The best position to get pregnant. Women, drink... cough syrup. Let's take a look at the "winners" among the "fertile" sex positions.

Not everyone succeeds in getting pregnant the first time. This does not mean at all that a woman has problems conceiving or serious ailments of the reproductive system. The period in which the fair sex with a partner is trying to conceive a child matters. We will help you calculate your fertility period and determine how many days before ovulation you can get pregnant. sex in certain days significantly increases the chances of becoming a mother.

At what period can you get pregnant?

First, determine when your body is ready for procreation. You will have to find out the day on which ovulation will occur.

Ways to determine ovulation:

  • calendar method;
  • use of test strips;
  • Ultrasound with a transvaginal probe;
  • measurement of basal temperature.

The calendar method is considered simple. To determine fertile days, calculate the average duration menstrual cycle. At healthy woman this figure is within 24-37 days. After calculations, you will get a number, for example, 28. With such a cycle, the dominant follicle bursts on days 12-16. Count from the first day of your period. 7 days after menstruation, the period of "fertility" begins. But this does not mean that before ovulation there is no opportunity to conceive a baby. Sperm "live" in the uterus and fallopian tubes for up to 7 days. That is, 7 days before the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, you can conceive a child. If your cycle is 32 days, then ovulation falls approximately in the middle of the period, somewhere around day 16-18. With an excess of estrogens, the rupture of the dominant follicle may be delayed and occur on the 20th day of the cycle.

How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant? The egg is able to merge with the sperm only 12-36 hours after the rupture of the dominant follicle. That is, for a maximum of two days after the rupture of the follicle, you can become pregnant. The fertile period takes about 10 days. Approximately 7 days before follicle rupture and 2 days after ovulation.

If you do not know when ovulation will occur, and on what days the probability of getting pregnant is high, watch the discharge. During the fertile period, they become transparent and slippery. Discharge looks like protein chicken egg. The amount of secret is increasing. After ovulation, the secretions are scanty and whitish, they have an acidic environment and do not conduct sperm. 48 hours after ovulation, it will not be possible to conceive a baby, a period of pregnancylessness begins.

It is worth noting that the calendar method for determining the fertile period is only suitable for women with regular periods. With a lack of progestins, there is a risk of spontaneous ovulation or anovulatory cycles. Accordingly, it is very difficult to calculate ovulation without the help of doctors and equipment.

How many days before ovulation can you get pregnant?

Pregnancy won't come before ovulation, so why do doctors advise having sex even before the rupture of the follicle with the egg? Sperm in a slightly alkaline environment "lives" for another 3-7 days. It is possible to get pregnant by having sex a week before ovulation. But for such a long time, sperm can only live if certain conditions. Lifespan depends on the characteristics of the cervical mucus. It should be sufficiently fluid and well "conduct" the sperm. The chances of conceiving a child increase as ovulation approaches. Doctors believe that the optimal period for the conception of crumbs is the day before ovulation and the day after it.

You do not need to have sex every day, starting a week before the maturation of the egg. Frequent intercourse is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of sperm and a decrease in its quality. The best option is once every 2-3 days. The partner must abstain from sex for a week before trying to conceive.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time?

The chance of conceiving a baby on the first try is only 10%. The most suitable for conception are only 2-3 days in a cycle, lasting 28 days. You will increase your chances of getting pregnant if you calculate your fertile period and watch your cervical mucus.

Still, the chances of conceiving a child are small, since a woman cannot say with a 100% guarantee that she really ovulated on a particular day. Therefore, for the calculation, doctors recommend using test strips. This plain paper, impregnated with an indicator that reacts to a surge of luteinizing hormone. What days are you most likely to get pregnant? In the body of a woman, 12-24 hours before the follicle with the egg bursts, a huge amount of LH is released into the blood. This hormone triggers the ovulation process and there is a maximum chance of getting pregnant. There are three tests in the package, it is recommended to start using on the 12th day of the cycle with its duration of 28 days. After a surge of LH, it is worth making love within a day.

In what position can you get pregnant quickly?

It all depends on physiological features women. No perfect pose for everyone, which helps to speed up conception. Some women have a saddle uterus, a curved cervix in a certain direction. All this should be considered when choosing a pose.

The best poses to conceive a baby when the uterus is bent:

  • Doggy style (on all fours);
  • On the side;
  • Lying on my stomach.

The missionary way of having sex is not suitable for a lady with a twisted uterus. The ideal position would be "dog-like" or "lying on the stomach." After the completion of sexual intercourse, a woman should lie silently on her stomach. Some doctors recommend placing a pillow under your thighs to allow all the sperm to slide towards your cervix. Many women do birch for 10 minutes.

There are a lot of “gum” in the sperm, so there is no need to perform acrobatic stunts. It is enough to lie quietly for a few minutes so that most of the spermatozoa enter the cervix. Please note that a woman's orgasm increases the chances of getting pregnant, so pay a lot of attention to foreplay. To decide in what positions you can quickly get pregnant pictures will help.

IN ancient india it was believed that the "missionary position" was ideal for conception. In such a position, when there is a high probability of becoming pregnant, all the woman's organs are not clamped and are in a natural position. But this way of having sex is not suitable for a lady with a curved uterus.

Ovulation days when you can get pregnant with a girl and a boy

Usually couples who do not have children long time they just want a baby. They don't care if it's a boy or a girl. But the couple, who already have a son, want to give birth to a girl. This can be done using the calendar method. As described above, the sperm can live in the female body for 2-7 days. This gap is not only due to the quality of sperm.

Scientists have proven that spermatozoa that contain XX chromosomes, that is, female ones, are more tenacious. They get to the egg later than sperm with a Y chromosome. But female cells live longer and are not as sensitive to increased acidity of cervical mucus. Spermatozoa with a Y chromosome live only 2 days, but their speed is higher. Accordingly, two days before ovulation, the probability of conceiving a boy is higher. If you have sex 4-5 days before ovulation, you are more likely to get pregnant with a girl.

In most cases (60%), pregnancy occurs after 180 days of regular intercourse. The remaining 20% ​​of women become pregnant within a year. But if you have not been using protection for 12 months, and you cannot conceive a child, consult a doctor. Perhaps there are health problems. After the age of 35, the chances of getting pregnant decrease several times. For a year, a 35-year-old woman has only 6 ovulatory cycles.

The choice of suitable positions for is based more on physical laws than on medical research. The basic rule says that the position should provide deep penetration largest number spermatozoa, which increases the likelihood of fertilization. That is why it is desirable to avoid those positions where the woman is standing or on top, since in this position the sperm flows out of the vagina and the chances of an attack are reduced.

Because all people have different structure internal organs, as well as height and weight, there is no universal pose that guarantees the appearance. Couples just need to find a position in which they are most comfortable, and in which most often an orgasm occurs simultaneously for both partners.

Proved that strong contractions uterus during the female orgasm play a significant role in the onset of pregnancy.

missionary position

Such classic version was recommended for conception in the medical treatises of ancient India. It said that when a woman lies on her back, and a man is on top of her face to face, all organs are harmoniously located, the bodies are in balance and as high as possible.
This position for conception is not suitable for women with a bend of the uterus, so it is advisable to first consult with a doctor from antenatal clinic to find out if you have such a structural feature of the genital organs.

Another position for fast conception is “knee-elbow” (“man behind”). This is how animals have sex. In this position, the woman rests on her elbows and kneels, her partner is behind. In addition, a woman can lie face down, and a man can raise her legs to the level of his waist or shoulders. Almost all women can have sex in this position, including those who have an inverted uterus.

If a woman's ovaries are inflamed, the uterus may be slightly turned to the side. In this case, you should choose a suitable position for conceiving a child, in which the partner needs to lie on the side where the uterus is turned. In the event that the uterus is located normally, a small pillow can be placed under the buttocks, pressing the knees to the chest and raising the legs.

Helpful advice

To get pregnant faster, it is better to have sex about every other day. Especially auspicious time for conception - 4-5 days before ovulation and 1 day after it. The best time of day to have sex is around 5 pm. it is at this time that spermatozoa show increased activity.

The conception of a child is a mystery that a person cannot understand. Some get it right the first time, and some healthy couples wait months for their efforts to succeed. Whether fertilization will occur, it is impossible to know in advance. However, the choice correct postures increases the chances of partners to conceive a child.


When trying to conceive a child, it is necessary to choose positions for sex, in which the penetration will be the deepest, and the sperm will be retained in the vagina. Naturally, they mean "a woman from below." The movement of spermatozoa is already difficult. They have to overcome huge distance in search of an egg, so you should not choose positions in which a woman rises above her partner. In such a situation, the chances of getting pregnant are small.

One of the best poses is the classic, missionary. This position was described by the ancient Hindus in the medical treatise Charaka Samhita. The document states that when a woman lies on her back, the pelvic organs are in balance and positioned correctly. A woman should be relaxed and enjoy the process. The chances are greatly increased if the partner's pelvis is raised by 45 degrees. To do this, you can put a pillow or a towel roll under it. Then the cervix will reach the largest number sperm. You can also pull your legs to your chest or put on your partner's shoulders. Unfortunately, if you have a tilted uterus, the missionary position is not for you.

The "man from behind" or "doggystyle" position refers to positions in which a man penetrates a woman as deeply as possible. best effect can be achieved if, at the final stage, the partner bends down, raising one leg up. With good physical training partners, you can try to position the legs of the partner on the sides of the partner. In this case, the man holds his legs, and the woman rests only on her elbows. The “man behind” position is suitable for conception even for those women whose uterus is wrong position.

One of the possible, although less effective options is the side-by-side position. A woman can clasp her partner with one or both legs for better sperm penetration.

After sex, a woman needs to remain in a lying position for at least 15-20 minutes. With the normal position of the uterus, it is necessary to lie on your back, raising your legs like a birch tree or pressing your knees to your chest. Place a small pillow under your pelvis. When the uterus is bent, lie on your stomach. So the sperm will envelop the cervix as much as possible. If, due to past inflammatory diseases, the uterus is to the side and occupies an atypical position, consult a gynecologist regarding the best positions for conception.


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In the life of women, sooner or later there comes a moment when you really want to have offspring, give all the love, affection and care to your baby. But some couples for a long time unable to get pregnant. What needs to be done so that conception occurs as quickly as possible?

Healthy lifestyle

A woman who wants to become a mother must lead a healthy lifestyle. None alcoholic beverages And . Nicotine has the ability to kill eggs. Proper nutrition also applies to healthy lifestyle life. A woman's diet should include vegetables, fruits and seafood. Very important for nutrition future mother E and A folic acid.

Sleep eight hours a day without her, try not to overwork. The more measured work and life, the problems will arise with reproductive function. By the way, so that you can go on vacation with your loved one to the sea coast, away from the hustle and bustle and closer to healing air. According to statistics and practice, it is on vacation that it occurs without any problems even in previously considered infertile couples.

After sex, it is recommended to lie down for fifteen minutes, during which time the sperm will reach the cervix. Accordingly, the chances of getting pregnant will be more.

Favorable time for conception

During the fertile period, the onset is most likely. This period lasts approximately six days (five days before ovulation and one day after). The most favorable time for conception: two days before ovulation.

To determine ovulation, you can: measure every morning basal body temperature and conduct an appropriate one, conduct a diagnosis using special tests (sold in), undergo an ultrasound scan for several days in a row, or simply carefully monitor your well-being (there may be drawing pains, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant).

Stress is one of the main reasons that can prevent pregnancy. Learn to relax: use aromatherapy, aroma baths, auto-training, you can resort to taking soothing herbs.

Do not overdo it

With frequent ejaculation, the value of sperm is significantly reduced. Therefore, constant sex does not increase the chances of getting pregnant, the desired frequency is once every 2-3 days. You double your chances by having sex during ovulation, as the sperm stays active for up to three days.

To determine the level of sperm activity, you can take a semen analysis. If we talk about reproductive function sperm, then experts strongly recommend refraining from wearing tight clothing, visiting baths and saunas, it is also advisable not to wear mobile phone in trouser pockets.

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It is difficult to imagine a complete happy family without children. But some women do not succeed quickly and easily, even if doctors do not find abnormalities in health. To quickly acquire offspring, you should exclude the influence of negative factors on partners and be less nervous, as well as use some tricks.


The first recommendations should be given, since success depends not only on the partner. It's time to pull yourself together and, at least for a while, give up drinking alcohol and smoking. Alcohol has a negative effect on spermatozoa, which become inactive. And this fact can negatively affect the health of the future. Wear loose trousers, less sedentary work do not overheat or overcool groin(refuse to visit the bath and pool). Some of the spermatozoa die from overheating, so in this case it will not work out quickly. And try not to call a woman negative emotions, as stress can adversely affect ovulation.

Limit your intake medicines, including antihistamines, antibiotics and analgesics, as they interfere with the maturation of eggs. Do not use store-bought lube during sex, as it kills sperm. After intercourse, it is recommended to lie on your back for fifteen minutes, during which time the spermatozoa will be able to approach the cervix.

The woman's body works like a perfect, well-oiled mechanism. On certain days, the likelihood of pregnancy increases, and there are also periods when conception is impossible.

How does pregnancy occur

Each in the body of a woman one egg matures. It develops in one of the ovaries for about 10-13 days, and then, within 24-48 hours, moves to fallopian tube leading to the uterus. This process is called ovulation. During ovulation, the body prepares for possible pregnancy, a new mucous membrane is formed in the uterus, special hormones are produced. The egg remains in the fallopian tube for about one day. If during this period it combines with sperm, pregnancy will occur. Otherwise, the egg dies and after some time is removed from the body along with the uterine mucosa - menstruation occurs. Thus, it is only possible to certain time associated with ovulation.

Which days

The number of days between the onset of menstruation is called the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs approximately in its middle. The duration of the menstrual cycle is individual for each woman, so the time of ovulation must be calculated independently. IN healthy body pregnancy can occur during the period of ovulation itself and a maximum of 5 days before it. After the release of the egg from the fallopian tube, the possibility of becoming pregnant is minimal, but an insignificant percentage of the probability remains. The remaining time before the onset of menstruation is considered days natural protection.

A woman's cycle depends on many factors, it can go astray and change its duration. Therefore, you should not give up protection on natural contraceptive days if you do not plan to have a baby.

How to determine the onset of ovulation

The most common way is to measure basal body temperature. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every day closer to the middle of the cycle. On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, and immediately after it, it rises sharply.

Basal temperature is measured immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed. For accurate results Get at least 5 hours of sleep and don't drink alcohol.

You can also refer to subjective feelings. During the period of ovulation, it can be a little, and also intensifies sexual desire. Quantity natural secretions increases and increases their viscosity. IN Lately ovulation tests have become common - they are sold in pharmacies and have high level reliability. But most exact way is ultrasound monitoring: for several days, the doctor observes the maturation of the egg and can clearly determine the moment of ovulation.


  • what days can you get pregnant in 2019

When planning a child, it is advisable to imagine how the reproductive system women, in order to know on which days the conception is most favorable, otherwise there is a high probability that it will not be possible to get pregnant immediately after the termination of contraception. In fact, in each cycle there are only a few days in which it is easiest to get pregnant, and for each girl they are calculated individually, depending on the duration and regularity of her cycle.


A woman's menstrual cycle begins on the first day of her period. After menstruation, a new follicle grows and develops in her body - an egg in a special shell, which after a few days breaks and releases an egg ready for fertilization. This process is called ovulation, it is at this time that conception is most favorable. The egg only lives for two days, and if after this period it has not met with the sperm, then pregnancy in this cycle most likely will not occur.

It is usually said that ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. If the cycle duration is 28 days, ovulation really falls on the 14-15th day, that is, in the middle. But in other cases, with longer or shorter cycles, the day of ovulation shifts slightly: you need to count 14 days from the moment of the next expected period. So for a woman with a 24-day cycle, this would be the tenth day of the cycle, and for a woman with a 35-day cycle, it would be day 21.

These ovulation calculations are approximate, in practice, women sometimes experience cycle shifts, ovulation can occur earlier or later, sometimes there are anovulatory cycles, sometimes two eggs mature at once. To determine ovulation, use special tests, which are sold in pharmacies, or measure basal temperature in the morning - during ovulation, it rises to 37 degrees and above.

Since sperm can live in a woman's body for up to a week, it is not necessary to try to conceive a child on the day of ovulation. Doctors say that if you make love every other day in the period from the tenth to the eighteenth day of the cycle (with a duration of 28-30 days), then it is very high. If you have a longer or shorter cycle, calculate the approximate day of ovulation and start active child seven days before now.

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Tip 9: What is the chance of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation

The question of pregnancy planning or adequate contraception sooner or later confronts every woman. How does the opportunity depend on the menstrual cycle?


The menstrual cycle includes all phases of changes that occur in the internal genital organs of a woman. There are four phases of the menstrual cycle:

Menstrual, when, as a result of vasospasm and contraction, rejection and expulsion of the endometrium occurs - this is what is associated with bloody issues from the genital tract, this period lasts 3-7 days;

The proliferative phase lasts 7-11 days; in this phase, the maturation of several follicles begins under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, this period lasts about two weeks; then, which falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle - the largest of the mature follicles with the release of an egg that enters the fallopian tube (the rest of the mature follicles begin to reverse development);

The secretory phase begins from the moment the egg leaves the follicle and the formation of a temporary gland in its place - corpus luteum- which produces in large numbers hormone progesterone. Progesterone enhances the sensitivity of the endometrium, increases its viscosity, thereby increasing the possibility of fixing a fertilized egg. This phase lasts an average of 12-16 days.

The total duration of the menstrual cycle is 28-32 days, sometimes a little more. If fertilization and fixation gestational sac does not occur, the body regresses and the menstrual phase begins. It is on the principle of changing the phases of the menstrual cycle that the calendar method of contraception is based. for conception, an interval of 7-9 days. However, it must be taken into account that female body- this is not a machine running software, it may have interruptions and hormonal shifts, so all terms are very conditional.

One thing can be said with certainty: ovulation is the most favorable time for conception, when the probability of fertilization is as high as possible.


  • Menstrual cycle (uterine cycle). Phases of the menstrual cycle. menstrual phase. proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. in 2018
  • Secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. menstrual bleeding. in 2018
  • Menstrual cycle in 2018

Before planning a pregnancy, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist and pass everything necessary tests. To maximize the possibility of conception, you should determine the day of ovulation with the help of special test strips and concentrate on sex with your soulmate.

Determine the day "X", the most effective for conception. It's about about the onset of ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Keep in mind that the release of an egg from the ovary is a purely individual matter, therefore, to significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant, use special medical kits. These can be test strips, tablet and inkjet tests, which allow you to determine the "reference point" as accurately as possible.

Ovulation is best time to focus on sex. Do not waste your energy on choosing the “right poses”, just act. There are myths about favorable positions for successful insemination, but there is no strong evidence that the standard missionary position is more suitable for conception than the “rider” position, in which the woman is on top, there is no. However, keep in mind that the representatives of the weaker sex, who have uteruses, should be especially scrupulous in approaching this issue.

Immediately after intercourse, take a horizontal position and stay in it for about 5-10 minutes, so that the sperm is sure to enter the cervix. In this case, it is not at all necessary to raise both legs up - the position of the pelvis will not change at all from this.

Do not abuse sex during ovulation, as with frequent ejaculation, the “value” of sperm decreases. By making love every night at a fertile time, you already double your chances of successful conception, since sperm can remain active for about 72 hours. If you prefer more frequent sexual intercourse, first ask your partner to take a semen analysis, which will determine the level of its activity.


Taking antibiotics during pregnancy planning is contraindicated. The same can be said about antihistamine drugs that disrupt the ovulation cycle. During intercourse, do not use lubricants, as they create an unfavorable environment for sperm.

Helpful advice

Please note that during the reception oral contraceptives the ovaries "rest", and accordingly, ovulation does not occur. However, after the termination of the course, they begin to work with double strength. This means that the chances of getting pregnant the first time are quite high.

Great amount couples dreaming about the onset of pregnancy, but nothing comes of it. Therefore, it is important to know when this is possible. Let's explore this information.

Many are interested in when the highest probability of getting pregnant. The duration of the menstrual cycle is usually 21-34 days. Probable days for fertilization is the middle of the cycle - it is at this time that ovulation usually occurs. For example, for a cycle lasting 30 days, ovulation will occur on days 15-17.

Then the egg lives for about a day, and the spermatozoa that are in the genital tract of a woman live for 3-4 days. Therefore, accordingly, it is better to conceive 3 days before, during and immediately after the expected ovulation. By the way, remember - it is better not to have sex every day, but to take breaks for 1-2 days - in this case, the quality and composition of sperm will improve!

Signs of the onset of ovulation:

1. Change in BT (basal temperature).

The temperature should be measured every day, immediately after waking up, before getting out of bed. During the period of ovulation, the temperature increases by 0.4-0.8 degrees.

2. Change in vaginal discharge.

Approaching the onset of ovulation, they look like cream (yellowish or whitish). On the days of ovulation, they are slippery, transparent and elastic - this makes it easier for sperm to move towards the egg.

3. Pain in the area of ​​the ovary (lasts several minutes 1-2 days).

4. Change in LT (luteinizing hormone).

It is thanks to this change that a test bought at a pharmacy shows the onset of ovulation.

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There are many tips to help a couple get pregnant as soon as possible. Most of them are based on medical research and observations of specialists in the field of gynecology. But some recommendations are not related to medicine. Nevertheless, their use by many women helped not only to give birth, but even to conceive a boy in short time. For example, this applies to the use of certain positions for having sex.

The choice of sex position for the purpose of conceiving a child is based more on physical laws than on medical regulations. The main thing to consider for a couple striving to become parents is to ensure proper penetration of the penis. Due to this, the likelihood that the egg will be fertilized by spermatozoa increases. Therefore, positions for getting pregnant should exclude the possibility of leakage of seminal fluid from the vagina.

When it comes to the variety of positions during sexual intercourse, which country immediately comes to mind? Of course, India. Many centuries ago, the "pundits" of this sexually advanced country advised men and women to practice the position that we now call "missionary", and sometimes just "classic". How did they justify their recommendations? According to the Indian "sexologists" of antiquity, when a man and a woman make love, being face to face with their partner, the location of the organs is in the best combination and bodies achieve balance and harmony. We are talking about the position in which the woman lies on her back.

Modern experts advise a woman to slightly bend her knees and pull her to her stomach. Somewhat extreme, but useful advice from the same series, when the partner places her legs on the man's shoulders. These tips will help you make love in a way that increases your chances of early conception. Due to what? Due to the deep penetration of the man's penis into the vagina, its contact with the cervix is ​​more dense. As a result, the probability of fertilization of the egg increases.

Pose "doggy-style"

The Russian-speaking population is more familiar with the phrase “man behind”. Many couples enjoy making love in this position. Often, a woman simply leans on her knees and elbows, while her partner is attached from behind. Using this position, you can get pregnant faster, because the uterus is located lower than the vagina. Through the law gravity, sperm after orgasm will rush through the pipes straight to meet with the female sex cell.

The two positions considered for sex in order to conceive a child are the most common. To further increase the likelihood of pregnancy, you need to have sex at least 2-3 times a week. The approach of the ovulation phase should make the couple do this even more often.

According to some experts, perfect time days to make love can be considered the second half of the day, when the activity of male germ cells is especially high.

To ensure "fast delivery" of seminal fluid to the uterus, women are often advised to lie down after intercourse with their legs up for 15 minutes.

Poses for pregnancy with uterine pathologies

Very often, women try to prepare for the responsible period of gestation. They drive correct image life, undergo examinations and prepare for motherhood. The choice of position is not only a technical point that increases the mathematical chances of getting pregnant. Having sex in a position you like is often a matter of mood, because diversity in sexual life and getting new sensations emotional condition will only get better.

The structure of the genital organs of women is somewhat different. To determine the characteristics of her body, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

With different tilts of the uterus, women can practice the postures listed just above. In the normal position of the uterus, when it is slightly tilted forward, experts especially recommend for successful conception practice the missionary position.

As shown in the photo, the woman in this position is located on her back, her knees are pushed apart and slightly bent. The man is located on top, leaning with the help of his knees and elbows. This position not only allows the man's penis to penetrate as deep as possible and correspond to the direction of the uterus, but also is in close contact with the partner. Thanks to this, a man can give a woman a pleasant sensation, which undoubtedly affects the quality of sex.

Often couples make some changes in this posture. The woman remains in her position, and the man rises a little higher. Now he leans on straightened arms, perhaps holding the hands of his partner. This achieves a slightly different angle of penetration and the couple gets new sensations from intimacy. For women with a normal cervical tilt, this position can be very helpful in trying to get pregnant faster.

Speaking of arousal and orgasm. If a woman experiences an orgasm during sex, this greatly increases her chances of conceiving. Largely for this reason, the task of the future father is to deliver not only sperm to his partner, but also pleasure.

Thanks to the aforementioned "doggy-style" position, a man also has the opportunity to please his beloved during sexual intercourse. When a woman is on her knees and elbows, with her hips slightly apart, a man has the opportunity to ensure deep penetration of the penis. In this position, a pleasant massage for a woman is performed on the G-spot - one of the most sensitive erogenous zones female body. According to experts, all this will help women with a curved cervix to get pregnant quickly.

You can diversify the “doggy-style” pose by changing the angle of the torso. This applies to women. The idea implies a pose in which the partner leans on her elbows and arches her back as much as possible. In this position, the pelvis is higher than usual. When the cervix is ​​bent, this version of the position during sex will be ideal, because thanks to it, an angle of penetration similar to the location of the uterus is provided.

Another position that a woman with an atypical structure of the organs of the reproductive system should master is called the “lying on her side” position. In such a position, the main actor is also a man. Often, the position of the hips of both partners affects the angle of insertion of the penis into the vagina. In a man and a woman, located on their side during intercourse, the legs may be bent. In this position, they can only be with a partner, and with a man they will be straightened. The legs of both partners can also be straight. Sometimes a woman lifts one leg up. It all depends on personal preferences and structural features of the body of a man and a woman.

Mention should be made of the importance of timely efforts in terms of conceiving a child. No matter how ideal the position for sex, if the couple chooses the wrong time for pregnancy, the efforts will be in vain. As mentioned above, the second half of the day is the ideal time period for the session so that the couple can have sex, and after that conception occurs. Many devote time to this activity before going to bed.

After sex in a “classic” position, a woman is recommended to lie down for several minutes, placing a pillow under her buttocks or standing on her shoulder blades in the “birch” position.

If a couple made love in a doggy-style position, it is better to lie on their stomach after the intercourse is over to ensure the delivery of spermatozoa to the “destination”. These tips will help you get pregnant faster.

Diversity Factor

In order for conception to happen faster, it is important for a woman to enjoy intimacy. A man needs to make an effort to arouse sufficient excitement in his partner. This will allow her to experience an orgasm, which increases the chances of conception.

It's not just about foreplay. Of course, the manifestation of tenderness causes pleasant feelings in a woman, and they are necessary in any case. But it is important to pay attention to the choice of posture. If you focus only on those positions in which the likelihood of getting pregnant is higher, having sex can turn into a routine and not bring as much pleasure to partners as it could. What if the couple likes positions that do not contribute to pregnancy?

These include positions where the woman is on top. After ejaculation in such a situation, sperm flows out of the vagina without reaching the uterus. Many couples have found a way out. They practice the pose they like. Immediately before the onset of the moment of ejaculation, the partners are rebuilt in a position where the man is on top and then the seminal fluid is sent towards the egg.

According to experts, women with a tilted uterus should not use the "missionary" position in sex. Great solution for them there will be a location of the partner behind. For deeper penetration, some women in the doggy-style position stand on their elbows and push their hips apart. The partner, in such a situation, takes the woman by the legs and lifts her up. This also achieves deep penetration of seminal fluid after orgasm and becomes the ideal position of the uterus in relation to the vagina. Having sex in this position is simply “doctor prescribed” for women with an atypical location of the genitals.

Basic postures

First of all, you need to choose positions in which the sperm will not flow freely from the vagina - the more sperm remain inside, the higher the chances of pregnancy. The missionary position is considered the most successful position - it allows the maximum amount of sperm to enter the cervix immediately, moreover, it suits almost all couples who do not have physiological features in the structure of the genitals. No less effective for successful conception is the knee-elbow position, since in it the depth of sperm penetration increases significantly. Spermatozoa freely enter the cervix, and thanks to the woman's elevated hips, the ejaculate remains almost completely inside.

Fans of experiments can have sex in different positions, taking the right position for conception just before ejaculation.

Also, gynecologists recommend in a general position - when the woman's legs bent at the knees are on the partner's shoulders. This position also allows maximum penetration of sperm into the depths of the vagina, while increasing the thrill and increasing the chance of multiple orgasms. The “spoon” position has also proven itself in terms of successful conception, when the partners lie facing each other or on their side (the man behind). In this position, the penis approaches the cervix almost point-blank, which allows sperm to remain in the vagina longer after ejaculation. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, a woman should lie down a little more in one of the above positions after intercourse.

Poses for gender selection

To conceive a boy, you need to choose positions that guarantee the deepest penetration of sperm, since spermatozoa with the male genotype do not live very long under the influence environment. In addition, before fertilization, it is better for a man to refuse to visit a bath or sauna, since male chromosomes do not tolerate elevated temperature. It also increases the chance of having a boy. female orgasm, which will highlight a special secret that prolongs the life of sperm with a male genotype.

The ideal time to conceive is the day before ovulation - about twelve to twenty-four hours before it occurs.

A girl should be conceived in positions with shallow penetration, since the chromosomes with the female genotype live longer, but move more slowly, so they have a much higher chance of fertilization compared to "male" sperm. The most successful for fertilization by such chromosomes are considered two to three days before the onset of ovulation - while it is not recommended to have sex during ovulation and for two days after it ends. The best positions for conceiving a girl are "spoons" and a missionary position in which a man can control the depth of penetration. If a woman has

It often happens that a married couple is trying with all their might to have a baby, but all efforts are in vain - a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time. long period. For other sexual partners, the opposite is true - almost the first time the test shows the coveted stripes. The secret here is simple - a lot depends on how exactly the couple has sex, and there are a lot of tips on what position you can get pregnant quickly.

how to get pregnant fast with a boy

The usual situation is that the husband dreams of an heir, but only girls are born. What to do here, and how to quickly get pregnant with a boy? There are a lot of tips and secrets, but a lot depends, first of all, on the position that is preferred by sexual partners.

In what position can you quickly get pregnant and certainly the heir? A prerequisite that must be observed without fail is to try to conceive only after ovulation. If you do this before the maturation of the egg, the likelihood that another girl will appear in the house is very high.

What is the best body position? It is recommended that a woman definitely press her knees to her stomach - this helps the male penis to penetrate to the maximum depth, regardless of whether the partner is attached behind or in front. Consideration should also be given to the internal female organs- if the uterus is slightly bent back, then it is better for a man to enter from behind.

how to get pregnant fast with a girl

Possible without special trouble and get pregnant with a girl quickly if you follow a few rules and tricks. Medicine advises by all means attempts to conceive before ovulation - this greatly increases the chances of achieving what you want.

In what position can you quickly get pregnant, and it is a girl? It has been proven by time and by many married couples that the experiment ends successfully if you resort to the simplest "missionary" position for this. A woman can even throw her legs over her partner's shoulders - this will allow you to insert the penis as deeply as possible.

At the same time, one should not forget about the characteristics of the female body, especially that internal organs may differ in position. The uterus plays a special role here - if it has shifted after past pregnancy or has a deviation in the form of a bend, but you will have to resort to a different position in order to achieve the desired results.

It is recommended that after sexual intercourse not to immediately go about your business, but lie down quietly for at least a quarter of an hour. You can put a pillow or a roller under your hips - they will not allow the sperm to run out and will help to penetrate even deeper. You should not go to the bath immediately after intercourse - this significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy.

How to conceive if the uterus curves backwards

Each female body has many features that often become an obstacle to conception. What to do if pregnancy remains only a dream for a long time?

The first thing to do in such cases is to go to the doctor, who will explain why pregnancy is difficult. Often even required surgical intervention to get rid of pathologies. What to do if the uterus bends backwards? There is only one way out - to choose a position that is most conducive to penetration. A man is recommended to be behind - this is the most favorable location of partners.

Even if this does not help conception, and the doctor claims that none of the partners has pathologies or diseases, it is imperative to rely not only on postures, but also to monitor the woman's ovulation. It also promotes pregnancy, especially if you managed to catch a favorable moment. Of course, this does not mean that you need to have sex all the time - the quantity and quality of male sperm can be significantly affected.

There are many rules that should be strictly observed in order to become pregnant with a high probability, but rarely does anyone follow them, in the hope that everything will work out by itself. You should not be careless about the recommendations - they significantly increase the chances of replenishing the family.

Important tips to help you get started:

  1. completely abandon bad habits, and this is not only alcohol or cigarettes, but also coffee, flour, sweets;
  2. pre-adjust weight, this is important for both overweight and thin women - body weight should correspond to height;
  3. give up active and demanding sports, and both partners should do this, if the man is taking steroids at the same time, exclude them before conception;
  4. eat right during the entire period when attempts to get pregnant occur;
  5. choose positions that promote deep penetration.

The requirement to revise the diet is considered especially important, and it may differ for women and the stronger sex. Ladies should eat greens, cereals, bread and vegetables, but men are recommended fish, meat products, nuts and legumes.

The combination of posture and time - how it can affect conception

It has been proven, more than once, that several factors affect pregnancy, and it is especially important to choose the right position, not only, but also the time. It is recommended to try to strengthen in early autumn or late spring. Why this particular time? In autumn, the body is saturated beneficial substances and vitamins, because it is during this period that nature bestows a generous harvest. Spring is the time when greenery begins to bloom, the air is filled with wonderful aromas - this is also great for conceiving.

It is also necessary to take into account the time of day - the morning hours are considered the most productive. Another rule that should be followed by all means if you want to get pregnant - for the time when attempts to conceive follow, give up oral sex or practice it a little less frequently. The thing is that saliva significantly reduces the quality of sperm and can even affect the activity of spermatozoa.

Another rule that will increase the chances of conception is not to use intimate cosmetics. Some substances concentrated in preparations can also reduce the quality of sperm and sperm movement. If pregnancy is planned, you can refuse intimate cosmetics for several months - some substances can accumulate on the mucous membranes of the intimate organs.

There are many tips traditional medicine, which, as many couples have been able to verify, can contribute to pregnancy. What should be done and what herbal decoctions should be prepared so that the test shows the coveted stripes?

Most the right way get pregnant - regularly take a decoction of the uterus of the hog, which since ancient times has been considered a female grass. For 200 ml of boiling water, only 20 g is enough. vegetable raw materials. You do not need to boil it - just brew it with boiling water and insist for about half an hour. Drink after filtration, dosage - only 25 ml three times a day.

You can prepare a decoction of sage, which will also help you get pregnant for a short time. For 210 ml of water - 20 gr. fragrant leaves. Brew like tea, drink 25 ml twice a day. It is important to know that during menstruation, the decoction should not be taken.

Sea buckthorn flower petals are a real storehouse of vitamin E, the lack of which can affect the attempts to conceive. A concentrated decoction of this valuable raw material will certainly contribute to pregnancy. You can take it only once a day, preferably after breakfast.