How to properly pack a suitcase for a trip. What to take on a trip. List of required items and fees

Olesya Iva

The holidays are in full swing, and the main headache is packing a suitcase, which most of us pack four hours before departure, dumping all the best things into a pile at once. We share tips on how to pack a bag and what to take with you, based on the principles of healthy asceticism and rationality, so that you will have room for new things that you will definitely want to buy when you travel three miles from home.

Plan carefully what you want to take with you. It’s even better to make a list and then cross out everything unnecessary. Why do you need a mountain of dresses and shoes with you when you can find new ones on vacation? Take with you what you wear in life without thinking twice. Buy everything else locally. We can go even further. Someone practices detox and fasting days in nutrition, arrange for yourself the same in relation to things. Take the necessary minimum of comfortable and functional things and don’t get hung up on the fact that you have nothing to wear. Enjoy the adventure and avoid the shops.

If you put things in a suitcase in layers, they will take up significantly more space. The best thing is to tightly roll each item, then everything will easily fit even in hand luggage or there will be enough left in your suitcase free space to bring home local wine, souvenirs and new clothes. In addition, rolled clothes wrinkle less.

In addition to your suitcase, take with you one spacious, beautiful backpack, a small chain bag and a fabric bucket bag for going to the beach. Suddenly your plans change, and you want to leave the city for a couple of days at sea or vice versa. You can leave your suitcase at a hotel or rented apartment and take only the essentials with you, so that nothing distracts you from your adventure. In addition, you will put your iPad or laptop in your backpack, which is convenient to get on the plane, and your documents in a bag on a chain (which will come in handy during the holidays in the evening). Just roll up the bag and take it with you - it will come in handy.

City Vacation Set pretty simple: two dresses (a little black one and a day one), Birkenstocks or other sandals, a pair of versatile sneakers, a shirt, tank top or crop top, a pair of your favorite jeans, a cozy basic knit like a vest or turtleneck, a few basic t-shirts, a sweater or cardigan and one jacket (or bomber, or biker jacket, or denim). You can take a jacket with you - throwing it over your dress, you can go to some cultural event in the evening. It is better to buy dresses, shorts, skirts, jewelry and elegant shoes on the spot and then bring them home.

If you are going to the sea, You can get by with even fewer things. For the beach, take two swimsuits (one-piece and two-piece), one midi-length skirt or shorts, light trousers and one summer dress- all this will be needed not only on the beach, but also in the city. The same thing with flip-flops - it’s better to take the same orthopedic Birkenstocks, in which it’s comfortable to walk even on sand or on paving stones and which, if necessary, can be worn with evening dress any length. The main condition for things on vacation is a double function. Think about where else this or that thing might be useful. For example, if you plan to run past the beach in the morning, then a beautiful sports bra will come in handy; you can wear it in the city with a midi-length skirt or trousers (for example, light culottes) and not take extra T-shirts and crop tops. And you can always wear beautiful running bike shorts with a shirt and sandals on a tractor platform and go look at the architecture. Sports will not go out of fashion anytime soon. It’s better to take a towel with you, even if it’s a small one - it’s better than spending half a day looking for a disposable one instead of throwing your things and going straight to the beach.

Vacation kit for wildlife (in the forests or in the mountains) will differ in that you will take with you more cans (for mosquitoes, burns), medicines and other items: from a tent to dishes, which you are unlikely to buy on the spot. Here, sports and warm clothes are the main thing. In addition, it is better to merge with nature lightly.

A couple of little things can make a big difference make your life easier: like earplugs, sleep masks, pillows, antiseptic, universal nourishing cream, thread and needle, allergy pills, noshpa, aspirin, spare charger and second phone, condoms, copies of documents and a supply of replacement lenses - emergency little things are better than extra clothes. Remember about T-shirt rolls and reasonable asceticism. Think separately about the set of medications, especially if you have chronic diseases: for example, Activated carbon You can buy it in a pharmacy in any country, but a proven antibiotic is not a fact.

About liquids in micro bottles We won’t write much in a separate plastic bag: when traveling, something always bursts and spills. Well, you know. Therefore, it is better to pour everything into small containers, which are sold in any cosmetic chain stores, and put it in a waterproof cosmetic bag. In addition, just like with clothes, you will probably want to bring local cosmetics home.

Oh, this blissful word - “Vacation”! We are all waiting for him, saving money so that at least once a year we can leave our native lands and go where our hearts draw us. Northerners strive to warm their sides under the warm southern sun, southerners, tired of the constant heat, are looking for winter in the middle of summer.

And now, this long-awaited vacation has arrived! , the batteries in the camera are charged. The only thing left to do is collect all the necessary things and pack them in your small suitcase. And this is where difficulties begin for many. What to take with you on the road so as not to forget anything? How to compactly put things in a suitcase, and even so that they don’t get wrinkled? What to do, if necessary thing ended up at the very bottom of the suitcase, but don’t want to take it all apart again?

Today we will try to cover this topic as fully as possible and figure out what to take with us on vacation and how to pack a suitcase correctly? All these methods were once found by me on the vast Internet and tested in numerous travels. I would like to say that with this approach, problems with finding things never arise!

So let's get started. We have a suitcase and a mountain of things that we planned to take with us on the trip. Regarding the list of things, you need to prepare it in advance so as not to forget anything necessary. It’s best to start writing down the necessary things on a separate piece of paper 2 weeks before departure, so that later it will be easier to pack before leaving.

What do I usually take with me? Through trial and error, I managed to come up with one universal list. Depending on the season, some things may be excluded, some may be added.

The most important item in any preparation before traveling is documents and money. It is important not to forget:

— international passport (or domestic Russian passport if we are traveling within our own country);
— copies of the passport, preferably in color (they will definitely help out if the document is lost);
— plane, train, bus tickets;
- cash;
— payment cards;
— medical insurance (or insurance policy for Russia);
- a small case so that you can hide documents and money under clothes;
- notepad with pen.

The most important thing after documents is technology. It’s hard to imagine a modern trip without gadgets. Required: mobile phone with connected roaming and a charger for it, a camera with a charger, a flashlight, spare memory cards and batteries for the camera, headphones, a small tee. You can take a laptop, tablet or e-reader with you, the main thing is not to forget the charger.

What things to take with you on the road?

Several sets of clothes at the rate of 1 set for 3 days, if it is known that there will be no washing machine. It is desirable that all things are easily combined. Things need to be selected according to the season, but you should definitely take at least one warm thing with you even to the south, and a light one to the north.

Don't forget about underwear, socks, swimsuit, sleepwear for the train and hotel, and a hat.

Be sure to take a spare set of shoes in case of sunny weather and rain, as well as slippers for moving around the room if they are not included in the price of your room.

Don't forget an umbrella (raincoat) and sunglasses.

Other necessary things.

It is imperative, especially when traveling abroad, to take a small first aid kit with you on the road. I try to take no more than 2-4 tablets medicines. So they take up little space. The must-have list includes painkillers, remedies for poisoning and diarrhea, absorbents, creams for bruises, wounds and sunburn, antipyretics, tablets for motion sickness, medications that can quickly relieve colds, adhesive plasters, elastic bandage, cotton wool, brilliant green or iodine. Depending on the presence of chronic diseases, the list may be expanded.

In addition to the first aid kit, don’t forget personal hygiene products ( Toothbrush, paste, soap, shampoo, razor, etc.), cosmetics, pins, needle and thread, black and white, manicure scissors, a mirror, a comb, wet and dry wipes, as well as a small inflatable pillow for sleeping in transport.

If you are going to relax in nature, take repellents and a fumigator with you. They helped us out more than once.
Be sure to take a knife, a spoon and a mug, some food and water. Sometimes a corkscrew is really missing. Therefore, don’t forget to take it with you on your trip. For food, it is best to bring crackers, candy, hard fruits or fruit bars, nuts and dried fruits. All these products perfectly satisfy hunger and weigh very little.

Don't forget maps, guidebooks, dictionaries and phrase books for traveling abroad.

How to pack a suitcase? Practical instructions

So, the list has been compiled. Necessary things are put aside. Now let's get back to packing the suitcase.

Before you start packing, all items should be ironed well. We will fold it in layers so that nothing gets wrinkled.

I usually put underwear and socks on the first layer. First we roll everything into small bundles and place it on the bottom between the handle mounts. You can also throw spare sets of wet wipes and tights here.

When the layer is laid, cover it on top with ordinary cardboard or a piece of plywood. This device allows you to easily remove things packed at the very bottom without having to disassemble the entire suitcase. In the future, it is enough to just lift the plywood a little and get the right thing.

Further. We need a shoe box. In this box we put all the little things that we are going to take with us. You can also pack a small travel iron here if necessary. You can also pack fragile souvenirs in the box on the way back.

We prepare two small cosmetic bags for hygiene and cosmetic supplies. Cosmetic bags can be neatly placed next to the box.

Now let's start putting things away. We will put them in sets. At the bottom we put those things that we plan to wear at the end of the trip, and on top, accordingly, there will be essential items, for example, a set of clothes for sleeping on the train.

We fasten all shirts and blouses with one button at a time, and we also fasten shirts with zippers with a zipper. Carefully fold the item so that the edge is outside the suitcase. Next, we put another item from the same set on top. We repeat the process for one or two sets, laying them out perpendicular to each other. Next, we wrap the remaining edges so that you can easily get the entire set.

We fold the ironed items neatly into layers into sets. Below are the sets we plan to wear at the end of the trip, above are the most necessary things

We repeat the procedure until all things are in the suitcase. We try to carefully smooth out the corners so that wrinkles do not form. Arriving at the hotel, all you need to do is take out your things and hang them on hangers. If something suddenly gets wrinkled, hang it in the shower. The hot steam will smooth out the wrinkles on their own.

If you plan to take a belt with you, you can carefully lay it along the contour of the suitcase.

On top we put spare shoes, pre-packed in individual plastic bags, and a warm jacket, in case the temperature drops sharply upon arrival in a new place. Don't forget to take a small bag for dirty clothes if you don't plan to wash them on site.

I usually don’t put food in my suitcase. There is a separate bag for it, so that if something happens, all things remain clean.

That's all! The suitcase is assembled, all things are neatly packed and can be easily removed from the bag. There is even room left for souvenirs. And don't forget at home good mood, without it, your vacation will definitely not be wonderful 😉 Easy trips and bright emotions!

For experienced travelers, packing a lot of things into a small suitcase is no problem. For the majority of vacationers, who go on a voyage once a year, this task threatens to turn into an impossible task. Unless, of course, you know some secrets that will make getting ready for the trip much easier.

I already wrote that I prefer . This method of transporting personal belongings has its pros and cons. In my opinion, there are many more advantages, but not everyone is used to traveling light. The reason for this can be several factors, the most important of which is the presence of children. So if you need to cram the bulk into your suitcase, check out some simple tips.

Firstly, all preparations begin with choosing a suitcase. If you are going on a short trip, then there is no point in taking a lot of things with you that will not be unpacked, but you will still have to carry them with you. In this case, it is better to choose a small suitcase, backpack or travel bag. If you are traveling with your family or have a longer trip ahead, then you should take a more spacious suitcase so as not to experience inconvenience due to the lack of necessary things.

The list will not allow you to take too much

Secondly, even at the stage of planning your vacation, make a list of things that you will need during your trip. The list can be divided into subcategories: travel first aid kit, travel bag, linen, clothes for excursions, evening dresses, children's clothes, etc. Such detailed list makes it much easier to pack for the trip and thanks to it, you are unlikely to forget anything important. And, conversely, the list will not allow you to take unnecessary things, because you will only include what is necessary and necessary, right? =0)

P.S. Take the list with you on your trip so that when you pack your things when you get ready to go home, you won’t forget anything.

Things should complement each other

Third, think carefully about your travel wardrobe. All things should be comfortable, practical, wrinkle-free and fit well together. Items that complement each other will make your travel wardrobe more diverse, and well-chosen accessories will help turn a day suit into an evening outfit.

Your feet will thank you

Fourthly, you need to take care of your travel shoes. Even on a short trip, it’s worth taking with you several pairs of comfortable shoes or sandals. If you are planning nature hikes or long excursions, then bring comfortable sneakers or ballet shoes. For beach holiday Flip-flops or flip-flops are required. When getting ready for a trip, take already worn-in shoes. Blisters from a new pair of shoes are unlikely to allow you to enjoy even the most interesting excursion.

A lot depends on the little things

Fifthly, pack your makeup bag correctly. So that the entire contents of the suitcase are not damaged by accidentally spilled or scattered cosmetics, tubes of cream, lotions and tonics should be packaged carefully and securely.

Sixth, don't forget about important details, without which you cannot do on the road. Glasses, documents, tickets, money, bank cards, medications that you constantly take should be placed in a separate bag so that these necessary things are always at hand.

Seventh, if you are going to travel abroad, place your laptop, tablet, chargers, first aid kit with medicines and other things that may be of interest to customs officers on top so that you do not have to turn over all your luggage. I note that in many countries, for example in Hungary, customs officers ask you to place your equipment and cosmetics bag (if you take them in hand luggage) separately on the belt.

Read more about how to prepare for travel.

Finally, I’m posting a video of one traveler about the method of packing things, which has collected more than 9 million views. I personally tried to collect things according to his scheme and I will say that it won’t be possible to pack everything in the workshop this way the first time, but more things actually fit in.

Do you have your own tricks for packing things in a bag/backpack/suitcase? Share them in the comments.

Always yours, Daniil Privonov.

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Only at first glance it may seem that packing luggage for a trip is a simple task. After all, this is where you usually have to pack things for all occasions.

How to compactly put things in a suitcase so that nothing gets broken, wrinkled or spoiled during the move? Solving this problem is only part of the story. Ultimately, you need to organize your luggage in such a way that it can be lifted off the ground without difficulty.

I have already touched on this topic in posts and

But at the height of the velvet season, I would like to end this topic with tips on how to properly pack a suitcase at sea, because the comfort and success of your trip depends on this.

Packing your suitcases for the sea: a list of necessary things

The best solution is to make a list of what you need, and then cross out from it all the items that you doubt.
No matter how trivial it may sound, it is precisely this simple (and a little tedious), at first glance, action that will allow you to quickly pack your things, not forget something very necessary and keep within the set luggage weight.

Sometimes this is very difficult to do. Replaying it in my head different scenarios holidays and all sorts of situations, you have to add things to the list more than once and cross them off again.
As a result, we often leave a bunch of things on the list “just in case.”

When deciding what to take with you on vacation at sea, first of all, add down what you absolutely cannot forget at home. This

  • Money. No more than 500-1000 $ or euros in cash, the rest on several cards
  • Documentation.: passports, driver's licenses, powers of attorney for children, etc.
    Scan (or just take a photo) your passport, license, and other important documents.
    First, print out the scans or make a photocopy. Secondly, save the scans on your tablet or smartphone and send them to yourself e-mail. If you lose your passport, you can quickly prove to the police and the consulate that you are you.
    It is better to walk around a foreign city with a copy of your passport and lock the original in a hotel safe.

  • Transport tickets and accommodation documents/hotel vouchers, Plane tickets, hotel reservation confirmation/hotel vouchers are also useful to save on your smartphone - so that they are at hand even when there is no Internet.
    Save screenshots of maps the right places(how to get from the station to the hotel, find the museum, etc.) - then you will have a route even without the Internet.
  • Insurance abroad. Usually bought online, it pays for itself many times over. The choice of insurance depends on the country.
  • House keys(my own:)

My secret is in wallets with locks, in one of which cosmetics and medicines are stored, in the other - money, in the third - a passport and Notebook. It’s best to put all this in a small purse bag. She shouldn't be bright color- so as not to attract unnecessary attention.
I rearranged the wallets and you’re done, no need to rummage through endless compartments and pockets. If you're going to lunch, take a wallet with money with you, a cosmetic bag for the ladies' room, and you can leave the bag itself with a friend.
I have three multi-colored wallets: gold for money, red for cosmetics and black for documents :).

Also grab a pack of dry wipes, wet wipes, hand sanitizer and pen.

No matter what trip you go on, the basic list of things always remains the same: personal belongings, gadgets, cameras, first aid kit.
Everything else can be purchased locally if necessary.

So it’s worth the effort and creating such a universal travel list once. It's best to make a list of what you need to take with you a week before your trip. Moreover, the list should be as detailed as possible. Look at it every few days - cross out something and add something. This way you will have time to think about everything, weigh it and avoid turmoil.

Then, with a little adjustment, you can always use it when preparing for any trip.

Cloth. As practice shows, at sea you need to take mostly light casual clothes in such a way that each item can be combined with another (for example, any T-shirt could be worn with any jeans or skirt).
Also pack 1-2 evening wear and a handy hiking kit if you plan on doing multiple excursions.

If you want to be sure that everything in your wardrobe matches (and don't forget about your shoes!), take items with you in a maximum of three colors. This will give an almost unlimited number of combinations from which you can later choose what you want to wear today.
Make sure that all items fit together and are suitable for at least 2 outfits.

Multifunctional items.
Which? A good example a sarong can serve. Used as a blanket, skirt, towel, beach accessory, curtain, scarf... in short, as you like. Or a hat and scarf.
For women there is such a wonderful option as a transformable dress. With a slight movement of the hand, the trousers turn into... I mean, a couple of movements - and you have changed the style of clothing to a more appropriate one for the place, time of day and your mood.

Quick-drying items. You can reduce the number of items if you assume that you can wash some items. In the hotel sink you can easily freshen up a T-shirt or light dress using a small package washing powder or even a spoonful of shampoo.
Besides, washing machine It's easier to find a dryer when traveling than a dryer. Therefore, luggage should include mainly those things that need to dry (indoors!) less than a day, and ideally, just overnight.
An additional bonus: usually lighter items dry faster, which means your luggage will be lighter.

Wrinkle-resistant things.
No matter how carefully and neatly you fold or roll your things, they will still get wrinkled while traveling, leaving two options: walking around looking like the devil or constantly looking for an iron. Of course, what else to do while traveling if not ironing! (Sarcasm)
In order to avoid such dubious entertainment, it is worth testing your clothes “for wrinkles” while packing your suitcases.
Squeeze each item into a ball for a few seconds: if it remains crumpled, it is better not to take it with you.

Warm clothes
Wherever you travel, it would be a good idea to check the weather for the entire duration of your stay. Even seaside resorts experience periods of prolonged rain and storms. Therefore, it is worth considering packing a few warm things in your suitcase.
For example, take a cardigan with long sleeve or a three-quarter sleeve, this thing will allow you to stay warm: in the airplane cabin, on an evening walk, in the cinema hall.

Most importantly, don’t forget to bring a swimsuit - even if you are not going towards the sea, a swimsuit can be useful for visiting saunas, swimming pools, and SPA.
Also, don’t forget about these beach accessories, How Beach bag, mat, pareo, shorts, short tops or a light sundress.

Shoes. The same goes for shoes: go for shoes that can be worn with multiple outfits.
Ideally, there should be three pairs: sneakers, sandals and beach flip-flops. Of course, you can change or add to this kit a little, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Shoes on flat sole or put your sneakers in a shower cap. This way you will protect both the shoes themselves from scratches and your clothes from dirt on the soles. An ordinary plastic bag is no worse, it’s just that a pair of shoes fit perfectly into the hat.

It is recommended to place it at the bottom of the suitcase. The space inside the shoes can be filled with underwear, socks, cosmetics, and any other small objects. This makes it possible not only to pack things correctly, saving space, but also to avoid deformation and damage to shoes.

Don't take it with you new shoes: calluses and pain are guaranteed!

Accessories. Take hats, belts, glasses one at a time. And it’s better to buy beach umbrellas and circles on the spot.

And this is how you can place the hat in a suitcase so that it doesn’t get wrinkled:

4. Cosmetics. Needed with cosmetics individual approach. Such things as toothpaste, sunscreen or sunscreen, deodorant, shaving foam and shampoo - you can buy it on the spot, use it and leave it at the hotel.
In some hotels universal means hygiene products are provided free of charge.
If you want to use your own, pour everything into small bottles or take half-used ones, with the expectation of throwing away the empty container at the end of the holiday.
To prevent shampoo or other liquids from spilling out, cover the neck cling film- and only then screw the lid on.

You need to take with you (or buy on the spot): a comb, manicure set, epilator or shaving machines, eyebrow tweezers. Pads (at least for the first day). By the way, Tampax is not sold in all countries. If you use tampons of this brand, it is better to take them with you.

Be sure to pack all your cosmetics in ziplock bags.

Technique . A camera, a mobile phone, a camera, a laptop - this is what you will most likely take anyway. But many people forget about chargers, adapters and flash cards. A selfie stick wouldn't be amiss either.
Keep in mind that gadgets and all sorts of chargers, spare batteries, adapters take up a lot of space in your luggage. Therefore, do not try to take everything you have at home on a trip.

Never put chargers in your luggage! If your flight is delayed or your suitcase is lost, you will be left without communication.

A power bank or external battery can save you for a while. They come in different capacities, but even the simplest and cheapest ones are enough for a couple of phone charges.

In airplane mode, smartphones and tablets hold a charge longer. If you don’t need to be constantly connected while traveling, turn on airplane mode not only on the plane. And switch to regular only when you need to make a call or go online.

To keep cords from spreading all over your backpack, place them in a ziplock bag, makeup bag, or glasses case.

If the hotel room has a modern TV, gadgets can be recharged via its USB connector (useful when you forgot the charger, or there are fewer sockets in the room than you have equipment, or in the country where you are visiting there are different sockets - but there is no adapter) .

Wi-Fi passwords for restaurants, bars and other establishments can be found on the FourSquare social network - you can use the Internet even on the street next to the bar.

Medicines. When deciding what to take to the sea, never decide to buy medicines on the spot. Firstly, resort prices are always higher. Secondly, the required drug may not be available at the local pharmacy. Thirdly, a cold or other illness may strike you unexpectedly, and you will not have time to start treatment on time.
Therefore, take your medications and pills from home. In another country, medications you know may have a different name, and many require a doctor’s prescription. If you suffer from any chronic diseases, take several packs of the required medicine at once.

Be sure to stock up on painkillers; antipyretic and anti-inflammatory; ointment for herpes; drugs to normalize the gastrointestinal tract; antihistamines and agents for healing burns, cuts, and wounds.

In addition, be sure to take with you a sterile bandage, plaster, iodine or brilliant green, hygiene sticks and cotton swabs.

Now go through the list again and cross out what at first glance seems unnecessary to you:

Cross off from the list those things and items that can be bought abroad. Although, sometimes they cost less at home, but in general there is an additional charge for excess weight There may be significantly more luggage.

Cross off books and magazines from your list that you don't want to part with. For reading, it is better to buy a magazine or newspaper at the airport

Don't try to take all your jewelry and decorations with you (unless there is a special reason for this). In addition to the extra weight and space in your luggage, there is also a risk of being robbed. You become a noticeable bait for thieves and scammers.
Fine gold and silver chains get tangled and cling to rings and pendants if all the jewelry is placed together. Stick the chain into a cocktail straw.
On a trip, you can get by with inexpensive, fun jewelry, or even update your jewelry boxes with something new.

So, let's go...

We save on weight (you will have to pay extra for excess weight)

Not so long ago, when we were getting ready to travel and throwing all the necessary things (and sometimes not so necessary) into our suitcase, we boldly went to the airport, not particularly worrying about how much our luggage weighed.

The additional payment for excess weight was not critical for the wallet and did not create any special problems when checking in for the plane.

Today the situation with overweight brings a lot of trouble and worry.
The difficulty lies in the fact that there are no uniform standards and requirements for the transportation of baggage and hand luggage. This most often depends on the direction of the flight, its duration, the airline and the class of service.
For example, business or premium class passengers can carry 30 kg (and sometimes 40 kg) free of charge, as opposed to 20-23 kg in economy class.

Are you afraid of being overweight, but have nowhere to weigh your suitcase in advance? Avoid queuing at your check-in counter. Find an empty one and weigh your luggage. An extra kilo or two? Take the heaviest items into your carry-on luggage or carry them on yourself. Now hand over your luggage calmly.

Let me remind you that in most cases you can check in a suitcase weighing 20 or 23 kilograms for free. Even if you are a frequent flyer, always check the conditions for your specific flight (free baggage allowance is indicated on your e-ticket). You can find out about a pleasant indulgence. For example, on flights to the States, China and some other countries, Aeroflot allows you to check in not one, but two 23 kg suitcases for free.

There are also unpleasant exceptions. On charters, the weight of a suitcase is sometimes limited to 15 kilograms. Pobeda, the only domestic low-cost airline, allows you to donate 10 kilograms, more for an additional fee. Foreign low-budget companies usually do not include baggage allowance in the ticket price at all.

Also, business class passengers can take 2 pieces of hand luggage, unlike economy class passengers. They are allowed only 1 piece of hand luggage in the form of a suitcase/bag + one personal item (for example, a camera bag, a handbag, a laptop bag).

Hand luggage is those things that you can take into the cabin, the list of which is determined by the rules of each specific airline.

There are restrictions on the size of hand luggage and its weight.

As a rule, this is no more 25 x 40 x 55 cm or the sum of 3 dimensions - 115 cm. Well, the weight depends on the airline’s rules and can range from 3 to 15 kg. (usually 10 kg)

If your hand luggage does not meet the established parameters or exceeds the weight limit, you will have to check these items into your luggage. There is no surcharge for excess weight in hand luggage (with the possible exception of low-cost airlines, which special requirements to the rules for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage).

✈ What to take on a plane and how to pack a suitcase

Foreign airlines are especially strict about compliance with these parameters.
This variation in requirements is sometimes due to increased security requirements, and, in some cases, to the desire to make more profit.

Strict rules and large fines for being overweight on some airlines can seriously undermine your travel budget. Because 1 kg of excess weight can cost tens of euros.

And, even if you save significantly on purchasing an air ticket (for example, by using the services of a budget or low-cost airline), paying extra for excess weight can eat up all your savings.

Here's another video on the topic so you don't get bored:

The “correct” travel suitcases and bags

As you know, a good pre-vacation mood appears from the moment you purchase a travel bag. What difference does it make what kind of bag or suitcase you buy, you might argue.
Yes, it seems that there is no difference.

But in fact, the choice is always determined by several circumstances:

  • Where and how are you going to spend your vacation (on the beach, in the mountains, on a hike)
  • How will you get there (by car, by train, by plane)
  • Travel bag durability
  • Ease of use, correct size

If your favorite way to travel is by plane, then the last two points are of particular importance for the reason we discussed above (weight and size restrictions on luggage).

Our task is to choose a universal suitcase or travel bag so that (despite different requirements in different airlines for baggage allowances) we can safely go on any trip and not overpay for overweight or non-standard bag sizes in hand luggage. And in which, despite the relatively small volume, one could easily fit the necessary set of clothes, shoes and travel accessories.

Take a small bag. How bigger bag, the more everyone tries to cram into it. And the heavier it ends up being. Imagine how “fun” it will be to drag it to the upper floors without an elevator, drag it through airports and train stations, and load it onto a shelf on a bus.
So always choose a bag based on the needs of your specific trip.

Need to stock up on a bunch of souvenirs for friends and family? There is a separate package for this - and you don’t have to constantly shake up and repack all these trinkets. Just put your new purchases there; they are usually not needed on a trip, but you can easily sort everything out at home.

Hoboroll organizer bag. Various mesh (and not so mesh) covers and shelves do not save much space (moreover, the weight of luggage even increases slightly), but they are very helpful in organizing things correctly. Anyone who travels in couples/with children/moves often/just doesn’t like to put things away - this thing can be useful.
Or the Hoboroll organizer bag. I’ll say right away that the bag is not for everyone. But in certain situations, such a bag is just a godsend. Inside it has five compartments, it opens on both sides, all this makes things easily accessible for viewing, despite the considerable volume of the bag, which holds up to 19 liters.
Plus - Hoboroll has unique property compress things into a small ball. We stuff everything that is wrinkle-resistant and non-fragile, throw the organizer bag into a suitcase or just on your shoulder - profit!

Take a bag with compartments. Otherwise, everything ends up in one heap, gets mixed up, makes it difficult to find what you need, and wrinkles even more. Pockets with elastic mesh, zippered compartments and all sorts of internal partitions will help organize the space inside the bag.

So, bag, backpack or suitcase - which is better to put your luggage in? Depends on where you are going and what you plan to do. Are you planning to climb mountains, spend the night in nature and all that? Of course, in this case it is better to take a proven one comfortable backpack. Let's look

A traditional “lazy” holiday with a hotel and civilized excursions? Great option there will be a suitcase. Also try to estimate how much you will have to walk with your things on foot through airports, train stations and streets; perhaps it will be more convenient to use a bag on wheels. (The suitcase should have wheels by default, always.)

Packing your suitcase wisely...A week at sea with hand luggage

When traveling, you almost always have to assemble and disassemble a bag, backpack or suitcase several times. This means that this process should be optimized as much as possible.
Build your own system for organizing things in your bag. Then you won’t have to frantically rummage around inside in search of the right thing - each of them will have its own permanent place.

How to compactly pack things in a suitcase

Before you start rushing chaotically around the house in search of the necessary things, you need to do deep breath and move on to reasonable, consistent actions.

How to compactly pack things in a suitcase? To do this, you need to have them all in one place, for example, stacked in an orderly manner on the bed. Using this simple approach makes it possible to avoid overloading your luggage with a whole mountain of unnecessary junk. Only after only the things truly necessary for the trip remain before your eyes can you begin to fill your suitcase.

But it’s hard to disagree with the famous saying of the philosopher Oscar Wilde: “I can do without what is necessary, but I cannot live without what is superfluous.” This is just about me.
What to do in this situation? Select things according to the principle “I definitely can’t do without this”, and not according to the principle “what if I need it”.
Remember that extra things are not only a waste of money for excess weight, but also the safety of your luggage. Heavy suitcases and bags are most often damaged: they are difficult for loaders to work with and are usually placed at the very bottom of the luggage compartment

So, before you put your things in your suitcase, collect them in one pile. Compare the size of the pile with the size of a suitcase and you will be horrified. Throw away every fifth item. Review your remaining luggage as recommended above...

General rules for packing things in a suitcase or bag (at least that’s what experts advise) are:

  • bottom layer- stack the heaviest items, placing them evenly and maintaining the balance of the suitcase (bag). This could be a toiletry case, cosmetic bag, shoes.
    You can also put chargers and adapters at the bottom of the suitcase, having previously packed them in a separate bag.
    Shoes are placed in cases one shoe at a time and are located on both sides of the suitcase and corners. To save space, shoes can be pre-stuffed with all sorts of small things (socks, scarves, underwear, etc.)
  • Middle layer- fill all the resulting voids with belts, having previously twisted them, ties (transported in a special case), rolled-up jeans, T-shirts, jumpers and T-shirts.
  • Upper layer- dresses, tops, suits, which would be nice to pre-pack in a travel bag (a travel case in which suits or clothes are transported, while they do not wrinkle and retain their shape).

To avoid wrinkles, some tricks and tricks are used.

Roll clothes into rolls. To pack as much stuff into your suitcase as possible, forget about neat stacks of T-shirts and jumpers from washing powder advertisements. Roll each item into a tight roll.

First, rolling your clothes instead of folding them can save space. Secondly, it makes it easier to access each specific item. Thirdly, this way clothes wrinkle much less.

Place the rollers tightly in the suitcase and avoid empty spaces.

For example, if you twist your trousers into a tight tube from the bottom up, nothing will happen to them and you can put them on without any ironing.

For shirts, when packing, be sure to turn up the collar, then it will definitely not wrinkle.

How to fold T-shirts quickly and compactly.


It is better to roll socks and underwear into a tube and place them in shoes: this way we will simultaneously save space and protect the shoes from deformation. In addition, shoes can serve as an excellent case for watches, glasses and even a tie. Ramp! Tightly packed items will not move during transportation and will withstand the trip better.


T-shirts, pullovers, any things take up less space and wrinkle less if they are also rolled up, rather than laid in the usual layers. If there are a lot of such rollers and the suitcase is deep, you can use them to make the first layer.


Put it between things plastic bags or sheets of paper. Clothes will slide rather than rub against each other and suffer less damage.


We've told you how to fold shirts using a magazine before. Fasten the buttons, then do everything as in the pictures and don’t forget to take out the magazine. Shirts can be used as a second layer, after the rollers.


Do not stack cans of foam, cream, etc. in one bag. After making sure it is tight, stuff it all into different nooks and crannies.


Jackets and coats have their own folding method - “shoulder to shoulder”. Turn one sleeve inside out. Fold the jacket in half so that the inverted shoulder fits into the inverted one. Then fold it in half so that the inside out sleeve is on the outside. Place a bag between the halves so that the fabric does not rub against the fabric.


Don't put shoes in pairs. Each shoe must be placed in its own bag and placed in different places. And remember: there is no trip on which you would need more than three pairs of shoes.


It is better to lay straps and wires along the walls of the suitcase. Rolled up, they will take up more space.