Party in the style of an African safari: entertainment program. African party or how to organize a holiday of primitive aborigines

The Cradle of Humankind frightens with its primitiveness, but fascinates with its pristine splendor. Hot African party – original theme for any holiday when you want to forget about the sometimes oppressive burden of civilization.

It’s also bright, fun and very colorful! Thousands of ethnic groups, a unique rich fauna among scorching deserts, endless savannas and shady jungles. Incendiary rhythms of music that expels not only evil forces, but also gray thoughts. What will your party be like? African style: safari, wild tribe, creepy Voodoo, national surroundings?


The most interesting thing is that the listed ideas can be combined. Within the framework of this topic, it is appropriate to be overloaded with details and crazy color solutions. A priest with a cell phone, a pygmy in a shaggy skirt on the streets flooded with thousands of lights - this is Africa!

Of course, if you are celebrating an anniversary or another important date (top-level format), it is better to choose one direction. You don't have to go to extremes, just focus on something specific, and the rest of the details will serve as an addition.

We offer ideas for decorating an African party for adults:

  • draping with fabric with a zebra/tiger pattern or a recognizable geometric pattern. Multi-colored pillows, woven rugs made from strands of fabric, bamboo, reed. "Skins" anywhere. Bright decor looks beautiful on a plain fabric like burlap;

If the room is small or the celebration will be outside, it is easy to imitate a hut using drapery. Small huts made of branches and leaves thrown on top can be placed in the hall for ambiance.

  • photos or paintings of nature, scenes from tribal life, girls. This is a very popular trend in art - it’s easy to make a selection through a search and print out the pictures you like;
  • headdresses, shaman masks, fake horns on the walls. Driftwood can be used as antlers, or you can cut out foam ones and spray paint them. Paint cardboard masks with acrylic - look for ideas for African-style patterns on the Internet;
  • musical instruments, primitive weapons, tools. If there is nothing similar, print the photo and stick it on dense base and hang on the walls for ambience. Or make props from scrap materials - spears, bows, clubs, drums will be useful as photo accessories;

  • wicker and pottery in African style, souvenirs, figurines - ask your friends, you will probably find something suitable. For example, many have figurines of African women, cats, elephants, turtles, monkeys;
  • at a party with an emphasis on originality, beads from “bones”, skulls (ashtrays), garlands with feathers, straw dolls and other Voodoo passions are appropriate;
  • fire – a fake fire, thick candles in “greasy” bowls, bio-fireplace, candle lanterns. If the light in the room is dim, wrap the vines with electric garlands - very beautiful!

  • live and/or artificial palm trees, broadleaf plants, leaves in floor vases . It’s easy to make a palm tree from tattered strips of paper, packaging bags, peat cups - hide the stick and attach it on top paper leaves. At the African-style New Year celebration, an elegant palm tree will replace the traditional spruce;

Does the desert or savanna attract you more than palm vines? Use dry twigs, sun-bleached driftwood (paint), succulents, sand and pebbles in transparent containers for decoration.

  • lianas, hanging plants, exotic flowers(potted, bouquets). To make a vine, wrap brown paper tightly around nylon thread and randomly glue leaves. You can safely hang massive decor on it - it won’t tear;
  • elephants, giraffes, parrots, crocodiles and other hippos. Dark silhouettes against the backdrop of a red sunset create a very colorful atmosphere. Plus the already mentioned figurines, photos, paintings. If the format is friendly, you can have some fun - the theme is inviting: funny children's pictures, drawings on large cardboard.

If we are talking about Safari party, more greenery and animals. National color – colorful drapery, ethnic dishes, objects folk art. Wild people - masks, tools, skins, weapons.

To create a festive atmosphere, hang garlands of beads, beads, feathers, bright motley or striped-spotted ribbons. You can order stylized balloons through the network. For your birthday, make a congratulatory banner from letters on “skins”, leaves, flowers, animal tracks.


When considering ideas for invitations, consider the nuances of your African party scenario and the format as a whole. The theme is very multifaceted, and the invitation should reflect the main direction of the holiday.

  • postcards in the shape of an animal, which one or the same;
  • fake ticket/passport with a map of the mainland, “customs” stamps, silhouettes of animals;
  • a miniature traveler's suitcase made of thick embossed paper or “crocodile skin”;

  • invitation card in coconut – plastic ball cover with coconut fiber. It is sold in florist shops, and unwinding balls are easier to order online (blanks for crafts);
  • invitation card decorated with feathers, beads, and fruits cut out of ornamental cardboard. Print out a suitable texture or buy paper in the craft department (scrapbooking, decoupage).


There are more than 3,000 ethnic groups on the second largest continent, so the definition of “national african costumes" is incorrect. This is a huge variety of conceivable and inconceivable “styles” from the most different materials. And if you approach the choice with humor and imagination, the ideas for costumes for an African party for adults are almost endless!

  • frank “palm” outfit, made of raffia, feathers and other gifts of nature. It is not necessary to adhere to naturalism - an imitation of ribbons of fabric over closed underwear will also look authentic;
  • a cape made of “skins” to the knees or an open suit made of scraps – primitive, warrior or shaman of the tribe, Voodoo priest;
  • a colorful dress/shirt with ethnic patterns, a traditional very loose or elegant modern cut - the collection of any fashion house has clothes in African style. You can look at the photo and find something similar (the topic is very popular, the choice is huge);

  • material for zebra, tiger, giraffe or T-shirts with themed pictures . A funny lion cub or a sexy lioness, a traveler in the usual pith helmet, a skirt made of fabric bananas and a coconut bra and... Fantasize!

Does such a stormy extravaganza not fit into the planned format? Specify the dress code in the invitation, otherwise everyone will perceive the theme differently.

It is better to darken the skin with bronzer on top foundation or face painting paints + fixative. You can buy self-tanning product (it doesn’t wash off), special makeup for artists (gets dirty).

Makeup is natural or deliberately bright, ethnic. Hair can be braided, curled small curls, hide a scarf under a cocoon or wear a fluffy wig. If you opt for a traditional look, don't forget large accessories made of beads, wood, leather, and feathers.

Menu, serving

African food for a party has endless options, as with costumes, because we are talking about a huge continent. The menu includes Algerian, Moroccan, Nigerian, Ethiopian, and South African cuisine.. Common trends include a love of fried/stewed meat, legumes, and spices. One of the recognizable features is the addition of fruit to meat/fish.

But many recipes cannot be repeated due to the lack of key ingredients in our stores. We chose simple options, from which you can create a menu for an African party (recipes are available online, products are available):


  • Couscous with vegetables or meat
  • Soya – similar to kebab, pieces of meat with peanuts, soy sauce, paprika
  • Boboti - meat (beef or lamb) casserole with almonds, dried fruits
  • Shakshukha – poultry, vegetables, noodles – very tasty and satisfying
  • Beef with cheese and bananas
  • Meat baked with kiwi
  • Trout in Moroccan style

Salads and snacks

  • Moroccan vegetable shergi with oranges
  • Banana salad with ham, raisins and cream
  • Algerian eggplant
  • Fetkuk with tuna – small one-bite pies


  • Crocs - striped sponge biscuits
  • Charek – very tender nut treat cookie-like
  • Banana cream with raisins and milk
  • Banana muffins, fried bananas (simple, tasty and atmospheric, perfect for a party!)

Any will fit into the theme fruit salads and desserts, fresh exotic fruits and dried fruits, figs, dates, nuts. Drinks – grape and honey wine, tangerine liqueur, fruit cocktails (both with and without alcohol), coffee.

Injera "pancakes" made from corn or wheat flour served with a variety of appetizers - sauces, meat/vegetable stews. Snacks are on separate plates; the guest himself takes what he likes and eats the injera like pita bread. At a common table various snacks placed on a huge “pancake” with which the common dish is lined.

When there is no time for culinary experiments, you can limit yourself to a beautiful presentation. Let the food be familiar - the “African” decoration will fit the table into the overall ambiance. Simple ideas:

  • buy stylized napkins, tablecloth, dishes (if disposable, then paper is better, not plastic);
  • Using acrylic and a stencil, decorate the dishes with thematic designs. Glue silhouettes of animals and plants to transparent dishes/glasses;

  • line the appetizer dish with “palm” leaves cut from a thin disposable tablecloth;
  • zebra stripes with black and white chocolate on desserts (melt, draw with a medical syringe without a needle). Tiger stripes – chocolate and apricot jam;
  • there are a lot of tutorials online on how to make animals from mastic, vegetables and fruits to decorate any food;

  • cocktails in pineapple, desserts in coconut shell, jelly in orange, fruit salads, punches in watermelon/melon rind - bright, atmospheric.

A simple option is background one-color dishes and an abundance of thematic attributes. Toothpick toppers, garlands, paper “zoo”, figurines, masks, etc., which are used to decorate a room, but in miniature.


It won’t be difficult to come up with a plot scenario for an African party: a war between two tribes, the initiation of young hunters, or the struggle of aborigines with alien whites. But at an adult party, a common outline is hardly necessary - you can just have fun, participate in competitions, dance to ethnic music.

Make a track list, including national African songs and music, modern dance compositions, sounds of nature for the background (minutes of relaxation).

We offer games and competitions for an African party in a friendly, informal atmosphere.


Guests are divided into two teams. From each you need to choose 1 person who will play the role of prey, the rest are hunters. Team A hunts player B, and vice versa. Give the hunters a block of office stickers.

You cannot touch the prey with your hands or interfere with its movements in any way; you are only allowed to put stickers on it. The team with the least capped player wins. You can “chase” common loot together, then you need multi-colored stickers (as many teams, as many colors). Whoever has the most stickers on the “skin of the beast” wins.

Stubborn elephant

A strong nylon rope or rope, tied so that 2-4 ends diverge from a common center (according to the number of players). The rope needs to be tied around the waist. The guests stand with their backs to each other and, on command, each pull in their own direction. The one who wins over the rest deserves the title of the most stubborn elephant and a bag of peanuts.

Pygmy mating dance

A humorous test of artistry for men. The ladies sit on chairs, their friends/gentlemen perform a courtship dance to the sounds of “tam-tam”. You can come up with nominations - the most original, sexy, funny dance.


An African game known throughout the continent. It’s similar to our tags, but the one who was taunted stands behind the driver (holds him by the clothes or the waist). The Mamba becomes longer with each person it gets, it is more difficult to control, and there are fewer and fewer players to get rid of. The winner is the one who remains the last one not to join the mamba.

Antelope race

The players stand in twos at the start - one in front, the second holding him by the waist. The goal is to be the first to jump (namely, jump like an impala) to the finish line without getting disengaged.

Riddles with a trick

For a break from active games, towards the middle of the party. Answer together or each for himself (write down), fighting for the title of the wisest monkey (turtle?). It’s easy to continue the list by redoing similar riddles:

  • How far into the jungle can a monkey run (until halfway, then it runs out)
  • Which animal is more likely than others to get run over (zebra)
  • Under what trees do lions hide from the rain (under wet ones)
  • Small, spotted, very similar to a giraffe (calf or “baby giraffe”)
  • What does half a pineapple look like (the other half)
  • An Angolan says: “Everything is better here than in Namibia - food, women, climate. They only have one thing better.” What is this? (neighbours)
  • What is the size of an elephant or even more, but weighs nothing (the shadow of an elephant)

The scenario of an African party will include limbo, dice games, twister, any competitions for dexterity, strength and, of course, accuracy - shoot from a bow with suction cups, throw darts, throw rings on bottles or coins in pith hats.

Prepare memorable gifts– souvenirs, jewelry, stationery, key rings. In animal shapes or designs, tiger/zebra stripes or giraffe/leopard spots.

Other thematic ideas read .

Only African party will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions and great mood. If you want to have a holiday without restrictions and conventions, we invite you to an African party. This is a great idea to celebrate a birthday in the summer.

Unforgettable teen party attracts not only the bright clothes of the participants, but also the absence of strict requirements for the organization and form of clothing: simply active and free chunga-changa. A safari is a journey that allows you to see natural and initial conditions surrounding nature and wild animals. Once upon a time this was the purpose of a real hunt, but now it is just a photo hunt.

Africa is a large continent, containing 61 countries and covering several climate zones. But many are interested in that part of the continent where uneducated people and hungry predators live. If you don't know how to throw a party in style Africa, then you should know that the entire tribal population dresses in a similar way. Each one wears loincloths, animal bone beads, feather jewelry and painted faces.

Indian party

By contacting an event company, you receive professional organized event. The role of the leader is played by the leader of the Redskins, who will come to Indian party for teens, will tell you about the secrets of his tribe and gather a group of like-minded people to search for missing animals or jewelry.

This fabulous party is filled with romance, freedom and adventure. At the beginning of the event, you need to be initiated into Indians, get a new name, paint your body, and then show your courage and skills. If carried out latin party, then the animators will prepare an exciting and realistic holiday program.

To friendly party It was memorable, the animator will be in a real Indian costume, he will have colored feathers, a bow and arrows. He will teach everyone how to shoot and recognize the tracks of wild animals. Entertaining competitions and games will make the event exciting and unforgettable.

Asian party

Unusual asian parties are also excellent option for the holiday. Japan and China are two colorful countries, and each has its own impressive traditions. Clothes, makeup, fireworks - all this is unusual. Such amateur parties will allow you to find yourself in the forbidden country of the East and learn traditions and customs. If you are tired of Latin American parties, then feel free to immerse yourself in the Japanese atmosphere.

A spacious room is suitable for this. You need to put a lot of effort into its design, so choose it according to the number of guests so as not to complicate the designers’ work. The menu should include rolls, sushi, noodles, and famous sauces. You can make fish sandwiches. Dress code is traditional: kimono, fans and bright makeup. Guys can draw a thin and slightly raised mustache. With traditional Japanese technology drawings were of trees, birds, sakura. Pink and green colors can be used in decoration.

Sushi Lover will give you an unforgettable theme evening

Our Sushi Lover specialists will offer you unusual party ideas V Japanese style. If you decide to celebrate a birthday or just get together with old friends, contact our Sushi Lover company. Japanese food has in its arsenal exotic and popular dishes that Lately have gained a stir among Russian gourmets.

If you also love sushi and rolls, then our company offers to order sushi catering and on-site master classes, thereby organizing a real sushi bar. Throughout the entire event you will not leave the feeling that you are in eastern country. Japanese cuisine with the participation of a creative sushi chef is not only rolls and sushi, but also other dishes: noodles, soups, salads, fish, side dishes, hot sauces. You will also see a unique sushi mosaic.

Off-site group master classes are an ideal option for spending time together with friends and family. You will learn how to prepare Japanese delicacies and receive a certificate confirming your knowledge. We also offer a mobile sushi station, at which our chef will cook in real time. You will watch his deft skill and be able to take part in the process. If you are planning to organize graduation parties, the sushi station will create an enchanting show that will leave unforgettable impressions and sensations in the soul of every guest.

(Disco program
for children of primary school age)

There is a screen with a picture of the jungle on the stage. The musical theme "Bambo in Africa" ​​plays. The face of the presenter appears in the hole of the firm.

HOST: Hello girls!
Hello boys!
Do you want to play?
But not cat and mouse,
There is a chance to misbehave
Arrange a ta-ra-ram,
Let's all go to Africa.
Escape from dads and moms!

The teacher appears on the stage.

TEACHER Small children!
No way
Don't go to Africa
Go for a walk in Africa!
Sharks in Africa
Gorillas in Africa
Large in Africa
Angry crocodiles
They will bite you
To beat and offend, -
Don't go, children,
To Africa for a walk.
Africa is terrible
Yes Yes Yes!
Africa is dangerous
Yes Yes Yes!
Don't go to Africa
Children, never.

The presenter comes out from behind the screen.

HOST: But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,
And Tanechka and Vanechka are running to Africa!
Guys, do you agree to go on a trip to Africa with me? Great, then hold on to this long vine, it will lead us to Africa.

Children take hold of the vine and dance in a circle to the music of “Bambo in Africa”.

HOST: They walk along Africa,
Figs and dates are picked, -
Well Africa!
This is Africa!
Let's say together: “Af-ri-ka!”

Dance block.
An Elephant appears from behind the screen.

Look at this, guys.
This is not a dream -
It's coming towards us across the savannah
Real Elephant!
Friends, do you know how to say “hello” in African? Jumbo! Let's say hello to the Elephant in African style. Jumbo! (The elephant nods its head to the children).
Let's dance with the elephant
I don't think he minds!

Dance block
The Monkey appears in the hole in the screen.

ELEPHANT: Look towards us
Monkey is jumping!
Almost real
Not a picture in a book!

Monkey appears on the stage. The elephant leaves.

MONKEY: Jumbo, boys and girls! Somehow I don’t like you, some of you are sad, some of you are boring, and you don’t even make faces. What, you can’t even show me your “nose”, like that! Or the tongue, like that! Or ears like an elephant, like that! Yes, you will make wonderful monkeys. Actually, I was going to have breakfast. By the way, do you like bananas? So, whoever eats the banana the fastest will win a prize.

The monkey is holding a competition “Who can eat the banana the fastest.”
A Karakula shark doll appears above the screen.

Here is the shark Karakula
Opened her evil mouth
You are going to the Karakul shark,
Would you like to get in?
Right in the mouth?
Us shark Karakula
Never mind, never mind.
We are the Shark Karakul
Brick, brick.
We are the Shark Karakul
Fist, fist!
We are the Shark Karakul
Heel, heel!
The shark got scared
And she drowned out of fear.
Guys, we won’t let her drown, we’ll dance together!

Dance block.

No, shark, even though you have teeth,
Even though you are dangerous,
We won't beat you
We will be friends with you!
But at a distance!
Swim yourself, shark, into the sea. And someone is flying towards us.
Look, in the airplane
Someone is flying across the sky.
This is the doctor, this is the doctor
Good Doctor Aibolit!

Doctor Aibolit comes out.

DR. AIBOLIT: Hello guys! Be honest, what hurts you? Throat, teeth, and maybe tummies? No? Well, then do your arms and legs hurt? Why don't you dance then? Now I will write you a very simple recipe. This is a fun dance!

Dance block.

Oh, I'm tired! Did you know that I have one patient. It crawls, hisses and wriggles, called a spectacled cobra.

A Cobra doll appears above the screen.

My darling, bespectacled, why are you so nervous? Come on, take some medicine. (Gives the cobra a potion, it calms down). Let Cobra dance, but only as it should be - to the tune. Guys, who wants to play along with our little snake?

The competition “Dudochka” is held.

And now, friends, you will dance, and we will watch!

Dance block.
A Parrot appears from behind the screen.

PARROT: Hello guys, why are you making noise, but there is no fight?

DR. AIBOLIT: And no one here is fighting. We have fun and dance.

PARROT: Yeah, it’s especially noticeable how much fun this Cobra is having. Guys, do you remember the length of the boa constrictor from my favorite cartoon? (The guys answer: “38 parrots”). How many parrots are there, I wonder, in this Cobra?

The parrot measures Cobra, and then everyone.

DR. AIBOLIT: It's a lot of fun with you, friends, but it's time for us to go into the jungle. Goodbye!

PARROT: Bye, bye, and hello to you, friends! Let's Dance!

Dance block.

Phew, thank you, I danced! I already want to fly. No applause! Ciao! I'm flying away!

The parrot flies away. The presenter appears.

HOST: Did you guys like Africa? Now let's check which African animals do you know?

1. Walks calmly, slowly,
Let everyone see how good she is
Comfortable and durable shirt
In which he walks...

2. He himself weighs ten tons,
And the poor guy's name is.....

3. There is no better swing than vine branches,
For these gymnasts, the antics...

4. There is a river in Africa called the Nile,
A toothy one swims along the Nile...

5. Long neck, big, like a closet,
A spotted one walks across the savannah...

And here is the giraffe himself!

The Giraffe appears with a letter on his neck.

Let's say hello to the Giraffe in African style! Jumbo!

The giraffe nods its head.

What kind of letter is this? (Is reading)“Dear, dear, most best boys and girls! Isn't it time for you to return home? Your moms and dads." Indeed, friends, it’s good in Africa, but better at home. Grab the vine, we're going home!

Scenario children's day Birthday in safari style is suitable for a holiday in honor of both a boy and a girl. But boys prefer this topic more often than girls. As for the age of children, by slightly adjusting the scenario, it can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child from 4 to 8 years old. The younger the birthday boy and his guests, the simpler the games should be and the more less entertainment should be included in the script, as kids get tired quickly.

What is a safari? Initially, safari meant hunting in East Africa, but today the word “safari” refers to travel, excursions, and trips into the wild, most often African. Children of this age, as a rule, are interested in everything related to animals, travel, and the outside world, so a safari-style birthday party will definitely appeal to them.

Benefits of a safari holiday – the opportunity to make the nursery bright, hot and exciting, like a long hike. In addition, at the festival, children can learn something new for themselves and demonstrate their existing knowledge about wildlife Africa.

Children's birthday in safari style: preparing for the holiday

1. Invitations. In the invitations, of course, you need to indicate the theme of the holiday. Then the children will look forward to their birthday with even greater excitement, and they will come prepared for the holiday.

It is better to choose or make it yourself with images of the jungle, African animals, safari, etc. You can take a photo of the hero of the occasion in a safari suit and use this image for the front of the invitation card.

Invitations can be designed as safari tickets, which indicate the date, time and location of the safari. In such an invitation, you can indicate what clothes the children should wear to the holiday (for example, “tourist costume” or “safari costume”).

You can leave one side blank on your invitation ticket. Let the kids take their tickets to the party. If possible, at the party an adult will take a photo of each child holding hands with the birthday boy using a Polaroid or digital camera (in this case you will need a color printer). One of the adults will paste the finished Polaroids or printed images into personalized invitations while the children are having fun at the party. At the end of the holiday, invitations and tickets must be returned to the children as souvenirs.

2. Costumes. When signing invitations, you can ask guests to come to the party in safari-style clothing. However, you can make the costumes yourself: for example, make safari helmets out of paper. They can also be made from plastic deep plates with a rounded bottom and wide edges. After making the holes, tie ties - for example, from jute twine. If you don’t want to do handicrafts, buy simple and very inexpensive safari-style panama hats in khaki color from a hunting store.

Also buy cheap plastic binoculars and hang them around the necks of the children who come to the party. You can also make binoculars with your own hands together with your child, preparing for the holiday. If you glue two plastic cups By cutting off the bottoms and gluing cellophane or tape in their place, you will get funny binoculars. Don't forget to attach a string or string to your homemade binoculars so kids can put them around their necks. In addition, boys can be offered bandanas, and girls - scarves with predatory prints.

3. Decor of the event venue. Try to create the atmosphere of an African jungle and a tourist camp set up in it. It will turn out bright, festive and cozy. For this you can use green fabric draperies, green balloons, posters with images of the jungle, a couple of artificial palm trees, etc.

Hang toy animals, animal masks and air balloons predatory colors. If you’re not too lazy, make some signs and also attach them to the wall: Zimbabwe – 4000 km, Sahara Desert – 5000 km, Ngorongoro Crater – 500 km.

Animal tracks cut out of paper can be glued to the floor using double-sided tape. interior can become the following items: compasses, binoculars, old suitcases, slingshots, backpacks, etc.

Multi-page article: 1

African national motifs are now very popular in the world. African blues, the sound of bongo drums mixed with the polyphonic chime of the real nature of the jungle gives birth to incomparable exotic music of romance, passion and freedom. This music conquers hearts, makes many peoples rise from their knees and raise their heads proudly. This music relieves tension, destroys the oppression of complexes and allows primitive instincts to break free. This music gives birth incredible strength erotic magnetism even in the most ugly women, subduing them to himself, forcing the blood in the veins to run in unison with its rhythm.


I have no doubt that you will find a lot of good music for your African party playlist, but I still recommend a few colorful, truly African tunes to you!

Don't ignore the contemporary popular music in Africa, based on the choral tunes of ethnic African peoples and performed in the rhythm of the “black blues”. You will probably like the tunes of VA, Ismal Lo, Rokia Traor, Soul Brothers, Johnny Clegg & Juluka, Balla Et Ses Balladins. And the noise of the jungle is perfect as a background for the holiday!

Well, now, listening to the sounds of wild, multifaceted Africa, and being inspired by it, let’s prepare entertainment for the guests!


1. Romantic love story of Tarzan and Jane

Remember the plot of the brilliant story? Tarzan (the little heir of the English from the lost ship) is taken under his wing and raised in the wild jungle by monkeys. Among animals, he gains the glory of the king of beasts. And everything would be fine, but then the sophisticated Jane, the daughter of a fanatical research scientist, also an Englishwoman, appears in the life of a young tanned guy, from the other side of the island...

This very plot can become a very worthy basis for the entertainment part of your party!

Game 1. “King of Beasts”

The struggle for survival and for production is the basis of existence in the wild jungle. Only those who have proven their strength, dexterity and cunning in battle eat and move freely in the thicket! Monkeys and tigers have been competing for the main values ​​of the jungle since ancient times! It's time to prove to Tarzan, son of the apes, who's boss!

Number of participants: at least 10 people.

Rules: all participants are divided into two teams - “Tigers” and “Monkeys”. The monkeys' task is to get from one end of the room to the other (from an open area to safe trees). The tigers' task is to prevent them from doing this. After all, in the trees, monkeys are inaccessible and practically invulnerable! If, while trying to cross an open area, a tiger even touches a monkey, it joins the tiger tribe and helps catch its own. The only ape who has “immunity” is Tarzan. He leads the maneuver of the monkeys and helps them overcome the distance to the saving trees with almost no losses. If Tarzan failed to lead the tribe to the trees, the tigers won, and he lost the crown of the “King of Beasts”. In this case, a new Tarzan is selected, and the game begins again. The winners will receive incentive prizes!

Game 2. “Flower Path to Jane”

Props: 4 paper lilies(you can take fabric flowers).

Number of participants: at least 6 men and 2 women.

Rules: all players (men) are divided into two teams. They are "Tarzans". The girls (they are “Janes”) stand on the opposite side of the room. The task of each team of “Tarzans” is to reach their “Jane” and return back without touching the ground with their feet, that is, along the lilies. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

Game 3. "Tarzan's Kiss"

Having overcome the path to Jane, Tarzan already wants more... A kiss! And, of course, he will do it in his own way, like a monkey!

Number of participants: all interested couples (boy + girl).

Rules: Tarzan must kiss Jane suddenly, from an unusual angle: hanging over her from a tree, standing on his head or on his hands, jumping, etc. All possible and creative options on the theme “kiss of a beautiful monkey”, those guests who do not participate in the game evaluate it by voting.

Remember that moment in the novel when Jane began to teach Tarzan “the manners of the English court”? Everyone had to be able to dance the waltz at that time. decent man! And Lord John Clayton (the real name of the adopted monkey) was simply obliged to know every step of the aristocratic dance! And, of course, all the members of his monkey tribe learned to dance in the jungle together with Tarzan! And the members of a competent jury must evaluate the original Wild Jungle Waltz!

To begin with, you must decide for yourself which of the broad African topics is closer to you. I offer three lines of conducting a holiday (as a rule, any of them provides enormous scope for the development of the personal imagination of each of my readers). And, accordingly, each direction paints its own specific “picture” of the entertainment program.

2. Life of a tribe of natives in the jungle

And this direction of the African party is interesting because it gives you the opportunity to feel like a small part of the great and powerful Nature. Live, feeding on her gifts, serve her, make sacrifices and obey her commands. So, for many centuries in a row, ethnic tribes of natives have been living in the deep (far from the eyes white man) areas of Africa.

Game 1. “Hunt for Peanuts”

Preliminary preparation: throughout your improvised jungle (hall) you need to hide unshelled peanuts even before the start of the holiday.

Props: bucket (bowl) for the found peanuts.

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: within 5 minutes you need to find as many peanuts as possible in the jungle. But! Native gatherers (according to the beliefs of the ethnic group) should not touch the sacred grains with their hands! Their task is to collect peanuts by any other means without using their hands!

Now this will be fun!

Game 2. “Sounds of the Jungle”

Can you roar like a lion, howl like a monkey and laugh like a hyena? Then the next fun is just for you!

Props: leaves with names of animals.

Rules: Each participant has a minute to read the name of the animal, using the voice of which they will have to convincingly address the audience. After a minute, the participants demonstrate their abilities, and the audience guesses who owns this or that sound. At the end of the fun, all participants are awarded new names: “Proud Lion”, “Cowardly Macaque”, “Keen Eye”, etc.

Game 3. “Traces of Unseen Beasts”

Every true jungle warrior must accurately determine which animal the tracks on the ground belong to. Do we know the name of the best hunter-pathfinder?

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Props: traces of an elephant, tiger, monkey, cockatoo, and other animals of tropical Africa cut out of paper.

Rules: Each participant is given a basket with paper paw and hoof prints. Within 1 minute he must determine who they belong to and name the animals. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.

Master class on African ethnic dances

In honor of your African party, give your dear guests the opportunity to feel with all their hearts the freedom of a real, rhythmic ritual dance of the natives! Invite an ethnic dance coach to your party! A lot of positive emotions are guaranteed to everyone!

3. True African safari

And finally, the third area of ​​the entertainment program is wild fun for the real “Kings of Nature” - hunting in Africa. A true safari! Chase, wilds, thirst and heat, danger and adrenaline! True, even hunters in Africa cannot deviate from the law of the jungle!

Game 1. “Let's go on safari!”

Accuracy, reaction speed and dexterity - these are the main advantages of a real hunter who is going on a safari to Africa! This wild land does not tolerate amateurs!

Props: two bags with a set of clothes: shorts, shirts, hats and boots.

Number of participants: minimum 6 people.

Rules: all participants are divided into teams. In front of each team (at a distance of 10-20 steps) there is a bag with safari clothes. The task of each player is to run to the bag, open it, put on its contents, then take everything off, put it in the bag, close it, and return to the starting line. The team whose members complete the entire task chain faster and better than others wins.

Game 2. “Save the Cub”

The first law of the hunter says: you cannot kill females that have recently had offspring! What to do if you suddenly found a child (elephant, tiger cub) who was lost? Of course, hurry to return him to his mother!

Props: hoops, pillows, rope, stuffed animals, balloons, blanket.

Number of participants: no more than 3 people.

Essence: Each hunter, with a rescued cub at his back, must navigate a jungle obstacle course to return the child to its mother.

Overcome a ridge of rock caves (climb through hoops installed at different heights);

Get over the big canyon (jumping on rocks and pillows);

Feed the hippopotamus (“feed” soft toy small candies);

Fly through the swamp (simulate a flight in a hot air balloon);

Overcome quicksand (stay on a blanket that will be rocked in all directions).

The winner, of course, is rewarded with a kiss (from the mother of the rescued cub)!

Game 3. “Testing the accuracy of hunters”

Props: two tables (7-10 steps apart), two bowls of peanuts, two metal camp mugs

Number of participants: double number (at least 6 people).

Rules: Two bowls of peanuts are placed on one table, and two mugs on the other. The team members' task is to take one grain of peanut from the bowl and put it into a mug on another table. The winning team is determined by the number of grains in the mugs.

Game 4. “Real Safari”

Props: Darts, pictures of animals.

Rules: in the center of the target there is a picture of the animal being hunted. The one who hits the bull's eye with a dart is considered the lucky winner of the trophy.

And you definitely need to end the holiday with an enchanting show. For example, invite an African folk group that plays bongo drums


Be sure to reward the most active participants in the entertainment program with symbolic prizes at the end of the evening! And in general, all guests should be given some kind of gift as a souvenir of the holiday. nice little thing. For example, a bar of tropical chocolate, a sweet banana (to be distributed to all the best monkeys of the party), a hat or mask (these trophies will be useful to hunters and natives).

But, most importantly, before you close the door behind your guests, check whether each of them leaves your holiday with good mood? After all, it is positive emotion- the highest appreciation for your holiday, for the preparation of which you spent so much time and effort! Is everyone smiling and asking to repeat the party for an encore? So the holiday was a success! With which I personally congratulate you!