Congratulations to a friend on their 60th birthday are fun. Congratulations out loud! Congratulations for all occasions

You are a husband and dad, grandfather already,
And the light in the eyes laughs even harder,
You are a "young boy" still in my heart,
Not everyone succeeds.
Be as always strong and beautiful,
The same smart, charming, beloved,
Let the dawn greet you with a smile
Well, fate always protects.

There is gunpowder in powder flasks,
Youth lives in the heart.
He is ruddy, round-faced.
At 60, the soul sings!

Always stay strong, my friend.
Heroic forces to you.
So that luck and money
In the hands went, as in magic.

At home, so that there is an eternal holiday,
You have never been discouraged
I made plans without fear
He gave a head start to the young!

More recently
Half a century noted
Added a ten
But it just got stronger.

Come on, sixties
Pour us a hundred grams
Let everyone envy you
And also us!

Great age 60.
It's not easy to live it.
In the circle of family, in the circle of friends
We wish to meet 90.

Live, our dear, for a long, long time
And don't count your years.
May the joy of happiness and health
You are always accompanied.

How many wonderful dates there are
For those who are in love with life!
Not yet autumn sixty,
And velvet season!

Happy anniversary dear friend
Sixty today.
Our friendship is strength
This is the gift of the Lord.
I only wish good
Be always healthy.
Stay crazy
Strong and poor.
You don't dare to mope, my friend,
What are our years!
We still drive with fortune
Long round dances.

Anniversary today friend
And you are already 60.
Sparks are only young
Let your eyes burn.
Be healthy, dear comrade,
We have been through a lot.
Know that the main peaks
Still ahead of us.

You are 60! On this glorious day

You, my friend, are sixty,
It's hard to believe
Strong and young at heart
And you can do a lot
To you on your glorious anniversary,
I only wish you health
Live as you can more years,
I respect you!

Friend today you are so cheerful
And your eyes are shining
We will celebrate your anniversary
You are sixty years old!
You are strong in spirit and young,
Always be like this, always
I wish you happiness
And health for years.

Friend, you are sixty today,
How quickly the years fly by
But don't be sad and don't be bored
Do not drink tea with the liver,
Keep your life in motion
And catch her every moment
I wish you joy, goodness,
So that you always smile.

Congratulations on 60 years to a friend from the heart

The head has become white
Yes, our years are flying by.
Congratulations, my faithful friend,
Happy anniversary - 60.

Let autumn be calm
Your difficult life
Let a lot ahead of you
Looking forward to more great days.

Be strong, always healthy,
Never be discouraged.
Invite more friend
And pour for happiness.

You are 60! On this glorious day
I honestly admit - although we are friends,
But I treat you better than my brother
Don't feel sorry for any support for you!

Be cheerful, healthy, surprisingly strong,
Always get what you want and expect.
And everything will be fine, let the children continue,
Calmness, joy, good will find!

Let the gray hair crept secretly
But do not be discouraged, be strong!
Gray hair is a reward
For an honest life.

We will continue to be by your side.
Sorrows, joys to share.
Accept, our dear, congratulations
And wishes to live long.

Happy Anniversary
You are sixty today!
Let the guests who come to the house
All ailments will be healed
Wish you strength, health
And happy for long years,
mood, good luck,
Good thoughts and accept!

We have known each other for so long, friend, with you,
I am proud of our great friendship,
We trust each other for many years
We almost consider ourselves relatives.
Congratulations on your 60th birthday,
Let no obstacles be in your way,
All the best to you, good luck, joy, kindness,
Let the years be wealth for you.

Happy anniversary, you my friend,
With optimism ahead, you go,
I give you a blue flower
Look into your childhood.

You ran barefoot through the fields,
You climbed trees, bushes,
On a sleigh from the mountain you deftly rode,
I slept in my grandmother's hayloft.

Scoop up mischief in your palm,
You scoop up the joy of childhood,
You will be young and happy
Then you go along with them.

You are my friend, reliable, most faithful.
For me, you have always been, of course, the very first.
Many times in your life you rescued
And you never let me down.
You are funny, very interesting,
And you sing beautifully all the songs.
You entertain everyone in the company,
You lure you into different games.
Catch my this unusual congratulations,
And at 60, as always, be happy, my friend.

Of course you're not perfect
Not a young and brave knight,
But 60 years changed
You are not a trifle. It is important.
You didn't betray a woman
All these years, that's for sure.
Helped her with housework
And there was a strong family union.
He was always gentle with friends,
I firmly believed in holy friendship,
And no matter how trouble shakes,
Luck was measured by this yardstick.
Always been honest with myself
And he knew his iron price,
When he could not, he trumpeted "Hang up"
And in vain did not beat his forehead against the wall.
Blocked trouble and fear

All strands of basic education.
Let this gift not run out

Life can't go back
Years go, run, fly ..
And you can't look back
How to live - 60.
Please accept our congratulations
And our kindest regards,
Health, joy and happiness,
And we want to live for many years.

On the day of the anniversary, we sincerely wish
Great happiness, joy, kindness.
May the heart never know old age.
And let there be youth in it.
Over 60 tested so much
And we would like to wish today
Straight and bright life road,
To live happily and not to know sorrows.

Happiness, health, warmth at 60!
Let life give wonderful moments!
On a wonderful holiday, they only sound for you
Congratulations and compliments!

You will be in a great mood
Many happy and sunny days
Will give inspiration every day
Tenderness, attention, joy and light!

You are sixty! Let the anniversary
Open new pages!
May happiness every hour and moment
Circling over you Blue bird!

May a favorable fate
Will give joyful meetings,
The dawn will bloom the colors of the day,
Every evening will be enjoyable!

Beautiful toasts to a friend for 60 years in verse

60 is not a small anniversary!
On your birthday, I wish you
Happiness would flow like a river
So that after many, many years
We met again

Naturally, you are not ideal,
Not a young and brave knight,
But 60 years changed
You are not a trifle. It is important.
You didn't betray a woman
All these years, that's for sure.
Helped her with housework
And there was a strong family union.
He was always gentle with friends,
I firmly believed in holy friendship,
And no matter how trouble shakes,
Luck was measured by this yardstick.
Always been honest with myself
And he knew his iron price,
When he could not, he trumpeted "Hang up"
And in vain did not beat his forehead against the wall.
Blocked trouble and fear
And connected the family with perseverance and diligence,
Centrally holding in your hands
All strands of basic education.
Let this gift not run out
Long live our glorious hero of the day!

60 is such a small amount!
On the anniversary from us - hello!
Know there's a lot left to live
Long wise sweet years

Without despondency and boredom
Full of happiness, passions,
Grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children!

Proud, smart, strong,
Friend, so now
This age will be beautiful
Old age will not touch you.

Let the zeal of the soul
Will encourage you
Realize dreams honestly
Achieve. Let fate

Gives warm moments
Love, devotion of friends.
I want inspiration
Hello and good years.

How wonderful it is today
You, friend, have an anniversary.
rich at your table
There were many guests.
Guests wish you well
You are sixty today!
At today's table
Everyone is happy to congratulate you.

My friend is five dozen!
Give me the word
For a festive dinner
I'm completely ready!
Sixty - extravaganza!
Sixty - sold out!
And I don't believe at all
In life, accounting
In the numbers in the passports -
Nonsense without joy!
What am I all of a sudden?
It's better to just say:
Happy anniversary, friend!

My friend, let me congratulate you!
60 is not a small anniversary!
On your birthday, I wish you
So that everything in life is yours -

Happiness would flow like a river
Good health, don't get sick!
So that after many, many years
We met again!

60 - a lot, 60 - a little,
At 60, the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn't matter that the years flicker
And my hair turns gray from time to time.
Would be a young soul
And young souls do not age!
So even in these years
While there is still "gunpowder" and agility,
A spark of enthusiasm burns in you,
Continuing to shine for people!

Six tens behind
The path is not easy behind.
I just believe that the best
Anniversary ahead!
Happiness, joy, love
I sincerely wish!
Only life begins
I know it for sure!

You deserve the right to rest
After all, a lot has already been done.
Sixty is a wonderful age
Start il loud start.

I wish the predator to be strong
And always fight for yours
Have victories, mind, cute
Friends who will come to the rescue.

So that a series of cool events
Life was full.
Stay healthy - it's important
Good luck on your journey friend!

Happy 60th Birthday Wishes for a Beloved Friend

Friend today you are so cheerful
And your eyes are shining
We will celebrate your anniversary
You are sixty years old!

You are strong in spirit and young,
Always be like this, always
I wish you happiness
And health for years.

You are sixty - there is nothing wrong ...
After all, life is just starting a new round.
I wish you great happiness,
So that you can feel it with joy.

May smiles surround you everywhere
And enough time for loved ones, friends.
I want the grasshopper to play the violin
Bringing you the joy of future days!

Congratulations on the anniversary -
Sixty wonderful years!
You can't find a friend,
Yes, and it's not a secret.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that both heart and soul
He was healthy, lucky, happy -
Happy anniversary, dear!

Dear, my beloved man,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
60 is here
Light, I wish you joy!
To be afraid, even close,
It's hard to come to us!
Happiness let in very quickly
After all, you need to reach your dream!

Your wealth will multiply
Not every year, just every day!
Of course, you and I are no longer twenty:
We live longer in this world!
You are on your birthday, sixtieth anniversary,
Reveal the secret of your eternal youth to us:
In spirit, you are the same age as all the grandchildren!
live my true friend up to hundreds of years!

You are sixty - so what's wrong with that?
After all, life is just starting a new round.
I wish you great happiness,
So that you can feel it with joy.
May smiles surround you everywhere
And enough time for loved ones, friends.
I want the grasshopper to play the violin
Bringing you the joy of future days!

It is comfortable and working with you,
And have fun, have a great time.
I wish you much happiness

I also want love
Bring luck to yourself.
Receive greetings from a friend
And prepare the "glade", my friend.

I want to congratulate you today
Because a very good reason -
Today is a special day,
After all, today is your birthday!
Congratulations on your 60th birthday,
I want your dreams to come true
I wish you good and happiness
And the rest - whatever you want!

What is sixty
This is just a drop in the ocean.
The main thing in you is the soul,
Stays young.
And of course it doesn't matter
That whiskey powdered.
Let your star burn
Happiness, joy in life was!

Let youth be gone - but it does not matter,
After all, 60 great time,
To live and enjoy, just relax,
Love your family and all your grandchildren.
I wish you to live in peace,
Friends do not forget, and continue to be friends.
I wish you good health,
You know that I love you very much.

We wish the hero of the day good luck
Optimism in life always
May only happiness surround you
Do not worry about problems, years.
All your days will be golden
There will be joy, there will be a little sadness,
Surrounded by love relatives
To live sweetly at 60!

Our years are flying like birds,
Leaving an indestructible trace.
Here you are already sixty,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

May you in all your ways,
Protects the light of the native home.
Pleases the attention of relatives,
Respect for relatives and friends.

And, probably, there is no more expensive words,
Than words of love in these moments:
Be always lucky and healthy.
Live up to a hundred years in this world!

Sixty is a special date
Maybe you feel sad at this hour,
That you were young once.
So forget. Youth is now!
After all, in your soul she is forever,
We will wish you health
After all, wiser and better than a man
In this life you can not find at all!

Happy anniversary dear friend
Sixty today.
Our friendship is strength
This is the gift of the Lord.

I only wish good
Be always healthy.
Stay crazy
Strong and poor.

You don't dare to mope, my friend,
What are our years!
We still drive with fortune
Long round dances.

Bright words in prose for a friend's 60th birthday

With all my heart and pure heart I hasten to congratulate dear person Happy 60th Anniversary! Let this date become significant event in your life, which will fill it extraordinarily deep meaning! Let all the most unexpected and pleasant happen today!

We sincerely congratulate you on this memorable holiday date of the 60th anniversary! Let the anniversary be the most bright holiday in a year! We want to be courageous, strong, reliable. A worthy representative of your gender! May everyone always admire you!

Happy birthday 60 times! May they become more cheerful, brighter, more solemn and joyful from year to year! Never be discouraged and do not lose heart. And even if you encounter difficulties, never give up! May everything that you want come true in life with all your heart and soul!

Sixty years is a time when all anxieties and troubles are behind. I wish the hero of the day to enjoy the fruits of his working career for forty long years and rejoice at the successes of his children and the wet pants of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved pension.

Excellent date requires great congratulations! We wish you great health! Great success! From personal victories and great laughs! We wish to achieve a lot more, let the road be cool, excellent! And our hero of the day is as cute as anyone, he is cheerful, handsome and, of course, excellent!

I want to congratulate my dear father on the Jubilee. It was my father who did everything so that I grew up to be a real man. It was he who did not let me sour when it seemed to me that everything was lost. I became stronger, wiser and more responsible only because my beloved dad was next to me. Today you turn sixty years old, but this is not your age at all, because I know how active and cheerful you are with us. I wish you the fulfillment of all desires, good health and success. I hope that you will always be proud of me, because I do my best for this. I want you to know that I love you very much! You are a role model for me. I hope that in the future I will be exactly the same as you are now. Happy holiday to you again, dear father! Know that you are a very close person to me, you are my support and my support.

Today is a holiday in our house, because our daddy is celebrating his Anniversary. Daddy, I can't believe you're sixty years old. It seemed to me that you would always be young and strong as when you were forty years old. But now I can safely say that I was right, because you never get tired of making me happy. You look so young that hardly anyone would think that you are already sixty years old. I wish you good health, because only this will be enough for you for the rest of your life. Everything else you already have: loving family, good job, hobbies and devoted friends. Know that we love you very much. You always tried to find time for us when we were little, although I know that you were very busy man. Happy holiday, dear daddy! I love you very much! You are the best daddy in the world!

Happy anniversary, our dear friend! There are sixty well-lived years behind you, but you will never give them to you. Let friends surround, let relatives love, let health always be behind you. Let luck never leave, but become a friend everywhere and in everything!

Congratulations, my dear friend, on your anniversary. May the life path you have traveled become your pride, may your home be filled with happiness, may good and warm meetings with family and friends please you. We wish you prosperity, vivacity, warmth and luck.

60 years is a respectable age that allows us to evaluate past life and draw certain conclusions. I believe that you, dear friend, are joyfully looking at your past with confidence and positiveness. I also believe that your future life will be just as interesting and exciting. I wish you good health and joy, which will surely make your world even more amazing and more fun!

Today is a very important date in your life. You are 60 years old. Allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this happy anniversary. May your every day be filled with joy and warmth, may all your dreams come true cherished dreams. God bless you good health Have a good mood and luck in everything. May your family live in prosperity and joy. Long and happy years you, the peace of the Lord's blessings. Be loved and needed always by everyone. May today's holiday bring you much joy and fun.

All compliments and tender words today only for you. After all, you are our hero of the occasion, you are 60 years old. We wish to always be great shape. May all obstacles disappear in your path, and happiness and good luck will forever be registered in your home. Let each day begin with a smile and a good mood. In everything you have endurance and patience, never pay attention to the little things in life, be the mistress of your destiny. Let your house be a full bowl, and life seems like a raspberry. All the best to you, dear.

Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! We wish your life to be filled with wonderful events and a full range of good feelings! May good health allow you to feel more and more new impressions from cordial meetings, travels and adventures. We wish you the support of loved ones, peace of mind and a lot of joy!

I congratulate you on your 60th birthday, because this is a wonderful date of happy dawns and good deeds. I wish you to remain strong and cheerful, enjoy new meetings and victories, easily let go of all anxieties and resentments from your heart, enter a new day with interest and inspiration.

You are sixty today! We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you a lot of light, kindness, joy, warmth. Do not know adversity, sadness, grief. May life be filled pleasant surprises. We wish you health, good spirits, longevity, well-being, happiness, prosperity.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your 60th birthday. I wish you good health and true happiness, family well-being and strong love, prosperity in the house, warmth and comfort, wonderful mood and good luck on the way.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday wonderful man, wonderful father and husband, dear grandpa and valuable employee! We wish you sparkling happiness, true well-being, sincere love and fulfillment of all desires!

Dear hero of the day! Congratulations on your anniversary! As the American writer Edward Bock wrote: Real life a person starts at the age of fifty. During these years, a person masters what true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, learns what can be taught, clears what can be built on. Let your true achievements help your loved ones, and your wise advice- will be useful to friends and grandchildren!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend 60 years old

Good health at 60!
More happy moments!
For you today only sound
All congratulations, compliments!
Your whole life is in full view:
Worthy of the youth of the year,
And later, in maturity (we all remember)
You have always helped us.
So let the team
Say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart
In the midst of this hectic life
And wish you different blessings!

Congratulations on 60 years.
You're only 60
And you keep saying that your whole life is behind you.
That years, like birds, will fly away,
That there will be only old age ahead.
Do you dream of the brightest feeling,
This feeling is called love.
You remember every minute
How the heart breaks with excitement.
But sometimes dreams come true
Just believe and wait for their fulfillment.
Your love will stay with you
She's waiting for your touch.

No wonder people say
What's on the sixty anniversary
The soul becomes stronger
Light, roomy, kinder.
I wish you a cheerful day
So that a new turn in life
Your destiny has acquired
And blossomed and blossomed.
I wish you all the best in the world,
So that your children live in happiness,
good to you and good mood
On your sixtieth birthday.

Another anniversary today -
You've just turned 60!
So pour the wine soon -
Let the soul be filled with happiness!
Good friends - a full house,
Everyone is here for the anniversary!
Note that we all later
What to remember was among friends!
Let bright days there will be more
Less - sadness and trouble!
And let happiness be in your house,
Live with goodness this year too!5

Even though you are sixty today
But still you have the strength
A lot of energy, youth,
Try to keep it.

Take you smiles from past years,
Moments of happiness, warmth,
And close the gate to troubles,
It's time for you to relax.

I wish that in your house
There was harmony, reciprocity, understanding,
Let everything be calm
Life becomes beautiful.

You are still young, at heart - that's for sure!
You don't have to worry about every little thing.
After all, 60 is not 90 at all,
And you still have a lot to do.

I wish you never cry, - have fun,
And rejoice in the happiness that you have inside.
And if something is wrong, there is no need to be angry at all,
The good is still ahead!

My friend, let me congratulate you!
Sixty is not a small anniversary!
On your birthday, I wish you
So that everything in life is yours -
Happiness would flow like a river
Good health, don't get sick!
So that after many, many years
We met again.

Anniversary today friend
And you are already 60.
Sparks are only young
Let your eyes burn.

Be healthy, dear comrade,
We have been through a lot.
Know that the main peaks
Still ahead of us.

I will firmly shake your hand today,
After all, my friend turned sixty.
My friend, you are honest, sincere and brave,
You are the master of a thousand useful things.

It is comfortable and working with you,
And have fun, have a great time.
I wish you much happiness
In business, only to avoid bad weather.

I also want love
Bring luck to yourself.
Receive greetings from a friend

Anniversaries will remind you of the past
Leaves a trace.
Everything came true, what was meant to be
We wish you new victories.
You are friends with a good joke,
Showing a sharp, clear mind.
They managed to save a sensitive soul,
Your heart is a fiery simum.
There is not a shadow of doubt in us,
You and after many years
With my spring soul
You will give warmth and light.

My dear friend,
At sixty you are just like at twenty
I admire the strength of the spirit
And the ability not to bend.
I love you endlessly,
My steadfast tin soldier,
I congratulate you heartily
With this very beautiful date.
And I beg God
So that, to the delight of relatives and friends,
He is your earthly road
Long and long
But we need it here.

Happy 60th birthday colleague
In the team, a glorious holiday -
Our most important person
Celebrates an anniversary!
Sixty springs rushed by
Autumn has come to life
With your grace.
Experience gained in life
And adjusted on Saturdays
Recreational leisure.1

Today is an unusual day
Guests knock on the door in the morning.
Send gifts, congratulations,
With an important date - 60!
Wisdom is hidden in this figure,
Great life experience.
Will, human strength,
With an ageless soul.
May every day be joyful
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Goals of a new plan to draw up,
And worthy of passing them.

60 is not a reason
Count all wrinkles.
For those who are forever young at heart
There is no reason to grieve!
Happy Anniversary
With the whole family of his big.
There will be happiness - we know for sure
There will be joy and peace.
The key word is "will"!
And don't you dare live in the past
And let health come
To have the strength to love!

Great age 60.
It's not easy to live it.
In the circle of family, in the circle of friends
We wish to meet 90.
Live, our dear, for a long, long time
And don't count your years.
May the joy of happiness and health
You are always accompanied.
How many wonderful dates there are
For those who are in love with life!
Not yet autumn sixty,
And velvet season!

You are a husband and dad, grandfather already,
And the light in the eyes laughs even harder,
You are a "young boy" still in my heart,
Not everyone succeeds.
Be as always strong and beautiful,
The same smart, charming, beloved,
Let the dawn greet you with a smile
Well, fate always protects.

Anniversaries after each other
We celebrate with friends.
Our meetings warm our hearts.
Not the results of the whole life,
And hope for a change
In life, everyone is waiting for us!
So accept congratulations
In this joyous hour!
60? Don't worry!
Young soul you are always!

Dear friend, today you are sixty,
And if you and I look back,
We will see how many different cases there were,
You didn't even dare to think about the age.
There are so many new experiences ahead.
So many more birthdays
Be happy friend, I wish you good luck
Congratulations on your anniversary today!

There is gunpowder in powder flasks,
Youth lives in the heart.
He is ruddy, round-faced.
At 60, the soul sings!

Always stay strong, my friend.
Heroic forces to you.
So that luck and money
In the hands went, as in magic.

At home, so that there is an eternal holiday,
You have never been discouraged
I made plans without fear
He gave a head start to the young!

More recently
Half a century noted
Added a ten
But it just got stronger.

Come on, sixties
Pour us a hundred grams
Let everyone envy you
And also us!

Happy anniversary
I love you, my old friend
60 years unexpectedly
You changed all of a sudden.

Remember, at 40 we are twenties
Doubled up,
And now they're just
We will triple with you.

I wish to triple
Life was more interesting
What did you continue at 20
In happiness, believe and love.

I wish you at 60
Stay on horseback
Our friendship helps
In life, let you and me.

You are my friend, reliable, most faithful.
For me, you have always been, of course, the very first.
Many times in your life you rescued
And you never let me down.
You are funny, very interesting,
And you sing beautifully all the songs.
You entertain everyone in the company,
You lure you into different games.
Catch my this unusual congratulations,
And at 60, as always, be happy, my friend.

Sixty is not old for a grandfather,
He will give odds to many young people.
On your anniversary, grandfather, beautiful
We want to express our admiration.
Young, beautiful and cheerful,
Always ready to help us.
Go around the entire universe -
You won't find a better grandfather!

Happy anniversary dear friend
Sixty today.
Our friendship is strength
This is the gift of the Lord.

I only wish good
Be always healthy.
Stay crazy
Strong and poor.

You don't dare to mope, my friend,
What are our years!
We still drive with fortune
Long round dances.

Well, you are sixty!
But recently there were twenty;
well, thirty...forty...fifty!
There is no way to figure it out without a hundred grams!
So let's raise a toast
And we wish the Anniversary
So that for FORTY more years he grows,
But even then he wouldn't be old.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday!
A bag of health and friends in full!
You are the best and I know it!
Let the sun warm from your warmth!
Let there be many fans of money
Your friends will help you keep them!
Or they will be able to spend them wisely,
So that it was fun for you to live in the world!

Let the glorious age be sixty
Gives you new opportunities!
Create, wheel around the world,
Let difficulties sink into oblivion!
Let the sun shine through the window
And the stars fall into the river.
Life is more interesting than a movie -
Let it invigorate and please!

Roses, asters, dahlias
The packaging is rustling.
Not simple name days -
You are sixty today!

We wish you that banknotes
Never ended.
What would fly an airplane,
Forget about trains!

Who has not reached the age of sixty,
He thinks that these six tens -
Solid cargo. Mistake, guys!
At this age, we are only discovering the light.
With retirement comes freedom:
You don't have to go to work
Trying to please the boss...
I got up in the morning - and immediately to nature.
And there - ozone, grass, a row of trees,
Life seems like a carefree bright paradise,
which we want you to enjoy
At least another sixty years!

If you think seriously
You are on a glorious frontier,

The children have grown up
You can drink beer with friends
And do not go to the service,
Thank God (between us)
You can live for yourself!

Sixty is just the beginning!
Sixty is still ahead!
And don't look back, it's too soon
The bottom line is summing up your path.
Sixty is experience and youth together,
Sixty is the wisdom and strength of the hand,
Allow me to wish you bright happiness,
And children and grandchildren - to grow and bloom

Funny congratulations to a friend for 60 years

Roses, asters, dahlias
The packaging is rustling.
Not simple name days -
You are sixty today!
We wish you that banknotes
Never ended.
To fly by plane
Forget about trains!
To love yourself
Islet in the Canary Islands
Well, we would send
Happy birthday congratulations!...

Is it sixty?
And you can't even tell from the looks of it.
Grandchildren sit side by side
You won't refuse them anything.
Accept congratulations.
Let life give you pleasure.
And pour a glass
Doesn't grow way up the pressure!
Let the pension be raised
To remember the way.
Let everyone love, respect
Let the heart not touch the heart!

Sixty is not so much
Sixty - quite a trifle!
Let the road run for years
Birthday is a sign...
A sign that grandchildren are very fond of,
What a complete house of friends.
And around the fun sounds
So, let's rest later!

My friend, let me congratulate you!
60 is not a small anniversary!
On your birthday, I wish you
So that everything in life is yours -
Happiness would flow like a river
Good health, don't get sick!
So that after many, many years
We met again

You are sixty - there is nothing wrong ...
After all, life is just starting a new round.
I wish you great happiness,
So that you can feel it with joy.
May smiles surround you everywhere
And enough time for loved ones, friends.
I want the grasshopper to play the violin
Bringing you the joy of future days!

Your long awaited anniversary
Gathered a lot of people:
The closest and friends,
Those who are important in your life!
We want to wish you smiles
Do not grumble at your age,
To be frisky at sixty,
Despondency drive away!

We congratulate you with the whole department today,
We praise your work today,
And on your anniversary, we wish you good health,
For your sixty - we raise our glasses.
So that your house is a full bowl,
Good luck to be and a lot of strength,
So that children please, grandchildren,
So that when you retire, you don’t notice boredom.

Sixty is a great age
The children have grown up
But it's not too late
Break away in courage:
In the bath, drink beer with friends,
Don't go to work
Lie on the sofa
Basically, live for yourself.

Six dozen behind
Interesting bright years
But it's hard to tell you
You can: Retirement hello!
Let the silver threads
Your head is covered
You are the winner today
Cheerful, young and active.
Eyes, as before, mischievous
And a burning heart in my chest
Hands poured with power
And a sea of ​​plans ahead.
I drink to a young soul
For your optimism and success,
You are the kindest, the best
Stronger and younger than everyone!

Happy anniversary dear friend
Sixty today.
Our friendship is strength
This is the gift of the Lord.

I only wish good
Be always healthy.
Stay crazy
Strong and poor.

Let 60 be a respectable age,
I will say one thing on my anniversary.
It's not too late to start everything
After all, it's full of adventure.

And let the cherished dream come true
Any whim will be fulfilled.
A moment of happiness will last a lifetime,
And let fate bring a surprise.

Anniversary is always ripe
This is a great experience
This is a very young age.
Never grow old in spirit!
Wishes to us all do not count
So why split them up?
If all of them are
Placed in the word "happiness"!

60 - gold, 60 - labor,
Life has already counted 60!
60 is a moment, 60 is life
60 is just the beginning!
60 is not a holiday of old age,
Let the heart not feel tired,
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is a great experience.
This is a very young age.
Only if you do not grow old soul.
I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your hard work and dedication!

If you think seriously
You are on a glorious frontier,
Sixty is the age
The children have grown up
You can drink beer with friends
And do not go to the service,
Thank God (between us)
You can live for yourself!

Gray head, young soul
Sixty today is far from a hundred.
On the anniversary, we congratulate all relatives together,
After all, we celebrate your sixth decade.

Let there be meat and wine on the table,
Happiness, comfort and warmth reign in the house,
The native wife never saws,
Mother fate will be favorable.

Comic poems for the anniversary of a friend of 60 years with humor

Naturally, you are not ideal,
Not a young and brave knight,
But 60 years changed
You are not a trifle. It is important.
You didn't betray a woman
All these years, that's for sure.
Helped her with housework
And there was a strong family union.
He was always gentle with friends,
I firmly believed in holy friendship,
And no matter how trouble shakes,
Luck was measured by this yardstick.
Always been honest with myself
And he knew his iron price,
When he could not, he trumpeted "Hang up"
And in vain did not beat his forehead against the wall.
Blocked trouble and fear
And connected the family with perseverance and diligence,
Centrally holding in your hands
All strands of basic education.
Let this gift not run out
Long live our glorious hero of the day!

Twice lived for thirty.
How much has been done - do not count.
There is a tit in the hands for a long time,
And there is a crane too!
May good luck and health
Will not leave this shelter.
So that everyone in this house
I was successful and healthy!
May your career flourish
Is this the ceiling?
Blooming bright rose
Happy birthday congratulations!

The hero of the day doesn't drink?
Your colleagues will not forgive you!
Happens only once in a lifetime
This date is sixty!
And don't think about the liver
Even if you only have one!
She is no worse, and no easier
From good wine!
Forget about diets
Promises and vows!
Mark all prohibitions
Accept congratulations!

You celebrate the anniversary, 60 years,
We came to you for lunch
Wish you more happiness

Health was so that at five,
And an oligarch to become
To have fun at banquets
They would write about you in the newspapers,
You will never know losses,
And to be powerful like a beast!

Sixty is not old yet
This is a flowering of magnificent forces!
Behind - such a small thing:
Only six decades!
I wish you patience
Strong arms and fast legs!
And I give you on your birthday
Your skillful congratulations!

We have been waiting for this day for a long time.
Ever since we knew
What an anniversary you have so soon!
At the head of the saint!
We are a big company
We will come to your house for a holiday,
Or in a restaurant at a feast
We'll take a walk in the wild!
We will congratulate you
We will swing by hand.
Let's say toasts
Drink to your health!

Sixty is a great date
We want to congratulate you first
Lots of great experiences
And finance receipts,
Be strong like a tiger
And love bright games,
To be healthy and strong
Everything hit the target so aptly,
Let life flow like a river
All friends will be with you!

Sixty, all guests assembled!
And the hero of the day is all at the parade,
You are now bursting with health,
And all guests are very welcome!
Gifts (most in an envelope,
With fantasy now, not so much)
The tables are set, super-dishes,
So I want to eat, there is no urine!
You were born for happiness
And the chance was used powerfully!
Everyone in the world loves you
After all, being like you is so difficult!

Sixty is the date!
Is it a lot or not?
We wish you today
Until the Caucasian years to live.
And not in a way to reach
And to fly like a hawk,
So that the years are already gray
You take steep peaks
Stay like this -
Forever cheerful, young!
We won't judge by age
By the number of years that have passed
If you are still full of vigor -
So there is no place for old age!
Let a smile light up your face
Even if the gray hair is like snow.
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

We congratulate you today
We wish you many different things.
On the anniversary we shout to you,
And we are sticking out of the holiday.
At sixty, just smile
And enjoy life very much.
Congratulations on your anniversary
And miracles, we will send a little.
You get more inspired
And have fun, always try.
And then miracles will come
And luck will be found.

Today we hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary,
You turned sixty - this is the best time!
May fate quickly put everything in its place,
Stay so beautiful and young forever!
Let happiness redeem you in your river,
Let the money fall from the sky on you
Nail urgently with a slipper all your misfortunes,
And we will close the eyes of all envious people with a rag!

More fun with a friend
Brighter everyday life
And twice as nice
The path is long, difficult,

At sixty I want you
Wish you health
Blessings in the family
Huge joy!

Congratulations on the anniversary -
Sixty wonderful years!
You can't find a friend,
Yes, and it's not a secret.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that both heart and soul
He was healthy, lucky, happy -
Happy anniversary, dear!

Cheerful toasts with 60th birthday to a friend at the table

We hurry to give you flowers.
We want to “wash” your sixty years
After all, such a date happens once in a lifetime.
Congratulations, your anniversary is simply class.
Let health not fail.
Don't let your legs hurt from pain.
We want you to run fast.
And perhaps become a minister!

At sixty, everyone is surprised at you.
Everyone tries to be so energetic.
You quickly solve all matters,
You know what to do and how.
May your rest be successful.
Let life become like a mirage.
Let Putin congratulate you on your anniversary.
Let him personally pour wine into a glass!

60 - gold,
60 - labor, 60 - life counted you!
60 is a moment
60 is life
60 is just the beginning!

60 - what a date!
The best anniversary ever.
I admire this number
Raise your glass quickly.

Drink to the bottom, today you can.
This day is yours.
Have fun, smile
Even if you want - sing!

After all, it only happens once every five years.
Anniversary in our life.
So do whatever you want
Tag him soon!

Life can't go back
Years go, run, fly ..
And you can't look back
How to live - 60.
Please accept our congratulations
And our kindest regards,
Health, joy and happiness,
And we want to live for many years.

Sometimes you wake up like a bird
winged spring cocked,
and want to live and work;
but it goes away by breakfast.

This is what happens at sixty:
Whining, coughing, groaning,
And they call themselves sick
Poisoning the lives of others.

Is it a matter of the hero of the day
At 60 he is like a fire -
Gives everyone a warm smile,
He amuses everyone, does not grumble!

So that your life flows like a river of abundance,
And everything was on your table!
And pineapples, and lasagna, and tortillas,
And kvass, and pies, and porridge.
So that the soul is not hungry either,
For you to do good deeds
For this we will drink a little,
And God bless you!

Wonderful and pleasant moments
Both erotic and depraved
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
You may be wrong a little!
So that on the lips - the taste of a kiss,
Let love heal your soul
For this we need to drink
Pour one hundred grams into a glass!

Events are among the many events -
You can't separate them from your heart.
I came here with a great desire to drink,
Not for getting your throat wet!
And so that the days without interrupting the thread
Celebrate a wonderful anniversary.
And, therefore, I must now drink -
Not to get warmer
And in order to personally express participation,
And remember together about the time of the past ...
And wish such happiness in life,
So that you can drink a second!

ah, you turned sixty and that's a fact,
So let's fill you with a full tank of gasoline,
And we'll rush off with you, far away, where the eyes look,
Where poppies bloom and strong winds hum.
There, where it is easy and very free to choke,
Where the soul frolics, as if at twenty - freely.
Let this fairy tale be not only in dreams,
Live like this every day, enough will to clench into a fist.

Sixty years is a great time
And its charm exists at any age,
Already behind the shoulders of experience and knowledge is a whole mountain,
I wish you patience, health and cheerfulness.
And today the guests are having fun, because they are happy
Greet and congratulate you alone,
Let at sixty - your inner strength be a joy,
Happy anniversary! Accept congratulations, friend from me!

Funny birthday greetings to a friend 60 years old

Six tens to exchange,
This is not five - five for you,
This is the experience of the past
The taste of accomplishments and victories,
This is joy and pain
There were children, there were grandchildren.
Life is moving forward
He is calling us.
So, know, our Anniversary -
You are not old at all.
The heart is young in the chest
Feel free to go ahead!

More recently
Half a century noted
Added a ten
But it just got stronger.

Come on, sixties
Pour us a hundred grams
Let everyone envy you
And also us!

Don't take it for cattle
And for the mean sheep
You have whitish gray hairs,
Do not believe it, to the face!
I heartily congratulate you.
Sixty is a long time.
Long years, I wish you love
My congratulations!
Never be discouraged
Be young at heart
And often forget
About your considerable age!

Solid holiday - 60 years,
You invited us to a solemn dinner,
We wish you to always keep the bar,
To fly to your goals, like on a tank,
And enjoy every moment
Let luck be your eternal companion
Success to have with lovely ladies,
For this toast we drink a glass!

60 years is the roundest date,
May your life be rich in positive
Let the cool Superman keep you
We only wish good changes
Appreciated you so that everyone polls,
You were a queen, like in a fairy tale,
May it always and everywhere be excellent,
Let only the sun shine in your personal life!

I wish you to live to a hundred!
Let your life be simple:
Without equations, theorems,
Suffering unnecessary and problems.
You are so beautiful at sixty
I love you, your gentle look.
Ready to congratulate until the night
But it's time for me to go to bed!

Round date, 60 years,
We wish you a century to live without troubles,
The inexorable years are not in our power to stop,
But may you always have
The more years, the more happiness,
So that children give more finance,
And with a pension so that there is no sadness,
On TV so that the Duma does not infuriate you,
More fun to arrange with a godfather,
So that in life the ardent fuse does not end,
So that there is no blockage in your family!

Celebrate today the anniversary, 60 years,
We came to you for lunch
Wish you more happiness
In love, so that there is a lot of passion,
So that fortune smiles daily,
And to be everywhere only the first,
Health was so that at five,
And an oligarch to become
To have fun at banquets
They would write about you in the newspapers,
You will never know losses,
And to be powerful like a beast!

These are the tricks, brothers:
Years do not run - they fly.
You go to bed - eighteen,
Wake up in the morning - sixty.
By the hero of the day, imperceptibly,
That lived for six decades.
Probably spent somewhere
He is the secret of eternal youth.
His special breed
Visible even to the blind.
And, apparently, the road
He did not forget women's hearts.
He is not deprived of health,
I am familiar with sports and work.
And he will cut anyone with a word,
And if necessary - with a fist.
Do not even doubt -
Only for other years fly.
Wake up in the morning - sixty,
And he wakes up - eighteen.

60 - a lot, 60 - a little,
At 60, the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn't matter that the years flicker
And my hair turns gray from time to time.
Would be a young soul
And young souls do not grow old.

How wonderful it is today
You, friend, have an anniversary.
rich at your table
There were many guests.
Guests wish you well
You are sixty today!
At today's table
Everyone is happy to congratulate you.

My friend is five dozen!
Give me the word
For a festive dinner
I'm completely ready!
Sixty - extravaganza!
Sixty - sold out!
And I don't believe at all
In life, accounting
In the numbers in the passports -
Nonsense without joy!
What am I all of a sudden?
It's better to just say:
Happy anniversary, friend!

Good age - 60!
There have been many roads already.
Don't turn back the years
And everything happened in life!
We want to share the experience
For many it will be useful!
Do more and create
To the sound of music and songs!
Let the house be a full bowl
And everything you want, in addition!
Relentlessness in everything
Health, happiness and good luck!

Happy Anniversary
You are sixty today!
Let the guests who come to the house
All ailments will be healed
Wish you strength, health
And happy long years
mood, good luck,
Good thoughts and accept!

May this wonderful date
Will give joy and smiles light.
We wish everything that life is rich in -
Good, health, happiness, long years!
And let there be a lot of happiness ahead,
And life will be a joyful road!

May this anniversary
Unforgettable of the days -
Full of smiles and flowers
And grateful warm words!
Let the years go by in joy
To be forever in life
Health, happiness and success,
Good luck in your endeavors everyone!

60 years is a great date!
It doesn't matter that the years go by
Life is beautiful and very bright,
That you should never be sad.
Where to get some prosperity,
It doesn't happen - it's a fact!
But more is better
And there will be less “somehow”.
We want to always be loved
In the circle of friends - necessary,
You do not see evil in life
And let the hardships of life
Never be scared!

Life can't go back
Years go, run, fly ..
And you can't look back
How to live - 60.
Please accept our congratulations
And our kindest regards,
Health, joy and happiness,
And we want to live for many years.

On the day of the anniversary, we sincerely wish
Great happiness, joy, kindness.
May the heart never know old age.
And let there be youth in it.
Over 60 tested so much
And we would like to wish today
Straight and bright life road,
To live happily and not to know sorrows.

Happiness, health, warmth at 60!
Let life give wonderful moments!
On a wonderful holiday, they only sound for you
Congratulations and compliments!

You will be in a great mood
Many happy and sunny days
Will give inspiration every day
Tenderness, attention, joy and light!

You are sixty! Let the anniversary
Open new pages!
May happiness every hour and moment
Circling over you Blue bird!

May a favorable fate
Will give joyful meetings,
The dawn will bloom the colors of the day,
Every evening will be enjoyable!

Happy Anniversary
You are 60 today!
Let the guests who come to the house
All ailments will be healed
Wish you strength, health,
And happy long years
mood, good luck,
Good thoughts and accept!

60 is such a small amount!
On the anniversary from us - hello!
Know there's a lot left to live
Long wise sweet years

Without despondency and boredom
Full of happiness, passions,
Grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children!

And with each new great-grandchild, you too
Become many years younger!!

Similar congratulations.

Today is your 60th birthday and I want to be among those who will raise toasts in your honor today and congratulate you on such an important and special anniversary. I want your life to be bright, interesting, intriguing and exciting. Therefore, I wish you adventure positive emotions, busy days, and, of course, good health, because without it all this will not be possible. Joy to you, longevity and favor of fate. Congratulations! Until your 100th birthday!

Great date deserves great congratulations! We wish you great health! Great success! Great victories and great laughter! We wish to achieve a lot more, let the road be cool, excellent! And our hero of the day is as cute as anyone, he is cheerful, handsome and, of course, excellent!

On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate one very important person for me on his Jubilee. You know how much I love you. You know that I will never tire of thanking you for all the help you have given me, for your support and advice. I want to congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday and also wish you good health. I look at you and understand that for complete happiness you only lack wellness. Therefore, I really want your well-being to improve soon so that you can enjoy every day of your bright and interesting life. But it is work that affects your health, so we all want to wish you to devote more time to yourself and your family. You have already established your work, so there is nowhere to run and hurry. I wish you only the very best.

sixty summer anniversary- this is not a reason to be sad, my friend, it's just beautiful holiday where family and friends will gather at the table. Today I am pleased to congratulate you and wish you to remain the same optimist in life. Your sincere smile and good humor have always been your friends, so let them stay with you forever. I wish, of course, health, because without it it is simply impossible. I also want you not to feel your years and with pleasure to embody all the dreams that are in reality. Spend more time with your charming wife, children and grandchildren. This time is beautiful in its own way, so you need to take everything from life that it can give. Leave all thoughts about the past years in distant plans and just enjoy life. Do not be sad and do not think about the numbers, it is better to smile again, because we raise this glass in your honor.

I sincerely express my congratulations on the anniversary! A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, many days have passed, eyes have observed an infinite number of events. Age speaks of experience and wisdom, after all, 60 years behind. Wish respectable from friends and relatives, the love of loved ones and health, which is so necessary. Let the days pass in happiness, bring pleasant events and delight the soul! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the anniversary! 60 years is not so much. Just two times 30. So let the most prosperous 30 years of life be yet to come! Comfort in the house and unanimity in the family, optimism, peace, kindness. Pleasant emotional excitement, long-awaited meetings and a good rest!

Anniversary is the time to receive warm congratulations from relatives and friends. 60 years is not only experience and years, but also respect, merit and wisdom. I wish you to always be in harmony with yourself, in well-being and happiness with your loved one, in joy and care for your grandchildren, in peace in moments of rest. Health to the body, youth to the soul, shine to the eyes. Have a good day birth!

Our dear hero of the day, I do not have enough words to express all our respect towards you. When a person enters such a serious age, I want to wish only good health. In the long sixty years you have managed to achieve everything that you dreamed of in your youth. Already at the age of twenty you knew what you needed from life, and now you are already content with all this. We can say that everything was done right by you, and now it's time to just enjoy all these benefits. I want to wish you on the day of your Anniversary only everything that you are now dreaming of. Just don't let it be related to work, because all your thoughts are now at work. Better spend time with your family, walk more often, travel, play with your grandchildren, because they need your communication. Wish you good mood Lots of joy and positivity!

Mommy, today you are a year older than last year. Of course, I will not voice this figure and just wish you a happy birthday. My dear, let me wish you to keep this beautiful light and sparkle in your eyes, never be sad and do not sit alone in the evenings alone with sad thoughts. Age is just numbers, it is much more important to keep youth in your soul. I wish you good and warmth that will surround you and accompany you everywhere. Do not get upset and do not get upset over trifles, because all these are the little things in life. Mommy, start your morning with a sincere smile and know that you are the dearest and most beloved for each of us. We all want you to be happy, smile more often, and tears in your eyes shone solely from happiness. Today we raise our glasses only in your honor. Happy Birthday dear!

Sixty years, special date, anniversary. When it is already full of life experience and wisdom. When it seems to be sad, but also fun at the same time. Today we all want to congratulate you on this significant day. We wish you personal victories, good health and happiness.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your 60th birthday and wish you strong strength and brave ideas, excellent health and good health, friendly family And happy holidays, indestructible happiness and bright hope.

There are such concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to you. Respect is not yet subject to years. Accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain who you have been for us all these years, the person you want to follow and work with. Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! On your 60th birthday, I want to wish you an unbridled desire to love and appreciate every happy moment that brings you life! Let such moments last for a lifetime and will always please you! I wish you the best health in the world! Let no obstacles stand in the way, because there is still so much to do! May every moment in life bring only happiness, only sincere spiritual laughter and good luck! I wish you love like the sea, I wish you such happiness that would capture you and never let go! Congratulations on your 60th birthday! Happiness and warmth to you!

I congratulate you on your 60th birthday, because this is a wonderful date of happy dawns and good deeds. I wish you to remain strong and cheerful, enjoy new meetings and victories, easily let go of all anxieties and resentments from your heart, enter a new day with interest and inspiration.

What a wonderful anniversary - 40 years is not enough to reach a hundred! AND new life starts at sixty! I congratulate you, hug, kiss, shake your hand - and all this with great joy and with all my heart! I wish that your every day begins with a joyful smile, exercise and affectionate gaze of a loved one! Pleasant hours with children and grandchildren, invigorating walks along the alleys of the park in any weather and season, healthy eating and happiness! I wish that we celebrate your centenary with the same company!

Great date - 60 years! Most of the way has been passed, and in the heart lives a valiant prowess, even youthful ardor! I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish that no health troubles prevent every day from being happy and beautiful. So that the flying gait tells everyone around you that young forces, enthusiasm and joy of being live in you! Strong authority to you at work, and warmth and love - at home! Happiness and health to you, your children and grandchildren!

On the day of the 60th anniversary, we want to present you with our humble gift and no doubt to see your sincere smile, which has been raising our spirits for so many years! Today we praise your immeasurable optimism, philanthropy and ability to put everything in its place! On the anniversary day, we wish you that your soul sings, and your heart beats forever!

We would like to wish you in the pre-holiday hour that grief and troubles all bypass you, that happiness holds your hand forever, that you live in love and dreams forever, that you are not afraid of those miles of roads that God measures for you in your life, so that grandchildren and children and day could not live without bathing in your love! Happy 60th birthday!

Congratulations on the anniversary! I would like to wish you all the very best and all the brightest that can come to mind. Body - good health, soul - peace and balance, heart - love and happiness. Let everything develop according to your scenario. Happy holiday!

There is gunpowder in powder flasks,
Youth lives in the heart.
He is ruddy, round-faced.
At 60, the soul sings!

Always stay strong, my friend.
Heroic forces to you.
So that luck and money
In the hands went, as in magic.

At home, so that there is an eternal holiday,
You have never been discouraged
I made plans without fear
He gave a head start to the young!

You, my friend, are sixty,
It's hard to believe
Strong and young at heart
And you can do a lot
To you on your glorious anniversary,
I only wish you health
Live for as many years as possible
I respect you!

Happy 60th birthday my dear Dear Friend. I want to wish you health and confidence, mature optimism and absolute well-being in life. Let no problems or worries bother you at 60, let every day bring success, love, harmony and prosperity.

You are 60! On this glorious day
I honestly admit - although we are friends,
But I treat you better than my brother
Don't feel sorry for any support for you!

Be cheerful, healthy, surprisingly strong,
Always get what you want and expect.
And everything will be fine, let the children continue,
Calmness, joy, good will find!

More recently
Half a century noted
Added a ten
But it just got stronger.

Come on, sixties
Pour us a hundred grams
Let everyone envy you
And also us!

Happy anniversary
I love you, my old friend
60 years unexpectedly
You changed all of a sudden.

Remember, at 40 we are twenties
Doubled up,
And now they're just
We will triple with you.

I wish to triple
Life was more interesting
What did you continue at 20
In happiness, believe and love.

I wish you at 60
Stay on horseback
Our friendship helps
In life, let you and me.

The head has become white
Yes, our years are flying by.
Congratulations, my faithful friend,
Happy anniversary - 60.

Let autumn be calm
Your difficult life
Let a lot ahead of you
Looking forward to more great days.

Be strong, always healthy,
Never be discouraged.
Invite more friend
And pour for happiness.

Friend today you are so cheerful
And your eyes are shining
We will celebrate your anniversary
You are sixty years old!

You are strong in spirit and young,
Always be like this, always
I wish you happiness
And health for years.

Happy anniversary dear friend
Sixty today.
Our friendship is strength
This is the gift of the Lord.

I only wish good
Be always healthy.
Stay crazy
Strong and poor.

You don't dare to mope, my friend,
What are our years!
We still drive with fortune
Long round dances.

Friend, you are sixty today,
How quickly the years fly by
But don't be sad and don't be bored
Do not drink tea with the liver,
Keep your life in motion
And catch her every moment
I wish you joy, goodness,
So that you always smile.

60 years is a respectable age that allows us to evaluate the past life and draw certain conclusions. I believe that you, dear friend, are joyfully looking at your past with confidence and positiveness. I also believe that your future life will be just as interesting and exciting. I wish you good health and joy, which will surely make your world even more amazing and more fun!