What is really dangerous for the baby during pregnancy. Dangerous discharge during pregnancy. Prevention of the appearance of the fungus

Carrying a child for forty weeks is a difficult task for the body. During this period, a woman may feel discomfort. different nature, inconvenience associated with changes in figure and physiology, and this is the norm. But some symptoms are not harmless at all, and should not be taken as a natural background of pregnancy. In dangerous situations, you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

Abdominal pain

Any pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, at any time, should be a reason for contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist. The reasons for it may be different, but if you miss the time and do not recognize the danger in time, you can lose the child. Pain in the lower abdomen, pulling, or cramping, may be a symptom of a threat spontaneous interruption pregnancy. This can be dealt with if treatment is started on time. The lower back may hurt, and this is also characteristic of the threat of miscarriage, but it may accompany pregnancy for as long as later dates as a response to a load. Threat premature birth not excluded in the middle of the term, and towards the end. In this case, the pain may resemble that of inflammation Bladder, appendicitis, adnexitis, misleading a woman. You should not rely on your feelings, but you should always find out for sure. Go to the doctor.

Bleeding from the vagina

Under no circumstances can the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina in a pregnant woman be regarded as the norm. Suspicion should be caused by any changes in the color of the discharge: dark yellow, brown, coffee with milk, streaks of blood in the mucus, and of course, bright red and burgundy.

If you notice this, do not wait for further developments. call ambulance, or let them take you to the hospital by personal transport. Call your gynecologist and report the symptom.

Changing the shape of the abdomen

This does not apply to those moments when your child is actively moving. In this case, the shape of the abdomen, of course, will change, depending on the movements of the child. If the shape of the abdomen has become asymmetrical, the abdomen has become hard and tense for more than half an hour, the shape of the abdomen has changed after a fall or impact, the abdomen has dropped sharply down - call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Outflow of amniotic fluid

It is impossible not to notice this. If the outpouring occurred at night, there will be a wet bed, if when you are awake, water will pour onto the floor over your legs. Leakage of amniotic fluid is less noticeable. Then there may be a slight wetting of underwear, but this symptom is also dangerous when premature pregnancy. If amniotic fluid found a way out, it means damaged amniotic sac, and it is necessary to solve the issue of delivery. In any case, the decision remains with the doctor, but you need to go to the hospital without delay.

Absence of baby movements

A woman usually begins to feel the first movements of a child from the 20th week of pregnancy, sometimes this happens earlier, or a little later. When the movements of the child suddenly disappear abruptly, you should be careful about this. If you do not feel the child for more than 12 hours in a row, you should inform your doctor about this. It may be one day, and the child will become active again. An alarming symptom is also regular absence fetal movements for 6-8 hours, or its low activity. Watch your baby, keep records with time control for several days. This way you will know exactly how active your child is.

Natalia Trohimets

Today, the site will tell expectant mothers about some of the symptoms that may pose a threat to your health and the health of the fetus. In no case should they be ignored, even if, at first glance, they do not pose a particular danger.

1. Nausea

Mostly, this symptom manifested in pregnant women morning time days. Constant nausea, accompanied by intense vomiting, is a deviation from the norm.
Danger: As a result of metabolic disorders, dehydration of the body can occur.
Advice: See a doctor

2. Constipation

In the body of a pregnant woman, due to hormonal changes slows down bowel movements.
Danger: Long-term constipation can cause hemorrhoids .
Advice: You should drink more fluids, eat foods with enough fiber, eat vegetables and fruits. It's also good to take probiotics.

3. Vaginal inflammation

Hygiene during pregnancy - important point, its non-compliance can cause many inflammatory processes. It is especially important to maintain hygiene after stool, using correct technique. This will prevent microorganisms from entering the vagina.
Danger: Inflammation of the genitals due to poor hygiene of the genitals and the risk of contracting STIs can cause premature birth or endanger the health of the baby.
Advice: After each chair do hygiene procedures using funds for intimate hygiene using the technique from front to back.

4. Swelling of the legs

In the summer it's quite normal phenomenon. True, it is necessary to distinguish whether swelling can be due to heat or whether it still suggests a certain disease, for example, heart failure, kidney disease. In any case, it is necessary to visit the doctor as soon as possible.

5. General fatigue

The expectant mother is obliged to take at least 8-10 hours a day to sleep, it should begin before midnight.
Danger: Fatigue puts a huge burden on the body of a pregnant woman, "sucking" out of it the resources intended for the development of the fetus.
Advice: Sometimes fatigue can be caused by anemia. Pregnant women are often anemic due to their diet does not contain enough iron. Add buckwheat to your daily diet sea ​​kale, beans, peas, eggs, beef liver.

6. Back pain

As the body of a pregnant woman prepares for the upcoming birth, expectant mothers often suffer from pain in the pelvis and back.
Advice: Wear clothing to relieve pain High Quality, not tight and comfortable shoes produced from natural materials. Sleep on your side, massage, and avoid carrying heavy objects.

7. Dizziness and shortness of breath

9 dangerous symptoms during pregnancy / shutterstock.com

As a pregnant woman's weight increases, she becomes short of breath, which can lead to dizziness.
Danger: Dizziness can lead to falls and even fainting.
Advice: If you feel dizzy, sit down and rest, drink enough fluids and try to avoid possible stressful situations. Will help you a lot Fresh air. If you can't go outside, open a window.

8. Frequent urge to urinate

On recent months pregnancy, it often happens that you are "driven" to the toilet. It is better to cope with the need immediately, because prolonged abstinence increases the risk of developing a bladder infection.
Danger: Bladder infection can lead to dangerous consequences- infection of the uterus, which entails its reduced activity and can cause premature birth.
Advice: Do muscle strengthening exercises pelvic floor and relieve yourself, bypassing long-term abstinence.

Critical periods of pregnancy- this is the most dangerous time when carrying a child, when the risk of spontaneous abortion under the influence of various negative factors increases significantly.

information In terms of the threat of miscarriages and non-developing pregnancy The first trimester is considered the most dangerous, because in this time is running laying and formation of all organs and systems of the child, and a full-fledged hemo placental barrier, capable of retaining at least some of the hazardous substances, is not yet available.

Dangerous terms during pregnancy:

  1. 2-3 weeks;
  2. 4-6 weeks;
  3. 8-12 weeks;
  4. 18-22 weeks;
  5. 28-32 weeks.

First critical period

At 2-3 weeks, the implantation period occurs, during which the fertilized egg begins to invade the uterine wall. At this time, the woman does not yet know about the onset of conception, therefore miscarriage remains unknown and to some extent the most favorable psychologically.

The main causes of embryo implantation failure:

  1. Strong emotional stress;
  2. heavy physical exercise;
  3. Anomalies in the development of the embryo;
  4. uterine fibroids;
  5. Scar on the uterus after surgery;
  6. Defective after inflammatory diseases and curettage of the uterus;
  7. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus.

Second critical period

important The second dangerous time during pregnancy falls on 4-6 weeks. This period is dangerous not only in terms of interruption, but also in the formation of severe fetal malformations, often incompatible with life. Often, pregnancy is terminated precisely because of these developmental anomalies.

Third dangerous period

Dangerous weeks for the development of the fetus also occur at the end of the first trimester (weeks 8-12), primarily due to the active development of the placenta at this time. Any negative factors can cause violations of its formation and the occurrence of developmental anomalies, which can lead to the fading of pregnancy or its spontaneous termination.

The most common causes of miscarriages in given period become hormonal disorders :

  1. Functional disturbances thyroid gland;
  2. Decrease in the amount of progesterone produced in the body;
  3. An increase in the amount of male sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in estrogen.

Fourth dangerous period

Pregnancy during the second trimester in most cases proceeds safely and is rightfully considered the calmest time, however dangerous periods present during these months.

The fourth critical period falls on 18-22 weeks, The main causes of premature termination of pregnancy at this time are:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpetic infection and etc.);
  2. (inferiority of the cervix);
  3. Pathology of the location of the placenta (full and partial presentation, location in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, etc.).

Fifth critical period

At 28-32 weeks, the last critical period of pregnancy begins, which can lead to premature birth.

Most common causes abortion:

  1. Late ;
  2. Anomalies in the amount of amniotic fluid.

Other dangerous periods of pregnancy

Additional risks of miscarriage are also present if the pregnant woman has a history of one or more abortions. In this case critical period is the week of pregnancy during which there was a miscarriage, freezing of the embryo or premature birth.

The main reason for the allocation of such a stage is considered, first of all, the psychological moment. A woman, having survived even one interruption of pregnancy, is always afraid of a repetition of this situation, especially at the appropriate time. Most experts recommend hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital for a given time, where, under the constant supervision of medical personnel, she will feel more protected.

Also, the days of the expected menstruation are considered risky times, i.e. the time at which a woman should have had her menses if conception did not occur.

How to behave during critical times

additionally The allocation of dangerous periods in no way says that every woman in a position is subject to an indispensable risk of abortion. All this is individual: many expectant mothers quite calmly carry their baby without all sorts of complications.

You should not wait with fear for the onset of a critical period, at this time you just need to be more attentive to your health and follow some warnings:

  1. Exclusion of excessive physical and mental stress;
  2. avoidance;
  3. Sexual rest;
  4. Good sleep and rest;
  5. Avoid long trips.

When any pathological signs(lower abdominal pain, bloody issues in any quantity) you should contact your doctor immediately.

Every woman should have an idea of ​​what is dangerous during pregnancy. For nine months of waiting, a woman is visited by many thoughts, and not all of them are pleasant. Worrying about the health of the baby, the upcoming birth, etc. are in vain in many cases. However, while waiting for the baby, there are several dangerous stages that a woman should be aware of in order to understand and prevent trouble in a timely manner, if necessary.

During pregnancy, the first dangerous period may develop in the second or third week. This is the time when a woman can be unaware of her interesting position. A fertilized egg, after entering the uterus, is fixed on the mucous membrane. For a number of reasons, the consolidation process gestational sac in the uterus can be disturbed, then the pregnancy is interrupted and the woman begins early miscarriage, which is quite difficult to diagnose (in some cases, menstruation can be very heavy). For the normal fixation of the fetal egg, an extremely important condition of the endometrium. Various anomalies of the uterus, damage to the inner layer (endometrium) as a result of inflammation, multiple abortions can cause a violation of fixation. Also, the contraction of the uterus after inflammation, curettage, or any diseases (myoma, endometriosis, etc.) can interfere with the normal attachment of the egg. In addition, chromosomal changes in the fetus can also lead to termination of pregnancy at early dates, since the body independently gets rid of the "unhealthy" embryo.

The second dangerous period is the period of 8-12 weeks, when the placenta begins to form. During this period, one of the main reasons for abortion are hormonal disorders, which can occur due to malfunctions of the ovaries, thyroid gland, and also due to the increased production of male sex hormones by the body of a pregnant woman. In this case, the doctor must choose proper treatment, it is important to detect and prevent pathology in a timely manner.

During this period, environmental factors are of great importance for the further development of the embryo: radiation (including industrial vibrations or sports), chemical substances(smoking, pesticides, phenols, medications, alcohol, etc.), viruses and infections.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body adapts to a new state, a woman experiences a colossal mental and physical stress, so in the first months of pregnancy, you need to be as careful as possible about your health.

Third dangerous period pregnancy occurs at 18 - 22 weeks. During this period, the risk of developing placental pathology (previa, malposition, detachment, etc.) increases.

In addition, the most common cause of miscarriage during this period is isthmic-cervical insufficiency, i.e. a condition in which the cervix cannot cope with its main function - holding the fetus in the uterus. High level male sex hormones, trauma, congenital anomalies, deformities after previous births - all this can cause softening and opening of the cervix. Your doctor may put in stitches to prevent miscarriage.

Also during this period, the likelihood pathological conditions placenta, membranes, premature withdrawal of water as a result of undertreated infectious diseases(chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc.).

The fourth dangerous period may be at 28 - 32 weeks. At this time, the risk of developing preeclampsia, placental abruption, placental insufficiency which can lead to premature birth.

A woman, when approaching a dangerous period of pregnancy, should exclude heavy physical exertion, nervous shocks, and sex. If the probability of termination of pregnancy is high enough, it is best to go to the hospital under the supervision of specialists, so that timely assistance is provided if necessary.

Dangerous days during pregnancy

During pregnancy, various pathological processes which jeopardize the continued bearing of the child. The entire first trimester is considered to be the most vulnerable period, since any medications, nervous shocks, diseases, etc., are exactly what is dangerous during pregnancy. However, there are also other days that can threaten normal gestation.

But in each case, the pregnancy proceeds individually, and the aforementioned critical periods do not necessarily develop in certain days pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage can occur in each woman individually. For example, if a woman has previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, then the likelihood that the danger may recur at the same time is quite high, while both physiological and psychological features female body. Of course, you need to take care of your health not only on certain days of pregnancy (these days it is recommended to pay Special attention, taking into account individual features body), which may threaten further gestation, but also throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy

During pregnancy future mother inclined to various worries about the health of the unborn baby, upcoming birth etc. Quite often such experiences are in vain, but on different terms there may be dangerous periods that can complicate further pregnancy. Among physicians, such periods are usually called dangerous or critical weeks.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman usually does not yet know about her situation, any external factor may interfere with embryonic attachment. At various diseases the inner layer of the uterus (postoperative damage, inflammation, fibroids), the attachment of the fetal egg is complicated, the likelihood of miscarriage increases. Also, miscarriage occurs with various chromosomal pathologies when the body rejects a deliberately non-viable embryo.

At 8-12 weeks, due to hormonal disruptions in the body of a woman, a violation of the development of the placenta may occur, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can cause the death of the fetus.

In the second trimester, when an active increase in the uterus begins (18-22 weeks), the risk of premature termination of pregnancy also increases. With infections, a weakened cervix, and an incorrect location of the placenta, the course of pregnancy can be seriously complicated. During this period, a woman is assigned a second planned ultrasonography to consider pathologies as early as possible and take action.

In the third trimester (28-32 weeks), placental abruption is possible. During ultrasound, the condition and integrity of the placenta is carefully studied by a specialist. This complication can cause gestosis ( late toxicosis), death of a child in the womb, premature birth. Children born during this period can survive, but they require special care.

Is orgasm dangerous during pregnancy?

From the first days of pregnancy female body huge hormonal changes begin. Some women sexual attraction becomes stronger, feelings during sex are aggravated, become more intense. During pregnancy, the uterus grows, blood circulation in the pelvis increases, which causes an increase in desire and the appearance of brighter sensations. Some women change their sexual preferences, they want more affectionate, tender relationships.

The orgasm experienced by the future mother gives pleasant sensations not only to the woman, but also to the child in her womb. During orgasm, increased blood circulation contributes to a better flow nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. There is some training during uterine contractions during orgasm labor activity. The hormones of happiness released during orgasm have a good effect on both the woman and the child.

Sometimes a pregnant orgasm is very necessary. When the due date has already come, but the child is in no hurry to be born, an orgasm can push the birth process.

However, under some conditions, orgasm is a danger to the health of the woman and the child. Orgasm leads to strong cuts uterus, which is dangerous during pregnancy when there is a risk of miscarriage ( increased tone). Also, orgasm is contraindicated for a woman in last days pregnancy, as this increases the likelihood of premature birth.

Dangerous infections during pregnancy

All dangerous infections that threaten a pregnant woman are conventionally divided into two types:

  • dangerous before pregnancy;
  • dangerous during pregnancy.

Chickenpox or chickenpox is one of those diseases that are best transferred to childhood, since in a child the disease proceeds almost harmlessly, while for an adult, especially for a pregnant woman, the infection poses a serious danger. greatest danger represents infection for up to 20 weeks, before and after childbirth.

Rubella is also a childhood disease. In a child, the disease occurs with less pronounced symptoms than in an adult. If a girl had rubella in childhood, then in adulthood she is protected by antibodies produced during the disease. If there is no immunity to infection, then the pregnant woman must be as careful as possible so as not to become infected. The disease poses the greatest danger in the early stages, since in this case it is very high risk damage or death of the fetus.

Toxoplasmosis is pretty dangerous infection, and physicians pay special attention to this disease. The infection poses a serious danger to the child and can occur in the body without any symptoms.

Experts recommend taking all the necessary tests before pregnancy in order to exclude the possibility of developing latent infections. If the results of the analysis show antibodies in the woman's body, then she has already had toxoplasmosis. In the absence of antibodies, you should be as careful as possible to prevent infection during pregnancy. The carriers of the disease are predominantly cats, so a pregnant woman who does not have antibodies to the infection should minimize contact with them. In addition, you should monitor the quality of food: meat should be well cooked, vegetables, fruits, greens, etc. should be washed thoroughly.

Cytomegalovirus is dangerous not only before pregnancy, but also directly during pregnancy. A woman may not even know about the infection, but the disease can pose a serious danger to the unborn child. It is generally accepted that primary infection poses a great danger to the fetus, exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy is not such a threat. Cytomegalovirus is transmitted through saliva, semen, and blood. If the disease is detected before pregnancy, then important attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system in order to prevent exacerbation during pregnancy.

Genital herpes in the early stages of pregnancy leads to miscarriage or missed pregnancy, in the second half of the term - to congenital anomalies The child has. Infection of the child can be during the passage of the birth canal or even in the womb through the placenta. In some cases, a woman is advised to do C-section to prevent infection of the child.

However, not all women at the planning stage are examined and almost all tests are taken already with the onset of pregnancy. If the tests revealed infections, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can have serious consequences, then you should follow all the doctor's recommendations and undergo a course of treatment in order to minimize the risk of possible complications.

Dangerous diseases during pregnancy

Almost any disease during pregnancy can cause negative consequences including malformations, miscarriages, etc.

Measles is the most contagious disease that is easily caught in childhood, the symptoms of the disease resemble acute respiratory infections, but on the third day a characteristic rash appears. For a pregnant woman who has not had measles, infection in the first three months can cause miscarriage or malformations (oligophrenia, central nervous system damage, etc.). In the early stages of pregnancy, possible fetal defects are extremely difficult to diagnose. Usually, a woman who has had measles in the first weeks of pregnancy is offered an abortion in order to completely eliminate the risk of having a sick child.

Mumps or mumps is not as contagious as chicken pox or measles, but no less dangerous for a pregnant woman. Among pregnant women, mumps is quite common, so the disease should be avoided, because it is dangerous during pregnancy that it is infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the main organs and functions of the unborn child develop. The mumps virus easily penetrates the fetus. It is generally accepted that the virus infects the ovaries, which leads to miscarriage (usually 10-14 days after infection). If, after the disease, the pregnancy continues to develop normally, then there is no reason for concern, since mumps does not lead to abnormal development of the fetus. Infection of the child can occur if the mother falls ill in recent weeks pregnancy, but in this case, everything passes with minimal consequences.

Influenza, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, can lead to intrauterine death of the fetus, at a later date the risk of premature birth increases, but the disease does not provoke fetal abnormalities.

Chlamydia can cause miscarriage, often the child becomes infected during the passage of the birth canal, which can subsequently cause conjunctivitis, pneumonia.

Jaundice does not pose a threat to the unborn child, but the risk of infection during childbirth is extremely high.

Borreliosis is carried mainly by ticks, the disease rarely affects the fetus, but there is a risk of neurological abnormalities, heart disease.

What is dangerous during pregnancy should be known to every woman who is preparing to become a mother. During this period, it is extremely important to take care of your health, since the future health of the child largely depends on the health of the mother.

According to WHO statistics, 90% of pregnant women face candidal colpitis or thrush. This is due to the weakening of the functions immune system. Symptoms of the disease, which manifest as curdled secretions co specific smell And severe itching cause a lot of discomfort. Sleep is disturbed, excluded intimacy, the quality of life decreases. This affects psychological condition women. In pregnant women, the question arises, can thrush be dangerous during pregnancy?

There is a statement that there is no need to treat candidiasis, it passes by itself through certain time. But this is a delusion. There are circumstances under which a child is infected with a fungus both in utero and during its passage through the birth canal.

Why candidiasis manifests itself during gestation

Yeast-like fungi are among the conditionally pathogenic microflora. Normally, they are present in the vagina of every woman. Under favorable conditions, candida begin to actively multiply and form colonies.

The main reason for the manifestation of infection during pregnancy is a decrease in local and general immunity. In violation of the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, fungi grow rapidly, increasing their numbers. The development of thrush is facilitated by changes in the hormonal background and endocrine status, which are typical for every pregnant woman.

The impetus for the development of the disease may be non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. A woman should always be in dry cotton underwear. Excess moisture is an ideal breeding ground for fungal microflora.

Another cause of thrush is the treatment of a pregnant woman. antibacterial drugs. They violate the conditions of the natural environment of the vagina, reduce local immunity contribute to infection.

Factors that can cause thrush include:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • use of flavored condoms;
  • use of daily deodorized pads;
  • deficiency of lactobacilli;
  • diseases of the digestive system - stomach, intestines;
  • abuse of sweets;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol.

The consequences of pregnancy and thrush are not always predictable. The presence of a fungus in a woman's body creates risks for infection of the fetus. The infection itself is not dangerous for gestation, but after birth it may be necessary serious treatment baby.

Intrauterine danger of a fungal infection for the fetus

With the exclusion of sexual activity, compliance with the rules of hygiene in the early stages of pregnancy, thrush rarely occurs. Symptoms of a fungal infection of the vagina appear in the second trimester, when the hormonal background.

With a favorable course of pregnancy, the disease is not dangerous for the unborn child. The microbe does not spread to the internal genital organs of a woman, does not penetrate the placental barrier and does not infect the fetus. Candida does not release toxins that could enter the bloodstream and infect the baby. Therefore, the disease does not affect intrauterine growth, mental and mental development children.

Exist unfavourable conditions, in which the presence of thrush in a pregnant woman threatens the risk of infection of the fetus. If there is no adequate treatment, the fungus spreads through the departments reproductive system women. Reaching the umbilical cord, it can penetrate the placenta and infect the mucous membranes and internal organs fetus (systemic candidiasis). Such cases were recorded extremely rarely, but a woman should be aware of such a danger in order to prevent it in a timely manner.

Probability intrauterine infection negligible and according to statistics is 0.5% of all cases of diagnosing the disease during pregnancy. The fetus is reliably protected by shells, waters, and the fetoplacental complex. But there is always a risk of miscarriage if the uterus is affected by a fungus. Therefore, this microbe that causes thrush during pregnancy is dangerous.

Threats in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Can thrush be harmful in late pregnancy? Untreated candidiasis in the third trimester is a direct threat of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

The outcome of candidiasis in a newborn:

  • fungal infection of the oral mucosa;
  • stomatitis;
  • poor appetite, breast rejection;
  • constant regurgitation after eating or during feeding;
  • violation of the quality of sleep in a child;
  • infection skin- there is a rash, pustules, wounds;
  • bowel dysfunction - increased gas formation, bloating, colic.

In newborns, due to the low protective function of the skin, thrush can penetrate the body through the epidermis and affect the internal organs!

What else threatens the baby with thrush in a pregnant woman? The conjunctiva is often affected. After the birth of the child, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. There is hyperemia, edema, pronounced vascular network white of the eye. There is intense lacrimation due to blockage of the nasolacrimal canal. There may be a bacterial infection.

Girls are diagnosed with urogenital candidiasis. Its symptoms are redness of the labia majora and labia minora, swelling of the vulva, discharge with a sour-milk smell, sometimes with pus.

Why is thrush during pregnancy dangerous for children? In severe cases, it contributes to the development of pneumonia - neonatal pneumonia. Pathology develops within the first hours after birth or a week later. First, respiratory failure and fluctuations in body temperature appear. In case of refusal emergency assistance the disease progresses rapidly to the onset of shock and can be fatal.

Pregnancy in the third trimester is not difficult to avoid. The woman is assigned complex therapy. If necessary, before childbirth, the vaginal mucosa, the cervix is ​​treated with antiseptic and disinfectant solutions. With extensive damage to the birth canal and a high risk of infection of the baby, a caesarean section is performed.

The negative impact of thrush on the body of a pregnant woman

The most common thing that thrush can be dangerous during pregnancy for a woman's body is the appearance of a chronic inflammatory process reproductive organs. In the near and distant future, the following pathologies develop:

  • frequent colpitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • adhesions in accessory tubes;
  • cervical erosion.

A pregnant woman has an increased risk of developing a postpartum infection. Endometriosis occurs - inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus.

The presence of thrush affects physiological state mucous membranes. Under the influence of pathogenic microflora, their elasticity decreases. This creates a risk of rupture and injury of the epithelium during childbirth. In the future in place mechanical damage fibrous formations are formed - scars from connective tissue. They violate the anatomical structure of the internal genital organs, lead to functional changes. Postpartum sutures heal for a long time and with complications, bacterial infection of wound surfaces, suppuration is possible.

The effect of thrush on a woman and a child during pregnancy in the first trimester is a dangerously irreversible consequence - spontaneous abortion. Such developments are rare. The following factors contribute to this:

  • treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • genetic disorders in women;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • anomalies in the structure of the genital organs;
  • a history of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • chronic nicotine poisoning of the body;
  • addiction.

Can Candidiasis Affect Conception?

Young women often worry about whether it is dangerous to get pregnant with vaginal candidiasis, whether thrush affects the process of conception.

By itself, the fungal microflora does not affect the fertilization of the egg. Spermatozoa in contact with the infected vaginal mucosa do not lose their quality and ability to conceive. Thrush does not disrupt the menstrual cycle.

There are indirect reasons that may prevent the conception of a child.

Candidal flora changes the pH environment of the vagina with a shift to the acid side. This can have a detrimental effect on part of the male seed. But in general, after ejaculation, a certain portion of sperm immediately enters the cervical canal, and then into the uterus, where there is a favorable alkaline environment for the vital activity of male germ cells. Therefore, the risks of infertility with thrush are minimal.

Candidiasis delays the process of conception for the reason that a woman refuses to have sex. fungal infection the vaginal mucosa makes sexual intercourse painful, so the girl avoids it.

If thrush in partners is of a chronic relapsing nature, then in this case, pregnancy should be planned, taking into account the recommendations of the gynecologist, and undergo regular examinations and examinations.

Prevention of the appearance of the fungus

Realizing how dangerous thrush is to the fetus during pregnancy, there is a need for instructions on how to prevent the onset of infection. To reduce the risk of developing candidiasis and infection of the fetus, it is enough for a woman to adhere to simple rules about her lifestyle.

Conditions for the prevention of thrush:

  • wear cotton underwear, refuse synthetic products;
  • clean the toilet in a timely manner intimate zone, it must be dry;
  • refuse to use synthetic vitamins;
  • reduce the number simple carbohydrates in the daily diet;
  • include cereals, vegetables, protein in the diet;
  • limit sweets, foods that contain preservatives and chemical food colors.

Emphasis is placed on stimulating the immune system. It is important to create a favorable hormonal background in a woman's body.

In preventing the development of candidiasis, the psychological environment in which the pregnant woman is located plays a role. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing stressful situations, psycho-emotional overstrain.

If a woman has chronic internal illnesses, then attention should be paid to this issue before the planned pregnancy, measures should be taken to ensure that the diseases do not worsen during the bearing of the child.