Consultation for parents “designing in kindergarten. Consultation for educators of the preschool educational institution "Organization of classes in the design of building material

Nadezhda Borisova
Consultation for preschool educators"Organization of classes in the design of building material»

IN preschool pedagogy children's design considered as a means of comprehensive development of the preschooler. It is noted that when constructing, he learns not only to distinguish the external qualities of an object, sample, but also forms cognitive and practical actions, i.e., design opens up great opportunities for sensory education. Apart from visual perception ways of connecting parts of various complexity; on the quality of the object, the children actually disassemble the sample into parts, and then assemble them into a model; in their actions they carry out both analysis and synthesis. In the process of designing, a prerequisite is created for acquiring the ability to produce a deeper visual analysis of the model of an object without resorting to real dismemberment.

For construction in all age groups small (desktop) and large (floor) building materials are used, as well as constructors that have different complexity methods: from elementary toys - liners and stringers used in groups early age, - to rather difficult to assemble wooden and plastic constructors for older children.

Children learn to build all the main structures according to the model under the guidance of a teacher. Special attention is given to the organization of examination of samples according to a certain scheme. Children continue to get acquainted with the properties of the main details (For example, all sides of a cube are the same in shape, so the cube is equally stable, no matter which side it is placed on). They master two methods of the simplest constructive tasks: replacing smaller parts with larger ones, building on and attaching using the same parts). Generalized methods of action and ideas about constructed objects are formed: the skill of analytical activity; the ability to analyze samples that are close in design, and based on this analysis, change them in accordance with specified conditions.

In teaching older preschoolers, it turned out to be possible to use all the main forms of construction in the following sequence:

Design by pattern

Design by conditions

Design according to the simplest drawings and visual diagrams

Design by Intent

Frame construction

Design by pattern

It's necessary milestone training, during which children learn about the properties of building material parts, master the technique of erecting buildings (learn to allocate space for construction, carefully connect parts, a floor part, etc.). A properly organized examination of samples helps children master a generalized method of analysis - the ability to identify the main parts in any object, establish their spatial arrangement, highlight individual details in these parts, etc. Thus, designing according to a model based on imitative activity, teaching children to build simple ones first, is an important learning stage. Within the framework of this form of construction, it is possible to solve problems that ensure the transition of children to independent search activity.

Design by conditions

Without giving children a model of the building, drawings and methods of its construction, they determine only the conditions that the building must meet and which, as a rule, emphasize its practical purpose (for example, to build a bridge of a certain width across the river for pedestrians and vehicles, a garage for cars or trucks, etc.). The design tasks in this case are expressed through conditions and are of a problematic nature, since there are no ways to solve them.

Design according to the simplest drawings and visual diagrams

These opportunities can be most successfully implemented in the case of teaching children first to build simple circuits- drawings reflecting samples of buildings, and then, on the contrary, practical creation structures according to simple drawings - diagrams. As a result of this training, children develop creative thinking and cognitive abilities, i.e., they begin to build and apply external models of the second order - the simplest drawings - as a means of independent knowledge of new objects.

Design by Intent

Compared with designing according to a model, it has great opportunities for developing the creativity of children, for manifesting their independence; here the child himself decides what and how he will design. But we must remember what and how it will design. But we must remember that creating an idea for a future design and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers: ideas are unstable and often change in the process of activity. Design by design is not a means of teaching children how to create ideas, it only allows them to independently and creatively use the knowledge and skills acquired earlier.

Frame construction

In this type of construction, the child, stroking the frame, must think of how to finish it, adding various additional details to the same frame. In accordance with this, the "frame" design is a good remedy the formation of imagination, generalized methods, the construction of figurative thinking.

Lesson plan

Consideration of the object as a whole.

Establishing its practical purpose.

Separation of the main parts.

Determination from the functional purpose in accordance with the object as a whole.

Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts.

Highlighting the details that make up the main parts.

Establishing the spatial arrangement of these parts in relation to each other.

Consultation for parents "Construction from building material"

Design games are held with the child in order to form thought processes and perception, enrichment of sensory experience (acting with the details of the building material, the baby receives specific ideas about different form, size, color of objects), coordination of movements and development fine motor skills. Games contribute to the education of concentration, visual and auditory attention, the ability to achieve results, teach them to handle toys with care, teach them to act on the show of an adult, follow his actions, imitate them.

In construction, there is an opportunity for the development of the creative side of the intellect - these games simulate creative process create their own microclimate. They do not get bored for a long time, as they have great variability, a variety of combinations, and help creative self-expression. At the same time, as in any game, in construction there are rules which parents must adhere to.

1. Parents should remember the first impression of the game. It is very important how you introduce your baby to a new toy for him. If you open the lid in front of the child and knock the cubes onto the table with a roar, you can be sure that the baby’s favorite pastime in the future will not be building “turrets” and laying “paths”, but primitive throwing cubes out of the box or dropping them from the table. It would be much more correct if you bring the baby to the cubes already lying in disarray and together with him begin to clean them up. Or you will carefully take the cubes out of the box one by one and immediately begin to build some kind of building, involving the baby in joint actions if possible.

2. Avoid very detailed and suggestive explanations and demonstrations, for example: “Put a die on a die - like this! (The child puts.) Now take another cube - like this! (The child puts.) Another cube! With this method of presentation, the baby can build a very complex structure, but he will do it purely mechanically, without actively mastering the necessary skills and abilities. The results will turn out to be fragile, and the kid will not learn to build on his own, since only performing abilities will develop, and the more important complex side - creative abilities - will remain at a primitive level.

3. There are children who are very shy, or touchy, or unsure of their abilities, fearful. For such children, the result is very important. When playing with them, you not only can, but are simply obliged to give fractional explanations, use prompting techniques, act together with the child (putting your palm on his handle from above) so that the baby gains self-confidence.

4. It is very important for the baby not only to build, but also to play with the building, and you must show him how to do this. This moment is called "beating". For example, having built a house, you need to help the baby put a nesting doll, or a doll, or a bunny in the house, which "will live there." But the baby receives the toy only when the building is done. This encourages the child to achieve results.

5. Lessons with the same content must be repeated until a strong independent skill of building is developed. So that the child does not get bored of doing the same thing, it is necessary to offer the baby new toys to play with or take building material of a different color, size.

6. When playing games with building materials, it is unacceptable to change the sequence of games at your own discretion, since the sequence implies an increase in the degree of complexity of the constructive tasks assigned to the child, namely, a gradual transition from simple to complex.


Games with building material and various designers help your child develop:

Fine motor skills

spatial orientation - the idea of ​​the location of objects in space and relative to each other;

· imagination;

· Creative skills;

· learn a lot of new things;

Improve elementary technical skills;

Activate the dictionary.

What only designers you will not meet now on the shelves of shops! Some are tubular, others are geometric shapes with slots, the components of the third resemble the details of a jigsaw puzzle. Construction sets with magnets, Velcro, Lego-compatible construction sets and "ego". Many constructors come with detailed diagrams assembly of a particular model. But still, ordinary wooden cubes and "Builder" sets continue to enjoy unfading popularity, in which, in addition to cubes, there are bricks, cylinders, prisms and other details. Our grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers played cubes. Our children enjoy playing with blocks.

We play cubes

Cubes are different. Wooden - with sharp corners, large plastic with smoothed corners (especially for the smallest). There are cardboard and foam rubber cubes (covered with fabric or washable vinyl material).

IN different ages cubes are used in different ways. A one-year-old baby, puffing diligently, builds a tower of two cubes. A three-year-old girl builds a crib for a baby doll out of cubes. A seven-year-old boy builds a huge palace snow queen Or a crusader fortress.

When to start playing with blocks with a child? Does the child need adult help when playing with them? Should children be taught to build with blocks? Can a set of dice become an educational game?

Age 1.5–2 years.
First, let's get acquainted with the figures

Show and name to the kid all the geometric bodies that are in your building set. It can be: cubes, bricks, cylinders, triangular prisms, arches, blocks, cones, other shapes. Sometimes there are sets with wooden balls, if you don’t have one, add a couple of small rubber balls to the building material games.

Ask your child to arrange the shapes in piles according to shape or distribute certain shapes. different toys(bear - cubes, bunny - bricks and so on). Put a few figures in a small bag and ask the baby to get out of it a figure that you will name or show without looking.

When playing with your baby, be sure to name the colors of the parts. You can play a game of laying out the figures in your houses (you can cut out the silhouettes of houses from colored paper or make them from shoe boxes, painting them in desired colors, but this option is more laborious). If there are identical geometric bodies different sizes, consider where are large and where are small. Make houses of different sizes (paper silhouettes of the same color (neutral) or boxes of two or more sizes, if necessary).

We form the ability to build

Show your child how to build towers. Let him try. Consider with him which figures can be placed on top of each other, and which are impossible (for example: balls, cylinders sideways, triangular prisms, if placed on a base).

The kid still cannot build real large structures, but with great pleasure he will make a primitive house for a baby doll or a soldier (two bricks standing on the end, one lies across from above). Girls willingly make beds, armchairs, benches for dolls and nesting dolls. The boys are building garages for small cars.

To make the kid want to build large structures, build them yourself in front of him. Involve the child in joint construction - let him give you the right part on time or put any one in the place that he liked. Do not be angry with the baby if he violated your plan.

Try not to build the same type of projects, come up with something new, unusual every time. Do not strive for symmetry in your structures, on the contrary, make castles, houses, palaces that are unlike anything else.



Consultation for parents on the topic: Design

What only designers you will not meet now on the shelves of shops! Some consist of tubes, others of geometric shapes with slots, the components of the third resemble the details of a jigsaw puzzle. Construction sets with magnets, Velcro, Lego-compatible construction sets and "ego". Many designers come with detailed assembly diagrams for a particular model. But still, ordinary wooden cubes and "Builder" sets continue to enjoy unfading popularity, in which, in addition to cubes, there are bricks, cylinders, prisms and other details. Our grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers played cubes. Our children enjoy playing with blocks.

We play cubes

Cubes are different. Wooden - with sharp corners, large plastic with smoothed corners (especially for the smallest). There are cardboard and foam rubber cubes (covered with fabric or washable vinyl material).

At different ages, cubes are used in different ways. A one-year-old baby, puffing diligently, builds a tower of two cubes. A three-year-old girl builds a crib for a baby doll out of cubes. And a seven-year-old boy builds a huge palace of the snow queen or a Crusader fortress.

When to start playing with blocks with a child? Does the child need adult help when playing with them? Should children be taught to build with blocks? Can a set of dice become an educational game?

Let's try to understand these issues.
Age 1.5–2 years.
First, let's get acquainted with the figures

Show and name to the kid all the geometric bodies that are in your building set. It can be: cubes, bricks, cylinders, triangular prisms, arches, blocks, cones, other shapes. Sometimes there are sets with wooden balls, if you don’t have one, add a couple of small rubber balls to the building material games.

Ask the baby to arrange the figures in piles in shape or distribute certain figures to different toys (bear - cubes, bunny - bricks, and so on). Put a few figures in a small bag and ask the baby to get out of it a figure that you will name or show without looking.

When playing with your baby, be sure to name the colors of the parts. You can play a game of putting the figures into your houses (you can cut out the silhouettes of the houses from colored paper or make them from shoe boxes, painting them in the right colors, but this option is more laborious). If there are identical geometric bodies of different sizes, consider where are large and where are small. Make houses of different sizes (paper silhouettes of the same color (neutral) or boxes of two or more sizes, if necessary).

Try to ride miscellaneous details"Builder" from the hill. Any board placed on the top can serve as a pea. big cube or a stack of books. Cubes and bricks, prisms slowly slide down the hill, balls and cylinders (if you put them on their side) quickly roll down. Draw the child's attention to how the speed of the figures rolling down the hill changes, and the distance they will travel if you change the angle of its inclination in one direction or another. Or if you put the same part either on top of the hill, then in the middle, then on the very edge - below.

We form the ability to build

Show your child how to build towers. Let him try. Consider with him which figures can be placed on top of each other, and which are impossible (for example: balls, cylinders sideways, triangular prisms, if placed on a base).

The kid still cannot build real large structures, but with great pleasure he will make a primitive house for a baby doll or a soldier (two bricks standing on the end, one lies across from above). Girls willingly make beds, armchairs, benches for dolls and nesting dolls. The boys are building garages for small cars.

To make the kid want to build large structures, build them yourself in front of him. Involve the child in joint construction - let him give you the right part on time or put any one in the place that he liked. Do not be angry with the baby if he violated your plan.

Try not to build the same type of projects, come up with something new, unusual every time. Do not strive for symmetry in your structures, on the contrary, make castles, houses, palaces that are unlike anything else.

After the game, the cubes must be removed so that they do not roll underfoot. Make a piggy bank box for your child with slots to match the details of the set. After each game, let him put the cubes in the box on his own (at first, of course, you can help him a little). Or put them in an ordinary box.

Designing is one of the types of productive activities of a preschooler, involving the construction of an object, bringing certain order and the relationship of various individual items, parts, elements of building material and parts of designers, making crafts from paper, cardboard, various natural and waste materials.



Advice for parents

"Design in kindergarten»

One of the main features of the construction-constructive game is that it is based on constructive skills and abilities.

Construction and constructive games belong to the group of creative games.

A feature of games with building materials is that in order to master constructive skills, special training is needed in the classroom. Without a consistent formation of constructive skills, games remain at the level of manipulation.

The relationship between construction and play:

It is important to take into account the relationship of games with building materials with plot-role-playing, theatrical, mobile, didactic.

Early age: construction is merged with the game.

Younger preschool age: construction often occurs in the process of a role-playing game and is caused by it. ( For example, the children decided to play sailors, so it became necessary to build a ship.)

Senior preschool age: a building game can also arise as an independent game, and this or that game develops on its basis. ( For example, children build a theater and then play actors.)

The creative nature of the game determines:

  • the presence of a game intention,
  • its free development,
  • variability in solving a creative problem,
  • children's interest in the process of activity,
  • imaginary situation.

There are significant differences between construction-constructive and plot-role-playing games:

  • V role-playing game first of all, various phenomena are reflected and relationships between people are mastered;
  • in the building-constructive game, the main thing is constructive creativity.

Mastering the design features of the material prompts children to create new objects, change their properties: put a brick on a wide edge - you can build a path, a bench, put the same brick on a narrow short edge - you can build high fence etc.

Possibility to build on the same theme different ways activates the imagination. Borrowing samples from the surrounding life requires the ability to single out the main thing, to be distracted from particulars, to accept the conventions of one's own creation (to use a cylinder as a column, to replace a roof with a triangular prism, etc.). In theory and practice preschool education there are several types and forms of construction that children should master:

Types of children's design:

1) From building material.

2) From paper.

3) From natural material.

4) From waste material.

5) From the details of the designers.

6) From large-sized modules.

Forms of organizing training in design:

1) Design according to the sample.

2) Designing on the topic (leads the child to the creative implementation of the task, but its limits are limited by the topic).

3) Design by design (a complex type of design in which the child solves all the problems on his own).

4) Construction according to the conditions (in the proposal to build, certain parameters are set (type of building material, color, size, quantity), based on which the child must independently complete the construction).

5) Construction according to the model (a type of construction developed by A. R. Luria) - the child first analyzes the model, highlights the main parts, then selects the forms that are needed to recreate the theme.

6) Design according to drawings and diagrams.

Thus, At the heart of the building-constructive game is an activity in which children reflect the surrounding life in a variety of buildings with the help of various materials and play actions with them.

Educational and developmental influence

building and constructive games for a child

Construction and constructive games contribute to the development of the child:

  • creativity,
  • constructive thinking,
  • spatial imagination,
  • fantasy,
  • create different models
  • knowledge of color, size, shape.

The idea, the content of building games contains one or another mental task, the solution of which requires preliminary thinking: what to do, what material is needed, in what sequence the construction should go.

In the process of building and constructive games, an adult teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, memorize and reproduce construction techniques, to focus on the sequence of actions. Children learn the construction scheme, learn to plan work, presenting it as a whole, carry out the analysis and synthesis of the building.

Building games contribute to the formation of positive relationships between peers. Building and constructive games are of a group or collective nature and therefore contribute to the development of mutual understanding, learn to be attentive to other children, communicate with peers and adults. In addition, children noticeably develop an interest in technology, the ability to bring the work started to the end; see the result collective labor, his favor.

Building-constructive games are an opportunity to master an accurate vocabulary (speech is enriched) that expresses the names of geometric bodies, spatial relationships: high - low, right - left, up - down, long - short, etc.

In building and constructive games, a variety of motor activity of the child is manifested, coordination of movements develops. Of particular importance is the development of small muscles of the hand, the eye. Constructing buildings from large parts, children apply the physical efforts available to them, show endurance and endurance.

Thus, building and constructive games significantly affect the development of a preschool child.

Conditions for games with building materials

For construction-constructive games must be created special conditions: the availability of the necessary building material.

The following types of building material are distinguished:

  • natural (sand, snow);
  • auxiliary (boards, boxes, boxes, etc.);
  • specially created (floor, table building material, Lego-type sets; mosaic:
  • geometric,
  • circular,
  • shallow

It is necessary to provide time in the mode of the day and a place for these games.

The material should be varied, attractively designed, sustainable, age-appropriate.

  • Small building materials and construction sets are best stored in a closet or on a shelf accessible to children.
  • Large building material is located away from the tables, because building games require more space, as children often come together in groups of several people, talk, consult, transfer parts, make changes to buildings.

Usually, a permanent place is allocated for the storage of building material - a building corner. Parts are folded neatly, steadily, in order to comply with safety regulations. Children younger age they take the material and put it after the game with the help of an adult, and older preschoolers do it all on their own. Children must be acquainted with the procedure for storing building material, require careful handling and careful attitude to buildings. To beat buildings, you need to create conditions by choosing small toys(cars, figurines of animals, people, etc.). An important condition for construction-constructive games is their subject .

For example:

in the second junior group(3-4 years) - gates, paths, truck, furniture for dolls, houses, turrets, garage, train, fences for animals, birds, etc.;

V middle group(4-5 years)- two-story houses, a steamer, a slide with a ramp, a garage for two cars, a bridge, Railway and train, etc.;

V senior group(5-6 years old)- airplane, different cars, street, kindergarten, zoo, various steamboats, pedestrian and automobile bridges, etc.;

V preparatory group(6-7 years old)- fabulous houses, river and railway stations, theater, multi-story houses, different planes, metro, teremok according to a fairy tale, etc.

with building material

Children are very fond of building and constructive games. Moreover, these games equally captivate both boys and girls. In domestic preschool pedagogy, a number of studies were devoted to the methodology for the formation of constructive skills in children (E. A. Flerina, Z. V. Lishtvan, A. N. Davidchuk, L. A. Paramonova). main idea This technique consists in leading the child from imitating the actions of an adult to independently solving constructive problems of increasing difficulty.

Children acquire basic skills:

  • in the process of learning in the design classes;
  • V joint activities with an adult
  • and then they transfer them, transforming, supplementing and varying them into independent building and constructive games.

To form children's interest in these games, the teacher uses various tricks:

  • according to the model
  • according to the scheme
  • by design

IN junior groups children build according to the sample. The adult builds himself in the presence of the kids, then involves them in playing with the building (various animals live in cages in the zoo, children with their parents come there).

According to the scheme: First, we analyze the circuit, the choice of material.

Build execution:

Parallel Alternate

According to one scheme, it is created with the alternate laying out of parts.

The adult does his job and the child does his.

By design: the topic, material, characteristics of the building (size, color, material) are discussed. The child completes the construction according to the plan. If an adult himself builds something for children, then he invites them to participate in the work: he asks them to find the necessary details, submit material, etc.

Children 3-4 years old can already play near , therefore, the task of an adult is to teach how to play without interfering with each other, take care of the buildings of comrades, gradually unite the players playing 3-4 people, thereby teaching collective games.

Management of building and constructive games

With natural material

For building and constructive games in preschool institutions you can use natural material: snow, water, sand, pebbles, cones, branches, etc.

Construction and constructive games from natural materials develop creativity, constructive thinking, and artistic taste in children.

Ways of sensory cognition, the ability to identify the properties and qualities of objects develop in the process of various activities, primarily in the game. However, without specially organized training, games with natural material can be monotonous and have little content. natural properties materials the child learns by sensory means.

Children love to play with sand. Sand is a short-lived building material. Children enthusiastically build sand castles, slides, dig canals, deep wells, etc. But as soon as the sand dries up, the created buildings crumble. Therefore, the sand in the sandboxes must be kept constantly wet. Little children enjoy learning molding reception from sand, using special molds, scoops, small buckets, toys with a stand or on a stick to stick into the sand. An adult, enriching the sensory experience of children, teaches them to correctly name the signs and properties of sand.

IN winter period during the walk, the children play with the snow with enthusiasm. younger children they rake it with shovels, pour slides. The easiest technique is sculpting if the snow is sticky. You can fashion small lumps - snowballs, carrots to feed a bunny, etc. In the presence of children, you can make a snowman. Then, together with the children, make him eyes, mouth, ears, hair from dry twigs, knots. While playing, kids will learn about the properties of snow and how to play with it.

It is also interesting to acquaint with the methods of building from compacted snow, collected for a long time in one place. It is an excellent material for snow bricks, which can be used to make a variety of snow sculptures and architectural structures. In preschool institutions for entertainment of children, snow slides are widespread, in the construction of which they take an active part.

An excellent material for building and constructive games - pebbles, cones, sticks, leaves. You can teach children to lay out patterns from pebbles in the sand, from leaves. For patterns, a sample can be given, a plot suggested. These games are very useful for the development of spatial orientation. From the cones you can make various images (men, animals).

Thus, for the development and expansion of the content of building and constructive games for children preschool age in all age groups, it is necessary to train constructive skills in specially organized, joint and independent activities. Construction and constructive games of preschool children contribute to the development of sensory experience, mental operations, creative imagination, sharpen observation, develop will.