How to make the skin of the face well-groomed. Tips for a perfectly clean face

Speaking about the beauty of the face, it is often understood that the skin looks perfect. It should be clean, tender, radiant, healthy, elastic, well-hydrated. Wrinkles, pimples, blackheads and unevenness are unacceptable. bruises under the eyes, oily sheen, nasolabial folds, crow's feet and enlarged pores do not fit into the picture.

In order to achieve the ideal, it is necessary not only to properly and carefully care for it, but also to exclude the influence of negative factors, internal and external, on it.

External factors are divided into 2 groups:

  • natural;
  • chemical.

The former include, for example, ultraviolet rays, leading to excessive dryness, peeling, redness and early wilting. Another unfavorable external factor are temperature fluctuations. If it rises, then the skin turns red, a network of blood vessels forms on it. When the temperature drops, roughness and dryness worries. Negative influence caused by snow, wind, dust and high or low air humidity. In this regard, care cosmetics are selected so that they correspond to the seasons.

Chemical agents include paints, soaps, cleaners, and acids. This category also includes low-quality or poorly selected cosmetics. Rashes, allergic reactions can occur due to the constant use of products containing various flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives that affect the digestive tract.

TO internal factors include:

  • A metabolic disorder that provokes rashes, increased fat content, the appearance of acne and wen.
  • Endocrine pathologies.
  • Vitamin deficiency causes premature aging, dryness, peeling, pigmentation disorders.
  • Diseases internal organs. If there are problems with the liver, then there may be dark spots. Gastrointestinal diseases cause rashes and acne.

Cleansing and moisturizing

Once you've identified your skin type, it's time to start developing a skin care plan. The first step will be cleansing, which must be carried out after waking up and before going to bed. Apply special creams, foams, milk and gels. If there is a problem of acne or blackheads, then tar soap will help.

Once a week is recommended steam bath. It will help open the pores, the product will better penetrate the skin and cleanse it. After that, apply a mask or scrub. Lotions are used to cleanse the face. They simultaneously tone, disinfect, dry acne and improve blood circulation. Plant extracts have a restorative effect.

Deep cleaning is carried out by mechanical or chemical peeling. They effectively exfoliate dead skin cells and accelerate cell regeneration. Mechanical peeling involves the use of scrubs and gommages. The former contain large and small abrasive particles. The latter are necessary for cleansing dry and especially sensitive skin. After applying the product, wait a couple of minutes for a crust to form. Then the composition is rolled up. This removes the layer of dead cells.

Owners of oily cover can apply the scrub twice a week, dry - once every 14 days. If there serious problem, such as acne, do not use it to avoid infection.

After the face has become clean, toning is carried out with an appropriate agent. It will remove the remnants of impurities, narrow the pores and restore the ph-balance. For the purpose of toning, ice massage is effective. The last step is moisturizing with cream, which is applied along the massage lines.

Recipes for homemade masks and peels

There are many peeling recipes that are easy to prepare at home:

1. The recipe prescribes to mix a tablespoon of camphor and ammonia, liquid glycerin and powder boric acid. Add crushed hydroperite tablet. After that, a little grated soap is mixed into the composition so that the consistency of the finished peeling looks like a cream. The mixture is smeared on the face and expected to dry. Peeling should be washed off with a 10% solution of potassium chloride mixed with water, in which a napkin is moistened.

2. Another recipe for peeling at home involves mixing equal amounts of almonds, white clay and flaxseed. The components are pre-crushed. The resulting slurry is massaged on the face and then washed off.

3. According to the recipe, you need to mix a couple of tablespoons cane sugar with the same volume lemon juice and yogurt. The face is pre-cleansed and then the mass is applied in a thick layer. Leave for a quarter of an hour and wash off. Peeling works due to the lactic, glycolic and citric acids that are part of the products.

Masks for perfect skin at home

For a greasy cover, dry yeast is mixed with kefir in a ratio of 1: 3, measuring the amount in tablespoons. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. Should work frothy mass, which is applied to the face, excluding the area around the eyes and mouth. Leave to act for a quarter of an hour, then rinse and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect. The composition helps to open pores, fighting acne and blackheads, whitens and removes oiliness.

For combination skin combine a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey with a tablespoon of dry, pre-crushed wheat bran. Everything is mixed and smeared on the face. The composition must be kept for at least 20 minutes. This mask allows you to well clean the T-zone from impurities and nourish the dry cover of the cheeks.

Set up work sebaceous glands easy at home with the following recipe. Take a tablespoon of honey, cottage cheese high fat content and warm milk. The product is applied as usual and left for 20 minutes, washed off and applied with a moisturizer.

All of these masks help to improve the condition of the skin of the face. They fight the main problems - dryness or excessive fat content and nutritional deficiencies.

If you follow the tips for caring for your face, keeping it young for a long time will not be difficult:

1. Cosmetics are selected depending on the type, since the needs of dry and oily skin are very different.

2. Particular attention is paid to areas with a thin, sensitive cover - around the mouth and eyes. For them, special means are selected.

3. Any care should begin with cleansing. It is necessary to purchase high-quality facial cleansers, lotions, masks and scrubs. Without this, it is impossible to achieve perfect clean skin, healthy and beautiful. Also, do not forget about the nightly removal of makeup.

4. The cover needs daily moisturizing, including from the inside. By drinking a lot of liquid, a person compensates for the lack of water. So the skin will be young and elastic longer. For the same purpose, it is useful to spray the face. thermal water. Do not use soap while washing, as it is very drying.

5. It is best to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetics.

6. Achieve perfect smooth face impossible without the use of a neutral pH peel to maintain balance. It is used no more than a couple of times a week.

7. Lack of sleep greatly affects the appearance. Regularly getting enough sleep, a woman will avoid early appearance wrinkles and folds, prolonging youth.

8. The face should be protected from solar radiation to avoid premature aging.

9. The perfect cover cannot be achieved without giving up bad habitsalcoholic beverages, smoking and malnutrition.

How to make the skin perfect, knows the beautician. It is best to address it before the natural aging process begins. His advice and salon procedures help to cope with acne and blackheads, the first wrinkles and other problems.

Achieve within a week perfect look face is impossible, you need to work on it constantly, regularly caring for yourself at home. Without daily care in the form of hydration and nutrition, the skin will not look smooth and supple.

    Wash your face twice a day. You don’t need to do this more often, because washing too often will dry out the skin, and it will have to produce more sebum to compensate for the lack of moisture. Wash your face in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed. Use soft remedy face wash designed for your skin type. Ordinary body or hand soap will not work - it will be too aggressive for the delicate skin of the face and can cause dryness or even rashes on the skin.

    • Always wash off makeup before bed. Even if you are very tired and fall asleep on the go, try to find the strength to wash off your makeup. If this is not done, cosmetics will clog pores, which can lead to acne.
  1. Use scrubs, but not too often. It is best to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. If it is hot and humid outside, you can use the scrub more often. The scrub helps to remove dead skin cells, and thanks to this cleansing, the skin will look brighter. However, excessive exfoliation can make the skin very sensitive and cause redness.

    • You can make your own body and face scrub. Some recipes are listed below in this article.
  2. To restore the skin to its natural acid-alkaline balance, use a toner. Dip a cotton pad into the toner and swipe over your face. Take Special attention forehead, nose and cheeks. Avoid areas around the eyes and mouth.

    • If you have very sensitive skin, use a mild alcohol-free toner or floral water.
  3. After tonic, apply moisturizer. This should be done for people with all skin types, including oily. If you plan to go outside, use a cream with an SPF of at least 15. If you need to get rid of wrinkles, apply an anti-aging moisturizer to your skin at night. If you have oily skin or acne, look for light cream or a cream designed for oily skin.

    Avoid long hot showers. Shower quickly and under warm or cool water. Hot water harmful to the skin. Because of it, the skin loses its natural fat layer and dries out.

    After showering, pat your face and body dry with a towel. Do not rub the skin - this will cause irritation. It is better to gently blot the whole body with a soft towel. This will keep moisture on the skin. The skin will absorb the remaining moisture, and this will allow it to remain hydrated.

    When shaving, use sharp blades and shaving gels. Do not use shower gel or soap for this purpose. Shaving gels and creams soften and moisturize your skin and hair, making it easier to shave. Try to shave with your hair growth, not against it. This will avoid the appearance of red dots and ingrown hairs.

    Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 15 and stay out of the sun during the hottest time of the day (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). If you don't like using sunscreen, buy a moisturizer or Foundation with SPF. Perhaps you should also wear in the sun wide-brimmed hats, shirts with long sleeve and trousers.

    • The sun will give you beautiful tan however, it also causes wrinkles, freckles and age spots. In addition, the sun's rays can cause skin cancer.
  4. Do not use cheap cosmetics for the face. This also applies decorative cosmetics. The higher the price, the better quality. Cheaper cosmetics often contain a lot of harmful substances that will harm your skin. In addition, such cosmetics often clog pores, which leads to acne.

  5. Use foundation cream suitable for the type your skin. There are many different types foundation. Instead of creams, you can use powder. The type of skin (normal, oily or dry) will determine the type of product. Remember that the wrong foundation can cause skin problems.

    • If you have oily skin, you'd better not use creams, but buy a powder or a very liquid foundation.
    • If you have dry skin, ditch the powder and go for a cream or liquid foundation.
    • If you have normal skin, to you any will do type of tone.
  6. Eat right. An excess of junk food, fats and carbohydrates leads to acne and dull skin. Healthy food will make the skin brighter and younger. Below is a list of foods you should include in your diet:

    • Vitamin C brightens the skin and speeds up healing. This vitamin is found in blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, guavas, kiwis, oranges, papaya, strawberries, and sweet potatoes.
    • Vitamin E promotes skin renewal. It is found in almonds, avocados, hazelnuts, pine nuts and sunflower oil.
    • Healthy fats are found in avocados, fish, nuts, and seeds. They moisturize the skin and make it soft.
    • Selenium reduces the risk of cancer, improves resistance to sun exposure and fights senile pigmentation. Selenium is found in fish, shellfish, eggs, wheat germ, tomatoes, and broccoli.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for human health, however human body does not produce them. These acids help prevent inflammation. They are contained in linseed oil and seeds, in oil walnut and rapeseed oil.
    • Zinc is found in fish, lean red meat, whole grains, poultry, nuts, seeds, and shellfish. It softens the skin and heals wounds.
  7. Start dealing with stress. Stress increases the sensitivity of the skin and makes it prone to acne. Set aside enough time for all your daily activities. You may need to make a list of tasks and transfer some of them to next week. Don't rush yourself and don't take on more than you can handle. Remember to make time for hobbies and other activities that help you relax.

    Know the effect smoking has on the skin. Studies have shown that smoking increases the appearance of wrinkles. If you smoke a lot, think about it.

Facial masks and scrubs

    Do simple mask from cucumber, if you are concerned about swelling and swelling of the face. Grind half of the cucumber in a blender until gruel. Apply the paste on your face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat your skin dry.

    • Drink more water and try to eat less salt. Lack of water and excess salt provoke swelling.
  1. Moisturize your skin with a banana and honey mask. Place half a peeled banana and one tablespoon of honey in a small bowl. Mash with a fork to a paste. Apply the mask on your face, leave for 10-15 minutes. wash away warm water and pat your skin dry.

    To reduce redness and relieve inflammation, make a matcha green tea mask. Mix one teaspoon of matcha green tea and half a spoonful of honey to make a paste. Apply the mask on your face and leave for 10 minutes. After that, wash off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry with a towel.

    Refresh dull skin with a simple yogurt mask. This mask will soften the skin and make it brighter. Apply plain unsweetened yogurt to your face and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry.

    If you have acne, make a cinnamon and honey mask. You will need half a teaspoon of cinnamon and as much honey as you need to get the consistency of a paste. Apply the paste on the pimples and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off. Both honey and cinnamon have antibacterial properties.

    Get rid of blackheads with a milk and nutmeg scrub. Mix enough nuts and milk to make a paste. For starters, you can try mixing 1 part milk and 1 part nuts. First, wash your face, then gently apply the scrub to the skin with massaging movements. Massage the skin for 3-5 minutes, then rinse off the scrub.

    • Nutmeg will get rid of excess fat and exfoliate your skin.
    • The lactic acid in milk will remove dead skin cells and make the skin clearer.
  2. Pamper dry skin with a rose and chamomile scrub. Grind 1 tablespoon dried rose petals, 1 tablespoon dried chamomile, and 1 tablespoon oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Pour into a jar, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 50 milliliters of oil. Stir with a spoon and close the jar tightly. Apply the mixture with your fingers to damp skin, then rinse with water.

    Exfoliate your skin with a brown sugar, white sugar, or salt scrub. Mix sugar or salt with food vegetable oil in the bank. You can add a few drops essential oil for a fresh scent. You can start with the following proportions:

    • For brown sugar: 1 part sugar and 1 part butter.
    • For white sugar: 2 parts sugar and 1 part butter.
    • For salt: 3 parts salt and 1 part butter.
    • If you decide to use essential oils, choose oils with a fresh scent, such as tea tree, mint, lavender or grapefruit.

Solving specific skin problems

  1. Take care of mature skin. Since the sun's rays cause wrinkles, you should always wear sunscreen if you plan to go outside. Smoking accelerates skin aging. If you smoke, consider quitting the habit. Use a moisturizer to keep your skin soft and smooth. In addition, you should eat right and get plenty of rest. This will give the skin a chance to recover.

Is there really effective scrubs and masks that get rid of acne, making the skin perfect?

Perfect skin or beauty preservation methods

There are many professional ways struggle for the beauty and health of the skin of the face. Many of these methods are relevant only for salon use, and some can be used at home.

So how do you get perfect skin? Effective Methods:

A smart woman begins to take care of herself from her youth, realizing that after 30 years all the struggle will be in vain.
A variety of masks, caring tonics and skin moisturizers help to maintain attractiveness.

To better understand the importance of each method of achieving perfect skin, you need to talk about them separately.

How to eat so that the skin is always perfect?

The main assistants in finding a beautiful and healthy skin are antioxidants. It is great if a girl regularly eats pomegranate, sea buckthorn, blueberries. These natural fruits and berries will help in finding the beauty of the skin.

You should also eat only those foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes dry skin leads to flaking, and sometimes even to premature aging and appearance a large number wrinkles.

To make your skin perfect, you need to regularly use masks for moisturizing. So, which masks will be the most effective?

Cucumber gruel mask

The composition of the mask is elementary. It is necessary to rub the cucumber on a grater. The resulting slurry must be mixed with cream and rose water(20 drops). Next, the mask must be applied to the face, carefully distributing the entire composition.

Now it remains only to wait 20 minutes, after which the product can be washed off with plain water. If you use the recipe at least a couple of times a week, the skin will always look beautiful and moisturized;

honey mask

1 st. a spoonful of honey should be mixed with the same amount of olive oil, adding yolk to the mask. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, then heated over low heat. After the mask has cooled, you need to divide it equally.

The first part must be applied immediately, and the second after 10 minutes. After another 10 minutes, you need to wash off the composition from the face. Such an effective remedy will always help maintain the perfect balance of skin moisture.

Potato mask

This remedy may seem difficult to prepare, but its effectiveness overrides any shortcomings.

It is necessary to boil the potatoes in their skins, then mash them without removing the skin.

This is just a short list of the most effective means that help to achieve optimal skin hydration. Cleanliness and hydration are two key parameters in the fight for perfect skin.

Home peeling for the face

There are many home remedies to help get rid of dead skin cells. One of the most effective remedies is peeling with oatmeal.

Flakes should be filled with water and wait for them to swell. Next, the flakes should be applied to the face, carefully rubbing them into the skin. After 2-3 minutes after using the product, it can be washed off. This type of peeling is sometimes more effective than salon procedures.

You can also carry out the procedure using coarse sand, cleaned of any pebbles and dirt.

Such sand needs to be soaked a little, and then begin to rub it thoroughly into the skin. After a couple of minutes, the sand should be washed off.

Peeling is a rather aggressive procedure, so you should not abuse it. For girls with dry suitable for skin use of peeling once a week.

For oily skin, it is better to increase the number of procedures to two or three per week. Peeling helps to achieve perfect condition skin, guaranteeing the girl attractiveness for many years.

Many girls cannot find perfect facial skin due to their own mistakes and delusions. So, for example, girls start using cosmetic lotions and creams without consulting a beautician on the advice of friends.

You should not do this, because each representative of the weaker sex has a unique facial skin, and you need to select care products individually.

Also, experts recommend not using homemade masks and peels without consulting a doctor.

Here it may well arise allergic reaction Therefore, before using the product, it is better to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

So, what conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? How to take care of your skin so that it looks perfect:

  • it is necessary to use a number of means for morning and evening cleansing of the skin;
  • the girl should think about using masks to moisturize the skin;
  • regular peeling is the secret of ideal skin condition;
  • before buying a variety of lotions and creams for care, you should consult with a specialist.

Ideal women with smooth velvety skin and languid eyes every fifteen minutes from TV screens convince you to purchase this unique product from the super manufacturer. in a sexy voice they convince you that you only need to use it once, and all the princes of the world will fall at your feet, just touching the smooth skin of your face. After such an advertisement, you run headlong to a cosmetics store, spend half your salary on another or dark dots, or , or for skin radiance, or ... After some time after use, you begin to realize that the skin of the face does not shine as promised, princes do not stand in line at your feet and money wasted. The mood is spoiled.

Is it really me, without all these terrible expensive creams it is impossible to make the skin of the face perfect at home - without bruises and bags under the eyes? How did our mothers and grandmothers act? Surely there are many popular inexpensive recipes.

Skin is an organ of the human body

All human organs are interconnected. Without a healthy stomach, the liver and kidneys will not work well, and if the liver fails, the skin becomes earthy. In general, everything that happens inside the body is immediately reflected on our skin. For example, they ate a lot of citrus fruits - here you have hives in the form of small red dots, smoke a lot - the skin tone of the face changes to grayish, went to bed very late and got up early - bags under the eyes are provided. The skin of the face instantly reacts to any changes that have occurred in the body.

So, in order for your skin to look beautiful and well-groomed, you need to look at the problem from the inside. First, evaluate your diet and see if yours is working well. gastrointestinal tract. The condition of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys greatly affects your appearance and immediately affects the condition of the skin. Age spots, some kind of rashes, acne cannot be completely cured without treating the stomach or liver.

Review your diet - exclude stale foods, convenience foods, street food. Use only fresh, home-cooked foods and your body will thank you with radiant, blemish-free skin and a healthy complexion. Try to visit more fresh air, move more actively, go in for swimming, fitness, outdoor games. Then the problems are not only with the skin of the face, but also with bad condition cover of the body and with the health of the whole organism will disappear.

Bad habits- Smoking and alcohol also greatly affect the appearance. You can see for yourself when, after some party in the morning, swelling appears under the eyes (and not only), and after several years of smoking it looks gray and dull.

Lack of sleep, stress also does not color the appearance - you feel that you look exhausted, you are not in the mood, you don’t want to go to the mirror, because no makeup can cope with sleepless nights and tears.

More enemies of healthy beautiful skin faces - dry air and lack of moisture. In the cold season, heating radiators work in the apartments, which, of course, warm us, but at the same time they dry our skin and the condition of the body cover leaves much to be desired. And in the cold, you want to drink much less than in the heat. As a result - peeling on the face, the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin. Purchased or self-made humidifiers will help get rid of this problem (it's very simple - place containers with water around the apartment, it will gradually evaporate, moistening the air).

How to get perfect skin at home

Facial cleansing steps

Be sure to cleanse your face at least twice a day - morning and evening. Especially carefully if you actively used cosmetics. No matter how high-quality foundation, makeup base, powder are, they all tend to clog pores. There are countless types of face cleansers in stores - foams, mousses, milk, special water. different cost, composition and result. Do you know that for the production of both cosmetics and cleansers, the same substances are most often used (mainly derivatives of petroleum products - paraben, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, crystalline paraffin, mineral oils). And so you want to pamper your face with something natural! store funds, which have purely natural composition, are stored for a maximum of a week in the refrigerator and are very expensive.

In our kitchen, we often just throw away a lot of products, although we could use them to cleanse our faces. For example, cosmetics are washed off very well with 1% kefir, and the skin is not only cleansed, but also nourished. If left in the teapot green tea, or a decoction of chamomile, soak in them cotton pads and wash your face several times a day. Such care will save a lot of money and not only cleanse the face, but also relieve dry skin.

Owners of oily skin, with large pores, black dots, prone to acne, you need to deep cleansing and matting.

Deep cleansing and mattifying of the skin

The skin of the face will become perfect if there are no acne and black spots on it. Use a scrub or peel that you can do yourself a couple of times a week. The ingredients are also all natural.

Scrub based on coffee grounds, honey and oil grape seeds the only thing that needs to be purchased, the rest is usually in any housewife in the kitchen). Mix the ingredients one tablespoon at a time and scrub your face (it is better to hold it over steam before that).

Another recipe: Mix a spoonful of salt, sugar and grated cucumber, scrub.

Do not add alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the scrub - this will harm the skin, because the sebaceous glands will begin to work actively.

For owners of oily skin, it is better to take a matting tone and do not forget about sun protection (SPF protection is usually indicated on the cream as a percentage - 5-10 is enough in winter, 30 and more in summer).

Do not use multiple different means with a mattifying effect, so as not to get an undesirable effect.

We fight inflammation and age spots

Age spots greatly spoil the appearance of any woman. All the time you try to cover them up with something, you protect them from sun rays, you turn to a beautician. Anti-pigmentation creams are very expensive (they contain hydroquinone). And not always the problem is only in the skin. Sometimes age spots are a manifestation of hormonal failure.

Let's turn to folk remedies.

Celandine copes well with pigmentation, but use it carefully, wipe only age spots with infusion. The infusion is obtained by pouring a teaspoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, cool and filter.

Ordinary lemon juice is also good against age spots in a ratio of one to ten with water. Wipe them with ugly age spots, they will become invisible.

An abscess or a pimple that appeared on the face at the wrong time can greatly spoil the mood. What to do? Squeeze it out? It will only get worse. Save the public money.

Make and apply this mask for 15 minutes. Protein chicken egg beat, tea tree oil (3-4 drops) and starch - mix everything. It turns out the mixture is like thick sour cream. Wash off with water. Try a ten-day course with breaks in two or three days.

Another recipe for abscesses - the main one is sulfur. Dilute a quarter teaspoon of sulfur with water to a full spoon. You can wipe a pimple with this composition, or you can pour a spoonful of this mixture into a large spoonful of kaolin, a few drops of grape seed oil and two drops of rosemary or bergamot essential oil.

If your facial skin is severely inflamed, buy a cream from a pharmacy with benzoyl peroxide (2.5%).

Eliminate bags under the eyes

It is in the places of the so-called bags under the eyes that our skin has no support - there are no muscles, no bones, no tendons. There is the most soft skin with nothing to rely on. Lymph flow and blood flow pass under the skin in such places, it is there that wrinkles form very quickly. And by the condition of the skin under the eyes, we can immediately judge the age of a person.

Apply the cream on such a tender place gently, with small patting movements, without stretching the skin around the eyes. Concealer to eliminate bags under the eyes, take on tone lighter shade skin and more liquid in consistency.

To eliminate bags under the eyes, use a regular potato. Grate on a fine grater raw potatoes, add flour and milk. In a one to one ratio. Apply to bags under the eyes and upper eyelids for a quarter of an hour, rinse with plain water. You will be very surprised with the result!

Ordinary cucumbers or peppermint leaves work great against bags under the eyes. Just knead it and put it on your eyelids for 15 minutes as well.

You may not get it the first time. But don't stop there! To do perfect skin faces at home, it takes time and diligence. The usual products that we use daily will definitely help you: parsley (brightens the skin of the face), do not rush to throw away the remnants of oatmeal or hercules (softens and nourishes, making the skin of the face perfect), cabbage leaves, cucumber, zucchini, tea bags, olive oil- everything that remains from cooking, everything can be used to make the skin of the face perfect. Without spending a single penny extra on it! Which is doubly nice.

Facial skin can tell a lot about a person. Often, diseases of the internal organs are reflected on the face in the form of acne, sores and other imperfections. In addition, the condition of the skin can be used to judge how carefully and skillfully a woman takes care of herself. Sooner or later, any representative of the fair sex is visited by thoughts on how to make the skin of the face perfect. This question is not as complicated as it might seem. The main thing is to approach it responsibly.


Some women miss this stage, and it is extremely important. The skin needs to be cleansed at least twice a day. You shouldn't wash too often either. You need to know simple rules:

  1. Don't use soap. It dries out the skin very much.
  2. All cosmetical tools should be selected according to skin type.
  3. Any creams, foams and lotions for washing perfectly replace sesame, olive and corn oils. They not only remove makeup and impurities, but nourish the skin, filling it with beneficial substances.
  4. Wash with warm water only.

We open the pores

If you are thinking about how to make your skin beautiful, then this stage cannot be excluded. After washing, be sure to wipe your face with tonic. It will prepare the skin for applying the cream. If you are going to make a mask, then this procedure done a little differently and takes more time. In order for everything nutrients maximally saturated the skin, it must be steamed. In this case, it is recommended to use decoctions of herbs: lavender, calendula, chamomile, sage, and so on. The choice depends on your skin type. How to make your skin perfect, simple will tell you folk recipes. By mixing some herbs and preparing a decoction, you will get a wonderful natural remedy with a high content of essential elements.

deep cleaning

When thinking about how to make your skin even, think about a scrub. It can be used up to twice a week. The scrub removes dead cells, allowing the skin to breathe and renew itself. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. Thanks to it, skin color is evened out and the number of black spots is significantly reduced. Scrub does not have to be bought in the store. You can also do it yourself:

  1. Mix a spoonful of honey with lemon juice, wheat bran. Apply the mass for 10 minutes. Massage your face in a circular motion and wash up.
  2. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and add sugar to it. Apply the mixture on a damp face with massage movements.

Much has been said about how to make the skin of the face perfect. It is obvious that one cannot do without a properly selected cream. It is applied at the end of any procedure you perform on the face. It must be used in the morning and evening. The cream saturates the skin with vitamins and protects against harmful effects environment. Any beautician, answering the question of how to make the skin perfect, will tell you how to choose a cream. Always read the ingredients of the product carefully. The more it contains natural ingredients, all the better. Be healthy.