Prayer for allergies in a child. Required field not filled in

Almost every second person suffers from allergies. Some people cannot tolerate flowering plants, and others cannot have a four-legged friend because of such unpredictable reactions. Coping with such a diagnosis is quite difficult, since all allergic reactions are born simultaneously with the person. Eliminate this disease completely medicines is beyond your power, so you can use traditional medicine and magic. Exists a large number of folk recipes, namely a special conspiracy against allergies and saying prayers. What are allergy conspiracies and how to read them correctly?

Method of healing from Natalia Stepanova

Prayers and conspiracies of Natalya Stepanova, a Siberian healer, are aimed at providing assistance during allergies, they are very easy and well remembered. People begin to read allergy conspiracies when the first signs appear. coughing, sneezing, rash and difficulty breathing. Stepanova's plot is read three times, at sunrise.

The following words are used:

“Our Fedya-Fedot was tormented by a cough. Dandruff, dandruff, calm down, servant of God (name), wake up from lightheadedness, from dandruff. Amen!".

The allergy spell is always spoken in the morning, for fourteen days, and at the same time. The plot is not complicated, it can be read by anyone who needs help and who wants to be cured. Prayer does not cause harm or danger.

How to set yourself up for healing with the help of prayers and spells

In order to start reading a conspiracy against allergies, it doesn’t matter who they are aimed at: adults or children, first of all, you need to clear your thoughts. You must think only about the good, about success and believe in the best, so that the conspiracy fulfills all its plans. There is an opinion that such treatment methods work mainly on people who are not baptized in the church. Any person has his own faith and lives with it, so the result of treatment depends entirely on the person himself and his thoughts.

There are some rules about allergy spells that you need to know:

  • prayers and rituals need to be known by heart, this is how they work faster and better;
  • they read prayers for the waning moon by singing, imagining that the allergy is going away.

Ritual against diathesis and urticaria

This ritual is performed on the waning moon and a clear night. A water allergy spell treats dermatological diseases on the facial skin of children and adults. Water is poured into a transparent glass and left on the windowsill so that the rays of the Moon touch the water.

You need to look at the Moon and whisper the words:

“The moon shines and subsides day by day, and so does my illness. The moon is shining, it gives influence to water, water will take away my illness, it will take illnesses away from me. Give, Moon, your power to the water, shield it, heal it, save it.” The words are spoken three times and they go to bed. After this, talking is prohibited. The water remains on the window all night, and in the morning the sprinkled areas of the skin are wiped with this water.

Magic spell against chronic allergies

If pills do not help cure the disease, try to be treated with prayer, maybe this is the method that will save you. To carry out the ritual against allergies, you need to use a clean bucket, not too large and with a well-closing lid. At lunch, you need to bow your head over the bucket and read the plot seven times:

“The servant of God carries a worm on a needle. He threw diseases into the abyss and buried them in the depths. Pain and illness will go away from the body. The sore disappears from the blood. The body will be freed from various ailments. The power of the servant of God (name) will increase threefold. I close my words with a strong lock. I’m releasing you into the night abyss forever. Amen".

Remember that the words of the ritual must be memorized and whispered exactly at lunchtime, as the ritual may not work. When you have completed everything, be sure to spit into the bucket and close it. When it gets dark, they dig a deep hole and bury the bucket. They say that as soon as the saliva dries completely, then the diseases will completely go away.

Rituals for children against allergies

It becomes sad when allergies attack children. Any mother wants her child to be healthy and not get sick, for this they are ready to do anything, just so that everything becomes normal. A spell for allergies in a child will help relieve pain and, after a while, remove the disease for good. The prayer should be read by the child's mother or maternal grandmother. The ritual is done in the morning on clean water, reading the required words three times:

You can perform rituals with spells for your child until the allergy completely goes away. To ensure they definitely help you, go to church, pray and light a candle for your child’s health, you can do this every day. There is nothing difficult in prayers, the main thing is to do everything correctly as written in the prayers and everything will be fine. When special medications do not help and there is no way out, many turn to conspiracies for help. They may not remove the rash and other signs of the disease, but it’s still worth a try. Perhaps they will help you cope with discomfort and severe pain.

Almost everyone is familiar with the unpleasant manifestations of allergies - sneezing and watery eyes, itching and redness of the skin, rashes. The cause of allergies can be very different, and not every patient will benefit from a course of treatment with pills, to which allergies can also occur, and physiotherapeutic procedures will be ineffective. Alternatively, you can perform special rituals by reading allergy spells - we’ll talk about them later.

If your child has allergies

When identifying allergy symptoms in a child, not every doctor will prescribe one or another drug against it, due to the patient’s young age. For a baby, conspiracies against allergies come to the rescue.

Butter spell

To carry it out, take a little natural, preferably homemade, butter and charm it against your baby’s allergies. It is enough to whisper the following words over him:

“I will get up, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from the door to the door, and I will go out into the open field. In that open field stands the Altyn stone, under that stone let 3 streams run, and they crush stumps and roots, yellow sand. So they would wash ... the name of the child ... red - beautiful, gold - scrofulous, washed from the white body, and from the blood and bones. So that it doesn’t hurt or ache, not during the day, not at night, not for an hour and not for half an hour, not for a minute and not for half a minute. To be like the Altyn stone according to my word, and to be like a lock on my teeth.”

Along with these spells, it is worth bathing the child in a bath, with the addition of herbal decoctions - St. John's wort, mint, oak bark and other medicinal plants.

Water spell

Every mother and grandmother wants beloved child it didn’t hurt and therefore, when the first signs of an allergy appear, you can give it to the baby to drink and wipe off the rashes. It is always conducted by the mother or grandmother, aunt or sister - all representatives of relatives female line sick baby. The words of the conspiracy for pure, spring water sound like this:

“You are pure water, from the very source you are holy, from skin sores and all kinds of itching, heal your son or his/her illness and cleanse it with your purity, and so be it.”

After you have read the words of the water spell, you should wash the baby with it, add it to the bathing water, and let him drink a little of it. If it is not possible to take water from a spring, it is purchased in a store, already bottled.

Prayer for allergies in a child

If you belong to the category of deeply religious people, you can use a prayer appeal to higher powers against allergies in your child. More precisely, it is not so much a prayer as an appeal to the Angel - the guardian of the baby himself. They say a prayer appeal at dawn, with sunrise, opening a window if possible, or simply opening a window. The words sound like this;

“Holy Angel of the morning dawn and the clear sun, when you fly over my home and my child, flap your wing and bless him with the purity of the morning and cleanse him from sores. May he not know sickness and sores, may he live without sadness until he is a hundred years old, may he enjoy life and make me happy with himself.”

Such morning manipulations are carried out until the allergy disappears from the child’s body. And to enhance the effect, go to church every day or read prayers at home, for example, a prayer to Panteleimon the Healer or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

An easy ritual for allergies

In the arsenal traditional healers There are many rituals for allergies, and then we will consider several simple and effective rituals.

Ritual from Stepanova

The presented ritual is carried out for 2 weeks, every morning, looking at the sunrise, saying the following words three times:

“Our Fedya Fedot is tormented by dandruff - you go away, calm down, and you are a servant of up from the faintness, from the cough and pain. So be it."

Such morning plot helps relieve a person from any allergic syndrome, including cough and Quincke's edema.

Ritual for nettle ashes

The conspiracy is carried out at any time of the day, and at the very beginning it is worth taking nettles and bringing it to the mother of the one being charmed or to a female blood relative. It is she who says these words on the grass:

“Nettle and urticaria, you red vesicle, from ... the name of the patient ... you go away, don’t appear on him again, and if you do show up, you will regret it and cry. Shoo has gone from the white body and the boiling blood, and forever and ever.”

After this, the nettles are burned and some of the ashes are sprinkled on the rashes on the body, and the rest is buried away from the house. As can be seen from the very name of the ritual, it has special power against urticaria.

Leech Ritual

The ritual is performed on a leech, which is placed on the patient’s body, crossing him pectoral cross, and say the following words:

“I speak, and the Lord helps, I pray, and the Lord heals, pray day and night, ... the name of the patient ... be strong, and you sickness go to the swell of the swamp, and turn to the leech. This conspiracy will be overcome by the one who can count all the stars in the sky.”

Then release the leech into the river.

Water allergy spell

Previously, more than one allergy conspiracy was presented , carried out on the water, but separately I would like to present to you two more rituals.

Ritual for the waning moon

The presented ritual helps to remove allergies from the body, both in adults and in children - fill a glass with the most ordinary water and place it on a windowsill or table, so that the moon is reflected in it or its rays fall. Next, read the following words aloud:

“As the moon wanes day by day, so does my illness go away. The Moon shines in the sky, gives strength to water, and takes away illnesses and illnesses from my body far away from me. Give, Moon, to water the power to heal, to give health, to take away all illnesses.”

Spring water ritual

In a glass, transparent glass, take a little spring water from the source, or if this is not possible, then simply buy it in the store, already bottled. The following words are spoken to her:

“The water is pure water, let me drink from you, take the water from my sickness forever, and take it across the 7 seas. Let it be according to my word.”

Then drink all the water in three sips. Such slander on water is carried out for three days in a row, supplemented, if desired, with other rituals against allergies.

Ritual on the nail

Rituals with nails for allergies are no less effective and efficient than those described above. Plot with a nail on the doorstep of an apartment. You take a nail in your hands and hammer it into the threshold of your house - this is a kind of protection against illness, and at the same time it is important to pronounce the following words:

“If only you would send all my illnesses beyond this threshold, from my house and to long journey. Let no one interrupt my word until a new nail is driven into the threshold.”

For chronic allergies

If medications don't help you overcome chronic form Allergies can be achieved with the help of prayer, because it is possible that this is a consequence of the evil eye or evil eye. Take a bucket with a lid and at noon, bending your head over it, pronounce the following words 7 times:

“Yes, the servant of God carries...the name...on the needle of the worm, and throws the sore into the abyss, buries it in the depths, so that the illness and pain will leave the body. The sore will go away from the boiling blood, and the body will be freed from ailments, the power of the servant of will be increased in triplicate. I lock my words with a strong lock, but always release them into the abyss of the night.”

They carry out the ritual at lunchtime and, having spoken the words, spit into the bottom, lock the lid on the bucket - after sunset, go outside and, having dug a hole, bury the bucket. As soon as the saliva dries, the sore goes away for good.

Video on the topic

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Thanks a lot Sargas, for an excellent bracelet charged with protection) I barely had time to receive the envelope in my hands when I felt powerful energy flows- it’s immediately clear that the work was done conscientiously) It so happened that I have a very complex life filled with magical events and people, because of this, someone or something systematically attacks me on the subtle planes) And therefore, the protective bracelet came in very handy by the way) I feel much calmer and more confident now) Sargas, thank you again) Good health to you and for long years life)

Dear Sargas!
From my entire family, many thanks to you!
You saved us again. Loss of health, money, conflicts in the family and at work - a feeling that everything is collapsing. The situation improves literally before your eyes, in the first days of your work.

Sargas, all of us, your patients, need to thank, first of all, probably the Universe (God, the Genius of the Earth, etc., whoever likes something) for the fact that you and people like you live in our world. For Mages of this level, you have very rare qualities: sensitivity, kindness, responsiveness. May God give you strength, health and grateful patients.


I would like to thank Sargas for the help he provided, for his kindness, respect, for his loyalty to his work, for his understanding. I have been looking for such a master for a long time - who will show, eliminate the problem, and teach. Sargas has a cool website - I’m very pleased with his desire to develop in all directions. I wish you happiness, goodness, success, well done - keep it up!!!


Sargas, dear, thank you very much! Everything worked out and I’m doing well! There's a feeling inside complete freedom, which I have never felt before and detachment. I don’t remember anything bad anymore and what hurt me, I look at the world with new eyes! Today there was still a feeling of complete emptiness inside, as if there was nothing in me, but after a couple of hours it passed and began to be filled with me, the real one, who I am.
And your protection works too! Yesterday I had to go to a family event, but I couldn’t even leave the house, they didn’t let me in, I felt like there was a light but dense wall between the gate and the door of the house. Yesterday I didn’t think about it, but today Larisa said that it could be protection.
In any case, I am grateful to you and feel great. Free! I'm finally free! Thank you!

The concept of an allergy conspiracy is not new. This one, let's say, folk way treatment has been practiced by folk healers, doctors and magicians for quite a long time. They also assure: the allergy spell works and, they say, has already helped many. True, the allergy spell “works” supposedly not quite the same as other (magical) healing rituals. The difference is that it not only helps get rid of the manifestations allergic reaction, such as cough, rash, etc., but also improves a person’s energy, cleansing it.

In fact, there are quite a lot of “recipes” for conspiracies against allergies. True, in most cases, to carry out such rituals, some equipment is needed. IN different cases You may need a towel, roots of various plants, dry herbs, and even an empty bucket. Therefore, reading the conspiracy requires at least minimal preparation. But the main rule of success lies in the power of thought: you must, first of all, believe that the allergy spell will help, and only then is success guaranteed.

Below are some of the most popular allergy spells among Internet users.

Allergy conspiracy No. 1

To perform this ritual you will need a hammer and a nail. You need to read the plot while driving a nail into the threshold.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Amen, amen, amen.

Go away my pains, my illnesses, my illnesses.

Get away from me, from my doorstep on a long journey.

No one can interrupt, overpower, or destroy the words of my conspiracy,

I can't drive a nail into the wall of my house.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Amen, amen, amen."

There is, however, a lighter version of the ritual. While driving a nail, you can say the following words:

“If only you, my ailments and pains, would go from my doorstep to the long road. No one will interrupt my word until a new nail is driven into my threshold. Amen".

Allergy conspiracy No. 2

For this ritual you will need a towel. Certain words must be spoken over it. Then, after washing with the already charmed towel, you need to dry yourself. The ritual must be repeated for 12 days. You need to “speak” with these words:

“The Lord told the disciples: “Go, help, heal.” And I say, God’s servant (name), come, help, heal. Just as a deceased person has no colic, no pain, no itching in his body, so I would like to be healthy according to God’s work and word. Amen".

Allergy conspiracy No. 3

This magic ritual must be carried out during the period of the so-called waning moon. It will require threads of three colors: red, yellow and blue. They need to be tied around the wrist (for right-handed people - on the right hand, for left-handed people - on the left hand). After this, you need to say the following words 3 times:

“Samul himself washed everything away with water.

He brushed it away with his hand and blew it away with his breath.

The wind dispersed, drove away the illness from the body.

God gave help, I said thank you.

You need to wear the bandage for exactly a week. After this, tear off the threads and burn them on the flame of a white candle. In this case, you need to read this conspiracy for allergies:

“Rubella, rubella, gold scrofula.

Don't spread wide, don't rise high.

Into the stove with heat, out into the street with smoke.

How this night will brighten,

So this misfortune will turn pale, die,

It will go up in smoke and disappear forever.

Ash from burnt threads must be washed off with water.

A conspiracy against allergies in a child

Unfortunately, not only adults, but also children suffer from allergies. According to statistics, the probability that a child will develop an allergy is 10-15 percent. And this is provided that none of the parents complains about this illness. If at least one of the parents suffers from an allergic disease, then with a 40-50 percent probability their baby will also be allergic. With the desire to relieve their children's discomfort from allergies, parents often use everything possible methods, including recipes traditional medicine, for example, a conspiracy against allergies in a child.

True, there are no rituals aimed at plotting against allergies specifically in a child. As a rule, in order to relieve the symptoms and cure the baby of this disease, it is advised to perform the rituals we have already mentioned with a nail and with a towel. In addition, mothers can turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in prayer. You can also read it three times at butter these words: “I will stand, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself, from door to door, into an open field. In an open field stands the Alatyr-stone, three streams run under that stone. These streams are washed with stumps, roots, and yellow sand. So they would wash (child’s name) red-beautiful, golden-scrofulous. She'll fall out of white body, from his blood, from his bones, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache day or night, not an hour, not half an hour, not a minute, not half a minute, forever and ever. My word is Alatyr. Teeth are a lock.” After this, you need to wipe the sore spots with oil.

Meanwhile, there are much more folk recipes for all kinds of rubdowns, medicinal baths and tinctures for allergies in a child. For example, lotions from herbal infusions. The recipe for preparing one such decoction is simple: you need to take 50 grams. St. John's wort, mint and oak bark, and brew them with boiling water. When the broth has cooled, use a gauze swab to treat the sore spots. Such lotions can be applied several times a day.

But the most important thing to remember: a conspiracy against allergies is not a panacea. And replace them traditional treatment, prescribed by the doctor, is still not worth it.

In case of allergies, first, of course, you need to seek help from a doctor and establish real reasons allergic reaction. If the doctor does not find anything serious and you have an individual reaction to some products or factors environment– you can resort to magic for help, in particular, read a special spell for allergies.

Spells against allergic reactions have been successfully used for many centuries. With their help, you can easily and quickly eliminate this insidious disease. The last point is especially important important role when conspiracies are used for children, because it is difficult to force children to take medications and an incredible amount of effort has to be put into this.

Nowadays there are a large number of different slander in the people's collection, by turning to which you will once and for all forget about hives, swelling and other unpleasant phenomena. But in order for the effect to please you, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. The most important thing is to sincerely believe in the power of the magical ritual being performed and not to doubt it for a second. Believe that magic words will heal you from pathology.

Faith is important even for ordinary treatment, and in the matter of magic it becomes the fundamental lever that triggers the action of the ritual. Therefore, if you lack faith, you don’t even have to try - you won’t get the desired effect.

  1. Those conspiracies that are aimed at eliminating something, getting rid of diseases (in in this case allergies) should be read on the waning moon. At this time, the words spoken and the actions taken have the most pronounced power.
  2. It is important to memorize the words of the spell. This, as a rule, does not pose a problem, because conspiracies are written in poetic form.
  3. Pronounce all slander clearly, without hesitation.
  4. Train your visualization - it is very important in magical rites. Imagine how the disease leaves your body, how all its signs gradually disappear, and you become healthy. It is especially important to visualize well if you are performing a ritual for a child.

Allergy conspiracies

We give examples of effective conspiracies with which you will get rid of the hated allergic reaction.

For it you will need to stock up on threads of red, yellow and blue colors. All three threads are wrapped around the wrist on right hand. If you are left-handed - use left hand. When you tie the thread, read the following magical text three times:

The bandage is worn on the wrist for one week. Then it will need to be picked and burned in the flame of a white candle.

After this, read the hex against an allergic reaction three times:

Wash the ash from the threads in water (you can collect it in cotton wool soaked in salted water, and then flush the cotton wool in the toilet).

Take a glass of water and read the magic words on it three times:

It is important to pour a small amount of water, as you will need to drink it in three sips after reading. It is best to use a clear glass glass, and if you don’t have one, use any available option.

If you are a Christian egregor, add the word “Amen” at the end.

The ritual must be repeated three times over 3 days. In this case, the phase of the moon will not play a significant role. This ritual is simple, easy to perform and has good results.

But in magic, as in other areas of life, there is such a thing as individual intolerance, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with a few more effective conspiracies from allergies.

This is a very popular version of the Christian conspiracy, which involves the use of a nail. You will need to stock up on a hammer and a nail, hammer a nail into the threshold of your home, while saying the following magic words:

In case you are not one of the Christian tradition, use a slightly modified version of this hex:

Please note that a nail driven into the threshold is a kind of seal. Under no circumstances should it be removed from there. Also, do not allow anyone to drive other nails into this threshold.

Conspiracy for chronic allergies

This ritual is resorted to if the allergy has already entered the chronic phase.

You will need to repeat the spell seven times. Then spit into a bucket and immediately close it tightly with a previously prepared lid.

When night falls, the bucket should be buried in the ground. But this must be done very carefully - so that not a single grain of dirt gets inside.

Generally positive action of this conspiracy will appear after just a few days.

Sincerely asking for help To higher powers and by asking them for help with your problem, you will definitely receive an answer and be able to get rid of the allergy that has tormented you in as soon as possible and without any negative consequences for myself.