How to hint a guy to start a relationship? (04/13/2016). Let her know what exactly you want to be with her right now

Relations between a guy and a girl are always built according to a rather individual pattern. On initial stage when the lovers get to know each other well enough, move on to intimate relationships By various reasons is quite difficult. Despite the fact that today's youth consider sex an integral part of love relationship, some couples just don't know how to do it.

In the case when the initiative comes from a woman due to the fact that the guy, by virtue of his nature, is shy and does not dare to take the first step, the girl may have a natural question, how to tell the guy that I want him? At first glance, this question may seem absurd, but the complexity intimate nature can be the main reason for the breakup of a couple in love.

How to tell a guy that I want him

The question of an intimate nature may arise after the third date. Due to indecision, a guy can pretend for a long time that he does not understand the hints of his beloved, or really not notice them. Forcing events in order for the guy to mature for decisive action, in this case is not the best way. It would be most correct to show restraint and, with the help of female seduction and cunning, push the beloved to intimacy.

In order to properly approach the solution of this situation, a woman will need to take a number of steps:

  • The girl should carefully examine her partner. Getting to know his friends will help make more complete picture about the character and habits of a loved one.
  • Once the information is received, it must be well systematized and used with the utmost care. Abrupt changes in the behavior of women can shock a man, which will lead to the opposite result.
  • After the girl understands what female image most attractive to her partner, you can use this to your advantage. An intriguing change in the behavior of a loved one will surely contribute to the fact that a long-awaited spark of passion will appear in a man and he will finally understand the girl’s desire to “be only with you.”
  • At the fourth stage, the girl must make it clear to the indecisive guy that intimacy is very important period love relationships. Realizing this, the guy will inevitably give up and take the initiative himself.

Perhaps from the outside, such actions may seem rather complicated and protracted. It's much easier to meet your boyfriend in a pleasant environment and talk to him about your intentions. However, such actions do not always lead to the expected result. Therefore, so that the guy does not think that his beloved has a too unleashed demeanor, it would be most correct to do everything gradually.

Ways of showing female interest

In order for the sent hints to reach their goal, you must select appropriate place and time. Pleasant music, twilight and the absence of outsiders will help the partner respond correctly to the actions of his beloved.

A woman can hint about her readiness for intimacy in various ways:

  • A girl can tell about her desire with her eyes. It is unlikely that an alluring and full of passion look will leave a man indifferent. However, you should not obsessively drill and hypnotize your partner with your eyes. Such behavior can cause more embarrassment, as a result of which the goal will not be achieved. During eye contact, the girl must mentally say the phrase "look at me, I want you."
  • You can show your desire through flirting. A girl in the form of an affectionate and gentle cat has every chance to count on reciprocity. You can also enhance the impression with pleasant complements. Men don't fewer women They love to hear nice words addressed to them.
  • You can influence a guy with the help of voice and certain poses. In a conversation with a loved one, it is advisable not to move to high notes. nice word, uttered in a whisper in your ear, gives a certain effect. Strengthen the sent hint that you want it, you can flirtatious behavior. For example, during a conversation, play with a pendant in the neckline or, as it were, accidentally touch his hand. In a conversation, you can sit closer to him and, at every opportunity, stroke your loved one on the shoulder or remove invisible dust particles from his clothes.
  • When deciding how to let a man know about his desire, you can use the tactic of hinting. For example, offer to joint evening and at the same time hint that there will be no one else besides you. You can just ask the guy what he would do if he was offered to spend the night with nice girl.

In order to achieve a certain effect, you need to hint at intimacy very carefully. A man must make sure that he correctly understood that he wants a lady. Too intrusive seduction can frighten an indecisive partner and you have to start all over again.

If the hint is not understood

If it seems to a girl that her lover does not respond to her hints, then you can proceed to decisive action and talk about your desire directly. Perhaps her beloved has long understood what the other half wants from him, but due to his nature he cannot decide to take a serious step. On the other hand, there are cases when a guy simply does not like a girl and he keeps a certain distance in order not to offend her. A frank conversation is just such an opportunity to find out if the sympathy is mutual.

If, after watching the guy, the girl realized that their feelings are mutual, then you need to inform your beloved about your intentions in the most suitable environment. For example, to intimate conversation you can start in the car, on a walk or in a cozy cafe.

Virtual correspondence

It is much easier to talk about your feelings and desires by correspondence. Write a guy about intimacy You can not directly, but between the lines. Unobtrusively, with the help of flirting, you need to bring your lover to a discussion of a frank topic, making it clear that the time has come for a closer relationship. The question of how to write to a man about his secret desire is quite difficult for many women. Not every girl is ready to take on the role of the initiator sexual relations. Therefore, when conducting frank correspondence, you need to make sure that it is the man who takes the first step.

Due to the fact that a significant part modern youth spends a lot of time in in social networks, a girl can arouse a desire in a guy with the help of candid photo. This rather bold method is very effective. The sent image is the best way to convey the desire of a woman without words.

As a preface, I note that I am always against memorized patterns and prepared material. Therefore, do not use the material in this article as a magic pill.

Always learn to generate the right words themselves.

1. Initially, it’s better not to hint, but to say it like it is (the girl is not a telepath)

The best thing is to always say it straight and like it is.

For example, tell her: You `re cool. You are super! I like you!»

  • Tell her why you chose her over other ladies. And then later she will feel chosen by you! And then she will feel special for you! And it's super attractive and strong.
  • It is better not to hint, but to speak directly! The girl is not a telepath and cannot read minds.
  • Thus, you remind yourself why you have every reason to be with her, and how she catches you. This is where motivation and confidence come from.

Here is the first paragraph on the topic of how to tell a girl that I like her.

2. If you are really attracted to her appearance (hairstyle), voice it

For example, you can compliment her hair if it's really cool:

  1. « I like your hair».
  2. « Wow, I love your hairstyle!».

3. Hint at a joint future where you are already a couple in love

You can use phrases to project your future together, where you are already a couple in love:

  • « What are you doing on February 14th?».
  • « What are you doing for Valentine's Day next year?».

These are such subtle hints of sympathy for a girl.

4. You can compliment her on her cuteness if she's really cute.

Compliments about what a girl is cute, you can come up with different and very many.

If she's really cute, that shouldn't be a problem.

If only because she reads from your face the charm of her femininity.

For example: " You are so cute. I'll definitely give you a New Year's present».

Thus, I don't worry about how to hint to a girl that I like her.

5. Let her know what's going on inside you because of her.

You can tell her about it implicitly, thereby creating some kind of intrigue.

« Why are you doing this to me?” - ask her this, thereby making it clear that she is very attractive to you.

6. Hints about her style at the beginning of dating

« Hello I like your style”- you can start acquaintance with these words.

I'm talking about the case when the beauty is completely unfamiliar to you, and you make the first approach to her.

7. Offer to play funny roles like in a novel, voice your script

« Let's play a romance where you get pregnant from me and then we have to get married”- with this phrase you invite her to play different roles on funny topics.

Having said something like this, I no longer ask questions about how to let a girl know that I like her.

8. Use this phrase to show sympathy for her and emotional closeness

« Do you want to be my other half?"- a phrase of sympathy for her and intimacy(an example of an opener to start a conversation with a stranger).

In no case should you say these words from the position that you cannot live without her, and she supposedly will somehow complement you.

9. Give her compliments and blame her for it at the same time.

« You are so cool and pretty. What are you doing to me? I compliment her and blame her for it at the same time.

For example, these words close the dilemma on how to admit to a girl that I like her.

10. Be as close to her as possible.

« I want to be close to a nice girl” - say this if she does not understand what is happening, and you sit closer to her.

Thus, she feels your condition better, it is transmitted to her. It also happens in cases where the guy knows everything about.

11. In case you want to ask her out

Let's analyze the question of how to hint to a girl about a relationship correctly.

  1. It is not necessary and not at all necessary to hint about serious relationship.
  2. Relationships will only start when you spend the night in bed together. And you need to think about them only after that. Not before.
    Therefore, it makes no sense to offer to meet before that - zero!
  3. I usually tell the girl I like that I want to see her more often. It is not necessary to copy my words word for word.

It's like this: “Listen, you are cool, and I feel good with you. Let's see each other more often and have a great time together!"

Then I usually ask what days she is free most often.

I never have a problem with how to tell a girl that I like her and ask her out.

For those who want to confess their love to her

For those guys who are wondering how to tell a girl that I love her.

To start, ask yourself:

  • Have you slept together before or have you had nothing? If not, then it is foolish to rush into such statements.
  • Do you want to tell her this because you feel not self-sufficient and you think that the girl will somehow complete you?
    If the answer is “Yes”, then most likely she will leave you sooner or later.
  • Is this feeling mutual?
    If the answer is “No”, then why rush to make such statements again? It’s better to say your approximate words as in the 11th paragraph a little higher, or go over and choose the words that suit you from all 23 paragraphs.

For those who want to confess their love to their passion, one should also remember realize the following.

A woman doesn't want to be an adventure, she wants to go on an adventure with you. She wants to go to a more meaningful and bigger event than herself. Otherwise, if your focus is completely only on her, she loses interest in you, and you become needy in her eyes.

Keep this in mind, so you won't need phrases on how to hint to a girl that you want to date her, and remove all doubts.

12. Invite her on an adventure with you.

« Do you want to go on a date? Do you want to start a romance with me?”- it’s better to say to an unfamiliar beauty when you just saw her.

By doing so, you invite her on an adventure.

And I say this not even with the aim of inviting or calling her somewhere, but simply finding any reason to start a conversation with her.

This is all done playfully and the words should correspond to your condition, that is, it should be.

Otherwise, this item will not work for you.

Then you can continue the conversation by changing the topic to any other topic.

13. Use bed jokes

« I just posted on facebook that you and I were making love”- rapprochement through positive emotions and humor.

Ideally, there should be no filters at all. Know everything about communication and life in general.

14. Be the chooser, not the one being chosen

« I choose you, I like to communicate with you”- with this phrase you show that you choose her.

15. If you see her for the first time

« I just saw you and couldn't resist» - use when approaching a stranger.

You don't have to be mega-charismatic to know everything about.

16. Tell her that she is better than all the other women around.

"I like you more than those girls"— and pointing at any random girls nearby.

One more word as an addition to the discussion of the topic on how to tell a girl that I need her, beautifully.

This can be done both in a club, if you just met her, and on a date.

17. Jokes about the wedding and her mother

"Can I call my mom and say I met my wife?"- allusions to your marriage as a joke.

18. Voice your feelings and feelings for her with humor

There is such a strong chemistry between us, like in the series "Breaking Bad"- voice what you feel for her with humor.

It is always better to talk about your feelings for her in your own words without a memorized text.

Thus, you will pump this ability in yourself, you will not need any prepared material and you will know everything about that.

19. It is not necessary to name the reason why you are drawn to her.

“I am really drawn to you. I do not know why” - voice your strong attraction to her.

20. Let her know what exactly you want to be with her right now.

"I like being with you more than with friends"- you chose her among others and you want to be with her most of all.

21. Kiss her

To the question of how to hint a girl for a kiss:

  • Start from the position that you give a kiss, you don't take it away.
  • Usually I kiss myself and not verbally don't ask permission.
  • If initially you positioned yourself correctly, then there will be no resistance to the kiss.

How did I do it

I had a case when one woman deliberately began to dodge my kiss. Initially, I did everything right and saw no reason to resist.

I did not want to play these cat and mouse and immediately said bluntly: “ I want to kiss you".

To which she replied: What if I can't kiss?(and everything became immediately clear).

To which I replied: I will teach you".

And there was no more resistance. It's so easy, without any games and other nonsense, you can hint to a girl for the first kiss.

Video with my approach

In addition to the topic, I decided to show my video, where I meet in mall with a hot woman.

In it you can clearly see what I wrote about in this article.

It also contains answers to the topic of how to tell a girl that she is beautiful in your own words.

About finding a topic to talk to women on dates on my site.

22. Use the role reversal feature

The feature of changing roles between you and clues for a joint future:

  • "If you take me on a date, where are you taking me?"
  • "Where are you taking me on our date?"
  • "Stop seducing me"- a cunning phrase with a role reversal, with which you will relieve yourself of responsibility.

Even if it is not she who seduces you, but you her, but this will remind you that you are a man and a woman.

23. Subtle, not repulsive words about her figure and face at the same time

"Remove your breasts, hide them from me, I only want to see your beautiful face."

Here is such a compliment to her figure and appearance at the same time, which helps to confess her sympathy for a girl, can be given.

Key points to keep in mind

  • You let her know that you make her stand out from the others and why you like her.
  • When you tell a girl about your sympathy, looking straight into her eyes.
    It is foolish to look away, look away and speak nowhere.
  • Be as simple as possible!
  • Be foolish, don't be serious about everything.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • When expressing yourself, don't try to impress.
  • Don't be afraid to touch her and touch her. She is waiting for this.
  • Never consider your openness in liking a girl as a weakness. This is always a plus and it is strong. But at the same time, do not think that she will immediately swim after your words and want you.
  • Be honest and congruent. Say what you think (do not forget about adequacy).
  • Let your emotions come out and they will attract her.
  • Do not focus on prepared words! Let yourself say ugly, but from the heart.
    And it will be yours best words than borrowed from someone or prepared in advance.
  • Do not try to mow like James Bond or another movie character from the movie, voicing his cool phrases.
    It will only turn out to be a cheaper and unnatural copy of a movie character whose life you still can’t live.
  • The best thing you can do is be your best self.
  • You need to understand that many of the phrases were spoken in a state of flow, and you do not need to wait after these phrases for unrealistic reactions from a woman and quick acceptance.
    In any case, you need to continue communication and not depend on prepared phrases.
  • The sooner you let her know how you feel about her, the better.
    The longer you wait with how to show sympathy for a girl, the more embarrassing it will be later.
  • Talk about your sympathy in places where there is no social pressure and unnecessary judgmental views of people. Better alone.

Why the Internet or SMS are the worst ways to show sympathy and feelings

If for the first time you want to confess to a girl about your sympathy and intentions, then never do it via the Internet.

It’s better to ask yourself: “What prevented you from doing this in your first minutes of meeting when you met?”.

What prevented a girl from hinting that you like her when you saw her for the first time?

Why the internet is so bad for this:

  1. girl can read your message and just get out from the online mode, without even answering your deep lines about crazy love.
  2. The internet is very beautiful women on social networks, letters of declaration of love are sometimes written by several dozen men a day.
    Do you want to be one of those gray fans?
  3. All the sincerity and honesty of your sympathy, you can convey all the openness to a woman only through your eyes when meeting face to face. But not through the monitor.
  4. A woman might think you're lying or just joking after reading your post. And there is already a wrong positioning and a wrong understanding of you.

Before you actively begin to turn your acquaintance into a serious relationship, answer two questions for yourself. First: do you know this guy well enough, his habits and nuances of character? Perhaps, at the first meeting, he seemed to you a fairy-tale prince, and during subsequent communication he will turn out to be rude, uncouth and "narrow-minded." Second question: do you really want to close the distance between you by becoming his girlfriend? Imagine that the development of relations has taken place, you have become a couple, each has at least minimal duties towards each other, responsibility to each other. Are you sure this guy is the right guy and you sure don't want to wait for the next prince? Then it's time to act.

Which guys need hints of a closer relationship

Usually guys are quite active and are the first to offer a serious and closer relationship. But there are exceptions:

  • He is also not indifferent to you, but he is afraid to take the first step towards rapprochement (kiss, write a letter, send a valentine or talk to you directly) because he does not want to lose you and is afraid to scare you away. Usually he communicates with you nicely and kindly, he doesn’t mind going somewhere together, he is always ready to help, he actively sets topics for conversation and he definitely doesn’t have a girlfriend. If all this is about your potential boyfriend, then you can safely take the first step yourself, and then he will make sure that he is attractive to you and take the initiative in his own hands. Note: guys of this type are afraid to scare away the girl because of sympathy for her and a strong attraction, they are afraid to lose "their only one", since the natures themselves are romantic and faithful. Therefore, hint at relationships easily and delicately (this will be discussed below), avoid open pressure so that he is not afraid of you and does not think that you want to "eat" him and not at all the girl of his dreams. Act carefully and remain a princess at the same time.
  • "Brake for life". This is the saddest type. These guys make henpecked husbands, husbands who are not able to take responsibility for their family. All the time they need someone to push them and often hope that everything will fall apart and turn out by itself, they prefer to go with the flow. Often they are dependent on the opinion of relatives, friends and their mother, who protects them all their lives and does not let them go far from themselves.

Indecisive guys are often looking for a "mommy" girl who is ready to surround them with care so that they can continue to lead their measured existence. If you feel that your potential boyfriend is one of those, then think about whether you are ready to play the role of "I am both a woman and a man" all my life or the period of your relationship?

What guys should you stay away from relationships with?

There are three types of guys who should be feared and for whom hinting at a relationship is not something that is not worth it, but useless. He "hunts" for completely different girls than you, so he has not yet taken any active steps:

  • The guy likes to "make and throw". He does not perceive any girl as a future companion or wife. His goal is to seduce and disappear with minimal losses for themselves and not falling into the mud in front of mutual friends. There is no action in your direction because he doubts, does not know how to approach you, is afraid that, having learned about the frivolity of his intentions, you will humiliate him in front of your friends, leave him in the cold. Beware if you know that now he does not have a girlfriend, but just recently he broke up with the 20th.
  • These guys love to "murmur", look meaningfully, sometimes take the hand and build a "humble" out of themselves, who does not dare to do more. And as soon as the girl herself takes the first step (and he is just waiting for this!), He will immediately say that you understood everything wrong, that he did not expect such a turn. You will feel humiliated. And the moral of this fable: all the girls hang themselves on him, he is a king and a king, well, you are one of 100. These are very self-centered types.
  • He communicates with you often and in a friendly way, but he will never offer a relationship and you should not hint at them, because his interest is self-interest. This guy is for love "by calculation", and you are not his berry. Unfortunately, this type is by no means uncommon. Look closely: if he often talks about money, about his expenses, about inheritances, real estate, likes to mention his influential relatives, acquaintances, then this is a reason for you to think.

Careless hints, after which the guy will run away

There are three important points that you should a priori observe if you want to have a serious relationship with a guy, and not scare him away:

  • Don't talk to him about his past or current (potential real) girlfriends. If he himself starts such conversations, then reduce them to nothing, avoid. If you keep up the theme of his " personal life", give advice on how to behave with one and the other, then he will perceive you only as a friend.
  • Do not tell him in all colors about what loving husband you dream about your future five children, about what Wedding Dress what country do you want to go to Honeymoon. The guy may just be scared of your premature attempt to marry him to yourself or think that you are not in love with him, but are considering it as an option in order to get married as soon as possible, and it doesn’t matter to whom.
  • Don't meet your parents. Before the explanation of high feelings occurs between the two of you, getting to know your parents is taboo. It is not appropriate and will be perceived as a "collision with claims", even if your parents are very soft and cheerful in nature.
  • Do not go to him openly, showing your violent feelings and open sexuality. Normal guy will not build a serious relationship with a "sex bomb", ready for anything at once, because he is such a "cutie".

Remember that your boyfriend has to conquer you himself. Your task is to gently and delicately hint to him that you are ready for this, that you expect steps from him towards rapprochement and that he is very nice to you.

  • Do not "tryndi" incessantly. Learn to listen to the guy, but do not be silent in the conversation, keep the conversation going. At the same time, do not interrupt the interlocutor, let him talk, show genuine interest in everything that the guy says. Girls who talk too much, incessantly, give the impression of a hyperactive, restless person to be around for a long time not everyone can.
  • Don't chase him. Walking "on the heels" and "like a shadow" will only lead to the fact that he will avoid you.

10 Ways to Hint a Guy About a Relationship

  • Smile more when talking to him. Don't whine, don't complain about life. Let him see the "light" in your eyes, joy, express sympathy and lightness. smile and positive attitude- the most effective way to win over a person.
  • Unobtrusively find out: "How are you?". No need to ask this question every day, literally and "on the forehead." Intersect with him and learn "news" from his life. The main thing is to let him know that you care about his life, his deeds, well-being, mood.
  • Try to spend as much time with him as possible. Sign up for the same sports club as him, talk with him, find common interests, topics for continuing the conversation. Each of your meetings should be more interesting than the previous one.
  • More humor: "as a joke" invite on a date - what if he agrees? Try to laugh, joke (but not all the time, of course, feel the measure). With "jokes" it will be easier to chat him up for a joint pastime, and there it is within easy reach to the candy-bouquet stage.
  • During your joint trip somewhere (to an amusement park, just a walk, to a museum), casually take his hand. You can start with light short touches "on occasion": he helps you put on your coat, passes a glass, holds your hand in cold weather when it's icy outside.
  • Arrange a trip together somewhere. If you do not dare to invite him, beat everything as if you are not alone. Allegedly, this will be a joint trip to the cinema, and your friends will refuse as close to the point as possible - they suddenly have urgent business (agree in advance with friends / acquaintances). And so you will find yourself in the cinema together, and after the session, take a leisurely walk in the park, perhaps he will offer to take you home.
  • A good joint trip to nature, you can in the company of friends. The main thing is that you have the opportunity to talk with him alone and that he sees you in an unusual, romantic and mysterious way: long dress, a wreath of wild flowers ... Perhaps, after communicating in such an informal atmosphere, the guy himself will take steps towards rapprochement and there will no longer be a need to hint.
  • Through his friend. This is very effective way. Good and trusting communication with a guy's friend is needed. Tell him you like him and maybe a friend will let your potential boyfriend know that it's time to act and his ears will buzz about what a "cool girl" you are. Just make sure in advance that a friend is an adequate person and will definitely not make you laugh.
  • Going to a disco. Alternatively, invite him to a dance and charm him. But ideally, let everything work out by itself: an incendiary dance at a disco or a party will turn into a “white” dance, and after the waltz that you “suddenly” dance at the wedding of your best friends, he will not want to let go of your hand.
  • Constantly keep yourself "in good shape": neat appearance, well-groomed face, beautiful make-up(The latter is not necessary - depending on the situation). Let him notice that you always look beautiful, then the thought will flash through him that perhaps you are trying this way just for him.
  • "Freeze" at the window with beautiful flowers during your walk together. This hint is very subtle, but perhaps the guy will guess and will soon give you a bouquet and offer to meet.
  • Tell him about your friend / acquaintance, whom her boyfriend gave "sooo bouquet!" Tell us about the "unforgettable" date of friends, about the romantic wedding of a friend you attended. The hint is also subtle, but you can guess the subtext.
  • Show that you are not comfortable / afraid to be somewhere. Demonstrate that you are looking for protection and support: a dark park, a slippery path, a heavy downpour, or let's say you can't see well and broke your glasses just an hour ago (any excuse is good). You need to show that you need to be "protected": cover with a jacket, take it by the arm, see you off, cover with your umbrella ..
  • Give a handmade gift: knit a scarf, mittens, a hat, bake cookies and, by bandaging the box beautiful ribbon, give for Valentine's Day. Just carefully find out in advance what color the guy prefers, whether he wears knitted things at all and whether he eats sweets. Well, if you don’t eat sweets, you can also find a way out, for example, make apple marshmallow without sugar or give dried fruits.
  • Remember that the eyes are the window to the soul. Look the guy in the eyes, and they themselves will say everything for you: about feelings, about your sympathy for him. But the look must be supported common interests, regular communication. If you just look "bulging your eyes", it will be perceived as "having a crush on him and staring."
  • Ask him to help you, for example, with a computer (to screw something up there yourself). He will come to your house, treat him to tea with what you baked yourself. Let him gradually get used to you, to your housekeeping, to the fact that you are near. If he likes this state of affairs, then he will take further steps.

Man cannot live alone. He always needs communication. Moreover, communication is not with everyone in a row. And since all people are different, the moment of establishing relationships, both personal and business, is different for everyone.

Someone can easily speak or get to know any person. And for another person it is an insurmountable barrier. Nothing is impossible! Will learn.

Let's start with what we already know, for example, we study together or are in the same company. How to hint at a relationship? It implies affection. So we like the person.

Probing the soil

  1. First of all "free" this person from obligations to another or another. In other words, is he dating someone? If this answer is yes or it doesn’t bother you much, then we think about the second question.
  2. Do we really want closer relationships than we have on this moment? How well do we know this person, so that we don’t have to be disappointed later. There is a saying: “Before you make a wish, think, what if it comes true!” So here, before you close the distance in a relationship, imagine that this has already happened. Arranges? Then go ahead. It's time to move on to specific examples.

How to suggest a relationship to a girl

Here, one might say, it is not so difficult. Girls, as a rule, are waiting and hoping for a meeting with a strong (not necessarily physically), interesting (versatile), determined young man. You can find many more epithets, but we will use the common ones.

  • Now we need to use all of this (or part of it). So, you need to watch your words and actions, especially when you are around. And you need to be nearby as often as possible, but not bother.
  • You can invite to the cinema or for a walk and not necessarily together (you can start with friends). And to show signs of attention, for example, to offer a hand, leaving the transport, water or ice cream, and so on. Try to make her understand that you are caring for her. Women always notice signs of attention, but only sincere ones.
  • A meeting or a date should not be one to understand whether there will be a further continuation of your relationship. You get used to good things quickly. And try to constantly talk, so that it is always interesting. Sometimes just a few words can get a girl's attention, because she will hear what she has always dreamed of hearing from a young man.

How to suggest a relationship to a guy

  • Here, of course, we use female features, that is, a smile, but not a grin or a grin.
  • You can draw his attention that you like it when you are taken care of and protected. For example, sitting at the movies or walking in the park, show that you are scared.
  • Try to constantly talk, moreover, listen more than “twitter” yourself. During the conversation, you can find out what his interests are (to make it interesting to listen). And it will be clear to you whether you need this relationship.

The most important thing is not to be shy. You want to continue the relationship. So everything is in your hands. As you wish, so be it. We are all people and we hope for meetings, for love, for understanding. And you can receive love and understanding from another person only when you yourself are ready to give it. And nothing else. Good luck!

From hat dating a serious relationship is one step away. Love tends to pass, so you need to use every opportunity to communicate with the right person it got tighter. How to hint at a relationship to a girl so that she does not say categorically no? Of course, one should not be taken aback by such an offer from the first day of acquaintance, one must act imperceptibly, but consistently and decisively.

Ensure mutual sympathy

You may not make her very excited, but at least she should enjoy spending time with you. If you feel rejected by her, lay low and don't jump to conclusions. Until she directly said that you have no chance, they remain.

A girl can be dominated by stereotypes, depend on the opinions of her friends, listen to her mother in everything, while not understanding at all what she herself needs. If this is your case, maybe you should consider whether you need a girl who does not have her own opinion? Yes, she is easy to manipulate, but you can never rely on her. If the object of your love is distinguished by originality, appreciates their true qualities in people, it will actually be easy to make friends with her. From friendship to love...

Signs of attention

Nothing indicates your intentions like courtesies. If the girl is not stupid, she will understand that all your gifts, compliments and surprises are not without reason. If she willingly accepts them, then you are at least pleasant to her. And this is a signal to move from hidden courtship to open flirting.

Don't overcomplicate yourself

Girls love decisive men. You can build whole systems of questions and answers in your brain, think, calculate thousands of options in your head, but nothing will be as effective as a real step. Invite a girl on a date, where you can say that you have distinguished her from everyone else for a long time, that you like such and such qualities in her.

Ask her for the right to admire her and consider her a friend. Also make a promise for your next date. No need to directly offer a serious relationship or become your girlfriend - let everything take its course. After all, it's so boring when there is nothing more to strive for, nothing to achieve. And this whole game of romance will ultimately bring pleasure to both you and her.