Why don't we celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary? Faience wedding (9 years)

The 9th wedding anniversary is a faience wedding or, as it is also called, a chamomile wedding. This is an important date that confirms the love and understanding between spouses for 9 years. Another year - and this family will celebrate their first round anniversary, but for now they are drawing a line under the years they have lived together and inviting guests to share with them the joy of this event.

What to give for a faience wedding is a question inevitably asked by guests invited to the celebration. But it’s not just relatives, friends and neighbors who should take the time to plan gifts. Representatives of the married couple must take care of nice presents for each other. What to give and how to please loved ones, what gifts are appropriate for a married couple to exchange?

Traditionally, it is believed that dishes should be given as gifts for this holiday. As you know, faience is a material that is an alloy of different types clay. And it is from this material that dishes are most often made. The unique energy properties of earthenware have been talked about for a long time. It is believed that earthenware accumulates all the energy of the house in which it is located. It’s not for nothing that on the 9th wedding anniversary there is a tradition of breaking 9 earthenware plates, thereby getting rid of the negativity and quarrels that arose in the couple’s apartment. Thus, this date can be considered a significant milestone in family renewal.

But you want your gift to be original and unique? And what should spouses do with several gift sets? You can always choose an unusual and nice gift, if you take this issue seriously. First of all, you need to consider who exactly you are preparing a gift for: a family celebrating an anniversary, or are you celebrating a chamomile wedding yourself and are looking for a suitable gift for your other half? So, we offer a selection of gifts.


Gifts for wife

It’s good if, when choosing a gift, you take into account the specifics of the holiday and try to choose something themed. But do not forget that the recipient of the gift is primarily a woman. You should not buy and give kitchen utensils for everyday use. If you have chosen dishes, then they must be festive.

Jewelry box. Or an exquisite stand holder for jewelry. This gift will look festive and appropriate, and in addition, it will greatly please the woman.

Expensive flower vase. If the wife loves houseplants, you can buy a beautiful floor pot for a flower, but it’s even better if it already comes with an unusual ornamental plant.

Jewelry with stone. Choose earrings, a pendant or a ring for your wife. Such a gift for a wedding anniversary will always be appropriate.

A set of original earthenware jars for storing spices or bulk products. Any woman who loves to create comfort and beauty in her home will like the gift.

Very beautiful and romantic gift. By the way, it is recommended to celebrate such an anniversary outdoors, if possible. weather. So you can arrange a festive banquet in the middle of a beautiful body of water.

Certificate for a beauty salon. Every woman will be delighted with such a gift. New hairstyle, manicure and beautiful make-up- this is exactly what a lady needs before the holiday.

Gifts for husband

Although men are less sentimental compared to the fair sex, they also enjoy receiving gifts on holidays. Moreover, this holiday is very important, as it marks a strong union of two loving people. Choosing a wedding anniversary gift for your husband is more difficult. If women, as a rule, enjoy various cute things, then a man needs a serious present. It is recommended to pay attention to his hobbies and habits. Buy something that will make his life more comfortable and give him joyful moments.

Gold chain. Yes, jewelry is given not only to women. Moreover, such an anniversary - perfect occasion choose a valuable gift for your beloved husband.

Large comfortable mug with photo together or personal wishes. A man will drink something from it at home or even take it with him to work. Along the way, consider options such as a thermal mug and a quality thermos.

Certificate for a joint trip. Surely it’s time for a spouse who devotes a lot of time to work to take a break. Go with your beloved husband to relax by the sea or just go to another city in search of fun adventures.

A memorable gift that will last for many years. Such things are truly valued, so they can be expensive. But your spouse will sincerely rejoice at the gift. Of course, if he wears business suits.

Folding table for breakfast in bed. Does a man like to have dinner in front of the TV or drink coffee and sandwiches in bed on the weekend? Your gift will make him feel much more comfortable.

Beautiful writing set– an expensive engraved fountain pen and a leather-bound notebook. But again, the gift is appropriate if the man often deals with documentation and will probably use the gift.

Gifts from relatives and friends

It is recommended to celebrate such an anniversary with your closest people - relatives and good friends. If you are invited to an event, you will have to think about what gift for a faience wedding will please the couple. In fact, you can choose a lot of gift options. A wedding of 9 years is a holiday to which not only the husband and wife are involved, but also their parents, as well as close friends who were with them throughout the entire period life together. If your friends are preparing to celebrate a chamomile wedding, give items that will complement their home comfort.

Tea and coffee sets. True, before purchasing such a gift, it would not hurt to consult with other invited relatives so that you do not bring a standard set to the holiday.

Set of dishes for 6 – 12 persons. When giving a gift, tell the couple about the tradition of breaking old earthenware plates during the celebration. Let the new family enjoy the new saucers and cups you give as a gift.

Bed sheets. Beautiful sleeping set will never be out of place in the house. Buy only quality products, because you will present a gift with the best wishes.

Cups for husband and wife, which complement each other in shape and patterns. An original gift that a good friend can give to spouses.

Decorative painted dishes. A good gift for relatives on their ninth wedding anniversary. Plates that can be used to decorate the wall will harmoniously complement the kitchen interior. By the way, the products do not have to be earthenware; you can buy beautiful wooden saucers.

Large original earthenware or ceramic piggy bank. Wish that thanks to your gift, the married couple will save enough money for a luxurious vacation at the resort.

Porcelain figurines. The products will decorate the living room and will look harmonious on the holiday table. By the way, having previously agreed with the other guests, you can give figurines that will tell the story of the spouses’ relationship.

Gifts from children

Even the youngest participants of the holiday will be happy to congratulate the couple celebrating their earthenware wedding. As a rule, children have a good imagination, so they can come up with original gift they can do it without financial costs. True, in some cases, when preparing presentations, they will still have to turn to adults.

Large photo collage for the wall. This is a good gift from children and friends. Need to choose the best photos, print them and place them in beautiful frames.

You can write a lot on colorful pieces of paper. original wishes and “roll up” in a big glass jar, which will then be decorated with drawings and colored ribbons.

Set for sand ceremony. To do this, you need to prepare a couple of transparent flasks or jars, some colored sand (2 colors are enough) and satin ribbons. Let the spouses take turns pouring colorful sand into empty containers with their own hands, creating their own personal design.

Homemade cookies. Does your child want to congratulate your close friends on their anniversary in person? Then help bake original cookies, which will an expensive gift. And the grandmothers will help the child prepare a present for the heroes of the occasion.

Large poster or postcard. Here children can give free rein to their imagination, armed with markers, paints, colored paper and other craft supplies.

When choosing a gift for your 9th wedding anniversary, put part of your soul into it. After all, such a warm, spiritual approach is felt immediately. It will be easy for you to decide what to give for 9 years of marriage if you are attentive to the habits and wishes of the heroes of the occasion. And, of course, don’t forget about large bouquet colors. It is advisable to buy chamomile, but there are no strict recommendations in this matter.

Ninth wedding anniversary – earthenware or chamomile. Chamomile is a flower that has been associated with love (fortune telling for love) since ancient times, chamomile is a symbol of summer, sun, warmth, fun, so a chamomile wedding reminds that married life is approaching its heyday.

As you know, faience is the material from which dishes are made. Of course, earthenware is valued cheaper than porcelain, but still, it is earthenware that we use in our Everyday life. Faience is a symbol of constancy, everyday life, and an organized life. Therefore, this unconventional wedding anniversary is celebrated as a milestone, signifying the achievement of permanence and stability. Of course, this is just the next step, but the step is already very significant.

Earthenware cups attract with their beauty, and every year the family becomes more united and friendly, filling their family cup with wealth. Earthenware also reminds us that you cannot mend a broken cup. Therefore, it is worth taking care of relationships, appreciating and respecting each other!

There is an opinion that in the ninth year of marriage a family experiences critical period and fragile as earthenware. Another version of the origin of the name is that the family cup is now filled with prosperity.

Faience wedding traditions

Earlier on the ninth anniversary married life It was customary to break old dishes for good luck. Shards of old dishes were associated with quarrels and problems in the family, so they should have been immediately collected and taken out of the house.

Since this anniversary is also associated with chamomile, it is therefore best to celebrate it in nature (if it falls on warm time years) together with close friends, relatives and children. Serve festive table followed, of course, by beautiful earthenware.

Congratulations on your faience wedding

A faience wedding is an occasion to wish the spouses happiness, health and love. A lot of great congratulations with a faience wedding you will find here:

What to give for a faience wedding?

On this wedding anniversary It is customary to give any earthenware products:

  • services (cups, saucers, etc.);
  • decorative plates on a stand or ribbon;
  • figurines and souvenirs.

Moreover, you can put images on plates or mugs married couple, making the gift individual and unusual.

We've already lived together for 9 years. Say it's not anniversary date? Perhaps you'll be right. 9 years lived under one roof, as they say, is not a long time. And this is far from the “golden” fifty-year mark. But there is already something to be proud of. Therefore, this date is quite symbolic, and it should be celebrated in a solemn atmosphere among the people closest to you. What kind of wedding is 9 wedding years? Have you thought about this question? Today we will talk exactly about this.

"People's" name

Banal earthenware plates, which, of course, turn out to be necessary in the household, are not entirely good choice. But such souvenirs as decorative plates, which can be hung on the wall or installed on a special stand, will add coziness to the hearth and will be a reminder of the earthenware anniversary. A photograph of both spouses, applied to mugs, glasses or plates, will also preserve memories of this solemn date for a long time.

Folk rituals

People believe that breaking dishes brings happiness, so friends and relatives, when giving dishes, say that it is better to break these plates than happiness in relationships and your own life. family life. The answer to the question: “9 years - what kind of wedding?” - earthenware, so breaking dishes is a characteristic rite that opens the holiday feast. Both spouses simultaneously begin to break nine plates prepared in advance, holding their edges. Guests count out loud to nine. As soon as all the plates are broken, the spouses must kiss. And the guests count again, and the kisses end at the number nine.

Breaking plates is lucky

The fragments of nine plates cannot be removed; they remain there until the end wedding celebration in a certain place so as not to interfere. Everything that remains from the plates broken by the spouses needs to be collected and stored, and if the marriage begins to crack, then take out this relic and remember that you already changed yours once. old life. Loyalty and marital constancy have been tested over the years and have taken on a new quality. Previous grievances and misunderstandings are broken down along with the old dishes, and since the relationship of the spouses is considered more stable, such a marriage is “renewed”, just as the dishes were renewed.

Coins on the floor

Also, according to a long-standing tradition, there is a similar fun, like scattering small coins on the floor. If the spouse began to pick up the fragments, it means that she is neat and tidy, and if she started with money, then it means that she is an economical housewife. The pleasure of breaking dishes is worth it. Just don’t forget that on this day you only need to beat old dishes.

Only love and trust

9, it would seem, is not so significant, it is not even “anniversary”. And yet very important, because there is already a certain family history. Most of our life together is still ahead, but if you look back and evaluate the experience accumulated over 9 years, you can understand that the family union is already quite strong, family budget stable. And past grievances, misunderstandings, jealousy with each broken plate leave the heart and are thrown away. Having freed yourself from the accumulated “mental” trash, leave memories only of mutual love, warmth, trust and respect. Now you know the answer to the question: “9 wedding years - what kind of wedding is this?” Therefore, break the dishes, and let it bring you only happiness.

9 years of marriage is not a round date, but it is a significant date. After all, it precedes the first round anniversary of a young family. Like other anniversaries up to ten years, the ninth wedding anniversary has its own name and traditions. So if you want not to make a mistake in choosing a congratulation, you need to know what kind of wedding is being celebrated.

What is the name of the wedding

Traditionally, the nine-year “anniversary” of marriage is called the Faience or Chamomile wedding.

Our ancestors, who came up with such a name for this date, proceeded from the following facts:

  1. Earthenware is a rather fragile material. So the relationship between spouses on their ninth anniversary becomes quite fragile. This is a critical period in the life of a couple, which they must try to survive, protecting each other like fragile earthenware.
  2. Real faience is by no means a cheap material. It is believed that over the 9 years of marriage, the couple managed to make some savings and now live in abundance.
  3. Tea is often drunk from earthenware dishes. So, relationships in the ninth year of life are compared to strong tea.
  4. Chamomile symbolizes the sun and love. Likewise, by this time, love and light, warmth and understanding should be present in the lives of spouses. It is believed that by this time the love of the spouses blooms like a daisy.
  5. Chamomile is a symbol of family, family life, and in Rus' it is also a symbol of purity. No wonder it is a symbol of the holiday - Family Day, the holiday of Peter and Fevronia. Daisies have long been given to loved ones, wreaths were woven from them, the house was decorated with them, considered an important talisman family relations. So the ninth wedding anniversary is named after her, as a reminder of the beauty of this period of the couple’s relationship.

How to celebrate

Considering the symbols of the ninth anniversary of family life, it is best to celebrate a Faience or Chamomile wedding on fresh air. If the weather permits, you can go with your family and friends to a field (ideally a chamomile field!), to a forest or to a lawn outside the city.

Traditionally, the ninth wedding anniversary should be attended by family friends, relatives of the spouses, and, of course, their children.

Such a company will make the celebration especially pleasant and meaningful for the spouses.

Special traditions:

  1. ​Break old earthenware dishes. It would be better if it were 9 plates. It is believed that this ritual helps spouses get rid of grievances accumulated over 9 years and begin new stage life without cracks and chips.
  2. Fill a large earthenware bowl with various good things for good luck and prosperity. It is recommended to accompany such a ritual with the words: “May your home be a full cup, may your life be full of love and happiness!”
  3. Invite nine guests to the celebration. It is believed that this can attract good luck and bring happiness in the tenth year of marriage.
  4. Spouses should exchange chamomile wreaths. Beautiful, romantic and symbolic!

You can come up with your own traditions for celebrating this anniversary, for example:

  • place vases with nine daisies on the table;
  • cook nine different dishes and serve them in large beautiful earthenware plates;
  • light nine decorative candles;
  • inflate air balloons and hang them in bundles of nine.

And a wonderful memory of the celebration of the ninth anniversary of marriage will be a “chamomile” photo session of the spouses.

Gift for wife

There are many options good gifts for this holiday:

  1. Original designer bouquet of daisies.
  2. If the wife does not like daisies, they can be replaced with large chrysanthemums or bright gerberas.
  3. Jewelry from precious metals with floral decoration.
  4. Bag with daisy decor.
  5. A box depicting a symbol of celebration.
  6. Painting with chamomile still life.
  7. Portrait of a wife wearing a wreath of daisies or a daisy in her hair.
  8. Clothes with chamomile elements.
  9. And if the wife - creative person– give her a special modeling kit. With its help, you and your wife can make a plate or cup and paint it for her. This product will become a real family heirloom.

If you want to make a more original gift, give preference to products that combine:

  • faience,
  • crystal,
  • glass,
  • semiprecious stones.

And, of course, any woman will appreciate a congratulations on her wedding anniversary, accompanied by beautiful poems.

What to give your husband

For a husband, a gift for his 9th wedding anniversary could be:

  1. Original faience medal.
  2. Faience Cup "Best Husband".
  3. Large personalized faience mug.
  4. Set of earthenware for a picnic.
  5. Darling alcoholic drink husband, poured into an original earthenware bottle.
  6. Faience figurine symbolizing favorite hobby husband
  7. If your husband collects earthenware items, antique earthenware items would be a wonderful gift for him.


The best congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary will be the poems said at the festive table:

Happy faience wedding day
They came to congratulate you.
Wish it to be like in a fairy tale
Your souls bloomed!
May he live happily
The house is filled with laughter,
Heart beats in rhythm with heart,
And love lives in him!

IN faience anniversary weddings
You have brought together both relatives and friends.
You probably know the mysteries and secrets,
How to love more and more tenderly for nine years!
And only today we sincerely wish,
May your happiness last for a whole century.
Let it rain outside the window, let the snowstorms blow,
But a loved one will be nearby!

Nine years of marriage called " faience wedding" Why exactly this, because earthenware is a very fragile material? The explanation is simple. It is believed that on the nine-year anniversary of marriage there are certain critical moments that must be experienced, so a marriage can easily crack, like earthenware.

There is also an opinion that for 9 years of marriage, spouses live in abundance. Their family budget is already stable.

Chamomile is also a symbol of this anniversary. This is explained by the fact that chamomile is a symbol of love. Everyone knows fortune telling with chamomile. Hence another name for this anniversary - chamomile wedding. In this regard, it is better to celebrate your ninth birthday outdoors, unless of course the anniversary falls in a warm time. Friends, relatives, children and simply close people should be present at the anniversary. One of best gifts for the ninth anniversary of marriage - a bouquet of daisies. Earthenware and earthenware products are also suitable as gifts.

On the ninth anniversary of marriage, you need to break the old dishes for good luck and replace them with new ones.

Faience wedding,
You've been together for nine years
I wish you to live happily,
Not knowing grief, trouble.

Let love give wings
And gives you strength
Fortune for your couple
Let him wink dashingly.

I wish you happiness
And live in understanding,
Forgive, give support,
Treasure each other.

Yes, 9 years is not yet an anniversary,
But it is still a holiday.
And we congratulate you on it.

Let the years pass unnoticed,
Without darkening the path of life with anything.
And may your union be very strong,
And let your feelings burn like a thousand candles.

Dear ones, I congratulate you on your 9th anniversary - on your earthenware wedding. I wish your relationship to be as solid, durable and dense as the material called earthenware. Be happy and loved by each other, be successful and healthy. May your family become stronger every day, may understanding, prosperity, fidelity, luck and prosperity reign in your home.

You've been married for nine years
And this is a considerable period of time.
And even unnoticeably
That time has flown by.

You're still together
Still beautiful
And your glances shine
A happy smile.

Faience wedding -
Solemn date.
Live well
And may you be rich!

Nine years have passed, but it feels like yesterday
Relatives and friends shouted: “Bitter!”
So let it continue, just like then,
Love reigns supreme in your family only.

And may the joy that was in your hearts
From the thought that we are now together forever,
It won't decrease at all now,
And it will increase by two hundred percent!

You've been together for nine years now
Tell me your secret of happiness?
You are always loved by each other,
And stay the same.

The family is just a sight for sore eyes,
And you appreciate every moment.
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish the family to grow stronger.

Obedient and prosperous children,
Everything in life should go smoothly.
To live until the golden wedding,
And be a mountain for each other.

Nine years of marriage
It wasn't easy
But I had the courage
You've been together for a long time.

Wedding made of faience -
A strong family.
Evening decorations -
Your sons.

Good luck to you,
Many peaceful days.
Become even richer
Be wiser in marriage.

Let your wife have daisies,
My husband will give it again.
And break the cups -
Let love grow stronger!

Happy 9th family anniversary
I congratulate you, friends!
May all your days be bright.
Live joyfully, lovingly.

May God protect you from adversity,
Sorrows will disappear without a trace.
May you always be lucky in everything,
Always be happy!

Today is your wedding anniversary.
You have lived in harmony for nine years.
I don’t know what I would wish for you?
You have everything: love, peace and light...

A faience wedding is a joy
What fills life to us like a vessel.
And the world is like a table that gives sweetness to life,
Warmth, love, calmness, comfort!

May your home forever be a full cup,
Which life is not free to break.
May your wedding anniversary be
A vessel full of tart wine!

Today we want to congratulate you.
The solemn moment has arrived.
You are having a faience wedding,
You've been together for 9 years already!

All these years are golden
You are tightly intertwined.
And, despite all the bad weather,
You were able to save your family.

For you, love is not just a word.
The Lord gave you this feeling.
Blessed is your strong union,
Your spirit and flesh are one.

9 years ago they created a miracle,
You became one family then,
I won’t tire of congratulating you,
I wish you a year of happiness!

And also tolerance, prosperity,
Harmony, warmth, kindness to you,
So that everything is alright
So that you are always nearby!

Congratulations: 59 in verse, 18 in prose.