Photo frames and posters online.  Children's coloring. Boys' train with carriages

Children's toy railway is a category that includes a huge variety of toys, from a train to a full-fledged train model on rails. They are designed for children of different age groups starting from 1 year. Game sets may contain small parts, so they are bought only for the recommended age category.

  • Equipment. A toy railway may include a steam locomotive, wagons, rails that are connected to each other and form a railway track. There are moving clockwork models, some of them with a remote control.
  • Age. Almost any toy in this category is suitable for children from 3 years old, there are models for toddlers.
  • Color. Children's trains and designers for the little ones are painted in bright colors attractive for this age. Sets for older ones are close to real cars, they use realistic color schemes.
  • Materials. Like all goods for children, the railway is made of safe materials. For the smallest, designers made of wood and high-quality plastic are recommended, for older ones - models with metal elements.
  • Complexity. Construction toys are educational in nature. By assembling a steam locomotive and a road, the child masters spatial thinking, learns to design and foresee the result of his actions. The sets are not overly complex. For each age, you can choose an affordable model.
  • Safety. Toys are made with safety in mind for nursery, preschool and school age. You should not offer kids a designer for adults, because it may contain small or traumatic parts.
  • Price. How much a toy costs depends on its complexity and functionality. The simplest kits for assembling a train can be bought in Moscow for 177 rubles, complex models with many details - an order of magnitude more expensive. The online store offers such an advantage as the opportunity to receive discounts and bonuses.

Anastasia Krasnoperova

Master Class"By manufacturing \"Merry little train\ with photographs of pupils.

Purpose: « Cheerful little train» , can be used by educators preschool institutions for the design of the group, as well as in direct educational activities.

Target: DIY manufacturing« Merry little train» with photographs of kindergarten students.


1. Ensuring individual comfort and emotional well-being each child in the group.

2. Develop speech activity children to enrich vocabulary.

3. Fixing primary colors;

Application: the material is designed for preschool children


colored paper;

Colored cardboard;

PVA glue;

Step by step description

1. Choose the colors of the cardboard for manufacture of locomotives and wagons.

2. Cut out the details locomotive, glue them on whatman paper and cut them out locomotive.

3. Cut out wheels for trailers, flowers, circles (draw emoticons on circles). We glue the parts of the wheel.

4. Glue the wheels to the trailer.

5. We place photos of children in trailers.

6. We place « Cheerful little train» in the kindergarten group.

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Hi all! Finally, I'm ready for the master class. Recently my baby turned 1 year old (oh, how time flies ...). And, of course, to such important event, like any mother, I prepared thoroughly. After looking at a lot of literature and rummaging around on the Internet, the first step was to make a train with photographs. At the same time, make it reusable (to the delight of your friends), since you don’t have to print out photos specifically for the steam locomotive, but just pull them out of the album, insert them into the cars, and after the celebration (of course in a month;) put them back again (one, where the baby in the first days of life will still have to be donated). The templates were taken as a basis and slightly modified with children's portal"The Sun" .

What did I change there? Firstly, there are no inscriptions on the trailers about the number of months, but I really wanted them to be. Yes, and on the locomotive itself there is not enough “reference point” - the date of birth of the baby. Since I am not a master of writing by hand, the program that everyone has on their computer helped - this is Paint. It is quite easy to work in it. After you have downloaded and unpacked the archive, go to the folder where you saved the templates. Right-click on the template and select "Open With", and then select "Paint".
In the window that opens, you will see an image. To create an inscription on the left there is a special button - "A". Click on it and create any inscription you like, changing the font size and the font itself, until you find the right one. Click the mouse anywhere and the inscription is ready. Please note - if you want to change it, you need to create a new one on top of this one or simply erase the unnecessary one with the help of an eraser (button "Eraser / colored eraser"). But what to do if the inscription is not at all in the place you would like? And for this there is a button "Select" (rectangle at the top). Select the area with the inscription and transfer it to Right place. These procedures can be performed indefinitely))) Secondly, (also with the help of an eraser) I erased the upper border of the wheels. Later I will write why I did it. You can create all 12 cars, or you can print the car with the first inscription, change the inscription to another one here, and print it again. And so 12 times (I did just that). The main thing is to remember the size and name of the font so that all the inscriptions match. On the locomotive itself, it is better not to make an inscription with the date of birth, but to create it on another sheet, then cut it out and carefully stick it with tape. Otherwise, do not forget to warn your girlfriends about the change of this date for their babies.
To print the wagons, I used colored paper for the printer. You can print and non-color version, and then colorize.

After that, I cut them out (try to cut carefully, because the trimmings can still be useful for decorating wheels and wagons). Initially, I planned to cut off the excess, but then I decided that it would be easier to immediately cut off the extreme part of the wheels of all trailers.
Here's what happened (the topmost green trailer has already been cut off, then I proceeded to the rest).

Now let's get to the wheels. As I said earlier, I erased their upper borders. The reason for this was the idea to make the wheel not just round, but cut it with curly scissors. We make 2 templates according to the size of the circles in the wheels.

We circle and cut out 2 circles of each color, but not along the contour, but slightly departing from it.

Here's what happened.

Now calmly glue the wheels. Since I didn’t have a glue-pencil at hand, I used PVA.

Then she sent all the trailers under the press ( big Book), before complete drying. And at that time she began to draw pictures. I found suitable coloring pages on the Internet ( , and others). I tried to pick up such that on each trailer at least one character was with a gift. I processed them with Paint, copied them, made sure that the height of the drawing suited me, and proceeded to print.
There should be picture sheet templates here, but I can't figure out how to insert them. Please tell me, and I will definitely finalize the master class.
I sincerely envy those who have a color printer, because then you can do all the coloring work on a computer and the pictures are excellent. I work the old fashioned way. I printed everything in black and white, for strength I glued the drawing onto a sheet of drawing paper (it is thicker than landscape paper, but not as dense as cardboard), dried it and started coloring. You can paint with any materials at hand: gouache, watercolor, colored pencils (like me), felt-tip pens or helium pens.

Heard good feedback about working with watercolor pencils. For girls, you can add glitter. After that, I carefully cut everything.

I distributed the pictures on trailers and glued them. At this stage, it is better not to be too lazy and still get a glue stick, with its help it will be much easier to perform such jewelry work.
It is very important to understand here that pictures serve not only as a decoration, but also as a holder for photos. Therefore, you should distribute them in the corners of the car and spread glue only on the part that is beyond the line, and for photos 10 * 15 even further, since such photos go beyond the lines drawn. If suddenly, after gluing, it turns out that the photo is not included, you can take a clerical knife and, inserting it into the resulting holes, expand them a little, CAREFULLY tearing off the picture from the car in the right place.

The locomotive itself can be decorated as you wish, because here the pictures serve only as decoration. My steam locomotive is suitable for both boys and girls. The window still had to be cut out and attached there, having previously cut to the size of the window, a photo of the first days of the baby’s life using thin tape with reverse side(he walked away very easily). sorry for appearance locomotive, this photo was taken after the celebration)))

Color the train with colored pencils

Your child does not show interest in drawing classes and is indifferent for children's coloring ? In fact, this problem can be easily avoided if classes are held in game form, and when choosing the theme of coloring pages, parents will take into account the individual preferences of the child. Perfect for a 3-4 year old baby simple blank pictures large size, which are easy to paint over with paints or colored pencils. But for older children it is advisable to print themed coloring pages by interest.

For girls, unpainted images of popular characters from games or cartoons can be printed on paper: Disney princesses, Barbie dolls, Winx Club fairies, Monster School students . Boys will be interested coloring pages depicting cars, heroes of m / f "Cars", tanks, airplanes, ships, military equipment.

You can print many contour drawings from the category pages of our site: and. In this article you will find various unpainted children's pictures depicting trains and wagons. Any coloring book that depicts a train does not require special skills in working with colored pencils or paints. If Small child already knows how to properly hold a pencil in his hand, he can easily paint over big picture with a steam locomotive.


How to turn outline drawing coloring lessons into an exciting and interesting game for the child?

To do this, we will turn our drawn trains into toys! Everything is very simple! Have you already printed a train and 5-6 wagons on drawing paper? Great! Now carefully cut out the images, paste them on a sheet of cardboard and cut out along the contour already together with the cardboard.

Now it's time for your boy to work. Lay on a piece of paper white color a train cut out of cardboard and invite the child to carefully color it with colored pencils (as an example, you can keep an already painted sample in front of your eyes).

Let the child choose suitable color for coloring, but ask him to say the name of the color aloud (so the baby will quickly remember the names different colors). When the child paints the train and trailers, pay attention to the fact that he tries not to go beyond the contour (that is, he does not leave pencil marks on the sheet of paper placed under the coloring). It remains to pull the rope between the chairs and hang on it with the help of small clothespins a train with trailers.


Click on the link from the list (below) and expand the picture for coloring.

Press the right mouse button and select from the list: Copy (Copy) or Print (Print).


♦ Train from Romashkovo (easy option). Coloring book for little children.


♦ Train with trailers (easy option). Coloring book for little children.


♦ A simple locomotive with a wagon. Print coloring page for a boy.


♦ Locomotive with a trailer. Print coloring page for a boy.


♦ Steam locomotive. Print out a coloring page for a boy.


♦ A train with a cartoon car. Print coloring page for a boy.


So, judging by the title, you probably already guessed that in this article we will learn how to draw a train and a locomotive with wagons.

Train for children

Showing how to draw a train for a child is quite simple.

First of all, it should be explained that it consists of a locomotive pulling the entire train, as well as wagons that attach to it.

The drawing will begin with the image of rectangular blanks of a locomotive with a wagon.
Next, the wheels, the window of the locomotive, a couple of windows of the passenger trailer, as well as the roof are completed.

The composition is already guessed in the image. More precise details will help to add similarities: the pipe of the locomotive, traced couplings connecting it to the trailer, the railway.

At the end, you can add a driver in the cab and steam from the pipe.

Train with wagons

A simple explanation of how to draw a train with wagons is suitable for beginners and more experienced young artists.

You should start with the basic shape of the locomotive: vertical rectangle with rounded corners. The roof of the transport is separated from above, repeating the main form.

Then you should draw the locomotive itself in more detail, as shown in the second image.

Now you can start on the wagons. Previously, they are indicated schematically. Further, the windows, the bottom of the trailers, the roof transition line are more accurately marked.

It remains to depict the surrounding landscape, as well as railway through which the vehicle is moving. You can do this quite accurately or just leave it as a sketch.

Steam locomotive for children

Below is a fairly simple sequence of how to depict a steam locomotive. It will be easy for a child to draw such a picture.

First, a preparation is made for railway transport. It consists of the main part in the form of an inverted letter G, wheels, the lower part above the wheels.

Trailers can be added to an already finished steam locomotive.

The steam locomotive is ready. Trailers can be added to an already finished steam locomotive. The third picture shows a simpler boxcar with a roof and wheels.
After him "hooked" coach. Its shape is similar to the previous truck, but features are taken into account: windows, a characteristic roof, side stripes.

Steam locomotive with wagons

It’s easy to figure out how to draw a steam locomotive with wagons for children, even without special education. To do this, it is enough to follow simple recommendations, following the sequence.

Let's consider in more detail how to draw a steam locomotive in stages.

Stage 1
First, mark the workspace with a horizontal line and a vanishing point. From this point under sharp corners two beams are drawn, as shown in the figure.

Stage 2
In pairs of two parallel lines, an approximate place is marked where the locomotive itself will be depicted.

Stage 3
From the vanishing point to the corners of the resulting rectangle, rays are drawn that outline the perspective. A detailed image of the locomotive is marked.

Stage 4
The trailers are separated by vertical lines. From the vanishing point, dotted lines mark the reference lines for the main locomotive.

Stage 5
Based on the indicated reference lines, the locomotive itself is drawn.

Stage 6
Wheels are added to the schematic. It remains only to add the details of the transport, as well as the surrounding landscape with the railroad tracks.

High-speed train

The proposed sequence will help you understand how to draw a train in stages. Having learned to do this, then it will be possible to easily draw a peregrine falcon or any other type of high-speed rail transport.

Two intersecting straight lines mark the working space of the sheet. This is shown in the first picture. On one of the formed corners, the outline of the composition is depicted, as well as its frontal part.

Then the wagons of the composition are marked between themselves and the characteristic lines on the side.

Now it's the turn of the lower and frontal parts of the composition. Peregrine is ready.

It remains only to add color.

We draw a passenger train

The train set is one of the favorite children's drawings. Despite the apparent complexity, it is very easy to understand how to draw a train with a pencil. To do this, it is enough to follow several steps in sequence.

First of all, a steam locomotive is drawn. The diagram shown in Figure 1 is taken as a basis. Further, it is detailed by adding wheels, a front part, marking the driver's cab.

Following the locomotive, wagons are indicated in any desired quantity. They are also complemented necessary elements: wheels, windows. Rails are drawn.

Similarity with a real moving vehicle will add steam from a pipe, a railway sleeper.

It remains only to add color and the passenger train is ready!

Subway train

You can draw a train in the subway quickly enough if you act consistently.

First of all, you should mark the workspace, as shown in the first figure. Then the locomotive is schematically indicated.

In the final, the entire train, the interior of the subway is drawn, the drawing is filled with color.