Farewell speech to the school. Gold medalist exposes classmate with undeserved medal

new trend this season - teenagers are publicly fighting corruption. Albeit on their small sectors of the front, but very aggressively, not embarrassed by either names or regalia. The recording of the performance of the gold medalist of the school No. 1 of the village of Tahtamukay is booming on the Internet. She "broke" the system by delivering a diatribe at the prom. From the scene of the local cultural center, Ruzanna (Photo 2) accused her classmate (Photo 1) of getting a gold medal just because her mother works in the Education Department.

The undeserved insignia angered the girl to the core. And the adults responded! The very next day, the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea announced that it would check all the work of the medal winners of the current edition. Ruzanna's words, spoken from the stage into the microphone after she was awarded the gold medal, at first did not resonate with the audience present. Nothing foreshadowed a scandal: the girl sincerely thanked her parents and teachers, noted that she had worked very hard to receive a medal and that for her this was the goal of her whole life. But after these touching words Ruzanna said the following:

“Of course, it’s a shame when a person stands on the stage who has not told a single lesson, not a single answer for the whole year. And by a happy coincidence, this is the daughter of the deputy district AMO (“district Administration of the Municipal Education” - author) of our district.<...>. I want to wish all medalists to appreciate their work, because we deserve it.” Public revelations were filmed by the father of a brave graduate. After graduation video was posted on the World Wide Web.

To make such a speech is certainly a bold act. The uninitiated question arose: does the schoolgirl herself, who saw the log in someone else's eye, have the moral right to say so? We will immediately dispel doubts: Ruzanna is a well-known girl in the area. She is a composer and singer, has awards from the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation and the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation and the head of the Republic of Adygea. That is, it is unlikely that a schoolgirl realizes her ambitions by exposing her “competitor”.

But Ruzanna did not calm down on this. She also posted a post on Instagram and commented in detail on her act. It turned out to be a real cry from the heart (the spelling of the medalist is preserved):

“Each person has a different face. But, to be honest, I don’t even know where my classmate and her mother, who is the head of the education department of the Tahtamukay district, is on the edge of impudence. Do you know what it’s like when you plow all your life, study, don’t sleep at night, because you don’t have the right not to answer at any lesson, and a person who has NEVER answered a single lesson during the year is standing with you on the same stage and receives exactly the same medal for academic excellence with you? I absolutely do not care who and what will say about me now, but my conscience told me to do so. I avenged everyone: for all the medalists who earned this medal with their work, for her former classmates who support me, for my classmates, each of whom studied better than she did. I hope that now people will think before they humiliate people in this way and not be afraid of anything. As Lenin said: "The people are a flock of sheep." So, as long as I have every opportunity to make this world a little better, I will use this opportunity. Thanks to everyone who supported me.<...>.».

Again, the question arises: maybe Ruzanna settles personal scores? Let's say a girl stole her boyfriend. Or somehow offended - and the medalist in response hit "in a sick way." There is no answer to this question yet. But here's what's curious: a schoolgirl accused of receiving an undeserved award was forced to retire from social networks: she was bombarded with insulting comments. Ruzanna, on the contrary, received thousands of supportive comments. And - alas - stories about similar outrages:

“My mother and I were deprived of a well-deserved medal, because the leadership of her school extorted a bribe from her parents. But they, being decent people didn't get the hint. My mother has broken down and is no longer fighting the system, and I wish you not to back down in any case.

“When I was an excellent student, unexpectedly for many, a couple of C students, whose dads are “authorities”, received a red certificate and praise.

Moreover, teachers also stood up for the girl. A teacher from school No. 4 of the Tahtamukay district said that last academic year she was required to prepare a whole class of medalists at once. She asks to turn Special attention to the question: how do such students manage to pass the exam under a video camera "with excellent marks", if within school year they did not shine with knowledge at all?

To analyze the conflict, the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea created a special commission. The experts promise as soon as possible verify the authenticity of Ruzanna's statement, in particular, a re-verification of the work of the medalists will be carried out.

And after the incident, the medalist from Adygea said that she would not take the words about the "thieves" classmate back. The girl spoke about the support she received from everyone who learned about the story.

"I was supported by her former classmates. She studied at the 6th school, and Last year transferred to us. She was specially transferred to us in order to give grades. But we didn’t know what grades other students were given, we just knew that she didn’t do anything, but of course she would be pulled, because she is the daughter of you know who. But three days before the celebration, I accidentally find out that there are not four, but five medalists. I didn’t believe it,” says the girl. After that, the medalist spoke with a “thieves” classmate, who answered her with a swear word.

“I threatened her, saying, Zaira, if you go up to this stage with us, I will disgrace you. To which she again answered me with obscenities. Therefore, I did what I had to,” she continues.

The mother of the scandalous gold medalist from Adygea spoke about the conflict.

Graduation - time to talk good words about teachers and classmates when school scene Ruzanna Tuko came out in Adygea. And classic acceptance speech suddenly turned into an angry rebuke. Of course, it’s a shame when a person stands on the stage who has not told a single lesson or a single answer for the whole year. And, by a happy coincidence, this is the deputy head of the district.

We are talking about a classmate of Ruzanna. Her mother, Svetlana Paranuk, is the head of the education department of the Takhtamukaysky district of the Republic of Adygea. Then many students of their school will confirm that the girl had special treatment. She did not answer in class, she took trial exams alone in a separate room.

It was not possible to contact the accused medalist, but her mother, albeit for two minutes, nevertheless went out to reporters. According to her, the daughter was simply not loved. “I want to say that this is all not true. I think that my words will be confirmed by the commission. They work in two schools, they don’t let me in, I hope the results will be good,” the mother of the medalist said. And she explained the accusations against her daughter by "personal hostile relations."

The check is really being carried out, moreover, in two schools at once, where the girl studied. Classmates are interviewed, and the local minister personally checks cool magazines. "An analysis of the intermediate attestation is being carried out and the facts that were made in the application of a graduate of this school are being checked," said the Minister of Education and Science of Adygea Anzaur Tirashev.

But on that stage, bold statements did not end. Another graduate, no longer an excellent student, spoke up, who claims that teachers were not allowed to take the exam in order not to spoil the school's statistics. He even applied to the prosecutor's office, and then he asked the film crew to record an interview with him in order to reveal all the methods of work of the local Ministry of Education.

“Today I had the Minister of Education, and they want to hush up this matter. And he told me that if I keep silent, he promised to arrange me for the second year of the university. There, he said, I will study, he will allocate a hostel,” said the graduate .

Judging by this statement, the administration decided to play dirty, which means dangerous consequences they can wait for Ruzanna. But she says she's not afraid. Because she is confident in her abilities and will definitely enter the medical university. It is already clear that not everyone appreciated the bold performance.

However, they promise to take the girl under protection in Moscow, they reminded that similar situation- by no means the first in the history of Russian education.

"False" medalist from Adygea lost her medal and her mother was fired

The daughter of the head of the education department of the Takhtamukaysky district of the Republic of Adygea, Svetlana Paranuk, received 33 points in mathematics, 69 points in the Russian language and 56 points in social studies. She herself asked the decision of the teachers' council to revoke the medal given to her for academic excellence, which was done, the regional Ministry of Education and Science reported.
“We know, but it doesn’t matter, the award is a piece of iron, we have claims that the grades were unreasonably high at school, they will remain in the certificate.” Ruzanna Tuko's father

The director of secondary school No. 1, in which the scandal occurred, was reprimanded by the Ministry of Education. Also, Acting Head of Adygea Murat Kumpilov instructed to continue checking the normative and current documents in this school.
Journalists are not welcome at Takhtamukay School No. 1. Still, immediately after the scandal at the graduation, when an excellent student Ruzanna Tuko from the stage accused another excellent student, Zaira Paranuk, the daughter of the head of the district, of receiving a medal for blat, a crowd of inspectors led by the Minister of Education of Adygea rushed here. The director and teachers - like they got water in their mouths. No wonder: the inspectors scour the magazines and find out the fairness of the assessments that were given here to the official's daughter. The school principal has already been reprimanded, and the head of the district has been fired.

The official did not have the right to be at the same point for passing the exam, where her daughter took the exam, - they explained the reason for such a quick personnel decision in the Education Department of the district. - At the same time, we looked at the recordings from the surveillance cameras during the exam itself and made sure that the daughter of the official passed all three exams honestly: she has 33 points in mathematics, 56 in social studies, and 69 in Russian.

Among those who are completely on the side of Ruzanna is her classmate Kazbek Mezuzhok. He studied poorly, but did not skip.

They didn’t want to take them to the 10th grade, but I refused to leave the school, says Kazbek. - Then the teachers began to constantly go to my mother and persuade her to pick up the documents. And the mother is the heart. But who cared? She was told: "Your son will disgrace the school, will not pass the exam, ruin our reputation." They promised me a job as a janitor or a postman. For more, in their opinion, I am not capable of. As a result, my mother ended up in the hospital with a heart attack, but now she is on the mend. And I work at a car wash. Because of this, even graduation had to be missed.

Kazbek believes that the teachers did not help him, but, on the contrary, wanted to get rid of him precisely because he was from a simple family.
“It’s all about the parents, apparently,” he sighs.
The Zaira family, like the teachers, went on the defensive. At home, only an uncle and grandmother, who, of course, protect the girl.


The Schoolgirl Who Exposed the Fake Medalist: The Principal Ordered Me to Shut My Mouth!
A brave graduate from Adygea explained what made her go against the system.
A scandal erupted in the Republic of Adygea. The medalist of school No. 1 of the village Tahtamukay made a diatribe at school party. From the stage, Ruzanna Tuko accused her classmate of getting a gold medal just because her mother occupies a high position in the Education Department.

The very next day, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea announced that he would check all the work of the medalists of the current edition.

We contacted the instigator of the scandal. The girl explained what made her go against the system.

Ruzanna, did you prepare in advance for your speech at the prom?

I want to explain. It was not a graduation party, but a celebration of the medalists of the school. I learned that my classmate would be awarded three days before the event. I was very surprised. Understand, this girl studied at our school for only one year. I don't remember her ever answering on any subject. Yeah, they didn't ask her. The teachers perfectly understood where her mother worked and turned a blind eye to many things. If she had been quietly awarded the medal, and she would not have gone up on stage with other medalists, perhaps I would have kept silent. But when I saw her in the hall at the awards ceremony, I asked: “What are you doing here?”. In response, I heard a mat. Then I could not stand it, I warned her: "If you go up on stage, I will disgrace you." She didn't care, she didn't even listen to me.

So your decision was spontaneous?

Certainly. I didn't prepare my speech on purpose. Didn't plan anything. It was the cry of the soul. I couldn't be silent. If I didn't say what I think, I would feel very bad.

How did she react?

Calmly. I took a medal and went to a cafe to celebrate the award with friends.

You have a graduation party ahead of you. Will you go?

Graduation was scheduled for June 24th. But the director mentioned that due to the current situation, it is likely to be canceled.

How did the director take your performance?

Before the medalists got up on stage, I also asked our director the question: “What is this girl doing here?”. She replied, "Shut your mouth." After that, my father went outside with her, where the director began to make excuses, as if she knew nothing about the medal, which was awarded undeservedly. And he doesn’t understand why the teachers gave that girl an “A” in all subjects. But this is not true. The school makes applications for medalists at the beginning of the school year.

Did all the teachers pull it out on purpose?

Certainly. I don't remember her ever responding in class. But they didn’t give her a “deuce”. The teachers shrugged their shoulders, "You know whose daughter she is." My classmate is the only one who allowed herself to be rude to teachers, and then I defended them. She sat in the classroom with the phone, although it is forbidden. It is one thing to pull a “good student”, and another thing to make a medalist out of a “loser”. After all, she even wrote trial exams in mathematics in a separate office, when everyone else was sitting under cameras and under strict supervision. I then remained silent.

You live in a small village where everyone knows each other. How did the stalkers react to your message?

Differently. Some support, some don't. But I don't regret anything. It was all done too arrogantly. Why put on a show? This girl had gone to a different school before. When her classmate began to resent, she was transferred to our school so that she could finish her studies in peace. Now her former classmates are calling me, expressing gratitude and everyone wants to shake hands.

Did your Minister of Education promise to deal with the situation and announce the decision on Friday? Can this girl be stripped of her medal?

Yes, on Thursday they came to us from the Ministry of Education. At school, our entire class was gathered, except for me. And they gave everyone the installation - to write that I was wrong, I was mistaken. They asked to do this very much, they cried that they could be fired or even imprisoned. As a result, from all the students of the class they made a common letter. Entrusted to write best friend this fake medalist. I guess what could have been there. It is unlikely that this girl will be deprived of a medal. To be honest, I didn't expect anything. It was just important for me to speak out so that people would know.

Did all your classmates sign the letter?

Understand, someone at school is learning younger siblings They don't want their families to get in trouble. Only one boy from our class approached the Minister of Education of Adygeya Kerashev and said that I was right. He was immediately promised a place in a prestigious university. Moreover, they promised to enroll him immediately in the second year of the institute. The minister personally gave him his business card with a phone number. They gave the guy time to think until July 15th.

Are you afraid of the consequences?

No. I did everything right. After all, after my speech, the whole hall applauded. And all the teachers who gathered that day for the celebration.

Scenario High school prom"Oscars" for the film " farewell tour", filmed on the Last Call (2013)

001. Fanfare Slide #1

Semyon: Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests!

Asya: Good evening, Dear friends!

Semyon: We are glad to welcome you to our holiday! On the most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday for students of all generations.

Asya: At the 2013 prom!

Semyon: Today we have a joyful and sad holiday. Another generation has grown up.

Asya: Eleven years ago they were called first graders.

Semyon: And today they are treated respectfully - graduates

Asya: How many guests are in our hall today,

How many smiles, shining eyes!

Semyon: It seems that the assembly hall has become wider

Everyone gathered for their last ball!

002. (Music starts playing softly)

Semyon: Graduates of 2013 say goodbye to their childhood today

Asya: And now, to your deafening applause, we invite to the hall the brightest and most unforgettable

TOGETHER: release of 2013.

(Louder music, graduates enter the hall. They sit down. The melody is quieter)

Semyon: Look how energetic, irresistible and charmingly beautiful children are. Asya: Young men are fit, slim and courageous. They are able to solve the most complex life tasks with ease worthy of geniuses.

Semyon: And the girls are perfection itself: graceful, plastic and graceful. One glance, one movement of the hand and you are already captivated by their charm.

Asya: There are aesthetes among them, masters of dance, songs and words. Athletes and outstanding intellectuals. This list of advantages can be continued indefinitely, but we will not do it. You will still have time to verify their perfection. Slide #2

Semyon: Farewell evening, your graduation ball,

Goodbye dear school

And, of course, in the hour of parting, and the hour of parting

There will be parting words and wishes!

Asya: And we invite Elena Vasilievna Stratulat, director of our school, to the stage

003. (Music sounds, director's speech)

Semyon: Graduates came to congratulate the head of the municipality with. Krasnokumsky Grishchenko Igor Anatolievich.

003. (Music sounds, Grishchenko's speech)

004. The song "BIRD" performed by Karapetyan M.

Report "Graduates of 2013"

005. (To the soundtrack "School Waltz")

Faith: This year the school is releasing its best students. This is truly a stellar release. Judge for yourself... Among the graduates there are three gold medalists, diploma winners and winners of Olympiads and scientific and practical conferences, creative competitions And sports competitions, graduates of music and art schools, activists of youth movements and volunteers.

And today this long-awaited prom! Among all this fuss, I want to stop and remember how eleven years ago you, having come with your parents by the hand in a brand new nice shape, first heard the first call! As the first teacher, so kind, sensitive and attentive, she invited you to the class. And there - the first acquaintance with classmates, then the first books, the first grades, the first break. First love...

Eleven years! For eleven years, all of you, all so different, rejoiced together, were upset, figured out together how not to go to the test, listened to morality from the class teacher, drew wall newspapers, prompted those who stood at the blackboard, and you yourself often needed a hint, copied off and let them write off. ..

Eleven years!.. These long eleven years will forever remain in your memory as an exciting adventure filled with events! So take a deep breath of this unforgettable flavor of the school! Do not rush to erase everything connected with it from your memory, because it will never happen again in your life! Feel how childhood is slipping away from you with a transparent, elusive haze as dawn approaches ... Feel, standing on the red carpet, all the words spoken by your teachers, the wishes and parting words of your parents. Realize that you are parting with the need to see every morning with your usual, so different, but still beloved classmates. Love all the teachers, if only for the fact that they will never again teach you and give you two marks ... And let the tears not seem surprising to you, because at this moment you are one whole - a class that in a few hours will crumble into many small particles ...

We wish you to carry through the years and distances that childhood dream that was born within the walls of your native school!

Asya: Friends! We are pleased to inform all those present that the final exams were successful for all graduates.

Semyon: Remember this day! Remember this hour! Remember these minutes! Remember this moment!

Asya: Now the great sacrament will be accomplished - the presentation of certificates to graduates of 2013.

Semyon: On last call The filming of the film "Farewell Tour" was successfully completed and the director promised that each of our graduates would receive an OSCAR.

Asya: And now the most exciting moment of our evening has come: the ceremony of presenting this high award.
Semyon: 35 very interesting characters, whose stay within the walls of school No. 26 was closely associated with the name "grades 11a and 11b".

Asya: Many nominations were determined, in which our graduates became the winners.

Semyon: I think it's time to start. We all can't wait to know the names of the lucky ones.

And I announce the first nomination - "Clever and clever".

Honorary right to announce the winners first three nominations, as well as to present certificates is provided to the head of the municipality with. Krasnokumsky Grishchenko Igor Anatolyevich and director of the school Stratulat Elena Vasilievna


(Grishchenko opens the envelope

Asya: So, in the nomination "Clever and clever" the winner is a graduate of grade 11a Shishkina Valeria - a gold medalist of the twenty-sixth school. We welcome her! ♫ 006. (gets up on stage)

How wonderful that there are guys in the school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about her that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

Lera is a born leader,

I'm not used to passing

And even the most heated and complex dispute can be resolved.

She inspires confidence

And he stands up for his friends.

He will lose a lot in life

Who does not lead friendship with Leroy! (certificates are awarded)

Semyon: The next nomination is "Intellectual Leader". (Grishchenko opens the envelope)

And in the nomination "Intellectual leader" the winner is, of course, a graduate of grade 11aTimoshenko Daria - the owner of the gold medal! ♫ 006.

Like the heroine of ancient books,
She is smart, beautiful like a dream
The calm face is filled with grace
A host of songs were composed about kindness.
In it, wisdom and youth skillfully coexist.
Striving for success through thorns,
She comprehends science boldly,
Don't be afraid of any barriers.
We will not stop being proud of Dasha
And we know for sure, in a couple of years
Read about it in the newspaper
The whole world recognizes Daria!

Asya: We announce the nomination "Asterisk of the school". (Grishchenko opens the envelope)

And in the nomination "Asterisk of the School" the winner is another our medalist, a graduate of grade 11a Tymoshenko Anastasia ♫ 005.

Like a mischievous wind,What will stop to take a breath,Only bored at home, at home - Once again it will set off on a free path.She is similar to him in her desire,She will not be held back by the bonds of the walls.Her speed, running is the most expensive thing.And there is a name for that - an athlete.Obstacles, injuries, muscle painThey frighten the peaceful crowd.But for her sweet, familiar role,Do not know the words "difficult", "I can not."Beauty, excellent student, athleteWhat else is left to wish for?And the name of our Nastya TimoshenkoEveryone is obligated to know in the future.

007. Dance "FLOWER BOOM" performed by the dance ensemble "Assorti"

Asya: And the award ceremony continues! And we are inviting Elena Vasilievna, director of the Stratulat school, and Lyudmila Mikhailovna, deputy director for water resources management, Dogoyd, to the stage

003. (they go on stage to the music)

Semyon: The next nomination is "Honored Poet". (opens envelope) The winner of the nomination is a graduate of grade 11a Abdullaeva Sabina ♫ 006.

I know a poet in the world

Who does not hide his soul

And the heart of the melody of summer

Poetry, like the sun burns.

I know it gets so bad

That air is like copper in the wind.

But like dew disappears

All the pain under your smile

And the name is a simple consonance

Decorate with spring bloom

Sabina, let only the best

In life finds you

Asya: The next nomination is "Ray of Light" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11th grade graduate Alenchikova Victoria♫ 006.

Vika, like a ray of light,

What will warm with kindness.

Summer shines next to her

Overshadowing everyone.

And it also has a special

A very rare gift - to forgive,

For one already

Vika needs to be respected.

Semyon: The next nomination is Kindness Itself. (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a graduate of grade 11a Viktor Babkin ♫ 006.

Our Vitya is a jack of all trades,

He is talented beyond his years.

Fix everything from a chair to a bazooka

Will always come to your aid.

But he is also famous good heart,

Able to listen and understand

And like a key to the right door

Knows how to find Vitya.

Asya: Nomination "Virtual World" (opens envelope)

The winner in this nomination is the 11th grade graduate Valeria Bobrovskaya


Silent shadows under a quiet waltz

On the slides are slowly spinning

And this dance of chiaroscuro

Able to go on forever.

Smiles, sadness is quite alive,

One movement of the hand

And here it is - voluminous, cast

Shape shapes are easy.

That valuable master who knows how to revive

Your creation and transcend yourself

And put all your soul

Like a mother into a child.

Semyon: Nomination "Miss modesty" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a graduate of grade 11a Geshel Victoria ♫ 006.

Always friendly, always bright
She is like a drop of sunny May,
Brighten up a weekday
It eclipses sadness.
Just laugh and already
A series of smiles will suddenly light up,
It becomes warmer in the soul
And the world is changing around

Asya: Nomination "Miss Mysterious" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11th grade graduate Alexandra Golovacheva


From the Himalayas to Canada
One like Sasha cannot be found!

She is a geographer what you need -

Don't even take a compass with her.

But how can we forget

About how much positive

She can give you:

Always kind and fair.
How can you not love Sasha?

Semyon: Nomination "Great Alchemist" (opens envelope)

The winner is a 11a grade graduate Mikhail Kryuchkov. ♫ 006.

He is the one who can noticeArt in the Chaos of Tables:How Fluorine Can DanceIn a beautiful dance of fiery particles.How bright is neon's fiery outfit,When electricity passes through it.How soft is lithium, how lazy is argon.And that diamond is a noble faceUnpretentious carbon is able to accept.Yes, the master of chemistry is great!The secrets of life are revealed to him,He instills a love for science - dodgerI can understand, maybe IThe poetry of chemical problems.

Asya: (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Kristina Lazurenko ♫ 006.

There is always a crowd of friends around her,

There is always so much positive around her!

All cheerful, brighter -

We are pleased with the smiles of Christina.

She can even in a sad hour

Find a reason to have fun.

And pleases us with a new joke

With her, every day is like a housewarming party.

Semyon: We have and creative people. We announce the nomination "Talent and Creativity" (opens envelope)

In the nomination "Talent and Creativity" the winner is a graduate of grade 11a Lan Victoria ♫ 006.

In her hands is an empty bauble
Sparkles - pure emerald.
Even a child's toy
It seemed to suddenly come to life.
Talent, like a monument miraculous,
Neither time nor fate will take him away.
Fancy flying spacious
Opens up new places.
And in them, far from gray everyday life,
She draws new ideas.
Touches the cell only slightly -
And the fairies are already fluttering in it.

Asya: Nomination "Mr. Independence" (opens envelope)

In the nomination "Mr. Independence" the winner is a 11a grade graduate Andrey Manakov ♫ 006.

Drown out the sounds of firing

The roar of the engine, but cry prayers.

There is no salvation on this earth, only decay,

Two ways - either death or captivity.
But don't be afraid - no footage of a harsh war

And not the sound of a real firing -

Then Andrey is back in online game

Practicing shooting.

Yes, Andryusha loves this.

Not some frail noob for you.

You are unlikely to find a bouncer in him,

Even though he is the best user in DotA.

Semyon: The next nomination is "The Most Charming" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a graduate of class 11a Martynko Svetlana ♫ 006.

Like a gentle breeze after a stormLike a sunny day in January.She's an everyday surprise Take my word for it.Everything in it is harmonious and in place.And in the chaos of new ideas,Write about how the brideKidnapped by the forest sorcerer.How to save the planetGirl with a red braidHow to find your way.If only he wants, - anyone.And no matter how many miles you goFrom mountains to the seabedOne like her cannot be foundWe have only one Svetlana!

Asya: Nomination "Best Fashion Model" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is Oksana Miroshina, class 11a graduate ♫ 006.

crystal - clean image beauty
Sung by poets, eternal, unsteady.
Like inspiration, like a flight of dreams -
Slides in her eyes, her smile.
Fully gifted with talents
And we will tell you without deceit -
How amazing she is
Oksana is talented in everything!

Semyon: Nomination "Perfection itself" (opens envelope)

The winner is a graduate of class 11a Vyacheslav Popov. ♫ 006.

Glory is almost like a legend for us,Slavik is a model for us in everything.And we can't say for sureIn what he has no talent.In algebra, a genius, in a computer, a godHis musical taste is perfect,There is nothing that Slavik could not -No matter how you look at it, he is incomparable in everything.We can rightly be proud of them.Talent is rare, but skill is priceless.And henceforth more than once we will be surprised at his success And we will certainly be happy.

Asya: Nomination "Miss Vitality" (opens envelope) The winner of the nomination is a graduate of grade 11a Puzina Daria ♫ 006.

Dasha has a strong trait -
Daria never gives up.
And even in the general hour of unrest,
Performs without a doubt
To the desired goal without difficulty
She is moving forward.
But also, it is impossible to forget -
How friendly Dasha can be.
Like an angel from old books
A beautiful face lit up with a smile.
So we wish her not to change -
Stay as bright as ever.

Semyon: Nomination "Highlight of any program" (opens envelope)

The winner is a graduate of grade 11a Ruban Evgeniy. ♫ 006.

For us, he is like a talisman,Without Zhenya, the classroom is gray and dreary.Luckily, he was given to usEugene is the sun in our team.With him, every day is like a housewarming party,Even the algebra lesson is full of surprises:Suddenly, we, succumbing to the general fun,
Forgetting to submit work on time.
So always be so unique
Like in our school years.
And we are talking about a beloved classmate
Let's never forget!

Asya: Nomination "Miss Charm" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a graduate of grade 11a Ruban Ksenia ♫ 006.

She knows the weekdays of October

Fill with spring colors.

Only writes, feelings are not melting,

Paintings that are beautiful and pure.

Yes, our Ksyusha can only be proud of.

Talent was given to her in full

Touches the canvas with a brush -

You can enjoy the masterpiece.

Semyon: (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a graduate of class 11a Simonova Anastasia ♫ 006.

There are people, like a jewel,
Shine so that hurts the eye.
There are those who, conscious of the value
They put themselves above us.
And there are those that are like the expanse of water:
The more you look, the more you see.
The river, not competing with the sky in beauty,
More beautiful than the moon and the dance of the stars .
In her elegance, crystal clear
You can notice the shadows of dreams.
Such people in the midst of the falsity of the pond,
Among the crowd simmering with spores
It won't be hard for you to notice.
And I'm ready to name one - it's you.

Faith: Nomination "Sun of the class" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11a grade graduate Oleg Trapeznikov ♫ 006.

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
Like the first snow in December

Like a fairy tale, beloved since childhood,

Our Oleg is full of secrets and wonders -

We will say without lies and coquetry.

That the cold will turn into warmth,

Only our Oleg will smile a little.

Yes, we are rightfully proud

The first guy in the village

And more than once in the future we will be surprised

best qualities in you.

Semyon: Nomination "Real Gentleman" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11a grade graduate Evgeny Yurchenko ♫ 006.

What should be said about our Eugene?

Perhaps we should start with his kindness?
Or maybe with how he knows how to sing

Tell about the world of earthly beauty.

We must not forget about the external beauty.

Everything is harmonious in it: stateliness and charm

More talented is hard to imagine

To be different is amazing gift!

But first of all, we must tell

That even in foreign cities

The one Zhenya who could become a family

Will forever remain in our hearts!

009. Dance "EGYPT" performed by the dance ensemble "Assorti"

Faith: Nomination "Leader of the class" (opens envelope)

Grade 11b graduate Margarita Bagdasaryan becomes the winner of the nomination ♫ 006.

Becoming a class leader is not easy,
Everyone needs to be interesting
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.

Phenomenal combination of nature -
Graceful mind with graceful beauty
And all this, imagine, one

Semyon: Nomination "Miss reed" (opens envelope)

The winner in it is a graduate of 11 b class Bagdasaryan Marina ♫ 006.

All sorts of "Miss" have been in the world,
But "Miss Reed" was not yet.
If this happened, I would have won

Our Marina, meet her.

Faith: Nomination "Mr. Hope and Support" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Artyom Bezuglov ♫ 006.

Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend
And despite all the changes
Reliability was valued at all times.

Semyon: Nomination "Asterisk of the school" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Oksana Grigoryeva ♫ 006.

Oksanochka, you are a sweet ideal,
Modest, kind and clever, of course,
Friends feel close to you
Always comfortable and safe.
You have never let anyone down.
You are an 11b class star.

Faith: Nomination "Challenge to the Podium" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Egorova Ekaterina ♫ 006.

Slender as a cypress. She is modest at times
Sometimes it's so mischievous
“Don’t put your finger in your mouth” - this even happens.
And she is smart, fashion model Katyusha.

Semyon: Nomination "Mr. sensitivity" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Vladimir Zakharchenko ♫ 006.

Friends told about your sensitivity and kindness,
And how good he is - we see for ourselves.
So come out here, let everyone see!

You have been adored by us for many years.

Faith: Next nomination: "Honor and conscience" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Valentina Kovylina ♫ 006.

She is reliable, fair,
Smart, no doubt, and beautiful.
Her eyes and eyelashes
Someone will dream for a long time.

Semyon: Nomination "Miss Womanhood" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Victoria Krivolapova.


And this girl is the personification of comfort,
Home warmth and hearth.
She is, firstly, my mother's friend,
Friends, of course, are also dear.
You are femininity itself, you are kindness.

Victoria, come join us here.

Faith: We also have creative people. (opens envelope)

In nomination " Creative person» Violetta Lebedeva, 11b class graduate, becomes the winner. ♫ 006.

No, what all the beauties and beauties!
Do not think we are not suckers,
Take a look at Violetta

With her Mona Lisa smile.
Violet! The boys are crazy about you
They will tell you about it themselves -
Pride does not let them fall at your feet,
And then everything would lie here in piles

Semyon: Nomination "Turgenev girl" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is 11b grade graduate Milana Mirzoyan ♫ 006.

Twig girl, stem girl
So fragile, so vulnerable.
Sometimes thoughtful: how much she cares
To overcome more, worrying and dreaming!
Slightly slow. So much romance in it -
She should have been born two hundred years ago.

Faith: The next nomination is "Elegance and gallantry" (opens envelope)

the winner of the nomination is the 11b grade graduate Arman Hovhannisyan ♫ 006.

A shy smile, a slightly downcast look,
Wave thick hair always dressed with taste.
A little Don Juan, sorry, not born French
Gallant cavalier and gentleman Arman.

Semyon: Nomination "Unsolved Mystery" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is the 11b grade graduate Sarukhanyan Gohar ♫ 006.

She remained a secret to everyone.
The talents were never revealed.
Almost always sad...
And respect the team.

Faith: Nomination "Mr. Smile" (opens envelope)

The winner of the nomination is a 11b grade graduate Dmitry Konstantinov.


He is diligent, smiling,
And yes, he's still smart.
From myself I want to add -

He is strong in history

010. Dance "HATS" performed by the dance ensemble "Assorti"

Semyon: Among people of unfading professions,
Claiming rights for eternity
Teachers, like inspirational songs,
Live on the earth as long as the earth is alive.

Faith: We welcome guests

Dear teachers!

(The host introduces the guests who are present in the hall)

Everyone wants goodbye

Leave a wish for you

011. (Under quiet sounding music passing the microphone to each other, the teachers say short wishes graduates)

Semyon: As old as the world, this school drama -

The school mother says goodbye to the children.

She recently drove them for deuces,

She called home, scolded for absenteeism.

Well, now he says: “These children ...

The best on the planet!”

Faith: Words to the class teachers Oleinik Lyudmila Pavlovna and Usubyan Naira Martirosovna

(Classroom teachers perform)

012. The song "SCHOOL WALTZ" (Anastasia) performed by Kiseleva A.

Semyon: Here are the parents sitting on the side
And with excitement they look at 11-graders, only at them,
It was as if everyone saw their grown-up children for the first time.
Asya: Both moms and dads are happy today.
They think everything! And there are no more problems!
And school programs somewhere in the fog,
And school bows, and school bouquet!

Semyon: The floor is given to the director of the school Stratulat Elena Vasilievna

003. )

Asya: From the parents, the floor is given to Bagdasaryan Vladimir Semyonovich

Semyon: and Babkina Larisa Alexandrovna

003. (they go on stage to the music and congratulate)

Semyon: Behind the year of your studies...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And tonight we wanted to
You would remember every moment...
Asya: While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
And there is the possibility of a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness - for something!

013. ( graduates take the stage 014 sounds quiet while the graduates are talking)

Answer word alumni

Congratulations to the teacher from graduates

Dear, dear teachers, who endured and loved us for so many years. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you said! Thank you for your love, support and important tips that we will remember for the rest of our lives! A new, bright future awaits us ahead, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything that you knew yourself, putting into every word special meaning we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us to the right place, and thanks to you we now know which darling let's go!

You are a companion, friend, teacher

And a very grateful audience!

You are infinitely patient

Generous, sincere and beautiful!

You've been around for many years

Share everything you know!

Thank you for the knowledge of the world,

For fairy tales of childhood with miracles!

For the heat of spiritual fire,

For fixing bugs!

For labor not in vain,

For the sensitivity of the heart, the brilliance of smiles!

Let them not be poor your strength,

And let the house be a full bowl!

Healthy people close to you

We will never forget you!


014. the song "GOODBYE, SCHOOL!" performed by graduates

Congratulations to parents from graduates

Dear our parents! You are our support in all our endeavors. We can safely say that you graduated from school with us, having completed the program of each class. Together with us they prepared lessons, passed exams, drew school newspapers participated in all activities.

Your children have grown up
And don't believe it sometimes
To watch them grow up
So, the duty to fulfill your saint.
We congratulate you, parents,
And we want to tell you today -
We wish you great luck
And never know worries!


015. the song "PARENTS" performed by graduates sounds.

Semyon: We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!
Asya: So that you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again!

016. the song "TEAR FAREWELL" performed by graduates sounds.

Semyon: Dear guests, dear graduates, our holiday is over. But there is still more ahead for you.

Asya: Is waiting for you unforgettable evening at the Edelweiss restaurant. All the best to you.

TOGETHER: Good luck!

017, 018… End