Why does a child cry after eating? The child cries and squirms after eating

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Not cry , Expensive , To I'll drink another .
Not cry , Not scream , d am you three .

Every mother worries and worries when her child cries. And there is no such mother who, at least once, would not cry with her baby.

Little children are crying! You can't argue with this fact. But here's how babies cry, when, how often, and most importantly, why - let's figure it out.

A child who is not bothered by anything behaves calmly. And we cry little man states his needs. This is the only way the baby can tell his mother that something is bothering him. This is an innate mechanism for communicating with the world.

Stay calm! Try to find the cause of the crying and eliminate it. It can be difficult to understand at first, and even more difficult in a state of one’s own anxiety and uncertainty. Children often cry in response to their mother's anxiety. It's important to follow nonverbal cues baby. Once you learn to recognize why your baby is crying, it will become much easier for you..


Many mothers consider hunger to be the most common reason for a baby crying after feeding. Indeed, this version should be considered one of the first. It is also the easiest to check.

If the baby gains weight well, and according to WHO standards, this is more than 500 grams per month during the first 3-4 months of life, or 125 grams per week, and the number of urinations per day is at least 12 times, then he has enough nutrition.

Assess the situation. If weight loss is not critical, you should not immediately introduce the mixture. Yes, many children, having received 100-120 ml of the mixture, calm down, stop crying and fall asleep for several hours. But not because they finally fell asleep full and satisfied. It’s simply because the baby’s stomach is filled with food that is difficult to digest, and the body spends all its energy on processing the mixture. It will digest it and may cry again, if the reason for the crying is not hunger.


If a child is cold, he cries, shrinks into a ball and requires the breast for heating - because during sucking, energy is expended and heat is released, which warms him.

It happens that the baby is warm at the chest, he has eaten and let go of the chest. Mommy puts him in his crib, and he immediately wakes up, worries about the loss of heat and cries. In this case, try feeding your baby swaddled so that his body retains heat longer. At the end of feeding, while continuing to hold the baby in your arms, cover him with a blanket or warm diaper and transfer him to the crib.

Watch the color of the skin; normally it is pale pink color.

Reds skin report that the child is hot. Breastfeeding itself makes the toddler sweat, and if he is wearing too many clothes, the room is hot - crying at the chest is inevitable. The baby is hot, and your body makes it even hotter, but at the same time, he wants to quench his thirst by sucking milk... Undress the poor thing immediately! And watch the temperature in the room, it should not exceed 20 degrees.


Many children face painful sensations in the tummy and hiccups after feeding due to enzymatic immaturity of the digestive system. Intestinal colic not to be confused with anything. After feeding, the baby screams, kicks his legs, presses them to his tummy, his face turns red, the crying becomes simply uncontrollable, it seems that he will never stop. Constant hiccups in newborns after feeding can also unsettle the balance, what should you do? Here you need to show maximum patience, calmness and ingenuity. Try everything until you find a way to stop the crying: tummy massage, warm swaddle on the tummy, swinging on a fitball, white noise, lullabies, different ways carrying the baby (tummy down on your arm bent at the elbow). Something will definitely bring relief to the baby.

When feeding by the hour, supplementing with water, incorrect application to the breast, the baby may be bothered, flatulence, heartburn, hiccups. In this case, contact a lactation consultant to effectively organize breastfeeding

But, unfortunately, it’s not just the baby’s tummy that can hurt.

At otitis - the baby reaches for the breast, maybe even sucks, but lets go, cries, and looks for the breast again.

At candidiasis of the oral mucosa The baby cries at the beginning of feeding, then still latches on and sucks, and cries again at the end of feeding. As a rule, a whitish coating can be seen on the oral mucosa and tongue.

If you suspect otitis and candidiasis, consult a doctor.


If you have ruled out the above reasons for crying, but the baby continues to cry, perhaps something is causing discomfort:

  • diaper rash
  • seam on clothes
  • uncomfortable position when feeding
  • wet/dirty diaper
  • bright light
  • the baby is overtired

Eliminating these causes is not difficult: wash the baby, change the diaper, straighten the seams on the clothes and the folds in the diaper, dim the lights, reduce unnecessary sounds, rock them, and attach them correctly to the chest.

Loneliness and lack of physical contact with mom

Above, we indicated that the need to satisfy hunger is one of the first reasons for a baby’s crying. However, the need for physical contact with mother in the first months of life often becomes the real reason crying toddler.

The baby does not yet recognize himself as separate from his mother. In his mind, his mother is a part of himself. Yes, I satisfied the sucking reflex and got full, but for some reason I lost part of myself...

And the poor baby cries, not understanding where the dear and necessary part is, and when it will unite with him again (read, take him in his arms).

At this time, “well-wishers” tell the mother: “You’re crying, you haven’t eaten enough, you don’t have enough milk, you need to give formula.” AND breast-feeding fades away. And most importantly, the child, having not received the right actions from his mother, over time simply stops turning to her (read, stops crying). The saddest scenario...

Be a confident mother, listen to your child and respond correctly to crying.

Statistics say that children who are carried in a sling cry less.

And psychology and the history of mankind proves that a child under one year old does not manipulate his crying, but shouts about his needs. It is impossible to spoil him by satisfying them.

Important! If:

  1. all measures taken to calm the baby’s crying do not help
  2. The baby shows signs of illness on his face
  3. the baby cries for more than 3 hours without a break and refuses to breastfeed

You need to seek help from a doctor.

What were the reasons for your child’s crying? How quickly did you learn to identify them?

Newborn babies immediately after their appearance in this world make their first cry. If a child screams, this means that all physiological processes are occurring correctly. Babies often cry in order to attract the attention of adults, there are different types crying, which actually depend on the cause itself, that is, the problem that the baby’s parents must solve.

This is a normal process, since the child infancy does not know how to talk, and with a close relationship between mother and baby, the mother will always understand what is happening with the baby, what he is asking for. If a baby cries after feeding, it is important to determine the type of crying and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

Types of crying

Of course, crying can be due to anything, but experts, depending on the cause, distinguish these types:

  • Hungry cry;
  • When a child is in pain;
  • A feeling of discomfort - this happens if the child lies uncomfortably or has wet diapers, his leg itches, the diaper is worn awkwardly, and other reasons;
  • The baby is scared or afraid of something;
  • Whims are when a child wants to be carried or given attention.

How to understand what the reason is?

They say that you can recognize why a baby is crying by sound, over time. caring mothers acquire this ability. It is also important to know when a baby cries and what precedes the crying. If a baby cries when he is bothered by hunger, then most likely he will not calm down and the mother can understand this by time. If feeding is timed, then it is normal for the baby to cry 3 to 4 hours after feeding. It's not even crying, but a call, he calls his mother to feed him. As a rule, newborn babies and infants up to 2-3 months behave very calmly and it is not difficult to understand what caused their dissatisfaction.

How does a child behave when crying?

It is very important to monitor your baby's behavior when he is crying. This can help people close to him understand his signals. So, for example, if the baby cries after feeding, you should monitor what he is doing. He can:

  • Press your legs to your tummy;
  • It twists, turns over;
  • The crying may become stronger or quieter;
  • You can tell by the baby’s facial expressions that something is hurting him – he frowns every now and then and gets offended.

All these signals may indicate that the baby has a tummy ache. The reason is very simple - gases in the ventricle, which cause “colic”. Every young mother is familiar with this problem, but not everyone faces it all the time. This often happens because When your baby eats, he may swallow air. The reason for this may be the mother’s ignorance or inability to feed the child so that he does not smack. Almost every infant cried after feeding for this reason.

What should parents do if they want to help their baby?

If young parents know how to eliminate this pathology, then very quickly they will begin to do everything to help. To do this, you can and should purchase a special anti-colic remedy for newborns at the pharmacy. You can note the most famous “Espumizan” or “Colikid”. These medications are safe for the baby and instantly eliminate the cause of colic. It is worth noting that these are not the only means; you can find less “advertised” ones that are not inferior in quality, and at a much lower price.

The behavior of parents also requires some adjustment; there are some special actions that can help the baby, save him from painful sensations. What to do?

  1. Don’t rush to put your baby in the crib immediately after feeding; it’s better to walk around with him for a few minutes without pressing on his tummy.
  2. You can stroke the diaper so that it is warm and place the baby's tummy on it, or you can lean the baby's tummy against your body. The child will feel warm and it will be much easier for him to endure this pain.
  3. Give your baby a tummy massage - counterclockwise in the navel area with light massage strokes.
  4. More radical measure can be called an enema with chamomile, it is recommended to do this not very often, only when nothing can calm the baby.

A young mother should also understand that reason for crying infant may become overeating. This often happens in infants who are on mixed feeding or completely on artificial feeding. The mother does not know the size of the baby. But the child did not understand that he had already eaten.

Preventive actions

Parents who feel the baby and take care of him constantly can alleviate such conditions for him. Main preventive measure- This correct application baby to breast. The baby must latch onto the breast well so that air does not enter the tummy with milk during feeding.

Make sure that the baby eats his norm; for each certain age there is an approximate norm of how much a child should eat. Also, the mother must adhere to a certain diet during lactation, since the introduction of new foods, especially legumes or cabbage, can cause increased gas formation at the baby.

All mothers quite often encounter baby crying. Some children show in this way that something is bothering them, others try to attract their mother’s attention, because do not forget that in the first year of life, crying is the only way communication that is accessible to children. Often a baby cries after feeding and the reason for this can be various factors.


The most common reason why a child screams after eating is colic. Colic, or the accumulation of gas in the baby's tummy, most often occurs in the first three months of life. Why is this happening? This phenomenon observed for the reason that the child’s digestive system has not yet fully formed. To ease the baby's suffering, you can hold him upright after feeding. In this position, the baby gets the opportunity to burp excess air that entered the gastrointestinal tract along with the milk. Recognizing colic is extremely simple. If the baby is bothered by the accumulation of gases, then the following phenomena will be observed:

  • a high-pitched scream bordering on a shriek;
  • hands clenched into fists;
  • the baby's attempts to knock his legs;
  • frowning forehead and closed eyes;
  • attempts to arch the body;
  • tension throughout the body;
  • short breath holdings.

It is important to take the baby to the breast. To ensure that the baby does not suffer from colic and that he does not capture excess air along with food, he must correctly grasp the breast or pacifier when feeding with formula. Incorrect latching of the breast or nipple may be a consequence of the mother's inexperience or too much high activity a child who, out of hunger, greedily and quickly tries to get enough. IN in this case you can ask for advice pediatrician or a lactation consultant who will tell you exactly how to breastfeed. When artificial feeding You can buy a special anti-colic pacifier, which will prevent excess air from entering the stomach.

Svetlana, 31 years old: My daughter began to cry often after feeding at the age of 3 months. For a long time we could not understand the reason, it turned out to be colic. What helped us was the advice of carrying the baby in your arms “tummy to tummy”, so that mom or dad’s belly would warm the baby’s belly. After some time of wearing this, my daughter’s colic went away and she fell asleep.

Other causes can also lead to colic. Eg, poor nutrition mother. It is known that mothers who like to eat sweets before feeding are more likely to complain about the child’s anxiety. Why can't you eat sweets? You must understand that sweets only enhance all fermentation processes, so eating a piece of cake before breastfeeding will almost certainly lead to colic in the baby.

Baby crying after feeding can also be caused by the fact that there were many distracting moments during the feeding process. If there was loud music somewhere nearby, a TV or other Appliances, children rustled and played, the baby could be constantly distracted, constantly spitting out the breast and grabbing it again. In this case, the risk of incorrect grip is much greater. In addition, being distracted, the child could simply not get enough or, on the contrary, overeat.


The baby cries after feeding not only because of colic. Another reason for a baby to cry after feeding can be hunger. Why? This can happen because there is not enough milk in the mother's breast. In this case, it is advisable to give a second breast or recalculate the feeding rate with formula.

Binge eating

However, you should not overfeed your baby, as overeating is another reason why infant screams after every meal. Many doctors assure that the child will eat exactly as much as he needs. However, this statement can be properly attributed to those children who are at natural feeding. If the baby uses the mixture, then it is better to calculate the amount he needs with the help of a doctor.


Baby crying after eating may indicate some internal diseases child. These include candidiasis or otitis media. As a rule, in this case, the child will begin to show anxiety during feeding. In this case, you cannot do without the help of your doctor.

Here are the main reasons why babies may cry after eating. However, it should be understood that all children are unique, therefore, you can only determine “your” reason with the help of a caring attitude and close observation. In certain cases, if in doubt, it is better to seek help from a children's clinic.

The long-awaited meeting between mother and baby took place, everything seemed to go as it should. But why is the baby crying? It’s not always clear to a new mother. Only after some time will the mother be able to understand her baby by intonation, duration of crying and other criteria. Already in the second week, you can notice that in each situation the newborn cries differently.

Very important Reasons for crying a lot
miracle hiccups
Newborn Baby suffers from hiccups

There are many reasons for crying. Here are just the most basic of them, which do not relate to problems with the baby’s health:

  • hungry;
  • wet diapers, diaper, clothes;
  • inconveniently positioned, clothes or seams are tight;
  • cold or hot;
  • there are diaper rashes on the skin;
  • tired, wants to sleep;
  • wants to chat;
  • scary when peeing or pooping - an incomprehensible process;
  • they put him to bed, but he doesn’t want to sleep;
  • just to attract attention.

It is very important to determine the cause of crying

The following table will clearly show why a newborn baby cries and how a mother or nanny can help him. Here are the most common causes and their main symptoms.

Reason for cryingSymptomsHelp
Baby is hungrySuch crying is accompanied by a prolonged cry, and the child may blush and usually pulls his hands towards his mother.Feed, caress
Wet diaper or diaperThe baby whines, now stronger, now weaker, the whimpering is continuous. Hiccups may occurChange the diaper, change into dry clothes, warm your arms
Uncomfortable positionSuch crying begins with a whimper, then the child begins to scream, wave his arms and legs, trying to shift into a more comfortable position.If the baby is in a swaddle, re-swaddle. First you can try to simply change his position
The baby is hotThe child whines, the skin may turn slightly red, and a rash may appear. The baby is trying to free himself from diapers or clothesRemove one layer of clothing, remove the cap, hot weather wipe with a wet diaper
The child is coldIn this case, the newborn cries piercingly with gradual calming, and hiccups may appear at the end. Another sign is that the skin of the abdomen, chest or back is cool.Dress warmly, cover with a blanket
The newborn cries a lot during feeding (otitis media, inflammation of the oral mucosa, stuffy nose)He swallows the nipple greedily, immediately begins to cry sharply, throws his head backFor all three reasons, a doctor is called. And nasal congestion is removed with the help of a “pear”, then you can continue feeding.
Newborn cries a lot after feedingBends his legs to his tummy, frowns, frowns, and screams pitifullyFirst, you need to check whether the baby is attached to the breast correctly. Does it cover the entire nipple areola or just the nipple? When he eats, no loud smacking should be heard. Secondly, after each feeding you need to carry it in a column for 15-20 minutes.
Newborn crying from intestinal colicAccompanied by a very high-pitched scream with intervals of 5-20 minutes.The baby's tummy needs to be warmed by holding it to your stomach or placing it on a heating pad. You can fold it several times, iron the baby diaper and also apply it to the baby’s tummy. After feeding, the baby is given dill water or special children's medications to drink, which can be bought at the pharmacy.
Diaper rash on the skinRedness, sores, peeling in groin area or on the buttHandle by special means(oil, powder, cream). Change diapers or diapers more often
Newborn cries before going to peeHe calms down a little, as if listening, and immediately begins to cry.Call a doctor
When to poopThe process of defecation is accompanied by severe redness of the face along with loud cryingGive water during the day if the baby is mixed or bottle-fed
You can help cope with constipation by irritating the child's anus with the sharp tip of a thermometer, lubricated sunflower oil. You can enter a maximum of 1 cm!
Baby is just tiredIt sounds less like crying and more like whimpering.Rock, put to sleep
Teeth cuttingMy mouth is watering. Bites fingers, refuses to breastfeed, loss of appetite, disturbed sleepGently massage your gums, let them chew a cold teether, and lubricate them with special ointments for gums.
Wants to chatThen the newborn does not cry constantly, but as soon as the mother disappears from sight, he immediately calms down when she appearsTake me in my arms and sing a song
Doesn't want to sleepCranky, gets out of the diaperUnwaddle and let him walk for a while
Easily excitable nervous systemCrying for no reasonRemove loud sounds, bright objects, and walk outside more often. Contact a neurologist

Suffering from colic?

Colic is one of the main causes baby crying. There is still no definite opinion why they occur in a child. What is it: gas formation in digestive system or the baby simply cannot control his emotions, maybe he is overly sensitive to everything around him.

The main sign of colic is that the newborn strains and immediately cries. The crying continues continuously, very for a long time without visible reasons. This anxiety begins mainly in the afternoon, it lasts until the evening, but it may well be around the clock. Therefore, speaking about why a newborn baby constantly cries, we can safely assume that the reason is intestinal colic.

By external signs you can notice that:

  • the baby presses his knees to his tummy;
  • his fists clench at the same time;
  • he begins to become very active.

The child's eating and sleep patterns are disrupted; we are no longer talking about how to calm a awake baby; the newborn is already crying in his sleep. Sometimes he wakes up and looks for the breast only to give it up crying as soon as he starts eating. And having fallen asleep, he wakes up with even louder screams.

This painful period begins when the newborn’s crying occurs with or without cause at approximately 2-3 weeks of life and lasts up to 2-3 months. By the end of this period, crying gradually disappears, everything miraculously calms down, a calm life begins.

When to see a doctor?

Very often on women's forums, mothers are interested in why their newborn baby cries while urinating. Of course, there may not be a problem - often crying during this process is due to the child’s fear of everything new and unknown. But the reason could be much more serious:

  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • incorrect position of the foreskin.

The baby's reasons can be completely different.

In one situation or another, you need to see a doctor, who will probably send you for urine and blood tests, and only then will he make a diagnosis.

You should also see a doctor if your newborn strains and then screams. Perhaps he suffers from constipation and gas formation, and the doctor will help him choose a diet for his mother, or baby food for a child. You definitely need to pay attention to the baby’s stool and compare it with the food he eats.

Symptoms of gas formation along with loose or sour stools that last several days are a serious reason to consult a pediatrician.

Why can't it be ignored?

There are so many child psychologists in the world, so many opinions about causeless crying in children and methods of dealing with it. The best thing to do would be to figure out why a newborn is restless while playing or sleeping, while eating or walking.

Our grandmothers were advised not to approach crying child for 20 minutes so he could cry. Today's pediatricians are convinced that when a child cries, a stress hormone is produced, which has a detrimental effect on his brain. Scientists in the field tested saliva crying baby and found in it a large number of the hormone cortisol, which is very dangerous for the baby’s fragile brain. Nature thought of crying as natural way the child to attract attention at that period of his life when he still does not know how to speak.

Screams a lot after feeding

If the world the child is so cruel that no one pays attention to the crying, then take advantage of this in a natural way The baby will soon stop completely. In the near future, the parents of such a baby will not think about how to calm their newborn when he cries, but about how to rid him of fears, because they will haunt the baby from everywhere.

This does not mean that you need to rush to the baby at every sob, but be more attentive to your child, explain even to the smallest how the world works, that the mother physically cannot be always nearby. Perhaps the child will not understand the meaning of the words, but judging by the emotional tone of the conversation, he will understand that everything is fine, his mother will return to him again, you just need to wait a little.

Many mothers face a serious problem - after feeding with formula, the baby begins to cry.

A baby's crying is always a cry for help, and in order to provide it, it is important to understand the reasons for the baby's behavior.

Possible reasons why a newborn cries after formula feeding

All reasons for children crying after feeding can be divided into three groups:

  • Physical discomfort, such as dirty diapers, bright lighting, overheating or hypothermia.
  • Physiological discomfort, this group includes colic, otitis media, thrush and others.
  • Psychological discomfort is a lack of mother’s attention, the need for closer contact with her.

Let's look at all the reasons in more detail

1. The most common reason for crying in children after feeding in the first months is colic, namely the accumulation of gases. In addition to screaming, the baby begins to tighten his legs and close his eyes.

Colic occurs in most children between 0 and 3 months of age. Parents will have to be patient, as there is no universal cure for them. The doctor may prescribe medications; it is also recommended to massage and apply a warm diaper to the tummy.

2. It is important to pay attention to exactly how the baby eats. If he gasps for air Most likely, after eating he will also cry, because then an air bubble will form in the stomach and cause serious discomfort to the baby.

3. One more common reason- this is too much appetite, that is, the baby swallows a lot of milk, which causes a gag reflex. The child gets scared and starts crying. In such a situation, you need to calm the baby down and only then continue feeding.

4. When feeding with formula, there are often cases when mothers overfeed their children. When overeating, stomach pain occurs, and the baby tries to communicate it to his parents by crying. Of course, all children are different, but in general, the recommendations for the amount of formula for babies of the same age are the same. Check with your pediatrician to determine if your child is overeating.

5. The reason to see a doctor is when the baby is crying and trying to scratch or touch his ear. Most likely, eating food provokes an exacerbation of pain in a child due to otitis media - inflammation of the ear. In such a situation, you cannot do without the help of an otolaryngologist.

6. If you notice something in your baby's mouth white coating, this is thrush. After eating it worsens and causes the child discomfort. A doctor will help you get rid of it, but in the meantime you can spoon feed your baby.

In the case of infant formula, it is especially worth highlighting the reason such as improper holding of the bottle. It should be at an angle to the baby so that the nipple is completely filled with the mixture and the baby does not swallow air.

At big hole replace it in the nipple with another one with a smaller hole so that the baby does not choke.

TO serious reasons to contact a specialist include following reasons crying:

Unfortunately, it will be difficult for parents to recognize these diseases without the help of a doctor, so don’t be lazy necessary tests at the clinic and consult with specialized specialists.

  • Before and after feeding, place the baby on his stomach for a few minutes, and after feeding, hold him in a column with his stomach facing you so that he burps up excess air.
  • Check with your doctor to see if the formula can be changed. Often this helps solve the problem.
  • Use high-quality mixtures with no expired suitability, as well as bottles and nipples from trusted manufacturers.

Remember that all difficulties are temporary, and an attentive attitude towards your baby will definitely help to overcome them.