Aviation Day (Air Fleet Day)

Faster, higher, stronger - this Olympic motto can also be applied to the Russian Air Force, which celebrates its professional holiday on August 12. It is celebrated on the basis of a presidential decree Russian Federation“On the establishment of Air Force Day” No. 949 of August 29, 1997. The August date, with minor calendar modifications, can be considered the “successor” of USSR Aviation Day.

On this day back in 1912 Russian Emperor Nicholas II, by his decree, formed the first military aviation unit in Russia, which was subordinate to the General Staff. The Imperial Air Force (1910-1917) was considered one of the best navies in the world, and for good reason. Equipment, professionalism of pilots, effective training system. After the October Revolution, everything had to start virtually from scratch.

The Great Patriotic War dealt a serious blow to the country's air force. Due to the sudden attack of the Nazis (at least, official reports report surprise) on our country in June 1941, more than 2 thousand aircraft were destroyed - many simply burned out at their home airfields. The Soviet military aviation fleet was virtually drained of blood.

Despite heavy losses, Soviet front-line aviation managed to maintain its combat effectiveness. In a short time it was possible to establish mass production of aircraft. By mid-summer 1943, Russian aviation had firmly gained strategic air supremacy (photo 2). Before this, back in 1941, due to significant problems with technical equipment, Soviet pilots were sent from the Baltic states to carry out attacks on Berlin. For the Nazis, those Soviet raids came as a real shock. And even though they did not lead to significant damage, they had an important psychological effect for the entire aviation and beyond.

During the war years, the Soviet Air Force carried out about more than 3.1 thousand combat sorties and inflicted great damage on the enemy in manpower and equipment. 57 thousand enemy aircraft were destroyed in air battles and at airfields. These are truly impressive numbers.
During the war, Soviet pilots used over 600 air and about 500 “fire” rams. Air battles often developed from group battles into air battles with the participation of large aviation forces. For the successful completion of the command’s combat missions, displaying courage and bravery, over 200 thousand pilots were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

After the end of the war, the Soviet government decided to, as they would now say, modernize the Air Force. Thus, in the post-war period there was a transition from piston aircraft to jet aircraft, and the organizational structure of units and formations was updated. And here one cannot help but express gratitude to the outstanding Soviet designers who forged the success of aviation.
The collapse of the USSR made its own sad adjustments to the development of aviation. More precisely, there was no talk of any development in the 90s. They started cutting - cutting to the living. However, the trend was reversed. Until now, not a single expert can give an accurate estimate of how much work and money it cost.

In 2015, in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia, the Military air force were merged with the Aerospace Defense Forces and made up the new kind troops - Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation (VKS RF).

The official reason for the creation of the Aerospace Forces was voiced by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu: “The formation of the Aerospace Forces by combining the Air Force and Aerospace Defense Forces is the best option for improving the country’s aerospace defense system. This allows, first of all, to concentrate in one hand all responsibility for the formation of military-technical policy for the development of troops, problem solvers in the aerospace sector, secondly, through closer integration, to increase the efficiency of their use, and thirdly, to ensure the progressive development of the country’s aerospace defense system.”

The Russian Aerospace Forces have already proven their high efficiency, On September 30, 2015, the VKS began performing combat missions as part of the Russian military operation in Syria.

Russia was able to ensure the successful conduct of the operation in such a remote theater of military operations, and most importantly, provide itself with the necessary logistics. The Syrian authorities say that it was Russian aviation that made it possible to turn the tide of military operations in Syria, which was under the threat of repeating the Libyan scenario.

Fighting were carried out in the format of air strikes and aerial reconnaissance. During the operation, the latest multifunctional fighters were used, such as the Su-30SM, Su-35S, front-line bombers Su-34, and for the first time, strategic aircraft Tu-160 and Tu-95MS were used, which launched launches of the latest cruise missiles X-555 and X -101 on terrorist targets.

The round-the-clock mode of warfare and the high rate of strikes came as a surprise to outside observers and experts, not to mention the terrorists themselves.

NATO analysts assess the conduct of military operations by the Aerospace Forces in Syria as highly effective - thanks to the skill of the pilots and the capabilities of Russian aircraft. Many military personnel were awarded high awards. Unfortunately, a number of pilots died posthumously. In March 2016, part of the air group was withdrawn from its location in connection with the implementation of assigned tasks, however, today the aircraft and the Russian Aerospace Forces continue to have their say in the fight against terrorism in the SAR.

Today, Russian military aviation carries out defense, strategic and reconnaissance missions. The Russian Air Force includes long-range, front-line, military transport and army aviation. Weapons and military equipment are updated in a timely manner.
“More than 100 units of the latest aviation equipment will arrive at Russian air units in 2017,” said Viktor Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Within State program weapons (2011-2020) planned acquisition for all types Armed Forces more than 600 airplanes and 1,100 helicopters, and until now this program in its aviation part has been implemented consistently.
The winged defenders of the Fatherland, engineers and designers, technicians and workers of the aviation industry have always been the embodiment of courage, talent and hard work. The names of the best of them have become national and world treasures.

The Air Force is one of the elite troops in Russia – rightfully so! Happy holiday, aviation!

The history of the holiday is as follows. In 1917-1930, aircraft manufacturing, aviation sports and the military use of aviation developed rapidly in the young Soviet Republic. The popularity of aviation among the population was unparalleled.

The development of aviation in the USSR can be illustrated by the following the most important events those years:

On May 1, 1918, the first military and aviation parade of the Moscow garrison troops took place on Khodynskoye Field.

It involved infantry units, cavalry, artillery and armored vehicles, as well as the first aviation detachments, and many aircraft also had the insignia of the Russian Army.

From Red Square, after the rally, V.I. Lenin arrived here (accompanied by N.K. Krupskaya and M.I. Ulyanova). He inspected hangars and airplanes and talked with pilots and aircraft technicians.

After passing the infantry, artillery, and cavalry, everyone’s eyes turned to the sky, where pilot I.N. Vinogradov flew over Khodynka in a Nieuport-21 aircraft and performed aerobatic maneuvers.

January 17, 1921 - the first Soviet legislative act on aviation was adopted - the Decree “On air movements in the airspace over the territory of the RSFSR and over its territorial waters.”

May 1, 1921 - the Moscow-Oryol-Kharkov postal and passenger airline opened (served by old Ilya Muromets aircraft).

May 1, 1922 The first international airline in the USSR Moscow-Konnigsberg (Deruluft airline) opened.

February 9, 1923 - The Council of Labor and Defense adopted a resolution “On the assignment of technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet and on the organization of the Council for civil aviation» - official date creation of civil aviation.

March 8, 1923 - the Society of Friends of the Air Fleet (ADVF) was created, which took part in equipping airfields, raised funds for the construction of aircraft for Air Force The Red Army held All-Union glider competitions in Crimea.

March 17, 1923 - the Russian joint-stock company of the Voluntary Air Fleet - “Dobrolyot” was created with an authorized capital of 2 million rubles in gold. The main goal was the organization of air mail, passenger and cargo airlines, as well as the development of the domestic aviation industry.

September 3, 1923 - V.I. Lenin and N.K. Krupskaya contributed six personal chervonets in gold to Dobrolyot JSC for the purchase of the Junkers Ju-13 Pravda passenger aircraft.

January 23, 1927 - The Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction - OSOAVIAKHIM (from 1951 - DOSAAF USSR, from 1991 - ROSTO) was formed.

March 20, 1930 - on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman, the Higher Aeromechanical School was formed (since August 29 - the Moscow Aviation Institute).

June 26, 1930 - near Voronezh, under the leadership of L.G. Minov, the first mass training of parachutists in the USSR for jumping from an airplane began. This day is considered the birthday of Soviet parachuting.

In November 1932 Commander of the Red Army Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis submitted for consideration to the Revolutionary Military Council (the highest military body of the USSR) a proposal from the Air Force to establish a new holiday - “Aviation Day”, “with the aim of further popularizing civil and military aviation among the masses"

The holiday was proposed to be held annually in August (“the best time according to weather conditions, after preparation in summer camps Air Force personnel") in the form of air parades, with a demonstration of the best examples of military and civil aviation, piloted by the best military and civilian pilots, as well as with the participation of outstanding athletes, aviators and parachutists.

Previously, there were no regular aviation holidays in Tsarist Russia, neither was in the USSR.

This proposal was considered by the Government and the Central Committee, after which on April 28, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 859 “On the celebration of the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR.”

Thus, since 1933, a tradition arose annually on August 18 to celebrate the Day of Air Fleet THE USSR. This holiday was established both for military and civil aviators, as well as for the developers and creators of aircraft.

USSR Air Fleet Day was celebrated annually on August 18 until 1980, when Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On Holidays and Memorial Days” established that USSR Air Fleet Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

Subsequently, aerial displays of new models of military and civil aircraft were held in Domodedovo (the last one in 1967).

In 1977, an aviation and sports festival of DOSAAF athletes dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution took place in Tushino.

In the 70s and 80s, central air parades were not held.

However, the tradition of holding air holidays dedicated to the USSR Air Fleet Day has been preserved at the regional (local) level. Annually air holidays were carried out in Zhukovsky (by LII test pilots), in Monino, in Kubinka and other aviation cities.

From 1955 to 1991, the celebration of USSR Air Fleet Day was opened with ceremonial meetings held by the heads of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, and DASAAF.

The first ceremonial meeting took place in 1955 in the green theater of the Park. Gorky (G.K. Zhukov participated), and the last one took place on August 16, 1991 in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky (almost all members of the future State Emergency Committee participated).

All ceremonial Meetings of representatives of Moscow workers and soldiers of the capital's garrison, dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Fleet, were held according to the same scenario.

They were held on Friday (closest to Aviation Day) alternately at the Central Theater Soviet army, Column Hall of the House of Unions and in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky.

The official part was opened by a very representative presidium from among the heads of the Air Force and aviation industries, general and chief designers of aircraft, champion aviators, and cosmonauts of the USSR.

The main report was usually given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, sometimes by the Ministers of Aviation Industry and Civil Aviation. Then there were performances by production leaders from the aviation industry and champions and record holders of aviation sports. The official part lasted about 1.5 hours.

If one of your friends or relatives has connected their life with aviation, it will be useful to know what date Air Force Day is in 2017. This holiday is celebrated annually on August 12. The date is constant, unlike a number of other professional events. It was installed in 2006 after the publication of the corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation. However, the history of this memorable moment is much longer and extends its roots to 1912. Then a decree was signed regarding the creation of an air fleet, which added the military power of the imperial army. Over the five years of its existence, the division has managed to achieve considerable success and show good results.

Usually on 12.08 mass mass events are held in all cities of the state. holiday events. Crowds of people can be seen in squares and parks. Usually during the celebration they rise historical facts about aviation. For example, the following:

  • In 1914, the imperial fleet consisted of 263 aircraft. It is noteworthy that no country in the world at that time could boast of such indicators.
  • In October 1917, the revolution began and there was a change of power. The coup had a positive effect on the aviation industry, since the number of aircraft increased to 700. The Bolshevik authorities understood that the development of the air fleet and the construction of specialized factories in the USSR was a necessary measure.
  • By the time the Second World War began, state production facilities could produce 50 aircraft per day. By the fall of 1941, the figures had doubled, so that the conveyors were producing 100 units of equipment daily. Many families have veterans who remember these times. If your grandfather or elderly neighbor in the stairwell defended his homeland by fighting in the air, remember when Air Force Day is celebrated in 2017 and congratulate the hero who gave you clear skies above your head.
  • After the end of hostilities, the development of the industry did not slow down. Her power was constantly growing.
  • At that time, the holiday was unofficial, so it was celebrated in close groups without pomp and state-level parades. However, the situation soon changed.
  • In addition to this holiday dedicated to military pilots, there is an event for people who have dedicated their lives to civil aviation. This is the third Sunday in August.

A little more history about Air Force Day

By the beginning of the last century, the first foreign-assembled aircraft began to appear in Russia. When sending congratulations on Air Force Day 2017, you can give the hero of the occasion a model of one of the old models. Many people collect them and are extremely proud of their collections.

Initially, national craftsmen only repaired and serviced this technique, however, in 1909 it was established own production near St. Petersburg. This made it possible to produce domestic equipment and not depend on external suppliers. It took just a year to assemble the first plane. The development became available in 1910.

The first plant had an area of ​​4 thousand sq.m. The power of the steam engine was 60 Horse power. Quite insignificant indicators, however, this mechanism was able to provide energy to the entire plant. The best engineers were involved in the work. They constantly improved the assembly of aircraft, introducing their own innovations and borrowing experience from foreign developers.

It turned out to be much easier and cheaper to invite an engineer from France than to buy finished model foreign production. Moreover, domestic craftsmen gradually improved in their craft and subsequently became absolutely independent.

Aircraft produced in the USSR subsequently turned out to be stronger, better quality and more accurate than their Western counterparts. Air Force Day in Russia and a number of other post-Soviet countries is accompanied by a mention of these facts, which revive in the souls of citizens pride in the technical achievements of the Soviet Union.

First plane Russian production was sold without a test flight at a high price. He was awarded a silver medal by the War Ministry. This happened in 1910 during spring exhibition cars that took place in the capital. Russian aircraft manufacturers were provided with a privileged position and decent working conditions. This stimulated them to generate new ideas and work for quality. Soon it was possible to produce 2 aircraft per month, although the original production volume was half as large.

When did I start World War, several aircraft manufacturing plants were actively working. In a short period of time Russian fleet managed to take a leading position in the world.

Air force and sea

Another important point deserves special attention - the date of Naval Aviation Day. It falls on July 17 and is celebrated at this time every year. The number was chosen symbolically. In 1916, Russian military pilots were ordered to be stationed in the Baltic Sea area to fight German aviators. The enemy was completely defeated. When celebrating Russian Air Force Day in 2017, this fact can be mentioned. After the brilliant success, naval aviation personnel were awarded a special professional holiday. So you shouldn’t forget about this tradition either.

Naval aviators achieved numerous victories during the Second World War, displaying heroism, courage and bravery. Today we can talk about sustainable development of this unit in the Russian Federation. Being a pilot is extremely prestigious.

August 12 is always brightly covered by the media, they organize special events. Industry achievements are highlighted. If among your significant others there is someone who is directly related to it, decide which category of aviation forces he belongs to: military, civil or naval. Give this person your attention. Even a few warm words or original postcard will have a positive effect, make him smile and feel important to others.

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Air Force Day is celebrated in Russia on August 12 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 1997 No. 949 “On the establishment of Air Force Day.”

On this day in 1912, the Russian Military Department issued order number 397, according to which the Aeronautical Unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was put into operation. August 12 is considered to be the beginning of the creation of Russian military aviation.

Air Force - a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, intended to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groups; ensuring the conquest of air supremacy; protection from air strikes of important areas of the country and troop groups; air attack warnings; defeating targets that form the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential; air support for ground and naval forces; airborne landings; transportation of troops and materiel by air.

History of the Air Force.

Air Force Russian Empire, existed from 1910 to 1917. Despite his short story, the Imperial Air Force quickly became one of the best air fleets in the world and played a significant role in the development of Russian and world aviation.

In 1904 Zhukovsky created the first aerodynamic institute in Kashino near Moscow. In 1910 Russian army purchased the first French aircraft and began training pilots. In 1913, Sikorsky built the first four-engine biplane, the Russian Knight, and his famous bomber, the Ilya Muromets. In 1914, Russian aviators made the first Arctic flights in search of the missing expedition of Georgy Sedov. At the start of the First World War, Russia had the largest air fleet in the world (263 aircraft). At first, the planes were used only for reconnaissance and artillery fire adjustment, but the first air battles soon began. By October 1917, Russia had 700 aircraft, significantly inferior in this indicator to other warring countries. The legendary pilot Pyotr Nesterov made the first aerial ram.

The history of the Imperial Air Force ended in 1917, when the revolution led to the collapse of the army and the aviation industry. Most of the first Russian pilots died in the civil war or emigrated from Russia.

The Soviet Air Force was founded in 1918 as the Workers' and Peasants' Air Fleet. The enormous industrialization of the young Soviet state made it possible to quickly modernize military aviation, inherited from Tsarist Russia. By the end of the 30s, mass production of such aircraft as the Polikarpov I-15 and I-16 fighters, as well as the Tupolev TB-1, TB-2 and TB-3 bombers, had begun.

One of the first tests of the Soviet Air Force in action was the civil war in Spain in 1936-1939, where domestic aircraft were opposed to the latest German models, including Messerschmitt Bf.109.

The Soviet Air Force was not ready for the outbreak of World War II: back in 1931, Stalin noted that “Soviet industry lags behind Western countries by 50-100 years.” At the same time, by June 22, 1941, the Soviet aviation industry was producing 50 combat aircraft per day. It was significant Furthermore, what Germany and all its allies around the world produced during this period. Three months later, in the last ten days of September 1941, the production level reached 100 combat aircraft per day. In 1939, aviation took part in the Soviet-Finnish war, where it conducted more than 100,000 sorties.

In June 1941, in the first days of the war, the Germans, taking advantage of the factor of surprise, managed to capture and destroy about 2 thousand Soviet aircraft on the ground, most of which did not even have time to take off. Germany lost 35 aircraft on June 22.

After the victory, the Air Force was seriously modernized, actively developed new technology, air combat tactics were improved. By the end of the 80s, the Soviet Air Force had up to 10 thousand aircraft at its disposal, which made the Soviet Air Force the most powerful in the world.

The Air Force was divided into three parts: Long-Range Aviation (LA) was responsible for strategic bombers; Frontline Aviation (FA) - for air superiority in border areas and interception of NATO aircraft; Military Transport Aviation (VTA) - for transportation. The air defense troops were a separate branch of the military that were not part of the Air Force.

In the 80s, development on a fifth-generation fighter had already begun, in particular, the MiG 1.44 and S-37 programs were launched. But the economic recession and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union did not allow them to be completed.

After the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, the Soviet air force was divided between Russia and 14 independent republics. As a result of this division, Russia received approximately 40% of the equipment and 65% of the personnel of the Soviet Air Force, becoming the only state in the post-Soviet space with long-range strategic aviation. Many aircraft were transferred from the former Soviet republics to Russia.

In 1994-1996 and 1999-2002 the Air Force hosted Active participation in the Chechen campaigns. Their activities were complicated by the specifics of the local climate and topography. The air force suffered losses mainly from militants armed with Stingers.

The modern Russian Air Force is a qualitatively new type of its Armed Forces. This is primarily due to the fact that in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 “On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure,” two types of armed forces - the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force - were transformed by January 1, 1999. in the form of the Armed Forces - Air Force. From now on, one “master” - the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force - is responsible for the success of military operations in the most important geophysical sphere of the Earth - aerospace. This is very important both from the point of view of organizing military operations, and for the effectiveness of the use of forces and means of aviation and air defense, and the organization of interaction with the forces (equipment) of the Ground Forces and the Navy.

The second most important new quality of the modern Russian Air Force should be considered the fact that they are basically becoming missile-carrying.

Indeed. The main weapons of the IA are high-precision air-to-air missiles with a flight range of two tens to several tens of kilometers and with a probability of hitting air targets (AC) of about 0.6-0.7. Modern air defense missile systems are capable of destroying targets at ranges of up to 150 km and altitudes of up to 40 km. In the future, these opportunities will increase significantly.

With the implementation of the DA modernization plan, it becomes a powerful missile-carrying aircraft, capable of effectively hitting high-precision ALCMs with conventional warheads at sea moving targets in the ocean (sea) and stationary targets on land from ranges, respectively, from several hundred kilometers to several thousand kilometers, without exposing them in some cases ALCM carrier aircraft exposed to modern means Air defense (SAM, IA).

The starting point in the creation of military aviation in Russia is considered to be August 12 (July 30, old style) 1912, when an order was signed according to which all issues of organizing military aeronautics and aviation were concentrated in the Aeronautical Unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff.

The first aircraft suitable for military use appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1910, the Russian Ministry of War began to purchase aircraft and train military pilots. By August 1914, Russian military aviation already had 263 aircraft.

During the First World War (1914-1918), there was a quantitative and qualitative development of aviation technology, which increased its role in combat. Russian military aviation from aid reconnaissance and communications turned into an independent branch of the ground forces, which included reconnaissance, fighter and bomber aircraft. At the final stage of the war, air forces took part in all major front-line and army operations and had a significant impact on the nature of combat operations.

The Soviet Air Force was created together with the Red Army. In the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs on January 2, 1918 (December 20, 1917, old style), the All-Russian Collegium for the Management of the Air Fleet of the Republic was established, which was entrusted with the management of the formation of aviation units, central and local departments of the Air Fleet, the preservation and conservation of aviation property, training aviation personnel, organization of logistics.

In the same year, the transition to the construction of a regular air force began. On May 24, the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Force was formed, and in September, the Field Directorate of Aviation and Aeronautics of the active army. By November 1918, the Soviet Air Force had 38, and by December 1920, 83 air squadrons (including 18 naval ones). Total in years Civil War Up to 350 Soviet aircraft operated simultaneously on the fronts.

After its completion for short term Aviation enterprises were restored and partially expanded, and the production of aircraft of domestic designs was established. In 1924-1933, I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5 fighters, R-1 and R-3 reconnaissance aircraft, and TB-1 and TB-3 heavy bombers entered service.

The organizational structure of the Air Force was improved. Red Air Force in 1924 it was transformed into the Air Force of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), which in 1932 received the status independent kind troops and consisted of military aviation (as part of combined arms corps), army (as part of combined arms armies) and front-line (air forces of military districts). In 1933, heavy bomber aircraft became the means of the High Command. In 1938, Soviet naval aviation was withdrawn from the Air Force and became one of the branches of the fleet.

During this period, the combat strength of the Air Force was represented almost exclusively by fourth-generation aircraft (Tu-22M3, Su-24M/MR, Su-25, Su-27, MiG-29 and MiG-31).

The collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 and the events that followed it significantly weakened the Air Force. A significant part of the aviation group (about 35%) remained on the territory of the former Soviet republics (more than 3,400 aircraft, including 2,500 combat aircraft). Also on their territories remained the most prepared airfield network for basing military aviation, which in comparison with the USSR was reduced by almost half in the Russian Federation (primarily in the Western strategic direction). The level of flight and combat training of Air Force pilots has sharply decreased.

In 1992, Russia began building the Air Force as an integral part of its own Armed Forces. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 1997 “On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure,” by January 1, 1999, a new type of Armed Forces was formed - the Air Force, in which two independent type of Armed Forces: Air Force and Air Defense Forces (Air Defense).

In 2003, army aviation was transferred to the Air Force, and in 2005-2006, part of the military air defense formations and units equipped with S-300V anti-aircraft missile systems and Buk complexes. In April 2007, the new generation S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system was adopted by the Air Force.

In 2009-2010, major changes occurred in the organizational structure of the Air Force: a transition was made to a two-level (brigade-battalion) command system.

Since 1935, air parades dedicated to the USSR Air Fleet Day were held in Tushino (Moscow) on weekends, that is, they were not strictly tied to the day of August 18, and were sometimes postponed to another day or even canceled due to weather conditions. Even during the Great Patriotic War The country celebrated USSR Air Fleet Day, but no air parades were held.

In the period from 1947 to 1961, Air Fleet Day was celebrated, as a rule, on one of Sundays July and was accompanied by an air parade in Tushino. Since 1962, the holiday has been celebrated without annual air parades (excluding 1967 and 1977) on August 18, and since 1972 - on the third Sunday in August.

However, the tradition of holding air holidays, dedicated to the Day USSR Air Fleet, preserved at the regional (local) level. Every year, air festivals were held in Zhukovsky, Monino, Kubinka and other aviation cities.

As the importance of the components of the USSR Air Fleet grew, USSR Civil Aviation Day (February 9, since 2013 - Civil Aviation Worker Day), Navy Aviation Day (July 17), etc. appeared. In 1997, responding to requests from military aviators, the President of the Russian Federation established by its decree, Air Force Day, but festive events dedicated to it are held on Russian Air Fleet Day (the third Sunday in August).

Since 2015, based on maintenance historical traditions Air Forces and continuity after their reorganization, Aerospace Forces.
