Drawing lesson theme “Winter-winter. Notes with non-traditional drawing techniques in the senior group, in winter “Winter forest as a gift for animals”

Olga Aleksandrovna Kolomytkina
Outline of an art lesson in senior group « Winter forest»


Cause positive emotional response on natural phenomena in conveying their attitude through the means of fine art, music and poetry; develop imagination; learn to form the composition of a drawing; convey the color of winter; teach children to work with white gouache; teach to see the mood of nature through light colors; Encourage children to express their personal opinions about what they see.


A3 paper, gouache, brushes No. 3, No. 8.

Equipment and visuals benefits:

Tape recorder, audio recording P. I. Tchaikovsky "December" from the cycle "Seasons", A. Vivaldi "Winter"(Concert No. 4 "Seasons", reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin "Winter", A. Plastova "First snow", I. Grabar "February Azure", children's drawings of past years.

Progress of the lesson

(Class can take place with theatrical activities)

Teacher: Guys, I’ll tell you now interesting story. A long time ago there was no winter on earth. There were spring, summer and autumn. And one day they quarreled because each wanted to be first. Then Mother Earth could not stand it and said that she would restore order on earth. And Winter appears before the sisters. They ask Mother Earth, who is this? She tells them that it is Winter. Then they ask a lot of questions - what is it like, what grows in winter, what is the weather like, etc.

Guys, let's help the sisters Spring, Summer and Autumn learn more about Winter. Pupils look at illustrations and drawings and comment on them, telling everything they know about Winter.

Music by A. Vivaldi sounds "Winter", quiet. Against the background of music, the teacher recites poem:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

A. S. Pushkin

And at night the wind howled like a wolf,

And he hit the roof with a stick,

In the morning we looked out the window,

There's a magical movie there:

Rolled out the white canvas

I sketched bright stars,

And winter has put hats on the houses.

V. Fetisov

Teacher: Let's now draw for the sisters of Spring, Summer and Autumn winter landscape, forest landscape.

The teacher distributes pre-tinted sheets of paper to the children (by the children or the teacher, and invites the children to draw a mixed forest - trees and Christmas trees. After drawing the forest with white gouache, the children are invited to apply snow to both the trees and the Christmas trees. You can add snowfall.

Target: depict a winter walk - children in different poses, winter nature, snow; create your own plot and composition of the drawing.


  • consolidate skills in working with wax crayons and paints on top of a drawing;
  • think over the plot and independently compose the composition of the drawing;
  • depict figures of children sledding, skating, skiing, making and playing snowballs, in winter clothes;
  • convey the foreground and background of the composition (further, closer) by changing the size of the object and subject;
  • show visual means winter nature - snow, snowdrifts, bare branches of trees, bushes;
  • revive the drawing by adding individual details, for example, a bench, a house, animals (dog, cat, bird) and others;
  • convey in the drawing the mood reflected in the music, the joy and pleasure of winter fun.

Tools and materials: large format paper, thick brushes, wax crayons, watercolors, recording of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Trepak” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” and “Maslenitsa” from the piano cycle “The Seasons”; toys on sleds, skates, skis, in hats and scarves.

Progress of a drawing lesson in the senior group:

Guys, look out the window, winter is in full swing - a lot of snow, frosty, sunny. Do you think winter is a fun time of year or a sad one? Let's listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the famous Russian composer, and find out how he sees winter? (The sound is “Maslenitsa” from the cycle “Seasons”);

What do you hear? The music is cheerful, upbeat, joyful, playful, lively and festive. You can hear people laughing, playing, and everyone enjoying winter. What else does music tell? How great it is to roll around and tumble in the snow without fear of getting dirty, jump into snowdrifts, build a snowman, throw snowballs, slide down an ice slide, build snow forts. What else can you do in winter with this kind of music? Guess the riddles and find out:

“In a car without a motor, without a steering wheel and without wheels

I’m rushing boldly down the snowy hill, straight down the slope from above” (sleigh).

(The toy in winter clothes is placed on a sled.)

“I’m rushing forward like a bullet, only the ice creaks,

Let the lights flicker. Who's carrying me? (Skates).

(We put skates on the next toy).

“I can’t feel my legs from joy, I’m flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me, they helped me with this... (skiing).”

(Put the toy on the skis).

Today you and I must tell everyone how we can have fun in the winter, but we will tell it not in words, but in drawings.

Let’s start drawing with crayons, so it will be more convenient to depict ourselves and our friends against the background of snow. But first, listen to another excerpt from the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky (The sound of “Trepak” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”). How are they similar? Energy and enthusiasm, the fact that in both passages the music reflects the same feelings and emotions. Simply in music, as in drawing, this can be expressed by various means- notes or colors.

To make it easier to imagine and depict people on sleds, skates, and skis, look at our toys. Think about what you will wear, how you will move, where you will be. If it is far away, in the background, then the figure and object should be drawn smaller, and what is closer, in the foreground, should be drawn larger, larger, and the details drawn more clearly.

What is the nature like around us in winter? You can draw snowflakes, snowdrifts, black bare trees, bushes or something else.

After the main drawing we add details. Perhaps a dog is running after a sled and barking, or a crow is sitting on a tree, or maybe a cat is approaching a bird, there is a lonely bench in the park or a snow-covered house in the distance. Think for yourself what you can see around you on winter walk and draw it.

Now let's paint the snow around, blue sky, yellow bright sun- if you play during the day, and in the evening the sky turns purple, the sun turns red at sunset. Remember that the paints do not cover the crayons, so you can draw all over the sheet.

Summing up the drawing lesson:

Look at your drawing - what do you like most about it, what in your opinion turned out best. Come up with a short story for it. And let those who wish to come out and present their picture with a story in front of the group.


Clarifying children's knowledge about winter phenomena in nature, improving children's ability to create pictures winter nature based on knowledge gained from perceiving the surrounding reality, reading literary works and viewing reproductions of paintings by famous artists.


Summarize children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena, about their relationship with human life.

To develop children’s ability to construct detailed sentences on a given topic.

Enrich children's active vocabulary.

To improve children’s ability to use the acquired visual and technical concepts to independently select the content of the drawing within the proposed topic.

Evoke a positive emotional response to natural phenomena by conveying your attitude through the means of fine art.

Develop thinking, hearing and visual perception, coherent speech, creative imagination.

Develop the ability to listen carefully without interrupting others.

P preparatory work:

Excursion to the winter park.

Conversations about winter.

Reading works of fiction: “Winter” by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak , “The first snow was falling” by A.P. Chekhov, “On the skating rink” by V.A. Oseev, “Hello, winter!” M.V. Sholokhov, “The Snowman” by V. Mokhov.

Examination of reproductions of paintings: “Winter in the Forest” by I. Shishkin, “Winter Road” by I. Levitan, “Pink Winter” by N. Krymov, “Winter has come” by R. Duncan.

Singing songs about winter, listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky’s music from the “Seasons” cycle.

Drawing in classes visual arts and in independent artistic activity various pictures about winter.

Tinting the paper, depicting on it additional details of the drawing that may be useful.


Reproductions of paintings depicting winter nature by various authors (“Winter in the Forest” by I. Shishkin, “Winter Road” by I. Levitan, “Pink Winter” by N. Krymov, “Winter Has Come” by R. Duncan), audio recording of the play “December” from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi and the phonogram of the song “New Year’s Round Dance” by music. G. Struve, drawing equipment, tinted album sheets and two flat counting sticks for each child, a selection of poems by Russian poets, riddles about winter, winter phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Guys, just recently the trees shed their last leaves and stood bare, it rained often.What time of year was this?

Children: Autumn.

Teacher: What exactly is the period of autumn?

Children: Late autumn.

Teacher: What has changed in nature now?

Children: It snowed, it became cold, people put on winter clothes, migratory birds flew to warmer regions, animals changed their summer coats to winter ones, and bears and hedgehogs fell asleep until spring.

Teacher: So what time of year has come to replace autumn?

Children: Winter.

Teacher: Listen to a poem about winter.

Reading the poem “I came fun winter» V. Korkina

(The teacher reads a poem while simultaneously showing the electronic presentation “Winter has come.”)

There's a mess of snowflakes all around.
Don't sleep, get up early
Get your skates quickly.
Happy winter has arrived!

The sun froze to the ice,
I go to the skating rink in the morning.
And it stings my nose painfully
Angry Santa Claus. —

The sun froze to the ice.
Snowballs are flying fast -
None of the guys are cowards.
And a hot battle broke out,

At least we are friends.
Snowballs are flying fast.
Merry winter has come -
There's a mess of snowflakes all around.

Don't sleep, get up early.
Get your skates quickly.
Get your skates quickly.
Happy winter has arrived!

Teacher: Did you like this poem?

Children: Very much.

Teacher: And if you were careful, you will be able to answer the question, what period of winter is described in the poem?

Children: The beginning of winter.

Teacher: What words suggested the answer to you?

Children: A fun winter has arrived.

Teacher: Why is winter often called fun?

Children: Because in winter you can play different games funny Games: snowball fights, sledding, skating and skiing, making snowmen and building fortresses out of snow.

Teacher: You're great and that's why I suggest playing very interesting game, which will help me check how well you know the signs of winter.

Didactic game “I know 5 winter words.”

The teacher throws the ball to one of the children and he, hitting the ball on the floor, says five words on a winter theme.

(Snowflake, snowman, sled, ice, snowfall, mittens, fur coat, hat, frost, blizzard, Snow Maiden, blizzard, storm, skates, skis, blizzard, frost, winter, etc.).

Teacher: Now try to solve riddles about winter.

Guessing riddles.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It can hurt when he bites.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street... (Frost)

He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

That it's always cold...(Snow)

Under my feet

Wooden friends.

I fly at them with an arrow,

But not in summer, but in winter...(Skis )

Don't suck, you brats,

Ice lollipops!

I swallow the pills myself,

Because I ate... (Icicles)

He is made of snow alone,

His nose is made of carrots.

A little warm, she'll cry instantly

And it will melt... (Snowman)

He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now on New Year's Eve

On the river we see...(Ice)

He is kind, he is also strict,

He's got a beard up to his eyes,

Red-nosed, red-cheeked,

Our beloved... (Santa Claus)

Teacher: Now let's rest a little. Get up in a circle quickly.

Physical education lesson “It’s frosty outside.”

(The phonogram of the song “New Year's Round Dance” sounds, music. G. Struve)

It's frosty outside,Children clap their hands on their shoulders and
To keep your nose from freezing,
stomp their feet, clap their hands.
We need to stomp our feet,
And clap your palms.
Snowflakes are falling from the sky,
Children raise their hands above their heads and do
Like in a fairy tale picture.
grasping movements, “catching snowflakes.”
We'll catch them with our hands,
And we'll show mom at home.
And there are snowdrifts around,
Stretching - arms to the sides.
The roads were covered with snow.
Don't get stuck in the field so that
Walking in place with a high lift
Raise your legs higher.
We go, we go, we go
Walking in place.
And we come to our house.
The children take their seats.

Teacher: Guys, please tell me what the very first month of winter is called.

Children: December.

Teacher: What other winter months do you know?

Children: January and February.

Teacher: I’ll try to confuse you and offer another game “Say it the other way around.”

Didactic game “Say the opposite”.

The teacher asks the children to name the opposite meanings of words.

(Summer-winter, warm-cold, standing-going, day-night, heat-frost, rain-snow, water-ice, summer day-winter night, etc.).

Teacher: Guys, do you agree with the statement that “Winter is a wonderful time of year!”?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: Explain why and tell us why you love winter.

Compiling stories on the topic “It’s good in winter” using a mnemonic table.

Winter came. White, fluffy snow fell. It's cold outside in winter. You need to dress warmly and then go for a walk. In winter you can sled, ski, and play snowballs. You can also blind funny snowman. Good in winter!


What time of year is it?

What kind of snow?

What's the weather outside?

How did the children dress?

Where did the children go?

What did the children do during the walk?

Teacher: Well done, very interesting stories you got it. Now take a look at how famous artists saw and depicted winter.

(Showing reproductions of paintings)

Examination of the painting “Winter has come” by R. Duncan.

(The teacher draws attention to one of the paintings on display and asks the children to look at it carefully.)

Teacher: Guys, please look at what interesting picture. Please note that the girl went outside, she is happy about winter, since the frosts are not very strong yet, she can play with the snow and sculpt snowmen.


What is shown in the picture close to us, and what is shown at a distance?

What color paint did the artist use?

Do you like this picture?

What thoughts and desires arise in you when you look at this picture?

Teacher: Do you want us to organize an exhibition of your works?

Children: We want.

Teacher: And for this, you and I must become real artists. Come to your “easels” and think about what kind of painting winter theme you would like to draw. But first, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics “Skiers”.

Index and middle fingers extend and lower down, ring and little fingers pressed to the palm thumb. Place your index and middle fingers on the counting sticks.

Without tearing off the middle and index fingers from “skis” - counting sticks, the child “rides” with sliding movements on the tableand recites the words of the poem.

We went skiing in the morning,

We quickly reached the forest on skis.

It’s time for lunch – we walked around the entire forest.

We came home together on skis.

Teacher: I suggest decorating your paintings with snowmen. And each of you will draw only such a snowman so that he is different from the others. Of course, your snowmen will be a little similar to each other, because each snowman consists of snow globes. How many snow globes do you need for a snowman? What size are these balls and how are they located? What can serve as a snowman's headdress? What items of clothing can you draw as a snowman? What should I give him? What kind of facial expression can a snowman have?

Productive activity for children “Funny snowmen”.

The soundtrack of the play “December” from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi is playing.

(Children draw snowmen)

Teacher: Not only artists can depict winter using paints and pencils. Musicians depict winter using sounds. You work to the music of Antonio Vivaldi. The play is called “December” from the series “The Seasons”.

Result of the lesson: exhibition of children's works.

Teacher: And so, guys, we have a wonderful exhibition. Indeed, each snowman is different from the others, but they are all very beautiful and funny. With such snowmen, the coming winter will be fun, interesting and funny.


classes in visual arts in a non-traditional form

using health-saving technologies, ICT technologies, gaming technologies on the topic:


teacher additional education

MBU DO TsRTDiYu st.Petrovskaya

Safonova Marina Alekseevna

Art. Petrovskaya


Target: To develop in children an emotional, joyful attitude towards the artistic depiction of winter nature.


Teach children to create an image of winter nature, to convey its beauty, the diversity of trees.

Help children feel the beauty of a poetic description of winter nature.

Continue pinning non-traditional forms drawing – painting technique with “salt”.

Develop aesthetic perception and independence.

Cultivate respect for each other and mutual assistance.

Materials, equipment:

Drawing paper, gouache, brushes, salt, napkin, soundtrack. Box (surprise moment), presentation, multimedia.

Progress of the lesson:

Tchaikovsky's music from the suite "The Seasons" is playing.

1. Organizational moment. Slide 1.

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces,

And everyone becomes kind and trusting

Let Good morning lasts until the evening!

Teacher:Slide 2.

Callous weather,
Snow is a mess,
It's that time of year
We are calling...

Children: Winter.

2.Message about the topic of the lesson Slide 3.

Hello, winter-winter!
We were covered with white snow:
And trees and houses.
The light-winged wind whistles -
Hello, winter-winter!

An intricate trail winds,
From clearing to hill.
The hare printed this -
Hello, winter-winter!

We put up feeders for the birds,
We pour food into them,
And the birds sing in flocks -
Hello, winter-winter!

Teacher: That's right, well done! (Music sounds quietly).

Slide 4. White, white, snowy,
Letters fly through the window,
Spinning - quiet, gentle,
And they melt, melt, melt...

Look what big snowflake came to visit us! It is not simple - magical! Let's take a look at it.

Slide 5. This is the same letter from the forest inhabitants and Masha. Now I’ll read it to you: “Hello, guys! Help us, we're in trouble! We were all waiting for Winter to come. Everyone was in a cheerful, joyful mood. Winter will come and with her magic brush she will paint the trees, bushes, and rabbits’ fur coats. But the evil Baba Yaga found out about this and said: “Well, no, I will never allow the animals to have fun and enjoy Winter, the forest will not be beautiful.” Baba Yaga hid Winter's magic brush in a chest and closed it with 3 large locks. Now there is a forest without snow, everything around is frozen: trees, earth, and bushes. And the sky above the forest is gloomy and gray. Help us guys unenchant Winter’s chest and get the magic brush.”

2. Main part of the lesson Slide 6.

Teacher: Guys, let's help the forest inhabitants?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: To unenchant the chest, we need to complete three tasks.

Are you ready to help forest dwellers?

Children: Yes

Teacher: To open the first lock you must name three winter months. Slide 7.

Children: December January February.

Teacher: Well done guys, we opened the first lock.

Teacher: To open the next lock, you need to name the signs of winter. Slide 8.

Children: Everything is covered with snow.

Teacher: Well done boys! Now we have opened the second lock.

And to open the third lock you need to guess riddles about winter and animals. Listen carefully.

This winter mistress,
Everyone is afraid, even the bunny.
Only April is not afraid,
Snowy white... (Blizzard) Slide 9.

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color. (Hare) Slide 10.

The owner of the forest,
Wakes up in the spring.
And in winter, under the blizzard howl,
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear) Slide 11.

I wasn't raised
Made from snow,
Instead of a nose cleverly,
Inserted a carrot. (Snowman) Slide 12.

They fall from the sky in winter,
And they circle above the ground,
Light fluffs,
White... (Snowflakes) Slide 13.

Slide 14. Teacher: What a great fellow you are! You completed this task too. So we disenchanted the magic chest and freed Zimushka’s magic brush. And with her magic brush she will paint nature and the earth all white and silver. Guys, you and I also have magic brushes and we can help Winter warm and decorate the forest with snowy outfits. And so that there is snow on the trees and snow drifts were fabulous, we will use an unusual technique - on white paint we will apply salt.

Teacher: But first, we'll take a little rest. Slide 15

Physical education lesson: “I’m not afraid of frost.”

I'm not afraid of the cold, let's walk

I will become close friends with him. clap your hands

The frost will approach me, sit down

Touches hand, touches nose, shows hand, nose

So we shouldn’t yawn, let’s clap our hands

Jump, run and walk. jumping and walking.

Slide 16. Teacher: Well done guys, let's all take our seats. And we’ll help Zimushka paint the forest with white colors. Each of you has a sheet of paper on your table with a picture of a winter forest on it. You need to paint this drawing with white gouache using our magic brushes. When the drawing is painted, carefully take the salt and pour it onto the trees and snowdrifts.

Teacher: The guys got to work. Just remember, sit upright, keep your back straight.

You guys take a look:
Are you sitting correctly?
Your back should be straight
Like a guitar string
You will join your legs
Keep your head straight.

Teacher: Well done boys. What a beautiful winter forest you have turned out to be. Zimushka thanks you for your help.

3. Consolidation of the studied material.

Guys, who did we help today?

What months of winter do you know?

Well done boys! Did you enjoy helping Zimushka?

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

on the topic "Winter"

Target: Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of winter in a field, in a forest, in a village. Strengthen your drawing skills different houses and trees. Learn to draw by combining in a drawing different materials: colored wax crayons, sanguine and white (gouache). Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, creativity.

Materials. Paper light tone(gray, blue, yellow) A4 format, colored wax crayons, white (gouache), brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child), illustrations of paintings depicting a “winter landscape”

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment.

Educator. - Guys, now I’ll read you a poem, listen to it.

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falling, spinning.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a cap

Covered up weird.

And fell asleep under her

Strong and unstoppable.

God's days are short.

The sun shines little

The frosts have arrived.

And......what has come? - (winter) has come . - Children's answers.

Educator. Right! today we will talk about “Winter”

Educator. What time of year is it? – “winter” - Children’s answers.

Educator. What do you like most in winter? (snow, snowman, snowflakes, Santa Claus, etc.)

Educator. What you can ride and play winter time? (snowballs, sledding, skiing, skating, etc.). - children's answers.

Educator. Okay Guys!

Educator: Now let’s remember what we saw on our walk? - (houses, trees, cars, snow) - Children’s answers.

Educator. Let's now try to draw. "Winter"

We sat down at the tables.

Before starting work, it is carried out finger gymnastics: “Here are my helpers.”

Here are my assistants, turn them any way you want:

And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They can't sit again.

They'll work a little

We'll give them a rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

Together with the children, outline the sequence of the drawing. Remind how to draw with colored wax crayons. Invite the children to think and draw what is located near the houses (trees, bushes, cars, etc.)

When the work with colored crayons is completed, offer to draw snow with gouache.

After the children finish drawing, go to the table and leave their drawings on it.

Educator. - Now let’s look at the finished drawings. Guys, pay attention to how beautifully colored wax crayons and gouache are combined in the drawings.

Educator. - What great fellows you are! We will place these works on the walls for your moms and dads to look at.



on the topic "Winter"

Target: Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of winter in a field, in a forest, in a village. Strengthen the ability to draw different houses and trees. Learn to draw by combining different materials in a drawing: colored wax crayons, sanguine and white (gouache). Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, creativity.

Materials. Light-colored paper (gray, blue, yellow) A4 size, colored wax crayons, whitewash (gouache), brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child), illustrations of paintings depicting a “winter landscape”

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment.

Educator. - Guys, now I’ll read you a poem, listen to it.

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falling, spinning.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a cap

Covered up weird.

And fell asleep under her

Strong and unstoppable.

God's days are short.

The sun shines little

The frosts have arrived.

And......what has come? - (winter) has come. - Children's answers.

Educator. Right! today we will talk about “Winter”

Educator. What time of year is it? – “winter” - Children’s answers.

Educator. What do you like most in winter? (snow, snowman, snowflakes, Santa Claus, etc.)

Educator. What can you ride and play in winter? (snowballs, sledding, skiing, skating, etc.). - children's answers.

Educator. Okay Guys!

Educator: Now let’s remember what we saw on our walk? - (houses, trees, cars, snow) - Children’s answers.

Educator. Let's now try to draw. "Winter"

We sat down at the tables.

Before starting work, finger exercises are performed: “Here are my helpers.”

Here are my assistants, turn them any way you want:

And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They can't sit again.

They'll work a little

We'll give them a rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

Together with the children, outline the sequence of the drawing. Remind how to draw with colored wax crayons. Invite the children to think and draw what is located near the houses (trees, bushes, cars, etc.)

When the work with colored crayons is completed, offer to draw snow with gouache.

After the children finish drawing, go to the table and leave their drawings on it.

Educator. - Now let’s look at the finished drawings. Guys, pay attention to how beautifully colored wax crayons and gouache are combined in the drawings.

Educator. - What great fellows you are! We will place these works on the walls for your moms and dads to look at.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

on the topic: “Winter”

teacher of the senior group: Syubaeva E.V.

MBDOU TsRR d/s "Fairy Tale"