Non-standard relationship between a guy and a girl. The relationship between a guy and a girl - what should be

The psychology of the relationship between a guy and a girl is continuously connected with work on yourself and your lover / beloved. It is important to see the problems, their essence and find solutions. All this will make your couple more united and make love grow stronger every day.


Perhaps this is the most important thing in all respects. Surely you still have a part of harmony if you are already together. However, some still complain about misunderstandings within the couple.

To help eradicate it:

  1. Frequent conversations(about everything, not just about what is interesting only to you). This will help you to always be aware of the affairs of your loved one, to better understand his psychology (why he acted this way in this situation).
  2. Discussion of conflict situations. Here you need to try to understand and convey to your partner what causes dissatisfaction. Only in this case, you will be able to eliminate quarrels on many occasions.
  3. Ability to go forward. Sometimes you may not understand the behavior of your companion / companion, even after a long explanation. So this is his specialty. Accept this fact and calm down - sometimes you don't have to try to fix him / her.

mutual trust

You can overcome distrust in the following ways:

  • talk more often(so you will be aware of the affairs of your chosen one);
  • find out the reasons distrust (if you cannot prove the absence of your bad intentions, just try to exclude provoking situations);

  • stop lying in your relationship (but for this, be able to speak and accept the truth, whatever it may be, there can be no exceptions here; this will truly unite your union);
  • don't make me jealous(it is often against this background that distrust develops);
  • be in front of each other as often as possible(walk in one company (at the same time you can communicate with different people), relax together, etc.);
  • show your example of trust(perhaps this will help your chosen one calm down).

mutual forgiveness

Know how to forgive and apologize. Remember: endless resentment has no place in life.

Do you like being literally begged for forgiveness? Know that one day the patience of your other half will burst, and then you will be left alone with your grievances and that feeling of flattery and pride that intoxicates you. Think about whether your grievances are so strong as to endlessly “puff out” your lips?

And, on the contrary, know how to ask for forgiveness for your mistakes. If you are really guilty, do not get off with a “dry” SMS “I'm sorry”. By all appearances, let it be known that you are overwhelmed with love and regret - be aware of your actions and be sincere.

Ability to stop in time

Sometimes, if the conflict is not stopped, the quarrel develops into throwing humiliations. It is clear that everything was said, most likely unconsciously, but in a fit of rage. However, this causes some pain to a loved one.

And you can try to avoid this:

  • if you feel that you will “explode” now, stay alone (you need to “cool down”, think about whether you are right);
  • exclude rudeness (this inevitably ruins relationships);
  • try to reduce everything to a joke (if the nature of the interlocutor and the situation as a whole allow);
  • stop by simply hugging your loved one (perhaps this will calm and touch him).

Breaking the routine

Being always together is so great... First. Then, no matter how you unlock it, life will start to “eat” you. “Every day is the same!”, “No variety!”, “It seems that we have nothing to talk about ...” - all these phrases will appear in your conversation. And that's... okay. Yes, yes, and even for you and your such invincible love!

All family psychologists vying with each other say: if you want less conflict - do not spend much time together. We need to take a break from each other.

So you will get bored more, “pick up” topics for conversation, and even the simplest hugging gatherings in front of the TV will again seem the most romantic to you!

Common Problems

drama kings

People-energy vampires take a lot of energy over time. From your couple, this must be eradicated immediately.

Instead of making a drama, you need to:

  • be able to discuss everything calmly;
  • control yourself;
  • learn to trust;
  • feel sorry for your partner.

If you say that you can’t do this, know that you are a weak person who cannot work on himself, so give up on a person who, if everything is not fixed now, will have to suffer as much as he has the patience.

Drama kings can even be equated with killers who do their job slowly: day by day they exhaust their own and other people's nerves, take away energy, devastate a person, instill uncertainty, despair, anger and resentment in him.

Most often, this leads to a break in relations, betrayal, or even worse ... Well, let's not talk about the bad. And, it would seem, the whole drama began “as a joke” or to test feelings ... Stupid, very stupid!

Dissatisfaction with friends

It rarely happens that your interests in relation to people do not coincide in any way. If this is typical for your couple, then you need:

  • put up with, because once these individuals were called friends for certain merits (by the way, ask for what, perhaps this will change your mind);
  • once and carefully tell the chosen one about your views: why you don’t want them to continue communication, maybe he will think about it (more facts! and don’t “drip” on your brain all the time - this way you will get the opposite effect);
  • pay attention to what the problem is. Maybe it's just your or his whim. Agree, the lack of common interests among the “opponents” and inciting the second half to betray are critically different things, where the first can be ignored, and the second requires the undertaking of any measures.

Failure to take responsibility

First of all, it is worth learning that not everyone is given this a priori. A sense of responsibility can come with age, experience, in connection with some events. But if you yourself want to “settle” this willingness, then you need to have a lot of patience.

Show your helplessness more often, and maybe then this person will understand that he has more significance than he thought before.

BUT! Never laugh at him and do not cite others as an example - this way you will plant resentment in him and kill all the incentive.

Important: do not be angry with your soulmate for the inability to answer for something. He just didn't need it before (overprotective parents, wealth, past relationship politics, etc.).


They can also become problems. However, they are among those with which you can put up with. After all, you most likely knew about them at the time candy-bouquet period and probably did not even think to eradicate them.

In any case, you can always talk to a person and gently hint to him that his oddities bring you any inconvenience.

If it was not possible to convince the partner, it's okay. Most importantly, treat it not as an oddity, but as a feature that only complements the person. Psychological suggestion is power!


If you don't care now special attention, then in the future it will begin to annoy you. It is a fact. Often arrogance even provokes some disgust. That's why this problem- also down!

But it should be borne in mind that this will most likely be eradicated for a very long time. Most often, it goes away on its own when a person finds himself in a situation in which his life "takes him down from heaven to earth." However, it is possible to convey to a person that he is wrong by demonstrating the significance of each person.

Important: If your loved one is arrogant, do not try to belittle his dignity with humiliation and attempts to "open your eyes."

This will lead to huge scandals. It is better to cite cases from life as often as possible, talk about " ordinary people” (but not in excellent shape, otherwise your partner will notice the desire to change something in him).

Unresolved conflicts

Constant disputes

Why are you arguing? Just remember: most often these are just absurd things. And it is they who exhaust you so much time and nerves. Do you need it? It should be mentioned right away that some people will need a lot of patience to avoid disputes.

However, the whole point is simple:

  1. You can only enter into discussions when you are 200% sure in his own right. At first it will seem to you that you always argue only when you fully know the whole essence of the matter, but then, if you pay attention, you will see that this is far from always the case. After all, people make mistakes. So think about whether you need to prove something that you are not completely sure of?
  2. Don't make a fuss and leave the dispute until the moment when it becomes possible to check the information together. Go online, ask adults, etc.
  3. Intentionally do not enter into disputes. Yes, let it be as he says. If you do not show your interest in the dispute in advance, then he will desire will disappear you have something to prove.
  4. Learn to admit mistakes and never laugh at the misses of the other half. It is sometimes very difficult, but keep yourself in control. You do not want to look stupid or humiliate your beloved / beloved?
  5. Stop rudeness and raising tones. It's completely inappropriate to convey something.

Important: If disputes in your couple - frequent occurrence, one day just take a breath and talk about how tired you are of them. This will reduce the ardor of your interlocutor.

Problems with parents

It also happens that everything seems to be fine, but relations with your or his relatives do not add up.

Many factors can influence this:

  • skepticism;
  • rumors (often untrue);
  • first impression;
  • lack of expected results, etc.

How to deal with it:

  • try to prove that they have an erroneous opinion, but not with words, but with actions;
  • do not need to be imposed;
  • do not refuse to relax together, but in the process do not touch on the topic of your relationship until the adults themselves talk about it;
  • do not show your indifference to this situation;
  • pay as much attention as possible to your soulmate (often the happy eyes of their child help to melt the heart of parents);
  • NEVER talk about your conflicts that happen within the relationship.

Sometimes just letting go is enough. After a while, everything will work itself out.

Lack of flexibility

Often this is typical for teenagers or spoiled people. A person does not want to “bend under” anyone, because he is the king of life, the whole world revolves around him. Such people are always sorry, because often life surprises them in the form of huge disappointments.

Some call the lack of flexibility obstinacy. It seems cool - "I'm obstinate, get me!". However, this is only suitable for those who want to live in conflict all their lives. After all, it does not happen that everything is done as one of the partners wishes.

Think for yourself - can you be friends with that person who always "blows his own line"? Probably not. And your chosen one is, first of all, your friend in life, and only then - a lover, husband, partner, colleague, etc.

So, we conclude: pride and unwillingness to meet halfway there is no place in a relationship, because both should work here.


Cruelty, or in other words, tyranny, has nothing to do with happiness. If you have such a trait, and you think that this does not interfere with your couple - you are happy - know that your partner suffers from such a relationship. Only his patience or fear helps him stay with you.

To stop delivering certain torments to the second half, you need to spend on yourself great job. First of all, learn to appreciate the person who is nearby. Then - to understand that, continuing to adhere to your cruelty, you can lose it at any moment. This will happen after another scandal or even silently.

If cruelty is distinguishing feature your partner, and you have to deal with this every day, then:

  • talk to him as often as possible, open your soul to him;
  • say what pain he brings you with his behavior;
  • try to listen to his demands and start fulfilling them: if you don’t argue, you will minimize his anger.

BUT! In no case do not "trump" the fact that you will leave him, do not cause jealousy, do not laugh at this person and do not argue with him. This will always work against you.

Lack of similarity of values

They say opposites attract. This confuses many.

The difference between a girl and a guy should be “comfortable” for each other, so that each of them complements his chosen one. That is why they say - "the second half."

So, this can manifest itself in the fact that one of the partners is quick-tempered to the point of insanity, and the second can remain extremely calm in any situation. It is the second who can always bring everything together conflict situations to “no”, and for the first this person will become truly invaluable - he will not be so comfortable with anyone.

But, as for the lack of similarity of values, this can become a certain problem for a couple, which often even leads to their break.

If you have such a situation, then you have three options:

  1. Try to talk about your preferences and views, convey to your partner why all this matters to you greater value. However, at the same time, it is necessary to listen to the partner: what he thinks about it. BUT! Do not allow the conversation to turn into an argument, and do not impose your opinion on him. This will only make the situation worse.
  2. Be patient and get ready to “adapt” to your partner all your life. Often there is nothing wrong with this, because someone in the family always takes a leading position. Think, if in most cases your chosen one is right, maybe he is not mistaken here. Ask him to explain why he thinks so. It is desirable that he gives examples-confirmations from life. This will make it easier for you to understand it.
  3. Parting. If both you and your partner are stubborn to the point of insanity, and each of you wants his position to become the leading one, then you have nothing to do together - your couple will not last long. Let passions and euphoria save you at first, later, when it subsides, your disagreements will turn into eternal scandals. Therefore, choose: either work on yourself, or disperse.


Oh yes, this is one of the most common problems encountered in couples. This is due to ... their own selfishness. Yes it is. After all, it is precisely what your partner does not do as you expected, as you want, that annoys you.

You can deal with your dissatisfaction with the training that you should do with yourself:

  1. Come to terms with the idea that ideal people No.
  2. Think about the fact that you have flaws that could annoy YOU. It is with them that your soulmate meets every day. Appreciate.
  3. If you are irritated with your chosen one, immediately switch to positive attitude: remember, for example, what he is good at, how he gives you pleasure, what he recently did for you, etc. You will see that your discontent will gradually go away.
  4. From extreme to extreme! Think about this: you have a partner who walks with you through life, but he has several shortcomings that terribly enrage you; If you don't want to put up with them, break up. And what? And dissatisfaction will immediately disappear, and you won’t have to constantly teach anyone “how to do it right.” Only here is the problem in one thing - you will be completely without this person. So is it really that important what makes you so irritated?
  5. Start Perceiving "Shoals" Differently. For example, your chosen one never does the dishes, and you are used to "self-service". Don't get annoyed with him, referring to how lazy he is, that he is only trying to add more work to you. Smile and think about how strong / smart / important he is, but so dependent ... Cultivate in yourself the desire to meet halfway.

One thing is important to remember: you ALWAYS need to work on relationships and learn to understand the psychology of relationships between a guy and a girl. Nothing comes easy. And yes, it often seems that somewhere the grass is greener ... Be reasonable - love what you have.

Video: Gender Relationship Issues

Most people think that ideal relationship between a guy and a girl do not exist. After all, both ideas about the ideal are almost always different. However, there are things without which relationships cannot even come close to ideal.

Treasure relationships

Every relationship must have a foundation, and that foundation is love. which comes to both, and it is the most beautiful of all that people can experience. In a close relationship between a guy and a girl, difficulties can often arise. who do not value relationships, and this leads to the deterioration of those. However, later, in the event of a breakup, everyone begins to analyze and think about the cause of the situation.

Reflect on the relationship you have. If this is love, then you can safely be called a couple. Keep in mind that every relationship between has its own characteristics. Therefore, in order for them to bring joy and satisfaction to both, you need to build them correctly.

Let's look at some aspects

1. Always be there for your partner.

2. Do not ignore the requests and demands of the partner.

3. Believe and always support each other.

4. "In public" show respect for your partner. However, do not insult him even when you are alone.

5. All contentious issues solve without scandals.

6. Your responsibilities should be clearly separated.

7. Under no circumstances lie to each other.

These, at first glance, simple tips help to maintain relations between a guy and a girl, strengthen them, teach both mutual understanding and mutual support.

Always be honest with yourself

If you love each other, then your relationship will be able to overcome any difficulties. When such feelings are absent, it will be difficult to turn them into “right” ones. Therefore, before striving for them, think carefully about whether you want to be with this person. And this is where you need to be honest with yourself.

Return to partner

The psychology of the relationship between a guy and a girl is built in such a way that everyone has to compromise. Giving back to a partner is very important, and not only material, but also spiritual. Minor quarrels, resentments and other things that you do not like should be discussed only in private. No need to accumulate discontent and resentment against a partner. Talk to him about what you didn't like. And in case you fail to find the golden mean, there is only one piece of advice: learn to forgive each other. Be ready to even change for the sake of your significant other. Indeed, very often the unwillingness to change one's principles affects relationships. Give up bad habit- and as a reward you will receive harmonious, long and happy relationship.

The psychology of relations between a man and a woman is to support, common interests, spending time together, changing for each other, building joint plans and much more. Everything depends on you. Remember that you must become best friend partner, and only then the relationship between a guy and a girl (as well as between a man and a woman) can be called ideal.

Everyone wants big and pure love, the love that is built on respect, affectionate communication, good relations and mutual support.

The best relationship between a guy and a girl should be filled with respect, the ability to make concessions to each other, listen and understand your soul mate. In an ideal relationship, everyone respects other opinions and is able to communicate on any topic. Yes, your points of view will not always coincide, but after all, in any situation, you can come to a consensus, you just need to try a little. With the start of a relationship between a guy and a girl, that long-awaited road often begins - to creating a family. The guy is preparing for the role of husband, and the girl - for the role of wife.

So, what should be the ideal relationship between a guy and a girl? Here it is worth mentioning right away that there are no ideal relationships. We are not robots and we make mistakes. And those ideas that we keep in our heads about a partner are just our projection, which often does not coincide with reality.

Relations between a guy and a girl, a man and a woman, should, first of all, be based on love. Other related factors are:

- mutual respect;

- mutual support;

- mutual understanding;

- friendship.

All these factors should come from the heart, sincerely, and not through force. For example, lovers accidentally hurt each other. What to do in such a situation? Very effective reception: put yourself in the place of your partner, and feel what it's like. Most likely, you will understand that in that situation it would have offended you. Therefore, advice: act and treat your partner the way you would like to be treated. This is one of the main secrets of maintaining a great relationship. Sincerity and the ability to understand another can solve many problems that arise.

Another point that must be present is trust. And this trust should be total, in all aspects. Just decide that from the moment you are in a relationship, you will have complete trust in your partner. This causes an extraordinary inner uplift. The energy of freedom and gratitude for it will soar in your relationship. Although, of course, it is not always easy to trust. But we are talking here about what should be present in a relationship between lovers, and without which in a normal relationship you can’t do anything.

Another important principle- return. And it's not so much about material giving, but about internal, spiritual, that is, when you give, but do not demand anything in return. Often such a manifestation of love returns in double size. Double caress, double kindness, etc.

A wonderful relationship in a couple is when, even in fantasies, you don’t want to imagine someone else next to you, and even more so to look for someone.

It is equally important to give freedom to a partner. You need to leave your soulmate a little inner space, give time so that the partner can relax in silence, be alone with himself.

So, how to build such a precious relationship for both partners that would be close to ideal? Relationships between a guy and a girl can be beautiful, affectionate, strong and then develop into something more if they exist:

- Love;

- confidence;

- respect;

- the desire to give sincerely.

Establishing relationships with the opposite sex is quite difficult ... Many girls spend a lot of time and effort learning how to get to know a guy on VK. "Vkontakte" is a huge social network in which many spend their time modern people. For today's person, it is difficult to imagine a day when he would not visit a VK page to check mail and read messages. Therefore, girls decide to make acquaintances in this way. In fact, it is practical and very effective. There are countless examples of healthy and attractive couples starting their relationship this way. But the excitement and ignorance of the situation take over, as a result of which the girls simply do not know how to get to know a guy in contact, where to start and what to do. Best Tips for them we have collected in this article!

How does the relationship between a guy and a girl develop in such a situation? How more man moves away, the more girl is pursuing him. Girls love relationships with a guy, so they become demanding and touchy. They seek to defend the rights of a girl in a relationship with a guy.

As a result, the male half develops a sense of guilt, which can unhealthy affect relationships. The main values ​​​​in the relationship between a guy and a girl for men are a partnership based on trusting relationship.

Consider also what are the relationships between a guy and a girl. Various psychological articles about the relationship between a guy and a girl say that when a woman tells her feelings, she wants to be understood and sympathized with.

Whereas guys tend to solve the problem without making the difficulty emotional. Because guys only share problems when they need advice, not emotional support. In this regard, consider how the relationship between a guy and a girl should develop?

Stages of development of a relationship between a guy and a girl

Relationships between boys and girls arise spontaneously. With time, normal relationship between a guy and a girl must undergo certain stages, thanks to which they will become stronger, and love is stronger.

What is the name of the relationship between a guy and a girl at each level of development?

The first period of the relationship - falling in love

This period is the most beautiful, as the couple draws fabulous pictures about the relationship between a guy and a girl, dates at this stage are special. Lovers do not yet think about what should be in the relationship between a guy and a girl.

The more time a couple spends together, the more they are drawn to each other. Love relationship between a guy and a girl are built only on emotions.

During this period, the development of relationships between a guy and a girl is based on a surge of hormones, under the influence of which the relationship of lovers is so emotional and sensual. Many videos about the relationship of a guy with a girl reveal the amazing process of falling in love.

The second period - satiety

What kind of relationship can be between a guy and a girl during a period of satiety? Romantic relationship are gradually extinguished and the meaning of the relationship between a guy and a girl is already changing:

  • everyone begins to understand what a girl should be in a relationship, and what a guy;
  • it may be that someone will begin to yearn for the old way of life and will strive to return it.

There is a huge difference between how a relationship between a guy and a girl starts and how it continues. There is no old romance, which means that the relationship between a guy and a girl has moved to another level.

How to please a guy initial stage relationship? Helpful information for girls . How important sex is in a relationship of two, read this article.

Third period - rejection

How is the relationship between a guy and a girl built during this period? Very difficult. Now the guy and the girl began to notice each other's shortcomings, which they had not paid attention to before. Each of them can think more and more, what is the meaning of the relationship between a guy and a girl?

And if during this period the couple is already cohabiting, then sexual relations between a guy and a girl become not so bright and passionate. However, if the partners want to save their relationship, and strive to understand what the ideal relationship between a guy and a girl should be, then they move on to the next period.

Fourth Period - Tolerance

What kind of relationship should be between a guy and a girl? During this period, partners should learn to perceive everyone as a whole person with advantages and disadvantages.

What is important in a relationship between a guy and a girl during a period of tolerance? Flexibility and pliability. Important:

  1. Avoid the desire to change the other person.
  2. Try to mutually adapt for a harmonious life.

Fifth period - service

What is the relationship between a guy and a girl when they serve each other? In the fact that they are ready to selflessly give themselves and their love to each other. At the same time, perceiving your partner as he is, respecting his choice.

Sixth period - mutual respect

At this stage, complete respect and trust develops, which is the most important thing in a relationship between a guy and a girl. It is during this period that each of the partners understands the meaning of the relationship between a guy and a girl.

If the couple lived up to this period, then most likely, such a relationship contract between a guy and a girl will last a long time.

Seventh period - true love

During this period, the couple already knows exactly what is important in the relationship between a guy and a girl. They deeply respect each other, appreciate and find joy in their partner.

At this stage, a sample relationship agreement between a guy and a girl becomes serious and meaningful.

Why do you need to know the stages of the relationship between a guy and a girl? Understanding the laws of psychology helps to find right line behavior and avoid pain and frustration by laying the foundation for deep and harmonious relations for life.

So that situations do not happen when a girl of 28 years old with a baggage of unsuccessful personal relationships, with the pain of repeated parting, with the conviction that “all men need only one thing,” she felt devastated, deceived and disappointed.

And the guys, on the other hand, having a similar experience behind them, were not sure that all women are selfish, they could see the one and only priceless one for whom they are ready to perform feats, save the world and make dreams come true.

Psychology tracks the stages of development of any relationship, including between young people of the opposite sex, and describes their main characteristic moments and duration. Each stage has a special meaning for male and female nature, which is important to know for those who seek to find a couple and create a happy family.

Consider how the stages develop over time.

First stage

This is the most common and the shortest. People just meet, get acquainted, communicate. What are the features of the stage?

Interestingly, at this stage, about a hundred thousand guys are attracted to each girl, and the same huge number of girls are attracted to each guy: the choice is huge.

If sex happens on the first step, then the result is terrible, in terms of building relationships. You have to start all over again. Many get stuck at this stage and remain ignorant to the end that relationships can and should be different. Those who are ready for more and better, knowing this feature, do not succumb to the impulses of their desires, but calmly control them.

Second phase

The candy-bouquet period begins.

The guy begins to court the girl, perhaps even overcoming the competition. After all good girl many like it and can accept courtship from several applicants at the same time.

But the desire for intimacy does not disappear. If the guy continues to make attempts to achieve his goal, and the girl gives in, then the development of the relationship stops.

Communication either remains underdeveloped all life, and people suffer, or is interrupted. Relationships will never grow on their own. In order for them to become deep and sublime, it is necessary, understanding the operation of the laws of the material world, to control your desires at this stage.

Many are under the delusion that you can’t keep a guy at this stage with anything else.

The laws of psychology say that a normal guy, without deviations, at this stage of the relationship is attracted by femininity, which he feels at the level of certain fluids. He likes to just be around, to feel special warmth, charm, female presence.

If a young man, restraining his natural instincts, continues to communicate, then the girl has a sense of security. After all, he protects her, at least from his lust.

In our time, the number of such people is not large, but there is a choice. Everyone can choose from thousands of applicants for the joint passage of the second stage in the development of relations.

The desire for physical intimacy in a guy does not disappear anywhere. And if, feeling secure, the girl decides to satisfy him, then after that interesting things happen: her heart opens, obeying her feminine nature, and its contents fall out on the guy, both pleasant and not very. But the relationship has not yet matured to the stage when he is ready to treat content that is “not very” with understanding.

If you estimate by months, then the second period lasts at least two, three months. And such an unexpected turn provokes the thought: “What did I spend so much time on?”. As a result, most often, the guy flees.

Third stage

If it is achieved, then the guy has a deeper interest in the girl, in her inner life. He asks questions about childhood, studies, parents, favorite books, artists, what she thinks about, etc. He learns a lot of amazing things, begins to see a personality in her. Her "cockroaches" no longer frighten, the time comes when he is able to understand and sympathize. Relations develop into sublime above gross physical lust.

And the girl begins to see the beauty of the guy, which makes him better than others. She admires him even if he doesn't athletic physique. In her eyes, he becomes special, the only one, even if someone surpasses him in some way. It is this vision of one's chosen one that is called fidelity. The guy feels this and is inspired to continue the relationship.

Only now a couple is formed in the eyes of others.

The fourth stage is spiritual

If the relationship has reached this level of development, then the guy is able to see if the girl has the main feminine qualities whether it inspires the achievement of goals, whether it is exceptional, necessary.

The girl learns his spiritual qualities, fortitude and purpose. If she sees in the chosen one valuable masculine qualities, then the moment comes for making an important decision about creating a family. They begin to talk about it, which is why it is called "engagement", from the word "to speak."

Fifth stage

Now the date for the wedding is set. Usually not on next week. The preparation period should be long: from six months to a year.

It is necessary during this time to be able to know each other more deeply, at the level of the soul to feel and agree on actions to achieve common goals. And this is not a whim or prejudice. This is what the law of time requires, following which happy relationships are built. If you look at the years, then you can go through all the stages of development on average for a period from a year to three years. Only when the relationship gets the opportunity to fully develop with understanding psychological features laying a solid foundation for a happy life.

For more information on this topic, see the video: