The right of a pregnant woman to regular paid leave. The procedure for granting leave to pregnant women before the decree according to the labor code

A woman can use her right to receive annual paid leave before the decree (maternity leave) or immediately after it, or at the end of parental leave, if she did not use this leave. This vacation is issued at the request of a woman on the basis of her written statement and provided regardless of work experience(even if she works less than 6 months) with this employer and can be used in full (28 calendar days). This right provided for in Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

By general rule annual paid leave is granted to the employee for each of his working year. One working year consists of 12 months. But unlike calendar year the working year is not calculated from January 1, but from the date of employment and ends on the previous date of the following year. For example, a woman started work on September 20, 2014, then her working year begins on September 20, 2014 and ends on September 19, 2015.

Thus, annual leave should not begin earlier than the working year for which it is granted. So, if a pregnant woman has the right to use annual paid leave for the next working year, then the employer is obliged to provide it to the woman in advance. In the event that the pregnant woman does not have such a right (for the current year, the vacation was taken off, and the new working year has not begun), then the employer has no obligation to provide leave for the next working year.

The length of service for receiving annual leave must be continuous. This means that annual leave is granted only while working for this employer. Therefore, if a woman quits and gets a job with a new employer, then at her last job she should receive monetary compensation for unused vacation days, and from the first day of work with a new employer, she begins to “earn” vacation experience again.

Annual paid leave for the first year of work is granted after 6 months continuous work from this employer. But pregnant according to Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employer is obliged at her request, provide annual basic paid leave in the first year of work before the end of six months before maternity leave or immediately after it. Moreover, the law does not establish any minimum duration of work in this organization, it can be 2 or 3 months of work.

Paid leave includes both annual basic paid leave and annual additional paid leave, for example, provided in connection with harmful and hazardous conditions labor. Based on the application of the pregnant woman, an order is issued to grant leave.

When providing the next paid leave to a pregnant woman, the employer must remember that her recall from the next leave is not allowed, as well as replacing her leave with monetary compensation, even with the consent of the employee herself (Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Sample application for annual paid leave:

to CEO
LLC "Golden Olympic"
S.A. Petrov
from the administrative secretary
T.A. Ivanova


I ask you to provide me with an annual paid leave of 28 calendar days from 07.10.2014. 1

1 In the application, the start date of the vacation and the number of calendar days are written. The end date of the vacation is calculated by the personnel department and reflected in the order.

Maternity leave is included in the length of service, giving the right to annual paid leave. However, if a woman expects to use the annual paid leave after the end of the parental leave, then she should know that the time of the parental leave, in accordance with Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is NOT included in the length of service, giving the right to annual paid leave.

Therefore, if you exercised your right under Art. 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the use of annual leave before maternity leave (decree), then, being on parental leave for one year or more, you “do not earn” the right to the next annual leave. In this case, the time the woman was on parental leave in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 121 of the Labor Code is not included in the length of service for paid vacation and the end of the working year is postponed (shifted) by the number of days excluded from the length of service for vacation.

When calculating the length of service giving the right to the main annual paid leave, the length of the working day and working week doesn't matter. part-time women work time receive annual basic paid leave under the same conditions as those performing similar work with normal working hours.

conclusions :

  1. A pregnant woman can take annual leave even if she has worked for the organization for less than 6 months.
  2. A pregnant woman has the right to take annual leave before the decree or immediately after the decree, and NOT in accordance with the vacation schedule.
  3. A pregnant woman can NOT demand a vacation if she has completely taken it off during the current working year, and the next working year has not yet arrived.
  4. When a new working year begins, a woman has the right to take a vacation before the decree in full (28 days). In this case, the leave will be provided to her in advance.
  5. It is not permissible to replace pregnant days of vacation with monetary compensation.
  6. The decree is included in the length of service, which gives the right to annual basic paid leave, and the time of leave to care for a child until he reaches the age established by law is not.

When is it more profitable to take a vacation - before the decree or after

Many women are interested in the question of when is it better to take annual paid leave before maternity leave or after, and whether the amount of vacation pay will decrease in this case.

1. Annual paid leave BEFORE maternity leave.

If a woman's pregnancy proceeds with complications, she does not want and / or cannot work, then in this case it is better to take a vacation before going on maternity leave. IN this case it is necessary to find out in advance when to go on maternity leave (the start date of maternity leave), so that another vacation did not overlap with maternity leave. At the same time, the pregnant woman has the opportunity to rest more, gain strength before childbirth, but loses in receiving additional money (receives vacation pay instead of wages). The calculation of vacation pay will be based on the actual hours worked for 12 months. So, if the next vacation begins in October 2014, then the average daily earnings for its payment must be calculated for the period from October 2013 to September 2014 inclusive.

2. Annual paid leave AFTER maternity leave.

If a woman is full of energy and wants to work before going on maternity leave, then she can use the right to take annual paid leave after maternity leave. The calculation of the average earnings will be made on the basis of the wages actually accrued to her. The period of being on maternity leave (days and accrued amounts) is not included in the billing period, and, therefore, the amount of "vacation" will not be affected. But if you take paid leave after the decree, then the woman will not be able to receive care benefits during this time. Taking annual leave after the decree is beneficial for those women whose maternity leave ends in December, but in material terms (in order to receive more benefits), leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old should begin in the new year (in January).

3. Annual paid leave AFTER parental leave.

If a young mother has previously unused paid leave, she can take this leave at the end of the parental leave before going to work. The calculation of the amount of vacation pay in this case will be made in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2007 No. 922 “If the employee did not have actually accrued wages or actually worked days for the billing period or for a period exceeding the billing period , or this period consisted of the time excluded from the billing period, average earnings is determined on the basis of the amount of wages actually accrued for the previous period, equal to the estimated one.

Previously unused annual holidays do not burn out, and unused vacation days are transferred to the next period or upon dismissal, the employee is paid monetary compensation for all unused holidays.

Any woman before the start of the decree or after it can take the required vacation. The basis for this can be various family circumstances, poor health or a simple desire to relax. Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives every pregnant woman or mother who has already become a mother an opportunity to take a vacation, and the employer is obliged to allocate time for this.

Pregnant women under protection

The Labor Code contains quite a few articles that guarantee protection for pregnant women and women raising small children.

Specifically, Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the possibility for working women who are in position to choose the time of the next rest, based on the vacation schedule in the organization.

A woman can relax:

  1. Right before going on maternity leave.
  2. After Decree.
  3. During This option, although it has to be, is not preferable, because in this case the woman loses her right to social benefits.

The right of a woman who is expecting a child to take a vacation is prescribed by article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Annual leave for pregnant women is granted:

  1. To a permanent employee before going on maternity leave or after at any time, according to the vacation schedule adopted at the enterprise.
  2. To an external part-time worker upon presentation of a certificate of granting such leave at the main place of work. The employee must present a copy of the order or an extract from the vacation schedule.
  3. An employee working part-time, according to the vacation schedule.

Additional leave

In addition to the standard annual rest, Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows a working pregnant woman to take additional leave. But this species Holidays are not typical for all professions. Women can take it:

  • working in organizations with harmful, as well as dangerous conditions (the period of due rest is 7 days);
  • who have an irregular work schedule (the rest period is 3 days);
  • having a special nature of work (the period of rest is determined by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, a woman who is expecting a child has the right not only to standard leave, but also to additional time for rest in accordance with the norms established by law and adopted by the organization. The fact of providing additional rest should be indicated in the employment agreement with all employees.

For your information, it is forbidden by law to replace the vacation taken by a pregnant woman with monetary compensation for unused vacation.


In order to properly issue a vacation, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Write an application for legal leave. The basis of the document should be Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is done so that the employer sees the woman's awareness of her rights. And besides, an indication of the article of the code will not allow a woman to be refused if this leave has not been used earlier.
  2. Submit proof of pregnancy.

If the vacation has already been used up to a specific moment, the employee does not have the right to take it again.

When is it good to rest

Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with comments allows a working pregnant woman to take leave before the decree or immediately after it. But when is the best time to do it? To answer the question, you need to see for what periods vacation pay is calculated:

  1. Salary for the year, which was paid until the desired vacation.
  2. In the absence of earnings for the specified period, the previous year is taken.

If wage for a month during the accounting year before the date of maternity leave was unchanged, then the average daily earnings will be the same value.

From a financial point of view, going on vacation after the decree is beneficial only when, in the last four months before the decree, the employee received monthly bonuses, which are included in the calculation of vacation pay. Accordingly, bonuses increase the average daily earnings for the period that is included in vacation pay.

In other cases, it is better for the employee to choose the time for going on vacation herself, based on family circumstances and personal desires.

Guarantees for pregnant women

Article 260 "Guarantees for women in connection with pregnancy and childbirth when establishing the order of granting annual leave" provides for several types of guarantees:

  • the inalienable right of a woman who is expecting a child to take legal leave for the first 12 months labor activity before the end of six months of work in a particular company;
  • the inalienable right of a pregnant woman to take leave for any of the following years, not with an emphasis on the vacation schedule, but at the time specified in this article.

There are numerous forums on the Internet where pregnant women discuss a burning topic - where is it better to relax, is it safe travel during pregnancy...

Opinions tend to differ. Some believe that you can endure nine months and not go anywhere, others - that you can go anywhere if the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The truth, as usual, lies in the middle.

Traveling while pregnant

Excessive nervousness, as well as carelessness, are bad allies, including during pregnancy. A clear plan will help you deal with increased anxiety, characteristic of the state of pregnancy, because "it will put everything on the shelves." But keep in mind: we do not give you direct recommendations on where exactly to go on vacation and how to plan vacation days. We do not name the exact number of excursions that are safe for a pregnant woman. We do not compose a super-useful vacation menu.

Permission from a doctor during pregnancy

Not everyone is ready to adhere to this obvious rule. Especially when the tickets have already been bought and you really want to relax. Then the arguments of reason outweigh the hope for "maybe".

To avoid problems, first of all, you need to consult with your doctor. Even with subjective good health you may find contraindications for flights, long journeys and climate change. Dangerous long-distance vacation trips if during pregnancy you had bleeding, with a low position of the placenta or the threat of its detachment, with a lot of and oligohydramnios, preeclampsia, a scar on the uterus after caesarean section, IVF pregnancy...

So you have to completely trust doctor's permission during pregnancy.

A change in familiar surroundings is a guarantee that a person will have a mental rest. This also applies to pregnant women. If you constantly live in the city, it would be nice to get closer to nature and spend your holidays in the country, in a rest house, or at least occasionally walk in the forest. If you are an inhabitant of a quiet small town, you should add variety and color to your life: go to a large city where there is a lot of entertainment, or choose a sightseeing tour to a calm European country.

Transport during pregnancy

There are usually three options: train, plane and personal car. And each has its own characteristics.

Transport during pregnancy: airplane. The main advantage is speed. Perhaps the most difficult moments for the expectant mother, this is takeoff and landing, when the muscles of the uterus and the circulatory system experience additional stress. However, healthy pregnant women may well tolerate it, especially from the 13th to the 27th week of pregnancy (i.e., within a reasonable time for going on vacation).

Transport during pregnancy: automobile. The main advantage is the ability to stop whenever you want. It is better to make stops every two hours to stretch and get some air.

Transport during pregnancy: train. The realities of our railway transport are familiar to everyone. This is a lottery: it can be stuffy, or it can blow mercilessly. It is possible that a not too clean citizen will go with you in a compartment. The sound of wheels and shaking also sometimes cause discomfort. And all this will have to endure for at least a day if you travel to our Russian south.

How to spend a vacation during pregnancy: listen to your desires

This paragraph adds more detail to the previous one. When choosing a place to stay, be guided by your own preferences. But only if they are safe for you and your unborn child! Therefore, if you want to hike in the mountains, you will have to postpone it. But much, as before, is quite accessible to you! If you like to soak up the beach, rather than go on excursions, your choice will be quite wide.

Prefer an educational holiday? It is worth considering the option of visiting cities where you can leisurely stroll around, seeing the sights. Or maybe you don’t dream about distant countries or warm seas at all? And would you like to just relax in the country? Why not! The main thing is that the vacation brings you positive emotions.

Where to rest during pregnancy

If you have already chosen a mode of transport, then this will determine where you can be. Airplanes fly anywhere, but with trains and a car, everything is somewhat more complicated. But not only transport determines the place for recreation. There are other options...

  • proximity to civilization. Pregnant women can rest in cities or at a distance of no more than 30 km from settlements where there is a hospital and an obstetrician-gynecologist. The same applies to holidays abroad: let your hotel be closer to the city, and your insurance will be designed for unforeseen expenses.
  • Acclimatization. Try to choose something close in climate to the region where you live, the temperature difference is acceptable by 5-7 degrees.
  • Health safety. For example, to visit some countries, you need to be vaccinated. They are contraindicated for you. It turns out that the favorites for you should be the countries of Europe.

What to take on maternity leave

As they say, when you have documents and money, you can go anywhere: if you forgot something, you can buy it on the spot. But the expectant mother should not be so frivolous. For example, this applies to drugs. Not only their presence, but also knowledge about them. For example, you go to Turkey or Egypt, and there you get a runny nose. You are unlikely to find the usual remedies that are in every Russian pharmacy, and it will not be possible to sort out local medicines. Therefore, before you go, discuss with your doctor what to put in the first-aid kit in case of allergies, SARS, indigestion. You will feel much more confident knowing that you have everything at your fingertips. If you are prescribed certain medications, be sure to bring them with you and take them on vacation. An important part of the holiday wardrobe is a swimsuit. For the expectant mother, it is better if the stomach is closed. Often these swimsuits are made with UV protection.

And most importantly - do not forget your exchange card and insurance policy. These documents should always be with you. After all, in exchange card There is full information about your condition.

How to spend a vacation during pregnancy: take care of yourself!

The main task of the expectant mother is to stay healthy and preserve the health of the child. So the most important thing is to take care of yourself! Indeed, on vacation you are surrounded by many temptations: excursions, shops, tasty food, night walks. Of course, no one requires you to lead a completely “correct” life: strictly follow a diet and go to bed at 21:00. But at least be reasonable. Listen to your body and its signals. Tired - find an opportunity to relax. If you want to have a bite - choose something that consists of products that you understand and do not cause doubts about freshness. I want to admire the stars - please, only the next day, let yourself sleep longer, and do not run on an excursion. In general, plan your days so that you don't overstress. Rule #7: Be flexible! When buying a ticket, you should not immediately pay for the “excursion package”. Suddenly one day you will feel unprepared to shake on the bus and run around museums with a group of tourists. Therefore, it is better to purchase an excursion on the spot, as close as possible to the date of its holding. In addition, it is worth discussing with the guide the possibility of transferring the excursion to another day in case of your indisposition. In general, be reasonable and reasonable selfishness. But how does this fit with the desires of a husband or girlfriend if you went together? You can agree that they can go on some excursions on their own, and at this time you will relax in the shade of a beach umbrella or a palm tree.

In what cases does the legislation provide for the opportunity to take days for rest (vacation) immediately before the maternity period? This question often arises - during this period, pregnant women may need to rest before such a crucial event.

The right to rest under the Labor Code

In some cases, ignorance of the current labor law Russia leads to conflict situations. To avoid such disagreements, it is necessary, first of all, to be guided by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Details about the right to rest, including the next vacation, are written in the 3rd part of the Labor Code in the section "rest time". During this period, the employee is completely released from the performance of direct duties. Engagement to them can only occur in connection with a non-standard production situation with the consent of the employee. At the same time, the time that he spends on the needs of the organization is not counted towards vacation days.

What do pregnant women need to know who want to get days off with pay before the decree?

The main thing is the clauses of the Labor Code that guarantee the exercise of this right:

  • Art. 114 - leave must be given to the employee annually. In some cases - 2 times a year (for hazardous industries, etc.)
  • Art. 116 - the organization has the right to independently indicate a convenient period of additional rest, if this does not contradict the law.
  • Art. 115 - vacation duration.
  • Art. 122 - determines the possibility of taking additional time for rest.
  • Art. 125 - division vacation into several parts.

These are the main points of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which directly apply to pregnant women. You also need to familiarize yourself with chapter No. 41 of the Labor Code, which describes guarantees for workers in this category.


According to article No. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the annual rest period should not be less than 28 days. This period can be divided into two periods. Moreover, the number of days in one of them should not be less than 14 (Art. No. 125). This nuance is negotiated between the employee and the employer.

Can an employee be called back from vacation? Based on the content of the same article No. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is impossible. It clearly defines the categories of workers who are not allowed to be involved in the performance of official duties.

These include:

  1. Minors (under 18 years of age).
  2. Pregnant.

In fact, in most cases, the employer goes to meet the employee if she has expressed a desire to take a vacation before the decree. Failure to provide rest can be challenged in judicial order or by contacting the representative office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy or a trade union.


Is it necessary to work for a position for more than 6 months for a vacation? Article No. 122 explicitly states that the employee is entitled to paid rest only after this minimum term work in the organization.

But there are exceptions to this rule:

  • Women before legal maternity leave.
  • Underage employees.
  • If the employee has adopted a child under the age of 3 years.

The transfer of vacation in this case is not relevant, since in most cases, upon its completion, the woman receives the prescribed maternity leave.

Preferential categories

The legislation provides for the possibility of obtaining additional rest time. First of all, it concerns the category of workers involved in production with harmful and life-threatening working conditions (after assessment - 2nd, 3rd or 4th category). Minimum additional vacation time - 7 days.

  • With an irregular schedule - at least 3 days.
  • If it is provided for in the employment contract.

There is no additional paid rest for pregnant women.

But you can use the prescribed one, regardless of the current vacation schedule for the organization.

How to take a vacation before the decree?

For working pregnant women, it is recommended to plan your vacation in advance. You need to be prepared for the fact that before the legal decree (before childbirth), general state health may deteriorate. It is best to coordinate this nuance with the management in advance. In this case, possible disagreements can be avoided. This is especially true for those workers whose temporary replacement is problematic.

There are several situations when you can take a paid vacation before the maternity period. The easiest of them is to use non-vacation. It may be additional if the employee has not used the right to rest for 2 years. You can also dispute the dates if information about them was received less than 2 weeks before the start of the vacation (Article No. 123)

Annual off-schedule

The most common misconception (or deliberate distortion of the law) by the employer is the misinterpretation of the Labor Code.

In particular, they refer to its following paragraphs:

  • No. 123 - an employee has the right to go on vacation only according to a pre-agreed schedule (drawn up according to the rules of Art. No. 372).
  • No. 124 - postponement of the period of guaranteed rest. This section does not list maternity benefits.

But in this case, it is necessary to apply the points of another chapter of the Labor Code - No. 41. Article No. 260 clearly states that the management of the organization is obliged to provide paid leave, regardless of the current schedule, at the first request of the employee.


Alas, in the labor code there is no way to take additional paid rest time for pregnant women. This right can only be exercised by those categories of employees that have been described above. However, this is not the only way gather strength.

You can take a vacation without financial support.

This should be agreed with the management, since article No. 128 does not indicate pregnancy as a reason for granting leave without providing monetary compensation. There are a number of factors that justify additional paid annual leave. They can be used for pregnant women.

In addition to them, such a right can be used:

  1. An employee whose day has no rationing.
  2. Involved in hazardous production.
  3. Residents of the Far North, teachers, etc.

The duration of additional rest time is determined in accordance with the articles of the Labor Code. Special attention should be paid to this even when drawing up an employment contract.

in advance

Is it possible to take a vacation in advance? This can be done only with the consent of the employer, since the legislation does not provide for such privileges for pregnant women. In fact, to achieve extraordinary paid leave for next year almost impossible.

This is due to the following nuances:

  • Payout. They should be accrued for the current year 2019.
  • In the event of a subsequent dismissal, the organization can recover only 20% of the last salary (Art. No. 137 and 138 of the Labor Code)

Another factor is the prescribed break from work for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as compulsory care for a minor child (Articles No. 255 and 256 of the Labor Code). In total, the employee will be absent from the workplace for about 3 years. At the same time, the employer must guarantee her the right to take the position after the end of this period.


You need to know that the application for the desire to receive paid leave before the decree is written in free form. After registration in the documentation journal, the personnel department or accounting department are required to draw up an order in the T-6a form. Familiarization with him is mandatory.

The text of the document must contain the following information:

  • Name of the employee.
  • Subdivision (structure) of the organization.
  • Job title.
  • Vacation time - "from" and "to" inclusive.

This information is duplicated in the employee's personal card. If the leave is not granted, this must be indicated in the application. It is advisable to reinforce the desire with a reference to the relevant paragraph of the Labor Code - No. 260.


First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all the above legislative acts. Only they are the basis for the provision (refusal) of paid rest before maternity leave.

What should be paid attention to in this case?

  • Was the vacation for the current year used in full? If so, it will be problematic to achieve the possibility of providing additional days for rest in advance.
  • Justification for additional leave - these conditions are described in detail in articles No. 118 and 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Special attention should be given to additions that may specify the activities or conditions for this procedure.
  • In case of incomplete use of the prescribed vacation, the duration of the required vacation is determined by the difference - the used days are deducted from the days prescribed. It must also be remembered that at least one part of the days of rest should not be less than 14.
  • Particular attention is recommended to be paid to the correct calculation of calendar days of rest. If this period falls public holidays and days off - they are not included in the number of days (Art. No. 120).

By clarifying these points, you can plan in advance the duration of the vacation before the decree, as well as avoid disagreements with the management of the organization.

How many days can you take?

The duration of the required paid rest is also determined by the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The minimum annual number of vacation days must not be less than 28.

It is possible to divide them into several parts, but, as mentioned above, the duration of one of them is more than 14 days.

The period of additional leave should also be based on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It all depends on the working conditions, schedule of exits and geographical location. So, for residents of the Far North, the additional vacation time can be up to 40 days.

The so-called extended paid rest time is granted to the following employees:

  • Teachers and teachers, minor employees - 31 days a year.
  • Disabled persons – term, not less 30 days.
  • Employees of municipal organizations - not less than 30 days.
  • For employees of research institutes with a scientific degree - from 36 days.

It is also possible to provide additional rest with payment according to mutual agreement sides. In this case, appropriate changes should be made to the employment contract.

How is it paid?

As a rule, the calculation of vacation pay Money does not raise questions among employees. But for a general acquaintance, you need to know the order of their accrual. 12 is taken as the billing period. recent months. If the period of tenure is less, the actual days of work are taken into account.

The following charges must be included in the amount:

  • Salary, bonuses, etc.
  • Surcharges are calculated only on the basis of accounting rules.

The amount received does not include the days when the employee was on a trip, was on vacation.

Also, sick leave or other time when he did not perform his functions at the workplace is not taken into account.

The following formula is used to calculate vacation pay:

(ZP / (12 months * 29.4)) * number of vacation days

If the employee has worked less than a full year, the amount of unworked days should be taken into account.

Can I claim compensation?

According to article No. 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part of the days of paid leave can be replaced by monetary compensation. This is done at the mutual will of the employee and the employer. In fact, some employers neglect this article, as a result of which unused days accumulated over several years of work can amount to a large amount when recalculated.

However, guided by the content of the same article, it is not allowed to replace pregnant women with financial compensation for an annual guaranteed rest time with payment.

Those. this only applies to unused days accumulated from previous years of work, if any.

What else needs to be considered if you want to take a vacation before the decree? First of all, that this rest time can be used at the end of the decree and due date for child care. The choice is entirely up to the pregnant woman.

Obstetricians-gynecologists, of course, want all pregnant women to be somewhere within walking distance and under control. However, pregnancy is not a disease, but quite the contrary. Therefore, a portion of rest, sea and positive emotions expectant mothers are a must. Doctors also understand this and create special FAQs for pregnant women who want to travel.

When can I go on vacation

If the mother and fetus are in order, then until the 36th week of pregnancy, vacation is not only possible, but even necessary. Most best time for travel falls on the period from the 14th to the 28th week of pregnancy. The child is already reliably protected by the placenta, nausea and vomiting of the first trimester are behind, and edema and pressure are not yet disturbing.

Who the doctor won't let go

If the pregnancy is complicated, the journey may be too risky. It is definitely not worth going anywhere if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, severe nausea and vomiting, severe swelling, increased arterial pressure and protein in the urine. At multiple pregnancies You should also refrain from traveling.

Where the doctor won't let go

Of course, pregnant women should not travel to countries where you can get infected with the Zika virus. This disease is carried by mosquitoes, infection during pregnancy leads to the development of severe birth defects development, such as microcephaly.

It sometimes seems to us that the problem of the Zika virus does not exist in our reality, that all this is somewhere very far away - in the countries of the Caribbean and Equatorial Africa. In fact, everything is much sadder. The CDC website has a world where countries with high risk contracting this infection. Among them are many popular tourist destinations among Russians: the Maldives, Singapore, India, Thailand, Vietnam.

Moreover, the Zika virus can persist in semen for up to 6 months 1 , so there is a risk of infection through unprotected sex with a man who has been in dangerous regions. So it’s also not worth sending one husband on a trip, and planning a pregnancy on a joint vacation in the Maldives is also not a good idea.

No less dangerous is the risk of contracting malaria and a number of fevers, which are carried by mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

Before planning a trip and immediately before departure, it is worth visiting your doctor to clarify all the risks. Pregnancy is a dynamic state, the situation is changing, and under unfavorable circumstances, the trip will have to be canceled. Think about it in advance when booking hotels and train-air tickets. When considering a travel route, choose the shortest one so that travel time is minimized.

Every pregnant woman needs to know exactly the gestational age and the expected date of birth. Now it's easy, because there are a lot of fun smartphone apps that help women keep track of the passing weeks.

Before the trip, you should collect a first aid kit. In addition to drugs for constant use (for example, vitamins and micronutrient supplements), you need to take drugs "in reserve". These can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hemorrhoids, antiseptics, dexpanthenol creams, antacids. Discuss the contents of your first aid kit with your doctor.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time. A well-designed vacation can be exciting and unforgettable. However, the body during pregnancy requires a change in regimen. physical activity and daily routine.

When planning your trip, be sure to leave enough time for relaxation. Sleep should be at least 9 hours a day (including the mandatory daytime sleep). Hiking is good at a leisurely pace, in 60-90 minute bursts with good rest breaks.

Clothing should be loose, comfortable and ergonomic. Preference should be given natural fabrics. Avoid embarrassment chest and abdomen, pressure bands and inserts, especially on underwear. Expectant mothers are suitable for loose-fitting dresses or long loose blouses. Ideal special underwear and clothes for pregnant women. Shoes should be comfortable, with wide, low heels.

Optimal temperature regime for a comfortable pastime - about 22 degrees. The heat during pregnancy is more difficult to endure, so velvet seasons are preferable to the seaside.

From the list of entertainment, it is worth excluding horseback riding, water skiing, surfing, diving, scuba diving, speed running, skiing, cycling, team games. But walking and swimming are highly recommended. It's great if you can be like water aerobics or a special exercise therapy course for pregnant women. But remember that in the lll trimester of pregnancy, you need to drastically limit the load on the knee and ankle joints.

Of course, you shouldn't include entertainment program nightclubs, discos and any establishments where smoking is allowed in the hall and / or the noise level is increased. Exhibitions, theaters, classical music concerts, museums will fit perfectly into the "pregnant" mode.

Seek medical attention immediately!

Any travel during pregnancy carries a certain risk, because to predict the development obstetric complications almost impossible. Especially dangerous in this regard are trips outside the Russian Federation, because a qualified health care may be completely inaccessible or fabulously expensive. Therefore, it is definitely not worth saving on insurance. Even a minor medical service can cost a very substantial amount of money if the insurance is purchased "economically".

However, regardless of any financial cost, it is vital to urgently seek help for the development of threatening conditions:

  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and / or contractions;
  • outpouring amniotic fluid;
  • symptoms of preeclampsia headache, flies before the eyes or other visual disturbances, swelling of the face or hands);
  • severe vomiting or diarrhea;
  • symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (swelling in or along a vein in the affected leg; pain or tenderness in the leg when standing or walking; feeling warm in the affected leg; redness or discoloration of the skin in the affected leg);
  • symptoms of pulmonary embolism (sudden onset of unexplained shortness of breath or rapid breathing; sudden cough, possibly with blood; sharp pain in the chest, which may increase with deep breathing; feeling of fear; severe dizziness; heart palpitations, heart failure).

It is also important to talk about expectant mother you can and cannot choose in the resort cafes and on buffet tables hotels - they, as a rule, are not at all designed for a "pregnant" diet. This is a separate big topic, and my next article will be devoted to it.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


1 Zika virus RNA can persist in semen for up to 6 months and therefore any men with any travel to Miami-Dade County could transmit the virus through semen (sexually or donated) for 6 months after onset of infection. Paz-Bailey G, Rosenberg ES, Doyle K, Munoz-Jordan J, Santiago GA, Klein L, Perez-Padilla J, Medina FA, Waterman SH, Gubern CG, Alvarado LI, Sharp TM. Persistence of Zika Virus in Body Fluids - Preliminary Report. N Engl J Med. 2017; Feb 14. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1613108.