Hairstyles for short hair pigtails. Braids for short hair: hairstyle options: photo

If you think that hairstyles with braids can only decorate the heads of long-haired beauties, then you are greatly mistaken. Modern stylists have come up with many schemes with which you can perform beautiful braiding on short hair. Having got acquainted with some of them in our master classes, you will also be able to independently build from your short hair stylish styling with weaving, or seek help from a master with ready idea hairstyles.



The basis for most hairstyles from braids for short strands is spikelet weaving. His main feature in that curls are gradually added to each new link of the braid, lengthening the initial strands and allowing you to perform beautiful weaving on short hair.

Separate a small strand from the total mass of hair. Divide it into three equal parts and start creating classic braid from three strands.

Starting from the second turn, make pickups, i.e., add a small curl to each of the braid links on the right and left.

Continue working until all the strands on the right and left are woven into a pigtail.

Such a hairstyle is able to provide the girl with a neat and beautiful styling for the whole day. If you are afraid that during the day the curls will be disheveled, then apply a little to the hair before weaving. foam or gel for hair styling. This will help keep your hair intact longer, and will also make it easier to work if you have too naughty curls.

How to weave a "spikelet" on short strands shown in the video.

Using weaving based on the "spikelet" scheme on short hair, you can create a variety of different styling.

Pigtails can be braided in a circle in the form crowns or hairstyles "baskets". Thus it is created neat styling, securely holding the strands.

Weaving braids for short hair can be done in a spiral or by diagonals.

It looks very interesting in combination with a short haircut hairstyle "dragon". These are several braids braided parallel to each other or in any other order. It all depends on the imagination of the master. At the heart of these small braids is the same principle of weaving a spikelet hairstyle.

These hairstyles are especially popular. in little girls. They let a mother braid her baby's hair in kindergarten, and don't worry about her hair getting messed up during the day.

In a pigtail you can braid long bangs , which also makes it possible to make an interesting fashion styling from short hair.

How a master weaves short hair interesting hairstyle pigtail snail and hear a lot useful tips, you can from the video.


This original weaving, which is suitable for both flat and wavy hair. It combines graceful weave patterns and the presence of free-falling curls.

Work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Comb your hair well. If they are naughty, treat them with a styling product.
  • Separate a small strand from the front of the hair.
  • Start braiding your regular French braid.
  • The main feature of the waterfall braid is that when it is created, one strand is left free on each new turn. In its place, another strand is taken from free hair that has not yet taken part in weaving.

On the basis of such a braid, you can create a variety of styling. You can braid it evenly, diagonally or in the form of a "Malvinka".

You can see how to make a waterfall hairstyle out of short hair on your own in the video.

Exotic afro braids

Creative styling of afro braids can also be created on short strands. To do this, it is enough to have at least 5 cm own hair. The technology of weaving such braids is quite simple: the curls are parted into thin strips and braided into tight small pigtails. As a decoration in afro-braids, you can use multi-colored threads for embroidery.

Creating such intricate styling takes a lot of time, besides, it is almost impossible to make them yourself. You will need the help of a master, but the result is worth the effort.

Such hairstyles require special care for the hair, but you do not have to worry about your styling enough. long time until the roots grow.

How Afro-braids are woven can be seen in the video.

False curls

Well, if you still want to braid chic voluminous braids, and it’s impossible to grow hair longer, you can always use overhead strands, matched to the color of your hair. They stick as best as they can. closer to the roots hair with clips, barrettes, ribbons, etc. Attachment points are masked by your own strands. And if the false curls are well matched, then no one will ever be able to guess what the secret of your styling is.

On sale you can also find false hair already braided into skillful braids. All that is required of you is just to securely pin them.

As you can see, weaving braids for short hair is not so fantastic idea as it seems at first glance. The main thing is that there is a desire, a little skill and there is a free flight of fantasy.

For owners long strands very lucky, they can create amazing weaves while still being dressy. It is also possible for girls with short hair to make pigtails, there are a lot of options for this length.

Many assume that short haircut it is impossible to do the weaving and often refuse a delightful hairstyle. However, this opinion is erroneous. Even without experience and special skills, you can create lovely models, surprise everyone around with a variety of ideas.

Braids emphasize the individuality of the girl, make her image incredibly gentle and feminine. If you want to catch the enthusiastic glances of others, you should pay attention various weaves. A great option for both the bold and daring, and for gentle and dreamy natures.

Hairstyles for short hair: braids

1. Ribbons - an option suitable for everyday life, ideal for romantic natures. Ease of execution makes the hairstyle popular, it can be done in a few minutes.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Weaving technique:

  • take a strand above the ear, braid a regular braid;
  • on the other hand, start weaving another pigtail, connect with the first;
  • finish weaving, fasten the work with hairpins;
  • perform the same steps on the opposite side.

2. Micro braids - the option is suitable for owners of a short haircut, even at such a length you can easily make an attractive weave.

Work suitable for strong girls who are not afraid of experiments. It is quite easy to make a hairstyle, a French braid is braided on one temple.

There are also options when the braids go in several rows, both on the sides and on top.

3. french braid- this model looks amazing, even on a short haircut you can easily make a hairstyle. The braid can be on the side or on top. It is important to remember that the hair looks neat, you must use styling mousse.


  • separate the strands, mark which side the weaving will go on;
  • hair can be taken on the side, from above;
  • divide the strand into 3 parts, make a simple pigtail;
  • throw a strand from the left side to the central one, adding loose curls;
  • on the right you need to do the same;
  • braid the braid to the bottom, tie with an elastic band.

4. The Dutch braid is a reverse braid. In order to perform weaving, it is necessary to lay the side strands under the central one. You can make one braid or several.

An interesting option, suitable for everyday life, and for celebratory event. The finished work can be supplemented with hairpins, flowers. This will help create a delightful image and attract the attention of others.

5. Macrame - this model looks amazing, it is quite simple to perform. Weaving can be done all over the head, or from the side. It all depends on personal preference. In any case, the work will not go unnoticed.

Macrame braids for short hair: photos and weaving patterns:

  • braid a regular braid;
  • select the central strand, connect the side strands to each other;
  • hold the curl, which is in the center, firmly, pull the rest up;
  • in front of your eyes, the pigtail will become like a macrame;
  • secure the work with an invisible or elastic band.

6. Weaving on the bangs - the pigtail in the bangs area looks interesting, it can be laid on its side, or weaved into the rest of the hair. Even on a short haircut, this option is attractive and quite popular.

7. Fishtail - with the help of this model, you can add some charm and personality to the image. Any girl with such weaving will be in the spotlight, attracting the admiring glances of others.

The weaving process is quite simple, which makes this model very popular.

Plain braid is braided fish tail, no need to be careful. Even careless strands will look interesting and funny. The pigtail is braided on the side, fixed from below with a hairpin.

8. Forged chains - the hairstyle looks great, suitable for daring, short-tempered personalities. To make it is quite simple, you need to take a strand, tie it into a knot. Weaving must be done so that the links are tight. When adding strands to the braid, a knot should also be formed.

9. Waterfall - braids for short hair at home are easy to do step by step from the photo. So you can clearly see the process of weaving, which will help when doing the job.

It turns out a chic styling that is suitable for creating daily or festive image. To do the work, you should prepare a comb and an elastic band.


  • comb curls, create light waves, this will allow the hairstyle to be more magnificent;
  • separate 3 strands at the temporal part, start weaving with a regular braid;
  • after a few weaves, you can start creating a waterfall;
  • for this, the upper strand must be left below, replacing with new strands located below;
  • it is possible to continue weaving to the end, braiding from ear to ear;
  • you can make a braid only in the middle of the head;
  • fix finished work hairpin, invisible.

10. Bundle and braid - interesting option, which can be performed on a short haircut. The model is represented by a wide variety, you can choose any of your favorites.


  • brush hair;
  • create light waves, this will make the weaving more textured and lush;
  • divide the curls into 3 parts, form a bundle from the central one;
  • French braids are braided from the side strands, fixed near the bundle with invisibility;
  • give hairstyle light negligence is possible with the help of released curls.

11. Two braids for short hair - traditional version, which is known to many since childhood. The hairstyle is quite simple, it takes a few minutes to complete.

Weaving technique:

  • comb your hair, make a parting in the middle;
  • on the side, braid a regular braid, fix it with an elastic band;
  • on the other hand do the same;
  • give hair lush appearance can be easily, it is enough to get the weaving a little with your hands.

12. Headband - making a hairstyle for short hair is quite difficult, however, it can be done even at home. The most important thing is to listen to the recommendations of experts and choose the necessary accessories.


  • comb your hair, make an asymmetrical parting;
  • twist the curls slightly, this will give the hairstyle volume;
  • apply mousse to the hair;
  • in the temporal part of the strand, separate, fix;
  • twist the back strands into a bundle, form a bundle, secure with invisibility;
  • starting from the behind-the-ear areas, braid the strands;
  • fix the finished work with hairpins.

Braids for short hair for girls

How attractive look unusual weaving on the curls of little princesses. You can braid them with my own hands, even at short lengths. With a little practice, you can create elegant and interesting models, while choosing different images at the same time.

Children's hair is soft, obedient. Therefore, you can easily create funny hairstyles from them, choosing for various occasions.

1. simple braid- weaving is the most common, occurs quite often. Many mothers prefer this model. It is casual, also suitable for any celebration. To keep the hairstyle as long as possible, weaving should be tight.

You can add a hairstyle with ribbons, braid. As a result, the braid will acquire holiday look sure your child will love it.

2. Pigtails and ponytails - an interesting option, it looks original and modern. Suitable for solemn event, with the help of this model it is possible to be a real fashionista.

Weaving technique:

  • divide the partings all over the head, you will get tracks;
  • form tails from the tracks, fix them with rubber bands;
  • a second track is created from the resulting ponytails, fixed with an elastic band below the first;
  • this goes all the way down to the bottom.

3. French braid - the model is often found on children's strands. Specialists have prepared various options weaving, they can be done from above, from the side, braid several braids, create your favorite shapes from them.

Quite popular are the options when 2 braids are created along the parting. It is necessary to divide the curls into 4 parts, make pigtails, form a lush ponytail.

4. Pigtail inside out for short hair - you can see the weaving process in the video. This will make it easier to understand the circuit, after which you can safely proceed to experiments.

Great option for a holiday. The variety of weaving is amazing, you can create various models. Often pigtails are connected to each other in a ponytail, fixed with an elastic band. This hairstyle looks quite interesting and playful.

For children, there are a huge variety of hairstyles, even pigtails can be done on short curls. Options can be both everyday and solemn. Following step by step instructions and the advice of experts, you can easily do amazing work. Beautiful braids will decorate the head of the child, giving the image individuality and originality.

African braids for short hair

The hairstyle is very popular, daring and bright personalities. Doing work at home is not easy, it is best to contact a specialist. However, you need to remember that the work will be expensive. If you want to save money, it is best to do the work yourself.

If a girl has short hair, this is not a reason to despair. African braids can also be done in short lengths. However, this can only be done with experience. It takes a little practice and the result will not keep you waiting. It is important to remember that there is no need to rush in this matter. For weaving, you should pick up a free day. It will take a lot of time to create a hairstyle, you need to be ready for this.

In order for African braids to turn out neat and distinguish their owner from the crowd, you need to heed the following advice from experts:

  • hair length must be at least 4 cm;
  • additional curls, ribbons will be used for work;
  • work is done only on clean hair;
  • for convenience, you must use hairpins, clips;
  • for fixing, you should use varnish, mousse;
  • before the procedure, the curls should be slightly moistened;
  • the weave stays on the hair for 2 months, during which time it does not need to be corrected.

A short haircut is not a reason for frustration, but a challenge for fantasy. Braids for short hair are shown in the photo. You can use ready-made options, and it is better to come up with something unusual.

If it doesn't work the first time, don't fret. A little experience and practice, and you will be able to create interesting work, surprise others, please yourself with amazing hairstyles.

A bob haircut suits many women. With its performance, you can experiment ad infinitum. Skillful hands hairdressers are able to perform a caret for any oval of the face so as to increase beauty and hide flaws. True, such a hairstyle requires constant styling.

Although, the hair after the haircut already looks spectacular, sometimes you want changes. How to transform? For example, to perform some kind of hairstyle for a bob haircut. Of course, braid a long braid without a mop artificial hair will not work, but some ideas are worth adopting.

3 short hairstyles

Perform fancy hairstyles short bob difficult. The length of the hair does not allow for many ideas. But it's worth experimenting with curls and various techniques weaving hair. Start trying to transform your hair with the simplest option.

  1. Gather the bangs at the crown, twist it several times and add volume. With the help of invisibility, chip off so that the splendor is not lost. We do not transform the ends of the hair from the bangs yet.
  2. We also pin up the side strands crosswise in several places.
  3. The lower hair is very short in a bob haircut. It is better to first fasten them with a thin and barely noticeable elastic band in a ponytail, and then, lifting them to the center, pin them up. Now lay the ends beautifully with curls, trying to hide the invisibility.

The final touch is to fix the hairstyle with styling. Beauty is brought. This hairstyle for a short bob is perfect.

When experimenting with a hairstyle for a bob haircut, you should securely fix your hair. short curls easily and quickly knocked out of the stack, and this seriously spoils appearance and destroys the accuracy of the image.

If the caret is made with torn ends, you can try to transform by doing the following hairstyle.

  1. Be sure to cover the hair with styling.
  2. Separate small side strands. Divide the hair from the crown into 2 halves. Twist each into a tight bundle and, connecting, fasten with an elastic band.
  3. Twist the tail with a curling iron to get graceful curls.
  4. Side strands, separating in thin curls, also twist up with a curling iron.
  5. Align the bangs and lay it, for example, on its side. On one side, twist the side strands behind the ear. Leave the curls on the other side in free fall.

The hairstyle is ready. Sprinkle with additional varnish. You can add elegant accessories to enhance the beauty of the styling.

When making experimental hairstyles for a short bob, you should definitely try braiding braids around your head. This hairstyle looks beautiful and elegant, feminine and romantic.

You can braid a braid using any technique, as long as the length of the square allows. The classic French braid looks impressive or with weaving, on the contrary, a spikelet.
  1. First you need to separate the parting, slightly shifted to the side. Half of the hair, so as not to interfere, chop off with a clip. On the other hand, take a strand and divide it into 3 curls. Start weaving a regular braid. After the second binding, add one side strand to the weave.
  2. Braiding to the middle of the ear, fasten with an elastic band. This accessory should not be visible to the eye.
  3. Similarly, weave a braid on the second side.
  4. It remains to comb the hair that falls freely from the crown, and give volume to the weave. Hairstyle for a short caret is ready.

Hairstyle for a long bob with a braid

Hairstyle options for long caret you can try on a lot on your hair. Looks impressive hair with a scythe and voluminous bundles. With such a hairstyle, you can appear at a secular party, a disco, or outshine with your beauty during a business meeting.

  1. For this hairstyle, the length should be up to the shoulders.
  2. Separating a neat arcuate parting, collect hair from the crown.
  3. Braid a regular braid and secure with an elastic band.
  4. On each side, separate the curl, twist it into a tight tourniquet. Bring it under the braid and fix it with an invisible, hairpin.
  5. Similarly, perform another row of tourniquet on each side, leaving the temporal curls to fall freely.
  6. Temporal strands twist with romantic spirals.
  7. Also slightly twist the curls that did not participate in the creation of hairstyles for a bob haircut.
  8. It remains only to spread the weaving effectively so that it becomes voluminous. Light, but neat disheveledness gives the image more romance.

Hairstyle with a graceful binding

This hairstyle with an elegant binding on an elongated square looks amazing. Difficulties should not arise if the principle of binding is clear. With weaving and throwing strands, you can dream up.

  1. At the crown, separate on each side thin curl.
  2. Fasten with a rubber band.
  3. For now, we're only working on one side. Separate a small strand from the crown and bring it back to the ponytail already made.
  4. Bring the curl under the strand from top to bottom.
  5. Separate the curl from one again and run it inside again under the fastened ponytail, but so that the second interlaced strand is covered.
  6. Pull the end of your hair down. Run a few more bindings with hair.
  7. Similarly, weave on the other side.
  8. Fluff up the bindings of the hair, giving them the appearance of a slight disheveled.
Such a hairstyle for an elongated caret can not be decorated with anything. She looks beautiful without any accessories. If you still want to decorate it somehow, then do not overdo it. A pair of elegant studs with rhinestones or flowers will suffice.

Shell on a square with a Japanese hairpin

On an elongated square, it is easy to make a shell. For the simplest such hairstyle, you will need to prepare a few hairpins. To enhance the beauty of the hairstyle, it is better to use a large Japanese hairpin, decorated with stones. This accessory will also help to tighten the hair well during the formation of the shell.

  1. Collect all hair neat tail(do not fasten) in the middle of the head.
  2. The top of the head is slightly fluffed and lifted.
  3. Collected hair twist into a tight rope. Twist in the direction of the clock.
  4. As you twist, lift the tip up. A shell will gradually form.
  5. Insert a large pin in the middle of the twisted roller. Its tip should come out on the other side of the roller.
  6. Twist the hairpin, pulling up the shell, and stick the hair inside. In addition, insert a few pins into the shell for fixation.
  7. It remains to draw out a few strands of the ponytail hidden inside, and fluff them beautifully.

Original tail with rhinestones

Such a hairstyle is suitable for an elongated caret, with short hair it will not be possible to repeat this styling. For a hairstyle, you need to choose an inconspicuous and tight elastic band, accessories for decoration. To make it easy to stretch the strands, you can purchase a special ring for hairstyles at the hairdressing accessories store.

  1. First, a regular tail is assembled at the back of the head.
  2. Slightly pull the elastic down and use your hands to separate the hair on top of it into 2 strands.
  3. Raise the tail and thread it into the gap between the strands. Pull the tail down.
  4. Do a few more spins.
  5. Lightly fluff the bindings.
  6. Make a beautiful ponytail with a fan.
  7. Now we have to fix all the manipulations done. If this is not done, then the hairstyle on the square will quickly deteriorate. To do this, we use ordinary hairpins. You can choose them with pebbles, beads. Prying the tourniquet in the middle, we stick the hairpin, tucking it inward.
  8. We fix the tourniquet along the entire length of the binding.

Hairstyle for a bob haircut is ready. If desired, the short tips can also be hidden in a tow winding of hair, pricking them with invisibility.

Hairstyles with beautiful pigtails look elegant and gentle. With their help, you can reveal all the beauty female face and emphasize the individuality of the hostess. Many people think that only owners of long strands can easily make weaving of any complexity, but for girls with short hair this will cause a lot of problems. But this opinion is erroneous, since there are many options for weaving braids for short hair.

Many women prefer men's haircuts because they are practical and convenient. But sometimes a monotonous hairstyle gets boring, and there is a desire to change your image to some other one. In this case, you can change the hairstyle by weaving a braid on a square.

French braid and waterfall

The French braid is the most popular and beautiful weaving. You can make braiding on short strands in this way:

For execution beautiful styling waterfall you need a thin comb and an elastic band to match your hair color:

And also the waterfall can be done from ear to ear or complete weaving only in the middle of the head and fix the braid with an elastic band or hairpin. There is another option - to make two pigtails towards each other, and then combine two waterfalls into one.

Bun with a scythe and a headband of hair

The ideal option for short hair is a combination of a bun and a braid:

  1. Comb your hair and curl the curls with a curling iron or flat iron. Thanks to these actions, weaving will turn out to be textured and lush.
  2. Divide your hair evenly into three sections.
  3. Form a bunch from the middle one in any way.
  4. Braid the side strands into two French braids - from the forehead to the beginning of the beam.
  5. Tie the ends of the braids with thin elastic bands and secure with several invisible ones.

To make the hairstyle careless - release a few thin curls from the weave.

With braided hair band an ordinary girl instantly turns into a stylish lady:

Comb the strands. Separate the hair from the temporal and frontal zones - parallel to their growth line. Pin the remaining curls at the back of the head with a clamp. Divide the hair at the temple evenly into three strands. Start weaving a French pigtail on the contrary - twist the strands under you and turn on new thin curls either on the right or on the left. Continue weaving to the opposite edge. Reach to the ear and finish weaving with a regular braid, fix its tip with an elastic band.

Sprinkle uncaptured hairs with varnish and hide inside using the invisibility. In order to make a voluminous bezel, gently pull on the loops. Wind the free part of the strand onto the curling iron and hide the end of the rim under the lush curls.

Bangs with a double oblique and spikelet

A bang with a double oblique can be done in this way:

The execution of the spikelet is carried out according to the following principle:

In the forehead area, select a small strand and start weaving a three-row pigtail. With each new weave, add one thin curl on each side. Weave the spikelet to the end and fix the end with an elastic band. You can braid one spikelet in the center, or you can make a bouquet of several dragons.

Pigtail around the head and on the bangs

To create a pigtail around the head, the length of the strands should reach the level of the shoulders.

Step 1. Comb the hair with a comb and evenly divide it horizontally into two parts.

Step 2. From the first part, do the French braid in reverse and fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band.

Step 3. Repeat the same with the second part of the hair.

Step 4. Lay both braids around the head and secure the styling with hairpins. Be sure to hide the ends inside.

To weave a braid on a bang, you must do the following:

Carefully separate the bangs from the rest of the lock and divide it into three identical strands. First weave a three-row braid. After a couple of slices, go to the spikelet. Fasten the finished weaving near the ear with a hairpin, bow or hairpin.

Weaving with overhead strands

This weaving looks very beautiful. You can buy a wig in specialized stores. Exist like budget options, and expensive. However, it is better to give preference natural hair. Choose the tone that best suits the color of your hair, and you can start creating hairstyles.

Comb your hair well and tidy up your overheads. Attach the chignon with ribbons, hairpins or barrettes. Then proceed to weaving, trying not to pull the hair and not pull the pigtail.

For weaving afro braids, the length of the hair must be more than 10 cm. False hair and threads are woven into them. different colors. You can walk with such a hairstyle for a long time until the roots grow. You can collect hair in a bun, ponytail and a variety of styling.

In order to beautifully braid a pigtail, you must follow these tips:

Thus, using braid weaving patterns, you can easily create fashionable hairstyle And stylish look with short hair.

Attention, only TODAY!

178 20.02.2019 7 min.

Pigtails are one of the most popular hairstyles. Lovely weaves are suitable for both girls and adult women - both of them look charming with pigtails. If a girl has long or medium hair, then there are no problems - you can easily braid a braid to a decent length. And what about those who have short hair - you also want to be beautiful, but the length is embarrassing.

Many are sure that short length pigtail hair is an inaccessible luxury. But is it? We can confidently say that this is not the case at all. We will consider this topic in the article - how to braid short hair for girls and girls - we will give examples of both everyday and holiday options.


For adults

Consider what kind of braids an adult girl can braid, so as not to look like a “little girl”. Adult women and weaving rely on “adults” - beautiful, complex, textured. The advantage is that although such braids look complicated, weaving them is quite simple - it is worth mastering a few elementary steps - and an interesting new hairstyle is ready.

Everyday Options

Stylists are advised to consider these types of hairstyles with braids, which are considered the most suitable for short hair:

french braid

This is original and charming hairstyle with textured weave. The French braid is good because it makes the hair more voluminous, which is very important if, for example, a woman's hair is thin.

Tip: if the hair is already very short, lengthen it with overhead strands - this way you will achieve more neatness of the hairstyle. And if short hair is also curly, then it is advisable to straighten it with an iron or a special serum. Thus, a couple of centimeters of additional length will be added.


  • Comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Decide where exactly your braid will be located. She can go from the side, and strictly through the center, and frame her head with a wreath. Consider the option in the center. In this case, take a section of hair from your forehead and divide it into three sections.
  • Start weaving as usual - with each subsequent step, grabbing the side strands and weaving them into the main braid.
  • So go to the end until all the hair is braided.
  • Then secure the braid with an elastic band or festive version - elegant bow or hairpin.

That's it - two charming pigtails are ready. If you weave decorative cords into pigtails or beautiful ribbons, then it will work smart hairstyle with which the girl can go on a holiday.

Elven pigtail

This option will appeal to any girl. An elven braid is a simple or French wasp - necessarily thin - that is braided on both sides of the head at the sides and joined together at the back of the head. If you want, you can make the hairstyle more complex and interesting by adding a few more rows of braids in the center.

Useful tips to help you correctly braid short hair:

  • Braiding hair must be clean and dry.
  • Use sprays with a "wet" effect - this hairstyle will look especially stylish and sexy.
  • Purchase beautiful accessories for fixing hairstyles and clips to separate the strands from each other during the weaving process - this will help them not to tangle, and the hairstyle will be more neat.
  • Before you start weaving, treat your hair with modeling mousse or foam - this will make the strands more obedient - they will not stand out so much from the hairstyle.

You should not tightly braid the child's hair - the main thing is that she is comfortable with them. It is better to use more invisibles (but also without fanaticism) than to pull and pull on the delicate children's hair.

We looked at the options for hairstyles with braids for short hair. You can do all of them yourself, except African braids. And now you know that nothing is impossible - even with short hair, you can flaunt beautiful and original weaving.