At what age do babies begin to sit down. When can you start seating future men? The developmental process of a newborn

How many months can boys be seated without harming their health. The exact age when the boy will sit down will not be named by any pediatrician.

Raise a boy or a girl, at first it doesn't matter. And yet, parents like to give the baby non-existent gender qualities: “He eats well - the man grows!”, Or “Active baby, girls are faster than boys!”. In fact, the rate of development and physical data do not depend on gender at all, but on individual characteristics. The same goes for skill development. Girls and boys begin to sit up on their own at about the same time. Another thing is important, at how many months can a child (boy) be seated so as not to harm health?

But! If the baby is active, holds his head well, rises on the handles while lying on his stomach and uses all available objects to grab and sit down, then his muscles are strong enough to sit down.

In this case, you can sit the boys down, the main thing is to do it right.

Thematic material:

Firstly, the time spent in this position should be limited to 1 hour per day.

Secondly, set the angle of inclination correctly. At 5 months, the back of the stroller, deck chair or high chair can be raised at an angle of 40-45 degrees, from 6 to 60 degrees.

Who will sit first

The exact age at which the boy will sit down will not be named by any pediatrician. This period is affected not so much by gender as by the readiness of the baby, which depends on many factors.

  1. Physical training. If the parents did gymnastics, swimming, massage with the baby, they will learn to hold their head, rise on their arms and sit earlier.
  2. Temperament. Phlegmatic, calm children often lag behind their peers fidgets.
  3. Weight. Mobility and development of muscles depend on the weight of the baby, more than that, the load on the spine is much higher, and therefore sit in vertical position the boy will have a hard time.

So, a physically developed, active “thin man” will sit down at 5 months, and his peer “drunk” has the right to master the skill up to 9 months.

At premature baby there are 2 months left to catch up with the rest in development, which means that he will sit down much later.

Sitting or sitting down

Assessing the baby's ability to sit, parents often get confused in these terms. Therefore, they begin to worry and rush, forcibly put the child ahead of time.

Similar material:

By six months, babies sit with support or support, but it is difficult to stay in this position, they continually fall forward or on their side.

At this stage, in short attempts to sit, the back muscles are strengthened, and the baby himself learns to balance in this position.

Closer to 7 months, the little one will be able to sit on his own, albeit not for long. But "sit down" even later. When the child learns to crawl, he will sit down from the “lying”, “on all fours” position. It is the ability to sit down independently and will be the final stage in the formation of the skill. At what age? Most often at 8-9 months.

If by this time the baby does not even make an attempt, contact a specialist (neurologist or orthopedist).

When and how to seat a boy

You can start to sit down the boy, i.e. briefly give the body a vertical position from 5-6 months, depending on physical readiness. To avoid harm, read the following recommendations:

  • In good faith and in good spirits. When lifting the baby by the handles, do not make sudden movements. Stop as soon as you realize that this position is uncomfortable. Seat when the baby is in a good mood.
  • Mom is support and support. Take the first attempts to sit down not in a chair or pillows, but on your knees. So safer and calmer for the baby. If the baby is not 5 months old, it can only be seated in a reclining position.
  • Crawling is the best workout. Children's doctors and Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, insist that the child should remain in a horizontal position as long as possible. And instead of sitting down your son, teach him to crawl. During crawling, the curves of the spinal column are correctly formed, and the muscles are actively developing.
  • Dose sit-ups. The duration of the first workouts should be a few seconds, while the back angle should not be straight.
  • Help me become strong. Physical activity All kids need it, especially boys. In a couple of years, when he begins to perceive himself in terms of gender, this topic will be especially relevant. In the meantime, to sit, he needs strong bones and muscles.

How to achieve this? Do gymnastics, stimulate the boy's movements bright toys. Trying to reach them, he will quickly learn to control his body. You can also put crumbs in uncomfortable posture, trying to take a different position, he will develop coordination of movements.

  • No pillows and rollers (they subject the fragile child's back and spine to unbearable pressure, prevent them from changing their posture when they are tired).
  • Surround yourself with safety. Having tried at least once to sit, the baby will quickly understand the superiority of the skill and will repeat attempts again and again. To minimize the amount of bumps, remove any hard objects that it can fall on. Try to be there to support when the baby loses balance.

Don't rush things! As Komarovsky recalls, the most correct and natural course of development of skills is as follows: crawling - sitting - standing up - walking.

Summarize. How long to wait until the child sits on his own? As much as needs! When can a boy be seated? Only when he himself wants it and is physiologically ready. For the rest, be guided by your own intuition, because only you know what your little one needs.

If such happiness occurs in the family as the birth of the first child, then it is also accompanied by great anxiety of the parents about his condition. They worry and worry about how to provide the baby with proper care and feeding. The question is often asked about how many months boys can be seated so that this process does not harm their health and does not disrupt the processes of normal formation of the musculoskeletal system.

On this moment There are many opinions about how and when a child should sit down. This is very important, since in this position he begins to receive much more information than before, which has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional and physical development. There are certain statistics, but mom and dad should understand that since their boy is individual, he cannot fully match generally accepted norms. And therefore, you should not panic or be too proud of his achievements.

Cannot be planted early

Many people know that the early disembarkation of girls is completely unacceptable, since they may experience a bend in the uterus or a violation of the structure pelvic bones. This will lead to a problem with childbearing in the future. But what time the boys are seated needs to be clarified. Don't rush into this either.

The fact is that a tiny creature up to a certain age has a very weak spine, and the muscular system of the back is not developed. Therefore, forced disembarkation may result in deformational changes in the spinal column and its curvature. In addition, the baby's body at the beginning of its existence is completely unsuited for spending some time in an upright position. The softness and elasticity of the vertebrae, the light structure of the cartilage between them, when a huge load occurs, will lead to their shift from their normal position.

Worst of all, parents will not be able to determine such a change on their own, and this pathology will manifest itself much later. Therefore, if parents consider themselves literate, do not want their child to develop health problems, then they will not drop him off ahead of time. How many months are boys planted? This usually happens when he tries to sit up on his own. For this, there is one more prerequisite - the baby must have well-trained abdominal and back muscles.

What age is suitable for this

Many experts are now of the opinion that when the baby has normal formation of muscles and ligaments, then his body will be ready to sit, and he will begin to sit down on his own. And it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long it is possible to plant a boy.

At modern children it usually occurs between four and five months of age. Best of all, they get this action on an uneven surface, but a flat area can get in the way. There were times when parents, when dropping off their child, covered him with pillows so that he would not fall on his side or back.

At the moment, experts consider such an action completely inappropriate. However, some parents still repeat this, risking the integrity of the baby's spine. The use of props does not make sense also because when sitting on their own, the baby tries to strain, and thus trains the muscular and supporting apparatus.

Signs of readiness and its absence

The main signs that the child is ready to sit are:

  1. He very easily and actively, with great desire, rolls over on his tummy from a supine position and in the opposite direction, both to the left and to the right.
  2. Confidently raises the head and shoulder girdle and hold them for a while when on the stomach.
  3. Makes the first attempts to get up, grabbing the parents' fingers, and tries to stay upright on his own.

The child is not ready to be disembarked if he:

  1. Does not show activity, reluctantly rolls over on the tummy and back.
  2. When trying to disembark, he shows discontent or throws a tantrum.
  3. Feeling unwell due to some kind of ailment.
  4. It develops more slowly than its peers.
  5. Has side deviations nervous system confirmed by a specialist.

What the statistics say

And yet, to the question of when boys can be planted, it should be answered that, according to statistics, it is best to start doing this at the age of six months. For the first time, you can try to sit down a boy in your arms from about three or four months. The fact is that in this position he is not so much sitting as reclining, with legs slightly bent, which is a more gentle option for the spine. However, the duration of holding it in this position should not be more than five minutes.

You can also sit down in the process of making exercise. This will train the muscles and safely prepare the child for normal sitting. The boy should hold on to the fingers of an adult, and slowly rise, and then return to his original position.

When do boys start to sit down? To begin with, the first attempt can be made with a baby at five months old, but this should be done very carefully. In this case, the boy should not spend long time in this pose. Before reaching the age of five months, it is impossible to force the baby to sit. An exception can only be isolated cases when the child actively manifests himself and begins to sit down completely independently.

Nothing terrible will happen if the baby sits for the first time at 8, 9 or even 11 months. All this is considered a variant of the norm, and parents should take into account that in each case its development occurs exclusively on an individual basis.

In the event that all the skills and development of the baby are very late, it should be shown to a specialist and special studies should be carried out.

Having taken their baby from the maternity hospital, parents surround the precious child with all the best, sincerely rejoice at every achievement, even the most trifling, at first glance. Young mothers who spend a lot of time not only with their beloved child, but also with other mothers and their little ones, cannot always wean themselves from the habit of comparing their own child with others.

Being face-to-face with her son or daughter, it is unlikely that a parent will be very worried about the fact that her child rolled over a week or two later than expected, or, conversely, sat down a little earlier than is customary for children of a certain age . However, after listening to their friends and "colleagues", mothers often begin to push their child to certain actions, ahead of natural development.

Stimulation of physiological processes is good only under the strict supervision of a pediatrician, because in many cases it is strictly prohibited. First of all, this concerns sitting, many are perplexed: why can’t girls be planted up to 6 months, what’s wrong with that? The answer to this and many other questions can be found in the article.

We change position

In order not to force especially zealous readers to nervously scour in search of the necessary information, we will make a reservation right away: you can change the baby’s position from lying to sitting even before she celebrates her first six months, but only if she herself is ready for this.

When are girls seated? There is a huge difference between sitting and sitting down. It is one thing to cover a four-month-old baby with down pillows and put her in this “nest”, it is quite another to help the baby realize that she must learn to control her body.

The learning process assumes that a specially trained person ( visiting nurse, massage therapist, neuropathologist) or mother, after consulting a specialist, will engage in developing gymnastics with a girl, wellness massage And special exercises that help children strengthen their bone and muscular system. Mastering new skills, the child gradually learns to stand up on the handles, roll over, crawl, sit down, and then rise to his feet and walk. Every step of this long way must go one after the other, you can’t jump over the “steps” so as not to inflict in a hurry irreparable harm delicate and fragile body.

Everything has its time

Why girls should not be planted before 6 months and when can a baby be allowed to see the world from a different angle? The desire of parents to show their princess the whole world is quite understandable and justified. It is simply difficult for them to realize all that a little person will have to go through, because they have long gone their way of growing up and have forgotten how it was.

However, children are arranged in such a wonderful way that young mothers and fathers will not have time to look back, as their little one will run away from them, not only throughout the apartment, but throughout the yard, it is simply necessary to give him the opportunity to get to this himself. After all, the problem of why girls cannot be planted before 6 months is more likely to concern not the baby herself, but her parents.

At that moment, when she is ready for this both physically and psychologically, she will rise herself, without asking either permission or advice. It is important for mom and dad to prepare her for this, but not to rush. Theoretically, it is already possible to plant children from six months, but since everyone has their own pace of development, for some babies this can happen at five months, others will sit down at seven.

Hurry - you'll hurt the girl

There are many myths regarding why girls should not be planted before 6 months. The most widely accepted theory is that if early sitting down the baby in the future will certainly expect and related women's problems. Orthopedists and gynecologists have refuted this legend for a long time, medical science claims that this pathology does not depend on when the child began to sit down or when he sat down himself. The bend can occur as a kind congenital anomaly or be acquired, the reason for which is different kind infectious diseases.

But why it is impossible to plant a child early, in fact, pediatricians tell without secrets and roundabouts. A fragile spine, which is not supported by a developed muscular corset, as a result of an irrational load, bends in an absolutely unnatural way for itself. If a mother does not want her daughter's back to be an arc in the future, it is better not to rush into a sitting position.

Shall we sit?

Frightened by recommendations and warnings, parents often oppose the natural course of events. That is, the matter looks exactly the opposite: the baby is not yet six months old, she is already pulling herself up behind the bars of the crib or the wall of the arena and sitting evenly, like a column. Seeing such a picture, parents put the crumbs on their shoulder blades, try to keep them in this position with jokes and jokes, because they know that when girls are seated at such a young age, this is fraught with health problems.

We hasten to reassure worried parents: if the child is ready to sit, he himself is not what he wants, but brings his desire to life, then so be it. Doctors recommend not to strain the small back too much and try to change the position of the girl, but not laying her down, but stimulating crawling, standing on all fours, followed by rocking. All these exercises help to strengthen the back and spine, contribute to the harmonious and smooth development of the body.

Physiology of a girl up to six months

For six months of her life, the little lady has come a long way. Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, she could only lie on the bed and randomly move her arms and legs. Every month, the parents watched their princess grow stronger, at first she improved, she realized that she could lead not only her parents, but also her limbs.

By turning the baby on her tummy, the mother changes the world of the baby, after a few weeks the girl can keep her head up for several minutes and look at the world around her. It is quite natural that after another couple of weeks she wants to spin herself from one barrel to another, and then roll over on her tummy and back on her back, without waiting for mercy from her parents.

The older the girl becomes, the more intensive her development is. Girls at 6 months can almost always sit, they have learned to crawl like a plastuna. They play with their favorite toys with pleasure, take, put or throw them on their own. Parents should in every possible way encourage the movement of their baby, be cunning, laying out objects dear to her heart to the side, then she will have an incentive to crawl and turn. In addition, the list of acceptable physical exercises is significantly expanding. Fitball classes can be connected to swimming and developmental gymnastics.

Required Skills

At this stage, parents are often interested in doctors: what should a girl be able to do at 6 months?

  • A six-month-old child is very active, in order to satisfy the thirst for knowledge, he must be able to turn his head and turn his whole body, sit, roll over, get on all fours, try to crawl, take objects with his hands and put them back.
  • Developing fine motor skills, you can help with this by letting the baby feel objects that are different in texture, temperature, strength and size. It can be educational toys bought in children's stores or made by yourself, it really doesn't matter to kids what to play with, as long as there is variety.
  • Children at 6 months are quite developed intellectually and emotionally. They already know their surroundings, they know how to show grief, joy, anxiety, delight. They have gastronomic preferences, taste preferences are formed.
  • The child can focus on moving objects very well and loves to play with a ball, a car, he likes toys that have something to pull on, there are rotating and moving elements.

So what?

Someone, after reading these lines, will be happy for their baby, someone may be alarmed. What if the baby does not know how to perform certain actions, is he really behind in development? Not necessarily - any lag or problems with statokinetic, physical or psychological state babies - this is a question that the doctor must approve or refute.

If, in your opinion, the time has come when it is time to plant girls, and your baby still does not want to please her parents, you should not force her to sit down, it is better to turn to specialists.

A pediatrician can identify primary problems and assess the degree of lagging behind certain norms in a comprehensive manner. It is important to take into account the presence concomitant diseases, whether the child was born full-term, with normal weight and height, or they were insufficient, whether he had problems with muscle tone or other neurological symptoms.

If you forcefully try to seat the child, and do it often and for a long time, problems with the back of the baby cannot be avoided in the future. With a curvature of the spine, not only the musculoskeletal system will suffer (which in itself is very bad), but also internal organs due to displacement, they can develop abnormally.

First Steps: Help or Harm?

In the context of this problem, another question regarding such a device as a walker will be relevant: can they be used for girls or not? Definitely not, if the baby is not sitting on her own. And their further use is a matter of developing walking skills.

The manufacturers of this accessory claim that it does not cause harm. A number of pediatricians also do not see a problem in using walkers. The other half of children's doctors, including pediatricians, physiotherapists, and orthopedists, argue that the mechanism for moving babies in walkers has nothing to do with normal walking. Often, babies do not want to learn to walk on their own, because for this you need to learn how to put your foot on the right foot, keep your balance, and sometimes fall.

Of course, even those kids who run in walkers for up to a year or longer will eventually say goodbye to this thing and walk on their own, the question is different: is it worth delaying this moment for the sake of short-term unloading of parents?

Princess Pot

Another great place that kids use as a sort of seat is the potty. Very often, young mothers are attacked with urgent recommendations by highly experienced grandmothers, with all their hearts they advise to teach the child to the potty as early as possible. When will this age come? Child psychologists unanimously claim that the child will understand completely and irrevocably why he needs this item of personal hygiene after a year. Until that time, he can be introduced to the pot, starting with demonstrative plantings (but not earlier than 6 months), which will last just a couple of minutes (no more than five!).

Due to the fact that you can’t sit on such a “throne” for a long time, pediatricians do not recommend purchasing a potty with built-in toys, musical accompaniment, steering wheel, buttons and other devices. The pot is not developing and not entertainment center, but just a vessel to cope with the need.

The birth of a child is always a great joy in the family. He is surrounded by care, love and attention. At first, he is completely dependent on his parents. But the child's body grows and develops very quickly. His muscles are getting stronger, and he is already beginning to show independence in some small things, for example, he begins to try to sit up on his own.

And at this moment, the baby's parents begin to wonder, how should the child sit down correctly, when should this happen, and is it possible to help him with this, so as not to harm?

Previously it was thought that this process- this is the next stage in the natural development of the baby, but in Lately many doctors are sure that parents can contribute and help their child in such a way that it will only benefit him.

Baby's developmental stages during the first 12 months

In the first months of life, the human spine is not yet strong enough, and it is just beginning to form. Every day it changes, the necessary curves and muscles begin to appear, which should strengthen the vertebrae of the baby.

  1. For the first three months, the baby is still too weak, so he is constantly lying down and does not even try to roll over, let alone sit down. At this time, there is no need to try to change it somehow.
  2. After the third month, the neck muscles are already strong enough for the child to try to hold the head on its own.
  3. Already at the sixth month, the child makes attempts to sit up on his own. The thoracic region by this time already has time to form and strengthen.
  4. At the ninth month, the child's body may already be strong enough so that he can begin to take his first independent steps.
  5. However, these stages summarize the statistics, the development of each baby individually, so you should carefully monitor all the movements of the baby.

Each boy sits individually

Many parents ask the question of what month to start planting boys, but there is no specific answer. The child himself will give the first signs when he is ready for this, and you will understand from what period he needs it.

Why is it dangerous to plant a boy too early?

Many during the game try to put or sit down the baby when he is not ready for this yet. But doctors urge parents not to do this, urging them to be more careful and careful in this matter, no matter how much effort it costs them.

Until the child himself begins to show the first signs that he is already bored just lying down, and he wants to start looking at the world around him from a different angle and in a completely different position, it is by no means impossible to force him to sit down. Many mothers make some kind of insurance in the form of pillows that they put under the boy's back, but this should not be done either. So far, such a pose is unnatural for the baby and may well lead to improper muscle and bone development of the boy. His vertebrae are still too fragile to support his body in a sitting position. And due to underdevelopment chest there are problems with breathing, and the air does not come in enough when they start sitting down too early.

Boys should be placed in walkers after 6 months.

Also, do not put the child in high chairs, car seats or sliders in the first 5-6 months.

Signs that the boy is ready to sit down

Each child develops differently, so it is impossible to predict exactly how many months it is worth trying to plant a baby. It largely depends on the weight of the baby. Children with a large weight can be planted later than those with a lower weight. This is due to the fact that a large mass will put too much pressure on the child's vertebra, which means it can lead to further abnormal development.

Initially, the child needs support.

There are several factors by which it can be understood that the boy is already ready to sit down on his own and can already be seated:

  • He is effortless and outside help rolls over from stomach to back and vice versa.
  • He moves his arms and legs quite actively and even stretches his arms, trying to get something.
  • He is already holding his head on weight without any problems and is making attempts to help himself with his hands to take a more stable position.

What to look out for when a boy starts to sit up

When parents see that the child is ready to sit down, they should consider several important factors.

A sharp change in position from vertical to horizontal is a big burden on the body of a child who is only a few months old. Therefore, you should not sit the baby on too for a long time. The transition must be gradual.

The seat circle will not allow the child to roll over

It is best to sit down a boy, you can start on his mother's knees. In this case, the back will be fixed. Mom will be able to fix the position of the child for a few seconds, and then gently return it back to the prone position. How much time will it take? At first, only seconds, but each time it can be slightly increased.

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the legs of the baby are not too bent, and the baby himself should, as it were, reclining.

To help the child, you should massage the child for the first few months. This will strengthen his muscular corsage and help him to sit down quite easily and in due time.

Many babies crawl first and then sit down.

Some boys first begin to crawl, and only then sit on their own. Let him crawl as much as he wants, and his muscles will be strengthened for further development. It is too normal phenomenon so no need to worry.

At what time should you start to worry if the child does not want to sit down

Many babies do not want to sit down even at 5 and 6 months, and begin to act up and cry, trying to lie down on their back again. You should not try to change this and forcibly plant a child, no matter how old he is.

Cases when a child does not try to sit down, although it is high time, are not so rare. But if this happens, then you need to contact the pediatrician. He examines and finds out if there is any disease that prevents normal development.

If the boy does not sit up to 10 months, you should contact the pediatrician

If medical examination discovers that the child is healthy, the reason may be that the child is given too little attention. In the first few months of life, parents should especially monitor the baby. In this matter huge role plays almost everything. The child needs proper and regular nutrition. It is desirable, of course, that it be mother's milk.

The boy needs to do special gymnastics, massage. It is better if all this happens in a playful way.

To do everything right, you should consult a doctor who will show you all the necessary set of exercises and how much they need to be practiced. And then the baby itself will be ready to be gradually seated.

From how many months can you put a boy in a kangaroo or walker

Every parent dreams of a few minutes of relaxation. Yes, and it’s quite hard to walk constantly with a child in your arms, and your hands hurt, and you are constantly busy, you don’t go to the store, and there’s no way to do anything. In such cases, they resort to saving objects for themselves.

Kangaroo for babies should be used after 4 months

Walkers are one such miracle tool. And for the child entertainment, and for parents a few minutes of relaxation. Usually the kids are delighted when they are put in this strange structure, and they begin to run around the house in them with great pleasure, as long as they are allowed. But it’s worth putting him in a walker only when the boy is already confidently starting to sit.

In addition, it is not necessary at first to allow the child to run in a walker for too long. The first few times can be limited to 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time slightly. Also, do not forget that walkers can squeeze the perineum in boys, which can lead to disturbances in the development of the reproductive system.

The kangaroo has become a kind of lifesaver for parents. This allows them to move freely and the child is constantly with them, and even securely fastened.

The boys sit down and start walking later girls

But it’s still better not to leave the boy in them for a long time, and if a long enough walk is planned, then it’s better to use a stroller.

You can plant a baby starting from 3-4 months, but not earlier. By then, he should be able to hold his head on his own. You need to choose such a backpack based on weight and height. He should be comfortable there, and also not press anywhere.

The body of a newborn child develops intensively. Some processes go faster than expected.

But do not rush things if the development of the child does not happen as it is written in encyclopedias.

Physiologically, the baby needs a sitting position at the age of 6 months. He needs it to play, eat, communicate with people around him.

If the time has come for the child, but he still does not do this, then he is not yet ready for this and it is impossible to forcibly plant him. Doing various exercises can only harm the body.

At normal development it is by 6 months that the child has sufficiently developed muscles that are needed for sitting, namely:

  • pectoral muscles
  • abdominal muscles
  • spinal column muscles

If the above muscles are sufficiently developed, then the sitting process will be natural and will not cause discomfort. At this age, the back of the baby is straight, it does not need to be supported.

At the age of six months, if the child is not sitting, you can begin to help him. If he is only 4-5 months old, then this should not be done. This applies to both boys and girls.

If the child does not try to sit up on his own after the age of six months, then he needs to be shown to the observing pediatrician.

It is believed that a boy can be prepared for a sitting position a little earlier than about a month. The boy can begin to sit as early as 6 months, it is advisable for the girl not to allow this to be done until 7 months.

If the child's muscles have not yet had time to strengthen, deformation of the joints of the spine may form and in school age he may encounter problems such as:

  • scoliosis
  • lordosis
  • other curvature of the spine
  • curvature of the small pelvis (for girls it is fraught with problematic childbirth in the future)

Factors Preceding Sitting

Before the child sits down, he should already be able to perform several

operations. The baby should have sufficiently formed bone and muscle tissue. Before sitting down, the child must be able to confidently hold his head.

If a child tries to sit down at 5 months, then there is no need to interfere with him, then his body is already ready. But you need to constantly be near and make sure that he does not sit for too long.

It should be borne in mind that the child will not sit down exactly right away. At first, he will lean on the handles, he can fall on his side, on his back. This is a natural process. Gradually, the baby will become more confident, the muscles will get used to the new physical activity. There is no need to interfere with the child, he himself will feel what is best for him. No need to be afraid that he will get injured and put pillows around him, keeping him in a sitting position.

To teach a child to sit, the place for learning must be safe and preferably uneven. You can specifically provide him with “uncomfortable” conditions so that he tries to roll over on his own and take a comfortable position.

How to teach a child to sit?

To make it easier for the child and he quickly coped with the new function - his muscle corset can be gradually prepared. Regular exercises and massages will help for this.

For a few minutes from 2 months of age, you can lift the child so that he holds on to the fingers of the parent. The baby will pull up a little and thus the muscle corset will be strengthened. The exercise is performed with a gradual increase in load. At first, the angle of inclination of the body will be very small, gradually increasing.

Some exercises will hurry baby sit down:

  1. The first pull-up exercise. The child is laid on his back, the parent holds out his hands to him, and the baby, in turn, grabs thumbs. He will try to pull himself as close as possible to mom or dad. You can help him stretch a little. The muscles of the hands at this age are also not yet strong enough, so you only need to do the exercise a few times.
  2. The next "push-ups". The baby needs to be put on soft surface on the stomach. He will try to tear his chest off the surface, while leaning on his hands. This cannot be called full-fledged push-ups, but the back muscles will undoubtedly be strengthened.

After a short rest, you can perform another exercise, which

To make the child more diligent, there are special exercises

aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and neck. The child is laid on a soft surface, his favorite things and toys are laid out around him. The kid will try to get them, will reach for them, crawl, all muscle groups will be involved, which will later be useful for sitting. Exercise should be performed several times a day for 3 minutes, no more.

The child needs to remember sitting position so that he knows what he will need to strive for in the future. The baby sits on the hands of the parent, mom and dad must hold him tightly so that the muscles are not overloaded. Up to 5 months, the exercise is carried out for 2-3 minutes, after six months you can sit for 20 minutes. Every day the child will sit more confidently, gradually the parent will be able to let go of his hands.

To make the child more assiduous, you need to prepare a hard surface and put the baby on it. With one hand, the legs of the baby are fixed, with the second he must hold thumb parent. In this position, the child needs to be rocked slightly in different sides. They will train the muscles, the press, the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the vestibular apparatus. This should be done no more than 3 minutes.

Tilts will help prepare the muscles for sitting. The child must be placed with his back to himself, one hand of the parent fixes the knees, the second above the chest. The tilt is carried out to a horizontal position. Do no more than 10 repetitions.

The optimal age at which a child can sit independently is 6-7 months. You can start preparing the baby earlier, at about 3 months, performing gymnastics and massage.

On the video - expert advice: