Electrophoresis. Iontophoresis. Ion enrichment on a new generation Japanese apparatus. Electrophoresis, galvanization and ionotherapy. Mechanism of action. Methodology. Indications and contraindications

The main principle of physiotherapy is the use of natural physical factors. Water, electrical impulses, sound waves and different kinds thermal radiation can have a positive effect on the body. Due various techniques, and also depending on the type of physical impact, a certain therapeutic effect is achieved.

There are many treatment options, and given the huge number of sources of information, there is often confusion in terms. Difficulties are added by the fact that many of the names of the procedures are consonant. Therefore, it is worth telling in more detail about two methods of physiotherapy with a completely different principle of action - electrophoresis and phonophoresis - the difference between them and the main healing properties.

The fundamental difference between the two methods of physiotherapy lies in the physical factors artificially created with the help of devices. This can explain the list of indications for electrophoresis and phonophoresis. The first procedure is recommended for:

  • Rhinite.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Front.
  • Otite.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (BA, pneumonia, tracheitis, pleurisy, bronchiectasis, bronchitis).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, genitourinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine systems.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the eyes.
  • Dental diseases.
  • In the postoperative period.

Phonophoresis is used to treat ENT diseases, but is not prescribed for coughing. The physiotherapeutic procedure is successfully used in cosmetology, in diseases of the joints and injuries. Used in gynecology.

To understand why the doctor directs to the procedure, you need to understand exactly how the device works, what is the effect on the body.

An appointment for a physiotherapy (phonophoresis or electrophoresis) is given by a doctor. It also determines the duration of the course.


Electrophoresis, which is more correctly called iontophoresis, is based on the effect electric current capable of splitting chemical substances for ions. The tissue is impregnated with the drug, which is placed under the electrode plates with opposite charges. When applying positively and negatively charged electrodes - an anode and a cathode - an electric field is created in the treated area, due to which the medicinal compositions break down into small components and penetrate the skin into the deep layers, where they form a depot. Due to this reserve, a long-term effect of the procedure is carried out.

At this method treatment is important to consider. Chemical properties elements. From the positive pole, preparations containing magnesium, potassium, calcium are injected - that is, elements from a number of metals. The negative electrode is intended for the introduction of salts, acids and alkalis - bromides, iodine preparations and nicotinic acid.

A person feels in the area of ​​influence light warmth and tingling. These sensations are associated with the action of an electric current and the action of the active components of the drug on skin receptors.


The main physical factor that is used for the phonophoresis procedure are ultrasonic waves, similar to those used in the apparatus for diagnostics using the ultrasound method. Instead of a gel that provides wave patency, medications are used for phonophoresis treatment.

The original name that fully explains the essence of the method is ultraphonophoresis, which eventually lost the first part and became shorter, introducing some confusion. The influence of ultrasonic waves on the body is still in the process of active study, but the essence of the method is that under the action of the device, the permeability of tissues improves by creating a directed flow. Sound at these frequencies is able to change the physical properties of tissues, making them more susceptible to the introduction of drugs. At the same time, a feature of the method is that the effect of the drug continues only at the time of the passage of ultrasonic waves, in the direction of sound propagation. As soon as the device is turned off, the penetration of medicinal components ends without the formation of a reserve depot. In addition, the sound wave creates a vibration that provides a light deep tissue massage effect, which is also used in medical practice.

The physical impact on the patient during the phonophoresis procedure is reduced to a feeling of slight vibration or total absence any manifestations at low powers.

Features of physical impact suggest that these methods can be used to administer drugs for different purposes. Electrophoresis provides a prolonged effect, and phonophoresis gives a quick and short-term result.

Differences in the provision of a therapeutic effect

The difference in the physical factors used underlies the different principle of action and the therapeutic effect provided. Both methods are widely used in therapeutic practice, but are used in different cases.

For electrophoresis, the field of application in neurology, gynecology, ENT therapy is best known.

The ability of medicinal substances to decompose into ions and be deposited in the most accessible form for assimilation helps to cope with inflammatory processes. This eliminates the harmful effects on the gastrointestinal tract, which is a valuable advantage in the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system.

Another advantage is the possibility of introducing different drugs from two electrodes, which is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the joints or spine, where it is often necessary to simultaneously achieve analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The method has proven itself in the field of cosmetology, where the property of the electric field is used to influence metabolic and regeneration processes. IN this case the introduction of the drug is aimed at deep renewal of the skin from the inside and stimulation of the activity of muscle fibers.

The method of electric shock certainly deserves attention in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs and gynecology, since the abdominal administration of the drug in these areas is difficult and traumatic for the patient.

Application with therapeutic purpose Phonophoresis is widely used in traumatology, orthopedics and neurological practice. Due to vibration, regeneration processes are improved, while the action is clearly directed. Neighboring organs and tissues remain intact. The introduction of the drug also excludes the participation of the digestive system, which is favorable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vibrating sound vibrations improve metabolic processes and stimulate the outflow of fluid, which is often important in the treatment of post-traumatic edema. In neurology, this effect allows you to relieve pressure from the nerve endings and reduce pain syndrome which makes the person feel much better.

Removal of local edema and improvement of regeneration is accompanied by an improvement in local blood circulation, due to which the drug is delivered to the affected area. This effect is effective in the treatment gynecological diseases and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing you to achieve therapeutic effect no general effect on the body.


Both methods have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side. They have few contraindications, and a competent physiotherapist will always take into account possible complications. At the same time, despite the consonant name, the scope of these methods differs in the phase of the disease and the required therapeutic effect.

The use of electrophoresis is justified if necessary to eliminate the focus of inflammation and create a prolonged effect of the drug. A huge advantage can be considered the ability to combine several medicines.

The use of phonophoresis is more effective for removing edematous syndrome and improving metabolic processes in the affected area.

In any case, the decision to choose a particular procedure is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Electrophoresis - medical procedure, one of the main areas of physiotherapy.

The medical effect is achieved through the simultaneous action of weak currents and pharmaceuticals.

What is it, what is medicinal electrophoresis for, what is the principle of action, the benefits and harms of the procedure, and what are the indications and contraindications for this technique - we will tell you about this in our article.

The cathode (negative electrode) expands the blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the endocrine glands, and accelerates the metabolic processes in cells.

The anode (positive electrode) helps to activate the lymph flow, remove toxins from the body, and also reduces pain sensitivity. In addition to the most common, percutaneous technique, in medicine, the cavity and interstitial method of drug administration through a galvanic current is also used.

The essence of the method

An electrophoresis session is carried out by the hardware method, the technique is as follows - opposite-pole electrodes with tissue pads impregnated with medicines are fixed on the body parts.

Under the action of galvanization, the ions of the pharmaceutical solution penetrate the skin (approximately to a depth of 1.5 cm), accumulating in the cells and in the intercellular space.

The current strength, exposure time and concentration of the therapeutic solution are prescribed individually - taking into account the nature of the disease, age, sensitivity skin. When in contact with the plates through which the current passes, the patient does not experience pain.

There is a barely perceptible burning or tingling in the areas where the electrodes are fixed. There may be a slight metallic taste in the mouth. The duration of the session is 10-20 minutes. The number of treatment sessions is from 5 to 20.

Therapeutic effect

Electrophoresis is prescribed after completing a therapeutic course or surgical intervention. The ability to restore the natural structure of tissues is actively used in gynecology (elimination of adhesions in the fallopian tubes), otolaryngology (treatment of chronic sinusitis and otitis), dermatology (skin defects).

Electrophoresis is used in pediatrics (in the treatment of hypertension in infancy), in neurology (removal of inflammation in the area of ​​a strangulated hernia), in traumatology and other areas of medicine.

When exposed to the body, the following positive effects have been proven:

  • slowing down inflammatory processes;
  • decrease in the intensity of pain (with infringement of the facial nerve);
  • elimination of excessive muscle tension;
  • acceleration of recovery processes (tissue regeneration);
  • calming effect;
  • improvement of microcirculation in subcutaneous tissues.

Impact in cosmetology

Upon contact of the skin with opposite electrodes, electromagnetic fields are formed that stimulate the formation of new ions in the lymph and intercellular space. Electrode plates are fixed on skin areas where there are sebaceous and sweat glands– effective absorption takes place in this area medicines.

Several processes occur simultaneously under the cathode and anode:

  • electrodiffusion;
  • polarization;
  • electroosmosis.

As a result of the biochemical effect on the nerve endings, the body's response occurs - pores open, capillary vessels expand, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are activated (the resorptive effect lasts from 3 to 20 days).

In cosmetology practice, various electrolytes are used that have a healing, healing, regenerating effect (the sign of the electrode from which the agent should be injected under the skin is marked on branded packages).

According to their purpose, preparations for electrophoresis can be anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating (non-surgical lifting), nourishing, moisturizing.

In medical cosmetology, such drugs as hyaluronic acid, collagen gels, masks based on placental composition, salicylic acid, nicotinic acid, antiseptic emulsions, lidase are actively used.

With the help of electrophoresis (an alternative name for the procedure is iontophoresis), dissolved extracts from medicinal plant materials, vitamins, and active trace elements are introduced under the skin.

What problems does it help solve?

Elimination of cosmetic defects

On the face and neck - the skin is sensitive and thin. From a deep abrasion, a red scar remains, which brightens after a few years, but never completely disappears. People who are prone to keloid scarring leave a bumpy scar that indelibly spoils their appearance.

Partially (and in some cases completely) the defect can be eliminated with the help of drug iontophoresis. During treatment sessions, drugs are used that actively destroy the layers of scar tissue (lidase, fermenkol).

A new generation drug is longidase, which has antioxidant, immunostimulating and antiseptic properties. Penetrating under the influence of galvanic current under the skin, the medicine restores the structure of the epidermis, restoring natural elasticity to the tissues. Unlike lidase, the new agent does not cause allergic reactions.

Postoperative period

Scar marks remain on the face after surgical operations(especially noticeable defects in the eyes, cheekbones, eyelids). It is impossible to eliminate a visually noticeable pathology with the help of traditional medicines, but when using electrophoresis, it is possible to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect. For galvanic administration, the subcutaneous drug collalisin is used, which has the following types impacts:

  • destroys the tissue of keloid scars;
  • resolves defective skin changes on the eyelids;
  • breaks down scar tissue in the retina.

Electrophoresis with collalisin is prescribed for injuries in the eye area, healed lesions of the mucous membrane.

The procedure is carried out with great care (the first dosage is the minimum) in order to prevent burn tissue inflammation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the procedure include:

  • non-injection method of drug administration;
  • the therapeutic activity of drugs is enhanced by galvanic current;
  • immediate effect on the site of inflammation;
  • lack of discomfort;
  • prolonged therapeutic effect.

The main disadvantage is the limited use (not all drugs can be administered by electrophoresis).

The inability to create a high concentration of the drug and determine the degree of its accumulation in the body are also disadvantages of the therapeutic technique of electrophoresis.

Who can

Electrophoresis is used in medical cosmetology practice for the following purposes:

  • to restore elasticity and rejuvenate the skin;
  • to smooth wrinkles;
  • to eliminate puffiness (bags under the eyes);
  • to clean the skin pores from impurities.

Indications for the application of the electrophoresis procedure are the presence of defects:

  • dry, aging skin of the face and décolleté;
  • acne, blackheads;
  • small wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • sagging skin in the cheeks and chin.

Electrophoresis is one of the main methods used in integrated program oily treatment acne. Desincrustation (removal of comedones) - galvanization using an alkaline solution, which is introduced from a negatively charged pole.

Since iontophoresis radically improves blood circulation in the peripheral vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect, after a few sessions the skin acquires an even matte shade, the areas with " oily sheen"and peeling.

Before carrying out the electrophoresis procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is not allergic to medicinal product and it tolerates the effects of galvanic current well.

When to Refrain

Contraindications for the appointment of electrophoresis are:

  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • purulent infections;
  • viral diseases;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • dermatitis in the stage of inflammation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • kidney failure;
  • the presence of metal dental crowns;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental illness.

How is the session

The session is held in the following sequence:

The procedure takes 3-4 minutes, the frequency is 1 time in 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 6 procedures. Repeated treatment - after 2 months.

And the rejuvenation procedure goes like this:

  1. The cosmetologist impregnates tissue pads with a nutrient or treatment solution and applies them to the skin (under the electrodes).
  2. After turning on the device, the ions of the active substance penetrate deep under the skin. By moving the electrodes in a sliding motion, the beautician sequentially treats the face and neck areas. An iontophoresis session lasts 7-8 minutes.
  3. After the session, a nourishing mask is applied for 10 minutes.

Assign from 6 to 10 procedures.

Electrophoresis refers to highly effective physiotherapy procedures. The achieved therapeutic (or cosmetic) result is maintained for a long time after undergoing a course of physiotherapy.

It is important that sessions run qualified specialists who have practical experience in their field, who are well aware of the functionality of medical equipment. During the procedure, the specialist must continuously monitor the patient's condition.

A good doctor prescribes sessions only after receiving reliable evidence that there are no absolute contraindications to the procedure.

Sessions are canceled when severe skin irritation appears, when the state of health worsens, caused by exposure to current or the prescribed medication.

In general, the procedure is well tolerated by patients, regardless of age and severity of the disease. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to punctually follow the recommendations of the attending physician, also undergo full course prescribed procedures.

Watch a video on how electrophoresis is done for facial skin:

If the doctor has prescribed procedures, in no case do not skip or postpone their time without good reason. Try to fulfill all the appointments of a specialist. After an electrophoresis session, you can not take a bath, sunbathe, visit a solarium or a fitness room.

You should also not use additional cosmetics on the day of the session. If you are taking medication, be sure to tell the cosmetologist about it - this is important!

Requirements for medicinal products

Electrophoresis is one of the ways to introduce drugs into the body. Most "pure" (i.e. one-component) pharmaceuticals administered by injection can be administered through the skin. These are preparations of the penicillin series (antiseptics), vitamins, chemical elements (potassium, copper, calcium, zinc).

In cosmetology medicine, using the capabilities of innovative equipment, specialists conduct iontophoresis sessions with multicomponent substances.

Regardless of which drug will be used during the session, it is necessary to follow the requirements for the preparation of formulations. As solvents are used:

  • distilled water;
  • medical ethyl alcohol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • buffer compounds.

The electrodes during one treatment course do not change places. The effectiveness of the absorption of the drug depends on the condition of the skin, age, type of solvent, drug concentration, types of medical equipment, current strength, session time.

Combination with other cosmetic procedures

Electrophoresis goes well with thalassotherapy, therapeutic massage, mud therapy and. It is possible to carry out RF-lifting of the body (), as well as RF-lifting of the face (photo before and after). A day later (it is not recommended to do it on the same day) after an electrophoresis session, to enhance the effect, you can use ultraphonophoresis, with a mineral complex and lymphatic drainage.

The doctor develops an individual skin care program, taking into account the condition of the skin, age, tolerance of medicinal components, and requirements for an aesthetic effect.

Since iontophoresis, in combination with other cosmetic procedures, radically improves blood circulation in the peripheral vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect, after a few sessions the skin acquires an even matte shade, areas with a “greasy sheen” and peeling disappear.


The average cost of a treatment session to remove acne is 1000 rubles. The cost of rejuvenation procedures depends on the status of the clinic, the equipment used for electrophoresis, the quality of the drugs used. The indicator ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Home iontophoresis is a great opportunity to improve skin condition, reduce the number of wrinkles, and cleanse the skin. Especially effective at home for hyperhidrosis of the armpits, hands, feet. Basically, this procedure is carried out in beauty salons or physiotherapy rooms medical institutions. But if there is no opportunity to visit a physiotherapy room, then iontophoresis at home is an affordable solution to the problem.

What is iontophoresis

Iontophoresis (electrophoresis, galvanization) is the transfer of ions of biologically active drugs to the skin using electric current. If you have a device for home iontophoresis, it is possible to conduct a course of procedures at home.

Mechanism of action

Currents of low strength and voltage act on the cell membrane, change its permeability, activate metabolism, regeneration processes, improve general state organism. The resulting positive ions penetrate the dermis, form a depot of drugs. These substances penetrate the cells, have a therapeutic effect on them. Iontophoresis can be used to remove sebum, dirt, and dead cells.

For iontophoresis, a cathode and an anode are used:

Effect of anode and cathode on tissue:

Anode: reduces excitability, sensitivity of tissues, reduces secretion of glands, lowers acidity (reduces pH), causes closure of pores, arterial hyperemia.

Cathode: increases cell excitability, tissue sensitivity, increases gland secretion, opens pores, causes arterial hyperemia, alkalizes tissues (increases pH).

Currents of low strength and voltage act on the cell membrane, change its permeability, activate metabolism, regeneration processes, improve the general condition of the body

Choosing equipment for home iontophoresis

To conduct iontophoresis at home, you must choose to buy a compact device for home use.

The most popular devices:

  1. Gezatone m910 is a simple and affordable galvanic device used to nourish and cleanse the skin.
  2. Gezatone Galvanic Beauty SPA m775. The device uses vibration, galvanic currents and infrared rays. Performs the functions of deep cleansing, lifting, detoxifying the skin, provides it nutrients.
  3. Gezaton Beauty Iris has three nozzles for exposure of the skin to different types of currents.
  4. The SWI-STO II device is designed for iontophoresis of armpits, feet and hands. Equipped with extra fittings.
  5. - a compact device for home use.

Nevoton - a compact device for home use

Apparatus for cosmetic iontophoresis

The market for devices for iontophoresis at home is constantly updated with new modifications of various actions and price categories. Modern devices are safe, compact, easy to use. You can buy devices for iontophoresis for the home in online stores, the cost of devices in which is much lower than in medical equipment stores. In order to conduct iontophoresis with high quality, you can buy an apparatus for the home of imported or native production of well-known brands. Before buying the device, it is advisable to consult with a cosmetologist or doctor for right choice device.

Iontophoresis results

During the procedure:

  1. The skin is cleansed and freed from toxins.
  2. Improves blood flow, lymph circulation in tissues and organs.
  3. Reduces the number and depth of wrinkles.
  4. Sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the body decreases, especially the hands, feet, and armpits.
  5. The skin is saturated with moisture and essential nutrients, acquires healthy look and vibrant shine.

Rules for iontophoresis

  1. Which cosmetic preparations need to use at home? Only drugs for water based. Never use oil-based products.
  2. Use substances with positive charges for the cathode, and negative charges for the anode.
  3. It is advisable to use single-component drugs to reduce side effects.

Table of preparations for iontophoresis

Cosmetic supermarkets delight with various therapeutic cocktails, water-based masks. Chinese placental masks have gained popularity.

To achieve the full effect, you need to take a course of at least 10 sessions of iontophoresis.

Iontophoresis technique at home

  1. For the procedure, it is necessary to remove all metal products, jewelry from the body, thoroughly clean the skin. Cleansing can be done with alcohol or the anaphoresis procedure:
  • apply a gauze mask soaked in a 1% solution of soda to the skin;
  • act on the skin area for 20 minutes with a negative charge, then two to three minutes with a positive one;
  • when carrying out a cosmetic procedure, act on the skin along cosmetic lines.
  1. Attach the electrodes (or roller electrode) to the device, put special pads on them to prevent chemical burn medicines.
  2. Apply to skin cosmetic product, turn on the device, attach the electrode to the selected area and slowly drive it over the skin for 15–20 minutes.

Important: A slight burning sensation that occurs at the beginning is not an obstacle to the procedure. If discomfort do not pass, you need to stop the procedure.

  1. After completing the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizing lotion.

Iontophoresis is carried out not only for the face, but for all problem areas of the skin. The procedure helps fight cellulite.

Iontophoresis procedure for hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis - unpleasant disease, characterized by excessive sweating of the body, especially the hands, feet, arms, armpits. Sweaty palms bring many unpleasant minutes to their owner. Treatment of hyperhidrosis can be medication and physiotherapy. Positive results are obtained by home iontophoresis. But, in order to make sure that the procedure is effective for a particular patient, doctors recommend taking several courses in a medical institution.

With positive results, it is recommended to buy a device for the home. The mechanism of action of this procedure on the sweat glands has not been studied enough, but it is reliably known that you can not be afraid of electrical damage, and sweating does not stop at all, but only decreases. Baths are included with the device for the treatment of feet and hands. Baths can be used different people because they are easy to clean and disinfect.

Positive results in hypersweating gives home iontophoresis

Interesting: Even without medicinal additives, ionized ordinary water, saturated with potassium and sodium ions, reduces human sweating.

One of the reasons increased sweating is a malfunction of the thyroid gland due to a lack of iodine. Therefore, doctors may suggest performing home procedure iontophoresis with iodine.

Who is contraindicated for iontophoresis

Iontophoresis is contraindicated in people:

  • with diseases of the capillaries of the skin;
  • with skin ulcerations in the area of ​​the proposed procedure;
  • with cardiovascular disorders or oncological pathology;
  • individual intolerance to currents;
  • dental diseases (periodontitis, dental cysts);
  • in the presence of a pacemaker, pregnancy.

Medicinal or cosmetic electrophoresis is a simultaneous combination of exposure to a direct electric current, mainly galvanic, and simultaneously penetrating molecules of a medicinal substance, or a combination of medicinal substances. Medicinal electrophoresis, used in cosmetology, is characterized by the accumulation of ions of medicinal substances in the thickness of the epidermis. All this is provided by an insignificant speed of movement of ions, a significant resistance of the epidermis, limited time procedure and current strength. Over time, with the help of blood flow and lymph flow, drug ions are washed out of the drug depot and enter the main focus of exposure, and to all soft tissues and organs of the human body. Based on the above, electrophoresis is done in courses, and the effect does not occur immediately after the first procedure, but after a certain amount of time. When conducting medicinal electrophoresis side effects are extremely rare, it can only be allergic reactions to the action of an electric current, or a burn. A burn during the electrophoresis procedure is a rare occurrence. A burn appears not due to an increased concentration of the medicinal substance used, but due to loose contact of the working electrode with the surface of the patient's body. The appearance of a feeling of slight burning, itching, slight redness - normal phenomenon after electrophoresis, but if the place of local exposure acquires a brighter color and appear pain resembling a burn, you should contact your doctor to cancel physiotherapy procedures.

Features of the therapeutic effect of drug electrophoresis on the human body:

  • Providing a therapeutic effect on the superficial areas of the skin or other anatomical structure of the human body, for example, a joint, a scar after surgery, etc.;
  • Amazing duration, prolongation, effects of drugs, since the skin depot actively influences for a long time;
  • Since electrophoresis promotes the penetration of medicinal substances through the surface of the skin, the drug does not pass the hepatic barrier, and, therefore, does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Electrophoresis delivers the drug in an active form, in the form of ions, and therefore the therapeutic effect will be stronger and more effective.

7 main indications

In modern cosmetology, several types of physiotherapy procedures are used that have a therapeutic effect: galvanization, iontophoresis, disincrustation and ionic mesotherapy, electrophoresis, etc. Why use electrophoresis in cosmetology? A popular question that almost always arises among visitors to a cosmetologist's office or clinics plastic surgery. Medicinal electrophoresis or iontophoresis, the appointment - a synonym used more often in cosmetology, is the effect of galvanic current and medicinal substances that penetrate the skin epidermis with the help of current strength.

Indications for the use of drug electrophoresis or iontophoresis in cosmetology available in Chelyabinsk:

  • To rejuvenate some areas of the skin of the face;
  • Reduction or removal of wrinkles;
  • Reducing the size of "bags" under the eyes;
  • Destruction of impurities, on the skin with enlarged pores, inflammatory areas of the skin of the face, especially in the area of ​​​​problem areas - the skin of the forehead, nose, nasolabial triangle, chin, etc .;
  • Removal of comedones;
  • IN Lately electrophoresis in cosmetology helps to combat local fat deposits, which requires the introduction of lipotropic substances;
  • The disappearance of cellulite is a reality for drug electrophoresis or iontophoresis in cosmetology.

Electrophoresis - contraindications for use in cosmetology:

  • Any diseases in the acute phase, which are characterized by a significant increase in body temperature;
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system, namely a violation of blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • Neoplasms - benign or malignant tumors;
  • Tuberculosis in active form;
  • Closed purulent and inflammatory processes;
  • Extensive violations of the integrity of the skin, in particular, the skin of the face;
  • Chronic heart and kidney failure;
  • The presence of pacemakers;
  • Any trimester of pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity and current intolerance.

The use of drug electrophoresis or iontophoresis in cosmetology is determined by many reasons, which are divided by age categories. For example, for adolescence the destruction of contaminated pores, inflammation is popular, for this an alkaline solution is injected. However, some cosmetic procedures, operations take place with the formation of scars, which must be removed or reduced in size to solve the aesthetic issue. After some operations in cosmetology, scars can be of different sizes, but electrophoresis helps to remove all unpleasant residues. For this purpose, electrophoresis with Fermenkol and electrophoresis with longidase are carried out. The procedure with the introduction of fermencol is necessary for the introduction of collagenase enzymes into the resulting scar. Constant exposure to electrical voltage guarantees the introduction of enzyme solutions located on the surface of the working electrodes into deep areas of the scar tissue. In addition to cosmetology, fermencol electrophoresis is often prescribed in the following areas of medicine:

After the operation, Fermenkol has the following effects:

  • Completely destroys the main components of scar tissue, namely collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • After the operation, excess collagen is formed in the scar tissue, which undergoes hydrolysis with Fermencol;
  • In scarred skin, it reduces the thickness of the epidermis and dermis;
  • The anti-scarring effect occurs in an extremely short time.

Electrophoresis with longidase is similar in terms of the method of exposure to fermencol, therefore it is prescribed after surgery to reduce the thickness of scar tissue, etc. Longidase is a pharmacological drug that has an enzymatic and proteolytic effect. In addition, longidase has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Under the action of longidase, the level of elasticity of the connective tissue increases, and the swelling of the surrounding tissues decreases. Often electrophoresis with longidase is prescribed for adhesive disease abdominal cavity, which is an inevitable consequence after laparotomy. According to the mechanism of action, Longidaza is analogous to lidase, but the number of adverse and allergic reactions is many times less.

When performing an operation on the eye area, the appearance of cicatricial deformities is inevitable, but it is quite possible to reduce the size of the scars if collalisin is administered by electrophoresis.

Collalysin shows the following effects:

  • The drug collalisin actively works to destroy collagen;
  • Collalysin affects keloid tissue, which leads to a strong lytic effect;
  • Collalysin splits cicatricial changes in the skin of the eyelids, conjunctiva, structures of the lacrimal ducts, corneal opacities, plastic iridocyclitis, secondary cataracts, opacities vitreous body, retinal scars, traumatic vitreous hemorrhage;
  • Proteolytic action, lytic effect, destruction of collagen as the main substance of connective tissue.

Collalisin is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Simblefarone;
  • Keloid scars on the surface of the skin of the eyelids;
  • Collalysin when changing the structures of the lacrimal ducts (these include the lacrimal tubules, the lacrimal-nasal canal);
  • Cicatricial changes in the retina;
  • Traumatic hemorrhages in the vitreous body;
  • Opacification of the vitreous body, etc.

However, due to the delicacy of electrophoresis - collalizin on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye and the membranes of the eye apparatus, side effects may appear, for example, a burn, and therefore highlights a whole list of contraindications:

  • The incomplete process of epithelialization on the surface of the cornea after the formation of a burn is a consequence of various reasons;
  • Joint disease - symblefarone and corneal ulcer;
  • The appearance of defective phenomena in the sclera;
  • hypersensitivity to collalizin (pronounced reaction after the introduction of 1 KE).

Despite the emergence of the latest cosmetic techniques, galvanization and iontophoresis do not lose ground. The reason is simple: they are simple and reliable methods with numerous positive reviews, accessible to any category of clients and understandable even to a novice cosmetologist. In addition, you can work with electroplating without a medical education.

Electroplating: principle of operation

Galvanization, or galvanization, in cosmetology is the procedure for influencing the body with a constant bipolar galvanic current with low voltage. healthy skin without damage, it does not pass current well, therefore, when external influence it enters the body through the hair follicles and ducts of the glands, distributing further in the intercellular spaces of the tissues.

Electroplating involves exposure to the skin and tissues with two electrodes:

  • Active, having a direct therapeutic effect;
  • Passive, closing the electrical circuit. It turns wet fabric lining, is attached to the patient's body near the site of exposure or is given to the patient's arm.

The created electric field sets the ions in motion: the positive electrode attracts negatively charged particles, the negative electrode attracts positively charged ones. The resulting ionic asymmetry in tissues has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of cells, activates intracellular biochemical processes, metabolic reactions, division, etc.

Electroplating in cosmetology

Impact on problem area active positive electrode (anode) promotes pore closure, skin tightening, narrowing blood vessels, removal of edema, acidification of the skin environment, decrease in the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

The negative electrode (cathode) is used for:

  • pore expansion;
  • loosening and softening of the skin;
  • opening blood vessels and enhancing microcirculation;
  • strengthening the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • loosening of sebaceous plugs;
  • skin cleansing.

The negative electrode alkalizes the surface of the skin, to restore its pH at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to change the polarity.

The type of electrode in galvinic is selected according to the indications:

  • oily or dry skin type;
  • oily or dry seborrhea;
  • problem skin with comedones;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • puffiness;
  • epidermolysis;
  • rosacea;
  • small scars and post-acne scars;
  • aging prevention.

Galvanic current shows high results in the fight against cellulite. He smooths out orange peels", reduces the appearance of stretch marks, improves skin elasticity. Electroplating helps to create perfect body: it causes a powerful effect of lymphatic drainage and prevents sagging of tissues against the background of weight loss.

The current strength is selected individually. The more powerful the impact, the brighter possible side effects will be felt: burning, tingling, metallic taste in the mouth, etc. Electrode work goes on without interruption massage lines dashed and circular movements, through a conductive medium - a special gel for galvanization.

Contraindications to galvanization:

  • intolerance to electric current;
  • the presence of a pacemaker, metal pins, implants;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy.

The electroplating course is up to 20 sessions of 15-30 minutes. Depending on the problem, procedures are prescribed daily, every other day or once a week. However, today in pure form electroplating in cosmetology is rarely used and most often exists in the form of disincrustation and iontophoresis.

Disincrustation - cleansing the skin of the face with a galvanic current from a negative policy with loosening of sebaceous plugs and their removal from the pores. Such cleaning is much more gentle and effective than ultrasonic peeling, it can be recommended for owners of sensitive skin and prescribed for younger teenagers from 10-12 years old.

Indications for facial galvanization - problematic skin with folliculitis, hyperkeratosis and small comedones that are difficult to treat with normal mechanical cleaning. For the procedure, special salt or soda solutions- disinfectants. In addition to the main active ingredients professional tools contain reaction-enhancing potassium and magnesium ions, and skin-soothing plant extracts.

Under the action of the current, alkaline ions are released from the solutions, they react with the fatty acids of the sebaceous plugs, the contents of the pores turn into soap and are easily removed. An indicator of the effectiveness of the procedure is the appearance of bubbles under the electrode. Old hard comedones can be removed manually- they will become more pliable. Together with impurities, dead cells of the stratum corneum are removed from the surface of the face. After cleansing, it is recommended to close the pores with a positive electrode.

The term "electrophoresis" is formed from two words: electrolysis - "decay into positive and negative ions" and phoresis, which means "introduction of substances into the skin." The more common names for this procedure in cosmetology are iontophoresis, non-injection mesotherapy or ion mesotherapy. In the process of iontophoresis, there is a combined effect on tissues of direct electric current and the introduction of medicinal and active substances with its help. If the drug ampoules are not enough for a good glide, you can use a contact gel.

The main nuances of iontophoresis in cosmetology:

  • the indications and choice of the electrode are determined by the properties of the administered drug;
  • drug ions are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis up to the basal layer and accumulate in the dermis;
  • active substances from such depots are released gradually and absorbed by the skin over several hours and even days.

For ionic mesotherapy, you can buy ready-made preparations or make your own cocktails according to the usual indications and standard recipes. The treatment regimen is prescribed, adjusted for the phoreticity of the drugs.

Means for iontophoresis

Means for iontophoresis, being electrolytes, consist of concentrated complexes of different polarity. For the convenience of the cosmetologist, each package of the drug is marked with "+" or "-", indicating the choice of electrode.

The main groups of means for iontophoresis in cosmetology:

  • moisturizing;
  • nutritional;
  • with lifting effect;
  • anti-couperose;
  • anti-inflammatory.

They can be medicinal, cosmetic or cosmeceutical.

Substance injectedDirection of actionElectrode polarity
AloeAnti-inflammatory effect, toning, increasing local immunity+/-
Vitamin CNormalization of the sebaceous glands, skin lightening-
Vitamin B1, B12, EStrengthening the processes of oxidation-reduction, improving the quality of aging skin+
HyaluronodaseBreaks down hyaluronic acid, thus smoothing out stretch marks, scars and scars, eliminates the consequences of unsuccessful contouring+
HydrocortisoneAnti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive action-
Dirt (components)Comprehensive multilateral action+
A nicotinic acidImproving blood circulation, increasing vascular permeability-
Salicylic acidInflammation blockade, cleansing, brightening action-
Hyaluronic acidMoisturizing, wrinkle smoothing-
CaffeineImprovement of blood circulation, lipolytic effect+/-

For iontophoresis, plant extracts, placental-collagen masks, meso-cocktails with peptides and microelements are also used.

Hyaluronic acid iontophoresis

Hyaluronic acid iontophoresis is controversial. It is believed that in order to achieve a pronounced hydrating effect, it must be administered intradermally. External use only softens the upper layer of the epidermis, the drugs do not affect the total amount of hyaluronic acid with subsequent collagenogenesis in the body, since they are quickly excreted.

Hyaluronic acid iontophoresis has its advantages:

  • binds and retains moisture in the upper layers of the skin, which is no less important for its condition;
  • stimulates wound healing, binds inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of scarring;
  • stimulates the immunomodulatory effect;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • restores tone, improves the condition of fine wrinkles;
  • creates a slightly acidic environment unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms.

Regular iontophoresis procedures lead to the formation of a depot with hyaluronic acid, so the effectiveness of the course will be higher and longer than individual sessions. The severity of the action will also be affected by the characteristics of the active substance in the means for iontophoresis. Molecules of hyaluronic acid in the latest generation of preparations developed by the world's leading manufacturers are able to penetrate deeper into the skin and decompose more slowly.

How to choose a device for electroplating and iontophoresis

Before buying a device for electroplating and iontophoresis, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • device manufacturer;
  • functional;
  • power;
  • ease of use and detailed instructions;
  • availability of certificates.

Galvanic devices for the face have a current intensity range of up to 5 mA. They can be equipped with oval, spherical, cone-shaped electrodes that allow you to process hard-to-reach areas. It is convenient when one device combines ranges for the face and body, in addition, they are equipped with electrodes for large areas.

Desincrustation and iontophoresis are often functions of cosmetic combines. Versatility is the main advantage of such equipment: one device can produce different types current and significantly expand the range of procedures. It is not worth saving on the purchase of a cosmetic combine, reliable and efficient devices are found only from leading manufacturers. So, cosmetologists give positive feedback about the facial devices of the Italian company Decomedical - an authoritative brand in the field of professional equipment for a beautiful business.