How to clean pearl beads with gold accents. How to clean pearls at home

– one of the few gems of organic origin. Beautiful, but vulnerable, sensitive to external stimuli. However, caring for pearls at home is not difficult. Natural and cultivated material are no different in this sense.

Natural or farmed pearls are fragile and need to be stored properly.


It can be created without problems by an air conditioner, but this is not always possible. Owners comply with the following conditions whenever possible.

  1. Humidity. The air in the room should not be dry, otherwise the pearl will begin to dehydrate and the aragonite will flake off. But if there is a lot of moisture, the stones will become cloudy. To ensure that the humidity level is optimal, on a hot day or during the heating season, place a container of water near the box.
  2. Temperature. You need a medium one - the stones will crack from the heat and become cloudy from the cold.
  3. Sun. The mineral is afraid of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to the sun makes the stones dull and yellowish.
  4. Dust. This causes microcracks to appear on the surface of the pearls.
  5. Tobacco smoke. Pearls are contraindicated in a room in which smoking occurs. From tobacco smoke he dies.

If the jewelry is rarely worn, it is rubbed with velvet from time to time. This is how the pearlescent shine is preserved.


As a container, a plastic bag or other sealed packaging is excluded - they prevent the penetration of moisture, which is why the pearls suffocate and the nacre fades. A fabric bag is also not suitable - here the pearls will wear out.

The place that ideally meets all the requirements for storing pearls is a box. She must be:

  • durable to prevent external influences;
  • spacious, where even a large necklace can be placed freely, and the clasps do not come into contact with the beads;
  • closed tightly to create a barrier to dust or light;
  • lined with soft natural material.

There is no place for other jewelry in it. She's the same The best decision when transporting stones.

A luxurious pearl necklace may fade or yellow over time. Jewelry loses its luster and color as a result of improper storage or care. But it is possible to correct the situation. In this case, it is not necessary to take the products to the jewelry store. It is enough to use home methods. How to bleach pearls?

Cleaning pearls using improvised means

How to whiten pearls at home? For this you will need water, liquid soap, shampoo or other mild remedy, does not contain abrasive substances. A bath is prepared from these components. Products are lowered into the prepared solution.

Pearls should not be rubbed with brushes or other devices.

It will begin to disintegrate and collapse.

If the whiteness has not returned, then take the soap and beat it into foam. Treat each bead with this gentle mousse. At the end of the procedure, rinse all products clean water. Gently wipe the pearls wet wipe. All that remains is to dry the decorations. To do this, lay the products on a soft cloth. You cannot hang a string of pearls to dry. This method helps eliminate yellowness on stones and restore the shine of mother-of-pearl.

For the second method, you will need finely ground salt and water. Jewelry is placed in a soft fabric bag. Next add salt, 1 teaspoon is enough. Next, the bag is lowered into the water. You need to dissolve the salt. To do this, move the bag around in the liquid. Once all the salt has dissolved, take out the beads. No need to wipe, just air dry. Do not rub salt on pebbles. There will be scratches that will be impossible to get rid of.

Gold ring with diamonds and pearls, SL;(price on the link) gold earrings with diamonds and pearls, SL;(price on the link)

The third method is similar in implementation to the previous two. Citric acid is used only as a cleaner. If you take a pearl necklace, be careful with the thread. From exposure citric acid it will break off. After cleaning the pearls, replace the old thread.

Gray plaque on jewelry can be removed using potato starch. Pour it onto a soft cloth and wrap it around it. It is allowed to lightly rub the beads. The powder will remove dirt and make the jewelry white.

How to restore shine to pearls?

After you get rid of the yellowness, inspect the pearls. Often the beads remain dull, without mother-of-pearl. You can restore the shine to pearl earrings and rings using the products that are at hand:

1. Rub each bead with egg white, rinse with water after 2 hours.

2. Apply olive oil to the cotton wool. Then wipe each pebble. Other vegetable fats cannot be used. Remove any remaining oil using a napkin.

Home methods do not help if the yellowness has penetrated deep into the stones. In this case, resort to professional procedure– cleaning pearls by a jeweler. Craftsmen treat products with hydrochloric acid.

Don't settle for abrasive or ultrasonic cleaning

Such methods are detrimental to natural pearls.

How to prevent darkening of pearls?

The best method for cleaning jewelry is to prevent it from yellowing or tarnishing. To do this, follow these rules:
keep pearls away from sunlight; prolonged contact of products with water is not allowed;
periodically remove pearls from the box and put them on;
gold earrings with pearls, rings or beads;
put on jewelry after 10 minutes. after applying makeup;
Do not allow the necklace to remain in a dry or excessively damp room for a long time.

The capriciousness of pearls is explained by their organic origin. The mother-of-pearl coating of the pebbles is thanks to mollusks that secrete a special substance. It is not strong enough and prone to destruction. But there are also pleasant sides. Pearls are a mineral that can be purified at home without using complex means and devices.

Pearls are the first stone that was used as jewelry in ancient times. Since then, little has changed: mother-of-pearl beads are loved and appreciated by women of all ages for their beauty and vibrant shine. But this capricious stone, like a person, gets sick, grows old and even dies. That's why proper care behind him is very important.

How to help pearls maintain beauty and health

Born in the water element in a mollusk shell, pearls are 10% water. It is not for nothing that in some cultures it is considered alive. Like any living creature, it is sensitive to the external environment and requires careful treatment.

Types and characteristics of pearls - video

Enemies of the stone

Ignorance of the characteristics of pearls can lead to a change in color, loss of shine, clouding, and sometimes even death.

  1. Vinegar and other acids. There is a legend that Cleopatra, at a feast with Mark Antony, dissolved a pearl in vinegar and drank the drink. History is silent about how this affected the queen’s health. But it is a fact that acid dissolves pearls. He is afraid even of its fumes. Remove decorations before cooking or canning with vinegar.
  2. Any aggressive household chemicals destructive to pearls. Avoid contact with strong alkali, ammonia, peroxide, solvents, chlorine.
  3. The soft surface of pearls is easy to scratch, so you should avoid contact with sharp objects in every possible way. Not recommended to wear Pearl necklace over clothes made of coarse wool. Even soft abrasives such as soda and fine salt should not be used for cleaning.
  4. Pearls need moisture, but in moderation. From its excess, pearls swell and fade, and mold may even appear. Be sure to remove jewelry before taking a shower or bath, especially before going to the bathhouse. Water combined with high temperature is destructive to pearls, and dry air makes them brittle and brownish.
  5. Cosmetics - creams, lipsticks, perfumes, hair sprays - harm pearls. Put on jewelry last after applying makeup, hairspray, perfume, or eau de toilette.
  6. Delicate stones do not like to sunbathe, preferring cool shade to the sun's rays.

Now it is impossible to buy pearls found by divers in the depths of the sea: their extraction has long been prohibited. The one sold in jewelry stores is grown on pearl farms. But this does not make the stone artificial, because a person only helps slightly by placing a grain of sand or a piece of mother-of-pearl into the shell.

How to pamper your pearls

Take jewelry into your hands more often, sort through the pearls, put it on and walk it. Pearls love human contact, imbuing them with energy and skin moisture. This makes them come alive and begin to shine.

Pearls need human contact

Pearls reveal all their beauty precisely when in contact with young skin, because with age it loses moisture, which is so necessary for the stone. No wonder in the old days in Rus' unmarried girls It was allowed to wear only pearl jewelry, as a symbol of purity and purity.

Young skin imbues pearls with essential moisture

If your skin is very dry, choose framed jewelry.

How to store pearls

Revived from foam: cleaning pearls

Like any jewelry, items with pearls need regular cleaning. Make it a rule that when you remove jewelry, wipe it with a dry or damp lint-free cloth.

Soap bath for sissy

If the pearls have become dull, yellowed and have a coating on them, wash them with clean water. For heavy pollution will be needed mild soap with a low alkali content, suitable for children. This method is safe for any type of pearls: sea, river, artificial.

Products with gold and silver frames also require cleaning of the metal. Gold and rhodium-plated silver do not darken or oxidize in air. Simply wash them with soapy water. Non-rhodic has no protective coating, darkens and oxidizes upon contact with skin and requires careful cleaning.

Gold jewelry with pearls just need to be washed in soapy water.

It is important to clean your jewelry without damaging the pearls.

How to properly clean pearls with salt

If a soap and foam bath does not help, use salt.

  1. Place the decoration in white napkin and sprinkle with fine salt. You can't rub it, but you don't have to.
  2. Tie the napkin into a tight knot.
  3. Place it in a bowl of cool water and rinse until the salt dissolves.
  4. Rinse the product with clean water and dry.

This procedure will cleanse the silver and make it shine, and the moist shimmer will return to the pearl, because it was born in salt water. Sometimes pamper your sea pearls with salt baths, they will be grateful to you.

Silver jewelry with pearls are cleaned with salt

Cleaning pearls with starch

Use potato starch to remove excess moisture, sebum and dirt from pearls. Just sprinkle the stones with this substance and then wipe them with a velvet cloth.

Starch is used to clean pearls from excess moisture and dirt.

If the result home cleaning If you are not satisfied, it is better to take the jewelry to a jeweler. It will carefully clean the products, taking into account the characteristics of metal and pearls. You shouldn’t experiment on your own, even with by professional means for cleaning jewelry: The result can be disastrous.

What not to use to clean pearls

Everything that pearls are afraid of cannot be used to cleanse them:

  • acids;
  • household chemicals;
  • solvents;
  • peroxide, ammonia, oils;
  • any abrasives;
  • ultrasonic bath.

Some sources advise using acid's ability to dissolve nacre to restore shine to pearls. This method can destroy the decoration irrevocably. Recommendations for cleaning pearls are also questionable. olive oil. After all, fats are one of the elements that harm mother of pearl.

Cleaning rules are the same for marine and river stone. But artificial requires special careful attitude. After all, the layer of mother-of-pearl applied to a glass or plastic bead is much thinner than that of natural pearls. This means it is easier to damage.

Love your pearls, treat them with care, like you would a capricious but helpless child. And it will answer you with a gentle glow and will delight you for many years.

Pearls have always been considered an attribute of wealth and luxury. Jewelry with these stones is a godsend for women of any age. They are able to complement the image of a young girl, giving it purity and tenderness.

The image of a more mature lady pearl beads or earrings will add style and chic. It is not surprising that this stone is so popular. And it is quite logical that many women are interested in how to clean pearls without leaving home.

Caring for pearls is a multi-step process that includes not only proper cleaning, but careful handling and storage.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that pearls contain only 2% water, and therefore the stone’s relationship with it is extremely complex. Dry air can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the beads, and excess moisture leads to clouding of the stones.

Bright colors are no less dangerous for pearls sunlight. Due to prolonged exposure to the sun, stones can lose their shine and radiance and even turn yellow.

Dust is also harmful to pearls; its particles lead to the appearance of microscopic cracks in the enamel.

As mentioned earlier, pearls are a very finicky stone. Therefore it is important to comply basic rules for its storage.

  1. Pearl products must be stored separately from other jewelry.
  2. The best place for storage would be a box upholstered in velvet.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the climate in the room where pearl jewelry is stored. The air temperature should not be too low or too high. If the air in the room is dry, it is recommended to place a glass of water next to the pearl accessories.

Like most luxury items, pearls require delicate handling. An incorrectly selected product can ruin the stone forever.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth remembering that when cleaning pearls, you should not use abrasive brushes, cleaning powders, aggressive acids and bleaches (such as vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide). Hot water can also ruin pearl beads.

Pearl is a rather capricious stone and requires regular cleaning. Below are the main ways to carefully cleaning pearls at home.

1. The best way for cleaning pearls specialized jewelry paste. The product must be applied to soft cloth and gently wipe each bead. Next, the product is polished with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth. The inconvenience of this method is that the paste is not sold in regular hardware stores and it is not so easy to find. The second disadvantage is that this method not suitable for frequent use. Regular care Using this paste will return the shine and shine to the pearl, but will reduce its service life due to the active cleaning agents it contains.

2. Soap solution is a more gentle and simple means for caring for pearls. When cleaning pearl earrings or rings, place the item in the solution for a few minutes and then wipe it dry.

When working with a pearl thread, each pearl must be wiped cotton pad, soaked in solution. The beads are then treated with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining soap.

After such cleaning, you need to leave the jewelry to dry on a horizontal surface, laying it out on a soft cloth.

3. A similar cleaning method is using a pair of old elastic tights and soapy water. The decoration must be placed in a kind of bag made of tights and carefully rinsed in a bowl with soapy water. This method will remove dirt from the beads themselves, as well as from the silk thread. After removing the pearls, excess moisture must be removed with a clean cloth and left to dry.

Drying pearl beads in vertical position, as this leads to stretching of the thread.

If the methods described above failed to restore the product to its former shine, you can try bleaching pearls at home using potato starch. The beads must be wiped with a piece of velvet cloth with starch applied. This will help remove all dirt and excess moisture that harms the pearls.

Despite the fact that long-term stay under direct sun rays is detrimental to pearls; sunbathing for several hours can whiten them. This method may require several sessions. It is important not to expose the product to the sun and wrap it in cloth after each procedure.

Over time, a pearl product can not only get dirty, but also fade. To add shine, pearls can be rubbed with olive oil. This is the only oil that will not harm the jewelry. After the procedure, residues must be removed with a paper napkin.

As you know, frequent washing does not make things better.

Therefore, we offer to your attention some tips, which will help avoid unnecessary cleaning and preserve the appearance of pearls for a long time.

  • Put on pearl jewelry last, when your makeup and other preparations are complete. The fact is that various chemicals, such as perfumes and hairspray, have a detrimental effect on appearance pearls
  • For the same reason, when returning home, you need to take off your pearls first. At the same time, when removing a necklace or choker, you should hold on to the metal lock, and not to the stones.
  • Wipe your pearls with a damp cotton pad after each use to remove any remaining oil.
  • Since the pearl thread is also susceptible to contamination, it is recommended to change it every 1-3 years.

Follow these simple rules, and pearl jewelry will delight you for many years!

Hello! Let's talk about pearls again. This time about how to properly clean it from dirt and negative energy. Natural jewelry with pearls will serve for decades, will “survive” more than one generation, if you wear them correctly and care for them carefully. Did you know that natural pearls do not tolerate any “chemicals”? Perfumes, creams, body lotions - all this affects the color and condition of the beads. Find out how to clean pearls at home, what products to use so as not to damage the surface.

Rules for caring for rings and earrings

For the care of pearls decorations will do only warm soapy water and a brush with natural soft bristles. A good option- baby brush for newborns or eyeshadow applicator (clean). Do not use any other products, including those recommended on the Internet for the query “how to whiten.” This is especially true for chemically aggressive substances and abrasive powders.

Despite their apparent strength, natural pearls are capricious and require delicate care.

So, how to clean jewelry correctly?
Prepare everything you need:

  • convenient container for water;
  • warm solution with laundry soap no fragrance;
  • soft brush;
  • natural dry cloth for sanding.

Start by preparing the solution. One tablespoon of grated soap per half liter of water is enough. Immerse the jewelry in the solution for no more than 5-10 minutes, and gently brush it with a brush. Remove and dry gently with a prepared cloth. Silver earrings with pearls or a ring, usually, after such a procedure, they are completely cleaned. Deteriorated pearls with traces of old dirt may need to be cleaned twice.

Pearl necklace - proper cleaning

The classic string of pearls is based on nylon or silk. Natural threads wear out faster than mother-of-pearl beads, lose elasticity and accumulate dirt. That is why they need to be cleaned, even if visually the beads themselves do not seem dirty.

The problem is that the soap solution mentioned above as a tool without which not a single pearl cleaning can be done is not suitable for silk or nylon thread. You need to take care of strings of pearls with double diligence, dividing the process into several stages:

  • cleaning beads;
  • cleaning the thread.

The first ones are enough to wipe with a cloth soaked in a soap solution, followed by treatment with a clean rag. You can clean the thread safely and conveniently in potato flour. The product is left in a container with flour for a day, after which the excess is removed and rubbed with a clean cloth.

Regular care of pearls: what rules to follow

Knowing how to properly wear gold and pearls, or any other type of metal, will make cleaning easier and extend the life of your jewelry. Well-maintained products not only look different, they are pleasant to wear, they literally radiate positive energy.

The mother-of-pearl layer of natural spheres does not tolerate contact with chemicals in any manifestations. On the day the products come into contact with your body, try to avoid hairsprays, skin cosmetics, etc. If it is difficult to do without makeup, apply it before putting on jewelry.

Before storing items for storage, they need to be refreshed first with a damp and then with a dry cloth, removing traces of sweat, dust, and cosmetics.

It is very important to make it a rule never to wear silver with pearls, platinum or gold in:

  • sauna;
  • solarium;
  • pool;
  • to the beach;
  • in gym.

Firstly, it is harmful for beads to come into contact with the sun, salt water, chlorinated water, UV rays and sweat. Secondly, in all the listed places this kind of decoration would simply be inappropriate.

Regarding storage rules, it is necessary to understand that natural pearls need a special box, preferably made of wood with a layer of silk or velvet. You cannot store jewelry in plastic boxes, bags, together with other products or hanging.

Despite all the “don’ts,” pearls simply love to contact their owner. Wear them while respecting simple rules, is a proven way to save natural beauty, save from yellowness and extend “life”.

Energy cleansing – what is it and when is it needed?

Any decoration needs regular maintenance energy purification. This is especially true for products with natural stones, which absorb the energy of the owner. They need to be cleaned both after another person and immediately after purchase. Special attention they will require inherited jewelry. It is believed that together with inherited pearls one can take over the fate of its owner. If that's not your plan, spend your time cleaning it up.

Tested and safe method To clean genuine pearl products from negativity, use whole grains of rice. They will not damage the color or disrupt the structure of the coating. Just place the decoration in a container with rice for a day. This time will be enough for the negativity accumulated by the pearls to remain in the rice. You can use grains several times for re-cleaning, but under no circumstances for food.

Please note that it cannot be cleaned natural pearls salt, like many natural stones. But melt water is coming. Rinse the beads with melt water, read prayers, this will be enough to eliminate the negative.

An interesting way to get rid of negative energy with the help of the moon. The decoration is placed on the window so that moonlight falls on the pearls and left overnight. It is believed that heavenly body removes negative accumulations, cleansing jewelry.

A non-standard option is to cleanse someone else’s energy using sound. Above pearl jewelry chanting mantras or ringing a bell; recorded church bells are allowed to ring.

In the end, if there are real doubts about the “purity” of the product, it can be consecrated in the Temple. Then there will definitely be no alien energy or negativity left in him.
You learned how to properly care for pearl jewelry and found out where you should absolutely not wear them. We have become real specialists in cleaning up foreign and negative energy. Share your knowledge on social networks with your friends!

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