Why do men like long hair? Beauty - a long braid, or the secret of a man's love for long hair

Hair with scientific point vision is such a protective cover of the body. And if animal hair, i.e. fur, down and feathers actually perform protective functions, then hair in people - women and men - still plays more of a role of attracting the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, i.e. - serve as decoration. Remember bright feathers the same peacock - its beautiful feathers with complex pattern They serve only to attract the attention of grateful females. Or a lush mane of a lion - it is needed only to create a charismatic image of a strong and domineering, self-confident male in the eyes of predatory lionesses.

It’s the same with people: hair for women and girls and hair for boys and men are needed mainly to attract the attention of interesting representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, ardent supporters of biology will say that through a person’s hair and scalp, his skin breathes and is excreted from the body through sweat. harmful substances, and they will be right. But we still need hair Everyday life rather as a decoration for our appearance. It’s not for nothing that they say that hair is, if not the first, then certainly the second element of a person’s appearance, which gives sexual signals to external world about a person’s desire to find a mate.

So, for example, when a girl wants to meet interesting guy, she lets her hair down because she knows how actively and interestedly men react to chic long, luxurious straight or curly women's hair. If a woman wants to isolate herself and is not eager to meet new men, she, on the contrary, does strict hairstyle on the head - collects hair in ponytail or a retro pout, thereby signaling to men that she is not interested in getting closer to them.

On a subconscious level, men have a stereotype that a girl with loose, long and beautiful hair, shiny hair, firstly, she is healthy, and secondly, she is very sexy and feminine, and thirdly, she is ready for mating. And this one male stereotype- correct.

After all, if the hair is healthy, and in youth it is healthy for almost all girls and young women, then it shines and shimmers beautifully in the sun copper shade, they don’t have split ends: they’re so feminine healthy hair They are not just an attractive sight from a purely aesthetic point of view, but also signal about the health of the girl herself, that everything is fine with her body, which means she is able to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

But the real ultimate goal of all male desires is to fertilize as many healthy and beautiful women in order to reproduce as many healthy and competitive offspring as possible. And beautiful hair on girls and women helps men make right choice: after all, passing off diseased hair as healthy is much more difficult than, for example, hiding skin imperfections under a thick layer foundation. Here you can only put a wig with someone else's hair on your head. But such deception is fraught with unpleasant exposure.

The importance of beautiful hair for your personal life. Hair long and short, straight and curly: Why do women and men need hair?

And it’s not for nothing that all guys and men insist in unison that beautiful women’s long hair is sexy and feminine. After all, what distinguishes women from men is what excites men the most: beautiful female breast, an elastic round ass and... long hair. Of course, today you can meet both a man with long hair and a woman with short hair. But still. It has been established for centuries that guys and men are turned on by what is not in their appearance.

That is why thin men like it plump women, and vice versa. This is why men with short military haircuts (and the majority of men with short haircuts) like girls with long hair. This is why men with long hair prefer women with short hair. This is why all men of normal orientation, almost without exception, like women’s breasts and butts: because they don’t have it.

Remember the wise folk proverb: “What is rare is dear”, “What is rare is dear”? So, today you can rarely see a girl with long hair. Very rarely. Natural, long, waist-length or even floor-length hair is as rare these days as an Amur tiger roaming freely in a city park in Moscow. That is why girls with long hair automatically attract increased male attention: what is rare is expensive.

I'll tell you from own experience, that without having a super-stunning appearance, but being only the owner of an ordinary, sweet face and quite flat figure With small breasted second size, but with a well-defined waist and a small butt of 86 cm in girth, I have always skillfully attracted the attention of young guys and mature men quite long, almost waist-length, chestnut curly hair and an optimistic mood.

I don’t know what played a big role in the process of attracting increased male attention to me - my long and beautiful, healthy, natural curly hair, shiny in the sun copper color hair or my cheerful but inaccessible disposition, or the fact that I often smiled and am still considered a total optimist, but the fact remains: despite my far from ideal and not brilliant starting external data, I have never suffered from a lack of male attention.

Don't count this ode long hair for bragging, but I was really proud of my hair until I turned very gray from excess hair at the age of 25 emotional experiences, stress, anxiety. In your youth, when you are young and beautiful, you think that the resources of your body and your beauty are eternal. But that's not true. You need to feel sorry for yourself. My mistake was that I never felt sorry for myself, I tore my nerves and soul because of not quite happy love, always took any little things to heart, often got stressed over trifles. That's why I turned gray early.

Girls and boys! Take care of yourself and your youth: after all, this is a “flaw” that passes very quickly. Believe me. Not a single man and not a single event in the world is worth tearing your nerves and heart to pieces: everything passes - and this will pass. No matter how fate shakes you and tramples you, your inner value will not change, just as the value of a 100-dollar bill will not decrease just because someone crumples it and tramples it. Take care of yourself and your health - after all, it is the main guarantee of your external and inner beauty Same.

So, hair for women and girls is the main secret trump card in the struggle for male attention and love. Even if your appearance is far from the beauty of Angelina Jolie, this does not mean that you cannot achieve happiness in personal life. But it is advisable to grow beautiful and long hair from the age of 10-15, no later, although, in principle, it is never too late to become beautiful. But in adulthood, hair grows much slower than in childhood.

If you want people to pay attention to you, you need your “feathers” to be well-groomed and shiny. It is precisely because of the great importance beautiful hair In their personal lives, women and men are very worried about their hair loss, partial or complete baldness - because in this way they lose their sexual attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. And often hair loss and baldness become a real tragedy in the eyes of both girls and men.

There are many reasons for hair loss and baldness, and we will talk about them in the next article. But I would like to focus on the point that very often women, when they get married, cut off their once beautiful, chic, long hair. They have no time to look after their own luxurious hair, because Nowadays, a lot of time in married life is taken up by children, husband, home, work, worries and problems.

However, I strongly do not recommend girls who get married to have a short haircut if you previously had long hair. It is possible and most likely that your husband chose you because of your beautiful and long hair. And if you cut them off now, you may lose some, if not most, of your sexual attractiveness in the eyes of the man you love. And, perhaps, God forbid, you will lose your husband altogether - after all, he fell in love with you, among other things, because of your beautiful hair, and you took it and cut it, without even consulting him or knowing his opinion on this matter.

Oddly enough, men often perceive a short haircut on their once long-haired woman as a betrayal. Yes, and nothing else. Therefore, do not experiment with your destiny without first consulting with your husband. If, of course, it at least means something to you. And if you then don’t want to shed bitter tears into three streams at an appointment with a psychotherapist, telling a pitiful story that your husband cheated on you with a young and beautiful, long-haired nymph. Remain a beautiful nymph for your beloved man even after many years life together- a nymph with beautiful and long hair. Even if you don’t do something around the house, don’t have time for something, don’t keep track of something, but at the age of 40 you will remain the only one for him, his beloved and most sexy woman on the planet.

I wish you beautiful, healthy, strong, beautiful and shiny hair!

Our ancestors believed that long hair on girls and women served as a talisman and a repository of light energies. Every woman took care of and was proud of her hairstyle, fearing that not a single hair would get stolen dashing man. After all, the one who holds a strand of hair in his hand holds the fate of its owner. Girls with long hair were considered beauties, their braids were valued above any trinkets.

Braiding among different Slavic peoples

Faith ordered women not to cut their hair. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance: the hairstyles of our great-great-grandmothers are deeply symbolic. For example, it was customary for little girls to have their hair cut, and only at the age of twelve did they begin to weave their first braids. They had to wear this hairstyle for several years; it also symbolized that the girl was of marriageable age. Those who never found their soul mate (old maids) also wore one braid. But before marriage, the hair was divided in two: there were two spouses - and now the braids too. The ritual of braiding was accompanied by a change in the children's wardrobe to an adult one - more chaste, closed, decorated with women's protective symbols. In various regions of Rus', special attributes were used when combing hair, proverbs and jokes were invented. For example, in Zaonezhye, girls' long hair was woven into a braid along with a ribbon - a symbol of readiness for marriage. And the Belarusians said: “Casa is a stunning beauty.” The Bulgarians oiled the long hair of girls grape juice and only after that they began to weave, whispering: “The vine grows, and the scythe grows” (“The vine grows, and the braid grows”). Serbian and Croatian women smeared their braids with snake oil to make them grow long, like snakes.

Scythe in folklore

Of course, folklore did not ignore girl's braid. Many proverbs about hair have survived to this day. For example, the translation of the phrase “Drink your braid on drink” is found in almost all. This phrase denotes girls’ get-togethers before the wedding. But the mocking saying “To shake the braid” could stick to the one who stayed too long in the girls and, therefore, never divided her hair in two. Long-haired beauties are also reflected in painting. The famous Russian artist Boris Olshansky depicts beautiful ancient goddesses with flowing hair or luxurious braids. He also paints ordinary mortals imitating the appearance of celestials. Andrei Ramnev depicted later, already Christian rituals related to braiding. For example, his famous "Splitting the Braid" shows how girls' long hair was parted in half on the eve of the wedding. And the Vasilievskaya bare-haired Mermaid is perhaps famous throughout the world as a symbol of the mythology of the ancient Slavs. Vasnetsovskaya Alyonushka, fiddling with her red braid while waiting for her unlucky brother on the bank, received no less fame. And modern artists are inspired by long-haired girls. Photos with long and flowing hair, with braids and updos can be found in the works of many modern photographers. Folk music performers also paid attention to the braid: Helavisa

Do men prefer blondes? Not at all! They prefer long-haired girls, no matter what color they are. Why do many men love long hair? Each person will answer the question differently. Culture dictates preferences and tastes, nothing can be done about it. But you can trace the formation of this stereotype, so to speak, through the centuries.

Men love long ones women's hair instills:

  1. The culture in which they are raised from childhood. So, in Asia, it is an honor for a girl to wear long hair. You won’t see people with short hair there; it’s unfashionable and out of date. Why? Apparently this has its roots in Scripture;
  2. Religious background. In the Bible, Jewish women and proselytes (in the Old Testament) and Christian women (in the New Testament) were required not to cut their hair. In this way, a woman should show her humble position before man and before the angels of God. The woman used her hair instead of a scarf or bedspread. Then many nations replaced this biblical requirement with their own traditions: wearing a headscarf, Islamic hijab and other attributes of female modesty. Although, according to God’s plan, a woman needed only beautiful, long curls. Somewhere, braids are no longer valued, and ladies prefer the “boyish” style and no religious organizations pay attention to this special attention. And somewhere, on the contrary, hair is no longer enough, but to show devotion and faith, you need to wrap yourself in scarves from head to toe. Each place has its own culture and we don't want to hurt anyone's religious feelings.

Let's look behind the veil of psychology

The stronger sex prefers respect, not love - this is a well-known axiom. In a group of men who drink, what phrase do we usually hear? Of course this one: "Do you respect me?". And for a man there is nothing more shameful than losing someone's respect. And this often happens in life.

A woman is able to surround her beloved with care and love, but she is sometimes unable to give him what he truly needs - true respect. So our boys are looking for girls with beautiful long hair, because on a subconscious level they believe that they are the ones who are capable of sincere respect. Of course, they often fail to explain why men love long hair on women.

Some will simply say that it is beautiful. Others like that such a girl looks more sweet and romantic. Some people think that such hair is an indicator of a healthy woman.

After all, if a man is determined to serious relationship, wants to have a family and children, he will not look for a wife among cool emancipated businesswomen with short painted brushes on their heads.

And he will prefer the one who can bear, give birth and raise his future children well.

Who is this? Often this is an ordinary, rosy-cheeked and cheerful long-haired girl. The man is sure that this charming woman has a better chance of becoming a good wife for him and an excellent mother for his children than a career woman who is always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Grooming or length?

If a lady has the time and desire to have long hair, then she may be hardworking and diligent. After all, not every long-haired beauty will be noticed by a man. If a girl's hair is dull, unkempt, it gives off bad smell- She shouldn’t expect men’s attention. Men love not only with their eyes, but also with their nose. A lady should always smell pleasant if she expects an interesting acquaintance.

After all, men love beautiful long hair that is well-groomed and looks healthy.

Any man, when meeting a girl, first pays attention to her appearance. Often a guy does not have specific preferences in terms of the color of a girl’s hair and eyes. Contrary to popular belief, he may like her, even if she is “not his type,” but she has her own unique charm. If a girl behaves correctly with a young man, without humiliating his self-esteem, she has every chance of being liked by him. Especially if she has an attractive appearance and readily takes care of her curls.

In addition, long-haired girls can easily change their appearance by doing different hairstyles. Young people also love variety.

Don't be discouraged if you don't have luxurious waist-length hair. Sometimes girls with neat and current haircuts they look much more interesting than ladies with overgrown curls that have long lost their freshness.

Times go by, fashion changes. If before the symbol female beauty had thick long hair, but now many girls prefer short hair stylish haircuts, which are easier to care for. But time has no power over men; they still remain partial to women’s hair.

Why do men like long hair?

Many men freeze with delight when they see loose voluminous hair that develop in the wind. The fact is that subconsciously this is perceived by men as a signal that the girl is ready to meet, she is open to communication. But hair gathered in a ponytail or a strict perfect bun scares men a little, because for them such a hairstyle symbolizes a woman’s desire to make a career.

A bunch of successful women prefers short haircuts, but very often they find themselves lonely and suffer due to lack of affection and love.

Women with long hair, good well-groomed hair, are always surrounded by fans.
Ladies with long beautiful curls They look feminine, romantic and completely defenseless, causing a man to want to protect, protect and carry in his arms.

The stronger sex has long thick hair a woman is associated with good health, readiness for family, children.

Perhaps a man is not yet thinking about marriage, but genetic level he chooses a partner who has all the ingredients for procreation.

From the history

IN primitive society women had long hair, which they used to keep children warm and hidden from prying eyes. At that time, men loved to woo women by dragging them into the cave by their hair.

IN Ancient Rus' Almost all girls before marriage had a shock of long hair. brown hair which were braided into a braid. After marriage, they covered their heads and no longer had the right to appear in public without a headscarf. When choosing a bride, very often the groom prefers the girl whose hair is longer and thicker.

If you remember ancient Greek mythology, then there was only one goddess with short hair - Athena, the goddess of war and justice. And her opposite - Aphrodite, the priestess of love, had beautiful hair. The artist Botticelli in one of his famous paintings - “The Birth of Aphrodite” - depicted her with long wavy strands fluttering in the wind. Tenderness and love in one bowl

Almost all men have no idea (except for men with long hair) what it’s like to care for long hair - just washing your hair costs a lot and takes a lot of effort and time. Despite this, girls are ready to do a lot to show off their gorgeous hair, and very often it is their hair that helps them achieve success. What are the advantages of growing hair:

1. If you have long and beautiful hair, you will feel much more confident. Such hair will shine in the sun and blow in the wind, which will undoubtedly cause envy among surrounding women and admiration among men. Well-groomed and long hair attracts more attention than any clothes you are wearing at this moment.

2.If you have problems with overweight, then long hair can take your eyes off these problems, it will visually elongate your silhouette and you will appear to others with a more beautiful figure.

3. For men, long and beautiful hair is one of the main signs by which he determines the sexuality and beauty of a girl. There is nothing sexier and at the same time more beautiful than a girl’s hair spread over her shoulders and chest...
Beauties with long hair are much more likely to attract a man than girls with modest hairstyles.

Several versions of this:
-Such success can be explained by the fact that a woman with long hair is a mystery to a man
-This goes back to ancient times, when hair was one of the symbols of a woman’s fertility, so somewhere at the subconscious level a man prefers girls with hair.
The main thing is that long hair is a sign of femininity. Seeing such a woman, a man immediately thinks about what is in front of him. real woman, fragile, tender, who needs his protection.

4. If you properly care for long hair, you can save a lot on the hairdresser, and when you decide to cut it, you can donate your hair if it is long enough and get good money for it.

5.For long hair there are a huge number of different beautiful hairstyles that will highlight your appearance at any event.

6. Nowadays there are not many women with long, beautiful hair, so you will look better against their background wherever you go - to get a job, for example.

However, this does not mean that change is not necessary. If you want to cut your hair shorter, go for it, but remember that many girls later regret this action.
Also, there is no friend according to taste and color - someone will like you with short hair, and for some with long hair, and for others it doesn’t matter what kind of hair you have. The choice is yours. Good luck!