Incense. The meaning of Indian incense


The importance of smells and aromas for a person, his health and emotional state has been identified for a long time. In many countries, incense has long been considered a great value, stored, accumulated and passed on to children. To date, the importance of the smells that surround a person also remains important and in many ways affects life. This is due to the influence that aromas can have on a person: relax, excite, activate, depress, etc.

In ancient times, incense was used to create favorable atmosphere in dwellings, for the treatment of seriously ill patients, for various rituals and even communication with the other world. Today, most people use fragrances to restore or change their inner state. For this, perfumes and toilet water, incense sticks, candles and essential oils are used.

Modern incense is not much different from the aromas that were made thousands of years ago, they use the same raw materials and natural ingredients. However, there is a significant difference in the level modern technologies processing and production of incense. Today, there are many types, classifications and methods of making fragrances. This is due not only to their areas of application, but also to their diversity, the ability to combine a large number of different flavors.

What are incense

All incense can be divided into several groups depending on how they affect the body:

Some of them have a double effect and have a universal positive effect on the body. However, all these components are only raw materials from which incense is made. Depending on the form in which fragrances are produced, they are also divided into:

  • sticks with a base;
  • baseless sticks;
  • cones;
  • spirals;
  • essential oils;
  • pressed mixtures.


Before acquiring certain incense, you need to decide why they are needed and for what purpose they will be used. Modern fragrances convenient for home use and can fill the atmosphere with a pleasant smell. The most common are incense from India, represented by a wide range of types and combinations of flavors. Thailand tries to keep up by offering consumers big choice.

But Chinese manufacturers are somewhat different from competitors, tying the manufacture and use of various flavors to the Feng Shui system. Each smell, according to Chinese experts, has a different effect on a person and the room in which he lives or works. Therefore, you need to use incense carefully, with knowledge of the matter, finding out the most complete information about a particular aroma.

Japanese fragrances are considered exclusive, elite and rare. This is due to the attitude of the Japanese to incense and their production, they honor traditions, carefully approach this and honor the process on a par with the tea ceremony or ikebana. Japanese incense looks like thin sticks that can contain one smell or be a combination of aromas.

How to choose a fragrance

When choosing incense, you can first try something traditional and generally accepted.

For myself

Aromas that will fill the house with coziness, warmth, mutual understanding and comfort can be purchased from any manufacturer. Most often this ready mixes, which have a certain spectrum of action on inner world of a person and his sense of himself, and which include such well-known aromas as orange, mandarin, jasmine, lemon, sandalwood and many others. Incense experts can suggest which better options to acquire and how they will act on the human aura.

As a gift

Sometimes people want to buy incense for gifts to loved ones, but do not know how to choose the right one. In this case, too, it is better to buy the most common fragrances or incense sets to please the gift. At the same time, it is important to take into account the preferences and wishes of the person to whom they will be presented, and most importantly, whether he is allergic to any smells.

If the gifted person is fond of oriental culture, uses incense in his life, knows their purpose and understands the actions performed, it will be difficult to please him, but all the more interesting. You need to try to find something original and unusual, even if it takes a lot of time and effort. Japanese incense can be a gift option for such a person.

For connoisseurs

For people who know little about this, you can pick up something more standard and familiar. At the same time, incense for men and women may differ: for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, light floral aromas are more suitable, and for men it is better to give more restrained, for example, woody smells. Incense such as tangerine, orange, cinnamon, chocolate, and the like can make a good versatile gift.

In order to use incense sticks indoors, they require a stand to attach them to. Therefore, if you give someone incense, you need to take into account this moment. You can purchase a set that includes both a stand and several different scents of incense.

A few more moments

If a person purchases incense for meditation, in this case, you also need to consider several important nuances. Tibetan fragrances are best suited to accompany various spiritual practices. They are made from natural pure ingredients and have healing properties. At the same time, they are able to restore not only the body, but also the soul. Often, Tibetan incense is distinguished by discreet smells, without pronounced sweet or sugary shades, they are created on the basis of incense, rose, sandalwood, pine, juniper and some other aromas.

In addition to Tibetan incense, special Japanese and Chinese products can be used for meditation. They are called "temple sticks" and are created specifically for a specific effect. The action of such aromas creates a calm, relaxing atmosphere around a person, favorable for immersion in oneself. That is why they are so highly valued all over the world.

IN modern world there are many communities that continue to perform certain rituals and use incense while doing so. In this case, you need to select aromas, starting from the goal that must be achieved during the magical action. For rituals associated with love relationships, jasmine, ylang-ylang and musk are most often used. If the ritual is cleansing, you can take incense, juniper or sage.

People have long believed in magical powers different aromas, so the traditions of their use have reached modern magicians. Particularly professional figures have learned to combine different incense for the best result and maximum achievement of the goal. Although there are enough ready-made kits on the shelves of specialized stores.

Folk healers use incense for therapeutic purposes, influencing the inner world of a person through smell. Some healing rituals can affect the body and mind of the patient, helping him to recover and recover.

Thousand-year history of the use of incense testifies to their great strength and internal energy, which can be successfully applied in your life. The main thing is to learn more information about this and learn how to apply aromas correctly.


Incense has been used in different cultures since ancient times. In the East, the art of making incense reached special heights. Many recipes for making incense mixtures have come down to our time from Vedic times. Incense is used as offerings to deities and burned during religious rituals. Incense is beneficial to health due to the natural herbs they contain. They are good for meditation.

Incense contributes to concentration, calming the mind, inspiration and positive attitude. Incense also harmonizes and “flavors” the space. The choice of incense depends on the purpose of their use and personal preferences.

indian incense

Indian incense is known for its variety of aromatic compositions and its affordability. They have strong, pronounced, often spicy aromas.

Incense sticks - incense in the form of sticks with a core. Bamboo chips are most often used as a core. A base is applied to it, which can then be further impregnated fragrant oils. Depending on the type of base, incense sticks can be charcoal (in this case, a significant part of the base is charcoal powder) and masala type (the base consists of natural herbs and wood shavings). The easiest way to distinguish them from each other is by color - charcoal sticks have a characteristic black color, while masala-type incense can have a color from very light to dark beige. Charcoal sticks are usually cheaper and significantly inferior to Indian masala incense in terms of quality characteristics. Firstly, burning coal affects the smell, and secondly, cheaper synthetic oils are often used in their production. In our online store you can buy ONLY Indian masala incense.

Charcoal incense is made from charcoal with the addition of synthetic oils. The sticks are black, when burning, they smoke heavily, there is a smell of burning.

Real natural masala incense, based on natural herbs and oils. light color, fluffy and fragrant).

Incense in the form of cones (pyramids). Cone-shaped incense is made by pressing a mixture of fragrant herbs, either with the addition of a small amount of resin from fir, juniper and other plants, or without binding additives. Incense cones have a more persistent and intense aroma than incense sticks. They are also convenient due to their compactness. after combustion, the ashes remain in a neat pile.

Plasticine (soft) incense. Especially popular in India itself, because they can be glued everywhere and there is no need for an incense stand. Plasticine incense is made from resin, a mixture of ghee and honey, andwhether wax. There are also chemical-based plasticine incense. When burning, plasticineincense gives off a lot of smoke and usrich aroma, so they are most often used in temples and in open areas.

Tibetan and Nepalese incense. Incense of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Tibetan boon voniya exude a more herbal and "calm" smell than Indian ones. They are made exclusively from natural ingredients, so their smell is devoid of artificiality. In fact, Tibetan and Nepalese incense are heavily pressed mixtures of herbs and plants. Often, Tibetan incense, in addition to ritual purposes, also has a medical purpose. Many of the Tibetan incense were originally conceived by their creators as medicinal. Tibetan incense is prepared from mixtures of natural herbs, many recipes were developed by lamas and are kept in the strictest confidence. Tibetan incense - baseless. Due to the lack of a bamboo core, they are more brittle and need special supports, but nothing is added to the natural smell of herbs during combustion.

Bhutanese incense is deservedly considered the pinnacle of the art of incense making, but they are usually more expensive.

Sang (loose incense). Incense in the form of a powder entirely from natural ingredients and without the addition of any bonding base. It is made from a mixture of natural herbs, often including juniper and sandalwood. Sang is poured into special incense burners and set on fire, it burns quickly and fills the air with aroma. Sang cleanses the room of negative energy and creates a favorable environment for meditation. The sang is a wonderful offering to the deities and is used in special rituals.

They mainly look like spirals, barrels, boats, etc. Possess subtle, mystical, light fragrance with floral and sandalwood notes. Chinese incense is made without the use of artificial flavors. Chinese incense in the form of a spiral are thin, baseless sticks twisted into several circles. It is believed that they should burn clockwise, creating an energy channel.

Japanese incense is special. Some refer to them as elite aromatherapy. They are usually made in the form of thin baseless sticks. The aroma of Japanese incense is very unusual and subtle, unobtrusive and natural. Japanese incense is ideal for indoor use. These are pure smells of fresh grass, flowers and even water.

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- a group of fragrant substances that have been used by people since ancient times as a healing or healing, perfumery agent, as well as for religious rituals. Among the oldest incense are volatile aromatic substances of plant origin - nard, incense, camphor, sandalwood, myrrh; and animal origin - musk, amber, operculum.

In Buddhism, incense was used during meditation. In Christianity, incense is mainly used during worship. In Asia, the use of incense is wider. In addition to being used in temples, it is traditionally used in homes as a religious instrument, and as an indoor or outdoor air freshener.

Detailed descriptions of the use of aromatic substances can be found in the Indian Mahabharata and Ramayana, which tell about events that took place more than 5000 years ago. The first mentions of scented candles and sticks used to create a favorable atmosphere in rooms, on noisy festive squares, as well as for holding magical rituals and treatment of all kinds of ailments. ancient in different countries incense was valued as gold, silver, spices and considered them as symbols of wealth, presenting incense as the most valuable gifts. And to this day in many cultures, fumigation with incense has remained and is used, aromatic oils are used in the perfume industry and in other industries.

There are various incense, and accordingly methods of their classification. This is due to both a large variety of varieties and a wide range of their application. Typically, incense is distinguished by the place of production, appearance, composition and purpose.

The composition of incense sticks is divided into two parts: the base and the filler oil. And the bases, in turn, can also be divided into two types: coal bases and "masala" (a mixture of fine particle dust or crushed fragrant plants). Charcoal-based incense has a bright black color. They are good because when burned, the coal does not give off odor impurities, and the stick strictly emits the aroma of the filler oil. This is very favorable in the selective effect on certain body systems.

Masala incense sticks can have various shades: Light beige to dark brown. During combustion, the smell depends not only on the filler oil, but also on the composition of the base. It is wrong to think that its quality depends on the color of the stick and that black sticks are chemical, and light sticks are natural. The main thing for incense is the quality of the filling oil, as well as the quality of the "masala" in the case of light sticks.

Incense is divided into groups according to their properties:
Stimulants - increase concentration, improve memory, eliminate depression, give vigor and efficiency. These include aromas of cedar, lemongrass, lemon, fennel, mandarin, orange, patchouli, cinnamon, rosemary, rhododendron, magnolia, camphor and sandalwood.

Adaptogens - normalize the functioning of the nervous system, increase communication skills: mint, lavender, savory, laurel, jasmine, rose, myrrh, oregano, almonds.

Soothing - used for mental and physical overwork, stress, depression: chamomile, geranium, neroli, lemon balm, sandalwood, vagil, tea tree, incense, lotus, orchid, marjoram.

Protective - from energy vampirism, envy, malevolence, restore the aura: jasmine, lemon balm, almond, sage, carnation, rose, opium, rosemary, juniper, frankincense, lemon.

IN cold weather recommended to use: eucalyptus, almonds, cinnamon, geranium, camphor, rose, aphrodesia.
In the warm season: sandalwood, frankincense, hyacinth, violet, magnolia, lemon, bergamot, lavender.

Incense types:
- sticks - basic, with a thin twig inside (made in India), and baseless (made in Nepal, Tibet)
- cones - for faster fumigation, the intensity of burning increases exponentially.
- spirals - burns in a spiral, creates an energy column for giving signals to the gods
- oils from flowers and fragrant plants. Natural oil is extracted with great difficulty and very low efficiency: for example, to obtain 1 kg of rose oil, 3 tons of rose petals are needed. In ancient times, a large gold coin was paid for each drop of such oil.
-sang - 100% natural powder of resinous plants and herbs. It is poured in a slide and, quickly, decisively, fills the air with a strong aroma. It is used less frequently, mainly for religious rituals by Buddhists, Hindu Christians and other Hare Krishnas.
- Indian ritual incense, which is used, for example, when using ayahuasca. They are baseless pressed mixtures of dry substances. Mostly composed of Copal (resin of the Burserae tree), but variations can also be found where Palo Santo is the main component. Most often produced in Latin America.

AGARWOOD (Agar, resin) - Keeper of the family hearth.

ALOE VERA (Aloe vera)- strong antiseptic properties that can cleanse the space of the house from a variety of catarrhal pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Incense is well suited for burning in the evening, as it has a strong calming effect.

Watermelon/Banana- carry many positive qualities, enhancing the overall energy background, uplifting, helping against fatigue, relieving nervous strain and stress.

ALMOND (Almond)- a fragrance that excites the senses and raises the erotic energy of passion, which made it a powerful, stimulating sexual energy, remedy.

AMBER-SANDAL (Amber, amber-sandal) - In the East, amber resin is used in cleansing practices as a means of removing everything negative, bad, carrying destructive energy. For a cleansing procedure at home, a simple incense of an incense stick containing particles of amber resin will suffice. Strengthens the element of fire in the body, warms the heart, makes it kind and responsive.

APPLE (Apple)- the aroma of an apple relieves depression, a state of fear, irritability.

BERGAMOT (Bergamot)- helps to achieve success in creativity, helps to overcome difficulties, neutralizes negative energy surrounding.

CITRONELLA (Citronella) - is an excellent remedy for overwork, relieves fatigue, drowsiness. Also thanks to its strong aroma. Citronella has a beneficial effect on the internal and external space, removes all types of negative energy from it.

CLOVE (Carnation)- restoring strength after nervous and physical overstrain, the aroma harmonizes energy space person, raises vitality makes the mind calm and clear.

COFFEE (Coffee)- tonic and invigorating, helps concentration and concentration.

CHERRY (Cherry)- helps to feel the joys of life brighter.

CHAMPA (Champa)- favorable for compaction and clarification of the energy shell, aura. Promote concentration of the mind, relieve nervous tension and overwork. the effect of incense on the human body

CAMOMILE (Chamomile)- eliminates the inferiority complex, helps in difficult life situations.

CHOCOLATE (Chocolate)- perfectly cheers up and creates a cozy atmosphere in the house.

CINNAMON (Cinnamon)- stimulates blood circulation, relieves the effects of intoxication, strengthens the nervous system. Warms, cheers, relieves depression.

CEDAR (Cedar)- eliminates stagnant processes in the body and in the surrounding space, cleanses the atmosphere, promotes clarity of mind and good health. Increases efficiency and immunity.

COCONUT (Coconut)- Stimulates appetite metabolic processes in the body, relieves apathy and drowsiness.

CARNACION (Geortsin) - provides assistance in overcoming excessive nervousness, protects against negative energy-informational influences, promotes a speedy recovery after injuries and operations.

EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus)- stimulates mental abilities, strengthens memory, improves mood, relieves drowsiness. Purifies the atmosphere, kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent! Helps with asthma. Effective remedy to repel insects.

FRANK INCENSE (Incense)- helps to maintain a sober mind in any situation, protects the house from evil spirits, protects and cleanses the aura of people and serves as an excellent tool for meditation.

FRANKINCENSE-MYRRH (Frankincense-myrrh) - helps in the spiritual search, protects from evil spirits.

GREEN TEA (Green tea) - it should be noted tonic properties, with the help of which a person begins to feel lightness and clarity of mind. It cleanses the body of all kinds of energy blocks.

GARDENIA (Gardenia)- helps with insomnia, overwork, headaches, inflammation. Burning these incense will have a good therapeutic effect.

GRAPEFRUIT (Grapefruit) - relieves pain and spasms in the areas of the four upper chakras: chest, neck, head. Normalizes lipid metabolism (obesity, high blood cholesterol). Stimulates the work of the hypothalamus, will help you temporarily get rid of the symptoms of bronchial cough, cold or flu.

GINGER (Ginger)- strengthens determination, instructs Right way V love relationships, helps to survive the energy attack.

HYACINTH (Hyacinth)- is a good relaxant, helps with insomnia, relieves nervousness and stress.

HONEYSUCKLE (Honeysuckle) - effective for the prevention of colds, and also helps with headaches, insomnia and stress.

HONEY (Honey)- It is recommended to use as a prophylactic tonic for colds, fatigue and stress.

JUNIPER (Juniper) - used to cleanse the space of stagnant qi energy. The aroma of juniper protects against the effects of dark forces, improves attitude, eliminates fear, increases intuition and personal strength. Recommended for moral exhaustion, bad memory, insomnia, hangover.

JASMINE (Jasmine)- stimulates creativity, strengthens self-esteem, a sense of well-being, helps to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, has an anti-stress effect, eliminates fatigue, muscle tension, mobilizes the reserve forces of the body.

KIWI (Kiwi)- helps with initial stages throat diseases, and also has amazing abilities to heal heart disease, helps to burn fats that block arteries, and this in turn reduces the risk of blood clots.

LILY (Lily)- remove depression, traces of fatigue from your body and mind.

LOTUS (Lotus)- relieves fatigue, favors spiritual development person, helps to smooth out the acuteness of depression and melancholy, sharpens intuition.

LAVENDER (Lavender)- Promotes self-knowledge, used in meditation, helps to relax.

LEMON (Lemon)- promotes recovery after hard work, strengthens immune system person. Provides a balance of emotions, helps to get rid of anxiety, improves mood and improves well-being. Stimulates mental abilities. It has antiviral and anti-infective action.

MUSCHIO BIANCO (White Musk) - restores the energy integrity of the aura, makes it invulnerable to bad communication, is used for meditation. It helps with unrest, mental overwork, relieves stress, helps to ignite passion for men and women.

MUSK (Nutmeg) - suitable for meditation, helps to gain tolerance in love and work. It is especially relevant for teenagers, protecting them from bad influence.

MAGNOLIA (Magnolia)- soothes, promotes relaxation and rest.

MYRRH (Mirra)- the main property of the world is to cleanse the human heart, and naturally the space of the house from everything negative, from damage, from the evil eye, just from problems. Myrrh will eliminate what, in your opinion, spoils the atmosphere of your home and prevents you from living in harmony and peace.

ORANGE (Orange)- increases optimism, self-confidence, charm, opens the soul towards goodness, prepares for the perception of positive information, strengthens after illness.

PATCHOULI (Patchouli) - the effect of incense on the human body money incense. It relieves suffering, gives strength, determination, self-confidence. A strong erotic stimulant, enhances sensitivity, relieves frigidity and impotence. Strong antiviral agent.

PINE (Pine)- used against lung diseases, enhances the flow of pure energy, helps to quickly restore strength after a severe emotional blow. Develops a philosophical perception of failure. Useful for those who experience an unjustified feeling of guilt, freeing them from it. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, antiseptic.

ROSE-HONEY (Rose and honey) - the aroma of honey cleanses the respiratory tract, relieves the condition of colds, has immunobiological, anti-allergic properties.

ROSE (Rose)- transforms the negative energy of disappointment and sadness into the constructive energy of self-improvement. It helps to soberly assess the situation and find the roots of the problem. Refreshes and clarifies thoughts, helps to make the right decision.

ROSEMERI (Rosemary)- revitalizes and renews the energy, promotes an active lifestyle and returns the faded interest in it. Develops intuition.

SAFFRON (Saffron)- have the property of cleansing the energy of space. These incense also have a light therapeutic effect on the human body, strengthening the immune and nervous systems.

SANDAL (Sandal)- promotes relaxation, favorable for spiritual practice, meditation, calms the nerves.

STRAWBERRY (Strawberry)- relieves fatigue, stress and improves mood.

TANGERINE (Mandarin)- relaxes, relieves mental stress, eliminates depression. Improves blood circulation, helps to harmonize the digestive system. Light aphrodisiac, treats frigidity and impotence.

VANILLA (Vanilla)- gives joy to feelings, makes the heart kind, disposes to a trusting relationship.

VETIVERT (Vetiver)- Eliminates depression. Returns emotional activity and spontaneity.

VIOLET (Violet)- this is an erotic fragrance that brings together and opens the hearts of a man and a woman, and a general strengthening fragrance that can lift even a too low mood, and simply a means of increasing vitality.

WILD ORCHIDS (Wild Orchid) - known for its erotic properties, thanks to which it is ideal for intimacy. Also, the aroma of orchids uplifts the mood and strengthens the general background of life.

YLANG YLANG (Ylang-ylang) - a good antidepressant, causes a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. An excellent aphrodisiac, increases male potency.

Tea tree- Protects from the influence of the aggressive energy of the outside world.

In Europe, incense came from the East. The most ancient perfumers were probably the Egyptians. Incense accompanied them not only in life, but also after death. Now, thanks to the enthusiasm of our contemporaries for the exoticism of Eastern teachings and medicine, incense is experiencing new period popularity. Incense comes in many types: bamboo chip incense sticks, charcoal incense sticks, baseless incense sticks, cones, kegs, powders, plasticine incense, and liquid essential oils. How to use incense correctly to get a favorable result, and not headache or allergies.

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Benefits for the body

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When pronouncing “bacterial bacillus”, associations immediately arise with some kind of harmful pathogen. But the sour-milk Bulgarian stick does not have bad qualities. Its benefits and harms to the body are constantly being studied by microbiologists and immunologists.

To date, only the beneficial qualities of the bacterium Lactobacterium bulgaricum have been recorded. This is especially true for aging and strengthening the immune system.

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>Incense sticks

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Incense sticks (incense), properties of aroma sticks, aromatherapy in horoscopes

Incense sticks (incense), properties of aroma sticks, aromatherapy in horoscopes

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect the human condition: psychological and physical. During the excavations of ancient civilizations, vessels for incense were found for a reason - incense was valued by the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks like gold and like spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague mowed down people indiscriminately, it was effectively fought with the help of fumigation of the air. Aromatic pine fires were kindled all over the city, giving off acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time was used against the plague, because they were the best antiseptics available at that time.

Modern civilization has given us daily fumigation with fumes and chemicals, and modern look life - stress and haste along with lack of movement and poor diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing resistance. harmful effects from the outside.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but incense sticks are considered one of the most popular.

Incense sticks (incense) are inexpensive and very easy to use.

Harm of aroma sticks

Many of us use incense sticks (incense). This product became very popular during the "esoteric boom" when the magic of the East began to penetrate our country. In those days, they were credited with all sorts of "magic" and healing properties, used during rituals, practices and various ceremonies. Then incense began to be used mainly as fragrances, to create a pleasant atmosphere, and so on.

IN Lately there were a lot of discussions on the web on the topic “are aroma sticks harmful”? The use of incense is said to increase the risk of developing lung cancer, bronchial asthma and other diseases. They are also credited with a psychotropic effect and are sometimes even classified as narcotic substances.

In fact, incense sticks have practically no effect directly on health. They cannot cure a cold or relieve stomach pain, nor can they cause cancer or asthma. Incense does not have a narcotic effect and does not contribute to the expansion of consciousness.

Incense sticks can only be harmful if they are of poor quality. Then you can earn a headache and an allergy. Also, outdoor incense will seem too smoky and spicy and may cause discomfort.

In order to avoid such troubles as allergies and headaches, you should carefully consider the choice of incense sticks. High-quality aroma sticks are never cheap. In addition, you need to make sure that they do not smell too intense and “poisonous”.

Properties of different flavors of aroma sticks
indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are burned during temple festivals and meditations. The fragrant base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked for several days in essential oil, resulting in a double fragrance. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a pronounced smell, they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most popular essential oils in Indian sticks are sandalwood, patchouli (excites passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense are on Russian market the most popular. Their packaging may be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense comes in brighter packaging, but is more expensive and of lower quality.
Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks are baseless, they consist of several minerals and herbs that are pressed for a long time. It is not necessary to burn them to the ground: only the tip is set on fire for about two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Composed of pressed grass, Nepalese sticks have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

The most commonly used in Nepalese sticks are lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar.

The aroma of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, calms the nerves, and also heals severe runny nose and eliminates nausea.

Jasmine treats runny nose and asthmatic cough. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense soothes, relieves fears.
Tibetan incense

These are the most sought after incense and have a special place in the aromatherapy tradition.

Herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at a strictly defined time.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. The sticks are pressed, like the Nepalese ones. When burning, they gradually change the smell, but they are intended not only for flavoring. They are used both in acupuncture for cauterization of points, and in massage, ground into powder and added to cream.
Chinese incense

These are most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an "energy pillar", as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, kegs.

How are aroma sticks used?

Properties of aroma sticks

Smell plays an important role in our life. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and focus attention, cheer up and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Incense sticks are the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is ensured by convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to a wooden chip. Usually the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black aroma sticks are made of charcoal. When burning, they smell only of aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a masala base is used, whose smell will be mixed with the aroma when burned.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic fragrance is not as pleasant and healthy as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn several sticks at the same time - they can have the exact opposite effect.

In order not to get drowsiness instead of the expected increased working capacity, you need to figure out which smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

Stress removes the smell of jasmine, it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart smell of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes

* Aries are most prone to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. They are recommended the aroma of lemon, which tones and has antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
Aries can also use incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli sticks.

* Taurus has a chance to live life up to old age without disease, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, many bad habits, causes the body's energy to decline. In such situations, they are found by ailments - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
The aroma of Taurus is jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and improves the body's defenses. Recommended and sticks with scents of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, lily of the valley.
* Gemini suffer from boredom and nerves. Hence the insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. Sandalwood is used for therapy, which relieves depression, insomnia, headaches, and colds. The taste for life is returned with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.
* Cancer is most prone to depression. All ailments come from the nerves and through self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, and urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the smell of myrrh, which helps to get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, pine.
* The lion is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place in Leo is the heart. Less worries, loads and stresses are needed. The main aroma is considered to be a rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves tension.
* Virgos are attentive to their health, but due to anxiety and unrest, the intestines can become a problem. The scent of sandalwood is good for soothing. In case of poor health, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
* Libra can get sick from anything. You can tidy up the nervous system with the aroma of ylang-ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use more mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
* Scorpios can manage health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, vivacity. The smells of magnolia, lemon, pine are good.
* If Sagittarians are interested in life, they can live it without illnesses. They will need good mood and do not overwork, otherwise diseases of the cardiac system, nerves, and liver may occur. For prevention, the aroma of cinnamon is suitable, which uplifts the mood, calms the nerves, and gives self-confidence. Also use incense sticks with almond, patchouli, rosemary, frankincense scents.
* Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He tends to think to himself chronic diseases. Suffer skin, joints, blood circulation. Lavender-scented incense sticks are the best. They will give you the strength to resist. painful condition. For Capricorns, aromas of bergamot, cloves, pine, sage, sandalwood are effective.
* Because of the unwillingness to be treated, chronic diseases occur in Aquarius. It is better for them not to allow illnesses at all, which means that they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Raises the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius incense, whose smell does not allow you to become depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus also contribute to this.
* Pisces are most predisposed to schizophrenia. This is due to the peculiarity of the nature of Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, often giving complications to the nose and legs. The festive and bright smell of orange cheers up and helps to take a more positive look at what is happening. Incense sticks with the smells of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, lemon are suitable for fish.

Lilia Yurkanis
for the women's magazine

For several millennia of human use of incense, a whole culture of their use and even its own philosophy has been formed. Movement is dependent on breathing. vitality in a person. The aroma of incense inhaled through the nose reaches the very depths of our body. Sufi mystics spoke of incense as a substance rising from the earth to God and penetrating into the very being of man.

Harmonization vital energy, stress relief, replenishment of the missing and elimination of excess energy - these are the main purposes of incense.

The great Eastern sages used smoking sticks to excite spiritual forces. One of the ancient Eastern thinkers wrote about the virtue of incense - in peace and silence, about refinement - in simplicity and inaccessibility, about the benefits - in light soaring, about the essence - in density and density. The exquisite ornate pattern of the ascending smoke plume is admired by everyone.

Incense is made from flowers, leaves, fruits, wood, resin, roots, spices, aromatic herbs and natural aromatic oils. But some manufacturers add to their composition chemical substances and dyes to reduce costs. In order not to harm health, such incense should be avoided. However, even when using high-quality incense, it is necessary to carefully control the time spent in the room where they were burned. A prerequisite is also the ventilation of the room.

Incense classification

There are many ways to classify, based on the wide variety of varieties and the widest range of their application. place of production, appearance, composition and purpose are the main criteria for dividing into certain classes. The incense consists of two parts, one of which is the base, the second is the filler oil. And the base, in turn, can be coal or "masala" (a mixture of crushed fragrant plants or fine chipping dust).

Charcoal-based incense has a bright black color. Their main advantage is the absence of additional odors - when burned, the incense stick gives off only the aroma of the filler oil. This effect is favorable with a selective effect on strictly defined body systems. Masala incense type has various color gradations: from dark brown to light beige. The smell depends on both the filler oil and the composition of the base. The quality of a stick does not always depend on its color, and the opinion about the "chemical" nature of black sticks and the "naturalness" of light ones is somewhat incorrect.

The quality of the filler oil is the most important thing for incense. Cheap perfume oil will give the incense the same "chemical" smell. At the same time, made from natural oils with a coal base, the incense will give an excellent aroma. In production, bamboo chips are most often used, on which a base is applied, although there are also "baseless" options, in which there is no chip inside. Although the latter are more brittle, when burned, they give off a purer flavor without the admixture of the smell of burning bamboo.

Incense in the form of cones and the so-called "plasticine" incense are very popular. They are characterized by the absence bamboo stick and more intense flavor when burned. They are used for short exposure. "Plasticine" ones often contain bee honey and ghee, have a very strong, bright smell and are versatile for indoor and outdoor use. Loose incense made in powder form is considered a rarer type. They are sprinkled with an already burning stick or set on fire, pouring a slide. The energy and properties of plants are most fully preserved in such powders.

Types of incense

indian incense

In our market, Indian incense has always been the most common and most popular among buyers. Their difference is high quality oils and masalas in a modest package. The latter is often repulsed by buyers who prefer the bright and colorful but lesser quality Taiwanese incense.

Aroma sticks

Attractive low price and strong spicy smell, which is achieved by using dyes and flavors. The basis for the incense sticks is a bamboo sliver coated with charcoal powder, a mixture of masala and wood shavings. Expensive and high-quality ones are usually made from natural ones. But much more often you can find products using artificial flavors. Sticks with a charcoal base have a bright black color, while burning they emit only the smell of an aroma filler (charcoal smolders without smell). Sticks on masala have a palette from light beige to dark brown shades, and when burned, the smell of base plants is added to the smell of the aroma filler. Bamboo-based sticks should be used with caution, as their use sometimes causes unwanted allergic reaction. If such a problem has already happened, you can simply switch to baseless incense.

It is worth noting that incense with a bamboo base should not be burned before going to bed.

"Plasticine" and cone-shaped incense

Like sticks, cone-shaped incense is very diverse. Their production is based on a mixture of herbs with the addition of a certain amount of juniper or fir resin. The cones burn with a very intense aroma, which is why they are usually used for incense in large rooms. The basis of "plasticine" incense is resin, ghee, wax and honey. Very rarely, a chemical base is used to make cones.

Tibetan and Nepalese incense

To create Tibetan incense, natural oils of flowers, leaves, fruits, wood, resin, roots, spices, aromatic herbs collected in the Himalayan highlands are used. The mixture of these components gives an amazing aromatic combination, pleasant for both the body and the soul. The centuries-old traditions of using these incense in Tibet for healing health, cleansing the house, and also during meditation are not forgotten even now. In Tibetan rituals, burning incense is considered an offering to higher divine powers, and receiving pleasant smell- not at all the main goal in this case. Ancient deep mystical knowledge about the interaction of the energies of the visible and subtle worlds became the basis of recipes. Their compilation belongs to famous Tibetan doctors and Buddhist mystics of the Bon tradition. Incense, which has absorbed the power of nature, relieves illnesses, eliminates negative energies and is used in mystical rituals. The aromas of Tibetan incense are not characterized by sugary shades that can often be found in. This was influenced by the difference in climate. Bitter Tibetan flavors give the body energy, warmth and joy, which are so few in the cold season. Such incense is ideal for our climate, especially in winter.

Sticks or cigarettes - are baseless incense. There are different lengths and thickness, but they are very fragile, so a special stand is needed to burn them. For the manufacture of sticks, only natural ingredients are used: oils, flowers, leaves, fruits, wood, resin, roots, spices, aromatic herbs, etc.), so there is not even a hint of artificiality in their smell, which happens with other incense.

sang - powdered Tibetan incense. Thanks to this consistency, sang cannot be faked. His recipe, as a rule, includes natural ingredients. Incense is poured in a slide and set on fire. The sang burns fast, filling the air persistent aroma, so it is good to use for quick fumigation of large rooms.

Chinese incense

Chinese are known for their mystical aromas with soft transitions of shades of smells. This group is characterized by sandalwood and floral baseless incense. Spirals are unique Chinese incense - thin, twisted into several circles without a base. In China, it is believed that they should burn clockwise, recreating the "energy column" as a kind of channel for a cosmic message to man. Chinese incense recipes are dominated by sandalwood and flowers, and artificial flavors are usually not used. Subtle, light, unobtrusive fragrance has a lot of sandalwood and floral shades.

Japanese incense

Japanese incense is still little known in our country, although it has a lot of undoubted advantages. Being one of the most expensive and refined, these incense can be varied in form. However, classic Japanese incense is dense spirals made from a mixture of tree resin, medicinal herbs, seaweed and various essential oils. They have a delicate, subtle and unobtrusive aroma. It is dominated by notes of fresh grass, sandalwood and flowers.

Effects of incense aromas

Sedative aromas (give peace during stress, as well as overwork): tea tree, lemon balm, chamomile, sandalwood, geranium, vanilla.
Stimulants (stimulate activity, improve attentiveness and performance): lemon, tangerine, orange, magnolia, cinnamon, rosemary, cedar.
Protective scents (protect from the evil eye and spoilage, envy and malevolence): juniper, rose, sage, almond, incense, carnation.
Adaptogens (normalize the active work of the nervous system, eliminate mood swings): oregano, lavender, jasmine, myrrh, rose, mint, thyme.

There are recommendations for the use of certain flavors in different time days. For example, morning scents include pine, geranium, bergamot, mint, cedar, and grapefruit. They contribute to awakening, bringing optimism and cheerfulness to the new day. Rosewood, rosemary, eucalyptus and bergamot are preferred during the day. These aromas help maintain performance, improve productivity and improve the ability to concentrate. Ylang-ylang, lavender, patchouli and rosewood will help you relax and calm down with their aroma.

It is important to know that there are « supporting» And « overwhelming» aromas.

Sweet aromas support the liver by suppressing the spleen.
Acute aromas support the heart while depressing the lungs.
Salty aromas support the spleen by depressing the liver.
Sour aromas support the lungs by suppressing the liver.
bitter aromas support the kidneys, suppressing the heart.

"Supportive" aromas are similar to this energy and bring strengthening.
"Suppressive" , in turn, are hostile to a certain energy and weaken it.

Healing and magical properties of incense

Incense has always been endowed with some magical and healing properties. It has long been believed that:

Acacia - good remedy during meditation, for divination, divination and clairvoyance.
bearded man - removes damage and the evil eye, instead bringing money, prosperity, love, happiness and harmony.
Bergamot - a companion of money, wealth and spiritual uplift.
Vanilla - enhances mental faculties and helps in love affairs.
Verbena - helps to expel evil forces, brings creative aspiration, good luck and justice to a person's life.
Gardenia - essential for healing, peace and love.
Carnation - will help relieve pain, attract wealth and prosperity, success in business, free from negative energy.
Wisteria - helps in development psychic abilities, clairvoyance.
Jasmine - a talisman of happiness, harmony and protection; helps immersion in the astral plane, attracts money and love.
strawberries - a companion of love and good luck.
Ylang Ylang - a source of joy, love, harmony and peace.
Ginger - gives inspiration and strength, attracting love, wealth, success and power.
Cedar - cleanses, attracts money, brings healing, removes damage and the evil eye.
Cypress - is the patron of peace, harmony and serenity, a source of healing and comfort.
Cinnamon - will help in meditation, purification, protection, healing, strengthen strength and power, bring luck and justice.
Red clove - heal physical strength will give love and lust.
Lavender - cleanses, gives peace, relaxation and healing, strengthens love and harmony.
Incense - a symbol of spirituality, connection with the astral spheres, masculinity, patronage, sanctification and blessing.
Lotus - heals, gives strength and power, necessary for meditation and spirituality.
Myrtle - heals, helps with meditation, brings consecration and spirituality.
Juniper - patron of love, happiness and peace, protects, soothes and heals.
Mint - a companion of good luck, luck and justice, brings change and purification.
Patchouli - will give warmth and sensuality in relationships, as well as spiritual growth and love.
Peppermint - used for healing, cleansing, development mental ability Great for boosting energy.
Rose - a source of love, happiness, peace and harmony.
Rosemary - casts out evil spirits, heals and strengthens the memory.
Sandalwood - inspires, heals, helps with immersion in the Astral and the expulsion of evil spirits.
Ambergris - Responsible for the crown chakra, increasing physical strength.
Lilac - gives happiness and joy.
Pine - cleanses, heals and invigorates.
Violet - heals, protects, bringing love, luck and luck.
Apple - symbolizes happiness, strengthens peace and harmony, protects friendship and romantic love.