Examples of true female friendship in Russian show business. Celebrities who are friends

The other day around the world celebrated the International Day of Friends. For many of us, a friend is a person who will always come to the rescue, support, listen and cheer. The stars, of course, also found people who are close in spirit and interests, on whose shoulders you can lean in Hard time. Who are celebrities friends with?
Zhanna Friske and Olga Orlova

Zhanna Friske's illness did not leave anyone indifferent: the singer's fans pray for her and wish get well soon. Her sister Natalya is now constantly with Zhanna in Los Angeles, and her parents, who returned to Russia, are preparing a house near Moscow for the arrival of Friske. However, there is another person who supported Zhanna during her treatment in the USA. This is her best friend, ex-colleague in the group "Brilliant", singer Olga Orlova.
Olga became one of the few to whom Zhanna entrusted her misfortune. Orlova immediately and without a doubt left her current affairs and work projects, relatives and lover in Moscow, and went to her friend in America, where Friske is now being treated.
Of course, journalists and paparazzi began to follow the lives of girls in the United States, and Olga even had to refute the information that she herself, Zhanna Friske and her family live in Los Angeles in the house of the writer Oksana Robsky, and also furiously declare in an interview with the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" that "would give in the eye to all photographers."

For many fans, the name of Olga Orlova was previously associated only with a bright brunette from the girl group and with one of the friends of the heroine Kristina Orbakaite in the film Love-Carrot. But the case of Jeanne's illness revealed to the fans another Olga Orlova - sensitive, strong, able not only to empathize, but also to support in the most difficult situation. After all, the friendship of these two girls began with joint work in the same team: the stage, fans, flowers, the brightness of images, life as a colorful show. Illness, fear, seemingly endless days in the struggle for the life of one of the friends can become an obstacle in a relationship, but not for Friske and Orlova. Let's hope that for Jeanne and Olga, the test of friendship in sorrow is not only a test of strength, but also a real proof that female friendship exists.
Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston have been playing in the sitcom Friends for so long (10 seasons!) that they can no longer imagine their lives without each other. The on-screen friendship between Jennifer and Kourtney ended ten years ago, but real relationship between celebrities are still warm.
“Courtney will never judge. She is very fair, incredibly dedicated and caring. So many times I spent the night in her living room, falling asleep in tears to her whispering “Everything will be fine”! Without going into details, I’ll just say that Courtney went through fire and water for me, as I was always there when she needed help, ”Aniston told the American edition of HELLO! magazine about her relationship with Cox.
The girlfriends really experienced a lot of life's hardships together: first, Jennifer's divorce from Brad Pitt, then Courtney's separation from her husband David Arquette after 14 years of marriage. According to the American portal The Improper, Arquette accused Aniston of the fact that it was she who destroyed his marriage with Courtney - allegedly the actress turned her friend against him and advised her to divorce before it was too late. By the way, during this difficult period for Cox, the girls even decided to move in for a while, buying a villa in the Mexican city of Cabo San Lucas.

Despite endless rumors that best friends quarreling over men (for example, in 2011, when Jennifer began dating future fiancé Justin Theroux, Courtney condemned their affair), Aniston and Cox are very close. Although in Lately their friendship has been put to the test again: Jen is said to be fed up with Courtney's insistent advice and guidance on pregnancy and motherhood and prefers to hang out with "easier and less stressful" TV presenter Chelsea Handler. Jennifer doesn't even want to invite Courtney to her upcoming wedding with Justin Theroux. We hope this is a temporary misunderstanding between "Monica" and "Rachel" - we love their union so much!
Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana Sergeenko

Ksenia Sobchak: Ulechka, I’ll honestly tell you right away that it’s very hard for me to do an interview with you, because I love you very much ...
Ulyana Sergeenko: You don't want to kill me?
Ksenia Sobchak: No, it's just that when you love a person, it's some kind of completely different value. And it’s very difficult to be not only objective - I definitely won’t succeed - in general it’s difficult to build a conversation with a person about whom you already know a lot.
So touchingly began a conversation between two friends in one of the issues of the SNC magazine, the editor-in-chief of which is a TV presenter, journalist and businesswoman Ksenia Sobchak. The interview gives the impression of a conversation between friends who have known each other almost since childhood, but in fact, Ksenia did not immediately become friends with the novice designer and socialite Ulyana Sergeenko.
Sobchak, when he first saw Ulyana "in the image" on house party from mutual friends, publicly released several caustic comments about the "debutante". They say that creative director Podium Fashion Market Polina Kitsenko, seeing Sergeenko in a tutu (all other guests preferred jeans, sweaters and T-shirts), dropped her plate from her hands.

But, ironically, it was Ksenia and Polina who became not only Ulyana's closest friends, but also her reliable guides to the world of secular Moscow, full of pitfalls and whirlpools. At first, the wife of Daniil Khachaturov was mockingly called “Sobchak + 1” in the party and compared her with Ksenia’s ex-girlfriend Ulyana Zeitlina, but the girl very quickly managed to get rid of these “stamps”, and Ksenia recognized real talent in her and even entrusted Sergeenko to sew her wedding outfit, not to mention the fact that Ulyana Sergeenko began to dress on the red carpet. Clever and sharp-tongued Ksenia and mysterious Ulyana, as if descended from the pages of books with Russians folk tales, for several years now they have not been separated - neither on vacation, nor at parties in Moscow, nor at official events.
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

This friendship has gone through fire, water and copper pipes. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck met at a very young age when both were only 7 years old. The boys lived on the same street in the small town of Cambridge (in the US state of Massachusetts) and often played together.
When the comrades were still in adolescence, they finally decided to connect their fate with acting, studied this skill together and went to screen tests. Before the friends managed to sell the screenplay they had written for Good Will Hunting to Miramax Films, they were making films that didn't work for either. But Damon and Affleck made a big bet on their script - one of the conditions for the sale was for the authors to get roles in this film.
After the release of Good Will Hunting, friends hit their jackpot: not only did fame fall on them, but Matt and Ben received an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best original script, as well as the National Board Of Review Award for special contribution to the cinema, not to mention the total number of awards and nominations that the film has collected.
Of course, after such success, both young actors were showered with offers from the best directors and venerable producers. Affleck opted for an action role (Pearl Harbor, Daredevil, upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), while Damon got more complex psychological roles (The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Departed, "The Bourne Identification"). In addition to "Good Will Hunting", friends worked together in only one film - "Dogma".

By the way, a new study by the New England Historical Genealogical Society has proven that Ben and Matt have family ties. It turned out that Affleck and Damon have a common great-grandfather in the tenth generation, William Knowlton, a 17th-century bricklayer. from English city Ipswich.
Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolai Baskov

Outrageous ballerina and "natural blond" have known each other for ages. They chatted nicely, crossing paths at official events and fun parties However, they didn’t even allow themselves to flirt: Anastasia was married to Igor Vdovin, and Nikolai had an affair with Oksana Fedorova. But it turned out that both Volochkova and Baskov broke up with their "halves" and at the end of 2011 began to exchange more tender messages on social networks than usual.
At one of the concerts of the couple's mutual friend, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai passionately kissed Anastasia, and the fans simply had no doubts about the romance that had begun. The lovers posted candid photos together on Instagram and Twitter, while Anastasia continued to call Nikolai simply "a close friend."

Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolai Baskov on the show "Two Stars"
However, when at the beginning of last year the couple went on a joint vacation to the Maldives, Volochkova and Baskov again did not fail with the help of passionate kisses in waves to demonstrate whether tender feelings, whether the relationship of best friends "with privileges." Anastasia herself commented on this trip in an interview with the Tele.ru portal: “For me, it is surprising that our 15-year friendship with Kolya turned into courtship on his part! He was always close to me, a friend. And now...". Apparently, such understatement ruined the romance of Volochkova and Baskov, who, however, were able to part peacefully and again transfer relations into the framework of friendship.
Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts

Their friendship began at a fairly young age: Naomi was only 15 years old, and Nicole was a year older. They met in the studio of one of the Australian TV channels in Sydney, where both lived after moving (Nicole arrived on the Green Continent from the USA, and Naomi from the UK), when they came to audition for swimwear advertising. After passing the casting, the girls went home, taking one taxi for two, which marked the birth of strong friendship.
Watts and Kidman walked different ways to the cherished heights of the film Olympus. The first did not get fame as easily as the second, but this did not affect their friendship in any way. When fate brought Kidman to Tom Cruise, giving her the way to Hollywood, fame and money, she did not forget about her friend and tried to help her - she introduced her to the right people, recommended for good roles. However, Naomi waited over 15 years before she was able to make a name for herself in the Dream Factory with David Lynch's Mulholland Drive.
Naomi told Empire magazine: “Nicole kept telling me that maybe just one movie would change my destiny, and she was right. At the time, I didn't understand it. I always believed that you need to build your own career, so I tried myself in fashion journalism and production. But, as Nicole predicted, just one role - and here I am in Hollywood.

When Nicole was presented with the highest acting award, the Oscar, in 2003, the first person she called backstage with the coveted statuette in her hands was not her mother, but her best friend, Naomi Watts. The actresses successfully passed the test of friendship with glory. Nicole and Naomi are strongly connected by a similar Australian mentality, both talented beauties and dazzling blondes, they always helped each other in grief and joy (Watts was next to Kidman when she was going through a difficult divorce from Tom Cruise), refuting the well-known and naive thesis that female friendship can not be.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

These favorites of women met in 1993 when they auditioned for the film with Robert De Niro "This Boy's Life". And although Leonardo DiCaprio got the main role in it, and Tobey Maguiar - a secondary one, the “deprived” actor was not offended at all and made friends with the charismatic and bright teenager Leo. “When I first saw Toby, I immediately thought that I wanted to be friends with this guy,” Leo admitted in an interview with the American magazine People. - We have a lot common themes for conversations, and we, like any true friends, can always chat and laugh together. In addition, we always listen to each other's opinions when discussing any projects.”
Since then, DiCaprio and Maguire have starred in several more films together (Cafe Dons Plum, The Great Gatsby). Unlike the happily married Toby, Leo is fickle in choosing a girl, but he has been friends with his colleague Maguire for over 20 years. Now friends are trying to find time for each other, they especially like to play basketball and walk with Toby's children - daughter Ruby and son Otis.

Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio with their daughter Ruby
"Toby's kids call DiCaprio 'Uncle Leo,'" one of the actors' mutual buddies told People magazine. "Leonardo loves spending weekends and vacations with the Maguire family." We hope that the "eternal bachelor" DiCaprio, looking at a friend, still decides to start a family (for example, with the young beauty Toni Garrn, whom the actor is currently dating).
Chulpan Khamatova and Olga Drozdova

Two prima prima of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater play in several performances together (Mamapapasynsobaka, Three Comrades, Three Sisters) and, of course, became very good friends. Chulpan attracted Olga to her charitable projects, participation in which Drozdova, however, does not advertise, and Olga taught Chulpan to truly “be friends with families”: Khamatova has three daughters who enjoy playing with Drozdova’s little son. Of course, Chulpan was also there during the tragedy - two years ago, Olga's husband, actor Dmitry Pevtsov, lost his eldest son Daniel from his first marriage as a result of an accident.

“If I were Dmitry Pevtsov, I would say to all women: follow the example of Olga Drozdova. How could it be done personal life so sublime and so beautiful? - speaks so warmly about the family of Chulpan's girlfriend in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. - For me (and I'm not the only one!) Their relationship is just some kind of fantasy. I don’t have such acquaintances so that I can compare Olya and Dima with them, say: “Ah, well, it happens.” That is, it does not happen. And I'm very happy that it is."
By the way, back in 2006, during the celebration of the anniversary of the Sovremennik Theater, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded both Chulpan Khamatova and Olga Drozdova with honorary Orders of Friendship. Symbolic for such a wonderful relationship between the two actresses!
Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe met aspiring actor Hugh Jackman almost 15 years ago when he came home to Australia after filming Gladiator and saw Hugh's TV series Corelli playing on one of the TV channels. Russell took note of the talented actor, especially talking to him personally when meeting at an Australian television studio.
Upon returning to Hollywood, Russell Crowe was waiting for an invitation to the role of Wolverine in the new X-Men project, but the actor firmly refused the job and offered to watch a demo of "a certain Mr. Jackman" in return. So Hugh ended up in Hollywood and woke up famous after the release of the first part of the mutant saga on the screens.
The immensely grateful Crow Jackman was delighted when, in 2012, the friends finally got the chance to play together in the musical Les Misérables. It is curious that the men constantly “taunted” each other on the set: for example, Russell called Hugh the inoffensive word twirlie (“cool”, as a pop singer or dancer is called in American show business), and he, in turn, decided to jokingly take revenge friend with the help of ... fists.

According to the British newspaper The Sun, Hugh requested that the fight scene with Russell's character be re-shot so that he could beat the Gladiator star over and over again. A source told the publication that "the crew found it very funny, because in a real fight, Crowe would have swept the floor with Hugh Jackman."
Lady Gaga and Julian Assange

The unexpected union of the global superstar, singer Lady Gaga, and the disgraced WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who continues to hide from the authorities in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, seems incredible. But it turned out that Gaga had been corresponding with Assange on the Web for a long time, and they were connected by a real detective story - the fate of US Army Private Bradley Manning. While working as a military analyst at the American Hammer base in Iraq, Manning brought into the office a rewritable CD of songs by none other than Lady Gaga.
"I would come to work with Gaga's music on a CD, erase it, then burn it to a compressed file on CD," Bradley admitted in a leaked message from an online chat with one of his friends. - Nobody suspected anything. I was listening to and syncing Lady Gaga songs with videos while I was carrying out perhaps the biggest information leak in American history.” Manning turned the documents over to WikiLeaks, and the shocking facts made Assange's project world-famous.
In October 2012, Lady Gaga finally decided to visit a friend in "self-imposed confinement" when she was in London on a concert tour. According to one version, the reason for Gaga's visit to Assange was a message on Twitter from the British rap artist Mia: “If you are in Harrods today, go visit Mr. Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy. It's right across the street. I'm already there. I'll bring tea and cake." At the same time, no details were reported about Mia's visit to Assange, and Gaga herself did not say a word to the journalists gathered in front of the embassy, ​​going inside and leaving the building after 5 (!) hours.

By the way, because of the outrageous diva who visited Assange, the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks lost support from the famous hacker group Anonymous, as reported by Reuters. According to the participants in the movement, the current situation with Assange has become a "one-man show." “We are happy for the friendship of Julian and Stephanie Germanotta, but it is absolutely not important for us,” anonymous hackers emphasized. “We are more interested in government documents and information that they want to hide from the public.”

Describing her as "ridiculously loyal and fiercely loving". The last 20 years, since meeting on the set of the television series Friends The two women were inseparable. And they're not the only celebrities connected. true friendship. From Leonardo DiCaprio And Bradley Cooper before Jennifer Lawrence And Taylor Swift the site offers a look at celebrity best friends (BFFs).

1. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon

When it comes to the best male buddies, no one compares to Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. The boys grew up together in Boston, auditioned for the same supporting roles in their youth, and wrote an Oscar-winning film together. Good Will Hunting. Side by side, they took Hollywood by storm and remain incredibly close friends to this day. They also continue to support each other in their professional lives. Two friends live on the same street with their wives and families.

2. Brad Pitt and George Clooney

They played partners of criminals in Steven Soderbergh's crime comedy Ocean's Eleven, started charity work in support of the victims of the Sudanese province of Darfur together - and none of the friends would envy the appearance of the other, since both are truly Hollywood beauties. Brad Pitt and George Clooney have been great friends for years, and George always knows what to say when it comes to praising his buddy. "I not only respect his human qualities, his talent, but I also support his efforts to help the world," he told The Advocate in 2012. "Will not be enough beautiful words to convey how hard he works to make the world a better place. I'm proud to call him my friend."

3. Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler

For the first time, Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler were spotted together in the stands at Wimbledon. The friends are clearly close, judging by the fact that they hugged, laughed together, posed for selfies and even picked up matching color suits.

4. Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox first met in 1994 on the set of the television series Friends, which, it is worth saying, was subsequently recognized as the best comedy series in the history of American television, and for two decades the girls have remained incredibly close. Kourtney previously stated that the secret of their friendship is trust: "I think the reason I love Jennifer so much is that I feel calm around her - always!"

5. David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay have been friends for years, but they became even closer after both buddies moved to Los Angeles with their families. Gordon became a regular at David's games for LA Galaxy, while David went out of his way to support his friend's professional activities. Their families were also seen spending time together: Victoria was often seen in the company of Tana Ramsay, their children Beckham - Ramsay - are already great friends.

6. Jennifer Lawrence and Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence are two of the hottest young rising stars who are also - as it happens - great friends. Their warm relationship was seen during the Golden Globes when Jennifer, 23, showed how she sent a heartfelt text of support to her friend on CMAS ( country music Association Awards- Country Music Association's annual American Music Awards auth). Taylor, meanwhile, sent a wish to Jennifer, hinting at the Oscars: "Good luck! I believe the award will be yours!"

7. Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts

Australian beauties Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts have been good friends since before they became famous and remain close friends to this day. "Nicole's door was always open for me. She always welcomed me with open arms and was willing to listen," Naomi said of her friend in 2002.

8. Rihanna and Katy Perry

Rihanna and Katy Perry bonded after the handbag incident. Katie explained how she first met the Barbadian beauty who not only gave Katie a bachelorette party before her marriage to Russell Brand, but also comforted her after their divorce. “The first thing I noticed was the cool studded Valentino bag in Rihanna’s hands and it looked amazing,” Cathy told Elle. When Katy complimented the girl's accessory, Rihanna offered to send the star the same handbag as a gift. Katie was a little skeptical, but very soon the Valentino accessory arrived at the address indicated. "I was like, 'Wow, this girl is a man of her word,'" Cathy said. Rihanna, meanwhile, said of her friend, "I'll tell you, you won't find people like Katie in this space. She's gorgeous, charming and so unpredictable, but I trust her - it's weird. And that's what intrigued me." most of all when we first met."

9. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds have been friends for over 15 years. After Sandra's complicated divorce from Jesse James, the Canadian handsome man was often seen next to her. Sandra also appeared at the premiere of Ryan's film Want like you ( The Change-Up) to show their support.

10. Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz

United them one language or their common occupation, but the fact that Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek are incredibly close is a fact. In an interview, Penelope recalled the time when they starred together in Bandidas, and the plane almost crashed into the girls standing together. “We almost died then,” she said. “It was at that moment that I had the idea that if I die at that moment, then at least I will die with my best friend.”

11. Harry Styles andZach Braff

On his Instagram page, Zach wrote: romantic dinner by candlelight with my bff Best Friends Forever English Harry Styles at the Mermaid Oyster bar in New York." Harry then flew to Utah to support Zach at the Sundance Film Festival, where Zach presented his film I'm sorry I'm not here (Wish I Was Here).

12. Bradley Cooper and Leonardo DiCaprio

Gerard isn't the only celebrity, Bradley's pal. He was friends with Leonardo DiCaprio for many years. They first met at the age of twenty, when Bradley, working as a doorman in a New York hotel, helped Leo to carry things to his room. Then DiCaprio was on top of success after playing in Titanic, while Bradley had just entered the actors' studio.

0 June 12, 2011, 11:00 am

This week was International Friends Day. In honor of this, we decided to recall examples of true strong friendship among celebrities. Some of these people have known each other since childhood, someone met while working together, and now they are inseparable.

Jennifer AnistonAndCourteney Cox

The American actresses have been friends since 1994 - ever since they started starring together in the famous television series Friends. For 10 years they played the best friends on the screen. As a result, they became best friends and beyond. In addition to the TV series "Friends", the actresses also starred together in the series "Yellow Press" and "Cougar Town".

Brad Pitt and George Clooney

The actors have been close friends for quite a long time, since the time of joint filming in the film "Ocean's 11". True, George's relationship with the Brad family is not so warm. One day, Pitt visited Clooney along with their many children, who staged a real pogrom in the house. And loyal parents did not even think to calm them down. Clooney was so outraged that, as they say, from now on he asks a friend not to come to visit with his family in full force. However, we are sure that he is not serious.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

And we met when we were children. And subsequently remained best friends and colleagues. In adolescence, the guys went to screen tests together and hoped for future success to the cinema. For a short time, their paths diverged: Damon entered Harvard, and Affleck, who entered the University of Vermont, dropped out and went to Hollywood. But success came to friends when they reunited. Ben and Matt decided that if they weren't being offered good roles, they needed to come up with their own. So they wrote the screenplay for Good Will Hunting, which was a huge success and nominated for an Oscar. And for Ben and Matt, who received best script"Oscar" and "Golden Globe", the road to big cinema was opened.

Emily Blunt and Amy Adams

And they met on the set of the film "Cleaning to Shine", in which they played sisters. Since then, the actresses have warm friendly relations.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

The beginning of friendship was laid in 1993 on the set of the film "This Boy's Life", thanks to which both stars first declared themselves to the world. They also starred together in the films "Rosanna", "Cafe" Dons Plum", and now - in the film. By the way, friends like to spend holidays together.

Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes and Will Smith-Jada Pinkett Smith

Families - and the Smiths are very friendly. Suri Cruise attends the New Village Leadership Academy of Scientology. They also have a high opinion of each other's acting work. Tom once said:

When I saw the movie "The Hitch Method" I realized that this is the funniest movie I've ever seen in a while. I would like to work with Smith.

Evgeny Tsyganov and Pavel Barshak

Actors Yevgeny Tsyganov and Pavel Barshak studied together at GITIS on the course of Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko. Now they serve together in the theater "Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko", and both starred in the films "Walk", "Peter FM" and "Flies". And they are best friends.

Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov

And Mikhail Porechenkov are friends with student years. Together they moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow and moved to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. And always, especially in difficult times, support each other.

Miroslava Duma and Natalya Goldenberg

Natalya Goldenberg and have known each other since childhood. In one of the interviews, Natalia spoke about Miroslav:

We became friends with her when no one yet suspected how fashionable she was. We studied at the same school.

Now, having become regulars in gossip columns, the girls continue to be friends and support each other.

Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana Sergeenko

Close friends and Ulyana Sergeenko can often be seen together at social events. The girls met several years ago and at first, by their own admission, did not like each other. But now, according to Sobchak, Ulyana has become her own, like a sister. And in clothes, their tastes coincide. Sergeenko, who recently presented her first collection, often creates images for Ksenia.

Photo Gettyimages.com/Fotobank.com

Jennifer Aniston's personal life, the actress herself remains silent about the affair with Justin Theroux, but speaks quite frankly about her best friend Courteney Cox. For example, in a recent interview with The New York Times when asked by a journalist "who would Aniston want to see next to her in the most happy minutes life" (obviously alluding to Thera), Jen replied: "My best friend Courteney Cox!". Celebrities are people too and they have best friends. We bring to your attention an overview of the best star friends, whose relationship has already been tested by time.

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox

And since we started with Aniston and Cox, it's worth adding that their friendship began in 1994 on the set of the television series Friends and continues to this day.

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox have been together since Friends

Kourtney previously stated that the secret of their friendship is trust:

“I think the reason I love Jennifer so much is because I feel calm around her – always! And if I need to call someone even in the middle of the night, I dial Jen's number.

In turn, Aniston prefers to spend holidays with Courtney, describing her friend as "ridiculously loyal and fiercely loving."

Like best friends, they support each other in everything.

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon

This is an example of a real strong male friendship. Ben and Matt have been childhood friends. They met when Affleck was 10 and Damon was 8 years old at a casting to which their mothers brought them. And while the ladies were discussing the merits of their sons, the guys themselves managed to get to know each other and put a button on the chair to the harmful secretary, who still didn’t call them for viewing. Actually, this ill-fated button, as well as a joint "stick", which they later received from their mothers, brought the boys closer. In addition, as it turned out, they lived on the same street through 2 blocks from each other.

Ben and Matt are always ready to play a friendly prank on each other

Subsequently, their paths diverged a bit: Damon entered Harvard, and Affleck, who entered the University of Vermont, dropped out and went to Hollywood. However, when Ben called Matt to Hollywood, he immediately responded to the call of a friend. Then the guys decided to come up with their own good film. Having written the script for the tape "Good Will Hunting", they woke up famous. The film received an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best screenplay, and the guys discovered the way to big cinema.

And to this day they are together, neither time nor ... Jennifer Lopez separated them. There were rumors that Lopez gave Affleck a choice - either she or Matt. What Ben chose, we already know. Now, actor friends, as in childhood, live on the same street with their wives and children.

A shot from the film "Dogma" (1999), where the actors played together the fallen angels. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!

Brad Pitt and George Clooney

Pitt and Clooney worked together in Steven Soderbergh's crime comedy Ocean's Eleven. Then they were engaged in charitable activities together in support of the victims of the Sudanese province of Darfur. Clooney, who has always been honest about people (which is worth his statements about DiCaprio), says about Pitt:

“I not only respect his human qualities, his talent, but I also support his aspirations to help the world. There are not enough beautiful words to convey how hard he works to make the world a better place. I'm proud to call him my friend."

Brad and George in Ocean's 11

The only problem in their friendship is Brad's wife, Angelina Jolie. According to rumors, she does not like Clooney. He, however, reciprocates, inviting a couple to visit with the condition that their children stay at home.

Clooney and Pitt have real prank fights over each other

Jennifer Lawrence and Taylor Swift

Lawrence and Swift have been friends for a very short time. However, it looks like their friendship will grow stronger. The girls have the same sense of humor, and they entered Olympus almost at the same time. Girls exchange texts quite often, for example, Jennifer sent a heartfelt text of support to her friend at the CMAS (Country Music Association Awards - the annual American music award of the Country Music Association). And Taylor, meanwhile, sent a wish to Jennifer, hinting at the Oscars:

" Good luck! I believe that the reward will be yours!”

Jennifer and Taylor support each other with text messages

Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts

Nicole and Naomi became friends before Hollywood fame. They met back in Australia, having come to one casting in the film "Flirting" (1991), where Kidman played the main role. Then, when Nicole moved to Hollywood, she often advised producers she knew to take Naomi's friend to this or that film. Persistence paid off - Naomi was noticed and she also moved to Hollywood, and at first she lived in Kidman's house.

“Nicole's door has always been open for me. She always welcomed me with open arms and willing to listen,” says Naomi about her best friend.

Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts at the 2013 Producers Guild of America Awards

Rihanna and Katy Perry

Rihanna and Katy Perry were brought together by... a handbag. Once at a party, Katie noticed a studded handbag in Rihanna's hands:

“The first thing I noticed was the cool studded Valentino bag in Rihanna’s hands and it looked amazing,” Cathy told Elle, “I complimented the bag and RiRi offered to send me one as a gift. And when a week later, she really sent me a bag from Valentino, I thought: “Wow, this girl is a man of her word.”

By the way, it was Rihanna who arranged Katie's bachelorette party before the wedding with Russell Brand, and also consoled her after their divorce.

"I'll tell you, you won't find people like Kathy in this industry," Rihanna says of Perry. “She's gorgeous, charming and so unpredictable, but I trust her — it's weird. And that's what intrigued me the most when we first met."

The organizers of all kinds of ceremonies already know that it is better to put the girls together right away, they will change seats anyway closer friend to friend. Grammys 2012

Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock

Who said that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist? Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are proof of this. According to the actors themselves, they are really friends and nothing more has ever happened. They met at a difficult time for Bullock - when she was divorcing her husband Jess James. Ryan was the first to support the actress. Then there was a joint work in the film "The Proposal" (2009), which seriously strengthened their friendship.

Sandra and Ryan in The Proposal

And now Bullock also supports Ryan, for example, coming to the premieres of Reynolds films.

Sandra and Ryan often visit each other's premieres

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz

Salma and Penelope don't just speak the same language. Salma about friendship with Penelope speaks as follows:

“The phrase that “a friend is one soul and two bodies” is exactly about us.”

Salma and Penelope often call up to discuss their children

And Penelope remembers the time when they starred together in Bandidas. Once, while working on one scene, the plane almost crashed into the girls who were together.

“We almost died then,” said Penelope. “It was at that moment that I had the idea that if I die at that moment, then at least I will die with my best friend.”

Salma and Penelope in Bandidas

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire became friends on the set of This Boy's Life in 1993. Then there were others. joint work- Rosanna, Cafe Dons Plum, The Great Gatsby.

Leo and Toby on the set of "This Boy's Life"

Friends like to spend holidays together, go to matches and play. There is a story about how Leo, Toby, as well as Ben Affleck and Matt Damon played at the same table in an underground casino in Beverly Hills for several years until the casino was closed.

Toby and Leo also prefer to relax together

Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler

Bradley and Gerard "found" each other not so long ago. However, the guys like to arrange purely male gatherings, as well as attend the Wimbledon tennis championships together. By the way, it was there that the paparazzi once caught them in almost the same color suits.

That same trip to the tennis championship

And Cooper and Butler dream of starring together in the same film, moreover, according to Gerard's story:

“... or in a comedy, or in an action movie. But if the latter, then in the role of enemies, so that you can beat each other from the heart.

Friendship- one of the most important events in the life of every person. If you have a close friend who can support you at any time, then no troubles are terrible. There are also many strong alliances among the stars, many of which were formed back in early childhood. It is about such friendly tandems that today will tell you PEOPLETALK.

These guys have been friends since childhood. They once starred together in " Mickey Mouse Club', and later the family Timberlake even sheltered Ryan when he had problems with citizenship, since Gosling from Canada.

Spiderman And Jack With " Titanic"became friends long before they starred in" Great Gatsby". And DiCaprio, oddly enough, was the initiator of the beginning of their friendship, although the actor is famous for his arrogance and unsociableness. Be that as it may, since the guys met at the audition, they remain bosom friends.

These girls have become best girlfriends when they were both seven years old. Girls stay together almost all their lives, and their communication stopped only once, when they Lovato I had a prolonged depression due to health problems. But even in this situation Gomez I found the strength to support my beloved friend.

These guys met in the early 80s in the city Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), their families then lived on neighboring streets. Ben dreamed of an acting career, but no one shared his passion, so the appearance Damon in his life became a real holiday. At first, their career did not work out, but then the friends joined forces and decided to make a film themselves.

After Kim became an exemplary wife and mother, their relationship with the famous party girl Paris Hilton came to an end. But few people know that these girls sat at the same desk back in primary school. They say that Kardashian became famous precisely because of communication with the heiress of the huge fortune of the Hilton family.

(43) and Snoop Dogg (44)

The actress and famous rapper lived nearby and went to the same school together. These guys are still getting along well. Diaz even admitted that she was once in love with her neighbor.

Adam Levine (36) and Jonah Hill (31)