Knit a baby poncho. Knitting coats for girls. poncho knitting

Dimensions: 56/62 (68/74) 80/86
You will need: 300 (400) 550 g purple Partner yarn (50% polyamide, 25% wool, 25% polyacrylic, 66 m/50 g), 50 g hot pink Oxygene yarn (40% polyacrylic, 35% chlorofiber, 25% wool, 136 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 5; circle. knitting needles No. 5.
Garter stitch: persons and out. rows - persons. loops.
Knitting density, garter stitch: 17 stitches. and 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of work

Right side of the poncho

Using purple thread, cast on 96 (124) 146 stitches and knit in garter stitch. At the same time, for bevel, close with right side in every 2nd row * 1 time 2 loops, 10 (10) 12 times 1 loop, repeat from * 1 (2) 2 times, 1 time 2 loops, and 11 (11) 13 times 1 loop, with the left close the sides in every 2nd row * 1 time 2 loops, 10 (10) 12 times 1 loop, repeat from * 1 (2) 2 times, 1 time 2 loops and 16 (17) 20 times 1 loop. At the same time, after 22 (29) 34 cm from the cast-on edge, close to cut the neckline on the right side 1 time 5 (7) 7 loops and in every 2nd row 1 time 3 loops and 3 times 2 loops (1 time 3 loops and 5 times 2 loops) 1 time 5 loops, 1 time 4 loops, 1 time 3 loops and 3 times 2 loops. After 25 (33) 38 cm from the cast-on edge, close all the loops. $CUT$

Left-hand side

Knit symmetrically.

Right half of the hood

Using purple thread, cast on 22 (27) 31 stitches and knit in garter stitch. After 3.5 cm from the cast-on edge, additionally cast on 1 loop on the left side, in every 8th row 0 (2) 2 times 1 loop and in every 6th row 4 (2) 2 times 1 loop. After 18 (20) 20 cm from the cast-on edge, close on the left side 1 time with 1 loop and in each 2nd row 4 times with 1 loop. After 21 (23) 23 cm from the cast-on edge of the loop, close.

Left half of the hood

Knit symmetrically.

False pockets

Using purple thread, cast on 14 (15) 16 loops and knit 2 cm in garter stitch. Close the loops.


Run back middle seam(A). Sew the front middle seam (B), leaving the top 7 cm open for the vent. Execute back seam hood and sew the hood to the neckline. There are slots along the edges and leading edge gather the hood onto a circle. knitting needles 96 (104) 104 loops with purple thread and knit 2 cm in garter stitch. Place the short sides of the strips right on the left and sew. Sew false pockets diagonally. Using a bright pink thread, make 2 laces with tassels 20 cm long and sew them to the front at the ends of the neckline.

Knitted poncho for girls (age 1-3 years). Description of knitting

This poncho is knitted as a gift for the little fashionista Ninochka on her first birthday.

To knit a poncho with knitting needles, we will need:

150 grams of yarn white(Gjestal Superwash Sport, 50 gr. = 100 m.);
- 200 gr. Yarn "Grass" Pink colour(Gjestal Orkide, 50 gr. = 85 m.);
- pink beads for decoration;
- knitting needles No. 2.5 and 3;
- hook No. 3.

Knitting description:

1. Cast on 128 loops with white thread and knit in a circle with an elastic band 1 by 1 for approximately 12-14 cm of the neckline;

2. Knit all the loops as follows: *2 purl loops, 6 knit loops*. Repeat * 16 times. Knit 6 circular rows in the same way. [=128 loops]

3. In the next row, knit a braid weave and add 1 loop to the left and right of each braid: * 2 purl loops, 1 yarn over, 3 facial loops remove onto an additional knitting needle and place before work, 3 knit stitches, 3 knit stitches from an additional knitting needle, 1 yarn over *. Repeat * 16 times. [=160 loops]

4. Knit the next 7 rows, repeating *4 purl loops, 6 knit loops* (repeat * 16 times in each row) [=160 loops]

5. Knit the braids and add 1 loop to the left and right of each braid: * 4 purl loops, 1 yarn over, remove 3 knit loops on an additional knitting needle and place before work, 3 knit loops, 3 knit loops from an additional knitting needle, 1 yarn over *. Repeat * 16 times. [=192 loops]

6. Knit the next 7 rows, repeating *6 purl loops, 6 knit loops* (repeat * 16 times in each row) [=192 loops]

7. Knit the braids and add 1 loop to the left and right of each braid: * 6 purl loops, 1 yarn over, remove 3 knit loops on an additional knitting needle and place before work, 3 knit loops, 3 knit loops from an additional knitting needle, 1 yarn over *. Repeat * 16 times. [=224 loops]

8. Knit the next 7 rows, repeating *8 purl loops, 6 knit loops* (repeat * 16 times in each row) [=224 loops]

9. Knit the braids and add 1 loop to the left and right of each braid: * 8 purl loops, 1 yarn over, remove 3 knit loops on an additional knitting needle and place before work, 3 knit loops, 3 knit loops from an additional knitting needle, 1 yarn over *. Repeat * 16 times. [=256 loops]

10. Knit the next 5 rows, repeating *10 purl loops, 6 knit loops* (repeat * 16 times in each row) [=256 loops]

Figure 1. Scheme of transition from the "Braids" pattern to "Grass" knitting (click to enlarge)

Knit the “Bumps” pattern as follows (click on the picture to enlarge):

12. Divide all knitting into 4 parts (front, back, 2 sleeves) of 96 loops each and knit each part separately, continuing to increase until required length.
In order for each part to turn out semicircular, it is necessary to knit in short rows, i.e. In each row, unknit a few loops and start each next row with a yarn over.
You can read more about knitting in short rows.

1. The length of the product after knitting in short rows should be 3-4 cm less than the required length of the product in finished form, since then it will be necessary to knit several smoothing rows around the entire circumference of the product and crochet the product along the edge.
2. The back must be knitted 3-5 cm longer than the front.

13. After all parts of the poncho are knitted to the desired length, you need to knit a smoothing row, connecting yarn overs and adjacent loops together.
1. To avoid the formation of holes between the loops in left side back (front or sleeve) yarn overs must be knitted together with subsequent loop, and in right side- together with previous.
2. The smoothing row can tighten the product, so I recommend knitting only each stitch together with the adjacent stitch. second Yarn over

14. Knit another 3-4 rows around the entire circumference of the poncho.

15. Close all loops (you can close the loops with a crochet hook).

16. Crochet the poncho along the edge according to the pattern

Figure 2. Crochet pattern

17. Crochet flowers: close 3 air loops in a ring and knit 12 single crochets. Knit the second row, alternating single crochets and arches of 2 air loops.

Figure 3. Flower knitting pattern

18. Sew flowers along the edge of the poncho, decorate the product with beads.

The knitted poncho for the girl is ready!


In the place where the front (back) meets the sleeve, sew with inside buttons. This way the poncho will not twist and it will be more convenient for the baby to move and bend over.

Additional photos:

Front side of the poncho

Wrong side of the poncho

Marcus tries on a poncho :-)


Knitters are a very specific people. They may be interested in the most complex design developments and save thousands of pictures with the craziest shapes and colors, but with the onset of cold weather they will certainly take up the tools and create good old socks or classic hats and scarves.

The situation is exactly the same when you need to make a cape for a child or an adult: look through the pages with images Irish lace, “freeform” and other delights, we simply knit a poncho with knitting needles. The most common schemes are used. True, sometimes they are combined with each other and create new combinations.

Yarn for poncho

There are many types of capes: they can be warm or cotton, thick or openwork, casual or dressy. In this article we will talk about how to insulate for the winter and knit (a diagram, and more than one, will be attached to each model).

Based on the purpose of the product, the material should be selected warm but light. Otherwise, it may turn out to be voluminous, but too heavy. On average, you will need about 800 grams of yarn (provided that its thickness is no more than 300 m/100 grams) and a poncho pattern.

It is not difficult to knit it with knitting needles, but if it contains braids or voluminous “bumps”, then the material consumption will increase by 10%. You should also consider high collars and tassels (if any). A neck 18 cm high will require at least ½ skein, the same amount will be spent on fringe or tassels.

Pattern for lazy knitters

The connected one we presented does not require any special skills. It is enough to know how to make knit, purl and yarn over stitches. The product consists of one piece, made in the round.

The set row is the neckline. Starting from the second row to the end of the fabric, additions should be made in two places (which should be opposite each other). To make it work required form, you need to expand the fabric by four loops in each front row.

To do this, select one loop on both sides and mark them with markers. Then yarn overs are made before and after the marked places, and in the purl rows these yarn overs are knitted, which leads to the formation of new loops.

That's the whole story about how to quickly knit a warm cape.

Classic poncho

The photo in the article shows a product with the most simple cut, which you can think of. In fact, it is a rectangle with a neck. Next, we present to your attention a poncho diagram.

Such a product is knitted with knitting needles not lengthwise, but across. That is, the inlaid edge becomes one side, and the last row- second.

Therefore, the braids are also placed across the poncho. The pattern on the details of the front and back is the same, but made in a mirror order. Back:

  1. On the left side there is a placket (5 stitches in garter stitch).
  2. Then a section knitted with stockinette stitch.
  3. Below is a fragment made according to scheme A.1.
  4. Central ornament: complex braid.
  5. Again the part knitted according to pattern A.1.

A stripe of the “rice” pattern was used as a transition to the front detail:

  1. Front row - 1 front, 1 purl.
  2. Purl row - 1 knit, 1 purl.

The front part contains the same set of patterns, but they should be placed symmetrically.

The pattern for knitting a poncho with knitting needles in the sections at the beginning and end of the fabric (5 cm) consists of only facial loops. In other words, this is to create the same strip as on the sides of the parts.

Neck formation

An opening should be made in the center of the canvas, which will serve as a neck. The height of the fabric before it begins and after completion should be very carefully calculated so that the two sections of the poncho are the same.

The neck is formed in several stages:

  1. Immediately cut the loops by small area(about 8-10 cm).
  2. The next 5 cm on both sides of the resulting opening are cut one loop at a time in the front rows. The front and back parts are knitted here one by one.
  3. Next, about 10 cm is knitted evenly.
  4. The next 5 cm should be added loops in the same way as before: one in each front row. You should get a bevel that is symmetrical on both sides.
  5. On last stage put on the knitting needles the same number of loops that were cut at first (in the first step), connect the front and back fabrics and continue knitting one large piece.

The finished neck should be symmetrical. If this does not happen, the knitter should find the error and fix it.

How to make a collar

After the poncho has been knitted with knitting needles (the pattern and description can be anything), you should design the neckline. It can be equipped with a neat placket or a high collar.

In any case, along the edge of the neckline circular knitting needles in a convenient way cast on the pre-calculated number of loops. Next, knit an elastic band (English, 1:1 or 2:2). The height of the strap is usually about 3-5 cm; the part should be made twice as high, so that it can then be folded and sewn from the inside out. crossed loops and “bumps”. The result was very good option elegant and warm cape.

This poncho knitting pattern can be used as the basis of a pattern for any product: a sweater, dress, scarf or hat. So it can safely be called universal.

A knitted poncho for a girl is not only warm and practical clothing for the fall, but also stylish accessory for your baby. By following the instructions in this master class, even a novice craftswoman who has just picked up yarn will be able to quickly make exclusive item for children of any age: both for little ones and for older girls!

Knitted poncho with a hood for babies

This children's poncho is one of the simplest models to make; it is designed for children with sizes 74/80, but you can always choose the size to suit the girl’s parameters by proportionally increasing or decreasing the number of loops. For knitting we use pink wool yarn, but you can choose both the color and composition of the thread at your discretion.

For work we will need:

  • pink yarn (100% wool) – 100 grams;
  • sp. with fishing line No. 8;
  • hook number 10.

Types of knitting:

Pearl pattern: knit 1. 1 st. across, shift the loops in each row.

Purl stitch: purl R. - purl p., person.r. – persons p., in circular rows- purl

Litsev. smooth surface: faces. R. – persons p., p.r. - purl n, in circular r. - persons

When adding: 1 yarn over next. or circular river do purl or resp.


So, let's get to work - we begin to create a children's poncho with knitting needles from the hood. To do this, we will need knitting needles with fishing line, on which we string 41 stitches and knit them between the edges. pearl pattern, but the first and last 2 stitches and edges. we perform handkerchief viscous.

Having knitted the fabric 23 cm, we continue 2 rows between the edges. handkerchief viscous, and then - l. g., not forgetting about the loops of the strips and edges, which we will knit in garter stitch in the first row. decrease 5 loops. Further, in the first r. you should stretch four thread markers contrasting color to indicate the places where loops are increased: pull out 1 after 4 loops, the second after 15, 3 – 23, 4 – 34. In every second row, after 1 marker thread, before 2, after 3 and before 4, add 19 x 1 loops, as described earlier (114 pet.). We continue further l. g. and circle. R.

Having knitted 25 cm of the “back”, make 1 more circular r. persons ch., 8 circle. R. pearl knot and 1 circle. R. persons Ch., close p. Thus, the height of the poncho will be 31 cm.

Let's start assembling the children's poncho. To do this, you need to make the top seam for the hood. Using a thread folded in half, we make a chain of air loops 1 meter long and stretch it into the garter stitch rib behind the hood.

Poncho for girls 5-7 years old

Knitted poncho “Pigtail” for girls

We must remember that in each circle. R. we decrease 16 stitches. We do this 6 times every 10 rubles; We repeat this pattern in three rows, then make decreases in every 4th row.

We change the knitting needles to No. 5 and then continue knitting in the following order: p2, k2tog, k2tog. Purl 2, knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 2 in 1, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, purl 2, knit 2 together, knit 2 in 1, purl 2. and in the area with faces. Using the satin stitch, decrease the stitches until only 2 remain. Repeat until the end of the circle. R. and in the end we get 80 loops. After this - 4 cm with an elastic band, according to the picture. Back to circles again. sp. No. 7 and start knitting the hood.

For this l. g. we continue 6 p. round. Important: when to the end of the last. R. 3 stitches will remain, you need to cast off 6 stitches. and continue p. back and forth. Don't forget to close at the beginning of each p. two loops and 2 times one at a time.

Having completed 4 rows in this way, you need to mark the row in the middle. 18 pet. and add one more on both sides of them. Repeat four times on every sixth row. We continue knitting until the length of the piece under the hood is 17 cm, and then in the front r. It’s worth making decreases: marking the middle of the r., we knit to the last one. two loops in front of the mark, two - k1. crossed, knit 2, continue until the end of the river. Next, decreases are performed in each facial row. 4 times.

After this, we continue the decrease in each subsequent row: in purl. row. we knit i.p. Up to two loops in front of the mark, two in 1 stitch, remove two, twist each one and put it on the left sp. again, then knit them together. cross., and then we finish the ip.. We make 8 decreases in each of the rows, then we should close the loops: we turn the wrong side of the poncho on front side and take an additional sp. to help us, knit 2 loops in one l., i.e., one in each row, and close.

Knitting a hood

And, finally, we should start knitting a hood strap for a girl, for which we will need to dial on the sp. No. 6 loops with l. sides, starting from the middle of the front – 7 pcs. along the neck, then 1 from each row, skipping every 4th. We finish with the 7th loop along the neckline, then one from each row, skipping the 4th row. We finish 7 pets. along the neck and further around the river. i.p./l.p./again i.p. After - r. i.p. and close. All that remains is to sew on the clasp and the girl’s poncho is ready.

Known women's items clothes and accessories that never go out of fashion: scarves, stoles, ponchos. These models are especially relevant in the autumn-spring periods; fashionistas willingly buy them in supermarkets, boutiques, knit and sew them with their own hands. Knitting a poncho with knitting needles is not a difficult task, you can skillfully handle it experienced craftswomen, and even beginner knitters can do the easiest options.

Knitting a poncho with knitting needles is not difficult

Poncho, knitted, looks impressive on a fashionista of any age: from a little girl to an elderly lady. The product is knitted simply, interestingly and quickly enough. Even the most simple models They are distinguished by their extravagance and presentable appearance.

A simple model can be knitted if you first stock up on a set of materials:

  • 300 grams of yarn of your preferred color;
  • circular knitting needles.

The product is sleeveless, so it can be knitted fine yarn, and from dense. In the first case, you will get a light and airy poncho, in the second - an insulated version.

  1. Cast on 184 stitches on circular needles and knit 4 rows in garter stitch.
  2. We knit according to the pattern, following the sequence: an edge loop, a pair of loops in garter stitch, 178 with the main pattern, a pair in garter stitch, and end the row with an edge loop.
  3. For the neck, after 172 rows, close 44 loops, after which the sides are worked separately.
  4. In every second row, a 3:2:1 loop is closed sequentially, after the 188th row, 56 loops are knitted, after which both sides are connected with an intermediate set and worked on 184 loops.
  5. When the product reaches a length of 157 centimeters, knit 4 more rows of garter stitch for the back placket and bind off the knit stitches.
  6. Pick up 110 neck stitches using garter stitch and bind off as knit stitches.

The product is rectangular and slightly elongated. Such clothes fit freely, without restricting movement, so they are suitable for active recreation.

How to knit a women's poncho with knitting needles (video)

Knitted Coventry poncho for girls: step-by-step instructions

For little girls you can knit fashion poncho a slightly different principle: children’s clothes should be as convenient and comfortable as possible, therefore for little fashionistas they knit a product with buttons called “Coventry”.

A children's poncho is knitted from the following materials:

  • yarn 100 grams;
  • circular needles No. 7.

For work, sequential patterns and a description of working with the product using the top-down knitting method are used.

  1. Cast on 52 loops, work 12 centimeters with an elastic band, then knit a row facial loops, adding a couple of loops to them.
  2. 14 loops are knitted with a braid lattice, 3 knit loops, 7 block loops, 3 knit loops, repeat the sequence.
  3. Work in a circle, adding an additional loop in every second row.
  4. At a height of 11 centimeters from the armhole, a loop is closed on each side; after 4 rows in every second row, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 loops are closed.
  5. The front part of the product is knitted similarly to the back.

The poncho is tied according to the standard pattern; after finishing the work, the loops are closed quite tightly.

Knitted openwork poncho for beginners

Looks especially elegant openwork poncho– this model is ideal for both an evening outfit and everyday jeans. In addition, such products are knitted quickly and easily; the patterns and patterns are suitable for beginner knitters.

Materials prepared for the product:

  • yarn of your preferred color and shade;
  • knitting needles 6 mm;
  • knitting needles for crossing stitches.

You can knit such a poncho for women and girls, it is only important to correctly calculate the number of loops.

  1. Cast on 112 loops, after which the first row is knitted with 27 loops, the braid is knitted with 19 loops, after which 66 loops are knitted.
  2. The second row is knitted exactly the opposite, on the third row they go through 27 knit stitches, a braid of 19 loops, 20 knit stitches, wrap the loop and turn the work.
  3. The fourth row repeats the third in reverse order.

The work algorithm is repeated until 20 rows of the braid pattern are repeated 12 times, after which the loops are closed and the edges are sewn.

The best patterns for knitting ponchos

Patterns and ornaments for fashionable women's accessory the craftswoman selects depending on what product she prefers to knit.

  1. Openwork patterns are ideal to complement evening dresses and a summer poncho for cool evenings.
  2. Thick fabrics and braided patterns are good for warm products, autumn and spring clothes.
  3. Combined patterns and patterns are suitable for those who decide to knit an asymmetrical poncho or poncho-sweater.

Dense patterns and thick knitting will appeal to women who prefer warm ponchos - blankets for winter. This product can be complemented with a hood, high collar or an additional scarf.

Summer poncho: a simple job description

Asymmetrical summer poncho models will appeal to those who prefer summer rest spend by the sea. This type of clothing is knitted like a cape, and young girls and teenage girls especially like it.

For an openwork summer cape you will need materials:

  • 500 grams of light yarn;
  • straight and circular knitting needles No. 6.

The product is knitted in squares, following the knitting pattern. Step-by-step instruction will help you correctly adjust the work process.

  1. Knit 22 squares, following the pattern: having made the first, cast on 31 loops to connect the second square to it and continue knitting.
  2. Sew the front and back parts of the poncho, for the neckline, cast on 102 loops along the neckline and knit a couple of rows.
  3. The lower part of the product is processed similarly.

You can complement a summer cape with a short fringe along the short edge. Craftswomen recommend making it not thick and not fluffy: just light, small brushes to emphasize the asymmetry of clothes.

How to knit a poncho-blanket

Many craftswomen consider a poncho, knitted like a small blanket, to be a convenient option. These clothes will keep you warm on a picnic, on a cool evening by the fireplace, or while walking by a cool pond. It is very easy to knit, so this option is often also recommended for beginning knitters.

They make clothes by first preparing the materials:

  • 550 grams of melange yarn;
  • straight and circular knitting needles No. 5.5.

The poncho blanket is not knitted very tightly, as it should be light and fit freely on the shoulders.

  1. Cast on 210 stitches on circular knitting needles and knit 52 centimeters with an elastic band.
  2. Close 2 middle loops and then knit separately, knit each 1 loop from the neckline as an edge loop.
  3. After 52 centimeters, all loops are closed according to the pattern.
  4. For the collar, cast on 21 loops and knit patent pattern, after 48 centimeters, all loops are closed again, the collar is sewn.
  5. The poncho turns out to be long and warm; you can use it to cover yourself in cool weather or even wrap yourself in it like a small warm blanket.

Knitting poncho: master class (video)

Fashionistas can choose different options for a fashionable women's accessory on their own. You can make several universal capes, warm and light, dense and translucent. Patterns and ornaments for such clothes can be combined, you can use only one simple option: in any case, the product will turn out unique and special.