What to give your loved ones for Easter. Interesting Easter Gift Ideas

As you know, Easter is the holiday that Christians celebrate every year around the world. And so often we have the same questions, the essence of which is the choice of gifts for this spring holiday. What do they give for Easter? To answer this question, we suggest that you familiarize yourself a little with the history of the holiday itself, as well as learn about the symbols, legends and myths historically associated with its customs in different countries peace. Where did it all start?

history of the holiday

How did Easter become not only the first, but also one of the main occasions for Christian celebrations around the globe? At first, the death and rebirth of Christ was celebrated every week, invariably on Friday. Friday was considered the day when they fast and mourn in memory of the sufferings of Jesus, in contrast to Sunday - joyful and bright. On the days of celebration Jewish Passover- the dates of the death of Jesus, the celebrations acquired a truly grandiose character.

In the second century, all churches unanimously recognize Easter as the holiday that should be celebrated every year. In 325, a meeting of bishops is convened in the city of Nicaea to discuss and come to an agreement in choosing a single day for celebrating Easter. The Council makes an affirmative decision.

Two centuries later, the name takes on the meaning of a word denoting a holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration and its religious origins are firmly rooted in worship, and everywhere one could hear about Easter as the “king of days” and “feast of holidays”.

However, we will not bore the reader with an unnecessary digression into the history of Easter, since the topic of the article is different, and we will consider its traditions.

Easter traditions

Most Easter customs are rooted in worship services. It is noteworthy that the scope and scale of the Easter feasts are caused by breaking the fast at the end of Great Lent - a period of abstinence, in which many celebrations and holidays, regardless of their nature, were transferred to the days of the celebration of Easter.

On the evening of the holiday, large-scale celebrations took place directly on the church territories. On the territory of Russia, festive processions, themed games and dances, depending on the locality, lasted from a day to several weeks.

Of course, each country has its own customs. Bulgaria is famous for the glorious custom of making many ceramic pots and jugs in advance, painting them with wishes, and then throwing them from the tops of houses, celebrating the Easter victory over. Everyone can pick up and save a ceramic fragment from a broken pot. Residents of Bulgaria believe that it brings happiness.

In countries like Russian Federation and Serbia, it is customary to “beat” with Easter eggs, successively checking the tops of the eggs for strength. Also, after the traditional and primordially Russian greeting “Christ is risen!” - "Truly risen!" there is a custom to kiss three times on the cheeks. Naturally, the custom applies exclusively to relatives and friends. The presented Easter egg symbolizes a new round of life.

In many states of America and some European countries Traditionally, chocolate eggs are hidden in the morning. IN different corners around the world, children celebrate Easter morning in search of hidden "treasures". Most often, the search leads the kids to the Easter Bunny's "nests" with an abundance of holiday sweets in the form of eggs.

Few people know that the Easter Bunny, symbolizing a rich harvest and family wealth, was first recognized as the embodiment of Easter traditions in the XVI century. in Germany, after which he became widely known. Both in the US and in France, everyone can see a lot of toy fluffies and all kinds of bunny-shaped sweets, which local factories begin to produce in unprecedented quantities on the eve of Easter.

In Ukraine, there is a custom, according to which, on a festive Monday, young people pour water on girls, and they get the opportunity to fully respond to the “offenders” the next day. The French distinguished themselves in the extravagance of Easter customs: on Monday, their women get the right to beat their husbands, and they, therefore, “take revenge” on the ladies on Tuesday.

What gifts for Easter choose?

In different countries, even before the holiday, you can see the Easter fairs located in the central squares of European cities. At such fairs, everyone can look at a themed souvenir or a thing made with my own hands. It is customary to decorate the walls of houses, as well as bridges and fountains bright garlands, green vegetation and painted eggs. In other countries, such as Germany, you can see bushes and trees lavishly decorated with holiday eggs and painted with various Easter symbols.

Easter is the most significant and symbolic day for Christians. This explains the abundance of plants, painted eggs, Easter cakes decorated with delicious sweets.

On this day, people give gifts to their relatives and friends, mandatory requirement to which - the presence of Easter symbols. Each of the gifts must contain one or more details that reveal the essence of the Resurrection, or Renewal. Based on the fact that our beloved women and descendants are the meaning and continuation of our lives, it is customary to treat them with special respect and attention on Easter day.

For the older generation, a pair of bunny slippers would be a cute and appropriate Easter gift. Not particularly religious men with a significant sense of humor will appreciate a gift containing the emblem of a famous magazine - a rabbit in a bow tie. For loved ones, a girl can be given not only a luxurious, but also a symbolic gift - golden rabbit feet on a corresponding chain. They say that such a present attracts happiness and luck. In general, a good and universal recommendation is to choose a gift from individual features recipient. Remember, the chosen gift should somehow symbolize the rebirth and the beginning of a new life.

Easter gifts for kids

The symbol of the holiday, capable of competing in popularity with Easter cake and "krashenka", is the Easter Bunny. Or a rabbit. WITH young years Parents tell children around the world that the Easter Bunny only visits good children who treated the younger children well and did not offend animals. This beast is magical, and his gifts are unusual eggs. A well-behaved child gets more eggs. The inhabitants of Germany, the "homeland" of the rabbit, gradually brought their own to the United States, and following America - to the whole world.

Despite the many variations of gifts, the most common are Easter eggs! In many Catholic countries, it is customary not only to paint eggs completely, but also to paint them. The Poles gave the name to eggs of this category - "pisanki". The kids put in a lot of effort to create Easter eggs, which they can then give to their parents. Since it is out of place for adults to do this, and working life does not have surplus time, long before the start of the celebration, shops begin to offer a lot of sweet products, souvenirs and Easter decorations of the most varied quality.

Remember, it is no less pleasant to receive a gift made.

Easter celebrates the central event for Christians around the world - the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The tradition of giving gifts at Easter has been going on for hundreds of years. Some gifts are well-known, but there are also options that can pleasantly surprise a friend or relative.

Children, grandchildren and nephews

When choosing what to give children for Easter, you can not limit yourself to one present. A children's Easter basket is a traditional set of many small but pleasant surprises for a child. The basket itself can be decorated by hand (lay out with straw, cut paper or nice towel), and put inside:

  • Bible for children or other topical books (" Easter book for children”, “Holy Easter. Four Bible Stories", " Easter cake. Stories for children" and others);

  • coloring books ("Easter patterns", "Easter coloring cards", etc.);
  • soft toy-bunny or angel;
  • large candy on a stick, PEZ lollipops or multi-colored dragees in a transparent tube;
  • chocolate hare or egg;
  • colored crayons;
  • markers and stencils;
  • children's watch;
  • a set of animal figurines;
  • T-shirt
  • puzzles;
  • Barbie doll;
  • mini-games;
  • card games for children;
  • wooden or ceramic figurines for coloring;
  • elastic bands and hairpins;
  • DVD with radio plays and audio fairy tales;
  • sandbox toys;
  • typewriter or soldiers;
  • rubber ball;
  • a set of children's cosmetics;
  • stickers;

  • balloons;
  • jump rope
  • kite;
  • funny sandals or socks;
  • yo-yo;
  • children's jewelry;
  • lego;
  • pajamas
  • purse or handbag;
  • children's musical instruments;
  • piggy bank;
  • beautiful diary or notebook;
  • keychain;
  • comics.
  • A basket for girls can be decorated with bows, clothespins or ribbons, and for a boy you can use a new baseball cap instead of a basket.

    Parents and older relatives

    The list of what to give for Easter to parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and other relatives is quite large. Can be easily assembled Easter basket that will please an adult. It may include:

    What to give for Easter if you want to make a gift unusual? A short-haired pygmy rabbit or a bantam chicken will make an excellent apartment pet!

    You can also cook some hearty festive dishes to free relatives from cooking on a holiday.


    To find what to give a girlfriend or friend for Easter, refer to the list of souvenirs and easy delicious gifts. In a holiday basket for friends, you can pack:

    • carved candles and candlesticks;
    • dish for Easter cake and eggs;
    • a set of egg holders;
    • bag for prosphora;
    • Easter magnet (Easter cake, bunny, chicken, painted egg);
    • a set of mini chocolates;
    • decorative flower arrangement;
    • knitted or sewn bouquet of flowers;
    • souvenir bell-angel;
    • easter wreath on the door;
    • printed kitchen box;
    • easter topiary;
    • cranberries in sugar;
    • Easter cookbook.

    Combine gifts from different categories possible and necessary. Remember what friends and relatives gave before - for sure there are some interesting ideas among them. What gifts are given extra for Easter? The bunny costume can be a great joke present. Also nice addition any basket will have a handmade postcard, hand-made cookies and a small consecrated Easter cake.

The Orthodox feast of the Resurrection of Christ usually pleases with good weather and bright thoughts. Traditionally festive Easter time is a time for feasts and an occasion to make cute gifts for Easter. If you are thinking about what gift to give to friends or relatives, check out this article. We've got a lot of options for you. Easter gifts. Among them, there is sure to be a suitable one.

Everyone who comes to visit their neighbors, relatives, colleagues, friends on a festive Easter day brings colored eggs and Easter cakes with them.

These are typical Easter gifts.

They are especially valuable because they are prepared with their own hands, with love, with a good mood and good mood, with thoughts of the divine.

Painted eggs - easter symbols, which personify the beginning of a new, posthumous Jesus life - the Resurrection of Christ.

Household diligently paint them the evening before happy holiday: someone, like in the old days, using onion peel, someone - with modern color dyes.

For symbolic Easter products in stores sell various decorations for Easter: themed stickers, various openwork "costumes". Therefore, decorating products usually does not cause problems.

Why is it customary to paint eggs at Easter?

It's pretty interest Ask. And the answer to it is a tradition: when Christ was resurrected, Mary Magdalene wanted to notify the emperor about this. Each palace visitor was obliged to present his gift, but the woman had only egg. She handed Tiberius her modest offering and said the famous phrase: "Christ is risen."

It wasn't a traditional Easter greeting back then, it was just incredible news. Of course, the emperor did not believe. He sternly replied that this was impossible, just as it was impossible for a white egg to turn red. Another miracle immediately happened: before the eyes of Tiberius, the egg became blood-red, and Tiberius exclaimed the famous: “Truly risen!”

Easter gift basket with homemade presents

Handmade crafts for Easter include:

Such crafts - do-it-yourself Easter gifts - are more often created by children, although adults can also participate in the preparation of Easter offerings.

The theme should correspond to the holiday: decorated eggs, kittens, rabbits, spring flowers, chickens are welcome as motives for creativity.

Like a holiday, Easter gifts are colorful, juicy in color palette. Shades are chosen that are able to carry a feeling of light, joy, solar warmth, anticipation of summer. You can safely mix warm light colors and create from the heart!

Easter gifts for children

Be sure to take delicious ones with you if you go to a house with children on Easter day. The best choice:

  • chocolate eggs in bright wrappers;
  • dessert cakes with nuts and candied fruits;
  • marzipans.

To make the present look complete, put goodies on colored napkin in a wicker basket and place a plush chicken or textile chicken in the center of the basket. Children of all ages will be delighted when they see new toys.

You can present them with symbolic miniature items for games: models of cars, mini-constructors, dolls, animal figurines and something like that. You can hide the presents in the basket in the middle of the eggs.

Other practical and popular easter gift- textiles. If you are closely related to those to whom you give gifts for Easter, if you know the size of children's clothes, you can buy them a shirt, blouse, skirt, fashionable sneakers, jeans, some other wardrobe item.

It is always relevant to give children pajamas with their favorite cartoon characters, bedding sets. And the child itself will be happy, and his parents!

Easter gift for relatives

Going to family dinner at the invitation of acquaintances, relatives or friends, take with you a traditional gift in such cases. It is customary to give little things that are useful in everyday life:

  • kitchen utensils;
  • dishes;
  • home textiles;
  • small rubble equipment.

Actual gifts - and tablecloths, salad bowls, plates, sets of glasses.

For Easter or other holiday, it is appropriate to give well-known people bed sheets . This is both a useful and family gift.

Good for adults to assemble gastronomic gift basket - with delicacies festive table. It can be: craft cheese, smoked meats, honey, freshly baked bread, fruits. Be sure to decorate your gastronomic set with colorful ribbons, colored eggs and bows. You can put an Easter card in the basket.

If many guests are invited to dinner, prepare a small souvenir for each of them, but certainly a warm one. Present:

When thinking about what gifts to buy for Easter, remember: the cost of presents is not so important - genuine feelings are much more important, warmth and heartfelt congratulations with which you present gifts!

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What do people give for Easter in different countries? There are really a lot of traditions and more knowing how the Light is met Christ's Resurrection representatives different peoples, you can follow their example or prepare your own unique gifts. What is customary to give for Easter? First of all, your love for a loved one. This is exactly what the person who receives your Easter gift should feel. And this means that it is desirable to cook it with your own hands.

Easter Gift Traditions

What do they give for Easter in Russia? Of course, Easter eggs remain the most common gift. Not only in Russia, but also in Serbia, they “christen” Easter eggs - breaking them in turn different ends. The kids arrange "pokatushki" - whose egg rolls further. Why are eggs given at Easter? The answer to this question is simple.

Easter painted egg in Russian culture is a symbol of new life, rebirth. Easter eggs in Russia were rolled on the ground so that it was fertile, they put it in right hand to people who died on Easter, painted eggs were saved for a year to use as protection for the house from fire, crops from hail.

In Bulgaria, hundreds of large and small clay pots made before the holiday, decorated good wishes, are dropped from the upper floors as a sign of the Easter victory over evil. Any passer-by can take a shard from a broken pot. And it is considered a symbol of happiness.

The Easter Bunny, a symbol of fertility and wealth, has been a symbol of Easter in Germany since the 16th century and has since spread throughout the world. In the form of bunnies, toys and sweets are made, as well as souvenirs that sometimes make up entire families or different professions.

Easter basket

Cook a big cardboard box. The most various forms and sizes today you can buy in stationery stores or magamarkets. It is better to choose a box with a lid. Buy a few small boxes and 2-2.5 meters of red ribbon of medium thickness. In addition, you will need colored straws.

If you didn’t buy it in a store, you can cut it yourself from colored paper. Cut banana paper will look even more beautiful - you can buy it in art stores. Also buy a set of decoupage napkins, a brush and glue.

Cover the box with decoupage napkins. In a similar way, you can decorate Easter eggs, which you put together with a postcard in Easter basket. Fill the finished box a quarter with colored straws and lay the eggs on top.

Cover and tie with red ribbon. Still wondering what to give parents for Easter? Here is the ready answer for you - the Easter basket will be a worthy present on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. By the way, you can put Easter cakes and other holiday pastries in the Easter basket.

Easter card

Do they give gifts at Easter? Of course, but they should be symbolic and in without fail be related to the theme of the holiday. Simple and touching, and at the same time original gift can become self-created easter card. You will need white or colored cardboard, a set of thin colored ribbons, a fountain pen or gel pen with a thin stem.

Divide a sheet of cardboard into two parts. Fold one piece in half. Get the base of the postcard. Bend the second part as well and cut it in half. On the basis of the postcard, cut out a “window” in the form of a circle, heart, or other shape. Lay down the cut off part and circle the shape of the window with a pencil. On the cut off part, stick ribbons in the form of bows, flowers, or just crosswise to get a colored weave.

Attach the two parts of the outer page of the card with glue so that the pattern with colored ribbons is on the surface. Write a few lines inside warm words For loved one to whom this postcard is intended.

Easter Bunny

What to give children for Easter? Of course, the Easter Bunny, who will bring them a traditional Easter present - a painted and painted Easter egg. The Easter bunny is very easy to sew from two halves of felt white color. Draw the shape of a hare - make it voluminous, as the body will serve as a bag.

Cut out two identical halves. thick thread bright color- red, yellow, green or another of your choice, sew overlock seam to the level of the ears. Embroider the muzzle of the hare with threads - eyes, nose, mouth. Fill easter bunny sweets.

Be sure to put one colored Easter egg inside. Often, believers have a question about what they give godchildren for Easter. You can give your child such a sweet Easter bunny and, according to tradition, some new item wardrobe. And don't forget from pure heart to congratulate relatives and friends on the Bright Resurrection of Christ!

How to make Easter bunnies from pom-poms?

DIY Easter decor

What do they give for Easter?

Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - Easter! Many people are concerned about the question, what gift for Easter to make to relatives and friends, as well as to friends?
Undoubtedly, according to tradition, an egg should be present in a gift for Easter. Just as Easter is impossible without a red painted egg, so a gift without an egg is not considered an Easter gift. There is a very old tradition at Easter to give Easter eggs to each other with a greeting: "Christ is risen!" Christ gave us life, and the egg is a symbol of life, therefore, exchanging greetings, Christians give an egg as a sign of eternal life. If people close to you cannot be with you this spring Holy holiday, then you can send a greeting Easter card.

For Easter - bright resurrection everything blooms around, resurrects and revives life.

According to tradition, it is customary for Christians to present gifts at Easter, symbolizing fertility and renewal. But still main gift Christians have painted or painted eggs.

Catholics and Protestants at Easter are happy to welcome a rabbit. This tradition came from Germany, starting from the 15th century, where the magical rabbit was very popular: she carried obedient and good kids painted eggs. Then german tradition together with the settlers, she came to America and, soon, many countries became friends with the magical rabbit.

IN last years our children also liked the hares and rabbits. Therefore, often, as a gift for Easter, children come to their favorite toys - bunnies and rabbits, both soft and chocolate. You can give children a set of chocolate eggs (kinder surprise) for Easter, children love surprises very much, and in each chocolate egg there is a small gift.

Also little kids love inflatable rubber toys- please your child with a big lop-eared rabbit, he will certainly bring a lot of joy to the baby on this solemn day.

For a beloved man, a malachite clock in the shape of an egg is quite an excellent Easter gift. The choice of gifts for Easter is very wide and varied. It is worth paying attention to the set of pens, if the caps on the pens are in the form of cute faces of everyone's favorite rabbit. For smoking men pick up a set: an ashtray and an Easter-themed lighter. But you never know what gift can be given for Easter? Most importantly, choose such a gift with love and attention.

You can give your beloved grandmother or grandfather slippers with the muzzles of a hare or rabbit on them. a good gift for the elderly will warm blanket, with which they will "rescue themselves", wrapping themselves up on cold winter evenings, sitting in front of the TV.

Women and girls will love the Easter gift in the form of rabbit feet - a symbol of happiness and constant luck, it can be golden decoration in the form of paws on a chain. You can also choose a watch as a gift, the case of which will be in the shape of an egg. By Easter, the choice of goods of just such a theme in stores is much wider. You need to use a little imagination to prepare wonderful gift for Easter. Since the eggs still remain an invariable attribute of an Easter gift, then prepare a "pysanka" - a painted egg decorated with beads. Children quite often give such gifts to their parents. Parents, on the other hand, sometimes have no time to do this painstaking work, but you can always buy already ready product. Before Easter there is big choice inexpensive souvenirs: from painted egg boxes to salt and pepper shakers in the form of a hare or an egg, a large selection of wicker small baskets in which you can beautifully fold your gift and decorate it with a bow or flower. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild holiday gift, let your gift please relatives and acquaintances or friends. After all, giving gifts to loved ones is always more pleasant than receiving them. Happy holidays to you!