The child does not go to the toilet much. How to help your baby. “Grandma’s” folk remedies for constipation

Constipation, especially in children early age, are a very common problem. To some extent this is due to immaturity nervous system what causes the violation digestive tract. Constipation is the name given to infrequent bowel movements. Let's figure out what to do if a child cannot go to the toilet.

Children under three years of age should normally have daily bowel movements. Children over three years old are allowed to have a bowel movement every other day, but the stool must be of normal consistency. Sometimes the child has bowel movements every day, but the stool is hard or consists of small balls (“sheep” feces). This condition is also commonly called constipation and must be treated.

All reasons can be divided into organic and functional. Organic causes are associated with diseases in which changes occur in the intestinal wall. They lead to inflammation, disruption of innervation, changes in microflora, which causes constipation. Sometimes a child has congenital diseases that contribute to the development of constipation (dolichosigma - expansion of the sigmoid colon, underdevelopment of nerve fibers in the intestinal wall - Hirschsprung's disease). Constipation may be caused by surgery abdominal cavity and the formation of adhesions.

Functional causes of constipation:

  • Changing the nature of nutrition with a predominance of fats and proteins.
  • Artificial feeding with poorly selected formula.
  • A sudden change in infant formula.
  • Improper diet in mother breastfeeding.
  • Inadequate drinking regime.
  • Insufficient nutrition in the child (small amount of plant foods that stimulate peristalsis)
  • Intestinal dysbiosis, which occurs in all children of the first three years, since the microflora has just begun to populate the intestines.

Constipation can also be a sign of other diseases:

  • Problems with thyroid gland(with hypothyroidism, low levels of hormones, a decrease in the amount of hormones is often noted)
  • Iron deficiency anemia is accompanied by disturbances throughout the body, as cells are insufficiently enriched with oxygen. Constipation in such cases is common.
  • Damage to the central nervous system.
  • Rickets is accompanied by a lack of calcium, and it is needed for normal intestinal motility. Therefore, with rickets, constipation begins.
  • Food allergies. Constipation occurs due to a lack of nutrients entering the body.

You definitely need to give an enema. The amount of fluid that needs to be administered depends on the age of the child. Instead of an enema, you can put a glycerin suppository or inject gas outlet pipe. These methods should lead to the act of defecation. If this does not happen, then you must definitely call a doctor. At increased gas formation You can give your child Espumisan.

Treatment of constipation

Treatment methods depend on the underlying disease causing constipation. But definitely great attention diet therapy should be given. If constipation is caused by nutritional errors, then use medicines or physical therapy will not be required.

The basis of the diet is adequate drinking regimen. If a child eats dry food, then you need to make sure that he washes it down. Water, rather than juices, milk or other liquids, helps intestinal peristalsis best. You should also give your baby raw and raw vegetables and fruits as often as possible. finished form, as they are a source of dietary fiber. Gymnastics, which should be carried out according to the age of the child, helps a lot. To improve peristalsis, it is recommended to simply lay the smallest ones on their stomach 10-15 minutes before feeding. Over time, physical activity expands, and it is recommended to include in gymnastics a large number of exercises. This stimulates peristalsis and improves bowel movements.

If the child is breastfed, then the mother must follow a diet. If feeding is mixed or completely artificial, then the formula must be changed. Professional massage also recommended for constipation.

Medicines used include drugs that eliminate dysbacteriosis. These include prebiotics (lacto- and bifidobacteria) and probiotics (products that create normal conditions for the development of beneficial microflora - Hilak-forte). Can also be used safe drugs based on lactulose to regulate stool in a child.

In the presence of diseases (anemia, rickets or hypothyroidism), the main problem must be treated, since diet and exercise therapy in this case are only auxiliary methods. When the cause is eliminated, intestinal function gradually improves on its own.

If your child cannot go to the toilet for a long time or bowel movements cause him pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Constipation in a child is a serious problem. Some parents do not treat it with due responsibility, although constipation greatly complicates the life of their child. Intoxication occurs child's body harmful substances, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa begins due to damage from feces, absorption of nutritional compounds worsens and metabolism changes. Therefore, when the first signs of constipation appear, you should not delay treatment. It is necessary to review the child’s diet, adjust the drinking regime and conduct an examination on the recommendation of a doctor.

During the first months of life, it is normal for a breastfed baby to have bowel movements after every meal. If a baby cannot go to the toilet more than once a day, it is considered constipated. In addition to infrequent bowel movements, symptoms chronic constipation is stomach pain, weight loss. The volume of the stool increases significantly.

In the vast majority of cases, babies cannot go to the toilet due to impaired peristalsis - motor activity intestines. There may be several reasons for this:

If a baby cannot go to the toilet, the problem may not only be a disruption of the intestines. The likelihood of a disease such as rickets should be taken into account - in northern latitudes it occurs quite often. Children regularly suffer from constipation

Is your newborn baby not pooping? The first thing you need to do is completely review your diet. You must be completely sure that your baby is eating to his fill. Try offering him a little more food. If this does not help, start introducing fermented milk complementary foods.

Before each meal, place your baby on his stomach for a short time - this helps strengthen the abdominal muscles. Massage your tummy with your lungs as often as possible in a circular motion, apply a warm heating pad. The more physical activity the baby shows, the better. After eating, be sure not to wrap him in a diaper afterwards. It’s great if the bathing procedure is accompanied by a little exercise and massage.

What to do if a baby cannot go to the toilet for more than two days? It's pretty alarming symptom. Try giving your baby an enema, but not with warm water - the liquid should be room temperature(toxins accumulated in the intestines in warm water dissolve, which facilitates their further absorption into the blood). For a baby under one month old, a 30 ml enema is taken; at the age of one to three months - 40 ml; over six months - 90 ml. To facilitate the procedure, the child’s anal passage can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

If constipation recurs regularly, but the stool consistency is soft, Duphalac helps a lot. The medicine is taken in a course: twice a day for ten days.

Even if any of the remedies described above helped, be sure to notify your local pediatrician and follow his recommendations in the future.

A newborn cannot go to the toilet for several days? It is only natural that this would cause you concern. Constipation is a relatively common problem in children. What should you do to help your child?

We can talk about constipation if bowel movements occur less than three times a week, the amount of feces is small, the stool is hard and difficult to pass, all this is accompanied by pain and stomach cramps.

Depending on the type of food, the baby may go to the toilet differently. Kids on artificial mixtures have

  • harder
  • and darker stool

because it's adapted digested longer than milk mothers.

2. Normal, if the baby goes to the toilet "largely" at least once within 24 hours. But this does not mean that you should worry if this rhythm is less frequent, for example, once every three days. The child can walk every day, or only three times a week, But stool color and spacing should be consistent. Of course, if the baby is not gaining weight properly, then the reason may be
  • insufficient milk supply
  • or poor nutrition.

3. Too long intervals between bowel movements
, but which constantly present, may be signs of constipation. It is more common in formula-fed children. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's constipation if your baby is squeezing hard stool. It is believed that this happens because babies' soft stools do not stimulate the anus enough, or the anal muscles are not strong enough to eliminate soft stool out. Problems will be solved, When Baby , of course, if his diet is

  • balanced
  • and varied.

4. You can definitely talk about constipation if Newborn's stool is very hard, Sometimes in the form of small balls and defecation is difficult or painful. The baby is suffering from

  • and there may be pain in the anal mucosa

which is very painful and aggravates the problem.

How to help your child with constipation

1. usually goes away with changes in diet. A child who is already pregnant should receive from 30 to 60 ml of juice from

  • plums
  • or an apple.

Add cereal branand increase your overall intake of fruits (not bananas) and vegetables.

Make sure your newborn consumes enough fluid. Not enough fluid in the diet may cause an infant to be unable to go to the toilet. Talk to your pediatrician about using probiotics to help regulate digestion in children.

3. Make sure that the baby is quite mobile. Place him on his back and rotate his legs like on a bicycle. Place baby on tummy before eating. This will warm up your abdominal muscles and prepare them for eating.

4. One of possible ways to help your baby when he can’t go to the big one, when nothing else helps, this is targeted intestinal irritation.

  • On a sanitary stick
  • or the tip of a thermometer

dip in a small amount of cream and carefully place them in anus to stimulate the defecation reflex.

5. Use of glycerin suppositories,
which soften hard stools may help, but are not always justified and are not a definitive solution to the problem. Generally, frequent use

  • candles
  • enemas
  • or laxatives

May be new reason constipation because the newborn's intestines become dependent on them and lose sensitivity to physiological stimuli.

6. There are special children's enemas, but they are used more as a last resort.

Never use them without first consulting your doctor, just like any other type of drug therapy.

7. Homeopathic medicines can help if the newborn cannot cope with constipation on his own, but in this case it is imperative to consult an experienced homeopath.

8. If you notice that the child went to the toilet with traces of blood in the stool and do not see a possible wound on the anus, then go to the doctor as soon as possible. Do the same if you notice that children often suffer from constipation because Ignoring the problem can lead to chronic constipation.

Doctor Komarovsky: what to do if the baby is unable to go to the toilet for the most part.

It is not for nothing that the human body is compared to a clock: the operation of all systems provides not only physiological, but also emotional comfort. But sometimes it happens that a well-coordinated mechanism fails. And situations when a child begins to become constipated are especially worrying. The reasons may be quite objective: the baby ate too much flour or received a bowl of rice porridge for breakfast. The situation is much more serious when difficulties with defecation become psychological in nature, in other words, children are afraid to poop. What are the reasons for such fear and what are the methods to solve the problem?

First of all, you need to understand what psychological constipation is. This is hardening feces as a result of the fact that the baby wants to relieve himself, but restrains himself and endures. Thus it turns out vicious circle: the child is very afraid to go to the toilet, and subsequently cannot do it normally.

This is interesting. In medicine, psychological constipation is called neurogenic.

Difficulty with bowel movements usually first occurs at 2–3 years of age. This is the period when the child is already beginning to realize his physiological needs, but does not yet fully understand their necessity and naturalness. There are cases when children 2–3 years old believed that pooping was something shameful. In older children, psychological constipation is usually observed if they have encountered such a problem in younger age and, what is important, they did not overcome it.

This is interesting. From the age of one, the child should poop 1-2 times a day. Allowed once every 2 days; a longer delay in defecation is considered constipation.

Causes of constipation in a child from the first year of life until the period of schooling

There are not so many causes of psychological constipation, that is, parents can almost accurately determine the nature of the problem that caused bowel problems.

  • Bad memories. Perhaps the baby experienced an unsuccessful bowel movement. For example, there was diarrhea, and my mother was very upset when she saw her dirty panties. Now the little one doesn’t want to upset his family, so he thinks it’s right to restrain his urges. Or constipation occurred not so long ago, and then when visiting the toilet the baby was in pain, microcracks appeared around anus- also unpleasant memories.
  • Embarrassment. Very often, neurogenic constipation is observed in children who begin to go to kindergarten. It is likely that the baby is ashamed to poop in front of other children, since he is used to doing his business at home in a familiar environment. By the way, this is the most common reason for difficulties with defecation of a psychological nature among schoolchildren - a public toilet is disgusting.
  • Stress. It is not by chance that this reason is singled out separately from the previous one. The fact is that parents should treat with great trepidation and attention how the baby recovers: how often, in what place (on the toilet or on the potty, and in small cases - in yellow, and in large ones - in your favorite one, with a backrest) . These little things create psychological comfort for the child while relieving himself. Don't neglect them.
  • Fear of punishment. This is what we're talking about here important point, like potty training. Not all children understand the first time that they need to empty their bowels not in their panties, but on the children's toilet. And parents, irritated by the circumstances associated with washing and cleaning, begin to sharply and loudly reproach the child for such an oversight. Here is the result: the baby finds the easiest way to solve the problem - not to poop.
  • Collective planting on a pot in kindergarten can become a test for the child and cause psychological constipation, especially if the baby is shy

    Consequences of constipation: what fear of defecation can lead to

    If a child begins to have problems with bowel movements, you need to act immediately, otherwise the consequences may be too serious:

  • bloating caused by stagnation of feces leads to pain in the heart and other organs, which is explained by a reflex reaction to constipation;
  • lack of appetite, as a result of which the baby loses weight;
  • belching, which is accompanied by the release of unpleasant air and a disgusting taste in the mouth;
  • change in mood - the baby becomes capricious, less active, unable to work, and sick due to intoxication of the body.
  • This is interesting. If the problem with stool is not solved, then by the age of 5–6 years, sleep begins to be disturbed, concentration decreases and memory deteriorates, color changes skin(they become yellowish).

    How to help your child and rid him of the fear of sitting on the potty

    It is necessary to act in three directions:

    This is interesting. It is very important not to give constipation a chance to appear, that is, you need to monitor what the baby eats: include more fruits and vegetables in the diet, reduce the amount of sweets and starchy foods.

    For any health problems, you need to consult a specialist, and constipation is no exception.

    Treatment to help you go to the toilet

  • juices (beetroot, carrot, pumpkin);
  • water ( daily norm calculated by the formula: 50 ml per 1 kg of weight);
  • dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins);
  • dairy products(kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt).
  • This is interesting. Fermented milk products “no older than” 1–1.5 days are considered healthy. There is no positive effect from them in the future, but such fermented baked milk yogurts can cause constipation. Therefore, it is better to prepare homemade yogurt. Take 800 ml of hot, but not boiling, milk, a crust of black bread, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream at room temperature. Mix everything, put it in a warm place (for example, near a radiator) and after thickening, drink it within 12 hours.

    If the baby does not want to eat vegetables raw, “hide” them in cutlets or soups. Don't like soup? Then we turn it into puree soup and pour it into a bottle - in general, we indulge our whims. The main thing is that the child receives what he needs for proper digestion.

    If you need a bottle in order for your child to eat the right food, agree - the end justifies the means

    In addition, it is very useful to give your child 1 tsp on an empty stomach. Vaseline oil. It is not absorbed, so it softens stool well and makes defecation easier.

    • Nomaze;
    • Duflac;
    • Good luck;
    • Portalac syrup;
    • Livolyuk-PB;
    • Romflak.

    But only a doctor should prescribe this or that medicine.

    Psychological help to overcome the problem

    First of all, mom and dad must be patient. Of course, at 2–3 years old a child already understands everything, you can explain to him that pooping is not painful, not shameful and not punishable. But! This needs to be done at the level of understanding of the baby, and also as many times as he needs to understand.


    If you have caused (with candles, syrup, diet) the desire to poop, then get ready for the baby to fight with himself, hold back until the last minute, and cry. But finally, everything will happen. True, in your underpants. Under no circumstances should you be blamed for this! In this situation, it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is that it happened. Praise, kiss and emphasize that the tummy has stopped hurting and the butt is fine. When the block is removed, gradually train him to use the potty: try to catch the moment X, bring the potty, be happy that the poop ended up in the right place, etc.

    Fairy tale therapy

    This technique is used in most different situations, and in case of psychological constipation also. The task is to relax the baby, to show him that pooping is necessary, but cannot be tolerated.

    Fairy tales captivate children, relax them and put them in the right mood, which helps persuade the baby to sit on the potty.

    An example of such a useful fairy tale would be a description of the life of a kakusik and a pukusik, who live in the butt and are very upset if they are not allowed out for a walk. Or a story about a kaku that lives in the butt and knocks its head on the door, so that as soon as it opens, it immediately jumps out. But if the door is closed for a long time, then the kaka gets offended, lies across it and can no longer get out. And the child’s task is to help her get out. And for this you need to treat your butt: light a candle, which will tell you what the solution is.

    Games with plasticine

    This technique helps if you see that the baby is beginning to hold back. Make plasticine balls, knead them into pancakes, roll them on paper - these actions relax your muscles very well and certainly distract you from unpleasant thoughts.

    Well-known to many, Dr. Komarovsky assures that constipation, if it is not caused by Hirschsprung's disease (underdevelopment of nerve endings in any part of the intestine, which leads to the accumulation of feces), does not require hospitalization. Evgeniy Olegovich advises consulting with your pediatrician and discussing the possibility of using glycerin suppositories and lactulose syrup (for example, Duphalac). It can be used from the first months of life. The effect of the drug is based on the fact that there is an increase in the volume of feces, and also the urge to defecate is stimulated due to the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the digestive tract.

    Having solved the problem at the physiological level, one should engage in prevention, which, according to Komarovsky, will eliminate the psychological block as well.

    A child is happiness, and we try to do everything to make him comfortable and cozy. However, it happens that sometimes he cannot go to the toilet. Naturally, this causes him a lot of inconvenience and pain. Therefore, the problem needs to be solved urgently. However, first you need to understand the reasons for this condition of the baby.

    The reasons may vary. For example, there are often cases when a child cannot go to the toilet because he is nervous or under stress. In addition, a violation of the digestive function of the intestine, as well as too solid food, can lead to this condition.

    If infant cannot go to the toilet, which means he is not eating properly or is not getting enough fluids. Since babies are mostly breastfed, they receive all the necessary substances from their mother’s milk. normal height and development. However, the baby’s intestines are not yet fully formed, and any violation of the mother’s diet will lead to problems.

    Sometimes the reason that an infant cannot go to the toilet is because he is away from home. Since in this case, feces accumulate and compact in the intestines, it is difficult for it to come out. In addition, it can promote tearing of thin rectal tissues. Constipation also often occurs when the baby begins to try solid food, that is, he switches to complementary foods. In this case, carefully monitor the frequency of bowel movements. The child should go to the toilet at least once a day.

    So, if you notice that your infant is having trouble going to the toilet, try not to panic. First, identify the symptoms of disorders in your baby. Among them are the following: flatulence, lack of stool for several days, difficulty and pain during the passage of feces. In addition, the baby may bleed from the anus. The child may also not produce gas. In these cases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    If you notice, treatment should be quick and effective. First of all, do an abdominal massage, which will help improve stomach function. Next, you need to adjust your diet, which should be enriched with fiber. Try to supplement your child's drinking with plain water. When enough severe constipation It is recommended to give your baby harmless laxatives, such as Gutallax.

    It is also necessary to form the habit of regularly visiting the toilet. Try to keep your child busy with fun, active games, as prolonged sitting can also cause constipation. Also try to enrich your child’s diet with probiotics, which help the intestines to restore function.

    In extremely severe cases, you should consult a doctor and give your child an enema. However, it should be performed by an experienced specialist, since amateur performance can be fraught with ruptures of the colon. After eliminating constipation, take all measures to ensure that the child does not experience painful sensations, and his bowel movements improved.