Scenario for the anniversary evening of the enterprise. Script for the Company's anniversary. Corporate scenario

Be sure to decorate: balloons, themed posters, fresh flowers, holiday garlands. Also, it would be nice for everyone to do small gift in the form of a souvenir, although this is a small thing, it brought joy to everyone.

I greet you all here,

In this great finest hour,

Evening for a corporate party,

There will be a lot of positive things here,

For now, get acquainted with everything,

Touch the main menu,

It was not in vain that the cooks worked,

And I'm still here for now,

I’ll put things in order here,

There is a good reason

For our holiday,

She's pretty to you

And in this finest hour,

The director will perform for you,

He has something to say

He will be able to serve you at this great hour!

(the director of the company gives a congratulatory speech)

And let it be a little simple,

But with all my heart he says:

You are all good at work,

Well, let's do it for you,

For the fact that we are all gathered here and now!

(musical break, meal)

Now let's have fun

And now I propose to dance,

Not just like that,

And get gifts for it!

So we danced

And they forgot about the wine,

I suggest you pour

Drink to the director

For the company to prosper,

And I didn’t know any problems!

(musical break, meal)

And now they have come to visit you from a fairy tale,

Hedgehog grandmothers, here they are!

(ditties are rehearsed in advance, four people perform them, to a backing track; paraphernalia: brooms, headscarf and skirts; it will be better and funnier if men perform it)

Song-adaptation to the tune of “Ditties of Babok-hedgehogs”:

Stretch the fur accordion,

Eh, play and pour,

Sing ditties Grandma the Hedgehog,

Tell us everything about the company!

Our company is simply classy,

Only we have the best

And even if the salary is small,

But she is nice to all of us!

We flew through the forest to you,

There's a whole bunch of competitors there,

But they definitely won’t catch up with us,

And such class cannot be shown!

Tighten the bellows accordion,

Let's stop singing

Now it’s better Grandma the Hedgehog,

You sang to us from the heart,

Finally, I will tell everyone,

And I certainly won’t lie:

Your company is good

One for all and all for you,

Well done, keep it up

And to raise the budget!

So y'all have fun

Spin in rainbow dances,

Gain more strength

And then get to work,

So as not to be equal to you,

So that no one follows on your heels!

(leaves but continues)

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How to have a fun banquet for your company's anniversary? We offer to diversify your corporate party and hold a holiday according to the script.

The banquet hall is decorated with balloons with numbers indicating how old the company is.

The stage is decorated like a warehouse. There are unnecessary things lying around. There is a ladder - a stepladder. Dark. A man appears in a dirty robe and felt boots.

Man: Wow! Darkness.

He takes his cell phone out of his pocket, lights up the screen, and shines the light around. Shies away from the stairs.

Man: Wow! It looks like legs.

Turns to the audience. Shines there: Ah! the flies are buzzing.

Staggering, he walks to the stairs and sets them up. She creaks. He climbs onto it and hits his head on a hanging light bulb. Searches his pockets. He takes out a second phone. Swears.

Shouts: Mary Ivanna! Mary Ivanna!

A woman who looks like a cleaning lady appears with a bucket.

Mary Ivanna: What are you yelling about, you poor thing? Two phones in hands.

Man: Oh. Is it true.

Tries to dial a number. The phone rings. The bell rings in the auditorium.

Mary Ivanna: Where are you calling?

Man: To my beloved leadership. Let him tell you where the lamp is.

Man: Ugh. We need a new one.

Mary Ivanna: It’s better to explain why there is such a mess here on the company’s anniversary.

Man: A! Well, yesterday they checked whether the products arrived well.

Mary Ivanna: And How?

Man: I do not know. After the third drink I fell asleep.

Mary Ivanna: Well, apparently the products were good.

Music from the song “Let Them Run Clumsily” plays.

Song of Mary Ivanna:

If again in our company
A sad birthday -
That means I didn’t wipe the dust yesterday in vain.
There's never too much
What we call
In the mood, let's turn on the engine.


Well, let them say: it’s dusty,
It's not pretty.
If you come to visit, then be patient.
And we all congratulate
Those who celebrate here
Anniversary is an honor today!
Happy anniversary, dears.
Congratulations on this day!
Let life be like this -
Don't be lazy to celebrate!

During the song, the toastmaster in a bright suit runs onto the stage and sings along.

Mary Ivanna: Oh, toastmaster!

Man, toastmaster: Do you have light?

Toastmaster: Light? Eat. Light, come out.

The second presenter comes out, also in a suit.

Man: Well, what is it! When will the leadership start to be heard by the common people?

Toastmaster: Waves

The presenter sees the man.

Presenter: You can't be sad today. Today is our anniversary. Let's cheer up our dear viewers.

Music from the song “Let's Rejoice in Our Time” is playing. Presenter's song:

We all gathered again today.
After all, the occasion is honor - why not get together?
Such is the order that has gathered here,
On holidays we all meet together.

And the team became even friendlier.

The second verse is sung by the toastmaster:

And let the years go by.
We won’t dare to call them back.
And on this holiday we came here,
And the anniversary is already bright!

It's time, let's rejoice, the anniversary has arrived.
We celebrate the holiday with all our hearts.
And the team filled this hall today.
Know, dear company, we are with you.

Presenter: I invite our leadership to this stage. Let it also say kind words!

Leadership takes the stage.

Man from the stairs: Well, give me a light bulb! I'm tired of hanging around here.

The guide gives you a light bulb (prepare in advance). A man screws in a light bulb. The light comes on. The man gets down and removes the ladder.

Management: So it lit up new date. But first, clean up the mess.

People quickly appear from behind the stage and clean up the mess.

Management: As I already said, on this anniversary we must strive for excellence. I want to express my gratitude to all our employees - both senior management and employees like Mary Ivanna and Kolyan.

Mary Ivanna and the man from the stairs bow.

Toastmaster: Beautiful words. Now let's move on to our wonderful feast!

Welcoming guests with music playing...calm...
The hall is decorated in color scheme seven-flowered flower..

All the guests took their places.

Song: “Hey, you’re up there!!”” by A.B. Pugacheva.
Music for everyone..2-3 songs music from the film “Tender and Gentle Beast”
K: yes, it’s time to tear off the next petal... (blue)
Tell...calm, beautiful music to sound...and everyone to dance the waltz!!Especially from the blue table, everyone starts to dance the waltz..
Waltz..and Alevtina sings 2 songs “I want to dance.”; “White dance”.”.
K: There was such a beautiful, charming dance... that one of the couples got keys!!!
We invite the couple to join us here!!! Handing over of the keys!! Larisa Dolina “Weather at home”" background..
A gift from Victor: a trick with a rope..Applause..!

K:Vitya, we are celebrating the birthday of the cooperative on New Year's Eve! There is snow outside the window, our city is beautifully decorated. Everyone is already preparing for the New Year holidays. New Year is coming soon!! What does it bring to us!!? I really want to know what awaits our cooperative next year..
Q: I’m interested in this too.. because I want to be with you next year.. and buy an apartment!!
K: I tear off the purple petal and invite an astrologer who will tell us all the secrets coming year!! I invite the Russian Tatyana.. music by A. Pugacheva “The Dropout” to calculate the path of the star and plant gardens, and magic can tame the typhoon...”
Russian Tatyana..performs..
K: Victor, I want to ask you to give us all a trick with a card.. Since this is symbolic.. for next year.. Whoever has a strong card is the winner!
Q: With great pleasure! I would like to invite (Larisa Vladimirovna) to participate in the illusion
Victor card trick
Music after the trick..”Well, what can I say, well, what can I say, how people are structured, we want to know, we want to know..
K: Well, there’s only one petal left (green).
Dear guests and our members of the cooperative.. And now..
Q: And now, dear friends, guests... let me make a small miracle for you!!
Q: Illusion “Snowflake”..miracle
K: Meet!! The most important sweet gift!! Happy birthday! Standard beloved, reliable, collective, promising, youth cooperative!!
Q: Congratulations!!
Music..happy birthday too you…
They're bringing in a cake...
Music.. Allegrova “Happy Birthday” fanfare..
K: Oleg Anatolyevich, cut the cake; Larisa Vladimirovna, treat the guests!!
music plays..(2-3 songs)
K: dear friends, the holiday continues!
Alevtina performs the songs: “Song about polar bears”; “Nightingale”; “bon voyage!”
Q: We invite you to the fiery Finale of our evening!!
Disco: modern music (music block)
K: the evening has come to an end! Thank you very much for being with us on this holiday!!
We wish you good luck! Happiness and Success!! New apartments in the new year!!

Description: Anniversary of the company's founding(or another date that has become traditional Happy birthday to the company) - one of the most important holidays. Calendar holidays celebrated by the whole country or even the whole world. A company day is a day filled special meaning, uniting and highlighting the employees of this particular organization. This is the best moment for instilling corporate spirit, the most suitable day for rewarding “leading people” and accepting young people into the team. Besides, company anniversary celebration(which does not necessarily require large funds, but is not possible without energy and enthusiasm) will raise the authority of the company in the eyes of partners and clients and makes good advertising. The venue of this corporate holiday a rented one will work best banqueting hall. If such a hall (with a stage and all the necessary sound equipment and lighting, spacious enough to accommodate all employees) is in your company, it will do.

Rough plan corporate event:
Comic questionnaire “Corporate mood”.
Research "Portrait of the Company".

Decoration of the room. Photo gallery.

Official part.
Presentation of memorable gifts.
Branded dates quiz.
The play “The Adventure of Pinocchio in Search of the Island of Super Luck.”
Attraction "Signature Dish".
Initiation into the company's employees.
Branded competitions.
Competition “Portrait of a Director of a Firm.”
Attraction of branded items.
Games for everyone.
Rewarding the most dedicated employees.

Where does a corporate holiday begin?

Comic questionnaire “Corporate mood”. At a corporate event, it is good to present the results of the company’s work for the year. It is better to briefly demonstrate business successes with visual diagrams, talking more about positive, joyful moments. A report on the internal affairs of the company (humorous, but thought-provoking for management) will be a demonstration of the general results of the survey of all employees. It is advisable to conduct the survey one to two weeks before the start corporate holiday. The survey must be anonymous.

Example of a questionnaire:
1. What is the company for you?
- A place where you can work;
- A place where you can receive money and do nothing;
- Prison;
- Family home;
- Internet access point;
- A place where you can drink free coffee and gossip about the boss;
- A place where you can hide from your family.

2. What is most important to you at work?
- Money;
- Smile of the boss;
- Internet;
- Photo on the honor board;
- Career ladder;
- Opportunity to become better;
- Corporate events, gifts and bonuses.

3. What is your attitude towards the management of the company?
- Indifferent;
- Respectful;
- Respectful, but I won’t refuse criticism of shortcomings!
- Based on fear of losing your job;
- Who is our director?

4. Which phrase most accurately characterizes your stay within the walls of the company?
- The quieter you go, the further you'll get;
- My hut is on the edge;
- “We were born to make a fairy tale come true...”;
- And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player;
- "Make money. Make money - everything else is a breeze”;
- “The main thing is not the person, but his career.”

Average “Portrait of a Company”. Another humorous study of the “face of the company.” A week before the start corporate holiday Each employee performs the following tasks.

Task 1. Fill out the form:
- Your height.
- Weight.
- Age.
- Amount of children.
- How many times have you gotten married?
- How many rooms are there in the apartment you live in?
- How many years (months) have you been working in our organization?
- The amount of your salary.

Task 2. Draw your portrait using the following geometric shapes: Triangle. Square. Circle. Zigzag.
Task 3. Write a short (no more than 50 words) story about yourself. Sheets with completed tasks are processed and formatted as follows: Average data on height, weight, rooms in the apartment, etc. are calculated. The percentage of all geometric shapes in all drawings. An average portrait of an employee is drawn from the figures in accordance with the obtained ratio of the figures.

For example, if the ratio of figures turned out to be as follows: 70% - triangles, 20% - squares, and 10% circles, the generalized figure may look like this: Next to the figure on one side, the resulting average parameters of height, weight, etc. are written. On the other hand, a decoding of the meanings of all geometric shapes and a conclusion for the general portrait are given.

Brief psychological characteristics basic forms of personality.

Triangle. This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in it. The most characteristic feature true Triangle - the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic, strong personalities.

Square. If your main figure turns out to be the Square, then you are a tireless worker. Hard work, diligence, the need to bring the work started to the end, perseverance that allows you to achieve completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares.

Circle. The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested, first of all, in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. The circle is the most benevolent of all five shapes.

Zigzag. This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen Zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true thinker, a dissenter. A generalized portrait of the “face of the company.” The overall figure turned out to be 70% triangles, 20% squares and 10% circles. This means that the majority of our team are strong, energetic people. However, the trouble is that “strong personalities” can compete and compete with each other.

Dear Circles, all hope is on you! Even though you are in the minority, do not let the ambitious ambitions of the majority take over! You are able to “glue” and stabilize any conflict gaps in our team, and hardworking Squares will “sort everything out” and organize our lives perfectly! Around the picture you can paste the most interesting stories (from the third task) or write out fragments from these stories. A poster with the results of the study is presented at a corporate event, and then hung on the wall so that each employee can familiarize themselves with it in detail.

Decoration of the premises for a corporate event. Photo gallery. For a corporate event of this level, it is advisable to invite interior decorators from special companies. Specific to a corporate event may be an exhibition of photographs of employees, company products, important points from the life of the company. Such a gallery can occupy an entire wall of a hall or hall. It is advisable to frame photographs. Be sure to write a caption for each photo. Also display diplomas, company awards and newspaper publications related to the history of the company for public viewing. It is best to display exhibits in chronological order. It is very important not to forget about any of the employees. You can use balloons and garlands of branded flowers to decorate the hall. It is also necessary to hang posters with company attributes (logo, name, slogan) on the walls. Posters and banners left over from the advertising campaign will help create the right mood. On behalf of and on behalf of.

Official part. The official part at a corporate holiday should not be long. It is necessary to prepare a short interesting story about the founding of a company or the emergence of a type of activity that is basic for this organization. The story may include short funny stories, told by the organization's guards. It is important that this story unites all participants, creates a corporate spirit in the organization and a sense of corporate patriotism, as this will help improve mood. Presentation of memorable gifts. After congratulatory speeches All those present are given gifts. In large companies, in order not to delay this event, gifts can be given to representatives from each department. Presenting gifts at the beginning of a corporate holiday allows you to create a special mood among all employees. It is good to choose gifts that employees will associate with their organization.

Banquet. The banquet takes place in a spacious hall with a stage. Guests take their seats at small tables placed around the stage. Most of the action of the corporate holiday takes place on stage.

Branded dates quiz. Some time after the start of the corporate party, competitions are held for knowledge of the history of the company. Guests can participate in competitions either individually or in teams (for example, a team consists of employees sitting at the same table). Auction memorable dates. Leading corporate holiday invites those present to list memorable events in the life of the company. The participant (team) who names the next event receives a prize point.

"The Day That Happened" Quiz. The host of the corporate party names various memorable events in the life of the company and asks those present to remember the exact date when these events took place. For each correct answer, the participant (team) receives five bonus points.

Competition "Who, where, when". The host of the corporate party turns on the projector (or slide projector) and shows guests photographs, videos or slides. For each episode, guests must answer the following questions:

1. Who is this or what is this?
2. Where does this happen?
3. When (exact day, year) does this happen?

Each correct answer is awarded five points. After this, the results of the competitions are summed up and the winners receive prizes.

Branded competitions. "Specialty of the house". The highlight of the banquet can be a special “signature dish” (any dish or drink that is in some way related to the company’s activities). You can announce a competition between employees for a signature dish in advance.

For example - Signature salad: Processed cheese “Druzhba” (promotes team unity) needs to be finely grated and mixed with garlic (protects against harmful customers). Nuts (stimulate brain activity), lemon juice(refreshes the perception of information). Adding carrots to a salad will help restore vision lost while using the computer. The salad will evoke additional pleasant emotions if you add more greens to it.

Initiation into the company's employees. Another event that contributes to the formation of corporate spirit is the traditional annual initiation into employees of the company of those who have recently joined this organization. Initiation consists of three stages - a test of business abilities, an oath of loyalty to the organization and the presentation of comic certificates of acceptance into the staff.

Test of business abilities. All employees who started work within last year, it is proposed to undergo testing. The winners of each challenge may be awarded prizes. Text from words. Each participant receives a newspaper, a sheet of paper, scissors and a glue stick. The participants’ task is to cut out words from the newspaper and compose a text based on the model. As a sample, you can take an advertisement for a given company or a phrase from a company brochure.

Super employee. Participants are asked to rewrite a short text, while at the same time answering (in turn) the moderator’s questions. Questions can be of a questionnaire nature (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, etc.). The participant who, despite the interference, manages to rewrite more words of the text without errors during the competition, receives a prize. What to do if... Participants are presented with difficult situations related to their work, in which they need to find an original way out.

Example situations:
- What to do if you lost the salaries of your subordinates or public money in a casino?
- What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
- What to do if your dog ate an important report that you must submit to the director in the morning?
- What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with general director your company?
- What to do if you accidentally knocked over a cup of coffee on the director’s desk with important papers.

Branded "Oath". After the tests, participants receive sheets with a comic oath loyalty to the company.

Example of an oath:“I swear before the God of gods - Zeus, his wife Hera, the God of trade Hermes and all the gods and goddesses, taking them as witnesses, to honestly fulfill, according to my strength and my understanding, the following obligations:

To honor the one who taught me the art of management on an equal basis with my parent and to pass on the acquired knowledge to others free of charge. Refraining from causing any harm or injustice to the client, directing the work regime to the benefit of the company in accordance with my strength and my understanding. Live your life and your art purely and immaculately. Whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the company, being far from everything intentional, unfair and harmful, especially from love affairs with women and men. Whatever I see or hear regarding human life and the affairs of the company that should not ever be disclosed, I will keep silent about it, considering such things a trade secret. I will not give anyone asking me for a detrimental means for the affairs of the company and will not show the way for such a plan.

Presentation of the certificate.

After taking the oath, new employees receive certificates (certificates) that they really are employees of this organization. All employees can be pinned with badges with the company’s logo (it’s best if the director of the company does this) and will be given souvenirs (notebooks, pens, calendars) with the company’s symbols . Can be ordered as a dedication gift for each new employee. Business Cards with his name and coordinates.

Games for everyone.

Bank account. The competition can be held both among the company’s management and among everyone. Required for the competition glass jar, filled with metal and paper money and sealed (to prevent participants from being tempted to open the jar, you can seal it with a tin lid). Participants take turns examining the contents of the jar, trying to count or guess the amount of money that is in it. After everyone has named their version of the amount, the bank is opened and the money contained in it is recalculated. The participant who gives the absolutely correct or most accurate (depending on the initial conditions of the competition) answer receives a prize.

Compliments are antonyms. The basis for this game was a scene from the wonderful film " Love affair at work" The heroine, played by Alisa Freindlich, lists all the unpleasant epithets that Myagkov’s hero awarded her at the beginning of the story. He tries to refute it by choosing antonyms - complements for each word she says (not always successfully). A pair of players, preferably of different genders, are invited to repeat this scene. One of the participants quickly names various unpleasant epithets (evil, cunning, greedy). Another player tries to come up with pleasant antonyms for each of these epithet (kind, simple-minded, generous). If the second player makes a mistake or pauses too long in the game, he loses and the participants change roles.

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the metallurgical plant.

Eat good idea: do not break the holiday into morning and evening, do not drag it away to various sites remote from each other, but the whole world, all the people, the whole plant, hold a big festive summer evening.
And the stadium is the most suitable site for this, where, in addition to a bright public spectacle and a concert of the capital’s stars, you can easily install a couple of additional platforms, a town of children’s trampolines and attractions, several summer cafes and kebab houses. And when the main entertainment part is over, launch a broad program active rest for all ages and tastes until dusk and fireworks.
And to make it time-saving, the general program should begin in the late afternoon. Optimal time starts - 17.00.
17.00 - 18.30 - Artistic, official and concert and entertainment programs.
18.30 - 19.45 - Concert of capital stars.
19.45 - 22.45 - Mass celebration.
22.45 - 23.00 - Fireworks.
The question arises: what is a mass celebration and what should be used to fill it? Summer cafes and kebab shops begin to operate, on the asphalt square behind the football goals there is a stage platform with cheerful presenters, with games and jokes, and a disco for all ages and tastes, which does not exclude concert numbers local performers.
On the other side of the field there are trampolines and children's attractions. They are connected to a platform with special children's games and performances.
The central stage is not empty either. It is attended by a brass band and an experienced presenter, who conducts a dance program for veterans of the plant right in front of the stage on a special dance platform adjacent to it (Fig. 1).
And it all starts with the artistic and official program.

1. “Without a quarter of a century” - an artistic and historical prologue.

A solemn symphonic introduction sounds. At the same time, in front of the viewer’s eyes, eight-meter chains of large colorful flowers grow on the field (pneumatic garlands). As soon as the garlands “bloom”, 75 percent, a solemn voice is heard.

The solemn chiming of the chimes, supplanted by the increasingly rapid introduction of the song to the melody of the composition “Felicita”. Vocalists (He and She) appear on stage, accompanied by a sports and pop dance group.

He. Seventy five!
She. This, in general, is not much - three quarters of a century!
He. Seventy five!
She. It's time for results and a new milestone!
He. Seventy five!
She. We are on the verge of future success!
Together. Seventy five!
Seventy five!

The sports and variety group works in spurts: statics-dynamics. Two chains of banner bearers begin a counter movement, on the banners there are dates from the year the plant was founded to today.

She. Seventy five!
He. Time for new heights, time for new achievements!
She. Seventy five!
He. Time strong men, time for bold decisions!
She. Seventy five!
He. Time for smart machines and high aspirations!
Together. Seventy five!
Seventy five!

Chorus (together). The holiday overflowed like a river,
Everywhere smiles burn like candles,
At seventy-five young -
My plant.
The expanse of blue sky
Full of sunlight.
Life, fate and love -
My plant!

The sports and variety group works in a circle. On the fifth line of the chorus, a vocal ensemble of plant veterans appears on stage. The standard bearers leading the chains move to their starting positions to form banner columns. The formation of columns begins.

Veterans. My plant!
He and she. These are proud people and good fame!
Veterans. My plant!
He and she. Hot ores and the power of ferroalloys!
Veterans. My plant!
He and she. You are rightfully called an industrial miracle!
All. My plant!
My plant!

The sports and variety group works in the “static-dynamic” mode. The construction of the banner columns ends, their counter movement begins.

He and she. My plant!
Veterans. You are the support of the sovereign metallurgy!
He and she. My plant!
Veterans. Your sonorous alloys are the mainstay of the industry!
He and she. My plant!
Veterans. You stand majestically, for the good of Russia!
All. My plant!
My plant!

The sports and variety group works in a circle. On the seventh line of the chorus, 2 large aeromen “stand up”. The standard bearers form a square. The chorus is sung by everyone together. Then the character of the music changes to intensely dramatic. The sports and variety group enters the field in front of the stage, the singers make way. Their place is taken by young boys and girls in work overalls and helmets - a combined modern dance group - and perform a kind of “technological” dance. The movement of a column consisting of 8 “gazelles” with banner structures begins. The banners feature tinted, chronologically arranged black and white photographs from eight decades of the plant’s life, decorated with the colored symbols of the enterprise. Each banner has a military cadet. In front of each gazelle is a motorcycle with an unfurled banner. On the banners there are sequential inscriptions: 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th, XXI century. Cars and motorcycles move with their headlights on and periodically beep. Against this background, two young workers reproduce the lyrics, working in rap style.

First. Our great-grandfather three quarters of a century ago
I came here to build a plant.
Second. He built a plant, became a steelmaker,
Welded and produced the first steel.
First. From then on it went, from then on it went!
A lot of water has flowed down the rivers.
Second. But for many years our great-grandfather worked
He worked conscientiously and lived in truth!
Extras. Glory to the plant!
Glory to the plant!
Second. Our grandfather remembers how during the war
Almost boys came to the workshops.
First. Then the boys, and later the grandfathers
We worked hard in the name of victory.
Second. They worked like hell to spite the Nazis!
A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then.
First. But shift after shift for another half a hundred years
Our grandfather cooked hardened steel!
Extras. Glory to the plant!
Glory to the plant!
First. Our father continued this dynasty,
He multiplied the work of his grandfather and great-grandfather.
Second. He could not disgrace such a relationship,
He worked hard and developed his skills.
First. The weeks flew by, the years flew by.
My father was given the title of “Hero of Labor”.
Second. Beacon, mentor, example in everything!
And we are proud of our father!
Extras. Glory to the plant!
Glory to the plant!
Second. It's time. Me and my brother
They came to work at the plant.
First. We want, like our father, like our great-grandfather and grandfather,
Achieve great victories in your work.
Second. Sometimes we don’t even know ourselves, guys.
Where is our destiny, where is the destiny of the plant?
First. We know one thing for sure: as long as we are united,
We are invincible to no one!
Extras. Glory to the plant!
Glory to the plant!

"Gazelles" finish driving along the stands. The character of the music changes back to its original character. The sports and variety group energetically rises to the stage, and young workers take their places on the stage field She. The continuation of the first song follows.

Veterans. Seventy five!
He and she. Time good hopes, creative age!
Veterans. Seventy five!
He and she. This is a new frontier of unprecedented records!
Veterans. Seventy five!
He and she. You are fit and fresh, you are athletic and collected!
All. Seventy five!
Seventy five!

The sports and variety group works in the “static-dynamic” mode. Motorized hang gliders appear in the sky with banners saying “Happy anniversary, plant!”

He and she. My plant!
Veterans. A heroic fusion of human destinies!
He and she. My plant!
Veterans. Heat generator and everyday romance!
He and she. My plant!
Veterans. Your lot is bright, which means everything will still be there!
My plant!
My plant!

The sports and variety group works in the “static-dynamic” mode. "Gazelles" line up on the field, forming a picturesque backdrop. The right and left banner squares begin a counter movement.

The holiday overflowed like a river.
He and she. Everywhere smiles burn like candles.
Veterans. At seventy-five young...
He and she. My plant!
Veterans. The expanse of blue sky...
He and she. Full of sunlight.
Veterans. Life, destiny and love...
He and she. My plant!

The sports and variety group works in a circle. The banner groups change places. Thousands of multi-colored congratulation leaflets are dropped from motorized hang gliders onto the stadium field: “The plant is 75. Happy holiday!”

He (at the end of the song). Be healthy!
She. Be happy!
All. Happy holiday!

2. Official ceremonial part.

A drum roll sounds. The crowd (with the exception of the standard bearers) disperses in an orderly manner. A military brass band begins to move along the stadium path. The presenters come out.

Presenter (against the background of the roll and the entrance of the orchestra). For seventy-five years, nine hundred months in a row, without stopping day or night, either during the war years or during the years of peaceful creative labor, our plant has uninterruptedly provided and continues to provide the industry of the country with its unique and extremely necessary products.
Leading. Years, eras, generations changed, social formations became a thing of the past, but the plant’s workshops did not stop for a second. This is a single work shift lasting twenty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-two days.

The orchestra's entrance is ending.

Presenter. And now, when we are celebrating the glorious anniversary of our production, this wonderful work shift continues in its workshops. We are in touch...

Calls the name of a shift foreman in one of the workshops. A telephone call follows, then a dialogue.

Master. I'm hearing you.
Presenter. Hello, (Name Patronymic name)!
Master. Hello.
Presenter. The festive stadium welcomes you!
Master. Very nice. Happy holiday!
Presenter. We also sincerely congratulate you and your comrades on the holiday. Tell me, what is happening in your area now?

The master talks in a few words about what is happening.

Amazing. You can take this opportunity to congratulate those gathered at the stadium. Moreover, convey personal greetings.
Master. Yes, sure. Congratulations to everyone on the plant’s anniversary! I wish you happiness, health and a good salary! Well, I convey personal greetings to my replacement... (says first and last name). Let him take a walk, but in moderation, since he will be replaced at night.
Presenter. Thank you! Have a good shift!

The orchestra performs a small solemn fragment.

Leading. For three quarters of a century, our plant has marched in the glorious ranks of the giants of the domestic industry. During this time, many difficulties were overcome and many victories were won. The work of metallurgists has been repeatedly recognized by the most high awards Motherland.
Presenter. But, perhaps, the most valuable relic for us is the challengeable Red Banner, presented to the workers of the plant for eternal storage for their valiant work during the war years and during the period of restoration of the national economy.
Leading. We believe that this glorious relic should be among us today. I ask everyone to stand up.

Ceremonial music performed by an orchestra.

Presenter. And let, as a sign of the greatness of life,
That glorious banner will be brought in:
For contribution to the victory over fascism,
For valiant and peaceful work!

Three military cadets appear on the dance proscenium and on the proscenium of the main stage. Another trio heads from the spectator stands towards the stage. At its head is a cadet with a banner, a little behind are two cadets with a basket of flowers. The banner and flowers move from three to three. The latter heads deeper into the main stage. The standard bearer places the banner on a special flagpole on a dais, and a couple with a basket places flowers on the step to the foot of the dais. At the same time, bowls with a one and a half meter cold fire flash to the left and right of the banner.

Leading. Thank you. Please sit down.

The orchestra performs a joyful composition. A sports and variety group appears on the dance proscenium. An open convertible with a plant veteran and his great-granddaughter starts driving along the stadium track.

Presenter. For the ceremonial raising of the flag, a peer of the plant, a veteran of... the workshop... arrives at the stadium. (Full Name) and his great-granddaughter, a very likely future employee of our production...

The convertible arrives at a helium-filled airship, which, using a special structure, is fixed on a platform near the stage. The mount is made in such a way that it is enough to cut the ribbon, and the airship with the flag will rise above the stadium field She. The orchestra falls silent. The veteran and great-granddaughter are helped out of the convertible and invited to the airship. The convertible drives away.

(Against the background of what is happening.) Today we have an unusual flag raising. It is enough to cut the ribbon, and an airship with the symbols of the plant will rise into the sky.

Scissors are brought to the veteran.

And I invite everyone present to participate in this ceremony. Let's all count down together: five, four, three, two, one, go! And the moment we say the word “Start!”... (names the veteran and great-granddaughter) will cut the ribbon. Do you agree?.. Then get ready! Let's start!
All. Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Start!

Accompanied by an orchestra, the balloon begins to rise.

Presenter. Thanks to everyone present, and especially... (names the veteran and great-granddaughter). And allow me, to your applause, in honor of the plant’s anniversary, to present them with memorable gifts. Happy holiday!

The veteran and great-granddaughter are presented with gifts and escorted to the podium.

Leading. We invite you to the stadium stage...

Reads out the list of officials. Accompanied by the orchestra, those named rise to the stage and address the audience. The orchestra accompanies possible awards. To the music of the orchestra officials leave the stage.

Presenter. Our home plant is not only the place where we all work and earn our living. It is also a huge social community with numerous connections: partnership, friendship and, of course, family. During the seventy-five years of his life, many working dynasties were formed here. Here are just a few of them...

Dynasty... (surname). Total experience… years!
Dynasty... (surname). Total experience... years!
Leading. And, of course, from the first days of the plant’s inception, strong married couples were created and continue to be created here. And now you will see this with your own eyes!.. Three weddings are coming to us at once!

The orchestra performs Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Three wedding cars arrive at the stadium. Three young men approach them, open the doors and help three couples get out of the car: gold, silver and the newly formed one.

Presenter (as you get out of the cars). Golden wedding! Spouses... (states the surname, production positions of the heroes of the day).
Leading. silver wedding! Spouses...
Presenter. And a very young couple who just registered their civil status today...
Leading. Welcome!

Couples rise to the dancing proscenium. At the same time, three girls appear on stage with gifts for married couples and a young man with a tray with a bottle of champagne and 6 wine glasses.

Presenter. Well, dear newlyweds, a common toast to you. Let's start by seniority. First, the golden couple will say a few words, then the silver couple and the newlyweds. Then, as usual, everyone should sip champagne together.
Leading. Amazing! Bitter!.. Come on, all together, three or four!

The stadium chants: “Bitter!” Couples kiss.

Presenter. Dear newlyweds! On behalf of the management of the plant, on behalf of all those present, we cordially congratulate you on your celebration, and in memory of today’s holiday, allow me to present you with small gifts.

Gifts are presented to the music of the orchestra. Couples are escorted to their cars.

3. “Seventy-five smiles” - concert and game program.
Leading. We can consider this to be the end of the official ceremonial part of our program. And I have a question for you: who is in favor of moving on to the next part of our program? Please raise your hands... Who is against?.. Abstained?.. The decision was made unanimously.
Presenter. The next part of our program is called “Seventy-five smiles.” Participating in it...

The orchestra is playing a march. The leaders call the groups. From the wings follows their exit onto the stage, passing through the dance proscenium. Next comes the presentation of shop teams, in which there are 4 people: 3 guys, 1 girl - captain. Having made the exit and frontal passage, they, according to the preliminary draw, go to the starting place.

Leading. The sports-competitive part of our program for the title of the most fun and sporty workshop of the plant is represented by: team... captain...

Represents all eight teams.

Presenter. Let's wish them easy starts and victorious finishes.
Leading. Our program is accompanied, decorated and ennobled... (names groups).
Presenter. And the orchestra is under the direction of...

The orchestra welcomes the audience. The teams leave the stage.

(When the last groups left.) And the honor of opening our concert and gaming program fell to the most active and tireless group - the vocal ensemble of plant veterans.

An ensemble of veterans sings. Immediately after the song, the soundtrack of the stage noise is turned on She. The finishing ball is brought to the center.

Leading (in a tracksuit, energetically). Dear friends, we are starting a competition for the title of the most sports department of the plant, in which various cash prizes from one and a half to 12 thousand rubles will be awarded. We are waiting for 7 fun starts, arranged according to the “loser is out” principle. But not empty-handed!
Presenter. So, let's start First. It's called "Jolly Porters". The lot brought together the team... and the team... The task is simple. At the signal, the team captains, here they are in the center, take the buckets to their players and give them to those guys in stretchers over there. The stretchers move along the stands, and the person sitting on top treats you with lollipops. When the lollipop runs out, he will find an awl at the bottom. And as soon as the stretcher crosses the control line, he can pierce this ball with an awl. This, in fact, will be the finish!
Leading. Everyone understands that nothing is clear. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Teams, let's start! Teams, attention! Teams, march!

A comic soundtrack plays (“We firmly believe in sports heroes”). The finishing line is located in the center of the running track. balloon 1 meter in diameter. Control starting flags are installed five meters from it on both sides. Fifty meters on either side of the ball are the starting flags of the second stage. The captains stand at the first flags with buckets in their hands and a stage weight tied to one leg. At the bottom of each bucket there is an awl, on top of which lollipops are poured up to half the bucket. The remaining team members (three people) await the captains at the second flag. At the same time, two of them have special stretchers on their shoulders, and stage weights are tied to their feet, the third player sits on a stretcher. At the starting signal, the captains run to the team and give the bucket to the player sitting in the stretcher. The stretcher begins to move along the stands towards the ball, while the person sitting gives sweets to the spectators (throws them around). Having reached the starting flag, the player with the bucket leaves the stretcher, with an awl in his hands, rushes to the finishing ball and pierces it. The team that completes this task the fastest wins. not an easy task. Fanfare sounds at the finish line and awards ceremony.

Presenter. We ask the teams to line up near the stage and the captains to shake hands. We congratulate the team... on reaching the semi-finals, and the team... congratulate them on the holiday and, to the thunderous applause of the audience, we present a cash prize - one and a half thousand rubles, or three hundred and seventy-five rubles per brother, which will allow them to have a good rest at our holiday. Be healthy and happy (hands over an envelope with money)!

Here and further at the moments of the finish and awards, fanfare sounds.

And on our stage... (announces the number).

During the performance of the number, pantomimic clowning is performed on the track along the stands - a parody of the competition that has just taken place. 3 pairs of clowns appear on the track and are evenly distributed along the stands. In each pair, one clown has a bucket with three chocolates, the other has three helium balloons. One of the central clowns seems to give a general start. Those with buckets run along the stands and, flirting with the spectators, hand out chocolates. Then they take large scissors out of the buckets and rush to the balls to pierce them. But the clowns with balloons object to this act of vandalism and, after some mimic bickering with their partners, come to the decision to give the balloons to the children, after which they leave. Phonogram "Stadium Noise".

Leading. Dear friends, in 30 minutes the anniversary lottery draw will take place! Therefore, we ask lottery ticket holders to be extremely careful and not to be absent for a long time. You risk being left without a TV, refrigerator, stereo system and other household necessities. Be careful!
Presenter. And we continue our sports competition for the title of the most fun and athletic workshop of the plant. Start number two - “Merry Jumpers”. This means that the captains (they are in the center) Now they’ll give their boys an awl and a chair. And then they will begin to rearrange the chairs so as to get to the finishing ball as quickly as possible in order to publicly tear it apart.
Leading. To our left is a team... and to our right is a team... Let's start! Attention! March!

A comic soundtrack (“Letka-enka”) starts playing. In the center of the running track there is a finishing balloon with a diameter of 1 meter. Five meters from it on both sides there are control starting flags, and fifty meters on both sides of the ball there are starting flags for the second stage. At the start there is a captain with an awl and a chair in his hands, the rest of the players are at the second flag, each standing on a chair. The chairs are lined up towards the finishing ball. On command, the captains rush to the second stage flag and place their chair in front of the team. Players, alternately jumping from chair to chair, rush forward. In this case, after each jump, the captain places an empty chair in front of the team for a new jump. As soon as one of the jumping players crosses the starting flag line, the captain has the right to poke the finishing ball. The fastest wins.
An artistic performance is being performed.
3 pairs of clowns appear on the track and are evenly distributed along the stands. In each pair, one clown has two chairs, the other has three helium balloons. One of the central clowns seems to give a general start. One clown from each pair rearranges the chairs, moving them towards the audience, the other jumps from chair to chair. Having reached the audience, they flirt with them, choosing possible lucky ones, then hand over the balls and leave. Phonogram "Stadium Noise".

We remind you that we are holding fun competitions for the title of the most sports department of the plant. Based on the results of the first two meetings, the teams... and... And the team... and the team... are preparing for the start.
Presenter. A dizzying, extreme descent awaits them on a special metallurgical skateboard. But since we don’t have a single slide here, they will organize the descent themselves, pushing off from the path with ski poles. Faster and faster to bravely puncture the finishing ball. But first, as usual, they need to get an awl from their captains.
Leading. In a word, it will be fun. So, teams, let's start!.. Attention! March!

A comic phonogram is turned on (“Time, forward!”). The captains are at the starting flag, the teams are at the second stage flag. The team stands on a one and a half meter board equipped with three pairs of rollers at the bottom. At the signal, the captains rush to their teams, hand the awl to the head player and run to the start. The threes begin moving on the board towards the captain, pushing off from the treadmill with ski poles (each has one). As soon as the nose of the board crosses the line of the first flag, the captain has the right to take the awl and pierce the finishing ball. The fastest wins.
During the artistic performance, 3 pairs of clowns appear on the track and are evenly distributed along the stands. In each pair, one of the clowns stands on the ice, takes ski poles in his hands, and a bag of sweets (3 chocolates) in his teeth. Equipped in this way, after the general start, he pushes off with sticks and tries to reach the audience. The other clown helps him in every possible way. Having reached the audience, the couple hands out chocolates. Phonogram "Stadium Noise".

Dear friends! We remind you that in just a few minutes the anniversary lottery draw will take place. Holders of lottery tickets, be careful, prepare your tickets and do not leave the area of ​​our spectacle for a long time.
Presenter. And we announce start number four. It's called "Jolly Shuttles". Let's imagine that our teams went to China and bought 30 bottles there mineral water, as well as sewing. And they must bring these awls to their captains. But first they need to distribute water to the spectators. Each player gives 10 bottles. You are allowed to take and give only 2 bottles at a time. And only then you can take the bag with the awl to the captain, who runs to the finish line with the bag, takes the awl out of it and what do you think he does?.. That's right, pierces the control ball with it.
Leading. I think we are in for an unforgettable spectacle. So, first numbers, let's start! Attention! March!

A comic soundtrack plays (“Vivat for you, Spartakiad!”). There is a finishing balloon in the center of the running track. To the right and left, at the control flags, at equal distances, facing the viewer, stand the team players - 1, 2, 3 and the captain. At the feet of each team is a large closed shuttle bag. At the bottom there are a bunch of pieces of paper, two stage weights and an awl, and on top there are 30 half-liter containers with mineral water. On command, player 1 opens the bag, takes two containers and takes them to the stands, returns, takes two more and repeats the action. And so 5 times, that is, he must give the spectators 10 containers, and then take the bag to player 2. Player 2 also takes 10 containers, strictly in pairs, after which he hands the bag to player 3. Player 3 gives the remainder to the spectators (strictly in pairs) and takes the bag to the captain. The captain with the bag runs to the finishing ball, finds an awl and pierces the finishing ball. The fastest wins.
During the artistic performance, 3 pairs of clowns with large shuttle bags appear on the track and are evenly distributed along the stands. At the general start, they run to the audience, open their bags and take out... a bottle of vodka. Confusion ensues, then the clowns rummage through the bags again and pull out another bottle. After some deliberation, they hand the bottles to the adult uncles and again turn to the bags and take out scrolls from there. The scrolls (0.4 x 2 m) are unrolled, with the inscription on them: “This is mineral water. Drink, it’s delicious!” (in bottles and actually mineral water).
Cheerful music is playing. Tables and a lottery machine are brought onto the stage He. A cargo Gazelle arrives with lottery prize money and clowns.

Dear friends, we are starting to draw the plant’s anniversary lottery. The lottery fund this year amounted to 40 thousand rubles. And there are only ten prizes. Imagine what level they are! What can I say, let's see. I ask you to contribute the prize of the first lot.

The first lot is brought in.

Presenter (approaching from the audience with the child by the hand). And this boy (girl), which (which) I found among the spectators that our lottery dealer will be there. Let's get acquainted.

Getting acquainted. A lottery is being drawn. Delivery of prizes that cannot be carried away should be arranged at the end of the show on the same gazelle. The child is also rewarded with a gift.

And for those who are unlucky, our next number!

Artistic number. Phonogram "Stadium Noise".

We continue the series of fun competitions for the title of the most athletic workshop of the plant. Semi-final! The stakes are raised as even those who lose in the semi-finals receive a cash reward of 3,000 rubles per team.
Leading. Today our girls-captains had to endure so much that we decided to give them the opportunity to rest and ride on three horses as fast as the wind. The threes must race from one control flag to the other, then return, and only then the captain gets the right to pierce the finishing ball. The competition is called “Happy Horses”.
Presenter. On our left is the team... and on our right is the team... Let's wish them good luck. On your marks! Attention! March!

A comic soundtrack (“Three White Horses”) is played. In the center of the running track there is a finishing balloon with a diameter of 1 meter. Five meters from it on both sides there are control starting flags, and fifty meters on both sides of the ball there are flags for the second stage. Three players of each team are “harnessed” to a cart using ropes, the role of which is played by a car camera with three stage loads tied to it. The players have bells on their chests, and the captain with an awl is reclining on the camera. At the signal, the teams move from the starting flag, go around the second flag and return to the start. As soon as the team is completely behind the starting flag, the captain gets the right to pierce the ball. The fastest wins.
After the competition, an artistic number is performed, during which clowns work. Clowns (a pair for each camera) are immediately harnessed to the empty props after the competition, and two more clowns with bundles of balloons are imposingly laid directly on the cameras. They begin to command, indicate where to take them, until they completely confuse the “horses”. The “horses” rebel and change places with the rider, who takes them to the stands with little effort. Balls should be distributed. Phonogram "Stadium Noise".

Leading. The final of our competition is close, close! Penultimate competition. Strictly speaking, this is a slightly modified “bag run”. But we called it “Merry Shiloposes”. Why? Yes, because the guys will now again have fun wearing an awl. First the captains, and then those guys in the bags over there.
Presenter. It will be fun, it will be good! On your marks! Attention! March!

A comic soundtrack plays (“I’ll take you to the tundra”). In the center of the running track there is a finishing balloon, five meters from it on both sides there are control starting flags, and fifty meters on either side of the balloon there are starting flags for the second stage. At the start there are captains with an awl in their hands and weights tied to both legs. The rest of the team is at the second stage flag in one big bag. At the signal, the captains start towards the team, pass the awls, and the triplets begin to jump towards the finishing ball, where they pierce it.
During the artistic performance, the empty props are occupied by clowns, three in each bag. At the same time, one of each three has a shuttle bag in his hands, another has a bunch of balls, and the third has a bucket. According to the general start, they try to reach the viewer as best they can, finally they get there and begin to actively distribute gifts. Phonogram "Stadium Noise".

Leading. Ladies and Gentlemen! The most exciting moment has arrived - the final start. The rate is 12 thousand rubles. Second place - 6 thousand. The competition is called “Merry Miners”. By the way, why?
Presenter. Everything is very simple. The captain, with an awl in his hands, rolls out a 40-meter roll of garden polyethylene, after which he hands the awl to his team. The team enters a polyethylene tunnel and moves along it towards the finishing ball. Moreover, the last one has the awl, and he must pierce the last finishing ball of our competition.
Leading. On our left is the team... on the right is the team... and right ahead are thousands of excited fans who, as I have a feeling, will now simply blow up the stadium He. So, teams, let's start! Teams, attention! March!

A comic phonogram (“Song of the Musketeers”) is turned on. At the finish line, a large balloon with hundreds of small helium balloons inside is installed. The captain is at the starting flag, and the team lined up in a column is at the second flag. At a signal, the captain rolls out a roll of garden polyethylene towards the team and passes the awl to the last person in the column. The triplets penetrate the polyethylene pipe and move along it towards the start. Once outside, the last player with a piercing object rushes to the ball and pierces it. The fastest wins.
Immediately after the teams are awarded, a ceremonial fanfare sounds. A sports and variety group appears on the dance proscenium.

Presenter (against the background of fanfare). Among the wonderful dates and events
There is one holiday, special!
And summer is at its zenith, and the sun is at its zenith
Over our beloved Motherland.
Leading. And again poets and playwrights
The workers are given glory,
And the slogan flies: “Salute to metallurgists,
Magicians of steel and alloys!”

The introduction of the final number (“Turn”) sounds. The soloists come out.

He. Give me your hand in the middle of the path.
She. Give me your hand, we still have a long way to go.
Together. Walk side by side, walk together for many years,
Dawn dawned in the sky ahead.

The vocalists are joined Veterans. From behind the left and right portals of the stage, two chains of standard bearers begin to move in a counter motion. Gymnasts work together with the sports and variety group. The circus appears on the main stage.

All. Blossom your heart, spring!
Flourish and grow stronger, country!
Flourish, dear plant!
Blossom your heart, spring!
Flourish and grow stronger, country!
Flourish, dear plant!
He. This is our path, it is called life.
She. This is the whole point, hold on to your hand tightly.
Together. You divided joy and sadness in half.
Your chest will breathe out simple words into the sky.

The standard bearers begin to form columns.

All. Blossom your heart, spring!
Flourish and grow stronger, country!
Flourish, dear plant!
Blossom your heart, spring!
Flourish and grow stronger, country!
Flourish, dear plant!

During the chorus, the Znamenny groups form columns and begin a counter movement. The character of the music changes to intensely dramatic. The sports and variety team is grouped near the pneumomamiles. Gymnasts go out onto the lawn in front of the veterans' ensemble. The vocalists part, and a group of young boys and girls in work overalls and helmets take their place and begin to perform a “technological” dance. Against this background, two young workers reproduce the lyrics, working in rap style.

Young workers. And we walk along the road.
And we're on our way
We walk together in step,
We laugh and grow.
Like grandparents
Like mothers and fathers,
We will build joyfully
Factories and palaces!
We are green and young
Like May grass
However, very soon we
We will come to replace you.
And that's why, guys,
May is in our hearts.
Our favorite plant,
Grow and flourish!

The banner groups go out onto the lawn to the right and left of the dance proscenium and make a 1800 turn. The main melody of the song returns. There follows a passage - 4 musical lines, at the shock endings of which short syncopated remarks-toasts are heard on behalf of the young workers. A column consisting of eight “gazelles” with banner structures begins to move.

So be healthy, live richly!

He. Our path is not easy, but we will go to the end.
She. If only our hearts don’t lose their warmth.
Together. If only the birds would always sing to us on the way,
Give me your hand, we still have a long way to go.

Motorcycles and cars with their headlights on and honking their horns move in a continuous stream.

All. Blossom your heart, spring!
Flourish and grow stronger, country!
Flourish, dear plant!
Blossom your heart, spring!
Flourish and grow stronger, country!
Flourish, dear plant!

All the extras are working, cars and motorcycles are moving. The ending (vocalization) follows, where the above toasts are heard again.

Young workers. So be healthy, live richly!
Salute to metallurgists! Hurray for the plant!
Vivat to veterans and eternal glory!
Long live all masters of copper alloys!

Joyful clowns with large bumfetti in their hands appear on the path. The sports and variety group forms round dances around the daisies, then a semicircle, and by the last chord everyone gets down on one knee in front of the daisies. The last chord sounds. The daisies explode, releasing hundreds of small white balls into the sky. At the same time, the clowns fire a volley of boomfetti, followed by the release of a thousand helium balloons.

All. Happy holiday!

General freeze frame. The presenters come out.

Presenter. Dear friends! Our performance has come to an end, but the holiday is just beginning. We have a big and very interesting program ahead.
Leading. In a few minutes, a concert of the capital’s stars will begin on this stage, immediately after which a mass celebration of the plant’s workers and their families will take place here, on the territory of the stadium!
Presenter. A large and varied children's program will begin on the platform to our left. On the platform on the right - dance program"From 18 to 50." And here, on the dance proscenium, we will invite veterans. There will be real dancing accompanied by a real brass band. There are numerous cafes. A festive fireworks display will take place towards nightfall.

Leading. The final part of our performance was attended by... (names extras).
Presenter. The program was prepared by the management of the plant jointly...

Names the company or cultural institution that prepared the holiday, as well as leading specialists.