead slope: pronounced.
13. Eyebrow: medium.
14. Jaw: medium wide.
15. Chin: often, with a characteristic fossa
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium-low/medium/medium-strong beard development and medium/medium-strong chest hair growth.
17. Eye color: green-brown / light brown / dark brown.
18. Crease of the upper eyelid: absent, medium.
19. Hair Color: Medium Brown/Dark Brown/Black.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: No. 3. The skin is well tanned.
21. Structure, shape of hair: wavy or curly (sometimes straight); soft.
22. Height: medium-tall / tall.
23. Build: normosthenic, with developed muscles.

Dinaric type (Dinarid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.

3. Head height: high head type.

5. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: a convex or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is lowered, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: the horizontal or outer corner of the palpebral fissure is somewhat lower than the inner one.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. Forehead slope: medium or large.
13. Eyebrow: pronounced.
14. Jaw: medium wide, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: strong beard development
strong growth of hair on the chest.

18. Crease of the upper eyelid: absent, medium.

21. Structure, shape of hair: straight, wavy.
22. Height: high.

Dinaric type (Dinarid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, mesoprosopia, large facial diameters.
3. Head height: high head type.
4. Nape: flattened, taurid shape.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: a convex or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is lowered, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: the horizontal or outer corner of the palpebral fissure is somewhat lower than the inner one.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. Forehead slope: medium or large.
13. Eyebrow: pronounced.
14. Jaw: medium wide, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: strong beard development
strong growth of hair on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 1-3 on the Bunak scale (black, dark brown, light brown).
18. Crease of the upper eyelid: absent, medium.
19. Hair color: black, black-blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: No. 3. Tanning skin.
21. Structure, shape of hair: straight, wavy.
22. Height: high.
23. The physique of men according to Bunak - chest and muscular type and their intermediate variants, women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and sub-athletic variants.

Pontic type (Pontid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia.
2. Head height: medium or high.
3. Nape: protruding.
4. Horizontal profiling of the face: strong profiling of the face, high bridge of the nose.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
6. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight,
convex or sinuous bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
7. Nose width: narrow or medium.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral region: orthocheilia, medium or full mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
11. Forehead slope: Moderate.
12. Eyebrow: not expressed.
13. Jaw: narrow, medium narrow, high.
14. Chin: not protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 2-8 on the Bunak scale (dark brown, light brown, yellow, brown-yellow-green, green, gray-green, gray or blue with a brown-yellow corolla).
17. Crease of the upper eyelid: absent or medium.
18. Hair color: dark blond, black blond, dark chestnut, black chestnut.
19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: No. 3. Tanning skin.
20. Structure, shape of hair: straight or wavy.
21. Height: average, above average, high.
22. Build: men according to Bunak - chest, pectoral-muscular.
Types, women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic.

Alpine type (Alpinid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia. juriprosopia. .
3. Head height: medium.
4. Nape: rounded.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: medium profiling of the face, medium-high bridge of the nose.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: medium.
7. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight, or
slightly concave back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly elevated, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is
8. Nose Width: Medium wide nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin or medium mucous lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
12. Forehead slope: vertical line.

14. Jaw: wide, low height.
15. Chin: protruding or straight.
16. Growth of beard and mustache, tertiary hairline: medium or strong beard development (grade 3-4 according to Cheboksarov) and moderate or strong
chest hair growth.
17. Eye color: No. 2-4 on the Bunak scale (dark brown, light brown, yellow).
18. Crease of the upper eyelid: medium or strong in the outer part of the eyes.
19. Hair color: No. 4-5 on the Bunak scale (dark blond, dark chestnut, black chestnut, black).
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: No. 3. The skin is well tanned.

22. Height: average.
23. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and combined variants, women according to Galant - mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Borrebi type

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly (82 - 84).
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), yuriprosopia, square-rectangular face
with large face diameters.
2. Head height: high head type.
3. Nape: rounded.

6. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: a straight or slightly concave bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly elevated, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is medium.

8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral region: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.

14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
17. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: - ash blond / golden blond / dark blond / chestnut
19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
20. Structure, hair shape: straight.
21. Height: high.
22. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Brunn type (Brunn)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly / sub-brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), yuriprosopia, with large facial diameters.
2. Head height: high head type.
3. Nape: moderately protruding..
4. Horizontal profiling of the face: medium profiling of the face, medium-high bridge of the nose.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: medium.
6. The profile of the bridge of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings: a straight or slightly concave bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly raised, thick, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is medium.
7. Nose width: medium, more than average.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral region: orthocheilia, lips thin, moderately full, sometimes slightly everted.
10. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia.
11. Forehead slope: small or medium.
12. Eyebrow: moderately pronounced.
13. Jaw: - wide, straight, deep
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hairline: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 st. Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray).
17. Fold of the upper eyelid: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: chestnut, red, golden brown.
19. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #1-2. The skin is poorly tanned.
20. Structure, shape of hair: wavy.
21. Height: high.
22. Physique: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Lappoid/Uraloid type


1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia, yuriprosopia, low face.

4. Nape: rounded.

7. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings:
straight, slightly concave, concave bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is
8. Nose width: wide nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal or moderately pronounced Mongoloid tilt.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, procheilia, thin or medium mucous lips, high upper lip.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: orthognathia, rarely mesognathia.
12. Forehead slope: Moderate.
13. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.

15. Chin: straight or protruding.

Cheboksarov) and weakened hair growth on the chest.

18. Fold of the upper eyelid: strong, swelling of the upper eyelid, often the epicanthus.
19. Hair color: black, black-blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: #2-3. Moderate tan.
21. Structure, shape of hair: straight.
22. Height: small.
23. According to Bunak, the physique of men is muscular and abdominal and their intermediate variants, women according to Galant are mesoplastic and pycnic.


1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia, yuriprosopia.
3. Head height: low, medium.
4. Nape: protruding.
5. Horizontal profiling of the face: weakened profiling of the face, reduced nose bridge.
6. The angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: reduced.
7. The profile of the back of the nose, the position of the tip of the nose, the position of the axes of the nasal openings:
slightly concave, concave bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is
8. Nose width: wide nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: moderately pronounced Mongoloid tilt.
10. Perioral region: procheilia, thin or medium mucous lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: mesognathia, prognathism.
12. Forehead slope: Moderate.
13. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.
14. Jaw: medium wide, angular, low height.
15. Chin: straight or beveled.
16. The growth of a beard and mustache, tertiary hairline: below average beard development (3 tbsp.
Cheboksarov) and weakened hair growth on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 1-6 on the Bunak scale (black, dark brown, light brown, yellow, brown-yellow-green).
18. Crease of the upper eyelid: medium, strong, swelling of the upper eyelid.
19. Hair color: black, black-blond.
20. Fitzpatrick skin phototype: No. 3. Tanning skin.
21. Structure, shape of hair: straight.

Nasal index

Gratitude to Svyatozar the Proud for

Most often, representatives of the Nordic appearance can be found in the countries of Northern Europe, Canada, Siberia and in middle lane Russia. What signs allow us to assert that a woman has a Nordic appearance? There are no strict criteria in this classification, since races and subgroups in the modern world are constantly mixed. However, scientists still distinguish some signs that characterize the Nordic type of women's appearance.

Main features

A typical "northerner" (so called girls with certain type appearance) is usually taller than average and not inclined to be overweight. And this is easily explained by scientific point vision. The point is that severe climatic conditions are a deterrent to puberty. It, of course, comes, but much later than, for example, girls who live in Spain or Africa. Except tall, northern girls are quite different broad shoulders And narrow hips. Exactly these characteristics and create the effect of false thinness. A tall woman with a narrow pelvis looks thin, but in reality her forms are developed.

Another feature is the structure of the skull. The occiput usually stands out on a flat skull, while the temporal bones appear to be convex. It is for this reason that the appearance of women of the Nordic type is expressive - the profile is clear, the cheekbones are outlined, the chin slightly protrudes forward. Their nose is neat, small, narrow, and their lips are indistinctly outlined, often thin. As for the color of the skin, it is pale pink, pale. If she stays under the influence for a long time sun rays, then it becomes not swarthy, but reddish with burgundy shade. But there are practically no freckles on the skin. The hair of Northern women is usually blond. Natural blond can cast a yellowish, golden or reddish tone.

The most, perhaps bright accent appearances are the eyes. In representatives of the Nordic type, they are light, but very expressive. The relatively small size is offset by the depth of cyan, blue or gray color irises.

In the fashion industry, models with a Nordic appearance are in high demand. These girls, thanks to their specific appearance, attract attention. Not so long ago, a new beauty Elsa Hosk appeared in the team. The owner of a typical Nordic appearance is a native of Sweden.

At first glance, it may seem that fair-skinned tall blondes with blue eyes are cold and strict, but appearances are deceiving!

In anthropology, it is customary to call the Nordic minor race the peoples living in the north of Europe: in the countries of Scandinavia, in England, partly in Holland and in the north of Russia. The same type is known as the "Scandinavian type of appearance" or Northern European. And it is not surprising, because the word "Nordic" is based on the root "nord" - north.


Men of Nordic appearance: the Vikings of our time

Male appearance Nordic, northern type is very much in demand today. And for this there is quite objective reasons. Our time is the time of business: strict, serious, enterprising people. This is the feeling that typical Nordic faces evoke.

What does Nordic appearance mean? Its most revealing feature: an elongated, long skull, due to which a person looks concentrated and stern, even stern. This effect is further enhanced by a resolutely protruding chin, a straight nose, and almost vertical cheekbones. One of the distinguishing features is the convex nape.

As you understand, such a “message” serves as a great bonus, for example, when looking for a job or running own business. Of course, after quite a short time they will no longer judge his merits by appearance, but by deeds, but no one has canceled the importance of the first impression!

Nordic appearance of a woman: Snow Queen

Girls of Nordic appearance often give the impression of fairies from a fairy tale: their beauty is cold, a little distant. This is partly due to the very fair skin and blond hair. In part, associations with the characters of Scandinavian folklore: fairies, elves and mermaids are evoked by their elongated faces, devoid of both cheeks and pronounced cheekbones.

Paradoxically, the appearance of a Scandinavian woman practically loses masculine brutality, inflexibility and severity. Despite the fact that they are cold and do not give the impression of being soft, they are refined, aristocratic, and gentle.

Nordic type of appearance: how to become what you want

Of course, the Nordic appearance in itself will not make a person beautiful: the face must be harmonious and proportionate, only then all the features Scandinavian appearance will play for you.

Achieving harmony of features is not an easy task, because sometimes we ourselves do not understand what does not suit us in the face. It seems that you look carefully: everything in itself is fine, but in general, appearance does not produce the effect that we would like.

What to do? As strange as it may seem, go to a plastic surgeon.