How to make your New Year's wish come true. Proven ways to make wishes so that they surely come true for the New Year

New Year is the favorite and most long-awaited holiday for many people.

Exactly at this magical night family and like-minded people come together, this is the time when everyone, without saying a word, begins to evaluate last year and also make plans for the future.

As a result, one way or another, everyone simultaneously begins to wish for something: new apartment, work, love or just a lot of money. Each person has his own desires, but everyone equally wants them to come true during the coming year.

It is not surprising that many traditions and rituals have formed regarding how to correctly make a wish for the New Year.

Many who have tried them are convinced of the effectiveness of such methods.

Therefore, if you want to realize your plans and hopes, it is worth considering the most common and effective ways making wishes for the New Year.

How to prepare properly

There are many opinions as to why wishes made for the New Year come true.

Experts involved in occultism say that on this day positive energy is formed, caused by festive mood large quantity of people.

Accordingly, when doing a ritual of making a wish, a person, as it were, directs this energy flow in the direction he needs.

Psychologists say that the New Year's wish ritual is self-programming, which subsequently, on a subconscious level, helps to fulfill one's own intentions.

Be that as it may, just wanting it and wanting it is not enough. If a person nevertheless decides to carry out a specific ritual, then he should prepare in a certain way.

It is not difficult:

  • Before you wish for anything at all, you need to clearly understand what you want to achieve over the next year and form the “correct” desire.

For example, if you want to buy a new car, it is better to check the make or approximate cost of the vehicle. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a really new car, but one that will create more problems than benefits.

Therefore, it is worth making a wish not spontaneously, during the chiming clock, but setting aside a little time in advance to formulate your desire or several desires in peace and quiet.

  • The wish you make must be sincere. Whatever motives motivate a person, he cannot desire what others impose on him. Even if he thinks that he completely agrees with someone else's opinion, subconsciously a person may not want what others want, and ask him to want with him.

Therefore, the goals that you want to realize must be formed based solely on your own will, and believe in their implementation.

  • New Year's rituals are quite simple and do not require any complex preparations. But one requirement is extremely important - arrive in a festive mood.

The fact is that from the point of view of both occult and psychological explanations for the fulfillment of wishes for the New Year, the corresponding state of mind is extremely important. important role. After all, the fulfillment of desires is, first of all, joy and the same “mood” should be used when performing the ritual.

Otherwise, in the general New Year's mass, a person turns into a “black sheep” along with his desire, whatever it may be.

What should your wishes be and what should you not make?

  • Desires should in no case be negative and cannot have a “not” or “not” attached to them.

The fact is that this particle is not perceived by the subconscious. And when a person, for example, wishes “so as not to be fired from work” or “so that my other half does not leave me,” what is read without the prefix “not” is fulfilled. And from the point of view of occultism, desire is a program for profit or achievement, which is contradicted by a negative message.

  • Wishes, even the most unimaginable ones, need to be made in real time, as if they had already come true.

For example, in the desire: “so that I have a new apartment this year,” you should not use the prefix “so that” and then the desire sounds like it has already been realized.

And you should never use the word “want”, because a person wants to “want” the fulfillment of his goal. In general, in desire, each word plays its role, so it is worth formulating them as clearly and concisely as possible.

  • There is no need to limit yourself.

For example, if a person wants to buy a new apartment and for this he needs a promotion, he should not formulate his desire in this way. It is better to concentrate on what kind of housing he wants to buy, and the “universe” itself will present the necessary opportunities. After all, it may be easier for an individual person to win an apartment in the lottery or receive it as a gift than to achieve the necessary promotion.

  • You should not resort to abstractions, especially such as: “I am rich,” “I am happy,” or “I am healthy.”

In the subconscious or by decision of the universe, it may turn out that the person who wishes is already rich enough for a person of his level. In the end, he can be rich spiritually, happy in poverty, and ideally healthy people generally few, but not all of them consider themselves sick. Therefore, it is better to determine for yourself what wealth, happiness and health are.

  • You need to believe that your desire will come true.

That is, the goal can be the most unrealistic, up to a flight to Mars. But if a person subconsciously understands that he wants something that is a priori impossible to achieve, then the desire will not be fulfilled.

You need, first of all, for yourself, to be confident in the reality of its fulfillment. Whether it is a logical belief or just faith does not matter. The main thing is not to have even a shred of doubt.

  • How many wishes can you make for the New Year?

In principle, no one limits you. But the fewer desires there are and the more clearly and correctly they are formulated, the greater the chances that it will come true.

And best of all, make a wish list for yourself for the New Year in advance, then cross out what you can do without and in the end leave the one that will be most cherished for you.

Ways to make wishes for the New Year

Now you know how to make a wish for the New Year correctly. And now we will look various ways and options that will help you fulfill your cherished dreams.

Make wishes for the New Year on paper and burn them

The most common method is to burn a wish leaf, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it at the stroke of midnight.

The method is really effective, but you shouldn’t write the wish itself while the chimes are striking. After all, the main role here is played not so much by performing the ritual, but by concentrating one’s thoughts on the desire itself.

Therefore, if it is not large, then you can write directly under the chimes, then set it on fire and throw the ashes into a glass.

If the wish consists of many points, then it is better to write it in advance, and right time just read, out loud or silently, before burning.

And in no case should fuss be allowed in performing the ritual, since a person will distract his consciousness from desire to actions that he is trying to accomplish while the chimes are striking.

Coin in hand

Prepare a coin in advance, preferably gold in color; you can even pre-clean it until it shines.

When the chimes strike, you need to hold a coin in your hand and mentally imagine your wish in all its glory. After that, throw it into a glass and drink champagne while the chimes are striking.

Then you need to carry this coin with you as a talisman until your plan comes true.

12 grapes

This method is suitable for those people for whom ashes in champagne are wild. The fact is that in Europe they also make wishes on New Year’s Eve, but for this they use grapes, which symbolize wealth, happiness and good luck.

To do this, you need to take 12 grapes and eat them exactly at 12 o'clock at night. At the same time, you need to get rid of the seeds while the chimes are striking. But some Europeans use a trick and take seedless grapes.

...Formulate it correctly! What do we usually do? We write on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into champagne and drink it in one gulp. What a fuss! Desire is “lost” in this turmoil. And psychologists say that you need to carefully prepare in advance for making a New Year’s wish. Shall we try? And then we’ll check how it works! So to speak, production magic...

You need to remember the main thing: in order for your desire to come true, you need to clearly formulate it, abandon the particle “not” and be able to “let go”.

Before you start making a wish, do the following on New Year's Eve.

Banish the negativity. Write down all your grievances and worries on a piece of paper, and then mentally let them go and burn the paper. And also - discard attitudes like “I would like to, but what’s the point with my salary”, “not with my “happiness””, etc.

Think about the wording. State your goal very clearly. For example, if your dream is “to get married in 2018,” then describe your desired groom in as much detail as possible.

Remember the text. It is best to write down a correctly formulated desire on a piece of paper and remember it well. At the same time - we remind you again - try to avoid the particle “not” (our subconscious perceives “I don’t want” as “I want”) and describe the desire as fulfilled (“in 2018 I have a car”).

We place an “order”

We offer you several popular ways of making wishes.

Letter. In one of last days year, take a piece of paper and write a “letter” in which you indicate one, or better yet, several of your desires. Put it in an envelope and sign it “To the Universe, to the department of urgent wish fulfillment.” It can only be opened in next year- to check if your dreams have come true.

Toys and balls.“Order” wishes through the decorations with which you decorate the Christmas tree. This ball is a profitable job, that one is love, etc. And when you take them off, imagine how you are letting your dreams go up. The same can be done with balloons, making an “order” when you inflate them, and releasing them when you pierce them with a needle.

Sparklers. When the chimes strike, light a sparkler and make a wish on it. Save the remainder of it until your wish is fulfilled.

New guest. If a stranger or acquaintance whom you did not expect to meet on New Year's Eve comes to your company, after midnight take him by the hand and make a wish.

Number twelve

Months.“Project” the first 12 days of the coming year into 12 months. For example, if you want to travel in May, then spend a day on the road on January 5th (corresponding to the 5th month).

Desires. Write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and put them under your pillow. In the morning, take out one piece of paper at random: whatever is written on it will come true.

Don't get hung up on your desire: by doing this you deprive yourself of the energy that can go towards its realization.

Important! You can’t dream for other people, because only they know what they really need.

It’s a time of magic, when you want, despite any crises, to believe in good things, dream and make wishes. How can we make sure that these wishes, made at the moment of the long-awaited chiming clock, actually come true, and are not forgotten in a couple of weeks, when a series of celebrations gives way to everyday work? Let's take a few simple tips and learn to turn dreams into reality.

Define your desires

The first thing you need to do in order to new year wishes come true is to find out what you really want. It would seem that what is so difficult here? However, if you think about it, it turns out that we often simply do not allow ourselves to dream, but are guided by the guidelines that dictate to us the world. For example, is “getting married this coming year” really your desire or the passionate dream of your parents? It’s not for nothing that they say that we should be afraid of our desires, because they come true: having passed off stereotypes imposed by others as our own dreams, we risk getting what we really don’t need. Try to be honest with yourself about what you really want. Imagine that any, even the most incredible dream can be fulfilled - what will it be like? What will make you happy? Life is sometimes ready to present us with the most incredible surprises, the main thing is to find the courage to declare (at least to yourself) about your true desires.

Turn desires into goals

The tradition of making wishes on New Year's Eve exists in different countries- but with some variations. So, among Americans, for example, it is customary not just to make a wish, but to promise oneself to do something in the coming year - such promises are called “New Year’s resolutions.” Try to follow this practice and transform desires into goals, and formulate them according to all the rules of goal setting - indicating a specific expected result: for example, instead of the traditional New Year's “lose weight by summer,” promise yourself “to go to the gym twice every week”; Instead of “learn to save money,” set the goal “save 10% of your salary every month.” The more precise and detailed the wording, the easier it is to turn your dreams into reality.

State your dreams

This method is for the brave, but it is often the key to success. Try to go against the tradition of keeping New Year's wishes a secret and share them with others. You can limit yourself to a close circle of those closest to you, enlisting their support in achieving what you want, or you can decide to create a special blog or join an online community of like-minded people. So, for example, on a site with the unambiguous name startaresolution, you can not only declare your New Year’s wishes to the whole world, but also receive the support of a special “mentor”, as well as site users with similar goals and dreams.

Visualize what you want

If you have never created a “vision map” or “vision board,” try it this past year. Even the most notorious skeptics recognize this tool as effective and inspiring. Making a “wish card” is not difficult: you just need to spend some time searching for your own photographs and pictures that illustrate your dreams, and then make a collage from them. The secret here is simple: our consciousness reacts more strongly to images than to words, which means that by choosing pictures that embody our dreams, we provide ourselves with powerful motivation to achieve what we want.

Follow the rule of small steps

The temptation to give up on another ambitious dream (or put it off until the next New Year) often arises due to the banal fear of not being able to cope - sometimes too much effort needs to be put into losing weight, buying a new car, getting a second higher education, learning how to cook deliciously. (Underline whatever applicable). Rescue from panic is a method of small steps known in the theory of goal setting. After all, you have a full 365 days to fulfill your wish - more than enough time for the most daring projects. Plan exactly what actions you can take to achieve your goal - tomorrow, on next week, V next month. With each new, even tiny step, the goal will be closer - which means you will receive another portion of inspiration in order to continue moving towards your dream.

Every year on December 31, the hero of the famous film says: “We have stopped doing big good stupid things...”

And indeed, with age we often become bored: we lose our recklessness, inspiration, faith in miracles, and often faith in general. But if you feel nostalgic, looking at uncontrollably fantasizing children, watch for a falling star, enjoy reading “Harry Potter”, watch the movie “The Secret” or “Battle of Psychics” - it means that you still have hope for something better in your soul , amazing. On the eve of the holiday, it's time to give it a vent. So, gentlemen and ladies, let's make New Year's wishes!

Why is now the right time? The change from one year to another is the threshold of old and new. The smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines, bubbles of champagne, the chimes create an enthusiastic - magical - state. (Well, are you experiencing at least some kind of inner uplift?) Add to this a powerful energy impulse - after all, a huge number of people in your time zone are freezing in anticipation of a miracle. All together provides ideal conditions to reformat your own reality.

So, do the wishes made for the New Year come true? Yes, if you formulate a message and send it to the Universe Right.

Important rules - choose a goal

  1. The desire must come from the heart, be yours, and not imposed by society: a career, a cool car, etc.

    If it seems that you really want an expensive car model, think about what you expect from owning this car. Maybe you really want it increased attention women or authority among colleagues? And further: why do you need this attention or authority - to feel loved?

    Make an effort and the car will appear. But if what was expected of her does not happen - if she was not the real goal - disappointment will come instead of joy. Try to reach the main value. True desire should evoke spiritual trepidation and special vibrations.
  2. The mystery must be relatively realistic. “If this is impossible, it must be done,” Alexander the Great used to say, but not everyone believes in their abilities so much.

    Let the realization of what you want not entirely depend on you (otherwise you would just go and do it), but you are capable of taking some steps to realize it. Without this, there will be no necessary faith in fulfillment.

  3. You need to think about the end, not the means: a car, not getting a loan; an apartment, not a mortgage or inheritance; a trip to Paris, not a work trip to end up there. There can be a lot of ways to get what you want - we don’t see the complete picture. So there is no need to limit the Universe, everything is fine with its imagination.
  4. Desire should not have contradictions with internal attitudes.

    Example: I want money, but I am convinced that it spoils people; I want to get married, but I’m sure that all men are bastards. What you believe in will come true. Or nothing will come true - the Universe will be confused by the vagueness of your request.

  5. Don't interfere with other people's desires, it should only concern you. Otherwise it is disrespecting their free will.

    If a girl dreams of love with a married (or single, but not interested in her) man, it would be environmentally friendly to wish loving husband with similar qualities, but not this particular person. Even if you want something for your child, it is not a fact that his soul wants the same.

  6. Think about what you will gain and what you will lose if you achieve what you want, and how it will affect others. For example, you want to earn more, but at the same time you are afraid that there will be no time left for rest and family. That is, in the current state of lack of money, it is important for you to have free time. And this secondary benefit may outweigh.

    Look for options to earn more and at the same time have the opportunity to relax - to believe in the possibility of fulfilling your intention.

  7. And once again about environmental friendliness: do not wish anything bad on anyone. No one has canceled the boomerang law: everything will return. It is better to ask for peace of mind for your own soul, harmony and love.

We formulate the desire correctly

  • The first rule - the most hackneyed, but no less relevant - concerns the particle “not”. Historically, our fellow citizens have a stronger “from” motivation than a “to” motivation. In a country that has experienced war, repression, perestroika, default and other cataclysms, people are accustomed to living like on a powder keg and dreaming so that nothing bad happens again. Instead of wishing something good.

    If you focus on the negative, you can only wait for the negative. Therefore, the correct wish would be health, and not “I want not to get sick.”

  • Formulations are made in the present tense. If you write: “I want me to get well/receive/come out…” - this will be perceived as a fait accompli (you are already healthy, you have received it and come out - everything is ready). It would be more correct:

    “Every day I become younger, filled with strength and health for the benefit of the Universe.”

  • Be careful with your words - Santa Claus takes them literally. Do not use expressions like “I want to, even cut me”, “at any cost”, “bleed from the nose”.

    If you are looking for a job or want to get married, indicate what you expect from your job or husband. Do not use the words “at least some” - everyone will be rewarded according to their faith, then you will not be able to disentangle it.

    Avoid the formulations “I want it, my stomach is cramping”, “I’m sick of Ivan (Norway, a house by the sea, etc.) - otherwise it will cramp and you will get sick.

  • The wish must be formulated as clearly as possible. Determine the situations in which what you want is appropriate and in which it is not. At the end write something like:

    “May the Universe harmoniously bring this or something more into my life.”

    Thus, you will open up to benefits that you did not expect - if this does not contradict the Path chosen by your soul. For example, if you dream of working in some company, you can get a position not in your city, but in a branch abroad.
  • Express gratitude: “The gift of health keeps me alive. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
First give thanks for what you already have, and then ask for what you want. Don't do it formally - feel Gratitude. If you want money, but are on the verge of poverty and find it difficult to feel grateful, remember the situations when you got something for free.

As a child, your parents bought you clothes, food, took you to the sea or to your grandmother; a colleague paid for your coffee; a friend gave you a dress that didn’t fit her and didn’t take any money from you. Say a sincere thank you for every episode.

When we are grateful for what we already have, we have a chance to receive something more. The final wording could be:

“I thank you for all the money I have received throughout my life. My prosperity is growing every day. Thank you thank you thank you!"

And finally, magical rituals

  1. The most famous: when the chimes strike, you write a wish, burn the piece of paper, put the ashes into a glass of champagne, and drink the contents. Make it to the last strike. Think over the text in advance and prepare leaves, pens, lighters. Or light a New Year's candle - this will enhance the magic.

  2. You can, like the Italians, prepare 12 grapes and eat each one at the next chime. It is believed that grapes will bring prosperity in the coming year.

  3. During the chimes, say to your drink or food everything you want to receive next year: “I attract health, love, wealth...” Drink to the dregs, eat to the tiniest bit.

  4. Set it on fire at midnight chinese lantern, say your wish and launch a flashlight into the sky. Don’t take your eyes off it, feel: you have just given wings to your dream! The flashlight disappeared from view - the request went out into the Universe.

  5. At sunset on December 31, write 12 mini-essays covering different areas of your life. Literally three or four sentences: desire and justification why it is important for you to get it. Place the pieces of paper under your pillow, and in the morning of January 1, take out three of them. These wishes will come true in the new year.

  6. Fortune-telling. All New Year's company writes his wishes; You can have several, but each on a separate piece of paper. They need to be rolled up and placed, for example, in a Santa Claus hat. Then those present pull out the pieces of paper and read what is in store for them.

  7. Make a paper bird, an angel or a symbol of the year eastern calendar(2019 is the year of the Pig). Tip: do this with your children. Say your most cherished words over the resulting creation. It’s even better to speak it out during the manufacturing process - this way you will put the energy of action into the toy. Place it on the Christmas tree and let it soak in festive atmosphere. When you put away the Christmas tree, place the toy in a visible place - so that it reminds you of what you want and motivates you to achieve your goal.

  8. “Jump into a parallel Universe” is a comic ritual from simoron. To perform, you need inspiration, a state of lightness and soaring - New Year's Eve is conducive to these sensations. You can jump from chairs, stools, sofas, just follow safety precautions. While the chimes are ringing, you need to shout your intention and snap your fingers while jumping. Have you landed? That's it, you jumped into New Year! Are you in parallel world where you have what you want!

  9. Also from simoron. Take a saucer with a blue border. At the bottom, put the symbol of your dreams: a ring, if you want to get married; a bill if you want money; a pacifier if you dream of a child, a model or picture of a house if you dream of your home. Let this goodness be solemnly presented to you on a platter as a gift - ask someone close to you. To enhance the effect of the ritual, hang a lucky star (can be made of foil) over the place in the house where you spend the most time.

  10. Another Simoron technique that can be performed at a New Year's tea party is aimed at attracting money. Put a spoonful of honey in black tea, place the cup on a green leaf - the color of a dollar, “cabbage”. Stir the honey in the cup clockwise with a pencil for one minute. Think about money at this time. Then take a piece of paper from under the cup and write on it: “Tea, there will be money!” - and have a drink. Keep the pencil and piece of paper until your wish comes true.

  11. After midnight, draw your dream - do something like, maybe schematically. The main thing is that what you draw resonates with joy in your soul. Roll up the design, tie it with red ribbon or thread, seal it with melted wax - so that it gets on both the paper and the tape. Write your initials on the warm wax and hang the tube on the tree. On Christmas night, put it in a secluded place. Has your wish come true? Open the scroll and circle the picture in red. When a new goal appears, burn this piece of paper.

  12. You can make wishes collectively - this will bring revitalization to the company. Cut them out and write your dreams on them. During the chiming clock, go out onto the balcony (open the window) and let your snowflakes fly. While they are flying, repeat your desires to yourself again.

“Guys, you have to believe in miracles!”

You can come up with your own ritual. The main thing is to do everything with faith. And then you will definitely see your scarlet sails.
- Feed desire joyful emotions- this is how you give him the energy to carry it out. Think about him in happy moments of your life. Remember when you just feel uplifted.
- Don’t tell anyone about your desire, otherwise the energy of intention will weaken or go nowhere.

The exception is desires like “I want to quit smoking in the coming year.” There is a different execution technology at work here: if you have voiced your intention, you will be ashamed not to fulfill it.

- Stay in good mood. Like, as you know, attracts like. If there is darkness, anger, resentment and other negativity in your soul, it will be difficult for the light to break through to you.
- Thank you! This sets the mood for positivity and ensures a flow of good gifts.

“May such a miracle happen to you next year that I won’t even tell you, so as not to tempt fate!” With coming!

On New Year's Eve we symbolically celebrate the completion of the next stage and make the transition from old life to update. Beliefs, traditions, and rituals that fill this holiday with magic come to us from ancient times. And even the most zealous skeptics make wishes during the chiming clock. After all, this is the most the right time to leave all misfortunes in the past and think about positive changes.

There are many ways to make wishes on New Year's Eve, but we, together with experts, have collected the most unusual and interesting options.

Close your eyes and imagine the image of your dreams and yourself in this new reality. While the chimes are striking, stay in the moment when your wish has already come true. For example, imagine a trip you dream about. Imagine yourself on a wild beach in the sun and try to fill this image with the most small details. For example, hear birds singing, the sound of waves, feel light warm breeze. This will help your dream become a part of your life, and not something distant and unrealistic. Such a dream is much easier to become a goal and then a reality.

The ritual of making a wish is not enough. During the first three days of the new year, you need to do something to make it happen. You don’t have to move mountains, even if it’s a small step, it will bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams.

Have a fortune telling

You can trust chance and fate to choose your desire. To do this, all participants in your new year party should write predictions on pieces of paper, for example: “A journey awaits you” or “There will be success at work.” Then all the leaves are poured into a vase or box, from where everyone in turn draws out wishes for next year. Then you can write your names on pieces of paper and hide them in one place, and on next holiday get together, take them out again and sum up the results of the fortune telling.

Everyone knows the Russian tradition - when the chimes strike, you burn a piece of paper with a wish, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink the resulting cocktail. However, often the paper does not have time to burn out and you have to finish it, washing it down with sparkling wine in the last seconds of the old year. This is, of course, fun, but not always pleasant. Therefore, you can simply whisper your deepest desires into a glass and drink the magical drink to the bottom. Just formulate them in the present tense. For example, not “I want love,” but “I’m married.”

Instead of burning desires, you can turn all the failures of the past year into ashes. Before midnight, write down on a piece of paper everything that brought you sadness and disappointment, all your problems and difficulties. Then put the list on a plate and set it on fire, imagining how the problems will forever remain in the past. And scatter the ashes in open window. Now is the time to make wishes during the chiming clock for the future happy year.

Launch a wish into the Universe

If you are not afraid to reveal your dreams to your friends and loved ones, throw open the window and shout them loudly into the New Year's heavens. Voicing desires, according to psychologists, transfers them to the plane of reality and contributes to their implementation.

This is interesting!

Many countries have their own traditions of how to make a wish correctly. For example, in France, guests are given a special New Year's pie, one of the pieces contains a surprise: a coin or a bean. All guests make a wish at midnight and eat their share of the pie, but everything will come true only for the one who gets the lucky piece.

In Brazil, it is customary to make boats and launch them into the ocean on New Year's Eve so that the coming year will be full of happiness and good luck.

The Spaniards, after making a wish, eat twelve grapes at midnight. And the Germans are literally jumping into the new year. They climb onto chairs and, holding hands, jump off, having managed to say a dream to themselves.

In Scotland, the whole family and guests sit together by the fire and make their most secret wishes while looking at the flames. Then the owner of the house opens the door wide to let out the outgoing year and welcome the new one.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up making your main wish when the chimes strike, but you shouldn’t forget about the magic of the whole New Year's Eve. When the party is over, write little wishes on twelve pieces of paper, put them all under your pillow and fall into the arms of sleep until the morning. After waking up, the first thing to do is take out one of the wishes and read it out loud. This wish will definitely come true in the coming year.

6 ways to make your wish come true:

Formulate your desires without the word “not”.

Make wishes in the present tense as if they have already come true.

Visualize your dream image clearly and be part of that image.

The desire should only apply to you.

The dream must be specific. Don’t just “I’m happy,” but wish exactly what will make you happy.

Use new year rituals, making a wish.