The color red doesn't go well. Green and purple. Advantages of interiors in red colors

Hello, dear women! Let's talk about combinations of red in a woman's clothing, what other colors it combines favorably with, whether it is possible to combine red with blue or green, and how red will look with gray and pink.

Do you want to dress brightly and have people pay attention to you?! This color will never go out of style and that's cool!

After reading this article, you will be able to wisely add a touch of coquetry and seduction to your wardrobe.

The color red in clothes characterizes the owner as a passionate, eccentric and courageous person.

It is the color of fire and red clothing definitely attracts everyone's attention. If you want to be in the very center of attention and discussion of others, then by choosing red, you get right to the point.

Remember that red comes in different shades and each woman has her own, depending on her type or color type. Some people will like warm shades of red, while others will like cool shades.

And in order not to look ridiculous and not seem too vulgar or tasteless, you need to know what this color goes with, and what it is generally contraindicated to wear it with. This is what we will do today. I'll show you a few secrets of stylists good combination different shades red in clothes, and also how not to dress. So…

The perfect combination of red and white

This is the brightest option and will be relevant at all times. White color goes with any shade of red, so feel free to experiment. You can make red the main color in the image, so to speak, the center of the exposure. Or you can use red as an accent in accessories or individual elements clothes. (see photo) In any case, red and white clothes refresh and clean for several years. It even moves away, giving way to interesting combinations.

By the way, it looks very nice White dress with red polka dots or vice versa. I just wrote it recently, be sure to read it.

The best combination of gray and red

If you think that red is too provocative for you, but you want to try to feel yourself in this color, then you can combine red with gray. This combination is not perceived as brightly as with white and is created gentle image. Look at the photo below and you will find the look that suits you. Grey colour can also be called universal and is compatible with almost any other color.

Combination of red and black

You will be interested in a new article on the blog: . What clothes can you wear at home and please your husband? The answer is in the article.

Red and beige colors in clothes

Red color goes very softly with various shades beige: cream, sand, creamy, yellow-peach. Look at the photo below how beautiful the combination is burgundy shades red with beige.

Red combined with stripes and checks

It is allowed to wear red with various stripes. It can be black and white, hay and white or red and white stripes. This choice gives the image youth style and the ease characteristic of young people. The red checkered pattern has also not lost its relevance for several decades.

Combination of red, blue, cyan and turquoise colors

In this image denim clothing plays the role of some background, and red sets accents and attracts attention. This also includes a combination with a bright blue color, which is also called cobalt. But some shades of red go perfectly with dark shades of blue, up to the shade NAVY. The combination looks interesting turquoise color with red, just don't go wrong with a shade of red.

How to combine pink and red in clothes

Another combination that was recently considered incompatible. Today, such an outfit is quite relevant and at the peak of popularity. Pink and red come from the same color and can be said to complement each other, making the image romantic. Try to combine warm and cool shades of red and pink separately. Otherwise, the outfit will look vulgar.

The combination of red and green in women's clothing

It would seem that the combination of red and green is completely incompatible, because these colors create a very strong contrast. But it turns out you can compose very interesting sets, just choose the right shades of these colors. After all, in nature we very often see such a combination and why not embody it in our clothes.

If you use the combination warm shades, then it is more suitable for children, adolescents and young adults. For older women more suitable a combination of noble cold shades that will make the image rich and respectable. Look at the photo to see how these two colors can be combined.

Red, purple and lilac in clothing combinations

I must say that all these colors are friendly and are located next to each other, so their combination will look beautiful. Purple is formed by combining red and blue in different proportions.

You bought elegant dress red, but you don’t know what tights to wear it with. Then this article is very useful for you.

The combination of red, yellow, orange and gold in the image of a woman

All colors listed refer to bright colors and together they create for real Summer mood. Be sure to get several kits that include these bright shades. Please note that the yellow range can also have cold shades, so do not avoid colors of different coldness in one image.

Not many people decide to wear red things in their wardrobe, but I think it’s worth trying at least with soft tones or. I'm sure that wearing bright clothes, you begin to feel more confident and attractive, your level of self-esteem increases. And that's all for me. to read the latest articles.

Here's another video on this topic. Enjoy watching.

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With warmth and care, Ravila.

If you're looking for colors that go with white, you won't have to guess for a long time. This is a universal color that goes with everything. He, like a “sponge”, accepts and absorbs any range, emphasizing it. White is the color of innocence and pristine purity, and therefore no one can spoil it.

Color Combination Basics

In order to know which colors go well with white, you need to find out. These rules apply in any field of activity: when creating paintings, interior design or choosing clothes.

The first and most basic rule is that you need to combine no more than three colors at the same time. One of them must prevail. He will create an image. The second one will emphasize important points and will draw attention to the merits. The third will place the necessary accents. It is auxiliary, which means there should be a little of it in the image.

One pure color is quite boring and poor. Especially if you decide to create a snow-white interior. It's like a lair" Snow Queen", which will emanate coldness and despondency.

If in painting you decide to mix more than 3 colors, then you will get a blurry “swamp” and not a beautiful still life. The same goes for clothing style. The abundance of shades will make people glance at one thing or another, which subconsciously causes anxiety.

Types of color combinations

We have already mentioned that you don’t need to think about what colors go with white, since everything will fit in the gamma. But in this matter it is worth understanding that there is Various types combinations. This affects the taste and the perception of your composition by others.

Artists distinguish three types of combinations:

1. White, black and gray. The range of these shades is called an achromatic combination.

2. Monochrome is a combination of different shades of white, such as cream, marble and ivory, which can be seen on a wedding dress.

3. Complementarity - a combination of pure shades. For example, red, white, blue.

Black and white world

Black and white colors are considered classics of the genre. They can be found both in the interior and in clothing. The combination of black and white has more than once attracted the attention of psychologists, and here is what they say about this.

First of all, this is the unity of opposites. Remember the famous symbol of Eastern religion “Yin and Yang”. oddly enough, this feminine, a little passive. White personifies a man as an active and persistent creature. When a person prefers to dress only black and white colors, this indicates serious psychological stress, pressure or prolonged depression.

A black and white perception of the world is an unemotional state. We talk about this when we're talking about about maximalism, inevitability and joyless existence. It is the colors that are added vital energy, so even classic images, positive-minded people try to dilute them with bright shades.

Red and white

Beautiful feminine image- it's red and white. This is a caring and chaste image, which was not in vain chosen as a symbol for the ambulance. This combination encourages action, self-sacrifice and love for others. White color has no boundaries; it absorbs everything, including the fire of red. as if it feeds him, gives him energy and strength.

The combination of red and white is chosen by sensual romantic natures, ready for exploits of love and endowed with passion. In the interior, this is a very bold design that needs to be carefully thought out. The abundance of scarlet causes rapid fatigue, and the predominance of white causes boredom. Therefore, only the right accents will help create the perfect image.

As for clothes, everything is much simpler here, because red and white are classic female image, which can be used both in everyday work life and for special events.

If you are also interested in white, then here you need to pay attention to contrasting cool shades. Don't choose, it must be full-fledged saturated color, such as blue, purple, black or brown.

White and blue

IN Everyday life, oddly enough, this combination is very limited. Perhaps due to the fact that such a duet creates an exemplary clean image, the correctness of which can infuriate oneself. White is the light of sterility, innocence and blue is spirituality, discipline and high intellectuality. Just an image for a melancholic botanist.

The blue and white look is suitable for women - exemplary housewives who want everyone to see them as an ideal, an example to follow. A more complementary type, for example, with a red addition, looks much more romantic. Scarlet color will add fire, sparkle and vitality to clothes. It is not for nothing that red, white, and blue symbolize a strong position, perseverance, strength and steadfastness. Please note that this is the tricolor that is present on the flag of Russia, France and many other countries.

White and green

White and green represent the pristine beauty of nature. This combination can often be found in the spring, when the first leaves break through the snow. The duet of green and white reminds us of strength, revived beauty, and health. In the interior it is great option for those rooms in which you need to calm down and get ready for work. Because green is the best option for the eyes, it will help remove nervous tension and give you a little joy. In turn, white visually expands the space, which means that such a room will probably not be cramped.

Girls who prefer such tones in clothes are wonderful mothers and caring wives. They combine childlike spontaneity and seriousness. They will not waste words, but when you need to open up, you will be surprised at how romantic and feminine they are.


We looked at what colors go with white. Now you know that the best monochrome compositions are created with black, red, blue and green. But white is a universal color, and it will look solemn with any shade pastel colors, emphasize saturation warm colors and complement the cool colors with sophistication.

Tatiana Kulinich

Red is one of the three primary colors in color. Because of his rich symbolic meaning it is also one of the most popular shades used in the visual arts of almost all times and peoples. Red is life, love, and struggle. What colors does this color harmonize with and what meaning does it carry? What combinations are used in clothing, makeup, interior design?

Red and black

Recall that monochromatic colors are black, white and gray. They combine in their own way with all shades. But in the case of red, thanks to the intensity of this color, the combinations turn out to be especially interesting.

It's hard to imagine a more sexy and provocative color combination. It excites the imagination, strengthens the connection with instincts, but also a little disturbing. A clean combination of red and black suits a dramatic, gothic style in clothing or makeup. When white or gray is added to these colors, the impression softens and the pronounced aggressive and erotic notes go away. IN pure form this combination is suitable for the image of a femme fatale ( femme fatale), a vamp lady when it comes to clothes or makeup. This bright combination is ideal for the Winter color type, as well as the dark Autumn subtype.

Red and white

This combination gives the impression of strength, novelty, openness, good health(remember the saying about “blood and milk”). It is better to combine pure red with snow-white; it should not contain any foreign impurities. Cream, beige shades white colors go better with darker reds (burgundy, cherry). This combination gives the impression of being more expensive, sophisticated, and grown-up. The combination of red and white is ideal for the Winter and Summer color types, while beige and burgundy paired are more suitable for Autumn and Spring.

Red and gray

The advantage of this combination is that it produces an intriguing, provocative effect, like red and black, but it looks more noble and elegant, especially if you take wine shades of red and light gray. Clothes in this range can be worn both to the office and to a party. This combination can be called truly universal.

Red and chromatic scale

In color science, chromatic colors are colors that differ from black, white and gray.

Red and orange

This combination is called related, analog, because it consists of colors located next to each other on color wheel. Despite this, this combination is quite capricious, since both shades are warm, and here you need to be careful not to give the impression of an African jungle. It is better that the shade of red and orange you choose differs in lightness. That is, dark burgundy and peach, light orange and wine. The combination of red and orange warms, invigorates, and lifts your spirits. Suitable for people who are used to shining in society, who want to give the impression of sociable, open and confident individuals. Combination option - red with peach. Perfect for Spring.

Red and yellow

If we are talking about bright yellow shades, then this combination is considered a symbol of childhood, youth, fun, and victory. Therefore, it is often used when sewing sports uniforms and children's clothing. With gold, red already looks truly luxurious, expensive, and royal. However, here it is better to use more dark shades red to enhance contrast. As with red and orange, red and yellow suit warm color types, that is, Spring and Autumn. Although in a certain way, Winter can look great in this combination.

Red and beige, brown

Brown and beige are variations of orange and yellow color, so red goes well with them. Since the brown color scheme is a symbol of stability, sustainability, it smoothes out the aggressive effect of red and transforms it into a more noble shade. Classic beige and brown are best combined with darker or muted red. This combination looks expensive, emphasizing your status. It is more suitable for Summer and Winter, provided that brown has cool shade(grayish brown, pink brown). If you want to use a richer red, match it with a warm developed beige or a warm rich chestnut red, rust color, etc. This combination looks great on the Autumn and Spring color types.

Red and green

This combination refers to complementary (additional) color scheme, since these colors are opposite on the color wheel. Due to this, they seem to compensate each other. This combination looks bright and festive. But in the case of a combination of opposite colors, it is very important to choose the right shade, otherwise the effect may be overly bright. Let the variations of red and green you choose differ in lightness and saturation: that is, dark red and pale pistachio, light red and bottle. These combinations give the impression of harmony, balance and vitality. After all, red and green are very often found in nature (flowers and stems, fruits and grass), so subconsciously we perceive this pair as a symbol of well-being.

Red and blue

This combination is a prime example of contrast in color temperature. After all, red is the “hot” of warm colors, and blue is the “coldest”. Due to this, an interesting effect of the unity of opposites and supreme harmony is formed. It is not without reason that this color combination can be found in the clothes of saints depicted on icons. Red and blue in its classic form- very bright, saturated shades, so combining them to a certain extent can result in an overloaded, clumsy effect. To prevent this from happening, the shades you choose should differ in saturation: rich indigo and light crimson, scarlet and muted blue-lilac.

The combination of these shades looks perfect on representatives of the Winter (bright or cool red) and Summer (cold and slightly dusty shades) color types. Red and blue combine wonderfully according to the principle of an uneven triad: that is, when two close shades are taken of blue color and one red.

But the combination of red and blue will sparkle even better if you add a splash of white. It will turn out perfect incredible effect, depth, volume and expressiveness. It looks very stylish and elegant.

Red and blue

In its effect, this combination is similar to the previous one, but it looks fresher and lighter. In interior design, red and blue give the impression of spaciousness, but at the same time emphasize the coziness of the room. In clothes, this combination looks youthful, playful, and innocent. Visually it takes a few years off. For a more harmonious effect, it is good to dilute it with neutral shades: beige, light brown or gray. Suitable for all color types, provided that the shades are chosen correctly. But most of all - Summer and Winter.

Red and purple

A very capricious combination, which, nevertheless, can become the highlight of your image. In terms of their meaning and effect, these two colors are completely opposite. Red: aggression, passion, animality. Purple: Introspection, peace, spirituality. But both of these colors are united by their strength and royalty, brightness and expressiveness. This combination produces the effect of 100% self-confidence, chic and luxury, as well as originality.

Try to combine red color with rich purple, closer to purple. After all, purple is a mixture of blue and red, so it is important that red dominates it. Red goes worse with shades of purple that are closer to blue. If you use these two colors in their saturated variations, be sure to dilute them neutral shade, beige or gray.

An excellent solution is to combine red with light purple, i.e. Lilac. The combination looks great on representatives of Summer and Spring.

The combination of red and fuchsia, which is between pink and purple on the color wheel, is now considered fashionable. As a third shade, you can choose a dusty pink. This will result in a combination of three related shades.

The combination is most suitable for winter and Autumn. But cool shades - Fly. Clear warm - Spring.

Red and pink, burgundy

A combination that can be called “paradise for girls,” it’s not for nothing that many accessories and care items for girls and young women are painted in these two colors. They seem to reveal two main facets of a woman: pink - as a symbol of innocence, tenderness, femininity, and red - as the embodiment of passion, strength and fertility. For adult women, it is better to choose those varieties of pink and red that differ in lightness. For example, soft pink and rich dark red. The combination of scarlet and pink emphasizes playfulness and adds some frivolity to the image. This combination is more suitable for representatives of the Summer and Winter types.

Red and burgundy are also a great combination. As with pink, we are talking about shades of the same color - red. Such colors always harmonize - according to the principle of related color combinations.

We looked at the most winning combinations of red with other colors, specific examples. We hope our article will be for you practical guide on every day.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://site

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The color of clothing greatly affects psychological condition a person, his mood and the impression of others. One of the most energetic and brightest colors is yellow. Most often it is associated with joy, smiles, the sun and is capable of creating great mood even on a cloudy day. It is chosen by active positive people, sanguine people. But it is also suitable for insecure people who need to attract attention. Yellow clothing, in small quantities, gives vigor, adds optimism, and energizes. It is a symbol of youth and fun.

In clothing, yellow is a rather bold decision. And they immediately arise important questions: “what to combine yellow clothes with?”, “how to wear yellow?”. Let's try to answer these questions.

most appropriate in the warm season: from mid-spring to mid-autumn. It perfectly enlivens the image, gives self-confidence and a positive attitude. There are many shades of yellow: from light cream to rich lemon or even gold, each of which is beautiful in its own way. But one attractive color is not enough. To look perfect, you need to learn how to combine colors correctly; it is especially important to correctly combine yellow clothes with other colors.

Yellow color combinations that look best in clothes

1. Yellow with black

It is considered classic, looks very stylish and harmonious. A yellow blouse, T-shirt or top will look great with trousers. A yellow dress will be perfectly complemented by black shoes or sandals, a belt or strap, and a clutch. You can also choose jewelry in these colors. This combination is suitable for the office, street style, evening dress etc.

2. Yellow with blue

It looks very bright and elegant. These colors complement each other perfectly. Blue accessories go well with a yellow outfit. It will look very stylish. You can also wear a yellow top and blue bottom, or vice versa. Such outfits are suitable for any style: business, evening, casual, sports and others.

3. Yellow and white

Will create a light and delicate image. A white jacket or accessories will perfectly complement a yellow dress. You can also play with accents, combine white bottom with a black top and vice versa.

4. Yellow with beige

They bring peace of mind. This combination will help you successfully create a 70s style look. A yellow top looks great with beige skirt. All the outfits look good yellow shades, supplemented beige shoes and accessories.

5. Yellow with gray

Balanced combination. Warm yellow and cool gray can be a great pair. The main thing is to place the accents correctly. A yellow outfit with a gray jacket or coat will look good. This combination also looks beautiful on handbags and shoes. This option can be safely chosen for every day, in the office, for walks.

6. The combination of yellow with red or orange

Suitable for passionate girls and women, with temperament. A very bold combination. You need to approach it carefully to maintain balance. It is best to choose red shoes or accessories to go with a yellow outfit. This is an option for those who want and are not shy to be the center of attention.

7. Yellow with blue or turquoise

They will create a fresh and very feminine look. These combinations can often be found in summer collections clothes, because they resemble the sea breeze, beaches, cruises. You can safely combine both light shades and more saturated ones.

8. Yellow and green

They will give you a cheerful summer mood. This option is perfect for the warm season, because the shades are reminiscent of flowering fields, grass, and leaves. You can wear a yellow dress with green sandals or a handbag. It also looks especially chic evening look: dress emerald color, complemented by golden accessories. This is a luxurious outfit for brave representatives of the fair sex.

9. Yellow with pink

Bright and creative girls choose. Such option will do best for walking or a date, but absolutely not suitable for the office. It looks very bold and fun.

The combination of blue color is a contrasting combination with warm and light shades, but each shade of blue requires its own spectrum tones.
Blue color can be divided into its main shades: bright blue or blue-blue, blue-violet (royal blue), blue-green, gray-blue. We will look at dark blue separately.

These shades can be divided by color type: blue-blue is suitable for the “spring” color type; blue-violet is “winter”, gray-blue is “summer”, and blue-green is “autumn”. However, from the point of view of contrast, blue-blue and blue-violet are suitable for both “spring” and “winter”, and gray-blue and blue-green are suitable for “summer” and “autumn”.

The article presents 44 schemes of combinations of shades of blue with all possible variety of tones. Each palette includes supporting neutral colors that enhance contrast and also adjust the brightness of the combination.

Combinations with blue:

The combination with blue color is mostly contrasting. Firstly, this is the coldest shade of the entire color palette. Warm colors against it will look more juicy. Secondly, blue - dark color, And bright hues will stand out next to him.
Related shades, such as blues and cool greens, create wonderful gradients that can also serve as a backdrop for warm tones.

Blue + pink, coral

The combination of pink and blue depends on the brightness of the pink: soft pink next to the main color gives softness to the combination, and fuchsia derivatives add boldness. Warm tones of pink, such as coral, pink-peach, sunset - create a bright thermal contrast.

Blue goes with pink: white-lilac, medium pink, Barbie color, raspberry, purple-pink. Basic colors: creamy white, light gray, wet asphalt.
Blue-violet goes with pink: royal pink, pink-peach, bright coral, magenta, fuchsia. Basic: light cream, old wood, black and gray.
Blue-green goes with pink: white-lilac, shrimp, sunset, amaranth, purple-violet. Base: milky, gray-lilac, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with pink: the color of pink cotton wool, pink-peach, coral, fuchsia, raspberry. Neutral: soft cream, gray-beige, black-gray.

Blue + red, burgundy

The combination of red and blue is very strong, but it always needs the support of third-party shades, such as white, beige and/or black. Blue and red are the color contrast of the primary tones, however, they lie very close on the light scale, so the combination lacks the most expressive light contrast.

Blue goes with red: scarlet, Chinese red, dark red, cherry, dark burgundy. Neutrals: creamy white, medium peach beige, black gray
Blue-violet goes with red: light red, raspberry coral, dark red, bright burgundy, wine. Basic colors: light cream, light orange-beige, black-gray.
Blue-green goes with red: Marsala color, watermelon, red chicory, ruby ​​burgundy, wine. Base: milky, gray-beige, black-gray
Gray-blue goes with red: garnet, red rose, pink-burgundy, bright burgundy, wine. Base: soft cream, medium yellow-beige, black-gray.

Blue + orange, peach

The combination of orange and blue is pronounced, as it is a combination of complementary shades. The most promising for the main color will be soft tones of orange: peach, mango, orange-coral. They, being less pronounced, make the combination harmonious, adding expressiveness from the difference in lightness.

Blue-blue goes with orange: peach, mango, orange, carrot, dark orange. Basic colors: creamy white, steel, wet asphalt.
Blue-violet goes with orange: light peach, orange-coral, pumpkin, red-orange, red. Neutral: light cream, gray beige, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes with orange: yellow-coral, caramel, sienna, brick, red. Base: milky, gray-lilac, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with orange: peach, orange-coral, fiery, dark orange, red. Base: soft cream, greenish-gray, wet asphalt.

Blue + yellow, gold

The combination of yellow and blue is the apogee of thermal contrast. If medium-dark shades of blue are combined with warm tones of yellow (we discard rich lemon, canary), which have a small admixture of red, then this combination will be catchy, but not flashy. Gold gives blue an expensive shine.

Blue-blue goes with yellow: cream, sunny yellow, banana, corn, bright gold. Neutrals: creamy white, medium peach beige, anthracite
Blue-violet goes with yellow: apricot, saffron, signal, mustard, bright gold. Base: light cream, dark beige, wet asphalt
Blue-green goes with yellow: grey-yellow, honey, hazel, pale gold, dark gold. Base: milky, gray-beige, wet asphalt
Gray-blue goes with yellow: apricot, corn, yellow-orange, bright gold, golden oak. Basic colors: soft cream, medium orange-beige, wet asphalt.

Blue + warm green

The combination of blue and green in a warm palette is a moderate thermal contrast that makes the combination play, so much so that the gaze lingers slightly and continues to slide. The combination promotes relaxation and tranquility.

Blue-blue combines with warm green: pistachio, chartreuse, green apple, bright green, greenery. Base: creamy white, light beige, anthracite.
Blue-violet combines with warm green: light green, light green, yellow-green, the color of a toad’s favorite, dark green. Base: light cream, medium beige, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes well with warm green: pale green, olive green, fainting frog, pine needle color, brown-green. Neutral: milky, medium neutral beige, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with warm green: light green, yellow-green, apple green, toad in love, dark green. Basic colors: soft cream, medium orange-beige, wet asphalt.

Blue + cool green

The combination of blue and green in cold colors- these are overflows of related shades. The eye completes the intermediate tones, thereby making the combination iridescent and voluminous. This range is good for the background: you can always bring warm shades to the foreground.

Blue-blue goes well with cool green: neon green, mint, jade, emerald, malachite. Neutrals: creamy white, steel, wet asphalt
Blue-violet goes well with cool green: the color of water, neon green, jade, emerald green, malachite. Base: light cream, greenish gray, black gray
Blue-green goes well with cool green: water color, gray-blue-green, pale menthol, emerald, dark cold green. Base: milky, greenish-gray, wet asphalt
Gray-blue goes well with cool green: the color of water, menthol, mint, emerald, dark cold green. Basic colors: soft cream, silver, wet asphalt.

Blue + blue, light blue

And also dark blue tones are work with contrast. Lighter or dark colors blue creates a feeling of light and shadow, which gives volume: deepens it, makes it alive. This combination is a good background for more expressive couples.

Blue-blue goes with blue: bright blue, topaz, medium blue, dark blue, black-blue. Basic colors: creamy white, steel, wet asphalt.
Blue-violet goes with blue: aquamarine, soft blue, cyan, cornflower blue, indigo. Neutrals: light cream, platinum.
Blue-green goes with blue: aquamarine, gray-blue, hyacinth, black sea color, thunderous. Base: milky, light gray, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with blue: the color of water, bright blue, dark blue, Prussian blue, dark blue. Base: soft cream, greenish gray, wet asphalt.

Blue + violet, magenta, lilac

The combination of blue and violet is essentially a combination of related shades, but since violet contains an admixture of red, a slight thermal contrast will also shine through. This combination is complete, although colors such as white, beige and black will add expressiveness to it.

Blue-blue goes with purple: blue-violet, thistle, blackberry, purple, red-violet. Base: creamy white, medium brown beige, wet asphalt
Blue-violet combines with violet: pale thistle, cyclomene, lilac, purple, grape. Base: light cream, medium yellow-beige, black-gray.
Blue-green goes with purple: pale lilac, lilac-lilac, amethyst-lilac, brown-violet, red-violet. Basic colors: milky, medium neutral beige, wet asphalt.
Gray-blue goes with purple: blue-violet, violet, thistle, purple, eggplant. Neutrals: soft cream, medium orange-beige, wet asphalt.

Blue + brown

Combination of blue and Brown– one of the most attractive. Complex brown tones give the main color an intricate sophistication. Like practicality and sublimity, these tones form a mutually beneficial tandem. Additionally, brown can be considered a derivative of orange, which is complementary to blue.

camel, golden chestnut, red-brown, mahogany, coffee. Base: creamy white, medium brown-beige, black-gray.
camel, cinnamon, light chestnut, chocolate, coffee. Base: light cream, medium orange-beige, black-gray.
cocoa color with milk, nut, milk chocolate, brown-violet, dark chocolate. Neutrals: milky, medium lilac-beige, wet asphalt.
oak color, yellow-brown, golden chestnut, chocolate, coffee. Basic colors: soft cream, dark peach-beige, black-gray.

Blue + beige

The combination of blue and beige is soft, solid, expressive. Beige is a very light brown when it is in turn a cloudy orange. Therefore, the influence of the additional shade is observed in this combination.
The beige tone, no matter what combination it is in, adds a discreet expensive gloss, so even bright colors blue next to him lose their childish simplicity.

Blue-blue goes with brown: light yellow beige, light orange beige, medium peach beige, dark brown beige, dark pink beige. Base: creamy white, light gray colors, anthracite.
Blue-violet goes with brown: light peach beige, light orange beige, medium orange beige, dark peach beige, dark green beige. Neutrals: light cream, platinum, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes with brown: light lilac beige, light neutral beige, medium taupe beige, dark taupe beige, dark brown beige. Basic colors: milky, silver and dark gray.
Gray-blue goes with brown: light yellow beige, light orange beige, medium peach beige, dark peach beige, dark orange beige. Base: soft cream, greenish gray, wet asphalt.

Blue + grey, silver

The combination of gray and blue is one of the best ways emphasize beauty and versatility blue tint. Gray, as a cold neutral color, is almost completely lost to the eye next to blue, giving it a natural coolness, restraint and depth.

Blue-blue goes with brown: white-gray, light grey, silver, marengo, anthracite. Neutrals: creamy white, medium peachy beige.
Blue-violet goes with brown: white-gray, silver, platinum, lead, dark gray. Base: light cream, light pink beige, wet asphalt.
Blue-green goes with brown:

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