Homophobe - who is this? The meaning of the word "homophobe". Known homophobes. What's happened

Homophobe - who is this? Now this question comes up more and more often. There are two main reasons for this.

First, more and more people are moving to the “blue” side of love; and secondly, natural opposition to this process arises from the shores of “natural” relations. Moreover, those who stand in opposition to homosexuality do not so much want to bring back those who crossed to the other side as they are afraid for the younger generation. Simply put, those who do not accept homosexuals (or homosexuals) in any form are called homophobes. Now let's talk in more detail about homosexuality as cultural phenomenon and about those who oppose him.

Homosexuality. Theories of its origin

Homosexuality is attraction to members of the same sex. The definition does not cause any difficulties. It is much more difficult to understand how this very sexual craving of a man for a man and a woman for a woman develops.

There are two camps here that are constantly at war with each other. Some believe (mainly representatives of minorities themselves) that this kind of sexual attraction- This innate quality, and nothing can be done about it. Thus, they seem to say: “Leave us alone, we are not to blame, and we also have rights!” The other camp, on the contrary, claims that homosexuals are people who are fed up with life and are morally corrupt. Of course, it follows from this that homosexuality is a socially provoked and acquired quality, almost a conscious choice. When we ask the question posed at the beginning of the article (who is a homophobe), it is the representatives of the second camp that come to mind.

Who is right in this current debate?

The one who loves ready-made solutions, will be disappointed, because in this ideological struggle it is difficult to give preference to someone.

There is evidence that the level of natural homosexuality is extremely low in the human population. This means that they take place in this phenomenon as natural causes(God puts the soul in the wrong body, metaphysically speaking), and social - environmental factors (for example, closed schools for boys).

But those who strongly oppose homosexuality in all its forms are also wrong, because a person is not always responsible for what happens to him. For example, a boy is sent to a closed boarding school. And his sexuality, in principle, is formed in a same-sex environment. Is he guilty of, suppose, eventually becoming a homosexual? Radical homophobes would say that he is guilty, but those who understand that the child, in fact, had no choice, will seriously think about this topic. By the way, when people ask themselves: “Who is this homophobe?” - when answering, this term immediately means only individuals who are radically opposed to minorities.

Homosexuals past and present

Same-sex love has a long history cultural tradition. It’s difficult to say whether it’s the first time or not, but she was noticed in Ancient Greece, where, by the way, it was not considered a deviation. That's it. And if you asked the ancient Greek: “Who is a homophobe?” - He wouldn’t even understand the question.

Famous writers Oscar Wilde, Somerset Maugham, and poet W. H. Auden were homosexuals. Characteristic feature homosexuals of the past is that their sexual orientation and its presentation lacked kitsch and deliberateness. People of art simply preferred men rather than women in bed and reserved the right to decide this issue for themselves. For them, sexuality was part of life, but not its center.

Gay people today should learn tact from the classics. Modesty is not at all main feature a typical current representative of sexual minorities, which is a pity. Moreover, we are not even talking about Boris Moiseev, for example, but about those people whom no one knows at all, i.e. ordinary representatives of this movement. Gay pride parades also do not add popularity to minorities, because, as many believe, it looks tasteless and vulgar.

Homosexuality is not as terrible as its social manifestations. Why does homophobia occur?

If people think that famous homophobes (Yuri Luzhkov, Mel Gibson, Alec Baldwin) do not like minorities simply out of spite, then this is not entirely true.

Of course, in the case of Yuri Luzhkov, everything can be attributed to age and Soviet education. Let us remember that in the Union there was a criminal article for sodomy.

But we digress. Intolerant people, first of all, can be irritated appearance representatives of minorities, and if you imagine the thinking of homophobes, they are simply afraid that their children will live in a same-sex world. For man traditional values the prospect is so-so.

In some European cities Bars-restaurants and nightclubs for gays and lesbians are officially functioning. It is worth noting that young people get acquainted with them and quickly find mutual language, and courtship time is reduced to a minimum. This is what worries a person of traditional values ​​most of all. Actual absence romantic relationships between representatives of a sexual minority is interpreted by him as moral decay. He, in turn, is a homophobe for homosexuals. The meaning of this word, we think, no longer causes difficulties for the reader.

Tolerance should not be confused with unconditional love

Now everyone respects tolerance. It is promoted that people should love each other and not offend each other. It seems good idea, but when it acquires a social body, then various incidents begin.

The meaning of the word “homophobe” is presented simply by many sources: it is a person who has publicly declared his dislike for homosexuals. True, this applies to Western opponents. And Luzhkov, for example, when he was asked to set the day for the gay pride parade in Moscow, said: “It can be held on August 2, the day of the Airborne Forces.” Whether the gay pride parade took place or not is no longer so important. But at that time, the mayor of Moscow clearly showed his attitude to the problem of same-sex love.

The problem is not what gays and lesbians want equal rights, they want something more: love, understanding, acceptance, and they want to get it for free, only because of their particularity based on sexual orientation.

Homophobia as a special case of xenophobia and discrimination in Russia

Yes, it’s hard to argue with the fact that two men cannot calmly show their feelings for each other on the street in Russia, but heterosexual couples can, and no one will beat them for it. Of course, this is a problem, but it is rooted in a general atmosphere of rejection non-standard models life in our country.

The Russian people, of course, want to become tolerant in a European way, but something is stopping our people. As a result, we generally have little love for those who are different from the majority. Homosexuals, hipsters, informals of all stripes, and people with disabilities are lumped together. How the latter got on this list is a complete mystery, what are they to blame for? This is a rhetorical question.

Homosexuals complain that they are fired from their jobs under various pretexts when they officially declare their orientation. It seems that almost any person (a supporter of traditional views on morality) would do the same if an employee told him that he likes masochism or sadism. There is no prejudice against minorities here. For the average citizen of the Russian Federation, homosexuality is a sexual deviation, the same as BDSM.

Moreover, if a member of a minority did not want public recognition of his sexual orientation, then he would work like that, and no one would fire him.

But it’s more difficult for people with disabilities in Russia. Physical impairment is not so easy to hide and they are simply rejected at the interview stage. We are far from the idea of ​​putting someone higher and someone lower on the discriminatory list. We just want to say that some titanic shifts are needed in the psychology of society to overcome the problem of both homophobia and discrimination in general. No one knows how long this will take. Of course, one thing is clear: without the development of education and enlightenment of the broad masses, nothing will change, and education, unfortunately, is currently being destroyed by all means.

Still, it’s time to draw some conclusions. We hope that from our article it became clear what “homophobe” means. We hope the reader also understands that this problem is terribly difficult, confusing, ambiguous, and there are no ready-made recipes.

Most of us, when asked what homophobia is, answer: “These are homophobes - people who hate homosexuality and its representatives.” However, this opinion is rather one-sided. Homophobia concerns not only haters (those who are afraid), but also those who are hated: adherents of homosexual views suffer from this phobia. The reason for this is the incorrect translation of the particle “homo”.

Homophobia - hatred of homosexual views

Definition of homophobia

Homophobia is literally translated as “fear of the like, the same” (“homo” - “similar”; “phobos” - “fear”). General definition the term can be defined as follows: fear, often without a rational explanation, in which a person is afraid of thoughts associated with the manifestation of feelings, special behavior in relation to a representative of his sex. But today the concept of homophobe has a different meaning. Individuals who oppose people of non-traditional sexual orientation are considered homophobic.

The manifestation of aggression against sexual minorities, namely lesbians and gays, concerns men more. They believe that man-to-man relationships are unacceptable. But humanity is more loyal to same-sex love among women.

Despite the ambiguity of the definition, homophobes hate not only members of their own sex for their unconventional views, but also themselves, because they are afraid that they may be overcome by similar thoughts that will be difficult to cope with.

Signs of homophobia

Manifestations of hostility may look like this:

  • Relatives flatly refuse to accept the fact that the child is gay or lesbian. This is manifested in their attitude towards them: parents limit the child’s communication with friends, try to send him to a psychiatric clinic in the hope of making their child like everyone else.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex speak with emphasized aggression about homosexuals. Often it is not limited to words. Representatives of homosexual minorities are subject to physical violence. Women can also express themselves incorrectly about lesbians and gays, but there are much fewer of them.
  • Non-acceptance is expressed by a person’s disdain for people with non-traditional orientation, unwillingness to cooperate and communicate. The teacher treats the student with genuine rejection, the football coach does not take a gay guy into his team, the employees in the team do not consider a lesbian woman or a gay man, do not invite them to holidays, do not communicate.
  • The individual may not carry out physical violence, but will verbally express dissatisfaction regarding this matter.

Hostility towards people with an unconventional view of love and sexual relationships is clearly expressed in countries where religion occupies an important place. Christianity, Islam and other religions of the world do not welcome same-sex marriage

and relationships. Islamic countries react particularly harshly to members of minorities.

Parents are rarely comfortable admitting that their child is homosexual.

Causes of phobia Experts still disagree about the causes of homophobia. It is believed that any human fear stimulates the individual to quickly get rid of its source. This is a possible reason that explains aggressive behavior

men, often accompanied by physical violence against gays. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that a common reason for the expression of dissatisfaction by others with the behavior and choice of homosexuals is rooted in standards of behavior and ideas about how things should be. They do not allow love between members of the same sex.

Only couples consisting of a man and a woman can love, marry, and have children. Therefore, everything that is not within the generally accepted framework is abnormal.

The result of rejection is heterosexism. The second reason is considered xenophobia. It is manifested by fear of the unknown, the new, which distinguishes people from the general mass. Homosexuals stand out from the crowd with their unconventional desires and views, which makes them different from everyone else. Those who behave somehow unconventionally become unknown, and everything unknown is dangerous.

The third reason is no less common - religion. In all religious movements, homosexuality is condemned and considered a great sin. Same-sex love violates the moral principles of society.

Homophobia as a diagnosis

The diagnosis is made based on a person's inherent characteristics. The presence of disgust towards persons who prefer same-sex love, aggression towards them and the presence of not always conscious fear gives grounds to diagnose homophobia. But this diagnosis experts do not consider it a disease that needs to be treated. Does this mean that you should let things take their course and allow yourself negative statements towards bisexuals, gays and lesbians? Everyone makes their own decision.

In most cases, homophobia is expressed in the form of a desire to express dissatisfaction in verbal form, which is not dangerous.

The absence of strong negative emotions is a sign of people who do not accept homosexuality, but do not infringe on the rights of others. These representatives are called homonegativists. They do not express their categorical opinion about relationships, but they also do not advocate the restoration of equality between people who prefer traditional relationships with those who have chosen an individual of the same sex as a couple.

Homonegativists do not show strong negative emotions towards gays

Psychological view Psychologists first started talking about such a concept as homophobia back in the early 70s of the last century. Originally, George Weinberg used this word to describe people who were afraid to contact representatives gay

. And regarding homosexuals themselves, the term is understood as self-loathing. Despite the fact that homosexuals have always existed, hatred towards them does not subside even in the 21st century. These are listed above, but experts believe that ardent homophobes may be latent homosexuals. However this information cannot be confirmed due to the impossibility of recognition of this by aggressive individuals.

Previously it was believed that homosexuality was birth defect, from which there is no cure. However, further research by psychologists showed that this fact does not provide clear evidence.

Homosexuality is formed in early age, this is influenced by many factors, which include upbringing and living environment. At the same time, homophobia appears, as rejection and fear of one’s desires, or hatred of all gays, lesbians, bisexuals.

It is impossible to cure a homophobe, because it is not a disease. But if internal beliefs prevent a person from living, it is worth seeking help from a psychotherapist. Internalized homophobia will cease to bother you and the internal struggle will end.

Fighting homophobia

On May 17, 1990, homosexuality was removed from the list of diseases. That's why the International Day Against Homophobia is celebrated on this day. For a long time, representatives of sexual minorities continued to fight for their rights. The reason for the day of struggle was unbearable conditions for the representatives:

  • discrimination against adherents of same-sex relationships (relations of this kind were prohibited in 80 countries around the world):
  • oppression of homosexuals in the USA, USSR:
  • for a relationship with a person of the same sex, there was a penalty of ten years in prison. Some countries have surpassed all possible laws in their cruelty, imprisoning homosexuals for life:
  • countries in the Middle and Far East executed people who preferred same-sex relationships.

The goal of the struggle is the ability of homosexuals to live full life, excluding violence of any kind - moral or physical. They also strive to achieve equal rights with representatives of traditional relations and show tolerance towards them.

Modern society is becoming more and more tolerant in words; today in Western countries people can freely choose their partner, self-identification, and even gender. The number of gay people is increasing in proportion to this change, but at the same time, the number of people suffering from homophobia is also growing.

It is quite difficult to accurately answer the question of what homophobia is. Homophobia is hostility, fear or aggression towards people of non-traditional orientation.

This condition can be either pathological and classified as a mental disorder, or it can be socially provoked or conditioned by the traditions that have developed in a particular society.

Thus, in Ancient Greece or Rome, relationships between people of the same sex were considered something quite common and normal, but with the advent of Christianity they began to be sharply condemned. In Russia, people of unconventional orientation have been treated sharply negatively since the time of Peter 1, who introduced punishment for such relationships. In the Soviet Union, homosexuality was also criminalized, and there was active propaganda against it. People who were attracted to people of the same sex were declared mentally abnormal, they were treated in psychiatric clinics, after which the attitude towards them was sharply negative.

The hostility towards homosexuals that has developed in society still exists. Mostly men experience a strong hostility towards gay people, and they most often take active actions towards them. According to some data, about 70% of adults suffer from homophobia in Russia male population. Some believe that these data are greatly overestimated, while others believe that, on the contrary, they are underestimated. Among women, approximately 12-17% will fail the homophobia test, most of whom belong to socially disadvantaged segments of the population.

There is now active propaganda of freedom in the countries of Europe and America. sexual relations, but it is there that the number of homophobes is much higher, and they “do not hesitate” to take a variety of aggressive actions towards people of unconventional orientation.

On May 17, 1990, a day against homophobia was declared - on this day homosexuality was removed from the list mental illness. In 2004-2006, the day against homophobia was held in different countries, and gay rights activists have proposed celebrating it on a global scale.

Why does homophobia arise?

The causes of homophobia can be different.

  1. Fear of being homosexual - often the fear of attraction to one's own sex is masked by a demonstrably aggressive, sharply negative attitude towards it. Such homophobia can arise among those people who adolescence felt homosexual inclinations, but categorically suppressed them in himself.
  2. Disguising their own homosexual inclinations - in contrast to homophobes from group 1, they are well aware of their belonging to homosexuals, and they mask their own relationships with active homophobia.
  3. Reluctance to “stand out” or not conform to the accepted standards of a group or society - if in a person's environment homosexuality is considered a sign of sexual promiscuity, inferiority or deviance, most people raised in it will be homophobic. Homophobia, in this case, is a manifestation of conformity or reluctance to come into conflict with the main part of society.

How homophobia manifests itself

The literal translation of the word “homophobia” is fear, fear of homosexual relationships or homosexuals. Like any other phobia, this condition is not natural for a person; first of all, it signals problems with one’s own psyche, complexes and other mental disorders.

There is a whole “set” of signs that can help diagnose homophobia and understand that it’s time to seek psychological help:

  • Unexplained fear or hatred of homosexuals;
  • Obsessive thoughts about similar relationships
  • Attempts to isolate themselves from homosexuals

In severe cases, the following symptoms may appear: panic attacks: disturbance of breathing, heart function and other internal organs.

Tests for homophobia show that it can be open (overt) and hidden. Hidden homophobes condemn homosexuals, experience internal conflict and hostility, but will not engage in active opposition with people of non-traditional orientation. Open homophobes actively express their opinions, humiliate and insult homosexuals in every possible way, and can also cause them severe physical or mental harm.

It is to combat them that various actions, a day against homophobia and various parades are held, but so far this has not brought noticeable results.

Should homophobia be treated?

Most sufferers of this disorder categorically deny that homophobia is a disease. They refuse to admit their problems and undergo treatment, although it is necessary, first of all, for themselves.

A mental disorder, manifested by dislike or hatred of something, always has a detrimental effect on the state of a person’s psyche and health. To combat homophobia, psychotherapy is used: psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, constellations and other methods. They are designed to help a person understand the cause of this hostility and learn to cope with it without feelings that destroy the psyche.

Every year they develop more and more, and with them others improve. Psychologists almost every day introduce new terms into human everyday life.
Especially many words have the ending “phobia”. A phobia is a fear or dread, rejection or dislike of something. It turns out that not only heights or darkness, but also things that seem illogical to be afraid of. For example, someone is genuinely scared by the number 13, people of other races, or representatives of a very popular question: “Homophobes - who are they?” What kind of people are these, what do they fear, avoid or do not welcome?

Etymology and semantics of the term

What does "homophobe" mean? It should be noted that this word is of Greek origin and literally means the following: “homo” is the same, and “phob” (Phobos) is fear of something. Consequently, people suffering from this “disease” show a negative reaction to any homosexual manifestations, no matter in what form.

American psychologist Georges Weinberg was able to give a one-word designation for this phenomenon in his book in the 70s. Since then, this term has been actively used by scientists various fields activities and scientific institutes in various documentation and literature.

Regardless of the actual meaning of the word "homophobe", it is most often used to define people who experience negative emotions in relation to representatives of non-traditional orientation.

Homophobia: who is afraid of whom?

Although component the words “Phobos”, that is, fear, in fact the situation is different. Homophobes are not at all afraid of gays and lesbians, but quite the opposite. People who prefer same-sex contacts are sincerely concerned about their safety and health, which can be damaged by a particularly fierce homophobe. Rejection and negative attitude are the calmest attitude of people who do not accept homosexuality. But often openly gays and lesbians may not be hired, denied social benefits, insulted, beaten and even killed. Perhaps it would be more correct to call homophobes “heterophiles,” that is, people who accept exclusively traditional relationships between a man and a woman.

The line between rejection and homophobia

In fact, making a clear distinction between quiet rejection of homosexuals and open homophobia is difficult and even impossible. These states can flow into each other, take one form or another, or not manifest themselves at all.

It is believed that heterosexual individuals are not entirely comfortable with homosexual relationships. Kissing girls, hugging guys - “normal” society does not accept because same-sex love does not produce offspring. It is reproduction that is one of the basic instincts that drives humanity forward along the road of development into the future. Since homosexual contacts do not allow one to become pregnant and give birth to a child, this means that this is an “incorrect relationship.”

Psychological aspects of homophobia

It is a well-known fact: some people are calm about the fact that people of the same sex can be attracted to each other, while others vehemently argue that this is impossible. Why is this and what's the catch? The question arises: “Homophobes - who are they? Are they people with hidden desires masquerading as “normal” heterosexuals?”

There is a very interesting version - the more active and violent a homophobe behaves, the more he wants to divert attention from himself and seem “normal”. As Sigmund Freud wrote back in his time, every man is a latent homosexual. Perhaps this is what motivates people to behave belligerently and aggressively towards open same-sex love.

Internal homophobia

It is impossible not to mention another type of homophobia, which is called internal. It has not yet been established why men or women become adherents of same-sex relationships. You can blame childhood traumas sexual violence, fashion influence. However, millions of gays and lesbians surveyed admit that they had a completely normal childhood with loving parents And traditional entertainment. Why does a “failure in the program” occur and a person begins to be attracted to representatives of the same sex? This is a great mystery.

Given the general excitement about the topic of homosexuality, many homosexuals feel disgusted by same-sex love. This is a very complex topic in psychology, the reason for which, of course, is public opinion. It is this that often shapes our attitudes towards certain phenomena, and therefore one of them is internal homophobia. A gay or lesbian does not admit to himself or the world his desires, but actively promotes normal heterosexual relationships. Such an atypical homophobe is very unhappy, since happiness is determined by a person’s ability to be who he is. These people constantly experience remorse, lower their self-esteem, and also live in fear of exposure.

Stereotypes in the cultural perception of homophobia

It just so happened historically that there are regions that are more loyal and tolerant towards homosexuals. And there are countries that do not accept open manifestations of same-sex contacts even in today’s progressive times. To understand how things are going in modern world with homophobia, think where they are legalized and where they can still mock and ridicule feminine men.

It is believed that Western and European countries They are very tolerant of homosexuality. Gays, lesbians, transvestites and bisexuals are not afraid and do not hide, but on the contrary, they hold gay pride parades and legitimize their relationships at the state level.

The Slavs, to this day, are recognized by world opinion as the greatest enemies of homosexuality. There is even such a concept - “Russian homophobes”, that is, they mean people who treat same-sex contacts most aggressively and maliciously. This is not at all accidental - our history has always condemned “sodomy”, and in tsarist times people were impaled for homosexuality.

At the same time, it is documented that in Ancient Greece and Rome, courageous warriors did not hesitate to show sympathy for their fellow craftsmen, and this in no way affected society’s attitude towards them. Many musicians and artists openly admitted their bisexual or homosexual inclinations, and today openly gays and lesbians are super popular designers, directors, presenters and performers.

Homophobia in countries around the world

Despite attempts to establish the most tolerant attitude towards homosexuals in the world, adherents of same-sex relationships are constantly attacked.

For example, 9 out of 10 gays in America openly say that they have heard insults directed at them, and a third admit that they have experienced physical violence from homophobes. Statistics also confirm that even in school age Children can hear up to 30 homophobic remarks a day - from peers, teachers and adults.

Life is very difficult for homosexuals in Muslim countries, where there is real hunting and persecution of openly gays and lesbians. During bullying, gay people not only hear insults and threats, but can be severely beaten and even killed. Examples of such countries are Iraq and Iran.

Things are no better in Israel. The incident that occurred in 2005 at the gay pride parade is very well known to the world community. Then another rally was held on the streets of the city - a parade of opponents of gay people. They carried banners declaring that homosexuality is a disease and threw containers of feces and urine at gay pride supporters.

It turns out that homophobes are not so harmless. Who are these - not murderers and savages, ready to tear to pieces dissidents?

Homosexuality and homophobia on television

Since televisions became our constant companions, best friends and news providers, public opinion is shaped by shows, serials and advertising. Perhaps it was thanks to television that “normal” people around the world realized that there are so many homosexuals that it is better to accept them than to reject them. In addition, many popular idols do not hide their orientation and in fact turn out to be homosexuals. But there are no fewer opponents of same-sex love, open and hidden homophobes than there are supporters, and maybe even more. Books, films, songs condemn same-sex attraction, promoting healthy relationships and procreation. In this case, homophobes - who are they? Are they really people fighting for the continuation of the human race on Earth?

Endless fight

The confrontation between different countries, cultures, and religions will last forever. People sometimes lack simple human understanding in order to decide for themselves - everyone in this world has the right to their opinion, their views and their choice. Homosexuality, whatever it is, is just another difference between people.

And there is no need to speculate whether it is a disease, a psychological deviation or a feature bestowed from above. Awareness is the best way out in this situation. Live, be happy, and don’t bother other people, no matter who they are. Or joyfully stick the homophobic flag into the defeated “enemies”, exclaiming that you are fighting for the purity of a race or nation. But this struggle is no better than Hitler’s war against the Jews, just as senseless and bloody.

In psychiatry, there are various phobias - an unreasonable, uncontrollable fear of something or a persistent rejection of certain situations. Many people believe that phobias are a disease, which is not far from the truth.

Many people have heard the concept of homophobia, but not everyone understands what this fear actually means. The most common opinion is that homophobes are people who have an extremely negative attitude towards homosexuals and the manifestation of homosexuality in general. In reality, everything is a little more complicated.

Understand themselves

A homophobe not only hates homosexuality, first of all he is afraid that he himself may belong to a sexual minority. If a person suddenly notices any desires and fantasies related to homosexuality, he develops internal homophobia - the emergence of doubts about his own sexuality in its traditional understanding. All these fears and experiences result in an unreasonable attitude aimed at any manifestation of homosexuality.

Many people who oppose homophobia argue that their attitude is due to generally accepted standards, a morality where there is no place for homosexuality. This is precisely how defenders of sexual minorities explain their aggression, rallies and, at times, overly intrusive propaganda of homophobia.

Most vehement and active opponents of same-sex sexual relations believe that such behavior is not homophobia. After all, a phobia is fear, they don’t experience such a feeling.

Homophobia as a diagnosis

On this moment There is no clear opinion whether homophobia is a disease. After all, many people mean completely different concepts by this term. WITH psychological point homophobia is a diagnosis, but to draw a clear line between it and simply negative attitude homosexuality is not always easy.

Homophobia is not considered a form of mental disorder. Modern experts mean by this term negative emotions regarding any manifestation of homosexuality, including open demonstration of same-sex sexual relations. It is not only fear, but also anger, hatred, disgust.

Homophobia is not a lifelong diagnosis. Showing aggression or simply experiencing hostility, rejection towards homosexuality is a personal matter for everyone. First you need to understand yourself, understand internal reasons your feelings and...