Interesting anatomy: Internal organs. Interesting facts about human anatomy

Scientists - anthropologists, psychologists and others - have accumulated a huge number of amazing discoveries. American anthropologist Dr. Stephen Juan, who teaches anthropology and social disciplines at the University of Sydney, has published a series of books, “Entertaining Anatomy,” where he talks about scientific facts, funny and useful, opened not so long ago.

1. Fatal seducers and dictators are born with teeth

Babies are usually born without teeth. This is how nature ordered it - so that the mother does not reject the baby when breastfeeding. But here's a fact: approximately one in two thousand babies are born with one erupted tooth. And then feeding him turns into sheer agony for the mother. She automatically tries to feed him less often, less often, and generally weans him earlier. The baby just has to fight to eat.

From infancy, he develops a complex of not being accepted into the world. And then in mature age he tries to conquer him. Anthropologists have found that most of the world's dictatorial leaders were born with an erupted tooth. Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler...

Pain from breastfeeding did not allow mothers to give these babies enough love. Therefore, such babies not only strive to conquer everyone and everything, but are also very jealous. They are afraid of losing love, and therefore they also grow up to be Don Juans of both sexes who want to be loved more people. So they don’t necessarily go into politics. They can become actors or simply “rustle” other people’s hearts in everyday life.

Salami creates a feeling of love, and alcohol in small doses stimulates creativity

In creative environments, alcohol consumption is very common. And why all? It turns out that it stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination, visual images and non-standard creative moves. And on initial stage consumption promotes creative discoveries.

And the left hemisphere, responsible for logic and memory, associated with responsibility and accuracy of details, plunges into numbness. Therefore, an excess of alcohol creates a special type of creativity - absolutely meaningless. Some scientists say that people who are left-brain dominant may even benefit from relaxing with a drink or two every once in a while and engaging their right hemisphere.

It is also beneficial to eat salami, which contains three times more phenylethylamine than chocolate. This is a mood-lifting substance, and with the participation of brain cells that are designed to work when falling in love.

A tight tie affects your vision

Our eyes work more than any other organ. To understand the load they bear, imagine that you have to walk 80 kilometers in a day. Yes, your legs will fall off from such an impossible task! But the eyes are okay, they don’t fall off. Meanwhile, the acuity of our vision depends on a bunch of factors.

For example, a tight tie can affect your vision. American scientists, in the course of many years of research, found that in 67% of men, vision impairment is associated precisely with a tightly tightened collar. Because this restricts blood flow to the eyes, it also affects blood pressure, which in turn also affects visual acuity.

Scientists also advise breathing deeply and evenly through your nose. This allows us to get more oxygen, which our eyes need so much. It has been proven that those who breathe correctly (through the nose and deeply) and do not smoke have better vision and last longer.

If you laugh often, you don't have to go to the doctor

We start laughing at 12 weeks. Laughter is highest form defensive reaction. Freud believed that laughter helps us cope with lustful thoughts. And Charles Darwin generally emphasized laughter important role in evolutionary development. They say it relieves stress and helps restore mental stability. Without laughter, we would all go crazy long ago and would not have made any progress.

Dr. Norman Cousins ​​discovered that laughter helps restore health. And that is why, for example, in America, laughter therapy rooms and fun chambers are opened in hospitals. How does this happen? From a biochemical point of view, laughter suppresses the formation of cortisol, which negatively affects immune system.

Laughter increases metabolism, stimulates muscle tissue and releases a lot of positive hormones into the blood. Laughter prevents depression, heart disease and increases the pain threshold. And, of course, it generally strengthens the immune system. There is even a saying that if you laugh every day, you won’t need a doctor.

One recent study showed that laughter significantly increases the concentration of salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). These are antibodies associated with resistance to upper respiratory diseases. respiratory tract. In general, perhaps one day the time will come when they will start sending for a clown instead of a doctor.

You will sleep in two phases, your life will become more harmonious

Does it ever happen that you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep for an hour or two? You toss and turn and think that it’s insomnia, and you even fight it. But in fact, it is normal for the human body to take a break in the middle of the night to stay awake. Anthropologist Carol Wortman of Emory University discovered that you need to sleep in two or even three phases.

Accepted in modern world The idea that you need to sleep continuously all night is wrong. For example, in cultures far from civilization, they still go to bed at sunset, then wake up around midnight and chat for an hour or two about everything, even dance, make love, laugh by the fire, meditate, pray and go back to sleep .

But electric light has thrown off our biological schedules. But in the Middle Ages, special brochures were even published for the nobility, which told them what to do during the night break to stay awake. European doctors of those times, for example, recommended sleeping on the right side during the first sleep, and on the left during the second sleep. This, in their opinion, improved digestion. Animals, by the way, sleep in several stages.

Thomas Wehr, a psychiatrist from the USA, conducted an experiment. He put the subjects in natural conditions, without electricity, and began to monitor their schedule. At first they slept continuously for 11 hours, and then their sleep also fell into two phases. They fell asleep for four hours, then woke up, stayed awake for two hours and fell asleep again for four hours.

After the experiment, the volunteers began to feel more harmonious, calmer, and their Creative skills and fantasy. However, maybe this also happened because they lived in natural conditions and in complete safety with everything ready. I think any of us would experience complete harmony in our souls in such a situation.

What else have scientists discovered?

You are healthy if you are able to understand another person

Psychiatrists and psychologists have invented many ways to find out whether a person is healthy. Criteria mental health weight. But all tests have some drawbacks. And the main one is that you need to know the theory well in order to apply this or that more or less serious test in life. And any testing takes time. (Some last all day.)

So, scientists have come up with one simple criterion for a mentally healthy person. It sounds both simple and complex at the same time: if you can accurately understand another person's point of view, you are healthy.

Talents are revealed in the fifth decade

By the way, scientists also believe that the blossoming of a person’s intellectual life, as well as his psychological abilities, are fully capable of revealing themselves at the beginning of their fifties. At forty, the most interesting things in life are just beginning. Both men and women.

You can die from lack of sleep and fame

physiologically healthy man may die from lack of sleep. You just need to stay awake for four days. Death from lack of sleep is preceded by complete disorientation and madness. But, by the way, the fear of death is far from the worst. Only 31% of people are mortally afraid of death. And as many as 45% are scared to death of speaking in public. This is the so-called halophobia. So for almost half of the world's population, five minutes of fame can at least become the cause of severe neurosis.

Those wounded in the heart do not always die

And more interesting facts about death. There is a common belief that if you stab a person in the heart, he will die. But that's not true. Doctors testify that most people wounded in the heart survive.

Short people also live longer. Scientists do not yet know how to explain this.

And so, more than 10 hours of work are behind us, and I am glad to present you with the most complete article, consisting of 73 the most interesting facts about YOUR body! You need to psychologically prepare yourself a little for it, since you will have to read almost 4.5 thousand words, but if you master it, you will learn everything about yourself The most interesting . So to speak, a selection best of the best. Enjoy reading!

The human body is an incredibly complex and confusing system that still baffles doctors and scientists on a regular basis, despite thousands of years of medical knowledge. As a result, it should come as no surprise that even the parts of the body and functions that we deal with every day are fraught with mystery. strange and unexpected facts And explanations. Here are the 100 weirdest and most interesting facts about the human body.

56. The average ashes from a person's cremation weigh about 9 pounds.

Much of what gives weight to the human body is water, which is trapped in our cells. After cremation, most of our tissues are destroyed and the water evaporates.

57. Nails and hair do not continue to grow after death.

They become larger after death, but this happens only due to the fact that the skin dehydrates and shrinks, causing the feeling that nail plates and hair grows.

58. By the time they reach their 60th birthday, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.

You should not find fault with your grandmother with claims that she has become worse at cooking. Older people tend to lose the ability to taste, and make dishes with much more intense flavors because it seems normal to them. That's why we only in youth, are able to appreciate the real taste.

59. Your eyes are always the same size from birth to death, and your nose and ears never stop growing.

When a baby looks at you with its big eyes, it is worth understanding that they will be the same size throughout his life. Their ears and nose, however, will continue to grow.

60. By age 60, 60% of men and 40% of women snore.

Normal snoring, on average, is about 60 decibels, this is the noise level of normal speech, intense snoring can reach more than 80 decibels, and this is a sound similar to what causes jackhammer destroying concrete.

61. A child's head is one-fourth of its total length, but at the age of 25 it will be only one-eighth.

It turns out that a child will not change the size of his head as dramatically as the rest of his body. The legs and torso will lengthen, but the head will take much longer.

Most of us get injured and get sick at some point in our lives. Here are some interesting facts about how human body reacts to stress and danger in the outside world.

62. Monday is the day of the week when the risk of a heart attack is greatest.

Another reason to hate Mondays! A ten-year study in Scotland found that 20% more people die from heart attacks on Mondays than on any other day of the week. Researchers suggest that this is caused by a combination of excess pleasure from the past weekend, as well as the stress of having to return to work, leading to a serious increase in risk.

63. A person can go without food longer than without sleep.

Provided there is water, the average person can live up to two months without food, depending on the amount of body fat and other factors. But if a person is deprived of sleep, then he begins to experience radical psychological changes personalities after just a few sleepless days. The longest (recorded) time spent by a person without sleep is 11 days, after which the experimenter did not sleep, but also could not speak clearly, experienced hallucinations and often forgot what he was doing.

64. Simple tanning causes moderate damage to blood vessels.

Studies have shown that it takes four to fifteen months for the vessels to return to their original state. normal condition. Please note that next time if you feel too lazy to apply sunscreen, remember this fact before heading outside.

65. More than 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress.

High levels of stress (for example, at work) can increase the chances of having a baby. serious illnesses like depression, high blood pressure and heart disease.

66. The human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it has been separated from the body.

As cruel as it may sound, after "decapitation" there may be enough blood in the head to keep someone alive and conscious for several seconds after the head has been separated from the body. Perhaps the Kats guessed this, since they lifted the severed head by the hair and let it look at their body and the crowd that had gathered to watch the execution.

Interesting facts about muscles and bones

Muscles and bones are known to provide the framework for our body and allow us to jump, run, or simply lie on the couch. Here are some interesting facts to give you something to think about the next time you're bored.

67. 17 muscles are used to smile, and 43 to frown.

If you're trying to give your face a little workout, smile, it's the easiest option for most of us.

68. Babies are born with 300 bones, but adult life this number is reduced to 206.

The reason for this is that many of the bones of children are made up of smaller bone components that are not yet fused as in the skull. This is necessary to make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Bones harden and join together over time as children grow.

69. We are about 1 cm taller in the morning compared to the evening.

The cartilage between our bones shrinks when we stand, sit, or do other daily activities throughout the day, causing us to become slightly shorter by the end of the day.

70. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

You should think about this fact when you eat, swallow or speak, constantly using your tongue, which provides the above functions, so that it gets quite a lot of exercise during the day.

71. Jawbone one of the strongest bones in the body.

Incredibly, the jawbone is the most difficult bone to break.

72. You use 200 muscles to take one step.

To take just one step you use somewhere in the region of 200 muscles. This big job, for your muscles considering what most of us do around 10,000 steps per day.

73. Teeth cannot repair themselves.

The outer layer of tooth enamel is not, in fact, living tissue. And since it is not alive, it cannot repair itself, so the dentist has to do this work. Although, I recently read about the invention of a drug that makes teeth recover, but this moment there is not enough material for an article, when something becomes clearer around this invention, I will write an article about it, so stay tuned for updates, and to make sure you don’t miss anything, subscribe to new articles on e-mail(You will receive notifications about new articles), or better yet, join the VKontakte group, and on the widget located in the block on the right, click “Subscribe via SMS” and then you will receive free SMS with the topic of the new article after its publication.

On this, article about the strangest and most interesting facts about the human body, ends, it took me a whole day to create it, some of the facts were previously published (in condensed form, they are justified here), but I decided that it would be better if I collected everything The most interesting In one place. All information was taken from open sources, the article used amazing photographs by Koen Hauser. I hope you found my work interesting to read, the comments will make me very happy!

There are medical facts that we have known about for quite some time. This is interesting, but there are also those whose veracity is very difficult to believe. Studying medicine can be not only interesting, but sometimes also fun. In general, man is an amazing creature!

We offer you a selection of medical facts that will once again prove how unique the human body is and how much we still don’t know about ourselves.

Facts about everything

  1. Just like your fingerprints, it is unique.
  2. The tongue is the strongest muscle in our body.
  3. If you collect the ones living in the intestines, you can fill a coffee cup.
  4. Funeral service bureau employees report that corpses are no longer decomposing as quickly as before. The reason is because in the food they eat modern people, there are too many preservatives, and it is they that protect the bodies of the dead from rapid decomposition.
  5. Facial hair grows much faster than other parts of the body, which explains why men develop stubble within 5 hours.
  6. This is interesting- the acid contained in the stomach and helps digest food is so strong that even a razor blade can dissolve in it!
  7. The inner lining of the stomach is renewed every 3-4 days. If this did not happen, the stomach would digest itself. Those who have ever had a stomach ulcer know how painful it is.
  8. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's because there is less room for blood to pump.
  9. Left lung less right. This creates a space in which the heart is placed.
  10. The structure of the lungs includes more than 300 thousand capillaries. If you make a chain of them, its length will exceed 2400 km.
  11. Over the course of a lifetime, the body produces so much saliva that it can fill 2 swimming pools.
  12. Women smell better than men.
  13. Each person has their own unique smell. The exception to the rule is identical twins.
  14. People who laugh more often have more good health. This is greatest at age 6 as they laugh about 300 times a day. By comparison, adults laugh only 15-100 times a day.
  15. When a person speaks, 72 muscles of the body work.
  16. To take a step, you need to use 200 muscles. Every muscle in the body is necessary to maintain coordination of movements.
  17. There are a total of 206 bones in the human skeleton. 25% of them are located in the legs (26 bones each).
  18. Human bones are as strong as granite. This is interesting- a block of bone tissue the size of Matchbox can withstand a load of 9 tons, which is 4 times more than concrete can withstand.
  19. Human bones can self-destruct.
  20. Our feet sweat so much that you can collect a whole mug of sweat in a day. The reason is that there are about 250 thousand on the legs sweat glands. Now do you understand why socks smell so bad at the end of the day?
  21. Teeth begin to grow even before the baby is born. They just take a very long time to appear on the surface.
  22. No matter how much you want, you won't be able to tickle yourself.
  23. Right-handers live longer than left-handers.
  24. Earwax is essential for ear health.
  25. It takes 6 months for a finger or toe to grow from base to tip.
  26. Most large organ- This . In adults, its area is about 1.9 square meters. m. The skin is constantly renewed. Over the course of a lifetime, a person sheds approximately 18 kg of skin.
  27. During sleep, your height increases by about 8 mm. However, when you wake up, the growth returns to its previous level. This happens because the cartilage contracts under the influence of gravity when you stand or sit.
  28. Each kidney has up to 1 million filters. The kidneys filter 1.3 liters of blood per minute and excrete up to 1.4 liters of urine per day.
  29. In 30 minutes, the human body generates as much heat as it would take to boil approximately 2 liters of water.

Let us remember that it is the brain that makes a person human. If the brain stops working, a person turns into a “vegetable”. Here are some interesting facts about this amazing organ.

The human body is a complex and intricate system that has been studied by the best minds for several millennia. And this is an extremely interesting fact, because, despite this, our body is capable of surprising even doctors, not to mention people without deep anatomical knowledge.


Impulses from receptors to the brain arrive at an amazing speed of 275 kilometers per hour.

To function, our brain needs energy comparable to the energy of an ordinary light bulb.

The electronic equivalent of the human brain's memory capacity can reach thousands of terabytes.

About 20% of the air from the bloodstream goes to brain function.

The brain is more active at night when we sleep than during the day when we are awake.

The higher the intelligence, the more dreams you see.

Neurons and brain tissue are capable of regeneration throughout our lives.

Different types of neurons transmit information at different rates.

The brain is unable to feel pain; it lacks pain receptors.

Four-fifths of brain tissue is fluid.

Nails and hair

Women's hair is on average two times thinner than men's; in addition, the thickness and coarseness of hair depends on race.

The beard and mustache grow faster than all other hair.

The average hair can support the weight of a hundred gram chocolate bar.

Toenails grow 4 times slower than fingernails.

Every day a person loses from fifty to a hundred hairs.

For blondes greatest number hair, but they are thinner.

The nail on the middle finger grows the fastest, probably because it is the longest finger.

There is a lot of hair on the human body, as much as our closest primate relatives, but not all of it is so clearly visible.

One hair can remain in place for an average of three to seven years.

Human hair decomposes so slowly that it is virtually indestructible.

Before baldness becomes noticeable to others, a person loses more than 50% of his hair.

Internal organs

The heartbeat generates enough pressure to force blood to flow over a distance of 9 meters.

The small intestine is the most voluminous internal organ in the human body.

The surface area of ​​one human lung is approximately one-fifth of a football field.

Stomach acid can dissolve thin blades.

The total length of the human circulatory system is 96,500 kilometers. For comparison: the circumference of the Earth is only 40,000 kilometers.

The gastric mucosa is renewed every three to four days.

Women's heart rates are faster than men's.

Scientists have counted about 500 useful functions that the liver performs.

The diameter of the aorta is the same as the diameter of a garden hose.

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right due to the fact that the heart is located on the left side.

A person is able to survive without a huge part of his internal organs, such as the spleen, 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, stomach, kidney, lung and all the organs of the pelvic region. Of course, living without most of the internal organs is not easy, but it is possible.

The adrenal glands change their volume throughout a person’s life.

Basic body functions

The air flow during a sneeze moves at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

During a cough, the speed of air movement decreases to 95 km/h.

A full bladder is the size of a large grapefruit.

Almost 75% of feces consists of water.

Women blink twice as often as men.

Earwax is produced to keep the ears healthy.

There are about five hundred thousand sweat glands on the feet, which are capable of producing half a liter of sweat daily.

Over the course of a lifetime, a person secretes so much saliva that it can fill two Olympic swimming pools.

The average person experiences bouts of flatulence about 14 times a day.


The largest cell in the human body is the egg, and the smallest is the sperm.

Teeth begin to appear six months before the baby is born.

Fingerprints appear on the embryo at three months.

Pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy see frequent dreams about frogs, house plants and worms.

Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.

On a comparative weight basis, a newborn baby is stronger than an ox.

One in two thousand babies is born with a tooth already grown.

Each of us spent half an hour of our existence in the form of a single-celled creature.

Most men experience erections several times a night.

Sense organs

After a heavy meal, hearing becomes worse.

About one third of humanity has perfect vision.

Unlike men, women have more developed sense sense of smell.

If a product is not able to dissolve in saliva, we are not able to taste it.

A person can remember about 50 thousand different smells.

Even the slightest noise causes the pupils to dilate slightly.

Each person has their own scent that is completely unique; Only twins don't have it. Smell identical twins- identical.

Old age and death

The ashes of a cremated body weigh on average 4 kilograms.

Nails and hair do not grow after death; they appear longer because the muscles and skin dry out.

By age 60, people lose about half of all their taste buds.

The size of the eyes does not change at all, but the nose and ears do not stop growing until death.

By the age of 60, more than half of men and slightly less than half of women begin to snore in their sleep.

A person remains conscious for 20 seconds after decapitation.


Most often, according to statistics, heart attacks occur on Monday.

A person can survive without food longer than without sleep.

Normal, not strong sunburn can cause a lot of damage blood vessels.

Almost 90% of diseases can be either caused or complicated by stress.

Muscles and bones

To smile you need to use 17 muscles, and to frown - 43.

In the morning we are 1 cm taller than before going to bed, due to the fact that vertical position contributes to pressure on the spine.

At birth, the number of bones is 300. Over time, some of them fuse, and in an adult there are fewer of them - 206.

The hardest bone is the jaw.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

To take one step, a person must use 200 different muscles.

The tooth is the only part of the body that cannot heal itself.

It takes twice as long to lose newly acquired muscle mass as it does to gain muscle mass.

Bone is stronger than some steel alloys.

Of the 206 bones in the human body, 52 are in the feet.


About 16 million bacteria live on every square centimeter of skin.

External skin covering person is updated every 27 days.

Every day the human body produces 300 billion cells.

About 300 million cells die every minute in our body.

We shed about half a million pieces of dead skin every hour.

The imprint of a person's tongue is as unique as fingerprints.

There is enough iron in the human body to fuse a nail 7 centimeters long.

The most common blood type is first. About half of the world's population has this type of blood.

The color of the lips is so bright because the capillaries in them are located directly under thin layer skin.


The size of a baby's head is 25% of the length of his entire body. The head size of an adult is only one-eighth of height.

The colder your bedroom, the more likely you are to have a nightmare.

Tears and mucus contain an enzyme that can destroy the membranes of many bacteria, thus protecting us from infection.

In half an hour, the human body produces enough energy to bring 4 liters of water to a boil.

Our ears produce more wax when we are scared.

It is impossible to tickle yourself.

Arm span usually matches height.

Humans are the only representatives of the animal kingdom capable of crying due to emotions.

According to statistics, right-handers live 9 years longer than left-handers.

Women burn calories slower than men.

Koalas and primates also have unique fingerprints.

The depression between the nose and upper lip called the philtrum. Scientists have not yet determined what it is for us.

Since ancient times, people have tried to understand the mystery of man. Scientists, philosophers, representatives of art and culture still cannot explain unique creation, which is Homo Sapiens. In this article we want to tell you the most interesting facts about human structure. You will see that even at the biological level we are incredibly precise and intelligent.

But first, I would like to remind you that two sciences study humans at the biological level: physiology and anatomy.

In principle, any facts about a person have always attracted the attention of thinking individuals. After all, self-awareness is the first sign of highly developed intelligence. Well, okay, let's move on to the topic.

Everyone knows that memory largely determines intelligence and the level of development in general. How much memory does the brain have? 1000 terabytes. For comparison, we can only add that one terabyte is 1000 gigabytes. In other words, our memory is on average 1 million terabytes.

The brain accounts for 2% of the weight of the entire body. However, it consumes as much as 20% of all the oxygen that we inhale through the lungs.

There is a scientific opinion that says that a person with high level intelligence dreams more often. Like this!

It is interesting that all the computers in the world cannot compete with the brain in the quantity and quality of processed operations per unit of time. But it consumes only as much energy as a 10-watt light bulb.

At night, during sleep, the brain is more active than during the day.

Previously, it was believed that nerve cells do not regenerate. However, recent studies have proven that they not only recover, but also constantly develop.

It is reliably known that the study foreign languages actively stimulates brain function. Sports exercises have the same effect. Therefore, in order to avoid senile dementia in highly developed countries, older people take foreign language courses.

An interesting fact is that the brain itself does not feel pain. If a person is hit on the head, he will feel it only due to the structure of the skull, which is surrounded by sensitive tissue. This is probably why the gray matter needs such a shell, because without feeling pain it would not be able to take care of itself!

By the way, water makes up four-fifths of the volume of our brain, can you imagine? It must be said that this puts scientists at a real dead end, since it is simply impossible to come up with reasonable or logical explanations for the fantastic abilities of the brain.

Hair and nails

Our hair grows at different rates depending on where it is located. The fastest growing covering on a man's face. If he never shave, his beard will be about 30 meters long. True, this happens extremely rarely because hair, reaching a certain length, begins to split. So a very long beard is rather an exception.

Our hair falls out all the time. On average, we lose about 100 of them in one day. But this indicator depends on many factors: gender, age, time of year, etc.

An interesting fact is that women's hair, with a few exceptions, are almost twice as thin as men's.

On average, one hair can hold a weight weighing 100 grams.

We have about as much hair on our body as a chimpanzee. Only in primates do they form hair, while in humans they are thin and short.

It is believed that one hair on the head lives from 3 to 7 years. Then it gives way to the younger generation.

How do you know if you are starting to go bald? For this to become noticeable from the outside, you should lose at least half of the hair on your head.

And this is a very interesting fact. Fingernails grow at different rates. It is noticed that what longer finger, the faster they grow. That is middle finger, naturally has the most long nail on the hand, and the little finger is the opposite.

Here it should be added that nails on the toes grow 4 times slower than on the hands.

Internal organs

Representatives of the fair sex have a heart beat 10 beats faster than those of the stronger sex.

Do you know the largest internal organ? This is the small intestine. Its length is about 4 times the height of a person. That is, if your height is 170 centimeters, then multiplying this number by 4, we will determine the size of the small intestine: 6 meters 80 centimeters.

Few people realize that most of the processing of food occurs not in the stomach itself, but directly in the small intestine.

It is interesting that all elements of our body are supplied with oxygen thanks to the circulatory system, and only the cornea of ​​the eye does not have a blood supply. It uses oxygen directly from the air entering the eye.

Blood is red only due to the presence of hemoglobin in it.

Of course, you can guess that there is an acid in the stomach that breaks down food. So the concentration of hydrochloric acid (and that’s what it’s called) is such that it can freely dissolve a razor blade.

The stomach has a lot of nerve endings, which is why scientists conventionally call it the “second brain.”

If all the blood vessels are extended in one line, then it will be 100 thousand kilometers. It is mentioned that the circumference of our planet is 40 thousand kilometers. That is, with a rope made from vessels, you can wrap the earth two and a half times.

Have you ever wondered what internal organs we could exist without? So, if a person’s stomach and spleen are removed, only one quarter of the liver, 20% of the intestines, one kidney, a single lung are left, and almost everything is removed from the pelvic region, he will be able to live. Of course it won't be full life, but still better than not existing at all!

The heart creates such pressure in the body that blood from the artery can spray more than 7 meters.

The liver, despite its seemingly inconspicuous activities, performs up to 500 important functions in our body.

Interesting facts about muscles and skeleton

When you smile, about 17 facial muscles contract. But when we frown – 43 muscles. It turns out that it is much easier for us to smile than to frown.

Many, even children, know that in the morning we are one centimeter higher than in the evening. This happens because during the day the cartilages of the spine seem to be compressed, and during the night they return to their standard position.

Scientists have proven that the strongest muscle is the tongue. Interesting!

The tibia is the strongest bone in the skeleton. It can withstand more than four tons, and the next one is the femoral one - its rating is 3 tons.

The heaviest bone is the jaw.

Teeth are the only organ that cannot be restored.

If, while reading the previous fact, you had a misunderstanding, then let us clarify: a tooth is not a bone, but an organ.

At birth, a child has approximately 300 bones, and when he grows up, he has only 206. This is due to the fact that many bones fuse with age.

Body functions

When we sneeze, air comes out of our mouth at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour, and when we cough, it comes out at 100 kilometers per hour.

Sneeze with with open eyes impossible.

It is reliably known that women blink almost twice as often as men.

Volume Bladder for an adult is approximately 400 milliliters. Although, of course, some “talented” people are able to tolerate up to 1 liter!

How much saliva do you think is produced in your mouth every day? If it were possible to collect the saliva you secrete over your entire life, it could completely fill two swimming pools.


Interestingly, after a hearty lunch, our hearing becomes a little dull.

It is believed that two thirds of the world's population does not have one hundred percent vision. And in the age of computerization, this figure will most likely begin to increase.

If there were no saliva in the mouth, we would not be able to perceive any tastes at all.

Women have a more sensitive sense of smell than men, and every fiftieth inhabitant of the planet practically does not distinguish odors.

In general, the nose is able to distinguish up to 50 thousand odors and their shades.

Various interesting facts

When a person reaches 60 years of age, they begin to slowly lose up to 50% of their taste buds.

Ears and nose always grow, starting from birth.

The largest human cell is the egg, and the smallest is the sperm.

The fetus's teeth begin to grow after the third month of pregnancy. Already during this period, unique fingerprints are determined.

With age, every second inhabitant of the earth begins to snore in their sleep.

Every 25-30 days, human skin is completely renewed.

Every hour, about 600 thousand skin particles fall off the body.

Fingerprints are absolutely unique for everyone. Language has the same property.

This is an interesting fact for adults. A man experiences an erection every hour and a half. However!

It's no secret that iron is present in the body. But did you know that it is enough to make a nail 10 centimeters long?

If your bedroom is cold while you sleep, there's a good chance you'll have scary dreams.

The average person generates so much heat in one hour that it would be enough to boil two liters of water.

When you're in under stress or you are afraid of something, then wax in the ears is released in greater quantities than during times of calm.

Interesting, but impossible to tickle yourself. Our senses are too smart to react to this.

It is believed that arm span is equal to height. You can check this fact yourself at home.

Not a single animal in the world can cry from an excess of feelings. Only Homo Sapiens is endowed with such a gift.

Left-handers live several years less than right-handers. But this is not a genetically determined relationship, but simply most things are adapted specifically for right-handers.

Besides humans, primates and koalas have unique fingerprints.

In the end I would like to say one thing important thing. It has been proven that 90% of diseases occur due to stress. That's why, Dear friends, stay calm, as Carlson said, live long and don’t get sick!