Interesting birthday at work. How to celebrate a birthday at work: a guide for beginners. If you are a guest. Non-standard approach to the presentation process

Name days that fall on a working day always pleasantly excite and spur on an extraordinary celebration in the company of employees. Having decided to celebrate a birthday with colleagues, it is worth dealing with own desires and opportunities of the invitees. Name day is a holiday of the soul, and it is necessary to spend it in such a way that this day is remembered, regardless of whether a person is at work or on vacation.

For women

To understand the strategy of the celebration, you need to know well the contingent that shares with the hero of the occasion. If the team is purely female and consists of employees of the third and most beautiful youth, the holiday should be held in more calm atmosphere, which is sure to touch the romantic chord of any person. If the team is diverse, it will not be so easy to decide with colleagues.

Large organizations impose a tacit veto on any celebrations in the workplace, so in daylight hours Days of name day pass under the quiet trill of keys or machines. The best option for management is a small feast during a lunch break.

Celebrating with employees

With colleagues at work, so that the bosses remain in a good mood, everyone knows. The menu of the festive table should consist of sweet treats (what are the name days without a cake?) And fruit additions: grapes, oranges and lemon. Tea and champagne are quite a tolerable addition to the prepared dishes.

Celebrating a birthday with colleagues is easiest in a young healthy team. Energetic and not yet overwhelmed by everyday life, people are easy-going and are not afraid to take the initiative. No one announces a great friendship, but warm relationships are excellent ground for a fun celebration. How to celebrate a birthday with co-workers highest level? The main rule of the feast is to forget about the ubiquitous politics, successful or not. personal life and domestic obsessive problems. The bosses and higher levels of the "working mechanism" also fall out of the discussion topics with the guests: a feast by a feast, but the consequences may come.

mafia style

The young team can be invited to celebrate name days in the style of the mafia. Modern restaurants perfectly perceive the active celebration and burning young teams, so there will be no problems with the venue for the name day. Having decided to spend a birthday with colleagues, you should think over the script and theme in advance. Mafia - popular in Lately quest, employees should not have problems with knowing the rules of this game, but you still have to play it safe. All rules and signs should be done in a large font, so it is more convenient to operate them while driving.

game option

No less organic will be a gaming birthday party with colleagues. The scenario of this celebration is quite simple. For the active participation of all colleagues, it is worth asking in advance about your favorite games. Options that scored the largest number admirers, will become the favorites of the evening. Game parties allow you to morally shake up the team, help reduce the level of workload and office stress. Light music, intricate interior and light drinks will perfectly inflame young employees and give more confidence to each of the participants.

Domino Festival

The original idea will be a domino festival - everyone knows a similar game from the days of cozy Soviet childhood, when families played for hours before going to bed. Everyone knows the rules of such a popular collective fun, you can diversify it with the help of prizes or wishes - each loser is obliged to fulfill a wish or make an unusual toast. You can complement the game evening with backgammon and card competitions, the main thing is that everyone takes an active part and does not just sit with a glass on the side.

Celebrating a birthday with colleagues is useful: each employee reveals himself from a different side, which allows you to reconsider your attitude and level out minor roughness. In order for the team to be open and involved as much as possible during games or a feast, it is worth preparing in advance by declaring your intention to celebrate. So, most of the labor associates will calmly write the name day into the article of the waste of the month and will not be embarrassed by the fallen holiday.

How about calling the boss?

When celebrating a birthday with colleagues, many people think about the need for the presence of the authorities (group, department or sector). This problem solved in a jiffy: if the holiday will be held in the office, the close management must be aware of it (a tactful proposal will be enough). And in the case of only a light lunch followed by a buffet in another place, the authorities can not be included in the list of invitees. Not everyone accepts Active participation in non-working gatherings - subordination has been firmly rooted in the masses since Soviet times.

If you don't have much money...

With colleagues, when finances do not allow you to swing on a large scale, and the employees have crept up just eerily nice? In this case, it is worth acting according to the school principle - snacks, simple sweets and tea will solve the problem. In a close-knit team, communication and atmosphere remain the main ones, and holidays are only nice addition to them.

Entertainment places

You can also celebrate your birthday with colleagues in entertainment venues - billiards, adult bowling and ice skating will be a great addition to the fun. Active friendly rest, pleasant conversations and ease will brighten up any holiday. The main task birthday is to create an entourage, so the volume of alcoholic beverages should be reduced - the subsequent exit to work or a weekend in the family should not be overshadowed by the past evening.

Cafes and restaurants

A chic option for celebrating a name day on a working day will be a joint trip to a pizzeria, sushi bar or pastry shop (female version). Such gatherings perfectly unite the team, because a cozy interior, light background music and warm light are conducive to fruitful communication and relaxation. Also, the youth team can safely spend a couple of hours in karaoke, where the competition in vocal skills can grow to the scale of an exciting battle, and the winner undertakes to perform a track for the birthday boy and announce a toast from the stage.

How much to celebrate?

The main nuance of fun on the occasion of a birthday is a clear time limit - if the company has young mothers or couples, you should not delay the fun until the first roosters, it is better to disperse peacefully at a decent time for everyone, worrying about the comfortable departure of each of the participants in the celebration. None of the management will consider past name days as a good reason for absence the next day.

Cancellation of the tradition

In the case when an active birthday at work is not included in the upcoming plans, it is worth considering the option of a careless departure from fun. If the team has started an iron tradition of celebrating holidays together, and just a formalized day off for this day will cause a crack in a perfectly well-coordinated “working family”, it is worth discussing with colleagues in advance the possibility of verbal congratulations without the office tinsel attached.

If employees have started a tradition of giving birthday people all sorts of “necessary” gifts, it is also worth informing all activists about the reluctance to celebrate. So there will be no obvious discomfort and everything will go according to a simplified scenario - lunch with a cake and tea. Many decide to explain the reluctance to celebrate aging (“one more year in the piggy bank of experience”), others - with a material condition (“bought a refrigerator - now we don’t eat for a month”), but in fact it is necessary to frankly voice the reason why the walk is not included in the immediate plans . Any corporate gatherings are designed to bring employees together, dilute their gray working days bright colors and pleasant memories.

When a person turns fifty, this event is celebrated not only by him, but also by many others: his friends, relatives, neighbors and just acquaintances. After all, fifty years is a milestone, to step over which means to achieve something important in life. New scenario anniversary of the 50th anniversary of a woman in a team at work will help you brightly and beautifully celebrate this day at work and make the anniversary fun and unusual.

Anniversary meeting.

When the time of the holiday has come, it is necessary to meet the main star of the day in a bright and unusual way. To do this, the entire working team makes a living corridor. At the end of the corridor is a person who will play the role of a leader at the celebration. And at the beginning of the corridor is the hero of the day.
Once upon a time, the great Shakespeare said: our life is a game, and we are all actors in it! It's hard to disagree with this. And today, our colleague is finishing the fiftieth series of a life novel, drama, comedy, action movie, cartoon ... yes, yes, it is - our life is a movie of several series where different genres meet. But the most main genre always at the end - this is a fairy tale where everything always ends well!
We sincerely congratulate our colleague on her anniversary and invite you to walk along a kind of living corridor to the applause of colleagues. And we wish her life to be everything and different, but that everything always ends well!

Main holiday.

The beginning of the holiday can be absolutely anything. You can start with nice toast, you can from the competition or from the dance. You decide. We will write how we see the holiday, and you yourself will swap what you want or add to the script.

Comic block - admission to the club "who is over fifty."
Disguised Matryona and Flower come out into the hall.
Is it your anniversary today?
She has, she has! See how beautifully she is dressed. And these only came running from the workshop, they didn’t even have time to change clothes.
And how old are we?
What are you!? It's not polite to ask ladies about their age!
Come on, it's not nice! By the way - age adorns a woman! For example, I like the age of 51!!!
Fifty one? Why so?
It is evenly divisible by 17!
And what?
Well, it's like you're 17 again!
Oh, trouble with you Matryona, trouble. You keep trying to hide your ninety-seven ...
What are you talking about? What are ninety-seven? I just… yes, I still don’t receive a pension, and you say…
Are you not receiving a pension? And what kind of pension do you not receive?
Twelve six hundred...
Twelve six hundred??? Just like my grandmother at seventy-seven...
Listen, tie me to shame. I tell you - I'm still young! Let's do what we came here for!
Okay, come on. Ladies and Gentlemen! We came here to accept this amazing woman as an honorary member of the over fifty club! We give her a certificate of admission to the club!

The following certificate is given:

Now you are an honorary member of the club led by Matryona!
No, are you on your own again? Yes, this is the first time I hear about such a club ...

Matryona and Flower leave cursing.

You can download this comic certificate.
And in the section comic certificates are waiting for you free templates on: the right to hunt for men, for happiness, for any whims, for desires, for rest from household chores and much more. Take a look at the entire section and make the holiday brighter with the help of joke certificates!

We have a lot of women in our workforce. Each of them has their own hair color. Someone is blonde, someone is brunette, and someone is brown-haired. Usually they tell jokes about blondes and laugh at them. I propose to have a match between the team of blondes and the team with a different hair color. And once and for all find out what aikyu blondes have!

When the teams have gathered, they are asked questions. Each team has 5 inflated balloons. If the team knows the answer, then one balloon must burst. If the answer is correct, then it's a point. If not, then the second team can answer.
Sample questions:
- what precious stones not at sea? (answer: there are no dry gems in the sea)
What month does each of us speak the least? (in February, as it is shorter than the rest of the months)
- if one egg is boiled for 4 minutes, how long will 6 eggs be cooked at the same time? (answer: also 4 minutes, because all the eggs are boiled at the same time)
What will happen to a white ball if you dip it into the Black Sea? (he just gets wet)
What happens to a person when he is fifty years old? (he went fifty-first year)

Competition for women.
Since we have a woman's anniversary, the next competition is again for them. All women love flowers. Therefore, we propose to play a contest with flowers. Or rather, it will be necessary to guess the flowers. To do this, we show a flower petal on the projector screen or in pictures, and the guests guess the name. Whoever guessed correctly gets one such flower.
After all the flowers are guessed, the following speech from the host sounds like:
See how many in the world beautiful flowers. And it is difficult for us women to understand what flowers we love. Therefore, we decided not to guess, but to give our hero of the day a bouquet of all these flowers!

Take out gorgeous bouquet from many flowers and hand it to the hero of the day.

Selfie Contest.
Everyone knows what a selfie is and everyone takes it. We propose to arrange a competition for the best selfie in this contest. To do this, you need to take a camera or phone of the hero of the day. You also need vodka and a glass. Each guest in turn approaches the hero of the day, the hero of the day pours him a glass of vodka, and the guest drinks. And immediately, without snacks and drinking, he takes a phone or a camera and takes a selfie with the hero of the day! And so is every guest. Then all the photos are displayed on the monitor and the winner of the competition is selected by the laughter of the guests. And all the photos remain in memory of the anniversaries.

This is how we see the anniversary. Perhaps it lacks songs and dances. But at work, it is unlikely that you will be able to walk strongly and noisily. But if you still intend to sing, then in the section of the songs of the remake for the anniversary there are very good songs for your holiday.

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birthday great occasion for organizing a party within the walls of native work. Planning for this event is indispensable.

For a better perception of the holiday, it is necessary to decorate the room where the celebration is planned to be festively decorated accordingly. Butterflies look very nice on the wall. Create a swarm of butterflies rising into a cloudless sky in a cone shape that widens upwards. Butterflies must be attached in a chaotic manner, as if butterflies take off different sides. Butterfly sizes should vary, but for this composition it is better to make them not too big. big size(no more than 7 cm). To make butterflies faster, you can print blanks on a computer or make several templates of different sizes and then draw butterflies on them, cut them out. Quite fit voluminous butterflies from paper, it will take a fair amount of time to make them. You can cut out patterns on the wings of butterflies (several ticks in a row, for example), that is, get, as it were, a snowflake on the wings. Another option is to glue two butterflies with their bellies, and bend the wings of the upper butterfly with scissors. And the office of the birthday man, so that he feels the rise of strength before the onset of the evening holiday, decorate as follows. Inflate non-sterile gloves (not all the way) and paint them. funny faces, flowers, circles, stars, short wishes. Attach the thread to walls or other fixtures with adhesive tape. Such unusual balls will securely hold festive mood birthday boy.

Presenter 1:
So that the upcoming celebration will pass without unforeseen excesses, I will begin tonight with the announcement of the charter. Help me in this mission (name of second host).

Host 2:
Holiday program(hereinafter Congratulations) name (Name of the birthday person) developed by local rhymers in accordance with the current legislation and is founding document (Name of the organization).

Presenter 1:
The requirements of the Congratulations are obligatory for strict fulfillment by all members of (organization name) and their guests.

Host 2:
Congratulations is a separate legal entity. It has its own independent festively laid table, individually decorated hall, exclusive public, stunning (nuyu) personal (nuyu) birthday boy (birthday girl), other means of individual identification, sponsorship and money supply for a hangover.

Presenter 1:
Special attention I ask you to pay attention to the goals and subject of activity Congratulations. Congratulations is an organized meeting (Name of the organization), which pursues one main goal - to congratulate you on your birthday (birthday name).

Host 2:
The congratulatory service also carries out other types of celebration of the birthday of the aforementioned citizen not prohibited by the current legislation (ina).

Presenter 1:
Basic rights and obligations of members of the Pozdravlyalka. A member of the Podzdravlyalka has the right to participate in the tasting of dishes and drinks at the festive table, with the right to pronounce toasts.

Host 2:
Be selected to participate in fun competitions, perform and control the quality of emptying glasses.

Presenter 1:
Makes suggestions to improve the fun and eliminate deficiencies in the congratulatory event. Can gently stroke the neighbors of the opposite sex under the table, allowed parts of the body - legs, arms, if no one sees, then the chest.

Host 2:
Apply to the court for the legal protection of their rights on issues of underfilling and lack of sleep, as well as for not providing under-the-table signs of attention.

Presenter 1:
Members of the Podzdravlyalka who personally participate in the competitions receive payment in the form of a standing ovation and kissing attempts.

Host 2:
A member of the Pozdravlyalka must be cheerful and carefree over the next 24 hours. Observe the internal schedule of the celebration. Eligible for tomorrow's hangover.

Presenter 1:
Each member of the congratulations is obliged to kiss three times (birthday name), read into her (his) honor a poem, dance a dance and sing a ditty.

Host 2:
The Pozdravlyalka property is publicly available to all its members and is located on holiday table There are no restrictions on the use of the property.

Presenter 1:
The only available profit from the Congratulations are hangover, joy, laughter and pleasure, which are divided equally among everyone.

Host 2:
Soberly assess the degree of a successful congratulations, household members can.

Presenter 1:
The complaint book for complaints, suggestions and recommendations received from households will be in a public place all the next day.

Host 2:
The charter of the Podzdravlyalka should be considered announced and taken into account.

Presenter 1:
Eat effective omen if the birthday person wishes wishes for himself, then they will certainly come true.

Host 2:
The only condition for the action of signs is that the birthday man must wish in writing and in public. Why are we calling (birthday name) to whatman of desires. The number of wishes available for fulfillment - (number of guests present in the hall). And the wording of the desire should not exceed three words.

Whatman of desires is attached to the wall with adhesive tape at a height convenient for writing. The hero of the occasion with a marker in a chaotic manner (a prerequisite, it must be announced to the birthday man) writes wishes on a piece of paper, leaving enough space between wishes.

Presenter 1:
Now, for the correct design of the signs, I ask everyone present in the hall to come out one by one to this magical piece of paper.

Each employee closes their eyes and is given a painting on paper. After everyone signed, including the presenters. The facilitators approach the drawing paper and draw arrows from desire to the nearest signature.

Host 2:
Dear (th) (birthday name) you will have time to study this material, everyone publicly signed the desire, while testifying to the obligation to fulfill it. Discuss the terms and schedules for the fulfillment of desires personally with everyone, the maximum term for fulfillment does not exceed a month.

At this time, a colleague representing Igor Nikolaev enters the hall (the main thing is that the person depicting him should have a mustache, even if it is painted, preferably in a wig and with a guitar, a painted one will do). Performs only a couplet to the motive of I. Nikolaev's song "Congratulations". Change the name in the verse to the name of the birthday boy. It will be such a kind of toast.

I sing: Congratulations!
And I wish you happiness
Wine glasses I call
Fill and drain
I will sing: I pour!
I don't recognize drunk people!
How will you - I do not know
You look hard into the eyes (of Natasha or Anton).

In honor of the hero of the occasion, raising glasses, accompanied by a light snack.

Presenter 1:
Ate, drank, couple to do business. For holiday competition are called.

Two teams of 3-4 people are needed, toothpicks and the patience of the competitors.

Making paintings using children's technology "DAC SCRATCH". To create future exclusive pictures, on one picture, depict a collage of the faces of colleagues (in the middle is the face of the birthday man, around the faces of employees - like a working vignette), on the second picture - the inscription: "Everything for you" and around the inscription is an image of various pictures. For a woman (car, fur coat, sweets, cottage, jewelry, flowers, etc.). For a man (car, cottage, fishing rod, gun, sofa, etc.). Make a vignette and a second picture using computer technology and print it out as a photograph. Further finished photos rub wax candle. From above, paint the whole picture with a layer of black gouache and let the blanks dry well. During the competition, the teams, armed with toothpicks, carefully, without pressing hard, must scratch until the image appears. The team that finishes the work first is awarded the right to present paintings to the birthday boy.

Host 2:
And now at least close the hole on the wall
At least invite guests to the general admiration.

Igor Nikolaev again enters the hall (a new disguised colleague, preferably with a different mustache) and sings a verse to the tune of the song “Birthday”.

Birthday is a holiday of childhood
And nowhere, nowhere, nowhere to get away from the spacer
Birthday is a great holiday
You celebrate, celebrate, celebrate, well, set the table.

Presenter 1:
Addressing the sleeper.
Oh, something in you seems to have changed. You don't look like yourself recently.

A colleague depicting I. Nikolaev:
I don’t know what you mean, I always have documents with me. Here are the mustache, guitar and hair of my documents! Leaves.

Host 2:
Today, according to the charter, it is not supposed to think, colleague, the stars have their own quirks. Let's talk about the good.

Presenter 1:
And now you and I will sing better than any mustachioed.

Leading perform congratulatory ditties.

Well, what do I care
In this life on the shoulder
Sing funny ditties
I want a birthday.

One hundred girlfriends and one hundred friends
I wish you a birthday
Pour me some wine
I wish you even better.

We will give you
Blanket wadded
Let you have dreams
The most pleasant.

Even if failure
Happy walking in a row
May you have all the horoscopes
They promise only joy.

In the morning we wish to be everything
Like ghosts
After all, today we are cool
Note .

The birthday boy called
All of us at the feast
We eat, we drink, as much as we can

The sun is shining outside the window
And the little birds flutter
For beautiful ladies soon
Pour in a glass.

Presenter 1:
I want to confess to you that singing is very conducive to proclaiming a toast.

Host 2:
Thought, wondered and decided to say
We wish the birthday boy happiness
Please pour as much as you can take!

Timeout for raising glasses and forks.

Presenter 1:
Answer, dear birthday boy, what is your favorite letter?

The birthday boy answers.

Host 2:
Great! How nice it is to often touch what you love. Today we simply have to give you positive emotions.

You can call several people or all guests can participate. It is necessary to come up with words in which the first and last letter was named by the birthday man. For example, the letter "A" - an arch, embrasure, etc., "K" - a dagger, a piece, etc.

Presenter 1:
I believe that we fulfill the requirements of the charter in good faith.

Host 2:
Yes, on a birthday, childhood, fairy tales are always remembered ...

Presenter 1:
That's right, we'll give a fairy tale. I even know our best storytellers. Names one woman and 3 men (or vice versa, one man and 3 women).

Story writing:
First, one woman and one man come out, they have 5-7 minutes to compose. IN this case, the woman acts as a scribe, and the man as a storyteller, dictates quietly so that the guests do not hear. Then a second man comes out and dictates his story. Then the third and the same. The woman after each storyteller closes the previous text. Then the story is read. The genre is chosen by each man according to his desire, and the attributes, city and names are mandatory for everyone. At the beginning of the tale, genres are announced: detective, love story, thriller, comedy, city (where you live), names of characters (for example, Masha, Petya, Vasya), required attributes (for example, car, cottage, money, night, bar, condom). It may turn out to be a fairy tale with the same heroes and the same place of action, but in different genres.

The third Igor Nikolaev enters (third option).

Presenter 1:
What now!

Host 2:
Well, you got screwed.

At this time, one by one (with a slight delay) the rest of the Nikolaevs enter.

Presenter 1:
Already tripling.

Host 2:
Yes, but only the mustache is different for some reason, a very strange tripling.

We came today for a reason, we are always ready to sing for you (the name of the birthday man).

They sing (the team can sing along) either a potpourri of birthday songs (a few verses from famous children's and adult songs) or just Happy Birthday

Presenter 1:
If you have already come to us, do not limit yourself to songs.

Host 2:
Solemnly present with stellar hands from the team.

Presentation of a gift, if an official gift has already been presented by this time, you can give flowers (each Nikolaev has a flower or a bouquet).

Presenter 1:
As is customary, the singing composition is fed at the celebrations.

Host 2:
And they drink too. Therefore, we ask you, mustachioed singers will join the festive table.

If you are soon to celebrate the anniversary of one of the company's employees, and you still don't know how to congratulate him, don't worry. eventspro has prepared for you a whole selection of all kinds of options, among which you can certainly find the most suitable for your case.

Non-standard approach to the presentation process

Ordering an individual gift

Presentation with congratulations of colleagues

Fire show - the brightest gift

Do you want an unusual show? Contact a sand artist!

Have you ever seen a film painted with sand on light glass? If not, then be sure to check it out - the spectacle is very bewitching! A full-fledged animated film on the big screen can last fifteen or twenty minutes, but the pictures drawn so in an unusual way, leaving traditional films and cartoons far behind.

In the main role, by the way, may be the hero of the occasion himself. Negotiate with the artist and give him everything the right materials, and at the same time retell the main milestones of the life path and career growth of the hero of the day - let the artist embody all this with the help of his unsurpassed skill. You can be sure: this will be one of the most luxurious surprises for a person celebrating a significant date.

Arrange a full performance in honor of the celebration

The variety of artists is great and you will always have plenty to choose from. Even if the hall for congratulations is quite small, this is not a reason to abandon such a wonderful idea. There is nowhere to dance - order tricks: invite an illusionist who will show a few simple, but fascinating and spectacular numbers for the hero of the day and for all those who have gathered. You can arrange such a performance even with coins or cards - in this case, the magician will only need a table, so that the flight of fancy cannot be limited by space.

Volleys of salute in honor of the hero of the day

Another great option salute - a "cold fountain" that can be installed on a table or on the floor so that it pleases the hero of the occasion with bright splashes. The design is completely safe, but at the same time it looks very spectacular and bright. Finally, the most a win-wintransparent ball filled with confetti and balloons which is hung from the ceiling.

After that, they pierce it with a button at the right time, and after a loud “Bang!” on the birthday, colorful balloons descend directly from the ceiling. Of course, after such a surprise, you will have to clean up the office, but what impressions!

Not just a table, but a buffet lady

Capture the best moments - invite a professional photographer

Each person is beautiful in their own way, and it does not depend on age. A professional photographer will arrange a photo session especially for the hero of the day, which will capture him in the best images. And representative, full of experience men, and beautiful women who received a lot of compliments, it will be nice to become the main actor such an event.

An interesting image can be chosen by any person. And taking into account the best setting of light and post-processing in a photo editor, there can hardly be any doubt that the pictures will turn out just perfect. Both a single portrait and a group photo - everything will remind the hero of the day about one of better days in his life.

Thematic photo shoot for lovers of original images

Joint creativity unites!

Everything happens quite simply: in the office where the holiday is celebrated, they bring a picture measuring one and a half meters, more or less, as you order. After that, the invited artist makes a sketch of the plot by order of the birthday man, from his portrait to any fantastic landscape. After that, all those present will be able to participate in coloring the picture - everyone will get a small fragment, so that creativity will be joint. Of course, it is difficult to expect that the result will be a masterpiece of painting, but what attention in relation to the hero of the day and what a sense of unity between colleagues!

Tasteful personalized cake

One can hardly doubt the capabilities that modern confectioners have - they are truly capable of working miracles. Do you want the cake to be not only delicious, but also original? There is nothing easier - order a unique text, picture or pattern for a sweet masterpiece. The theme of the cake design can be dedicated to the birthday person, his career achievements, favorite hobby, book, film and anything else - the flight of fancy is not limited by anything.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman colleague

Always attentive to everyone, friendly, sweet,
Beautiful, charming, kind and cheerful.
In work, she is obligatory, strict with herself,
Responsible, diligent and all day at work.
And in the evening, tired, she goes home,
To rested tomorrow - to work with your head.
To cope with any task - she is a specialist,
And in the team is famous for the example of skill.
Let your eyes shine with happiness on the path of life,
And, if something "does not stick", then you have us.
And then be hearty; both body and soul
Beautiful, carefree and forever young!

Cheerful birthday greetings to a colleague

You have charisma
You radiate positivity!
Infect with optimism
Our entire team!
The merry fellow and the ringleader,
In his business, he is simply an ace.
You have both mind and strength,
Good in profile and full face!
On your birthday, colleague,
We wish that always
There was a lot of laughter in life
Well, sadness - never!
Let in the family, and in a career
Great success awaits you!
Break barriers with ease
Be always happy everyone!

Happy birthday to a woman - a colleague in the department

Employees of the department congratulate their wonderful employee ________________, Over the years of work, she has earned universal respect and admiration for her ability to work, energy, professionalism, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, desire to help in Hard time word and deed to every person who needs it.
Our dear birthday girl! God bless you for many, many more years, may your work bring you only joy and satisfaction. Accept from us the most good words congratulations:
We wish you a happy birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today Tomorrow, all year round!
Your employees.

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague cool in verse

Happiness, good health,
Joyful life, great!
Let them be treated with love
They love it with all their heart!
Let the family understand
Always take care of you!
And friends don't forget
They will always be there!

Happy birthday to a partner, colleague

On your birthday, accept mine my sincere congratulations and wishes good health, fulfillment of the plan, personal happiness and prosperity! May good luck accompany you in business, spiritual joy and holiday spirit!

Beautiful congratulations to a colleague

We want to wish you success in business,
Let fate help in life
And for one beautiful, bright day,
Another, even more wonderful, is coming.
May loved ones, relatives live happily,
After all, happiness means a lot
Let joyful meetings waiting in life
Love, great happiness and good luck!

Congratulations to a colleague on the anniversary in verse

We always need you at work,
We are always surprised by your experience!
Your advice helps
Income is increasing at the enterprise!
We sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary,
Listen to what we wish you:
Of course, and happiness, and love,
Anytime just bloom!
Be happy and smile more
Never be offended by life!
Don't ever turn to adversity
And be fashionable in any weather!
Walk through life with courage,
We wish you never to lose heart!

Happy birthday greetings to a male colleague

Life smiles upon us!
We want to tell you beautifully
What do not roll on the road
Such team members!
We go to work like a holiday
Let's go, because we always remember:
There are many different colleagues
But you are a superstar among them!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you happiness and good!
Accept our assurances:
We love you! Hip hip, hooray!

Happy birthday to a colleague from the bottom of my heart

We congratulate you on your birthday today!
We wish you good luck, patience,
So that your family understands you,
May your career grow!
Success, luck and inspiration,
Let every dream come true!

Comic congratulations to a friend, colleague

Be cool you swindler
And a bit of an artist!
Pretend to be a fairy
Let the men believe in you!
Always enjoy success
Even if it's not funny!
Try to dodge
If they call from vacation!
Be desirable and jealous
Be a little lazy!
In general, live happily
Accept information!
And put it to work
To go as you wish!

Congratulations and happy birthday wishes to a colleague verses

happy birthday congratulations
From the bottom of our hearts we all wish
Happiness, joy, love
And some fuss!
Enjoy life for a long time
Happy to love!
Be in a great mood
And have a friendly laugh!
May you always be respected
Remember and don't forget!

Happy birthday to a colleague

I wish, dear colleague,
On your birthday of love
So that warmth, comfort and bliss,
Take care of your health!
I wish you great achievements
Quarterly bonuses and awards!
And so that the genius wakes up in you.
It happens, they say...
Let work be a rest
And always a great holiday.
Let no worries in life
Never upset!

Happy birthday to a colleague sincere

How much I want to say
Wish you good and happiness!
Never lose heart
So that a bright dream come true!
To cheerful, full, sonorous,
In the future, your life was!

Happy birthday to a colleague poetic

Health, vivacity, good luck,
We wish you on your birthday!
Joyful discoveries, victories,
Happy and sincere meetings!
Reliable, devoted friends,
And live without any problems!

Congratulations on the anniversary of a colleague in poetic form

Today, on your wonderful anniversary,
Let's tell a ballad about you!
Delight for your heart
It's true from start to finish
You deserve all the nice words!
You are a song in our friendly team,
You are new thoughts, accomplishments, the way to the top!
Smart, great, good
For every man you are a dream!
Colleague, we congratulate you,
And we know that you will always achieve your goal!
Therefore, we wish for you
Great career growth!
And, of course, happiness for the year!

Official birthday greetings to a colleague

Dear Petr Petrovich!

On behalf of the leadership of our association, let me congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health with all my heart, family well-being success in work and personal happiness. May peace and tranquility always be in your home.


Family congratulations to a colleague

May your career grow
So that you work boldly!
Let your salary grow
So that there is prosperity in the house!
May luck come to you
So and not otherwise!
Let big happiness,
Chasing away all bad weather!

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague cool

They say: do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends, so let you always have 100 reliable friends so that your life is more interesting and fun, and then all problems and work issues will be resolved very quickly, by themselves with the result you need. Happy birthday

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague beautiful

We wish you happiness and good
May fate be generous to you!
Dreams will come true
Love and joy last forever!

Happy birthday to a colleague in prose

Colleague! It's your birthday today! From the whole team we congratulate you on this day and wish you all the best! Happiness, love, harmony, material well-being, success and good luck in all endeavors! Happy birthday!

Congratulations and happy birthday wishes to a partner, colleague

Pour a glass of champagne
Today is birthday
Let's say good words
In a great mood!
May the joy in the house be long,
And the cup will always be full!
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Goodness and justice!
Health, peace, beauty,
And happiness is boundless!

Wish to a colleague in connection with retirement

We want to say thanks a lot for the contribution that you have made over the years of work at our enterprise. And these are not only quantitative indicators, but also qualitative ones: your good mood who were able to infect the whole team, a sense of humor and creativity to any business. We will miss you. But you deserve a rest. Dedicate it to your hobbies, health and grandchildren! We will be glad to see all the festive events!

Congratulations on Tatiana's day to a colleague

Colleague Tanya! Happy Tatiana's day
We want to congratulate and say:
Your work is perfect
Tanya knows how to perform
She is good at listening
Any issue is easy to resolve.
Happy angel day to you, Tanyusha,
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy Birthday to a colleague from a friend

We have been working together for more than one year, and on this day, I want to say. Let this birthday be a holiday not only of memories and experience, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes. After all, while a person dreams and hopes - he is alive, he is always young. Let's raise a glass to youth!

Happy birthday to the chief engineer colleague from a lawyer

Dear colleague! It is difficult to know the laws and all sorts of legal subtleties, even more difficult to be a chief engineer. I do, I'm being honest! What I want to wish: firstly, competent projects that you could implement; secondly, the highest appreciation of your work by the management, and, finally, thirdly, huge victories on all horizons! May you never be bored in this life, even if your activity sometimes requires monotonous and painstaking work! Good luck, dear colleague!

Happy birthday to a colleague from the bottom of my heart

Let your house not leave
Happiness, faith and love!
May they give you many flowers,
Congratulations again and again!
May wishes come true
and cherished dreams!
Let there be some confessions
Your wondrous beauty!

Congratulations to a colleague on his birthday

Tired of business meetings
Tea sandwiches on the go
I wish there were candles everywhere
A table in the restaurant over there in the corner...
Let's drop everything, let's break away to the fullest!
Birthday is an occasion to have a snack.
And when we return to our office,
We will live quietly as before.

Congratulations to a colleague on the anniversary of the original

Today is a colleague's birthday
I wish you reliable and true friends.
Health, of course - did not fail,
And at home, so that too, everything was enough.
Work gave income, so that stable,
Suit to wear elegant and stylish.
All the same, he drove a Mercedes,
With the traffic police so as not to start conflicts.
In summer, he loves seascapes.
In winter - visit the ski resorts.
Happiness, good luck, new ideas
I wish my colleague on his Anniversary.

Congratulations to a colleague on the 25th anniversary of working at one enterprise

Twenty-five flew by like the wind
It was like they didn't exist at all.
Remember how you entered these doors,
Full of strength and bright hopes.
And now you have your priceless experience
I could pass it on to the youth.
We appreciate you very much for this -
Let's celebrate all evening!

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague beautiful in verse

May our congratulations
Fill all the moments
Shining sunshine!
The mood will be wonderful
Life will become better and brighter!

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague original

Dear colleague, I wish you productive creative success in work, so that your genius is noticed, and it can be appreciated not only verbally, but also financially. Wonderful friends to you on your way, happy and friendly family.

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague from employees

Colleague! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you a creative upsurge, career and spiritual growth! So that the doors of your house are always open for friends, love, joy and happiness! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a woman colleague

On this glorious day, we sincerely congratulate our wonderful employee, the best of the best. We want to wish the further flowering of your talent and beauty, sensitivity and understanding of sometimes difficult working moments. Happy birthday our beautiful lady!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a colleague in verse

Fifty is a wonderful age
Which you can only dream of!
It is possible to talk about victories
And experience the gifts of fate!
Many successes can be achieved
And bring your ideas to life!
Hear a lot of children's laughter
And raise wonderful grandchildren!
And today we wish you happiness
Understanding, health, love!
Bypass let bad weather
And may all dreams come true!

Congratulations to a colleague on the 25th anniversary of working at one enterprise

You gave a quarter of a century to the factory.
Over the years you have become a master.
You also have so much power.
We want you to use them at work.
When we have such masters here,
Then the factory will be proud, and honored by work.
We wish you to be healthy and work with us.
Love, comfort in the house, all your dreams come true.

Happy birthday greetings to a male colleague

May wishes come true!
I wish, among my colleagues
Be an example to follow.
Let whole year, maybe a century
Work boils and argues.
After all, you are a responsible man.
Let it be on the board of honor
Your proud face flaunts!
I want to earn respect
All employees have their
And congratulations on your birthday!
I dedicate a verse to you!

Congratulations to a colleague at work in prose from the heart

Congratulations to a colleague from the head of the department

Dear colleague, we wish you excellent results in your work, good luck in financial matters and further prosperity. May luck always accompany you in life, and always on the way there will be amazing and wonderful events. And we also wish family well-being and happiness.