Nursery rhymes for children from 2 years old. Rhymes for the little ones for all occasions

girls, future and real mothers, of course you know that you need to constantly talk with the baby and verbalize your actions and what you want or will do with the child.

i found this fun short poems that fit different regime processes hope you find it useful


In the morning we wash our hands with water, face

Plop and plop, plop and plop

Run away from the dirt.

Water, water, wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

Give me your hands

Get up out of bed

Let's go wash

Where can we find water!

Cheeks? Washed.

Spout? Washed?

And the eyes? Forgot.

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes!

Water is hiding in the faucet!

Come out, vodka!

We've come to bathe!

Leak a little

Right on the palm!

The soap will foam

And the dirt is going somewhere!

Nobody, nobody, tirlim - bom - bom

Can't guess

Where is the cheerful gnome going?

And the gnome is going to bathe!

Who will be here kup-kup,

By water - squelch squelch?

In the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam

And the dirt is going somewhere.

Hey, alright, alright

We are not afraid of water

We wash clean

We smile at mom.

We will go swimming and splashing in the water,

Splash, frolic, Nastya will wash.

We'll wash our little baby's feet

Let's wash little Nastenka's hands,

Back and tummy, face and mouth -

What a pure dear daughter!

Who will be here kup-kup,

By water - squelch squelch?

In the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam

And the dirt is going somewhere.

Faucet, open! Nose, wash up!

Wash at once, both eyes!

Wash your ears, wash your neck!

Sheika, wash yourself well!

Wash, wash, bathe!

Dirty, wash off! Dirty, wash off!


Daughter woke up, stretched sweetly

Lie down, lie down, and smile

The heart is beating fast, oh you are my fish

How dear is your smile to me!

We woke up, stretched

Together they smiled at the sun

Hello sunflower.

We got up from the pads of the handle,

The legs are errands, together they are feathers.

Who woke up early?

Smiled slyly?

Like, I can’t sit, lie idle, yeah - yeah

Hurry up, let me help aha - aha!

In the morning we look out the window

The sun rose in the sky

Rays in heaven scatter the sun - ah!

Cloud deftly gathers these crumbs together - oh!

Here we woke up, stretched,

Turned from side to side!

Snacks! Snacks!

Where are the toys, rattles?

You, toy, rattle

Raise our baby!

Dili-dili-dili-dili -

The bells rang.

Dili-dili-dili-dili -

Bells woke up

All bugs, spiders

And funny moths.

Ding day! Ding day!

Let's start a new day!


Bells woke up

All bunnies and hedgehogs,

All the lazy bear cubs.

And the sparrow woke up

And the jackdaw started up.

Ding day! Ding day!

Don't sleep through the new day.


Eat, eat porridge

In a dove cup

Eat faster, eat happier.

The porridge is sweet, made from thick milk

From thick milk, yes semolina.

The one who eats porridge

All teeth will grow.

The donut cake was sitting in the oven

She looked at us, she wanted to mouth.

Duck - duckling, mouse - mouse,

A cat called a kitten for dinner.

Ducks - ate, mice - ate

The cats have eaten, but you haven't.

Deep - not shallow ships in plates

Onion head, red carrot,

Parsley, potatoes, a little grits

Here the boat is sailing, swimming right into the mouth.

There is a goat - horns in the forehead,

He goes grumbling, knocking with a stick.

A goat carries a pot of porridge:

Come on, eat, my friend!

Eat, don't yawn, drink milk.

But not me-me-me! - You will fall on the horns of me.

This is a spoon, this is a cup.

In a cup - buckwheat porridge.

The spoon has been in the cup -

Buckwheat porridge is gone!

Tasty porridge is smoking,

Lyosha sits down to eat porridge,

Very good porridge

Eat porridge slowly.

Spoon by spoon

Ate a little.

Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo

On the green in the meadow

On the green in the meadow

Worth a cup of cottage cheese.

Two black grouse arrived

They pecked, they flew away.

How they flew

We looked at them. Am!

Who is our favorite?

First spoon for mom

And the second for whom?

Yes, for your dad

For whom is the third spoonful?

For a cheerful matryoshka,

Eat for a grandmother, eat for a grandfather,

For the boy - for the neighbor,

For girlfriends and friends

Eat more, don't be sorry!

Eat for a holiday, noisy, bright,

For guests and for gifts,

For a kitten, for Timoshka

This little spoon

And for the red cat

Here is the empty plate!

On my plate

Red squirrel.

To make her visible

I eat everything to the bottom!

Most the right way There is!

To eat this porridge

We will blow on a plate,

Let's enchant the porridge with a spoon,

We won't give it to anyone

We will eat it ourselves.

We'll eat the first spoon

For a cat, kittens and a cat,

To these meowmurks

They played tricks with us.

And the second spoonful of porridge

We will eat for our mother,

So that you don't get tired during the day,

She told a story at night.

We will dedicate a third spoon

The best dad in the world

May it save us from boredom -

One hundred toys will bring!

Well, we have a little left!

This we are again for the cat,

This spoon for the horse

The rest is up to me!


Lyulu - lyuly, oh, lyuli

Doves have arrived

The ghouls began to coo,

Download our baby.

Bye-bye, bye-bye

fall asleep quickly

Bye-bye, bye-bye

Sleep, my baby, sleep.

The cat went into the woods

Found a belt for a cat.

Dressed up, returned

He began to rock the cradle:

Bye bye, bye bye

Lie down, Galinka, quickly,

Get up, Galinka, with a dawn.

Night has come, brought darkness.

The cockerel dozed off, the cricket sang.

It's getting late, son

Lie down on the barrel

Bye-bye, go to sleep.


Bunnies came running

The bunny went under the sticky

Found myself a violin.

Gotta catch the bunny

Take away the violin!

Take away the violin

Tanya will fall asleep.

Oh, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!

The cranes have arrived


Didn't find a way.

They sat on the gate

And the gates creak, creak.

Do not wake Vanya with us,

Vanya sleeps with us, sleeps.

Ai, bye, bye, bye,

You are a dog, don't bark!

You cow, don't moo!

You rooster, don't cry!

Our boy will sleep

He will close his eyes.

Bye-bye, sleep, Katyushka,

My funny bunny

Close your bunny eyes



You already drank your tea

I ate porridge and played enough,

Naughty, chatted,

So go to sleep now


Here sat on the gate

Talking magpie:


It's time for the little one to sleep!"

Pigeons looked through the windows:

"Guli-ghuli - ghouls-ghouls,

Little one needs to sleep

So that the morning does not oversleep

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

How I love a child!

Little hares

Wanted bainki,

Wanted bainki,

Because bunnies.

We'll sleep a little

We will lie on the back.

We lie on the back

And let's sleep quietly.

We walked, we played

And a little tired.

To gain more strength

We need to get some sleep.

Let's take away the toys

Let's get on the pillow.

You close your eyes

And dream a fairy tale:

About a purring cat

Kurlyku crane,

Hen quack,

A jumping frog.


tiny mouse,


And the buzzer fly

About buzzard bumblebee

squirrel hassle,

About the sweet bear

Sleep, my baby!

There is a dream at the cradle - bye, bye.

Whose eyes here wanted to sleep - I know, I know.

You are not three with your fists, close it,

Sleep shakes the cradle, fall asleep.

This finger wants to sleep

This finger - jump into bed,

This finger has already taken a nap,

This finger is already asleep.

This one is fast asleep

And he tells you to sleep.


Grow, braid, to the waist

Don't shed a hair.

Grow, braid, to toe,

All hairs in a row.

Grow, spit don't get confused

Mother, daughter, listen.

I'll comb my hair,

I'll braid the Russian

I weave, I weave, I weave

I say: You grow, grow, braid,

The whole city is beautiful.

I scratch, I scratch my hair,

Combing the braids!

What do we do with a comb?

We do Tanya's hair.

cockerel cockerel,

Give me a comb.

Well please, please

I'll comb my curls.


Who is this with us? little finger!

Ran with a friend to the store!

I bought toys, sweet cheesecakes!

Give us a nail!

Well, scissors - clap, clap!

Hello, ring finger!

Like a tin soldier

Always on post

And it looks menacing!

Give us a nail!

Well, scissors - clap, clap!

Who is it here? Middle finger!

Played with a puppy in the front

Hiding, laughing

Tumbling on the floor!

Give us a nail!

Well, scissors - clap, clap!

index finger -

Very inquisitive!

Who is this? How is that?

When asked, he is a master!

Give us a nail!

Well, scissors - clap, clap!

This is our big toe!

Get a haircut with all your heart!

He is in a good mood

Ate strawberry jam!

Give us a nail!

Well, scissors - clap, clap!

Finger finger where have you been?

Where has the dear boy been?

Show me your nails

Let's cut it tsok-tsok.

Cut yes cut, clack yes clack

Neat nail.

The cat has scratches on its paws,

The cat's paws have grown bugs.

Cut off the scratches, remove the caryabki,

In order not to scratch, they did not scratch the son.


We are on chubby little hands

Putting on a shirt

Repeat after me the words:

A pen - one, and a pen - two!

Fasten the fasteners

On your clothes

Buttons and Buttons>

Various rivets.

On my baby

We'll put on pants.

Repeat after me the words:

Leg - one, and leg - two!

Now let's go for a walk.

Let's play with the kids.

If you want to go for a walk, you need to get dressed quickly,

Open the closet door, put it on in order.

First - panties, and after them a T-shirt:

For a girl - with a bead, for a boy - with a bunny.

And then we'll put on pantyhose,

We will put each leg in our own house.

So we got to the shirt with you.

Here, each pen has its own house too.

Now put on your pants.

Tuck your shirt in them skillfully.

Look, it's getting colder outside.

It's time for the kids to dress up.

And now let's put our boots on our feet.

So that the ears do not hurt quickly put on a hat.

And then a jacket for a long walk.


Back or tummy massage.

Podyagunyushki - porastunyushki

Across themselves plump

Handles - grabbing, legs - walkers

In the mouth - a talker, and in the head - a mind.

Oh, you are my sweet candy girl

Golden squirrel, lilac twig.

Oh, you are my son - a wheat ear

Azure flower, lilac bush.

Pretty - good, pretty - pretty,

Slender, slender, dear, dear.

I pinch, I pinch green grass

Grandfather on a caftan, grandmother on a sarafan.

What did they beat? back.

What did they beat? Venechkom.

Ate porridge with seeds

They drove us with a crown - shoo, shoo.

For leg exercises

Frog, frog, four legs and belly

He lives in the swamp, he sings his song.


Are crow jackdaws all healthy?

One unhealthy jackdaw pierced his leg

We will go to the market, we will buy a boot for a jackdaw.

By high road walked big feet


Little feet walked along the little path


Aty - baty were soldiers

To the market, to the market

Aty - bahts that they bought

Samovar - samovar.

For finger massage

Peas, peas, peas, peas, beans!

This finger grandma

This finger is a grandfather

This is mommy finger

This finger daddy

This is my finger - that's my whole family.

Once - of course you are good

Two - of course you are handsome

Three - of course you are beautiful

And four - you're happy

Five - of course you are loved

Repeat with the other hand!

This finger - a mushroom found,

This finger cleaned the table,

This finger cut, this one ate,

Well, this one just looked.

This finger is small

This finger is weak

This finger is long

This finger is strong

Well, this is a fat man,

And all together - a fist.

For foot massage

We need to shoe Masha, Masha will go dancing!

Dance, dance, dance!

The little foot ran along the path,

Small heel, patch on the heel.

Currents, currents, toshki, Kuyu, Kuyu legs.

Dashunka's legs are moving along the path.

The path is curved, no end, no edge,

Knee-deep mud, the horse went lame.

Top, top, top, top - we've arrived!

Currents-currents-toshki, kuyu, kuyu legs.

Antoshka's legs go along the path,

The path is curved, no end, no edge.

To swing on the ball

Ay swing, swing, swing!

Look: bagels, kalachi!

Look: bagels, kalachi!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!

All blushes are hot!

Fly here rooks

Picked up rolls

Ai, kach, kach, kach!

And I will give you a kalach!

Lift baby up

Magpie - white-sided teach me to fly

Not high, not far, just see the sun.

For exercises with handles

How they baked a clay pie on Vanya's name day

Here is such a height, here is such a low

This is the width, this is the dinner.

There is a blacksmith from the forges, the blacksmith carries two hammers

Knock-knock-knock, but suddenly struck at once.

We swam, we swam

Plop-plop, puff-plop.

They quickly swam across the river and onto the ground

Boo-boom, boo-boo.

Blow blow the winds in the field

For the mills to grind

To tomorrow from flour

Bake m pies

For jumping and walking

Ay, dybochki - dybok soon the boy will be a year old

Get up on your hind legs, reaching for the ceiling

Get up higher and reach the roof.

Bear clumsy walks through the forest

Cones collects in a basket puts

The bump bounced right on the bear's forehead

The bear got angry and top with his foot.

Oh, stamp your foot, stamp your right hand

All the same, you will go dancing, albeit a small one.

Our little feet ran along the path

Legs, legs, where are you running?

In the woods on the midge, mush the hut

Not to be cold.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, don't sit on the path

Our baby go through the pussy will fall,

Our baby top-top through the kitty clap-clap.

Katya, Katya is small, Katya is remote,

Walk down the path and stomp your feet.

Big feet walked along the road


Little feet walked along the path


And frets, frets, frets not planted gardens,

And my son will come and plant and water

Top - top - top - top.


The cat hurts, the dog hurts,

The horse hurts, but Sasha does not hurt!

The fox has pain, the wolf has pain,

And Vanya's pain fly away to the birch!

Don't cry baby, the squirrel will jump

Bring nuts, you for fun!

Get rid of pain from my Olya!

To the open field, to the blue sea, to the dark forest

To viburnum, to mountain ash, to bitter aspen!

And koklya-moklya, the eyes got wet

Who will offend the baby, that goat will gore.

Who's crying oh-oh-oh!

They say my son!

No, my son is not crying, you are talking in vain.

Smiling already - look!

When teeth grow

One tooth, two teeth -

Soon Dasha is a year old!

Daughter whimpers again

Let's console Dasha:

Grow your teeth

Little by little, little by little -

Don't let your daughter sleep!

Don't let her play!

Let's jump and jump

Hug Mom gently!


About the rain.

Drip-drip-drip dripped rain

We quickly opened the umbrella

One two three four five

Can't get enough of the rain!

Rain, rain, harder -

The grass will be greener

Flowers will grow

On our lawn.

Rain, rain, more

Grow, grass, thicker.

Rain, rain, more!

I'll give you thick

I'll go out on the porch

Ladies cucumber

Ladies and bread loaf -

Water as much as you want!

About the rainbow.

Rainbow arc, don't let it rain

Come on sunshine, little bell!

Rainbow-arc, give me rain!

We are on a spoon, a bear is on a spoon,

And the gray wolf - a full bucket!

About the sun

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window!

Sun, dress up, red, show yourself!

The kids are waiting for you, the kids are waiting.

The sun is a bell

You get up early

Wake us up early

We run into the fields

We welcome spring!

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room.

We clap our hands -

Very happy with the sun.

About frost

You, frost, frost, frost,

Don't show your nose!

Go home soon

Take the cold with you.

And we'll take the sled

We'll go to the street

Let's sit in a sled - scooters.


There is a horned goat, there is a butted goat

Top-top legs, clap-clap eyes.

Who does not eat porridge, does not drink milk?

Gore, gore, gore.>

(show the baby a goat toy, or make horns from the fingers of the hand)

Baba sowed peas jump - jump, jump - jump

The ceiling collapsed jump - jump, jump - jump,

Baba walked, walked, found a pie.

(put the baby on your lap so that you can toss him up)

Chiki - chiki - chikalochki

Kostya rides on sticks

Lyuba is cracking nuts on the carts.

(put the baby on your leg and rock it)

Knocking, strumming down the street: Foma rides a chicken.

Timoshka on a cat, along the path there.

(put the baby on your lap so that you can throw it up)

Jump - jump, jump - jump

He grew up, the boy grew up.

Jump - jump, jump - jump

Look how high.

Tari - tari - tari - Rus, tari - Rusenki

The legs themselves danced at Marusenka,

The knives themselves danced tari-rusenki

Such is Marusenka's mood.

(put the baby on his feet so that he bounces on his own)

Let's go - let's go for mushrooms, for nuts

Over bumps, over bumps, bushes, stumps,

Green leaves, along ravines, along stones

Over potholes, over roots, straight into the hole - bam!

(the baby sits on your lap, saying "bam", slightly "drop" him)

Bye-bye there is no Lyubushka, Lyubushka is a dove.

Oh, yes, not her anywhere, where is our Lyubasha, where?

We'll go looking for her, and we'll find her, we'll find her.

(play with the baby in the locks)

Three - that - carcass - ki! Three - that - carcass - ki!

Nastya is riding on a pillow!

On a cushion!

Boo with pillow somersault

Carcasses! Tutushki!

Sit on pillows.

The girlfriends came

Pushed off the pillow.

Ladushki - patties, baked pancakes

They put it on the window - they left it to cool.

Let's eat cool and give sparrows

They ate all the pancakes, shoo-shoo flew.

They sat on the head (baby's name).

The house smells like buns!

Okay! Okay!

Who's going to come? Who's going to come? Grandfathers, grandmothers!

Come soon grandparents!

No dearer than you and relatives!

Okay! Okay!

We eat patties to visit grandma.

We go to visit grandfather for a dinner party.

We eat on a cat along a funny path.

We eat on dogs in a red wheelbarrow.

Grandma prepares ruddy pancakes for everyone.


white-sided magpie

magpie, magpie,


cooked porridge,

Jumped on the porch

invited guests,

There were no guests, they did not eat porridge.

I gave everything to my children.

The kids flew in and sat down at the table.

They ate all the porridge.

Chick - chick, chicks,

There is water in a tub.

Who is afraid of me

I will not give them water.

Here come the chickens

Do not be afraid of tubs!

Near the tub is a saucer,

They all get drunk.

Near the tub is a saucer.

Mice lead a round dance,

And the cat is napping on the stove.

Hush, mice, do not make noise,

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

Here Vaska the cat wakes up,

Will break your round dance.

Cat and cat.

The cat sews a shirt in baskets,

And the cat on the oven crushed croutons.

Our cat has three sweet cakes,

And our cat has three cellars of milk.

A cowardly hare ran across the field,

I ran into the garden, found a carrot, found a cabbage,

Sits, gnaws, ah, someone is coming!

One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

What should we do? How to be?

Let's catch a hare!

Let's count again:

One two three four five.

White hare, where did you run?

In the forest - dubrovka.

What did he do there?

Tore the bark.

Where did you put it?

Cleaned up the deck.

Among the white doves

A nimble sparrow jumps,

Bird sparrow, gray shirt

Respond, sparrow, fly out, do not be shy!

Fuck-tah, the mouse rides on hedgehogs.

Wait, prickly hedgehog, more unbearable to go,

More unbearable to go, you are very prickly, hedgehog!

Fox and wolf.

The fox was walking, the fox found a penny.

The fox bought soap, the fox washed the snout.

The wolf walked by the side, the fox by the street,

The wolf sang like a rooster, the fox like a hen.

The wolf bought a sled, put the fox in the sled.

Before reaching the village, the fox jumped out.

A squirrel is sitting on a cart, selling nuts.

Chanterelle-sister, sparrow, titmouse,

To a fat-footed bear, a hare to a mustachioed one.

To whom in the tray, to whom in the mouth, to whom in the paws.

You knock on the oak tree,

The blue siskin is coming.

At the siskin, at the chizhenka,

Red-haired crest,

And on a little paw

Scarlet shoe.

Siskin flew under the sun

And nodded his head.


- Geese, geese! - Ha-ha-ha!

- Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes!

- So fly! - We are not allowed!

Gray wolf under the mountain

He won't let us go home.

- So fly as you like

Just take care of your wings!

Owl - owl, big head,

He sits on a stump, turns his head,

Looks in all directions, but how it will fly!


Ladybug, fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not hot.


Swallow, swallow, cute killer whale,

Where were you, what did you come with?

Been overseas, got spring,

I bring, I bring spring-beauty!

Snail, snail, stick out your horns

I'll give you, snail, a piece of the pie!

Crawl along the path, I'll give you cakes.


From Toptushkino station,

To bed station

We need to get there soon!

And get some sleep!

At Vstavaikino station

Wake up - go out yourself!

And you will run to Igraikino,

To friends and miracles!

Well, until they arrived

To the bed station!

At this sleepy station, it's so sweet to fall asleep...

Here they are in the bed
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!

Bye, bye, bye, bye

Doggy don't bark

And don't honk in the horn

Don't wake our kids.

Our children will sleep

Yes, grow big.

They will sleep more

They will grow more.

Sleep, sleep, baby Andryushenka.

All the swallows are sleeping

All killer whales are sleeping

To our Andryushenka

They tell you to sleep.

A dream walks on a bench

In a red shirt

And Sonya - on the other -

Sundress blue.

They go together

Dream Katenka is being carried.


The bunnies jumped

They began to swing the cradle,

To evoke a sweet dream.

They began to play pipes,

Misha began to fall asleep.


Let's buy some boots for the baby.

Let's put on the legs

Let's go down the track.

The baby will walk

Will wear boots.

Oh, you are a gray cat,

Your tail is white

Get out, kitty, don't go!

Don't wake our kids.

Eyelashes fall down

The eyes are closed.

We rest in peace

We fall asleep with a magical dream.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply..

Our hands rest...

Feet rest too...

Resting, sleeping...

The neck is not tense

And she is relaxed.

Lips slightly open

Everything is wonderfully relaxed.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The tension flew away


Eat your porridge, girl
Chorus girl,
Eat porridge, grow up
Grow up for everyone!

Here comes the afternoon snack

The children sat down at the table.

To avoid trouble

Let's remember the food rules:

Our feet don't knock

Our tongues are silent.

Don't litter at dinner

Messed up - so clean it up.

And we have spoons

A little magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food.

There won't be a trace.

On my plate

red squirrel,

To make her visible

I eat everything to the bottom.

Deep and shallow

Ships in a bowl

Here the ship is sailing

It swims right into your mouth.

“I don’t want to eat semolina!”

The girl Masha screamed.

"Right" - thought porridge,

Good girl Masha.

Let's put it on a bed

Cabbage, potatoes - and hide!

Try to find!

Not visible on the spoon

Cabbage, potatoes.

And not on the plate - look!

Once upon a time there were a hundred children

Everyone went to kindergarten.

Everyone sat down for dinner

Everyone ate a hundred cutlets.

Everyone then went to bed.

Goyda, goyda, cradles,

The gulls have arrived

The ghouls began to speak

What to feed Vanyusha.

One will say - porridge,

The other - yogurt,

The third will say - milk

And a ruddy pie.

Clever, Katenka,

Eat sweet porridge

Delicious, fluffy

Soft, fragrant.

Well, porridge!
So in the mouth and asks!
Nose and cheeks were full.
The chin also got it.
And little finger
I tried a little.
Ate a little
forehead with crown,
The rest was eaten by the ears!

Here is a good girl.
This girl's name is Masha.
And this is her plate.
And in this bowl...
No, not porridge

No, not porridge
And they did not guess:
Masha sat down, ate porridge -
Everything they gave!

The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat pie
The cat went to the street
I bought a bun for a cat.
Do you have yourself
Or take down Mashenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I'll take Mashenka too.

Sweeties, sweeties!
Grandma baked pancakes,
poured oil,
She gave it to the kids.
Dasha - two
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two,
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two
Masha - two,
Good pancakes
Our good grandmother!

Hey, alright, alright, alright

We are not afraid of water

We wash clean

We smile at each other.

silver water

Flowing from the faucet.

And the soap is fragrant,

Just like in our bathroom.

"Silver vodka,

How did you get here?

"Through the dewy meadows

I ran to kindergarten

"Silver vodka,

Why did you run to us?"

"To keep you all clean,

To sparkle all around"

Let's roll up our sleeves

Open the faucet - water.

My eyes, my cheeks,

My ears and palms!

  • Look, little ones
  • On your palms.
  • Ah, what palms!
  • Clean hands!

Water flows in the stream

Water splashes in the river.

We will wash under the tap,

We are nowhere without water.

Wash my hands, wash my face

Soap, brush and water.

If you don't like to wash

Don't sing this song.

Pure water

Wash Sasha's face,

Anechka - palms,

And the fingers - Antoshka.

Do not wash, do not drink without water,

The leaf does not bloom without water,

And that's why always

Everyone needs water everywhere.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes

Where is the water splashing.

Come out, vodka,

We've come to bathe!

Lie on your palms

In it-knife-ku,

No, not a little - dare,

Let's have fun washing.

Chicken from the well

Brought water.

And chickens all over

Run to wash.

Faucet, open up

Nose, wash up!

Wash both eyes at once!

Wash your ears, wash your neck!

Sheika, wash yourself well!

Wash, wash, bathe,

Dirty, wash off!

Mud, give up!

Flow, pure water,

You wash my clean face,

Wash your neck, wash your hands

Don't forget anything!

Soap, wash cleanly with soap,

Don't worry about anything.

The soap doesn't bite, it just rinses off.

Who does not wash their hands with soap

Wednesday to Wednesday.

On a fluffy towel

Traces are printed.

Every day I wash my soap

under hot water.

Wash yourself, soap, don't be lazy,

Don't slip, don't get angry.

So it didn't fall.

We don't wash it first.

Ah, it fell again

Let's wash it first.

We wash quickly

We wipe clean

So neat, so careful

Everyone is happy to look at us.

Cleaner wash, do not spare water.

There will be palms of snow whiter.

I'm early this morning

Washed out from the tap.

I myself can now

Wash face and neck.

We clean we clean the chimney sweep

Clean clean, clean clean

There will be a chimney sweep

clean clean clean clean.

Open up!

Wash your face!


Give up!

We will take soap in our hands,
And we'll pour water
I wash my hands quickly, quickly, quickly.
My clean, clean, clean!
And then they washed their face
We also washed our eyes,
wiped off with a towel
We admired ourselves!

We start our lesson .
What is it worth? Pot!
One two three four five -
Let's take off our pants!

Let's swear carefully.
All the kids know
Very unpleasant
Pee in pants!

We will do everything right.
Tanya will be very happy!

Darkness, Darkness, baby!
You sit on the potty
Don't go sullen
Sit and think!

What's your name, friend?
And my name is "Pot"!
I save all children
from various troubles.
If we are friends,
Will you walk dry!
You walk, play, read,
But don't forget about me!
Sit down, don't rush
Make a surprise, baby!

You and I will go for a walk
Let's jump and play.
What did you forget, my friend?
Sit on Mishenkin's pot.
Well done, hurry up now
They ran to the door.

The pot is our green friend.

Your color always tells us:

"Sit down quickly

After all, the way is open!”

Grow braid to the waist

Don't shed a hair.

Grow, braid, don't get confused

Adults, baby, listen.

I scratch, I scratch my hair,

Combing the braids!

What do we do with a comb?

We do Tanya's hair.

Although I often quarrel with you,

scallop toothy,


Can't be without you sister

Braid your pigtails.

Without you, I would have to

Walk around all day long.

Who is good for us?

Who is handsome?

Vanya is good!

Vanechka is handsome


Levushka? Not Levushka...

Revushka? Not a roar...

So where does the "Uu-uu!!"

Distributed - I do not understand.

We don't have bells and whistles

Who here is crying for an hour?

Whose wet fist is here?

Oh, the man is getting wet.

Do not get wet, chiki-chok!

Look into the fist

Leva hides tears -

He doesn't cry anymore.




Where did you come from?

By bus or train

Did you get to Nastya?

No-o-o, spoil the mood

Nobody asked you!

Maybe you didn't cry

Did it rain?

Who is crying here


They say Andryushka is mine?

No, our friend does not cry,

In vain you speak!

Smiling already -



Frowning, frowning

Here you go! Not Jan at all!

Or maybe she came to visit us

Princess Nesmeyana?

Starts to be naughty again

Cry - the ocean!

Well, and tearful It is raining -

We know Nesmeyan.

Now to dream of a boat,

And get the oars

And across this ocean

Float somewhere.

Where the sun lives

Where do bananas grow

And where the Princesses Nesmeyana never cry!


And our Peter

No mood in the morning!

I'm crying, I'm crying, I'm crying

Doctors won't help!

But what if the doctor is Melon?

Doctor Peach? Grape?

Let them come, fly!

Both at home and in kindergarten!


Chicky chicky, chicky chicky

Where are you, grandfather Molchok?

Come to us, sit down, be silent...

Do you hear, good old man?

Silence! Molchok has arrived!

Don't scare him, look

Do not say anything.


Can you imagine?!

On Sunday

It was the cat's birthday!

The cat was playing with its tail

I had fun, I laughed!

The ball rolled on the floor -

I had fun, I laughed!

And jumped around the room -

I had fun, I laughed!

And then the Cat got tired, And she cried a little: meow!


(on the knees)

We'll jump, we'll jump, we'll jump

Let's ride a horse!

We don't cry anymore

Everything is fine with us.

Now let's go for a walk.
Let's play with the kids.
But so that my Nastenka
Never frozen.
We'll wear a hat
To hide the ears
Nastya is on top.
And a warm scarf around the neck,
Very soft and big.
Well now the jumpsuit
Nastenkin's favorite.
You will become like a gnome
My flower, dear!
I'll put you in a wheelchair
Let me tell you an interesting story.

Tanya put on a mitten
Oh, where am I doing my finger?
No, finger, gone
I did not get into my house,
Tanya took off her mitten
Look, I found it.
Seek, seek and find! Hello finger!
How are you?


To the village Poteryaevo

Went for a walk pantyhose.

Went and got lost there

Ah, poor orphans!

They sit under a bush

Do not cry, but roar!

hostess, hostess

The hostess is called.

And the hostess remembered

Where were you in the evening?

I went to Poteryaevo, I found tights.

One two three four five -

We are going to walk.

Tied up Katenka

The scarf is striped.

Let's put on the legs

Valenki, galoshes…

And let's go for a walk

Jump, run and play.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!

Don't sit on the path.

Our baby will go

It will fall through the pussy.

Get out of the way, cat

Our Tanechka is coming.

Top-top, top-top-top!

Our Tanechka is coming!

It won't fall for anything.

Top-top, top-top-top!

Here are the boots:

This one is on the left foot

This one is on the right leg.

If it rains,

Let's put on boots:

This one is on the right foot

This one is on the left leg.

That's so good!

Big feet walked along the road:

Top, top, top, top, top, top.

small feet

Run along the path:

Top, top, top, top, top

Top, top, top, top, top.

Top top on the ground

After all, the land is ours.

And for us grow on it

Pies and porridge!

Now let's go for a walk.
Let's play with the kids.
But so that my Nastenka
Never frozen.
We'll wear a hat
To hide the ears
Nastya is on top.
And a warm scarf around the neck,
Very soft and big.
Well now the jumpsuit
Nastenkin's favorite.
You will become like a gnome, small, beautiful!

Educator: Shamsutdinova Z.Z. 2017

Explanatory note

Nursery rhymes are wonderful material selected by folk pedagogy. They include ways of expressing maternal love and caresses that are accessible to the perception of a very small child. Rhymes are always funny and concise. They perfectly develop the child's speech hearing: the ability to listen, to distinguish sounds that are close in sound, the rhythm and fluency of speech, its intonation and expressiveness, to catch the rise and fall of the voice. Children's rhymes also have a subtle pedagogical meaning. Accompanied by gentle stroking of the arms, legs, back and tummy, nursery rhymes help newborn children to establish contact with their mother and make the care processes pleasant: changing diapers, feeding, bathing, putting to sleep. For children of the second and third years of life, nursery rhymes can be used as consolation or entertainment. Rhymes develop a sense of trust in the world around. When a child hears a positive speech from a kindergarten teacher, he learns to correctly understand, perceive what is next to him. Rhymes have a beneficial effect on the hearing organs, cause a smile, laughter and a feeling of deep satisfaction. None modern technologies will not replace a warm-sounding voice for a child.


  • upbringing sound culture speech. Rhymes are always funny and concise. They perfectly develop the child's speech hearing: the ability to listen, to distinguish sounds that are close in sound, the rhythm and fluency of speech, its intonation and expressiveness, to catch the rise and fall of the voice.
  • vocabulary enrichment
  • To cultivate the ability to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems, follow the development of the action, empathize with the heroes of the work. Explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions;
  • To develop the ability with the help of a teacher to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales;
  • Repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from the Read work, giving children the opportunity to finish words and phrases that are easy to reproduce;
  • Teaching children to read by heart nursery rhymes and short poems
  • Continue to generate interest in books. Regularly review illustrations with children.

The richest material, the basis for games that develop communicative

skills that develop speech in all its aspects are Russian folklore.

Nursery rhymes - a small genre of oral folk art

A special role in the development of young children preschool age play jokes.

The unique originality of the nursery rhyme is especially valuable for the child. The activating effect is provided by the sound speech flow. Children distinguish speech from all other sound signals, give it preference. A simple rhyme, repeatedly repeated words, exclamations and emotional appeal involuntarily make the baby listen, repeat the words. Repeating sound combinations, words, their melodiousness create the effect of musicality. With their help, the child develops speech hearing, pronunciation of sounds.

Rhythm plays an important role in reading a nursery rhyme.

The speech of children is accompanied by the movement of hands. It has been proven that between the speech function and the general motor system there is close connection. The combination of body movement, fine motor skills of the hands and organs of speech helps to relieve tension, teaches the observance of speech pauses, helps to get rid of the monotony of speech, normalizes its pace and forms the correct pronunciation. Memorizing poetic texts and nursery rhymes with the participation of hands and fingers leads to the fact that the child remembers better, develops imagination and activates mental activity baby.

Regular use of nursery rhymes in kindergarten will lay the foundation for the psychophysical well-being of the child, which determines his success. general development V preschool period childhood.

Rhymes are of great importance for educating children in friendliness, goodwill, and a sense of empathy. As a result of communication with folklore works, their moods and feelings are transmitted to the child: joy, anxiety, regret, sadness, tenderness. They expand lexicon baby, activate cognitive and mental development, contribute to familiarization with the outside world, as a result of which their susceptibility and sensitivity develop, a humane attitude towards the world is formed.

Folklore works contain many colorful and vivid verbal pictures, which allows enriching children's vocabulary.

Frequent listening to them helps to learn new forms of words denoting objects. The accumulation of such speech samples further contributes to the transition to linguistic generalizations. Reading nursery rhymes occurs with many repetitions, where individual words, phrases, sentences and even quatrains are repeatedly pronounced. All this contributes to the memorization of words, and then their active use. Another value of nursery rhymes is that the word can be combined with the action of the child. The content of many nursery rhymes is rich in verbs. With their use, the actions indicated by the words are demonstrated, thereby associating the word itself with the action.

I developed a circle for children of the nursery group "Rhymes - helpers"

The program is designed for children of primary preschool age (2 – 3 years old)

The activities of the circle are carried out continuously throughout the day in different types activities and regime moments. Program implementation period 8 months

Expected results of work:

  • the child's speech hearing develops: the ability to listen, to distinguish sounds similar in sound, the rhythm and fluency of speech, its intonation and expressiveness, to catch the rise and fall of the voice.
  • vocabulary enrichment
  • the ability to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems, follow the development of the action, empathize with the heroes of the work.
  • stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales
  • Repeat the most interesting, expressive passages
  • pronounce words and easy-to-reproduce phrases
  • recite nursery rhymes and short poems
  • look at illustrations.

The result in the implementation of the circle program is speech activity children.


  1. Facilitating the process of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten;
  2. Development of verbal communication;
  3. Formation of interest and need in reading books.


1. To teach to listen to short, accessible folk

2. Shaping grammatical structure speech;

3. Development of monologue and dialogic speech;

4. Development of fine motor skills

5. Development of literary speech;

6. Introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Educational area "Reading Fiction" :

Develop verbal communication. Encourage them to move from communication using gestures and facial expressions to communication using available speech means.

Educational area


Contribute to the expansion of the stock of understood words in the process of free communication with peers and adults.

Educational area


  • teach children to express a friendly attitude towards peers.
  • Encourage empathy and responsiveness.


On preparatory stage I have done the following work:

  • selected folklore material, adequate to the age of children;
  • a card index of nursery rhymes, poetry of nurturing for all sensitive moments was compiled;
  • selected illustrated literature with folklore works.

At the main stage in nursery group work will be organized using folklore throughout the day, including them at various regime moments.

I will use nursery rhymes not only in sensitive moments

and in the classroom, but also in organized educational and collaborative partnership activities.

METHODS AND TECHNIQUES used in the implementation of the circle:

1. Playing out the plot of the nursery rhyme.

I will use visual aids during the NNOD with children (toys, pictures, illustrations, etc.) with which to create a detailed picture of actions. One of the main methods of visualization is the technique of staging a work. With it, you can achieve the ultimate understanding of the content. The dramatization technique is combined with synchronized reading, which helps to connect visual and auditory stimuli.

In addition, with the help of nursery rhymes, children learn a variety of expressive movements. For example, children show how a bear walks awkwardly, a fox gently sneaks, a bull stomps, a goat jumps and feeds, a cat walks carefully, how musicians work on different musical instruments (balalaika, fife, harmonica) etc.

2. Word games.

3. Outdoor and round dance games (At the bear in the forest)

4. Finger gymnastics.

5. Reading nursery rhymes while showing illustrations.

6. Logarithmics.


In the first years of life, the child is almost always surrounded by the most

close people, and only in joint work with parents, one can develop interest and love for the wealth and beauty of everything that surrounds him, for folk art. Therefore, to work with parents on this topic, it is planned:

  • Visual agitation (advice for parents) "Games with nursery rhymes at home" , "We are developing fine motor skills» , section in the corner for parents "What We Teach" )
  • Information - analytical - folder design - movement
  • Cognitive (talks about the importance of nursery rhymes in the development of a child).

Thanks to this project, level diagnostics speech development showed

good results in the children of our group.


Shows that the purposeful and systematic use of nursery rhymes helps children master:

  1. mother tongue;
  2. Various types of activities (sculpting, drawing, designing, physical and musical development);
  3. Basic self-care and hygiene skills.

The result of the circle is positive emotions, cheerful, cheerful

the mood of my children, which helps to master their native language, develops memory, imagination, thinking, makes it possible to run, jump, i.e. comprehensively develops the child.

Children during the game carried out independent transfer

actions, situations, beloved nursery rhymes in games and in everyday activities.

For example, when washing:

Water, water,
Wash Nastya (Sachet) face,
To make the eyes sparkle
To make your cheeks blush.

To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

When feeding:

Clever Polenka,
Eat sweet porridge
Delicious, fluffy
Soft, fragrant.

When lifting:

Pulls, pulls,
From toes to toes,
We'll stretch, we'll stretch
Let's not be small.

When dressing for a walk:

Here are the boots:
This one is on the left foot
This one is from the right foot.
Let's put on boots:

This one is on the left foot
This one is on the right leg.

Mobile and round dance games:

"At the bear in the forest"

This game requires the participation of two adults.

"Bear" (one of the adults) sits on a chair in the corner of the room and "asleep" . Another adult with a child (or children) walks in the forest, collects "mushrooms" , "berries" , they overlap: “Ay! Ay! .

Then the adult and children, holding hands, begin to approach

"bear" with words:

At the bear in the forest
I'll pick up a lot of cones
And the bear is blind -
Don't run after me.

The branch will break -
The bear is chasing me!

On the last word "bear" growls (gently! so as not to scare the kids) and runs after the players, catching them. Bear and children. One of the adults is assigned "bear" . Another adult and children are squatting at one end of the room. "Bear" walks around the room, pretends to be looking for children and says:

The bear was walking in the forest
For a long, long time he searched
The bear was looking for children,
Sat down on the grass and dozed off.

Then "bear" sits down at the opposite end of the room on a chair and dozes off. Adult and children say:

The children began to dance
Bear, bear, get up
They started banging their feet.
Catch up with our kids.

At the last word, the children run to the other end of the room and squat down there.

"Geese, geese"

Children stand at one wall of the room. driving (adult) in the middle.

The host says: "Geese, geese" .

Children: "Ha, ha, ha" .

Leading: "Do you want to eat?" Children: "Yes Yes Yes" .

Leading: "Well, fly - if you want, just take care of the wings" .

Children run to the opposite wall (there is their house), and the presenter should have time to touch as many children as possible.

"Mice dance"

Children - "mice" - lead a round dance, in the middle "asleep" "cat" (one of the children)

Mice dance
A cat is napping on a couch.
"Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake the cat Vaska.

How Vaska the cat wakes up
Will break our round dance!

On last words "cat" wakes up and catches "mice" . Children can hide if they sit on chairs (will climb into minks).

"Big and small feet"

Children take each other's hands and walk in a circle, either slowly, loudly stamping their feet, or accelerating their pace and often moving their legs.

Big feet
Walked along the road
Top - top, top - top
small feet

Run along the path
Top top top then top
Top top top then top
We are walking through the forest

Hold hands and walk in circles:

We are walking through the forest
Let's find the animals.
We will call the hare loudly: "Ay - ay - ay!"
Nobody answers

Only an echo resounds
Quiet: "Ay - ay - ay!"

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: "We will call the wolf loudly" , "We will call the bear" , "We will call the fox" .

"On a flat path" Hold hands and walk in circles:
On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking

Our feet are walking.
On stumps, on bumps, on pebbles,
Over the pebbles, into the pit - bang! (Sit down on the last line.)

"Bunny walked"

Hold hands, forming a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a carrot
Sat down, ate and moved on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,

In words "sat down" - Stop and squat down.

"Inflate the Bubble"

Hold hands - you will succeed big bubble. Lead a round dance with the words:

Inflate the bubble

Blow up big.

stay like this

And don't crash.

(disengage your hands and clap your hands).

The bubble burst! Let's fly!

(run around the room).

"Like our name days"

Hold hands with the children and walk in a circle, performing the appropriate movements:

Like our birthdays

We baked a loaf:

This is the width

Here are the dinners

(converging towards the center)

Here is such a height

(raise hands up)

Here is such a low.

(put hands down)

Caravan, caravan,

Whoever you want, choose

Of course I love everyone

And the kids are the most.

Finger gymnastics:

Lived - there was a bunny -

Long ears.

Frostbitten bunny

Nose on the edge.

Frostbitten nose,

Frostbite ponytail

And went to warm up

Visit the kids.

They clap their hands. 3 fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears.

Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

Rub your nose. Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

Petting a cat.

They turn the steering wheel.

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her the guys -

Yellow chickens.

"Ko - ko - ko, ko - ko - ko,

Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Walk with two fingers - index and middle - of each hand. Pinching movements with all fingers

each hand. Run with all fingers of both hands. They clap their hands.

They threaten with the finger of the leading hand. Rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, thumbs fix the palms at the edge of the table.

Children collect grains alternately with two fingers

each hand or both hands at the same time: large - index, large - middle, etc.

Pure water

Wash Sasha's face,

Anechka - clap,

And the fingers - Antosha.

washing movements. Stroking movements on the cheeks.

Intensive rubbing of the palms. Massage alternately each finger, "remove" gloves.

Lived - there were bunnies

On the edge of the forest.

Lived - there were bunnies

In a white hut.

Wash your ears

Washed their paws

Bunnies dressed up

They put on slippers.

3 fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears.

They clap their hands.

Show ears.

Show the house.

Rubbing ears. Washing movements with the palms of the hands. The movement of the palms from top to bottom along the torso. Show.

"My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

First, this game is played individually, bending the fingers on the child's hand as the poem is read. After the kids remember the movement,

play a game with a group of children. Repeat the game by inviting the kids to bend the fingers on the other hand. You can also invite the children to break into pairs and take turns bending their fingers in each other's hands.


I will show and tell, and you repeat after me.

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

Invite the kids to play. Connect your fingers to "Lock" .

Knock on the table with closed hands.

Circular movements with closed hands.

We knocked on the lock

We turned the lock

We twisted the lock...

And they opened it!

First twist the hands interlocked into the castle, then pull the arms in different sides. Unclip your fingers.


1. Mom needs to rest,

Mom wants to sleep

I walk on tiptoe

I won't wake her up.

Walking in circles on toes.

2. First I will be small,

I'll hug my knees

Then I will grow up

I'll reach for the lamp.

Squat down with your head down and clasping your knees with your hands, then gradually straighten up, stand on your toes and stretch as far as possible up, raising your hands.

3. Bear cub Jacques has a cold,

He needs honey today.

We'll give him honey for supper,

Because we are friends with him.

They go in circles. Holding hands, in the center one child, stop stretching their hands to the child "ladle"

They take the child in a circle, they all go together.

4. “Moo-mu-mu! - mooing cow

I gore Katya and Vova.

You don't drink milk?

Run away."

Go around in circles "horns" from decree. fingers. They turn to face each other, make two turns to the right - to the left. They put their hands on their belts, make an angry face, scatter around the group.

5. Our Christmas tree is beautiful

She ascended to heaven.

Slim beauty

All the guys like it.

They walk in a circle holding hands. Stop, reach out with your hands

up. Again they walk in a circle, holding hands.

6. These are eyes. Here. Here.

These are ears. Here. Here.

This is the nose. This is a mouth.

There is a back. Here is the belly.

These are pens. Clap. Clap.

These are legs. Top. Top.

Oh, we're tired. I'll wipe my forehead. Imitation of movements

7. Mushrooms grew in the forest under a pine tree

Mushrooms nod with a red cap

“They really want to please us.

Children perform a small spring, tilts to the right - to the left.

By the age of two, almost every kid has mastered the basics of walking and slowly begins to talk, albeit in his own language. But so far, the so-called baby talk is understood only by people close to the baby.

It is in your power to help your beloved child develop further! Funny and entertaining nursery rhymes for children of two years from this section will help you start developing your child's speech. They can also help your beloved offspring understand how interesting hiking is, which is so necessary for growing children.

What a rumble - boom-boom-boom -
The apple has fallen!
Find an apple in the grass
To not be lost. The author of the nursery rhyme: Kirill Avdeenko

One two three four five -
We are going to walk.
Tied up Katenka
The scarf is striped.
Let's put on the legs
And let's go for a walk
Jump, run and jump.

Sunshine, sunshine
Don't hide in the cloud
Don't hide in the cloud
The cold bored us.

Show us sunshine
Shine a little
Shine a little
Dry the tracks!

Warm us up, sunshine
bright beams,
Warm with rays
Make strong!

Hey, evening Star!
Hurry fly here
And sit at the table with me
Eat our porridge.
From a cup

Turley pigs
Backs to each other
Washed ponytails, hooks,
Washed heels!
Steamed with a broom
Steamed birch,
Flew out of the steam room
pink cloud,
Pink clouds -
Three ruddy spots.
And how they poured themselves from the tubs,
So no more hurry:
Settled in the senets,
IN terry towels,
After the heat
Near the samovar
They blow on saucers -
Admire each other:
Such souls
After the bath, pigs!

silver bottom,
golden shore,
Drive the chips along the waves!
light boat,
golden bottom,
silver fun,
mouse tree,
Green trails.
Swim away, little boat!

Ryabushka chicken,
Where did you go?
- To the river.
- Ryabushka chicken,
Why did you go?
- For some water.
- Ryabushka chicken,
Why do you need water?
- Water the chickens.
- Ryabushka chicken,
How do chickens ask for water?
- Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi!

Three rooks have arrived
They brought three keys.
Take, rooks,
golden keys,
Close the winter
Unlock the spring
Open summer!

Don't cry, don't cry
I will buy a roll.
Don't whine, don't whine
I will buy another.
Wipe your tears
I'll give you three.

You are smart, smart
You are smart, smart
The whole street knows about it
Rooster and cat
Yes, I am a little.

Clever, Katenka,
Eat sweet porridge
Delicious, fluffy
Soft, fragrant

Two beetles in the meadow
(springy leg movements)
Hopak danced:
Right leg top, top!
(stomp right foot)
Left foot top, top!
(stomp left foot)
Hands up, up, up!
(raise hands up)
Who will rise above all?
(pull up)

Lived - there was a bunny,
Long ears.
(put hands on head)
Frostbitten bunny
Nose on the edge.
(cover nose with hand)
Frostbitten nose,
Frostbite ponytail
(cover ass)
And went to warm up
(we hug ourselves)
Visit the kids.

Oksana Dolganova
Card file of nursery rhymes for children of primary preschool age

nursery rhymes

These are small sentence poems that accompany any activity with the child or the actions of the child himself - sipping from sleep, dressing, etc. Nursery rhymes are designed for the activity of the child himself, when he performs game movements on his own and correlates them with the content of the nursery rhyme song. Rhymes and pestles allow you to entertain the child or distract him, if he does not like, this or that obligatory action, for example, washing or eating. They help to accustom the child to the obligatory elements of the regimen and hygiene in a playful way.

Rhymes for feeding and washing

1. “The bunny began to wash

Apparently he was going to visit.

Washed my mouth

Washed my nose

washed my ear

That's dry."

2. "Vodichka, some water,

Wash my face

For the eyes to look

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth!

3. “Crane, open!

Nose, wash up!

Wash right away

Both eyes!

Wash your ears

Wash your neck!

Neck, wash yourself


Wash, wash,

Get wet!

Dirty, wash off!

Dirty, wash off!"

4. “Silver water,

How did you get here?

"Through the dewy meadows

I ran to kindergarten

"Silver vodka,

Why did you run to us?"

"To keep you all clean,

So that everything around sparkles"

5. “Roll up our sleeves,

Open the faucet - water.

My eyes, my cheeks,

My ears and palms!

Look, little ones

On your palms.

Ah, what palms!

Clean hands!

6. “Water flows in a stream

Water splashes in the river.

We will wash under the tap,

We are nowhere without water.

Wash my hands, wash my face

Soap, brush and water.

If you don't like to wash

Don't sing this song."

7. "Pure water

Wash Sasha's face,

Anechka - palms,

And the fingers - Antoshka.

8. “Do not wash, do not get drunk without water,

The leaf does not bloom without water,

And that's why always

Everyone, everywhere needs water.”

9. “We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water splashing.

Come out, vodka,

We've come to bathe!

Lie on your palms

In it-knife-ku,

No, not a little - dare,

We will wash more cheerfully. ”

10. “Brought from the well

Water chicken.

And chickens all over

Let's go wash."

11. "Crane, open,

Nose, wash up!

Wash both eyes at once!

Wash your ears, wash your neck!

Sheika, wash yourself well!

Wash, wash, bathe,

Dirty, wash off! Dirty, wash off!"

12. Flow, pure water,

You wash my clean face,

Wash your neck, wash your hands

Don't forget anything!

Soap, wash cleanly with soap,

Don't worry about anything.

The soap doesn't bite, it just rinses off."

13. "Who doesn't wash their hands with soap

Wednesday to Wednesday.

On a fluffy towel

Traces are printed.

14. “We have some water - a good friend,

People will say all around.

We will pour everything on our hands,

And then let's go play.

We say thank you

You give the guys power."

15. “My dear children!

I ask you to wash more often

your hands and face.

It doesn't matter what kind of water

Boiled, key.

From the river or from the well,

Or just rain.

Need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon

Before every meal

After sleep and before sleep.

16. “Every day I wash my soap

under hot water.

Wash yourself, soap, don't be lazy,

Don't slip, don't get angry.

So it didn't fall.

We don't wash it first.

Ah, it fell again

Let's wash it first.

We wash quickly

We wipe clean

So neat, so careful

It's nice to see us all."

Nursing fun

1. “And we have spoons

A little magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food.

There is no trace left."

2. "On my plate

red squirrel,

To make her visible

I eat everything to the bottom.

Drink, my friend, tomato juice,

You will be lean and tall."

3. "Deep and shallow,

Ships in a bowl

Here the ship is sailing

It swims right into your mouth."

4. "Shadow-shadow - sweating,

There is wattle in the garden.

In the hut the stove is heated,

Grandma is in a hurry

She bakes turnips

Puts on plates.

5. “People have breakfast in the morning!

Both birds and animals.

They drink milk from the krinka

Vanya and Yegorka.

Hares eat vegetables

And mice - crust.

6. “A cat in a cup

There was a lot of porridge.

Two grouse have arrived.

Two black grouse ate porridge.

And they shout to the kitten:

“Rotozei, you, Rotozei!

If they gave you porridge

We must eat it soon!"

7. “There is a horned goat

For the little guys

Who sucks a pacifier

Milk who does not drink

Yogo-boo - gore,

I'll put you on the horns."

8. “Once upon a time there were a hundred guys,

Everyone went to kindergarten.

Everyone sat down for dinner

Everyone ate a hundred cutlets.

Everyone then went to bed.


9. “Take a spoon, take bread,

And more for lunch.

10. "Let's put on a spoon

Cabbage, potatoes - and hide!

Try to find!

Not visible on the spoon

Cabbage, potatoes.

And not on the plate - look!

11. “The hour of dinner has come,

The children sat down at the table.

afternoon tea

12. “Here comes the afternoon snack,

The children sat down at the table.

To avoid trouble

Let's remember the food rules:

Our feet don't knock

Our tongues are silent.

Don't litter at dinner

Messed up - so clean it up. ”

13. “First he is in a large field


Then in the peasant barn


Then he bakes in the bakery

And soft, fragrant on the table


Fun while dressing and undressing

1. “Big feet walked along the road:

Top, top, top, top, top, top.

small feet

Run along the path:

Top, top, top, top, top

Top, top, top, top, top.

Top top on the ground

After all, the land is ours.

And for us grow on it

Pies and porridge!

2. "One, two, three, four, five -

We are going to walk.

Tied up Katenka

The scarf is striped.

Let's put on the legs


And let's go for a walk

Jump, run and jump."

3. Here they are, boots:

This one is on the left foot

This one is on the right leg.

If it rains,

Let's put on boots:

This one is on the right foot

This one is on the left leg.

That's so good!"

4. "Boots, boots,

small, small,

beaver edge,

Masha is black-browed."

5. “Tie a scarf tighter,

I will make a snow globe.

I will shake the ball

I want to play."

6. “Carcasses, carcasses,

Where are your ears?

Ears in a hat

They won't get their paws."

7. “Masha put on a mitten:

Oh, where am I doing my finger?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house.

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger!

How are you?"

8. "One, two, three, four, five -

We are going to walk.

Tied Mashenka

The scarf is striped.

Let's put on the legs


And let's go for a walk

Jump, run and jump."

9. “A shoemaker lives in our alley,

He mends and sews shoes for kids.

Knock-knock and knock-knock, knock-knock and knock

From morning to night he mends shoes,

To be like new after repair.

Knock-knock and knock-knock, knock-knock and knock-knock (tap the boot again)"

10. “We will go for a walk now,

But let's not freeze.

To make us warmer

Let's wrap ourselves in a blanket!

The ribbon is bright!

The blanket is hot!

Only eyes and nose!

For a walk! Out in the cold!"


1. “Sleep, sleep, baby Andryushenka.

All the swallows are sleeping

All killer whales are sleeping

To our Andryushenka

They tell you to sleep."

2. “Marinochka is sweet,

Sleep, little daughter.

Bye, bye, bye, bye,

The seagulls have arrived

They began to flap their wings

Put our children to sleep."

3. “Here people are sleeping,

And the animals are sleeping.

Birds sleep on branches

Foxes sleep on hills

Hares sleep on the grass

Ducks - on an ant,

The kids are all in their cradles.

Sleep, sleep, the whole world is told to sleep.

4. “Bayu, bayu, bayushok,

Cockerel in the garden.

Singing songs loudly

Vanya won't let me sleep

And you, Vanechka, go to sleep,

Sound sleep come to you.

You sleep - do not walk,

Just close your eyes."

5. "Bye, bye, bye, bye,

Doggy don't bark

And do not buzz in the horn -

Don't wake our kids.

Our children will sleep

Yes, grow big.

They will sleep more

Grow more."

6. "Silence by the pond,

Water does not pump.

The reeds don't make noise

The kids fall asleep"

7. "Ay, swing, swing, swing,

The rooks flew into the forest.

Ghouls don't fly

Everyone has long since fallen asleep.

Spiders do not scratch -

We climbed into the minks near the stove.

Only our Olenka

Goes to bed late.

Sleep walks around the house

In a gray robe

And Sonya under the window -

In a blue sundress.

They walk together

And you, daughter, sleep.

Bye, bye, bye,

I put Masha on the fluff -

On a feather bed

Masha will sleep soundly.

8. “A dream walks on a bench

In a red shirt

And Sonya - on the other -

Sundress blue.

They go together

Dream Katenka is being carried.

9. "Tales, tales,

The bunnies jumped

They began to swing the cradle,

To evoke a sweet dream.

They began to play pipes,

Misha began to fall asleep "

10. "Walking Sleep

Near windows.

Sandman wanders

Near the house.

And they look:

Is everyone sleeping?"

11. “Like our grandmother has seven grandchildren.

Seven-seven have not slept since the evening.

To everyone's grandmother

Come in the evening.

To everyone's grandmother

Start the song:

About a duckling, about a kitten,

About the fox, about the caterpillar,

Baku about the swan

Baku about bunnies.

The grandmother of seven grandchildren cradles.

12. “Sleep, Masha is the sun,

Sleep, little grain,

Sleep, my dear

Golden fish.

13. “Bye, bye, it’s time to sleep.

Guests are coming from the yard

From the yard go home

On a black horse."

14. “Bai-bye, bye-bye.

Sleep soon.

Bye-bye, sleep-sleep,

Take it easy on you."

15. “Lu-li, lu-li, cradles,

The gulls have arrived.

They sat down to coo

Where to put the baby."

16. "Bayu-bayu-bainki,

Let's buy some boots for the baby.

Let's put on the legs

Let's go down the track.

The baby will walk

Will wear felt boots.

17. “Oh, you are a gray cat,

Your tail is white

Get out, kitty, don't go!

Don't wake my baby."

18. “A dream walks on the mountain.

Wears a nap in his sleeve,

He sells to all the kids, he gives it to our Tanya "

19. "Lyuli, lyuli, bainki,

Bunnies in the garden.

Bunnies eat grass

They tell Nastya to sleep."

20. "Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, bye

Sleep soon.

I’ll go for the water, I’ll drink Zaek with tea. ”

21. “There is a dream at the windows,

He goes to Drema to bow.

You come in, Sandman, into the house,

Give us a break."

22. "Tales, tales, bunnies rode,

They began to swing the cradle,

To evoke a sweet dream,

They began to play the tune

Misha began to fall asleep.

23. "Bye-bye, bye-bye,

Doggy, don't bark

Cockerel, don't cry

And don't wake Vanyusha.

My Vanyusha will sleep

Yes, grow big.”

24. “Oh cradles, cradles,

The bugs were flying towards us.

They flew to us

We looked at them.

They flew, they flew

They sat on the birch.

And the birch creak, creak,

And my Vasya sleeps, sleeps.

25. "Silence by the pond,

Water does not pump.

The reeds don't make noise

The kids are falling asleep."

26. "Puffs, Puffs"

Across the fat

And in the handles of the grips,

And in the legs of the walker,

And in the mouth of talkers,

And in the head of the mind.

Sleeping bears and elephants

The hare is sleeping and the hedgehog.

Everyone should have been sleeping for a long time,

Our children too."

27. "Bayu, bayu, tales,

The seagulls have arrived

They began to flap their wings

Put our children to sleep."


1. “On the cat, pulls,

On a child of overgrowth,

And in the handles of the grips,

And in the legs of a walker,

And in the mouth a talker,

And I got wet in my head!”

2. “Here the cockerel woke up,

The hen got up.

Get up my friend

Get up, my Yurochka.

3. “The night has passed,

The darkness has been taken away

The cricket fell silent

Cockerel crowed.

Mother got up

Opened the stash.

"Hello, little sun!"

4. “We rested calmly,

fell asleep with a magical dream.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tightly,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open your eyes and stand up!”

5. “Guys, wake up!

Eyes open!

Stretch your legs, raise your arms.

We will go at a very small pace first.

And then a wider step, like this, like this.

Get on your toes

stretch your arms up.

Raise your legs above and walk like a heron.

"Airplanes" sat at the airfield, and then they gained weight.

They flew across the sky for a long, long time, then landed, tired.

The ball bounced high and high.

Rolled far, far away.

He spun around, now he stopped.

Finally, we woke up and got back to our business.

6. “Wake up, stretch, roll over on your side.

Slightly rise, and then sit down.

Now get up, start moving one after another.

We walk in a circle and raise our hands.

7. "Sip - sips

(We stretch our fingers up as high as possible)

Pull - pulls,

From toes to toes,

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

We are already growing, growing! We are growing.”

Fun with combing

1. “I’ll braid my braid,

I'll braid the Russian

I weave, I weave, I weave

I say:

"You grow, grow, braid -

The whole city is beautiful."

2. “Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't shed a hair

Grow, braid, to toe -

All hairs in a row.

Grow, braid, don't get confused

Mother, daughter, listen.

3. “I scratch, I scratch my hair,

Combing the braids!

What do we do with a comb?

Tanya is doing her hair.

4. “Although I often quarrel with you,

scallop toothy,


Can't be without you sister

Braid your pigtails.

Without you, I would have to

Walk around all day shaggy "

Fun with movements

1. “The mice came out one day (walking)

See what time it is. (palm to forehead, turn sideways)

One, two, three, four (clap)

The mice pulled the weights.

(hand movements from top to bottom)

Suddenly there was a loud ringing (cover your ears with your hands)

The mice ran away ”(run)

Bunny gray sits

2. “A gray bunny sits (They sit like bunnies)

And wiggles his ears. (make ears on the head with handles and move them)

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws. (clap hands)

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump. (jump like bunnies)

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump. (2 times)

The wolf scared the rabbit.

Bunny jumped and ran away.

3. “Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra,

The horses left the yard. (Children walk, raising their legs high)

And the boys caught them

They drove them to the collective farm yard. (moving at a straight gallop)

4. “I’m going, I’m going to my grandmother, grandfather (perform a straight gallop)

On a horse in a red cap

On a flat path

On one leg (change legs)

In an old spatula

On potholes, on bumps.

Everything is straight and straight

And then suddenly into the hole - bang! (squat)

bear clumsy

5. "Bear clubfoot

He walks through the forest, (They walk briskly)

collects cones,

Sings songs. (Squat - collect cones)

The bump bounced

Directly to the bear in the forehead. (Hold hands on forehead)

Teddy bear got angry

And with the foot - top! (Stomp foot)

There is a horned goat

6. “There is a horned goat (Put “horns” to the head”)

For the little guys.

Legs - top-top! (stomp feet)

Eyes - clap-clap! (Close your eyes and open your eyes)

Who doesn't eat porridge?

Who doesn't drink milk? (We threaten with a finger)

I gore, I gore!” (Butting heads)

Two funny sheep

7. "Two funny sheep

They split up near the river.

Jump jump, jump jump! (joy jumping)

Jumping white sheep

Early in the morning near the river.

Jump jump, jump jump!

Up to the sky, down to the grass.

Up to the sky, down to the grass. (We get on our feet, stretch up. We squat, we lower our hands down)

And then spinning (Circling)

And they fell into the river. (Falling)