Where are the sexiest and most temperamental men. What does a man's temperament tell about his preferences in bed?

temperamental men

The ability to determine the sexual temperament of the representatives of the stronger sex is very important and necessary thing. Why important? Yes, because women also come with different temperaments, and if a woman in whom the power of sexual desire does not win back vitally important role, a very temperamental man will come across, then they simply will not work out, since she will not withstand his tirelessness in bed.

Well, if on the contrary, very temperamental woman a partner with low sexual desire will meet, then everything will also end sadly due to the fact that he will simply be unable to satisfy her.

Therefore, in order not to be disappointed, it is worth having some knowledge and choosing the most suitable type men. There are many different versions of how to determine the temperament of a man.

Some are real and they really can, and even need to be taken into account in life, others are practically nothing to substantiate rumors and legends. What you should not believe in, as well as signs of a real temperamental man: In temperamental men a big nose. It is a myth.

men with big nose are often very tender and sensitive, but you should not hope for great endurance in “love games”. The nose can “say” a lot about a person, but it is not very willing to “say” about temperament, more confirmation is needed.

A wide chin is a sign of male power .It cannot be said that this is completely untrue, by and large it all depends on the situation. Men with a wide chin are hardy in bed, but very rarely capable of deep feelings and the slightest rejection can greatly cool the ardor. Most often in this case there will be a noticeable lack of tenderness.

Short neck. This is a sign of high testosterone, and in most cases you can be sure that this is a really temperamental man.

Lips. "Hot" men cannot have thin lips and that's a fact. Particular attention should be paid to lower lip, it should be noticeably thicker than the top, but not protruding forward, as this is already a sign of promiscuity.

Eyes. Everything is simple here - the more intense and warmer the color of the eyes, the hotter this person is in bed.

Hair. This is a sign of testosterone levels, and, consequently, temperament. Men who have a very hairy body and at the same time have hair dark color- very assertive, energetic, love experiments, that is, extremely temperamental. Particularly important and exact sign- this is a "strip" of hair that descends from the navel to the groin area.

But it is worth considering the fact that temperamental men go bald early and rather quickly, this causes testosterone, that is, the hormone that is responsible for temperament. This fact, perhaps, will upset lovers of lush hair a little, but you can’t argue against nature in this case.

There is also back side medals, baldness, like a large number of body hair can serve not only as an indicator of testosterone, but also as a consequence of any disease. Although even in this case, the “strip” does not lie.

Foot size. This is nothing more than a myth, do not be fooled by the size of the shoes, besides, many men know and use this technique. But the leg length is very important indicator which sometimes gives quite accurate data. In order to find out how temperamental a man is, it is necessary to measure the length of his leg from the floor to the femur.

And then you need to divide the height value by the length of the leg. The figure obtained as a result of such manipulations will speak about the strength of the so-called “sexual constitution”: An indicator from 1.99 to 2.00 is a strong sexual constitution. From 1.92 to 1.98 - average. Well, weak - from 1.85 to 1.91.

Naturally, it is quite difficult to measure an outsider just to find out the temperament, since, most likely, this will be misunderstood.

But there is a way out, if we sum up from this formula, then tall people usually have a weak temperament, but short people are most often very temperamental. But Special attention you should still pay attention to the length of the legs, otherwise you can make a mistake. In addition to physical data, you can also pay attention to a person's behavior in dance and movement in everyday life.

The more beautiful the movements, the more he controls his body, the “brighter” and “hotter” he will be in bed. In men with a low temperament, as a rule, there is no pronounced clarity in movements and body control. Well, what you should not pay attention to is the social role and behavior.

A man can be a very cheerful, bright leader, real soul company, smart, gallant, but these are not indicators of high temperament. As well as rudeness, tactlessness and so on are not indicators. Choosing a man for himself, his temperament should be given increased attention, and at the same time take into account your own.

Since a very temperamental man may require sex about three to seven times a day, on the contrary, as not very temperamental men, once a week is enough.

And still very important fact, this is what real “machos” can keep their sex drive even to seventy, which is quite amazing, because in men with low testosterone levels, it decreases after thirty, and this is also extremely important to consider.

A temperamental person - this is what they say about people who significantly stand out from the total number with their active, life-affirming, sometimes even annoying behavior. As a rule, such a statement is positive in nature, defining a person as a "give". But people who are slow, pessimistic, depressed, or vice versa overly impulsive and even aggressive are not spoken of as temperamental.

Although in fact each of us has a so-called temperament - a set of innate, unchanging personality traits that determine how any of our activities proceeds. Based on the temperament of a person with his maturation, character is built, temperament determines what prevails in our actions: activity or passivity, the desire to analyze or act here and now.

It is believed that temperament is a constant that cannot be changed, and being a temperamental person means having pronounced features of an individual style of activity.

The most famous, almost classical and in fact long outdated model of temperament is the Hippocrates-Galen model, which conditionally divides people into:

As a rule, in pure form such types of temperament are not found, all these features are mixed in a person, however, the characteristics of his activity, as a rule, can make it possible to single out the leading type of temperament.

However, the fact that the idea of ​​four types of temperament has been around for more than two thousand years may be due to the fact that people easily recognized the overly temperamental representatives of their society. Today, this model is reflected in the classifications of diseases.

Usually too much temperamental person- this is a personality of a borderline character with strongly accentuated features of behavior.

Let's give an analogy:

  • choleric - impulsive personality disorder;
  • sanguine - hypomania;
  • melancholic - anxiety disorder;
  • phlegmatic - schizoid personality disorder.

Young-Eysenck model

The basis of this model is the concept of extraversion and introversion. talking plain language- some people are open to the world, sociable and active, while others, on the contrary, are oriented towards the world of inner experiences and reflection of their state.

Temperament within the framework of this model is the pole of pronounced extraversion. They are sociable, aimed at active interaction With outside world people who are ready to constantly be in the thick of things and able to enjoy their activities. A temperamental person means pro-social.

Note that these two characteristics are somehow found in all classifications of temperaments and characters, they are included in many questionnaires and test methods. For example, models like the Big Five and the Myers-Briggs typology, which are now used in scientific and practical purposes, are based on Junginian ideas about two vectors of character development.

The Big Five model suggests that a person's character develops based on the following factors:

Speaking in the language of this model, a temperamental person is an extroverted, open to new experience, slightly neurotic and open to dialogue person.

It is important to note that this model, despite some criticism, has been empirically tested more than once and it is very likely that these 5 characteristics of temperament really determine the character and lifestyle of a person.

The Myers-Briggs typology includes four bipolar scales:

The combination of all four scales gives 16 personality types, and various combinations of 2 characteristics form the so-called temperaments. The latter were identified during the development of this model. According to this typology, an extroverted individual, relying on his own vision of the situation and acting "here and now" can be called a temperamental person.

FET model

FET or Functional Ensemble of Temperament is a modern neurochemical model that describes the influence of neurotransmitters (biologically active substances that transmit electrochemical signals in the nervous system).

According to the STQ-77/FET model, temperament traits consist of 12 elements, 3 of which determine a person's emotionality (behavior), and 9 - functional characteristics. Let's bring them:

  • energy;
  • behavior orientation;
  • the rate of start of various reactions.

Each of these components is considered in three aspects: physical, mental and social. Total - 9 functional characteristics.

These are the three emotional traits. It is they who are more connected with the understanding of a temperamental person in society. The combination of these characteristics provides us with a unique model of individual temperament, which is based on the biochemical functioning of the body and the laws of neurotransmission in the human brain.

Common features

All the models described above refer to different time periods and are based on different theoretical premises, but they have one important similarity. All these models are applied, ultimately, to human behavior.

And as we noted, in all models, a temperamental personality is presented as an individual with an active life position, ready to act and express his emotions, sharing the state of others and experiencing the joy of novelty.

Many models of temperament will change and change, but one thing will probably remain unchanged - active and easy-going people will be called a temperamental person.

How to find out in advance what a young man is like in bed?

It's no secret that a man and a woman with the same sexual needs will more easily fit each other, and their union will be long and strong than that of a couple where the "appetites" of partners are different. How can you find out in advance what a young man is like in bed? Are there signs by which one can determine the sexual temperament of a man?

Surely you have heard the popular belief that a great lover should have a big nose. Many women later experienced disappointment, seduced by an ordinary, in principle, a man only because of the size of his nose. Don't fall for this hook!

Those representatives of the fair sex are also mistaken who confuse the sexual temperament of a man and his social role. He can be the soul of the company, a joker and a joker, a woman is waiting in bed for the same bright victories. But no connection between these two phenomena has yet been identified. How to "bite" him?

Scientists do not guess on coffee grounds, they are armed with arithmetic data and body measurements to calculate the sexual constitution.

It is known that there are three types of sexual temperament of men. They depend on the constitution of a person, and it can be strong, medium and weak. The type of constitution of your partner will be shown to you ... his legs!

So, we arm ourselves with a measuring tape and measure the length of your beloved’s legs - from the head hip joint to the foot. Then the height (which you should already know) must be divided by the length of the leg. The number that came out in the end (scientifically - “trochantin index”) will tell you about the sexual constitution of your partner.

Men have a strong sexual constitution, whose "trochantin index" ranges from 1.99 to 2.00, if 1.92 - 1.98, then this is an average, and a weak sexual constitution is from 1.85 to 1.91.

For women, these numbers are different. A strong sexual constitution in a woman is a “trochantin index” - 2.01 - 2.05, with an average one - from 1.97 to 2.00, and with a weak one - from 1.85 to 1.96. For men, these numbers are different. So, in men with a strong sexual constitution, the "trochantin index" ranges from 1.99 to 2.00, with an average one - from 1.92 to 1.98, and with a weak one - from 1.85 to 1.91. It turns out that the sexiest temperament, both for men and women, will be those who have short legs.

This scientific method has a significant drawback: it is unlikely that an unfamiliar man who could be your potential partner will easily let you measure his legs. Then we turn to other well-known methods.

According to statistics, a man's sexual temperament is more pronounced if he is a brunette. His body is covered with hair, and on his stomach the hair forms a path running from the navel. Even such men shave more often than others, sometimes twice a day. The bristles are hard and dark. All this is due to high level hormone testosterone, which, unfortunately, can lead to early baldness. Or he has early bald patches.

If you meet such a macho on the way, be prepared for frequent sex sometimes several times a day. And if you have the same sexual appetites, you are just lucky. But women with a weak sexual constitution should think about it - it will not be easy for you with a temperamental partner.

The same statistics, by the way, gives the following data: the hottest lovers are Greeks, Spaniards and Italians.

The second type of sexual constitution (medium) is men with brown or just dark hair. The body of such a partner is also covered with hair, but to a lesser extent, although the "path" may also be present. This is usually a man of average height, with broad shoulders and not very long legs, with well-developed muscles. Such a man is also capable of much, although he cannot boast of his achievements, like the first type. A woman with an average sexual constitution is perfect for such a partner, although ... The world knew others successful combinations partners.

A weak sexual constitution (although this is not a fact) is usually found in those who are tall, thin, they long legs, narrow shoulders, and hair tends to light color. Such a man rarely shaves, begins to live a sexual life late, practically does not “require” sex from his half. Very well, such a partner will get along with a woman of a weak sexual constitution. Scientists say that a similar type of male sexual temperament lives in Finland, Scandinavia, Norway and other northern countries.

It is impossible not to say that with age, a man's need for sex decreases, usually this happens after 30 years.

A person is so arranged that he is constantly inclined to invent various signs and stereotypes himself, and then sacredly believe in them. This is how his psyche works, because he seeks to make his life easier. In addition, signs and stereotypes keep a person from making the wrong choice. Most of them came to us from antiquity, some were somewhat changed and invented anew. Every area of ​​life is literally filled with various signs, and sexual stereotypes are of particular interest to us.

Few people dare to ask in detail about sexual preferences and features and at the first meeting. "At first" we are all interested in pleasing our companion, leaving the most pleasant experience. However, it is very difficult to satisfy female curiosity, so the beautiful half of humanity was forced to come up with various relationships between the appearance of a man and his temperament, because it is often not possible to ask him directly.

Most women are completely sure that there is a strong relationship between the appearance of a man and his sexual potential.

1. Assessing the future chosen one in terms of his love qualities, we must first of all pay attention to his growth. By the way, it is believed that it is directly proportional to the size of manhood. Chasing centimeters in height, many are sure, is a losing tactic in advance, because it is short guys who most often have very decent “dimensions”. Looking into history, we will find there a lot of those who are very tall He was known as an excellent lover and an avid womanizer. However, stereotypes are relentless. Especially popular are men of average and slightly above average height.

2. The degree of “hairiness” of a partner can also tell a lot to a woman. Most people love it when a potential partner has increased vegetation on their body. And all because many are sure that this fact promises them great success in bed. Scientists, by the way, consider this stereotype to be one of the most unjustified, because any relationship between the presence of body hair and the sexual temperament of a man has not been proven. This intimate sign probably came to us from ancient times, because the Kama Sutra, as you know, was written by Asians, famous for their increased hairiness, which they captured in the pictures for the book.

3. The next paradox is that the degree of sexuality of a partner, associated with hair on the head, is inversely proportional to their amount on the body. Simply put, it was bald men who found the glory of skillful lovers. And here the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are partly right, because it is on the head that the hair falls out from the excessive production of male sex hormones that are responsible for the temperament of a man and his sexuality.

4. There are quite a lot of sexual stereotypes associated with hair, therefore, among other things, women also pay attention to their shade. It is brunettes and brown-haired women who are most in demand, and this is no coincidence. Dark-haired lovers most often come from southern hot countries, and it is known that the closer the country is to the south, the more passionate and sophisticated the native of it. Blondes - people from prim and cold Europe are much less interested in women, but only a few may be interested in redheads.

5. It is not uncommon to find a statement invented by women that a man's fingers can tell about his dignity. A woman is so arranged that on a subconscious level, assessing the sexual potential of a partner, she associates him with the size and shape of the fingers on his hands. Everything is pretty simple here. Long and thin fingers, like a "pianist" they say that a man's penis has similar parameters. Short and thick fingers indicate the corresponding dimensions. More interesting option are elongated and rather large fingers, promising a lot of pleasure in bed.

6. Women do not bypass the nose of a man when they take up the analysis of his appearance, trying to discern possible sexual prospects in it. By the way, the most “reliable” sexual myths of women are connected with the nose, however, scientists have been trying to reason with the fair half for many decades, completely denying the fact of the relationship of this organ with manhood.

7. Destroy all stereotypes and evidence of the absence of any relationship between the foot of a man and his genitals. No matter how eccentric and bold hypotheses we build on this score, the foot of our chosen one in no way affects his sexual potential. However, scientists will not be able to convince any woman who piously believes in intimate stereotypes of the opposite if she can see great love prospects in her companion.

Every person, at least sometime, thought about what his temperament is. In addition, other needs are also not bypassed - the need to love and be loved, the need for recognition and praise, sexual relations… But each person has his own temperament.

Women are all a bit of an actress, it is easier for them to get closer to their loved one, knowing his strengths and weaknesses. Men, in terms of character, though more persistent, but less flexible. You can move mountains for your beloved, but shaving every day is a blessing, and no amount of persuasion will help.

As for the sexual temperament, here you can do a few interesting discoveries, which will help not only to better understand the nature of some men, but also to find what will be interesting to him. You may even be able to discover new interests for yourself.


The definition of "metrosexual" or " new man was coined as recently as 1994 by journalist Mark Simpson. He meant males who, in one way or another, stood out among the stronger sex with their bright appearance - well-groomed and attractive owners of fine taste. These guys are not interested in football and beer, but in musicals and the latest cosmetics.

The advantage of this definition is that the metrosexual guy is now heterosexual, and is no longer associated with homosexuals, although they are somewhat similar in lifestyle, appearance and, in part, behavior.

Although, the author of the term himself gave him a slightly different definition - “... this is a wealthy young man living in the metropolis or nearby, since it is there that all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are concentrated. Officially, he may be gay, straight, or bisexual, but that means absolutely nothing, since he has clearly chosen himself as an object of love and pleasure - as a sexual preference. Their temperament is expressed as:

  • softness;
  • refinement;
  • mannerisms;
  • gloss;
  • sexuality.

Such types of men are not the opposite of the previous one, but rather a completely different, completely different representative of the stronger sex in terms of convictions. The British Collins Dictionary defines him as "one who counts developed intellect most sexually attractive trait."

The definition of "sapiosexual" came into use thanks to Marianne Faithfull, a British actress who, quite by accident, during an interview, defined a new style that was just gaining popularity among progressive youth. It was an image of a big school nerd, with terrible square-rimmed glasses and a plaid shirt buttoned up to the very neck, in fact, having nothing in common with those classic geeks that everyone was used to.

But such an image, first of all, nevertheless speaks of intellectuality, and only secondly - of style. José Herrera, a psychologist, believes that sapiosexual is just a new name for a well-known phenomenon such as the nineteenth century dandy, who can be safely called metrosexual. This culture migrated from the era of technological upsurge, when the passion for science and thinking was at the peak of fashion, when inventors and scientists became idols.

Lumbersexual is a guy you recognize from afar. Stylish look and a luxurious well-groomed beard will immediately distinguish him in any crowd, and if he is also fond of sports, then the girls' attention is definitely guaranteed!

The name of this definition - lambersexual, comes from the English "Lumberjack" - a lumberjack or lumberjack. It is the image of the inhabitants North America, lumberjacks, simple guys with stocky figures, bearded and plaid shirts formed the basis of a new fashionable style.

They are everywhere pushing out the metrosexuals, who are already rather fed up with society. Today we need real men - strong and strong-willed, capable of slaying a bear. A vivid example of lambersexuality is a photo of Hugh Jackman, one of the brightest representatives of this type. By the way, just a type. They differ from metrosexuals only in appearance, but in fact they are typical city dwellers.

Their work is related to the latest technologies, beard and hairstyle are always well-groomed, they have a taste, and they still prefer homemade food. It is also worth mentioning that this collective image originates from the subcultures of homosexuals, where already for a long time images of a woodcutter and a bear were cultivated.


Have you ever wondered what asexual means? For example, an asexual guy, according to most, is a loser who does not have any sexual contacts, and knows about sex only thanks to stories and the Internet. But in fact, the essence of this term lies much deeper.

  • First, asexuals often do not experience sexual attraction to none of the sexes.
  • Secondly, they can be completely normal, attractive people and can even build close relationships with girls.
  • Thirdly, asexuals can physically have sex, and some even do it, but they don’t feel pleasure from the process at all.

It is very difficult to find the reason for such behavior, because for each case of asexual behavior this reason is unique and it is very difficult to get an unambiguous answer to the question why people show asexuality. It is also important to remember that this sexual orientation is different from anti-sexuality, even though they have similarities.

The sporesexual is another collective image of a man who has come to replace the metrosexuals, who have sufficiently outlived their usefulness. Now the lover of movies and restaurants with gourmet food has been replaced by a sports lover, focused on self-development, looking like an advertising model underwear but no ads and no underwear. But still, sporesexuals are special types of men:

  • this is not a revolution in male beauty standards;
  • it is a departure from extremes healthy lifestyle life;
  • it is a shift from narcissism towards self-improvement;
  • this is another step from words to action.

Today, the culture of spornosexualism is gaining a place not only among young people. All more men, who have already formed as individuals, begin to visit the gym "for themselves", engage in self-improvement, monitor their appearance, look for a style in clothes. But, despite the fact that metrosexual can also be identified by these signs, these two types cannot be compared.

A vivid example of this are Hollywood stars who radically changed their appearance not only for the sake of a role in one film, but also continued to develop further, more and more acquiring an Apollonian appearance. good examples such progress - Henry Cavill, who starred in the title role of the film "Man of Steel" and Christian Bale, who has been playing the role of Batman since 2005 - they are very colorful personalities that characterize this type.


Bisexuality has long been considered a full sexual orientation. And, perhaps, the male temperament has nothing to do with it, because girls during transitional age they are very actively interested in individuals of their own sex, but over time, they still gravitate towards only one of the sexes.

The vast majority nevertheless become heterosexual, and only a small part, for one reason or another, become homosexual. A bisexual man is not such a rarity in the world, but society is still more inclined towards bisexual women, who, in principle, are more inclined to openly demonstrate their preferences.

Also, in relation to women who are in a relationship, there are no prejudices that the representatives of the stronger sex may encounter. Research by psychologists indicates that:

  • only 25% of the people studied are completely heterosexual;
  • only 5% of those surveyed are homosexual;
  • about 70% are, in fact, bisexual, in one way or another.