How to determine the temperament of a woman. The sexual temperament of women depends on the blood type

Often, intelligent women who behave modestly and chastely in public, with loved ones show a wide range of acceptability of actions. Of course, this happens only in cases of absolute confidence in the adequacy of perception. Otherwise, this woman, feeling the condemnation or bewilderment of the man, will close, become constrained - and the path to disharmony will be open.

Mostly men attach importance to how a woman relates to opposite sex. How more woman selective, the more desirable it is. But if a woman is not available at all, this is frightening, because to men she seems unnecessarily serious. On a psychological level, people are attracted to a person who punishes and then rewards. This "reception" was used more than once by the best seductresses of world history!

The female temperament is especially acute in force majeure situations. To attract a man, it is enough to experience an emotional upsurge with him - whether it is a downpour or a kayaking trip along a stormy river. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that adrenaline brings people together precisely due to the disclosure of the true temperament of partners in such situations. In force majeure circumstances it is difficult to pretend.

As a rule, temperamental ladies are sexy. First of all, they value men, consider them good friends. Sincere sympathy for the opposite sex is one of the secrets of sexual attraction.

During a series of surveys, it turned out that men were more attracted to a woman who was serious at first, but by the end of the conversation began to be embarrassed and flirtatious. Therefore, dear ladies, do not be afraid to seem ridiculous! - Be natural - "great in great and small in small" - what is - REAL to the last drop!

Sexy ladies are more playful. Don't confuse playfulness with stupidity. The ability to laugh at yourself and have fun is very much appreciated by men. excessive serious girl will scare away a man faster than make him fall before her cold beauty. Stupid people who laugh for no reason are not at all attractive, moreover, most gentlemen simply consider them a burden.

So…, speaking about the social model of behavior, the issue of appearance is of increasing interest. How to determine the temperament of a woman? It is known that we are a reflection of our inner world. Therefore, having studied the peculiarities of the underlying types, we will be able to imagine with a certain clarity the desired partner, comrade or life partner.

Temperament (from Latin temperamentum - the proper ratio of parts) - a stable combination of individual personality traits associated with the dynamic aspects of activity - that organic soil that was given to us as a legacy by our forefathers: the past of our race. It carries the physical and mental capabilities of ourselves, containing the character, appearance, determines the duration of life.

The power of feelings

The doctrine of temperaments arose in ancient times. Differences in the characters of people were explained by the superior influence of one of the four elements: water, fire, earth or wind.

The influence of the earth, which represents cold, was attributed to the emergence of a melancholic temperament, water - the appearance of a phlegmatic temperament, fire - a symbol of ardor - influenced the temperament of sanguine people, and, finally, choleric people should be grateful to the wind.

In the 5th century BC e. in Greece lived the great scientist Hippocrates, in whose family there were seventeen generations of doctors. Experience and observation helped him to describe to him the now well-known types of people, arguing that life on earth is in the harmony of the four elements, and the unity of the four principles is in full life. Later, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov noted that the Greek genius caught the capital features in the variety of variants of human behavior.

Currently, Pavlov's theory is considered generally accepted, which proved the dependence of the type of temperament on the properties nervous system. However, to this day, the so-called morphological theory, which correlates temperament and appearance, is clearly popular.

Temperaments in appearance and behavior

Sanguine temperament
(sensory-ethical subtype) is a strong stable type of the nervous system.
Such a person is increasingly known as active, cheerful and good-natured, has a strong, balanced character. He is an optimist, who, as a rule, is dominated by good mood. His reactions are always clearly expressed, easily and quickly replaced.
Personal features: demonstrative, self-centered, anxious, attach great importance to love. Charming, optimistic ... But they love to take revenge. Plastic.

Such people are energetic, lively, emotional with a variety and richness of facial expressions, a loud and fast pace of speech, well-controlled, balanced, efficient, self-confident. Impressive and sociable, as a rule, they easily make contacts and quickly adapt to a new environment, strive for frequent changes of impressions, easily and quickly respond to surrounding events. Working for success, they know how to captivate others, maintaining a good atmosphere in the team, they are witty. IN difficult situations become more collected without losing their sense of humor. Prone to solving tactical problems. They often come up with ideas and get them implemented. Relatively easily and quickly experience failures.

Among the shortcomings - there is no concentration, there is not enough purposefulness, they do not bring what they started to the end (but they are stubborn if they are carried away by business), unjustified haste of actions, superficiality. Tastes and interests are fickle.

Appearance has its own readable signs.

Women- the most feminine (high, big breasts, rounded hips). The skin of the face is white, tender, there is a blush, snub-nosed. Figures are usually picnic, round, streamlined, without sharp corners or athletic physique.

Pay a lot of attention to appearance. They stand out with a sort of personal zest. They have good taste, they want to please others. They need to be loved. Hairstyles prefer lush and light. They gravitate towards light hair color. Jewelry is loved, selected with taste. Clothing styles - classic, romantic (stiletto heels, ruffles, frills, flared skirt).
rounded shapes, tall, rarely medium height.
Emphasis in the center of the body on a rounded belly.
Convex relief of muscles.
Low metabolic rate.
Wide chest.
The head and forehead are rounded.
The chin and cheekbones do not protrude.
The nose is not pronounced or slightly upturned.
The neck is weakly expressed or short.
The legs are not long.

Representatives: Masha Rasputina, Alsou; Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Dita Von Teese, Jennifer Lawrence, Salma Hayek.

choleric temperament
(intuitive-ethical subtype) - a strong unstable type of the nervous system. The type of nervous activity is mobile - unbalanced, excitation in such people usually prevails over inhibition. Emotions are bright, strong, but unstable. In decision-making for choleric people, the human factor, emotions and relationships come first.
Personal features: aggressive, persistent, enterprising, risky, love changes in life, new experiences and communication. Energetic, impetuous, provocative, bold. Easy on the rise, love the effects. Demonstrative and extravagant. Benevolent and non-greedy.

Confident, resolute, enterprising, recklessly set to work, at a critical moment they can work for a long time and uncontrollably with maximum concentration of forces, quickly solve problems and overcome difficulties, grasp information on the fly, quickly memorize without even having time to realize.

Among the shortcomings: however, they are quick-tempered, impatient, straightforward, self-confident, have poor self-control, do not know how to calculate strength and do not know the measure in anything. Lack of endurance when performing monotonous, slow work. Waiting or failure can drive them crazy. In pursuit of quick results start to get ahead of events, fuss. They are especially oppressed by the need to restrain their feelings and excessive activity. They differ in sharpness, force of movement, impetuosity. They are prone to sudden mood swings (from joy to sadness, from laughter to anger), inconstancy, prone to emotional breakdowns, sometimes they are aggressive.

Appearance has its own readable signs, among which the fragility of the external appearance stands out.

Women have yellowish color face, skin rough, prone to dryness, allergic reactions are possible. Facial features are sharp, rough. According to the physique of asthenics or athletics. Cholerics are athletes by image. Prefer sport style clothes, variety and mixture of styles at once, short haircuts, bold experimenters. In makeup defiantly unrestrained. They love jewelry, which they use without taste. Bright, phosphorescent colors prevail in clothes, the deepest cuts on skirts. Hair plays with all the tints of the rainbow. The look is direct, assertive.
Thinness and dryness of physique.
Stretched parts of the body. Accent of the figure on the limbs.
No tendency to obesity.
High metabolic rate.
The chest is narrow.
Forehead without projections.
Top part heads are larger in volume, pointed parietal region. The chin is pointed.
The cheekbones are moderately or strongly pronounced, protruding, pointed.
The nose of a pronounced shape is pointed, elongated.
The neck is long, thin.
The legs are long, thin, the knees are thin, angular.

Representatives: Leah Akhedzhakova, Yana Churikova, Anastasia Volochkova, Mylene Farmer, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Uma Thurman.

melancholic temperament
(intuitive-logical subtype) - a weak unstable type of the nervous system. Usually inert - unbalanced, characterized by inconstancy, excitability, high fatigue and indecision. His feelings are slow and unbalanced, and mental capacity usually just as good as they are unstable.
Personal features: aesthetes, subtly feel harmony and beauty. Pedantic, conscientious and accurate.

prone to unfounded fears and worries; mostly insecure, timid, lack of initiative, passive, fearful, touchy, suspicious, loving loneliness, with a depressed mood. Tired quickly, difficult to learn changing world have difficulties in communicating with an unfamiliar social environment. The voice is quiet, the speech is slow. Obey rules and authorities. They can work successfully, but in favorable conditions and not at the limit of their capabilities. They are resourceful and prudent. At adverse conditions increased emotional vulnerability, isolation, alienation may develop. Therefore, more than others, they need the skills of psychological protection against overload - not only physical, but also intellectual, emotional.

Among the shortcomings: disturbing, covertly aggressive. Owners. Jealous, vengeful and vindictive. In difficult times lost, high spiritual sensitivity, and with a predominance of negative emotions.

Appearance has its own readable signs: modest, restrained, moderate.

Women- have sunken cheeks, gray complexion, sensitive, thin skin. The look is mirrored. Do not offer themselves to the whole world - introverts. Very gentle, tidy, careful. Asthenics. The hair is smooth, but not loose, but arranged in the same hairstyle. Makeup, jewelry - everything is moderate. Classical style prevails in clothes. Heels of medium height, wide, stable. Conservative in dress. They love old clothes more than new ones. "Pontovites" inside, they like to splurge (for example, a hairpin of the 18th century) - they love eye-catching clothes, but bright colors not for them. Carefully taken care of appearance- Their dresses and suits are very neat. Very selfish.
Refined facial features, fragility of appearance, thinness.
High metabolic rate, no tendency to obesity.
Elongated parts of the body, the emphasis of the figure on elongated limbs.
Flat, weak muscles, flat chest.
Relatively wide pelvis and shoulders with a narrow waist.
High square forehead, the upper part of the head is larger than the lower, pointed parietal region.
The chin is pointed, protrudes forward.
The cheekbones are moderately or strongly pronounced, protrude.
The nose is pointed, protruding forward, pronounced.
The neck is long, of medium thickness or thin, often curved, in appearance there is separation from the head and body, the Adam's apple is pronounced.
The legs and arms are long, thin, the joints are sharp and angular, the feet and hands are narrow, elongated.

Representatives: Anna Akhmatova, Ekaterina Guseva, Christina Orbakaite, Juliette Binoche, Jessica Bill, Keira Knightley, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Kidman.

Phlegmatic temperament
(sensory-logical subtype) - a weak stable type of the nervous system. Usually smooth, calm, he has weak emotions and a stable mood. Seems self-confident, but somewhat lazy and indifferent. With all the external slowness, the phlegmatic achieves the best results in terms of the volume and quality of work.
Personal features: restrained, moderate, demanding of themselves and others. Pedantic, conservative. Prone to manual activities. Productive and tidy.

Balanced, patient, hardy, purposeful, productive, with a sense of responsibility, persevering and persistent workers - capable of long-term hard work, it is difficult to offend or piss them off, they are slow. Difficulty in adapting to an unexplored environment and to a new circle of rotation. A calm, even, usually constant mood prevails. Speech is calm, with inexpressive facial expressions. They talk mostly about the case, do not idle talk. Enterprising, however, after careful weighing. Often they hesitate for a long time when making a decision.

Among the disadvantages: under adverse conditions, a passive lifestyle, lethargy, indifference can develop. Aggressiveness and vanity. Depending on the environment, both special lazy people and purposeful fighters come out of them.

Appearance has its own readable signs: 6–8% of the entire human population. They stand out from the general row, like "white crows", because they act according to all the rules.

Women- persons are often secretive - loneliness is comfortable for them. They have no energy, they are all in themselves. Picnic or athletic build, skin white and without flush. Hairstyles are uncomplicated, they have not changed for centuries. Almost no jewelry is worn. However, an engagement ring, like a totem, is a permanent application. They dress as they please, regardless of fashion and the opinions of others - moderately and ordinary, but adhere to the classical style. They always do what they want. All conservatives.
Slow movements, calm, floating gait.
Square-rectangular body. Dense figure, angular forms.
The same development of the body and limbs: the emphasis of the figure is in the center of the body, on the chest and rounded abdomen.
The muscles are massive, strong, strong. Short or medium round legs and arms.
Moderate or low metabolic rate. Tendency to obesity.
Wide chest.
Extended head forehead slightly tapering.
The cheekbones are weakly or moderately expressed.
The nose is straight, protruding, the tip is down.
Relatively short, straight neck.

Representatives: Marina Tsvetaeva, Irina Muravieva, Tamara Gvertsiteli; Catherine Deneuve, Renata Litvinova, Renee Zellweger, Kate Winslet, Drew Barrymore, Sigourney Weaver.


Taking into account the influence of society and upbringing, which largely forms the worldview, women are not free from laying the manifest temperament also according to their blood type.
- At the first, or zero blood type: this is at the same time a very passionate and strong-willed lady. She knows how and knows how to make shy men blush, it is impossible to get enough of intimate joys with her. ... on the other hand: she has a restrained character and a strong will - even when experiencing passion, the swindler is unlikely to be able to seduce her. All the ardor and sensuality of this woman goes to her permanent partner.
- with the second group Blood lady is most often busy with her affairs and career. Proximity worries her a little, she often yields (one must live like this!) To the requests and caresses of her partner. Reason and calculation more often allow her to achieve success in business than in experiments in bed. This is a more practical lady for family life - "storms on the side" are unlikely to be of interest to her.
- Third group blood intimacy, in principle loves, but does not attach much importance. Such a woman often compares the bed with the theater, playing the roles of either a sexual lioness or untouched naivety ... And she can easily succeed in any role. Treating everything easily and free from any complexes, this woman goes through life "playing". You should not lay a life-long road with her. Frequent change partners comes more and more out of curiosity.
- Fourth group representatives of the fair sex is able to "cure" any man from sexual complexes. This woman is sensual, reaches orgasm easily and loves sex. She can adapt to almost any desire of a man, and she herself is not at all opposed to experiments in intimate life. She takes love very seriously and rarely changes partners, but for the man who managed to win her heart, she can not only resolve everything, but she herself will stimulate a wide variety of sexual contact options, enjoying what her partner likes.

Summing up…

Women most often experience two types of fantasies - sexual and romantic. But readers of romantic novels will be more prone to experimentation than girls who prefer more serious literature.

It is probably hard for a wise soul to languish in the body of a choleric, ... in the everyday life of being a sanguine, in important events- melancholic, regarding impressions and deep interests, - choleric and, finally, in performance decisions taken- phlegmatic.

Such small tricks will help to maintain harmony - to find the very "opposite" XY chromosome (?), without which it is impossible to create a single whole.

Where does such confidence come from? .. You are not the first, and not the last! .. I wish you good luck ..., and I have a rest ..., not that "... the dawn has already dawned somewhere, although early, but it's summer ...".

Presenter of the heading "TESTING BY BEAUTY"
According to the materials of Internet sites

Women's temperament male standards

Many men believe that determining a woman's behavior in bed is a matter of two minutes. Moreover, there is a certain set of characteristics that corresponds to the image of a sexual tigress. The so-called types female temperament.

Your attention is presented to the main signs that men use to reveal the secrets of the sexuality of a particular person. Use this knowledge to turn your “weaknesses” into strengths.

Basically, men attach importance to how a woman treats the opposite sex, how accessible she is. The more a woman is selective, the more she is desired by a man. But if a woman is inaccessible to all men, it is scary, because she seems too serious. On a psychological level, people are attracted to a person who punishes and then rewards. This "reception" was used more than once by the best seductresses of world history!

Female temperament especially acute in force majeure situations. To attract a man sexually, it is enough to experience an emotional upsurge with him - whether it is a downpour, or a kayaking trip along a stormy river. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that adrenaline brings people together, precisely due to the disclosure of the true temperament of partners in such situations. In force majeure circumstances it is difficult to pretend.

Girls average appearance more attractive to men compared to their beautiful girlfriends. Therefore, it is not necessary to be the most beautiful girl in order to attract a man. However, if you lack self-confidence, beauty will be for you. great helper. This is the quality that is not decisive in matters of sexuality.

For men, a woman is primarily a sexual object, this is laid down at the physiological level, here are a few rules by which men determine woman's temperament.

Rules made by men

Sexy girls first of all love men, consider them good friends. Sincere sympathy for the opposite sex is one of the secrets of sexual attraction.

In addition, during the survey, it turned out that in the video, men were more attracted to a woman who was serious at the beginning, but by the end of the conversation began to be embarrassed and flirtatious. Don't be afraid to be funny!

Sexy ladies are more playful. Don't confuse playfulness with stupidity. The ability to laugh at yourself and have fun is highly valued by men. An overly serious girl with a lack of a smile will rather scare a man away than make her fall before her cold beauty. Stupid, laughing for no reason for men are completely unattractive, moreover, most gentlemen simply consider such young ladies a burden.

Temperamental experienced girls who know everything about the relationship between a man and a woman, love sex very much and do it more than ordinary women. For them it is very important tactile contact they should be affectionate and gentle. By the way, such girls are famous for their ability to repeatedly achieve orgasm. And this ability also has a positive effect on feelings of sexuality and self-esteem. For the most part, temperamental women are the initiators of sex. And this does not scare men at all, but rather pleasantly surprises.

Men admitted that temperamental girls are more good in bed when they are excessively beautiful girls do not always behave in bed the same way they look. Therefore, the conventional wisdom that men love beautiful people is wrong. Not pretty, but charming.

Women most often experience two types of fantasies - sexual and romantic. Temperamental ladies more often experience romantic fantasies than sexual ones. Also, readers of romantic novels are more prone to experiments in sex than girls who prefer more serious literature.

The main thing: remember that your sexuality is, first of all, your self-esteem and self-perception. If you don't feel like a playful seductress, stay nice and affectionate girl and you will be happy because you will be yourself! "To be, not to seem" - that's main principle, which is so respected by men in the fairer sex, regardless of female temperament.

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The temperament of a woman, her loving mood is a thing not fully understood and not explained, which psychologists around the world do not get tired of being amazed at. And it is no coincidence that the female temperament is regarded as one of the most mysterious phenomena in nature, however, like the woman herself. And indeed, speaking on this topic, which is far from always unambiguous, men, as a rule, have in mind the temperament of a woman during intimacy, love passion and attraction. In fact, this subject is much broader and is not limited to only one area of ​​our existence. This concept often includes such aspects as a thirst for life, the ability to enjoy every day, strive for the best and want a lot in life.

Naturally, both love and the ardor of feelings also fall under this category, thus making up an unforgettable, unusually attractive female image. A lot has been said about the female temperament, and even more about the often deceptive impression that other ladies create.

Hence the well-known proverb: "There are devils in the still waters." Often a cursory glance is not at all enough to determine how passionate and temperamental nature is hidden under the shell of external melancholy and poise.

In fact, temperament is a variable value. She can be completely absent in a woman exactly until she appears in her life. real love or a passionate interest in a subject—career, science, business, hobby.

And to "wake up" such a woman is only possible for the one whom she really loves, continuing to remain indifferent to people and events of little interest to her.

And even the most peaceful housewife will suddenly turn out to be a passionate tigress in everything that concerns her personal interest and aspiration.

Thus, it turns out that, most likely, not temperamental women does not exist at all?

So, meeting on our way a phlegmatic and lack of initiative person, we can assume that her female temperament is only “asleep” so far.

And it is not at all necessary that a woman who has lost interest in life, who day by day overcomes the annoying mediocrity of everyday life, is completely devoid of inner fire, optimism and irrepressible energy. Such women are immensely sorry, but it is quite possible that suddenly finding a purpose in life or love, they will change, and feelings will become aggravated.

What then to say about women whom we consider temperamental from birth. Burning brunettes and red-haired beasts, bravely rushing into the cycle of events, playing a fatal role in the lives of most men - such persons are naturally endowed with a temperament, which, however, may well turn out to be ostentatious.

And probably, this is just heightened emotionality, exaltation of feelings, which we simply used to take for true passion. And most of all, that man will be disappointed, who, under an ardent and hot shell, suddenly discovers a banal female fearfulness, complexes and restraint.

And it turns out that for any representative of the stronger sex, the eternal seeker in the beautiful Lady of mystery and mysterious magic, it is much easier to be captured by a calm and balanced outwardly woman, in whose soul volcanoes invisible to the outside eye are seething, than a too obviously temperamental person

Well, here, my numerous readers nevertheless forced me to move on to such a slippery topic. It is understandable that many people are concerned. How do I compare myself to others? Good or bad? Yes, in principle, the answer to this question does not exist. Every woman is completely unique and different men can behave completely differently. Yes, what is there with different, with the same thing, it can be both temperamental and absolutely cold. Nevertheless, each nature has its own temperament, which can be improved or spoiled, but in principle cannot be changed. What mom and dad gave, you will carry through life. Love, passion, or vice versa, disgust for a man can radically change the feelings of a woman, but your type of temperament is with you for life. Of course, its types are very conditional and generalized, but maybe you will see something familiar to yourself.


In principle, this type of woman is extremely rare. Percentage I think no more than 2-3. Not only are they incapable of experiencing an orgasm in any way, but they do not feel any sexual arousal. No, such a woman may well be pleased with the courtship of men, it may flatter her feminine pride, or she may simply like a man, she may well fall in love, however, she does not experience anything purely sexually. I had a friend who told me about her friend that when she sleeps with her lover, she thinks about whitewashing the ceilings. Over the years, and having seen enough films, such women try to imitate an orgasm, arrange stormy or not very shows, but all this ersatz can only be designed for a very inexperienced man. In general, such women are terribly sorry. To live life and never experience anything between your legs is a severe punishment.


This type of woman is able to experience and sexual attraction and orgasm, but it is given with great pain. A man for such a woman requires either very cold or very patient. If after an hour of all possible tricks you suddenly hear a faint squeak, then do not try to find a mouse under the floorboard, that was your beloved's orgasm. Often an orgasm in such women is accompanied by a short-term feeling of disgust. This feeling is purely physiological and a man does not need to take it personally.


This type of women is all right with temperament. And ardent, and passionate, and start up with a half turn, but here's an orgasm - dogs, no. Not with a man, not with a woman, not in the shower, not with a dildo. Never and under no circumstances. The pleasure of a night with a man higher than the roof, but instead of an exclamation mark at the end, it turns out to be a fat blot. Tragedy for life.


For such a girl, everything works out with herself, but with a man, nothing. Years pass, she already thinks that everything is a skiff! He imitates with men those feelings that he receives in his soul and quietly and slowly breaks his life. She is afraid to speak frankly about everything and admit that all her oohs and groans are a solid theater. Feel free to ask for a different try. She, of course, may be lucky, the stars will converge and a man will meet who will get where she needs to, find the pace she needs, kiss her as she should, well, or maybe that’s how the woman will ruin her life. By the way, if she was like this for a very long time, and then she got caught right man, then nothing good can come of it either, since she will get hooked on such a man as on a hard drug.


At of this type girls purely from a physiological point of view, everything is in order. Orgasm is quite achievable, but the sexual temperament is very weak and orgasm happens only after big holidays. Mercury and Saturn should be in the same house, it will rain over Bolivia and the man will fall into the very color. The sex life of such a woman is usually meager. She can do without a man for years or sleep with her husband or lover without experiencing anything special and only trying to grab a piece of her female happiness. However, there are those who, on the contrary, begin to hunt for men and the ever-elusive orgasm.


With such a woman, everything is more or less in order. And with an orgasm and with temperament. It all depends on her specific mood, the man, the beauty of her new dress, the compliment received at work and other purely feminine things. At the beginning of the novel, such a woman is very active and ready to stay up at night, but by and large, one or three orgasms a week are more than enough for her. Many men take the first stormy nights at face value, get married, and then are incredibly surprised that five or six days a week such a woman has a headache and is tired. In fact, this is where most of the cases come from. male cheating.


Such a woman has a violent multiple orgasm and a frantic temperament. Starts instantly, orgasms experience all possible and in turn and at the same time. Wants almost always and everywhere. And the plane will want you on Red Square. And in a year, and in two, and in ten years. Instantly feels a man's look and man's desire. Whether she likes you or not is another matter, but she has an innate feminine essence and intuition. Such girls are divided into two subtypes. Those who, despite all their temperament, can be in love with one man, if only he is sexually consistent, and those for whom one is not enough for any. Both subtypes, when making love, fall into complete prostration, they do not remember what they did and do not control themselves. The first orgasm is received almost instantly, but unlike single-orgasmic women, this is only the beginning for them, not the end of the banquet.


It is extremely rare, almost no more often than absolutely frigid women, there are nymphomaniacs. Everything about them is about the same as in the Bedtime Story, only orgasms, no matter how many there are, do not bring peace. It takes more and more and more. It is impossible for a man to fully satisfy such a woman. I think it is very difficult for her to live, however, it is not for me to judge.


Well, here, it seems on this subject and all. Why did you write? Yes, it's just fun for me to write. Well, then maybe one of my young readers will think about it and choose the right type of female temperament for themselves. After all, if you make a mistake in this matter, then throw most of your life down the drain. Either you will change, or you, or you will simply be unhappy. Of course, I understand that at the age of 20 everyone dreams of a Fairy Tale, only you correctly evaluate your own temperament, otherwise how Bunny wrote to me in a comment: “Well, he will feel like a sexual giant once in his life, and the girl will urgently run herself a detente with another look for! Because they aroused aroused, but did nothing! ". So choose a woman to match your true natural temperament. If, of course, you know what it is.


Maybe it's on my part and it's immodest to give advice to other men, but suddenly someone will come in handy. Let's start with the seduction of Bedtime Stories. Why do I stop at this particular type? Yes, I love this type reverently and tenderly. Well, what am I going to start describing how to seduce a frigid woman? No, of course, it’s terribly interesting for someone, but my mood immediately drops. So, a fairy tale for the night. Many young people think that the appearance somehow expresses the sexual temperament of a woman. plump mouth, big bust, sexy ass, feminine gait ... I'll tell you right away - complete crap. The appearance of a girl has absolutely nothing to do with her natural, genuine sexuality. I met the most beautiful, sexiest beauties who turned out to be absolutely wooden in bed, I also knew gray mice, the most modest pioneers and nerds, who were genuine Fairy Tales. Do not look at the bust young people, pay attention to how a woman looks at you. Just do not think that it should be some kind of frank or even more fucking look. He may be downcast and utterly modest, but in the Fairy Tale you cannot confuse him with anything. He is special. He's rather a little wandering.

So the easiest way to conquer the Tale is with a glance. Only for men. I don’t know which of the men has what experience on this topic, I never even discussed it with friends, but I noticed that the look has an absolutely bewitching effect on the Fairy Tale. No, there is no need to hypnotize her with a look and bulge her eyes. You can look at her completely frankly or catch a glimpse, in fact, you can just look at the girl after her. It doesn't matter. It is important that at this moment you do not see the street, houses, or other passers-by. There should be absolutely nothing in your gaze. Only one pure, undiluted desire. You can be sure that the Tale will feel this look from the back. Feel and appreciate. No, if she can’t stand you, then this may not change anything, but if she didn’t notice you before, now she will definitely start to notice. If you see that she began to look away, blush, or her neck suddenly went crimson spots, then you can be sure that a white flag is hung over the fortress and you were handed the keys to the city.

So, the smell of the Lord, and once again the smell. It is of paramount importance for a woman. Always use only expensive and good perfume. Women's charm is thinner than ours and very often they are able to be excited only by your smell. You have already left the date, but the woman continues to feel you, she is still in your arms.
If you invite a girl to your place, then from your apartment you should not carry borscht and your dirty socks. It's full now various means to give your apartment a smell that can set a girl in a romantic mood. I can recommend L "Occitane, although I myself personally use Esteban. In last time choosing between flavors of nougat and chocolate and withered hay. The smell of chocolate is of course absolutely fatal for girls, but I'm a pervert and chose the smell of hay. After all, I live in an apartment.
And yet, no perfume can replace your own scent for a woman. The smell of strength, sexuality and success. Women react instantly to this smell and it works absolutely flawlessly.

Do you want to know the sexual nature women What can you expect from her and what does she expect from you? Find one that satisfies you and that you can like. Here you can find out the various subtleties of each sign.

Aries: It is necessary to seduce the Sheep vigorously and quickly. Either she will give everything at once, or nothing ever. The best way seduction is to perform some outstanding feat. Aries women they themselves are very hot and passionate, therefore they prefer understanding and accommodating partners. It may seem that they are completely devoid of coquetry and are indifferent to manifestations of gallantry in their address.

For example, they do not require a coat to be served and a warning to open the door. But! Remember that all this is not necessary just because something more is expected of you. The body of the Sheep resembles a warm elastic ball to the touch, their hair is usually with a dark tint, and their skin is with a swarthy tint. Even if there are no southern ancestors in the pedigree.

Taurus: When women this sign there is a thought, she thinks it, doing it very thoroughly. Other salient feature: a sexually mature Taurus woman must be "in the body." If she is "out of the body", it means that something is wrong here. In order for everything to be as it should, it must be properly groomed.

Feed should be snickers and meat, it is best to drink sweet liquors. Caress at the same time erogenous zones. If the Taurus woman is deprived of this, she is unhappy and suffers greatly. If she has it, she is happy and loving. In pauses, you can tell erotic jokes, read something entertaining aloud and sing songs. Businessmen and the military have the greatest chances of success.

Gemini: With Gemini, everything is easy and not boring, although sometimes it is too rational. Some people like it that way, and some don't. A matter of taste. Despite the seeming frivolity and seemingly inconstancy, Gemini is quite prudent. Often they mislead a partner with an increased interest in his person.

For Gemini, such an interest may simply mean their inherent curiosity, and not the presence of any far-reaching plans. Under this sign, there are often vociferous partners who love to clearly express their attitude to what is happening with a variety of words and sounds. Great pleasure can be obtained from joint viewing of erotic pictures, learning new sexual positions and discussions of mutual acquaintances.

Cancer: Inherent in women of this sign natural tenacity is so strongly developed that there is no hope of easy parting. They gently grab men with their graceful "pincers", and behind bad behavior painfully infringe in some tender place. Behind good behavior you will be provided with family comfort and delicious homemade food.

If you are a poet, you will get the opportunity to daily enjoy the study of the mystery of life and death, hidden in the gray haze of your girlfriend's eyes. However, it should be remembered that Cancer women they don't like those poets who don't have money. They are more attracted by the solidity of the partner and his ability to create complete family. They show special sensitivity to ritual trifles, are very jealous, there are vampirists and insidious.

Leo: Since bargaining is not appropriate here, the right to access the body will have to be fully proven. The chosen one must have a courageous figure, a prestigious car and a bright reputation in society. You can't do without serenades under the balcony and a duel with an opponent. Always imposing and self-confident, the Lioness loves most of all that everything be spectacular and dramatic, like in a movie.

And her partner should be the main subject of her pride. At least at first. The advantage of the Lionesses is that they rarely "saw" the stronger sex and in general they usually do not get bored over trifles, preferring to show themselves in close-up. The disadvantage is their weakness for everything bright and shiny. It is often used marriage swindlers and athletes from sex.

Virgo: Love with Virgos improves health and broadens one's horizons. Women this sign very interesting. They know the rules well. And they also know how to break them correctly. Express your innermost desires to the Virgin not with loving glances and timid hints, but in plain text. After some thought, you will be given a reasonable answer - maybe positive, or maybe obscene.

The immaculate and prim appearance characteristic of some young Virgos should not be deceived. It happens sometimes,
young Virgos are embarrassed by their erotic inexperience. But mature Virgos are devoid of complexes and are not shy about anything. They are the best in a variety of sexual techniques.

Libra: A woman born under the sign of Libra wants to please everyone. Being next to her, it is important to understand that sex and flirting are two big differences. Otherwise, you can ingloriously wither away from erotic suffering. In choise permanent partner Libra is very picky and in order to make a fateful decision, they must, well, not just weigh everything in detail, but, probably, feel something very important.

By and large, the representative of this sign I want a man who would lead her; And not just for herself, but for everyone else too. Little by little - such a partner, from whom there is no inconvenience when communicating with others. Living with Libra should be beautiful, in comfort, from time to time giving flowers and serving coffee in bed. Courageous temperament

Scorpio: An exalted scorpion spirit struggles with a lustful scorpion body. Because of this, both a powerful sex appeal and a harsh aura of severity come from Scorpions, as if saying that if you make love, then for a serious reason. The sign of Scorpio is distinguished by such qualities as greed and the desire to do everything for real. Therefore, Skopionshi love strong men most of all - in every sense. In erotic games, they are very passionate and do not neglect the elements of healthy sadomosochism.

A woman born under this sign must be able to love for a long time and a lot, at worst - expensive. Assess your strengths and financial opportunities. Vegetarian romantics who, out of pacifist convictions, are not capable of cutting the throat of a chicken need not worry. It is necessary to live with Scorpios beautifully, in comfort, from time to time giving flowers and serving coffee in bed. Courageous temperament they value their half no less than compliments and sophistication in getting around.

Sagittarius: The Sagittarius woman does not look directly at the "target", but, as it were, a little far away. And if in the distance that is visible behind you, nothing interesting shines for her, she will not have any etusiasm in communication. This is a centaur cross between a proud young lady with an athlete and a Komsomol member. Aristocratic nobility naturally coexists with rustic rudeness.

In order to constantly have (next to oneself) such an Amazon, one needs a continuous flight of the spirit and a movement of the body directed somewhere. It is best to make love on the Cypriot beaches, in between reports at a scientific symposium, as well as fishing or hunting. Most of all, she is excited by the hunt for a partner. And after achieving the goal, he wants to switch to something more difficult to reach

Capricorn: In early youth, Goats are somewhat dry. To live a full erotic life, they need to work up fat, grow up and gain experience. For those over 35, such a girlfriend of life can be quite a tempting option. Of course, a young Goat may also be suitable for marriage, but you will get more pleasure from a mature one.

In addition to sexual attractiveness, a mature Goat has another unique advantage, which is especially valuable for domestic and impressionable men - her shoulder can always be used as a reliable support in various troubles of life.

An unsatisfied Goat can patiently hide his dissatisfaction until someone really suitable turns up for her. When he turns up, she will be persistent. The methods of seduction in her performance are not always subtly elegant, but they are supported financially and well calculated in place and time.

Aquarius: It is not enough to be only a physiological man. First you need to become a Friend and Associate. There is one more necessary condition- be independent and stand out from the crowd individual characteristics. Under the sign of Aquarius, not the most sensual, but the most interesting and unpredictable partners are born.

They are extravagant, freedom-loving and not jealous over trifles. Show an unobtrusive leaning towards feminism and non-traditional forms sex. Love happens against the backdrop of mutual friends, and sometimes right in their apartments. You will regularly discover new facets of its elusive nature. Favorite colors of Aquarius - from cold palette winter landscape. Bright red roses may be out of place here.

Pisces: With a woman born under the sign of Pisces, it is easy to feel like a drug addict.