Allocations during the first stages of pregnancy. Sensation of change in the female breast. Is there a risk of miscarriage

Can pregnancy discharge threaten early dates? Usually, such symptoms greatly frighten a woman who has only recently learned about the long-awaited conception. Is it worth it to be nervous about this phenomenon? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since discharge can be considered the norm, or it can indicate serious problems. In any case, the discharge in the early stages of pregnancy should be carefully looked at, and at the slightest suspicion of a pathology, you should contact a gynecologist. Pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester, is a very important period for any woman, and therefore various incomprehensible phenomena should be treated with caution.

Vaginal discharge different type- this is a constant "companion" of any woman. The produced mucous mass performs important functions: protection against infections, moisturizing the penis, spontaneous cleansing of the cavity. It is natural that part of it comes out. In its composition, the usual physiological secreted masses contain mucus secreted by the glands of the cervical canal, dead particles of the epithelium and various microscopic organisms (mainly lactic acid bacteria). Another question: how does this phenomenon coincide with the period of pregnancy and how does the composition of the discharge change?

Starting from the process of fertilization, the entire period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant change in hormonal balance. In the early stages (in the 1st trimester), the production of progesterone increases significantly, which reduces the volume of secretions, but makes them thick and opaque. A mucous plug begins to form in the uterine canal to protect the embryo from infection, which cannot but affect the nature of the vaginal discharge.

Throughout the life of a woman (especially during the period of bearing a child), discharge can be considered a special indicator of the state of the female urogenital organs, and the whole organism as a whole. They have their own specific parameters that can tell a lot to a specialist: color, consistency, intensity, frequency, smell. An important condition for a normal process is the absence of any alarming symptoms: itching, pain, burning, inflammatory reactions, irritation of the external genital organs, pungent odor.

Thus, not all discharges give rise to panic. However, you can not relax; The following manifestations accompanying vaginal discharge in early pregnancy are recognized as the reason for contacting a doctor:

  • itching in the perineum;
  • the appearance of a pronounced color;
  • the occurrence of pain syndrome;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Non-dangerous manifestations

Early pregnancy includes several characteristic physiological processes, which are accompanied by corresponding secretions. Within 7-10 days after the birth of a new life goes implantation fruiting egg into the uterine endometrium. During this period, the so-called implantation bleeding is considered quite natural, i.e. bleeding in the area of ​​damage to the uterine wall. There may be traces of blood in the discharge (bloody discharge).

The process of egg introduction proceeds with varying degrees of intensity, which depends on the characteristics of the female body. Accordingly, the color of vaginal discharge may acquire pink or brown (usually light brown) shades. The duration of such a phenomenon is short-term and, as a rule, does not exceed 1.5-2 days. Such signs are quite natural and do not affect the beginning of pregnancy in any way.

small (dirty) bleeding in the first month of pregnancy may appear on days when menstruation used to pass. So the body removes all previously formed unnecessary accumulations. You can not be afraid if this phenomenon is detected within 1-3 weeks after conception and is not accompanied by pain.

The next characteristic stage is the formation of a mucous protective plug. At this stage, under the influence of progesterone, the mucus becomes thick and loses its transparency. At this time, white thick discharge is the norm. These are sometimes called milk secretions and do not cause any harm.

In addition to physiological processes, in the 1st trimester one cannot discount the fact that the female body acquires hypersensitivity to external factors. Various highlights may be a response to stimuli such as hygiene products, linen material, etc. In this case, there may be transparent selection with itching, but without a strong smell.

Danger of bleeding

In addition to natural physiological processes, vaginal discharge at an early stage of pregnancy can signal the presence of serious pathologies. Bloody issues are among the most worrying signs. They can have both direct blood inclusions (clots) and a characteristic shade: red, brown, pink.

The following hazards can be distinguished:

  1. Risk of miscarriage. The probability of termination of pregnancy is already at the very early stage associated with the detachment of the fruiting egg. In this case, the discharge becomes scarlet or red-brown and are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the lumbar region. The discharge can be profuse and very painful. Only urgent intensive care prevents spontaneous abortion.
  2. Uterine pseudo-erosion. Blood in the secretions appears from bleeding in the cervix, which can be provoked by contact exposure: sexual intercourse, douching, gynecological examination.
  3. Bubble drift. Bleeding is associated with the transformation of chorionic villi into a cyst, which leads to the death of the fetal egg. With such a pathology, urgent measures are needed.
  4. Bloody (red) discharge is possible when an egg is implanted in a myomatous node, the presence of polyps in the cervical canal, injuries of the abdomen and genital organs, as well as diseases that impair blood clotting.
  5. Detachment of the chorion. Observed brown discharge as a result of the formation of a retroplacental hematoma, i.e., the accumulation of blood mass between the uterine wall and the chorion.
  6. Pregnancy ectopic type. Discharge of a brown tint may have a single character or occur periodically.
  7. Stopped, or non-developing, pregnancy. Brown discharge appears as a result of detachment of the fruiting egg, while the embryo has already died.

Appearance of white discharge

As noted above, white discharge often has a physiological nature associated with the formation of a protective plug. At the same time, such a phenomenon may be a symptom of candidiasis or thrush.

The most common manifestation is urogenital candidiasis, which is an infectious fungal disease, which is caused by the fungus Candida. The increased incidence at an early stage of pregnancy is explained by suppression of immunity during fertilization and implantation of the egg, which is a necessary measure for the body, as well as an excess of estrogens, which remove lactic acid bacteria, which normally slow down the development of a fungal pathogen. As a result, the risk of candidiasis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy increases significantly.

The main symptom of the disease is leucorrhoea with specific curdled lumps. The discharge is intense and emits a sharp unpleasant odor with a sour tinge. At the same time, itching, burning and redness of the genital organs occur. The treatment of pregnant women is hampered by the relevant restrictions. Most often, vaginal suppositories such as Pimafucin and Hexicon are prescribed.

yellow tint

If discharge is detected in pregnant women at an early stage yellow color, then we can assume the development of an inflammatory reaction of the ovaries or uterine appendages.

Sometimes it is these discharges that become the only manifestation pathological process. One of the common diseases is vaginitis. In this case, the discharge has a light yellow tint, and in addition to them, there is itching, burning, an unpleasant odor, and also pain syndrome when urinating.

another culprit yellow discharge there may be an infection that could have penetrated sexually even before conception, but was waiting for favorable conditions. The most characteristic activation of chlamydia, ureaplasma, cytomegalovirus and some other pathogenic bacteria. These pathogens are dangerous because they can lead to miscarriage.

In the early stages of pregnancy, yellowness in the excreted mucus can also be explained by non-pathogenic causes. One option is a slight leakage of urine as a result of a sharp activation of the kidneys and Bladder influenced advanced level progesterone. It is drops of urine that can give a yellowish tinge to mucus. As a prophylaxis for women in such cases, a set of Kegel exercises is recommended, which strengthens the muscular system.

Rarely enough, but dark yellow discharge is recorded due to an allergic reaction. Such reactions can occur on synthetic underwear and hygiene products. To exclude such phenomena in women with a tendency to sensitization of the body, it is recommended to wear only cotton underwear during pregnancy.

Other pathologies

In the presence of some sexually transmitted diseases, the discharge may turn greenish, yellowish green and dirty green. In the early stages of bearing a child, trichomonas are often sharply activated and trichomoniasis develops. This disease provokes colpitis, which is manifested by green discharge with a sharp bad smell. At the same time, the following symptoms are observed: severe itching, pain in the vulva and vagina.

Trichomoniasis is very dangerous for a developing fetus: it increases the risk spontaneous interruption pregnancy. Treatment is complicated by the fact that drugs against Trichomonas are toxic to the embryo and their use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. With this in mind The best way- disease prevention.

Vaginal discharge is a kind of indicator of the state of the female body. By their color, texture and smell, a specialist can make a primary diagnosis. It is important that a pregnant woman consult a doctor in a timely manner when the first warning signs appear. Treatment in the early stages of pregnancy has many limitations, and therefore it is the timeliness of treatment that can save the child, and the health of the woman herself.

Pregnancy is always wonderful and exciting at the same time. With her onset, a woman experiences a bouquet of indescribable emotions and sensations, and we are talking not only about moments of joy. After all, this state of expectation of the baby implies a lot of experiences, especially in the early stages.

It is very important for a future mother to monitor her health, listening to every change taking place in the body in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and exclude possible pathologies. One of the most common concerns is discharge. Their character is somewhat different than before. pregnant state, therefore it is so important to know what kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy, what is normal and what is a sign of a serious illness.

What should be the discharge during early pregnancy

Can there be vaginal discharge during pregnancy? What discharge during early pregnancy is considered normal?

It is no secret that with the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to actively rebuild due to the change hormonal background. It has a special effect in the first weeks: it is under its influence that discharge during pregnancy becomes whitish, watery or clear and sometimes quite thick with a slight yellowish tint.

Such light mucous discharge is the norm during early pregnancy, and they also perform an important function in the body. The fact is that at the beginning of the first trimester the placenta has not yet formed, which will have to protect the fetus from various external influences throughout pregnancy. However, nature, as always, provided for everything, and this important role she took away the secretions. They form a mucous plug in the cervical canal, which closes the entrance to the uterus, thereby preventing infections from entering its cavity.

In addition, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy actively moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, which eliminates the feeling of discomfort in a woman. However, remember that these allocations should not have a strong smell and a pronounced yellow or green color, and you should not experience itching or other unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy.

Before the delay of menstruation during pregnancy in the first weeks, dark brown or bloody(pinkish) discharge. This happens at the time of attachment. gestational sac to the wall of the uterus. During this period, the uterus, as it were, loosens, and new plexuses of blood vessels are formed, which is why discharge occurs. They do not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the embryo. At the same time, you should not experience pain, and the discharges themselves are of a short-term nature and contain only streaks and specks of red shades and nothing more.

One of the most common pathologies of the first trimester of pregnancy include the following discharge:

  • brownish (beige) spotting;
  • (pink) discharge during early pregnancy.

As we noted above, short-term discharge with slight echoes of such shades may well be the norm when it comes to the process of implantation of the fetal egg. However, these signs can be symptoms of various troubles.

Let's see what they're talking about brown discharge during early pregnancy.

  • Spotting brown or beige highlights(especially after a delay in menstruation, when the test shows confident two stripes) may indicate detachment of the fetal egg. You must immediately see your doctor, who will conduct an examination and, most likely, send you to see what condition the fetal egg is in, and if necessary, hospital treatment under the supervision of specialists may be required.
  • In addition, "daub" can signal early pathologies such as. In the first case, this means that the embryo did not reach right place and attached, for example, in the fallopian tube or ovary, while the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen. A frozen pregnancy is a condition when the embryo stops developing for some reason. Ultrasound will also help diagnose the pathology. If suspicions are confirmed, the woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy and cleaning from the dead fetus.
  • It is possible that such discharge may occur for several months on the expected date of menstruation. This speaks of hormonal imbalance, which may also be a signal for a possible . In this case, it will be necessary and in case of deviation from the norm, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapeutic measures aimed at raising its level to the norm.
  • Light brown discharge during early pregnancy can sometimes appear if a woman has a history of a disease such as. For the purpose of treatment, it is usually cauterized, but in a pregnant state, the procedure is prohibited, and the doctor may offer a medical solution to the problem.

Even more, a woman is frightened by plentiful bloody (red) discharge during early pregnancy. And it’s not without reason: almost always it speaks of a miscarriage that has actually begun. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.

The main thing in this situation is not to panic. Needed immediately call an ambulance and take a horizontal position until the arrival of the medical team. In the hospital, you will undergo an ultrasound scan, as well as donate blood and urine for analysis, in particular to determine the level of hCG. Medicine is constantly developing in this direction, and in the vast majority of cases, pregnancy can be saved. Treatment is to follow bed rest and taking hemostatic and uterine tone-reducing drugs.

The only situation where doctors are powerless is when it comes to a very rare pathology. "bubble drift". This is a deviation that occurred even at the time of fertilization of the egg and consists in the absence of maternal genes. In this case, the development of the embryo is impossible, and the problem requires surgical intervention. Fortunately, the phenomenon is extremely rare.

As in the normal state, and during early pregnancy, a woman can detect yellow or green discharge, they may be brightly colored and may foam and bubble. Most often this is a sign of a sexual infection.

What are similar secretions during pregnancy, and what their appearance indicates, we will consider below.

  • Light yellow discharge during pregnancy. If such discharge is accompanied by itching, but does not have a pungent odor, most likely, we can talk about the manifestation of an allergic reaction. The allergen can be washing powder or the material from which the linen is made. Problem yellowish discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is solved by eliminating the irritant.
  • Bright yellow highlights odorless during pregnancy. If at the same time there is an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen, then we are talking about inflammation of the appendages.
  • Dark yellow discharge. Such discharge may indicate the presence of staphylococcus and E. coli in the microflora of the vagina.
  • Yellow-green, green foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy signal a sexually transmitted disease.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please visit your doctor. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance that the fetus will not be under detrimental effect harmful microorganisms. After all, before fourth month the placenta is just being formed, which means that your baby is still vulnerable, which requires careful attention to your health.

The doctor will take a smear for analysis, and also send you for blood donation if we are talking about greenish discharge during pregnancy. Based on the results, you will be prompted optimal treatment, based on the characteristics of the gestational age. Pharmaceutics does not stand still and is constantly developing more and more safe medicines especially for women in position.

With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases, both in general and specifically in the microflora of the vagina. In this state, nothing prevents the development and reproduction of bacteria that cause or scientifically - candidiasis.

The greatest likelihood of the disease in women with a history of chronic thrush. In addition, hormones play an important role in the development of candidiasis: under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal environment changes to a more acidic one.

Thrush symptoms during pregnancy in the early stages - these are abundant white curdled (thick) discharge with a sour smell, while there is itching, burning and redness of the genitals.

In the pharmacy you can find many effective means against this disease. You may have used some of them before and without consulting a specialist. However, now, given your interesting position, it will be right if you contact your doctor. Most often, pregnant women are prescribed Pimafucin or Hexicon suppositories. Treatment, as a rule, is of a course nature, and it is necessary to treat both partners to exclude relapses.

The problem does not require an immediate solution, and alleviate the condition you can by following some simple rules.

  • Eliminate fresh pastries and sweets from the diet. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products.
  • Use underwear made from natural materials.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products containing fragrances and artificial additives.
  • Shower twice a day and try to avoid high temperatures.

Thrush at the initial stage is not so dangerous, however, in a situation where the symptoms are vivid, infection of the fetus may occur, which entails the risk of detachment of the fetal egg and miscarriage.

  • The most important - avoid stressful situations . It is no secret to anyone that this is what provokes or exacerbates many diseases, including such as thrush or the threat of miscarriage. An interesting book, favorite music, walks on fresh air- all this will help you distract from bad thoughts and tune in a positive way.
  • Pay attention to your. It must contain to ensure efficient work immune system.
  • If any suspicious signs are found, in no case do not self-medicate: so you can harm yourself and your child even more. In the near future, visit a doctor, and if the situation is critical, then call an ambulance.

At the beginning of pregnancy, almost any woman notices discharge, as they are the result of hormonal and physiological changes in organism. The body of the expectant mother adapts to the new position and begins to work differently to provide the fetus with everything necessary, because of this the immune system becomes more vulnerable. What discharge in the early stages should not cause concern and when should you see a doctor?

The vaginal secret protects the mucosa and pelvic organs from infections and damage. It consists of the mucus that the cervix produces, the secretions of the sex glands, and desquamated epithelial cells. The "formula" of the vaginal secretion also includes microorganisms, in particular lactic acid bacteria. They perform a protective function and in the absence of health problems are characterized by low activity. Thanks to the secret, the genital tract has the ability to cleanse and bring out opportunistic pathogens, and the environment in them is maintained in a favorable state.

During the menstrual cycle, 3 phases change, each of which is characterized by a certain physiology and hormonal background. The latter also affects the state of the vaginal secretion. So, at the beginning of the cycle, while the dominant follicle with the egg matures in the ovaries, the functional layer - the endometrium - is rejected from the walls of the uterus, because of this menstrual flow occurs. Immediately after the end of this process, the endometrium begins to grow again, preparing to "accept" the fertilized egg. This process takes place under the influence of estrogen. It also makes the vaginal secret more liquid - in such an environment it will be easier for sperm to pass through the cervical canal. By the way, on the eve of ovulation, women who closely monitor changes in their body may notice liquid and even watery discharge.

What happens at the very beginning of pregnancy?

After ovulation, progesterone comes into play. Its level will increase during pregnancy, and one of the consequences will be an increase in the density of the vaginal secretion - thick mucus will better protect the uterus from infections. It is this pattern that determines which discharge during early pregnancy will be “safe”.

What discharge in pregnant women in the early stages is considered normal?

On the eve of ovulation, preceding conception, the vaginal secretion liquefies, on the days of ovulation, due to the activation of progesterone, the discharge becomes gel-like, and if the egg and sperm do not meet, the secret liquefies again due to estrogen. If there was a fact of conception, then under the influence of a growing concentration of progesterone, the vaginal secret will retain a dense consistency.


Normal discharge in early pregnancy is clear and moderately thick. They may become more abundant compared to previous cycles without conception, and such a change is not considered pathological. The main thing is to make sure that the discharge does not have an unpleasant pungent odor, there are no inclusions in it. "Adverse" symptoms such as dryness, burning or discomfort in the intimate area also should not be - such signs indicate the addition of an infection or the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

Colorless discharge and leucorrhea without clots is the norm


White discharge in early pregnancy is considered a normal variant if it has a uniform consistency without clots, and resembles in texture egg white. A change in color from clear to whitish or milky white may be due to the onset of the formation of a mucous plug that will protect the fetus from infections and bacteria throughout next months. It should also be taken into account that due to hormonal changes and increased activity functional layer of the uterus, the vaginal secretion may also become more cloudy. Determining and accurately describing the exact color of vaginal secretion can be difficult, and for many whitish discharge during pregnancy appears light gray. In the absence of signs of irritation of the mucous membrane, it is not necessary to be afraid of such secretions.

implantation bleeding

Blood on underwear or panty liners after conception is an alarming symptom, but small discharge in early pregnancy with streaks in the first two weeks may well be a manifestation of the so-called implantation bleeding. Its cause is the introduction of the fetal egg into the endometrium. This usually happens in the second half of the cycle, 3-7 days after ovulation, when the fertilized egg, having made its way through the fallopian tube, reaches the uterine cavity and is fixed in it. In the process of chorionic villi, the eggs covering the outer shell penetrate into the mucous lining the uterine cavity. It, in turn, is corroded by special enzymes that are produced by the shell of the embryo.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

All this can lead to minor and harmless damage to the capillaries of the uterine wall. The result is yellow-brown or pale pink discharge in early pregnancy. They are very scarce, smearing, persist for several hours or a maximum of 2 days. Future mom who is unaware of his interesting position, may take them for the onset of menstruation earlier than the expected date, especially since implantation may be accompanied by a slight tension of the uterus and tingling in the lower abdomen. Similar symptoms, characteristic of implantation bleeding, are noted by about 30% of women, and they occur with a standard menstrual cycle of 28-30 days on the 24th day.

No discharge during early pregnancy

Allocations at an early stage of pregnancy before the delay may be absent. The fact is that each organism is unique and reacts in its own way to the changes taking place in it. Not always implantation and the first days prenatal development the embryo will be accompanied by abundant and thick vaginal secretions, a similar sign may well remind you of itself in other weeks of the first trimester.

It can be extremely difficult for a woman for whom pregnancy is her first to figure out what is happening to her body and what variables are considered normal. If any discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is in doubt or concern, you should seek the advice of a doctor. Such a measure, firstly, will eliminate any risks, and secondly, communication with a specialist will reassure the expectant mother.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, discharge may not be

Discharge during early pregnancy: when to see a doctor

In the first trimester, a woman's body experiences real stress. The invading embryo, in which half of the genes are foreign, is perceived by the body as a threat. It begins to attack him with antibodies, but the activity of aggressive immunity from the moment of conception is suppressed by progesterone. This hormone "works" to maintain pregnancy. As a result - a decrease in the body's defenses and a greater susceptibility to inflammation, infections and pathogenic bacteria. Similar diseases have characteristic symptoms and in the vast majority of cases their development is accompanied by changes in the vaginal secretion. So, what discharge in early pregnancy can be considered an alarming sign?


Curd discharge during early pregnancy is a sign of thrush. This disease, which is also called urogenital candidiasis, develops due to excessive activity of fungi of the genus candida. Most often, its cause is immunosuppression and weakening of the body. Increase the likelihood of the initial appearance or recurrence of such a disease such factors as:

  • medication, such as antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones, and immunosuppressants;
  • non-compliance with basic standards of personal hygiene;
  • unbalanced diet with excess sugar and fast carbohydrates;
  • chronic diseases like diabetes;
  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, hemorrhoids, microflora disorders;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Thrush in the first trimester should be treated as early as possible

In addition, under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal secretion becomes more acidic, the mucous membranes of the pelvic organs soften, and their blood supply increases. All this makes the conditions for the development of thrush almost ideal.

Curdled discharge during early pregnancy should not be ignored. The sooner the treatment of thrush begins, the faster its unpleasant symptoms will pass - itching, burning and severe discomfort. With timely therapy, such a disease is not dangerous, but if it is “launched”, the risks of delayed complications during the period of bearing a child increase, natural childbirth And caesarean section. In addition, the mucous membrane affected by the fungus becomes more vulnerable to infections, which in turn can become a direct threat to the child.

Yellow highlights

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy most often accompanies reproductive system problems such as inflammation and infection. They are a typical symptom of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and other bacterial lesions. All these diseases are especially dangerous during exacerbation or primary accession in the first trimester, when all organs and systems of the child are laid, and there is still no placenta protecting it.

Yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor - a sign of infection

Yellowish discharge can be seen with the development of "pre-pregnant" diseases, which are activated due to immune suppression, as well as with bacterial vaginosis, allergies to panty liners, synthetic underwear or personal care products. Such changes in the color of the hormonal secret, especially if they are accompanied by the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor, itching or painful sensations, are a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can conduct a high-quality diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will minimize the risks for the baby and mother.

Green and frothy discharge

Greenish discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, which can be joined by foamy or purulent inclusions, indicates the addition of trichomoniasis. Pathological leucorrhoea in this case is accompanied by severe itching and even painful sensations, the vaginal secret has a sharp and strong odor. Under normal conditions, this disease is quickly treated with pharmaceuticals, but the main problem is that many drugs are toxic to the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. It is necessary to seek help if such a symptom appears as soon as possible: trichomoniasis in the first trimester can provoke an abortion.

When urgent medical attention is needed

In the first trimester, pregnancy is very "fragile" and sensitive to a huge amount external factors. Wrong lifestyle and bad habits, excessive physical exercise, severe stress, infections and high temperature - these and dozens of other factors provoke threats to the development and life of the fetus. by the most hazardous secretions at the beginning of pregnancy are bloody.

Scanty brown discharge in early pregnancy

A brown "daub" a week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation may be implantation bleeding. If brown discharge during pregnancy appears after the 5-6th week, you need to urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital: it is this symptom that accompanies the detachment of the fetal egg. A similar condition can develop due to problems with the endometrium, adhesions and scars inside the uterus, inflammation or neoplasms. Detachment can lead to miscarriage, in some circumstances - at the most early stages, it can be stopped. But this requires hospital treatment and continuous medical supervision. "Safe" brown discharge may occur due to irritation of the sensitive cervix or after sexual intercourse. Anyway similar symptom cannot be ignored.

Bloody discharge is a dangerous symptom

Blood on the linen or daily pad of a woman “in position” is always an alarming sign and a reason for emergency hospitalization. Scarlet, dark red and even black discharge during early pregnancy may accompany:

  • detachment of the fetal egg;
  • fading of embryo development due to hormonal, chromosomal and mechanical factors;
  • an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo implants in the fallopian tubes, the rudimentary horn of the uterus, or the ovary.

If red discharge appears at any stage of pregnancy, if there is pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and in the absence of any associated symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Discharge from the genitals in women immediately after conception or a little later scares expectant mothers. This phenomenon is completely different from the menstrual cycle, so many women mistakenly believe that discharge during pregnancy is a pathology.

Only a qualified gynecologist can establish the initial cause, as well as diagnose the nature of the released substance. Substance happens different color: colorless, yellow, red and even dark tones.

Normal secretions do not have a characteristic odor and leak in small quantities. You need to know in which case this is considered a pathology and why this happens in women in position.

How does the female body change after conception

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes.

Some time after conception (at 6,7,8,9-14 weeks), symptoms begin to appear early pregnancy characterizing changes in the female body:

  1. The sensitivity of the breast increases. In the early stages, uncharacteristic chest pain is felt. The nipples increase in size, a light touch brings discomfort to a woman. In addition to pain and discomfort, colostrum is released from the chest - a colorless, odorless substance. Typically, this phenomenon is positive factor and is not considered a pathology;
  2. Increase in basal temperature. This factor is due to the fact that in the female body, 2-3 weeks after conception, progesterone begins to be produced. Optimum temperature, which will be kept on an ongoing basis - 37 degrees, but sometimes, the indicator will rise to 38 degrees;
  3. Toxicosis. One of the first signs. The frequency of vomiting increases, some smells cause nausea. The phenomenon occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background;
  4. Blood clots. After the sperm cell has successfully entered the uterus, blood clots may be released from it. This is normal. However, if they continue to stand out on the 29-30th day after conception, this is a reason to contact a specialist.

For each woman, pregnancy takes place on an individual basis, so the above phenomena may occur in a more or less intense mode.

Secretion in early pregnancy - the norm or pathology

Throughout her life, a woman has discharge - menstrual, daily, as a result of a viral or infectious disease etc. This is a natural process female physiology. But is it considered a pathology in early pregnancy? It's all about the nature, color and intensity of the discharge.

A few weeks after conception, the first outflows appear - thick, transparent masses. The phenomenon is due to the fact that a new hormone appears in the female body - progesterone, which acts key factor successful pregnancy.

Some of the fair sex may begin menstruation if the conception occurred on the "red" dates of the calendar. In some cases, the menstrual cycle can harm the female body or the unborn fetus, so for your own peace of mind, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

An important factor is the absence of pain, unpleasant odor or abundance. If these symptoms are present, the situation is considered a pathological abnormality and urgent intervention is required.

What is discharge in pregnant women - possible causes

Discharge from the genitals is the result of a "large-scale reconstruction" of the body. The hormonal background undergoes the greatest changes due to the production of a new hormone - progesterone. This is an indispensable element that actively “works” for the first three months of pregnancy.

Its production is accompanied by the appearance of a thick and viscous mass, vaguely resembling mucus. This is not considered a pathology and is considered normal. Enough to use panty liner to correct the current position.

Another symptom that occurs at 5-5 weeks is the appearance of blood clots. As a rule, they occur on the day when the menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. The factor is determined by the fact that the body has not “rebuilt” completely and functions according to the previous routine.

In the absence of pain, blood clots do not pose a threat to a woman in position. It is worth contacting a gynecologist for a control check.

What is considered normal discharge

In the early stages, there is practically no discharge, which can be a sign of pathology.

Consider several types that are considered the norm:

  • Colorless, odorless. As repeatedly mentioned earlier, this phenomenon is caused by the work of progesterone.
  • Blood clots. Occur as a result of the penetration of the embryo into the uterus.
  • Liquid colorless discharge odorless. Closer to the second trimester, new changes occur in the hormonal background, and instead of progesterone, estrogen begins to actively act. It helps the body adapt to the ongoing pregnancy and restores the changed hormonal background;
  • Discharge resulting from poor hygiene. Unfortunately, this frequent occurrence. As a result of disturbed daily hygiene on the genitals occurs allergic reaction, accompanied by redness on the skin, rash and other unpleasant aspects. The end result of such negligence is irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of purple mucus (due to damage to the walls of the vagina). By treating the affected area with antiseptics and stabilizing daily hygiene, this deviation can be eliminated.

It is very important to remember to use sanitary napkins, as well as to change underwear several times daily. Follow all the rules established by a specialist, and then the pregnancy will pass without complications.

When to See a Gynecologist

Some manifestations of fluid and clots in the first trimester indicate a pathology present. If you do not contact in a timely manner medical institution, subsequent consequences can greatly affect the condition of the fetus, which will lead to uncontrolled complications.

Blood clots that are released with pain or an unpleasant odor are the primary sign of abnormalities. There is a possibility of violations inside the uterus or loss of cervical tone. As noted earlier, blood clots signal the menstrual cycle if, for any reason, conception occurred during the period of menstruation.

Yellow-green clots indicate an infection that develops inside the genitals. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to delay. If the spreading infectious process reaches the uterus, then the risk of miscarriage will increase significantly.

Pink fluid sometimes indicates internal bleeding, but there is no significant cause for panic. Contact a medical institution for diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment.

The specialist talks about the discharge at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy:


In the first trimester of pregnancy, discharge is especially pronounced, accompanied by a restructuring of the hormonal background and the body's adaptation to future changes.

Maintain daily hygiene. Use special pads. This will help prevent the development of an infectious process. If any deviation occurs, severe pain or blood clots, you need to urgently seek help from a gynecologist.

In medical statistics, it is noted that similar symptoms are present in ectopic pregnancy or sudden onset of internal bleeding.