Modern fashion trend in hairstyles. Overhead strands, chignons. Modern fashion trend in the field of hairstyles

“What hairstyles are in fashion now?” - women are interested in this issue different ages especially on the eve of some important event in their lives. It is known that a hairstyle can drastically change habitual image women. Therefore, many girls and women strive to create an ultra-modern hairstyle to amaze others.

Modern fashion in hairstyles does not dictate any strict rules. The most important thing in any modern hairstyles- this is to make it suitable for a particular representative of the fair sex.

Fashion trends in hairstyles

In our time, the fashion for long hair has returned. Neatly or carelessly laid strands are the most popular modern hairstyles for long hair. Owners of short hair were not much less fortunate. Today there are many modern techniques allowing to transform beyond recognition appearance women with short hair.

Stylists use the following modern tendencies in the creation of hairstyles and their design:

  • to create modern and original image, flowers, various ornaments and jewelry are woven into the hair;
  • to create modern wedding and evening hairstyles widely used artificial strands, hairpieces and wigs;
  • at the peak of popularity is interspersed with sparkles in the hair.

However, despite complete freedom in choosing an image, some types of haircuts are tacitly not recommended. First of all, you need to forget about bulky hairstyles. Even for a wedding and large-format events, they are not suitable. Secondly, the appearance can be worsened by brightly highlighted hair, using contrasting colors. Thirdly, you should be very careful when choosing bangs - bangs should ideally fit a woman and smooth out any facial imperfections.

Some modern hairstyles are shown in the photo.

Modern hairstyles for long hair

Owners of long hair can use all their imagination to create hairstyles. The modern trend in hairstyles for long hair

  • high ponytail;
  • classic Russian braid;
  • various pigtails and spikelets.

To contribute modern style into classic hairstyles, you need to complement them modern accessory or add an unusual touch for a hairstyle - asymmetric strands, dyed braids and much more.

Modern short hairstyles and haircuts

The main requirement for modern short hairstyles- they should emphasize all the benefits female face and figures. To achieve this, when choosing modern hairstyles, it is necessary to take into account the shape and features of the face, complexion. Depending on the structure of the hair, the hairstyle should add volume or make the strands more manageable.

The bob hairstyle, short cascade and a wide variety of bangs are still in fashion.

The key to success in changing or transforming the image is not only modern trends in hairstyles, but also the hand of a professional. Stylists and hairdressers unanimously repeat: trust your hair exclusively to proven and reliable masters. Today, a beauty salon can be found on every corner. And in each of them we are guaranteed excellent modern hairstyles and haircuts. But if there is no confidence in the reputation of the salon, you should not check the qualifications of its masters on yourself. It is better to overpay, but turn to a real professional.

What are the current trends in hairstyles in fashion? This question is asked by women of all ages. If you want to radically change your lifestyle, you need to start with a hairstyle. Choosing it, it is necessary to take into account not only current trends, but also facial features.

Fashion trends

Fashion trends change every year. Hairstyles are chosen strictly individually, depending on the length of the hair and the shape of the face. Popular trends in hairstyles are:

  • Slicked back;
  • waves;
  • androgyny;
  • weaving;
  • bang.

The direction of Slicked back is at the height of fashion today. The hair in this case is combed back. The face remains completely open. To achieve such fixation, many girls and women use special means for styling. The uniqueness of Slicked back lies in the fact that it is created light effect humidity. This hairstyle is perfect for those with high cheekbones.

Waves are no less popular. They do not go out of fashion due to their versatility and remain popular every season. Curly strands hair gives the image a certain negligence. Waves can be of different thickness and texture. To obtain stylish hairstyle, it is enough to braid a few braids on wet hair before going to bed. You can also make waves with a curling iron. This method is used for fashion shows.

Each girl can independently choose the way to twist in her hair in stylish waves. Don't try to make the waves the same.

Bob is one of the top three hairstyle trends in the world. This haircut came to us from the 80s. There are many varieties of beans. These can be elongated strands in front, torn or even ends, asymmetrical bangs or a short-cropped nape.

IN business style androgyny is in vogue. This hairstyle looks good on short hair. Hair is combed back. At medium length hair can be collected hair in a bun or ponytail.

You can position the bun or tail at any height or side. This hairstyle emphasizes the shape of the face. If you have protruding ears or double chin it will only emphasize this shortcoming.

Weaving is in fashion this season. Braids give the image originality and attractiveness. To create an image, it is not necessary to seek help from a specialist. You can do your own hair at home. There are many variations of weaving. You can experiment with braids for any length of hair. Weaving creates a sense of well-groomed. At the same time, hair does not climb into the face and does not interfere. This hairstyle looks spectacular at any event. You can decorate your hair with various accessories.

This season bangs remain relevant. When choosing this element, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the hair and the shape of the main hairstyle.

Perhaps the most popular hairstyle of this season is the undercut. Such an extravagant haircut is worn not only by girls, but also by guys.

The peculiarity of Undercut is that at the temples the hair is completely cut off or shaved. Each master modifies this hairstyle independently. Hair can be cut not only from the temples, but also from the back of the head. Such a radical version of the hairstyle is chosen only by the most daring. Also, the option is considered very popular when the hair is shaved on only one side and at the same time the other side is left untouched. There can be a lot of options depending on the imagination of the stylist.

The expressiveness of the haircut is given by contrasting coloring. In this case, the hairstyle will look bright and stylish. But such a rebellious style, as a rule, is chosen by young people. Most women prefer discreet shades. Undercut haircut is worn by many stars from show business and cinema.

A properly executed and styled hairstyle will give the image femininity and sophistication. This haircut goes well with many styles, such as business, punk, preppy or grunge.

Who suits undercut haircut? This haircut should be chosen by girls and women with correct proportions. However, with the help of makeup, hair color or styling, any imperfections can be corrected.

When laying, you need to take into account several nuances. At tall and thin triangular shape face hair should be laid to one side. Hair can also be collected in high tail. If you have round face, then a small bouffant on the crown or a high tail will suit you. Undercut is suitable for both thick and sparse or unruly hair. At curly hair take more time to style your hair.

For those who do not dare to cardinal changes, stylists offer Alternative option which will allow you to imagine yourself in a new way. To do this, comb your hair to one side and leave the amount of strands that you are going to hide.

Apply mousse or foam to the curls for a strong hold and pull the hair back as tight as possible. If you are the owner of long hair, then the strand can be pulled along the back of the head to the opposite ear. If the length of the hair is not enough, then fix the curl on the back of the head with the help of invisibility. Comb the rest of your hair and style.

An alternative and gentle hairstyle option is a cornrose pigtail.

Hair color

Every girl or woman tries to make her hairstyle unique, while experimenting with hair color. To date, the neon direction is considered popular. Hair looks very bright and defiant. Colored strands attract the eyes of others. Hair coloring in neon color not only looks beautiful, but also has a beneficial effect on mood, especially in winter.

To bright coloring did not violate the structure of the hair, hairdressers use a special powder. It is considered more gentle, unlike conventional resistant paint. Strands can be dyed in different colors, it will give the image freshness.

In addition to neon, ombre and coloring look spectacular on the hair. This method of dyeing revitalizes the hair and creates the illusion of burning out the tips from sun rays. A variation of the ombre is the sombre staining technique. The only difference between them is the soft transition of shades.

Coloring is a smooth or contrasting transition from one color to another. The peculiarity of this staining technique is that not only compatible, but also opposite colors are used.

The fashion trend of this season is 3d coloring.

This is a voluminous hair coloring that is gaining popularity among stars and fashionistas. 3d coloring makes the hairstyle expensive and well-groomed. Colors are chosen to be the most compatible with each other. The master dyes only some strands of hair. This technique gives volume and corrects hair color.

A variation of highlighting is coloring in the style of shatush. This method is gaining popularity every year and this season it has reached its peak. When staining, only 2 contrasting shades are used. The emphasis is on a sharp transition from one color to another. For the more daring, acid or neon colors are suitable. If you can not decide on such an experiment, then you can first dye the ends of your hair.

No wonder they say that hair is the dignity of any woman, her pride and main weapon. This statement is more relevant than ever for the modern world, when so much time, effort and money are devoted to hairstyles and styling. Every woman wants to emphasize her main advantages and hide her flaws, and hair manipulations are often used for this purpose. So, what are the modern hairstyles and haircuts worth paying attention to? Special attention which one to give preference to?

Haircuts for short hair

In the twentieth century, the fashion industry reshaped people's perceptions and introduced trends towards short haircuts among the fairer sex. In those days, this event was a sensation - in the 21st century, no one can be convinced of this. Nowadays, girls with short hair are still a model of femininity and style.

So, the TOP 10 most popular hairstyles for short hair for the next year:

  1. Cascade

This haircut involves uneven strands, slight negligence and asymmetry on the sides. Such a haircut does not need to be carefully combed, on the contrary, it should be slightly disheveled - this is its meaning.

Varieties of such styling on this moment there are many, so that every lady can choose an option to her taste.

  1. Hairstyles with shaved temples

It has become very relevant this year. A shaved temple (or sometimes the back of the head) is a very bold decision, and not every girl will be ready to accept it. This hairstyle is ideal for women with a rectangular thin face or sharp cheekbones.

  1. Ear-baring haircut

The hair that covers the ears is either cut off altogether or simply tucked behind the ear. In such a hairstyle, the volume is preserved in the upper part, and the lower strands are looser and sparse.

  1. "Cap"

This hairstyle is for those ladies who have enough time for frequent visits to the hairdresser. And all because the cap haircut requires frequent adjustments in order to maintain a decent look.

  1. Garson

With this styling, thinning lends itself to hair in almost all parts of the head - this gives them greater flexibility and obedience. A distinctive sign of the hairstyle is that all the strands lie evenly and smoothly, without breaking out of the composition.

  1. pixie

The hairstyle gives maximum freedom - it exposes the neck and cheekbones, puts hard expressive accents on them. This haircut is suitable for self-confident, courageous women.

  1. Asymmetry

On short hair, a good accent is separately knocked out elongated strands and long bangs.

It means "shaggy" in translation. Indeed, the haircut looks rather eccentric and unpredictable, creates a bold and spontaneous image.

Although there are a lot of variations of hairstyles, in the new season, a square with the most even and clear edges, smoothed around the entire perimeter, will be especially relevant.

All of the above hairstyle options will be relevant in 2017.

Hairstyles for medium length hair

Stylists offer many beautiful hairstyles on medium hair, among which are considered especially fashionable:

  • cascade;
  • elongated caret;
  • ladder;
  • asymmetry.

Medium length hair is already quite suitable for weaving simple hairstyles. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make a complex multi-tiered styling, but a pair of braided elements on the hair will look very elegant and aesthetically pleasing.

Hairstyles for long hair

Basically, all the same haircuts, but in other variations.

  • Cascade;
  • Ladder;
  • Asymmetry;
  • Haircut with straight bangs.

The beauty of long hair is that it can be worn more than just loose. Hair of decent length is an excellent basis for making hairstyles of unprecedented beauty. Braids are in a special fashion now: regular, French (classic and inverted), Greek, etc. Any woman has the opportunity to choose the hairstyle that suits her.

Overhead strands, chignons

Not every woman can boast of a wide mop of hair: the level of health and modern ecology greatly exacerbate this situation. That is why girls also do not bypass hairstyles with overhead strands on hairpins. Such strands are called chignons. They save the girls different situations. Often chignons are pinned up under real hair to give the hairstyle more volume and more splendor. This can be done if your own hairline is too sparse and relatively weak.

When it comes to colored hairpieces, the fashion community places high demands on women when it comes to wearing them. If the color of the overhead strands differs from natural shade hair, then you need to use such hairpieces with caution. They are obliged to merge into the total mass of hair and play the role of a fresh stream, bringing liveliness and looseness to the styling. The eye should perceive colored strands as a natural part natural hairstyle. Thus, a real haircut and overhead strands should be in harmony, creating one whole composition.
Successful examples of using a colored chignon can be seen in the photo:

Completed by:Cherepinova Victoria

Checked by: Aleksandrova Yulia Viktorovna

Most women prefer short haircuts to long and medium hair because they are practical and versatile, go with any outfit, and are easy to shape with styling. That's why they stay for a long time popular and become the choice of many. By the way, in 2015, stylists paid more attention to them, so haircuts for short hair in the coming season can be classified as "trendy"

A classic that will never go out of fashion is a short bob haircut, or rather its variations. Of the many options for haircuts, she is most often preferred by women and stylists. Therefore, it rightfully bears the name of the most stylish and fashionable hairstyle. In 2015, its relevance will only increase, so if you like a bob, then choose one of the many variations of this haircut.

In addition, this season will delight fashionistas with new ideas from hair stylists. Most hairdressing brands showed completely “new” and, of course, “modified old” short bob haircuts at the shows. They urge women not to be afraid and experiment, because it is possible that the created new image will be much better than the usual old one. A short bob haircut has a number of advantages, here are some of them: easy to style, versatile and practical. By choosing it, you will be very satisfied, because to turn everyday hairstyle from the caret evening can be in a few minutes.

Short bob haircut with bangs on straight hair.

On straight or straightened hair, short hair looks great. stylish bob with clear lines. Whether you are a blonde, brunette, brown-haired or fair-haired, choosing a caret - remember that in combination with any shade of hair, this hairstyle looks dazzling. Stylists recommend in 2015 to complement the bob haircut for short hair thick bangs, - it gives an additional charm. By the way, the shape and length is not important.

Short bob haircut for wavy and curly hair.

If nature gave you curly or slightly wavy hair, this does not mean at all that you should give up your favorite haircut. For example, a bob is a versatile hairstyle that will not only suit you, but also transform your face. The same applies to those who want to give straight square slightly more volume. Cute curls or seductive waves will be quite appropriate!

We recommend paying attention to the novelty of this season - “laying fashion square”, - slightly curled ends combined with ombre and thick bangs. For busy women who free time always limited, we offer an alternative daily styling - biowave.

Short car A short car without bangs looks great both on straight lines and on slightly wavy ones, one might even say curly hair. Especially if the haircut is fixed with varnish or gel. It is better not to choose the shape, length and bangs on your own. If you have already decided to make a haircut " short bob”, then it is better to entrust the nuances to the stylist. And so that you are sure of the result, tell the master in detail what you want him to do without bangs on wavy or straight hair. The trendy solutions of this season include grunge and retro styling, as well as retro parting and wavy hair.

Short bob without bangs for curly or chemically curled hair. A short bob haircut with or without oblique bangs on chemically curled and curly hair does not look bad either. And if you are the owner of straight hair, you can achieve a “curly effect” using a special nozzle offered with a hair dryer or curlers. Another trend is straight hair from the roots and curled at the ends. In combination with short haircut looks very elegant and fresh


Bob haircut - you can say retro hairstyle, this is a return to the times of 20 years ago. Although given style hairstyles and has its own interesting story. In 2015, the bob hairstyle will be represented by a shorter haircut, in which short strands hair barely touches the chin.

In 2015, a triumphant return is expected, such fashionable haircut, as "garcon". Although initially it was more of a haircut for men, nevertheless, at one time it gained popularity among women, conquering female hearts, and firmly settled in the beautiful half of humanity, especially those who have thick and straight hair. Will be popular in 2015 and ageless haircut - "square". IN coming year, this hairstyle suggests a ragged hair contour, clearly defined lines and a trapezoid shape. Most interesting haircut“square”, will be in the form long strands hair that resembles needles.

Finally: Do not forget that when choosing a fashionable hairstyle in 2015, it is important to take into account your individual characteristics hair, just in this way, your unforgettable and charming image will definitely be in the attention of others, and especially among men who will appreciate you, thanks to a fashionable haircut.

What are the current trends in hairstyles in fashion? This question is asked by women of all ages. If you want to radically change your lifestyle, you need to start with a hairstyle. Choosing it, it is necessary to take into account not only current trends, but also facial features.

Fashion trends

Fashion trends change every year. Hairstyles are chosen strictly individually, depending on the length of the hair and the shape of the face. Popular trends in hairstyles are:

  • Slicked back;
  • waves;
  • androgyny;
  • weaving;
  • bang.

The direction of Slicked back is at the height of fashion today. The hair in this case is combed back. The face remains completely open. To achieve such fixation, many girls and women use special styling products. The uniqueness of Slicked back is that it creates the effect of light moisture. This hairstyle is perfect for those with high cheekbones.

Waves are no less popular. They do not go out of fashion due to their versatility and remain popular every season. Curly strands of hair give the image some kind of negligence. Waves can be of different thickness and texture. To get a stylish hairstyle, it is enough to braid a few braids on wet hair before going to bed. You can also make waves with a curling iron. This method is used for fashion shows.

Each girl can independently choose a way to twist her hair into stylish waves. Don't try to make the waves the same.

Bob is one of the top three hairstyle trends in the world. This haircut came to us from the 80s. There are many varieties of beans. These can be elongated strands in front, torn or even ends, asymmetrical bangs or a short-cropped nape.

In business style, androgyny is in fashion. This hairstyle looks good on short hair. Hair is combed back. With medium length hair, you can collect hair in a bun or ponytail.

You can position the bun or tail at any height or side. This hairstyle emphasizes the shape of the face. In the presence of protruding ears or a double chin, she will only emphasize this shortcoming.

Weaving is in fashion this season. Braids give the image originality and attractiveness. To create an image, it is not necessary to seek help from a specialist. You can do your own hair at home. There are many variations of weaving. You can experiment with braids for any length of hair. Weaving creates a sense of well-groomed. At the same time, hair does not climb into the face and does not interfere. This hairstyle looks spectacular at any event. You can decorate your hair with various accessories.

This season bangs remain relevant. When choosing this element, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the hair and the shape of the main hairstyle.

Perhaps the most popular hairstyle of this season is the undercut. Such an extravagant haircut is worn not only by girls, but also by guys.

The peculiarity of Undercut is that at the temples the hair is completely cut off or shaved. Each master modifies this hairstyle independently. Hair can be cut not only from the temples, but also from the back of the head. Such a radical version of the hairstyle is chosen only by the most daring. Also, the option is considered very popular when the hair is shaved on only one side and at the same time the other side is left untouched. There can be a lot of options depending on the imagination of the stylist.

The expressiveness of the haircut is given by contrasting coloring. In this case, the hairstyle will look bright and stylish. But such a rebellious style, as a rule, is chosen by young people. Most women prefer discreet shades. Undercut haircut is worn by many stars from show business and cinema.

A properly executed and styled hairstyle will give the image femininity and sophistication. This haircut goes well with many styles, such as business, punk, preppy or grunge.

Who is the undercut haircut for? Girls and women with the right proportions should choose such a haircut. However, with the help of makeup, hair color or styling, any imperfections can be corrected.

When laying, you need to take into account several nuances. With tall stature and a thin triangular face shape, hair should be laid to one side. Hair can also be collected in a low ponytail. If you have a round face, then a little bouffant on top or a high ponytail will suit you. Undercut is suitable for both thick and sparse or unruly hair. Curly hair will take longer to style.

For those who do not dare to radical changes, stylists offer an alternative option that will allow you to present yourself in a new image. To do this, comb your hair to one side and leave the amount of strands that you are going to hide.

Apply mousse or foam to the curls for a strong hold and pull the hair back as tight as possible. If you are the owner of long hair, then the strand can be pulled along the back of the head to the opposite ear. If the length of the hair is not enough, then fix the curl on the back of the head with the help of invisibility. Comb the rest of your hair and style.

An alternative and gentle hairstyle option is a cornrose pigtail.

Hair color

Every girl or woman tries to make her hairstyle unique, while experimenting with hair color. To date, the neon direction is considered popular. Hair looks very bright and defiant. Colored strands attract the eyes of others. Hair coloring in neon color not only looks beautiful, but also has a beneficial effect on mood, especially in winter.

To prevent bright colors from disturbing the structure of the hair, hairdressers use a special powder. It is considered more gentle, unlike conventional resistant paint. Strands can be dyed in different colors, this will give the image freshness.

In addition to neon, ombre and coloring look spectacular on the hair. This method of coloring enlivens the hairstyle and creates the illusion of burning out the tips from the sun's rays. A variation of the ombre is the sombre staining technique. The only difference between them is the soft transition of shades.

Coloring is a smooth or contrasting transition from one color to another. The peculiarity of this staining technique is that not only compatible, but also opposite colors are used.

The fashion trend of this season is 3d coloring.

This is a voluminous hair coloring that is gaining popularity among stars and fashionistas. 3d coloring makes the hairstyle expensive and well-groomed. Colors are chosen to be the most compatible with each other. The master dyes only some strands of hair. This technique gives volume and corrects hair color.

A variation of highlighting is coloring in the style of shatush. This method is gaining popularity every year and this season it has reached its peak. When staining, only 2 contrasting shades are used. The emphasis is on a sharp transition from one color to another. For the more daring, acid or neon colors are suitable. If you can not decide on such an experiment, then you can first dye the ends of your hair.