Loin crochet with woven threads. Sirloin crochet: patterns. Filet knitting for beginners

Sirloin knitting crochet has appearance lace. This technique is already about three hundred years old. Its name comes from French word– fillet, which means mesh. Using fillet knitting you get various products: skirts, shawls, socks, pullovers, blouses, trousers, etc. They all look a little unusual, but beautiful and elegant.

To knit correctly using this unique technique, you need to have on hand patterns for making various products and examples of patterns to choose from.

For beginners (basics, materials)

To start doing fillet knitting, you need special materials. To work you will need:

  • Hook. From a variety of products, choose a tool with a length of about 14 cm and a diameter of 1-8 mm. It can be made of wood, metal or plastic. The hook number corresponds to its diameter in millimeters. It's best to stock up on tools of different sizes.
  • Threads. For fillet knitting, synthetic, wool, linen, and cotton threads are chosen. They differ not only in composition, but also in thickness. Two numbers are used to designate threads. The first means the thickness of the product. The second is the number of threads twisted together.

The thicker the chosen thread, the warmer the product. Therefore, thick yarn is used for knitting winter clothes. The diameter of the hook should correspond to the thickness of the thread.

As a result of knitting, two types of products can be obtained:

  • Knits without yarn breakage. That is, if such a fabric is unraveled, then a solid thread is formed. It is made in rows - one goes in one direction, the other in the opposite direction. The resulting product looks the same on both the front and back sides.
  • The canvas consists of individual elements. They are called motives. They can be rectangular or round shape. First it is made required amount the necessary elements. In this case, after knitting one motif, the thread breaks. After this, they are fastened together to form the product.
  • For those who decide to take up fillet crochet, we offer free patterns and pattern options.

    Options for simple patterns

    Using examples of patterns, you can knit various products, they are taken as a basis. Where the pattern is shown, knitting is done in rows. To make an item from motifs, you must first connect several elements. Then they are sewn together using thread and needle. Thus, the canvas and individual parts of the product are formed. Graphic elements are visible in the images, each of them has its own designation. So the horizontal oval symbolizes an air loop. The vertical bar indicates a single crochet.

    Here is a photo list of diagrams of simple motifs and patterns:

    Simple dress patterns

    Dresses made using the fillet knitting technique look beautiful. To make pink dress, you will need hook No. 2, 400 g of yarn. Used as decoration pink beads. Execution technique: composite fabric. First to non-shedding thick fabric the pattern of the product is applied. Using a caterpillar cord, you need to braid its contours. Then they knit individual elements: rings, flowers, shamrocks, etc. In this case, the size of the leaves can be different, it depends on the length of the initial chain.

    After knitting the motifs, they need to be laid out on the pattern and secured with pins. Wherein front side elements should be at the bottom. It is best to start with large elements, and then fill the space with small motifs. After creating the required pattern, begin stitching the elements. The free space is filled with breeds. For this purpose, 2-3 threads are stretched between adjacent elements, which are then braided. When stitching of all elements is completed, remove the basting. Then the parts of the front and back are connected, making a small fit on the side in the chest area.

    The second dress is made as follows: after applying the pattern, the top of the product is knitted separately, as well as horizontal ribbon motifs. IN this dress There are three of these tapes. It is necessary to take into account the circumferential length of each ribbon depending on its location on the pattern, because the dress should taper towards the bottom and widen at the hips.

    When all the ribbons are ready, they are sewn together. They need to be “planted” according to the figure. If necessary, sew in a lock. The connected motifs are sewn onto a separately knitted top of the dress.

    Children's hat patterns

    The making of the cap is done in a circle. To calculate the inner circumference, you need to determine the diameter of the head and subtract 2 cm from the resulting value. This is necessary for more tight fit baby's head cap. To calculate the diameter of the bottom, you need to use the formula for calculating the circumference:

    P = 2πr
    P is the length (perimeter) of the circle,
    π - Pi number (3.1415),

    For a product of size 44, the diameter of the bottom will be 14 cm. Therefore, during the knitting process, you need to make increases until the diameter becomes equal to the required value. To determine the height of the crown, you need to do a fitting. To create margins, an increase is performed, the degree of which is determined during the fitting process. For this purpose, two stitches are knitted into every 2nd loop. To give the product the required form, use a rigid tape, which is inserted into the first and the last row fields.

    Christmas ball patterns

    You can knit not only clothes, but also Christmas balls. To do this, you need to take plain or transparent Christmas decorations And beautiful yarn. A product made of golden threads looks interesting.

    To make, use ready-made diagrams. The ball is simply tied with threads according to the pattern, adding/subtracting in the right place loops and rows. At the end of knitting the ball, arches are made from air loops, which are pulled together at the bottom of the product. A loop is also knitted for hanging the decoration.

    Scheme of a smart jacket

    Product size – 42-44. To make it you will need three skeins of yarn, a hook - 1.7 mm, buttons d = 25 cm - 10 pieces. The product consists of six parts:

  1. Back. For it, a chain 44 cm long is made and 12 repeats of the pattern are knitted. Having completed 9 cm of the canvas, make a decrease in half of the pattern repeat. After this, another decrease is made after 3 rows. Continue knitting until the height of the fabric reaches 25 cm. After this, add half of the pattern repeat on both sides. Having reached a height of 30 cm, leave half of the rapport on the sides unknitted. This is necessary for armholes. Having knitted to a height of 46 cm, leave 16 cm untouched in the middle. This is needed for the neck. The formed parts of knitting are performed separately. Their length is 2 cm.
  2. Right shelf. For it, a chain of 71 loops is cast on. Next, make 10 repeats of the pattern. Two shortened rows are made from the edge of the shelf. To do this, knit three rows. In the fourth, they make six repeats and perform a single crochet before turning. Knit the next row, after turning, knit 6 repeats, returning the loops of the third row. In the process, the armhole is knitted. Having thus made 22 cm of canvas, you need to add half of the repeat from the inside of the shelf. For the neckline at a height of 46 cm, leave 5 repeats. During the knitting process, you need to leave holes for buttons, between which a distance of six centimeters is maintained. As a result, the height of the shelf should be 47 cm.
  3. Left shelf. After casting on 43 air loops, six repeats are knitted. Two short rows are made at the edge. This armhole is made like on the back. Having knitted 46 cm of fabric, leave 1.5 repeats for the neckline. After reducing half the rapport, there should be 3.5 rapports left for the shoulders. The height of the finished shelf should be 48 cm.
  4. Sleeves. After knitting the back and shelves, they need to be sewn together. You need to knit the sleeve from the armhole. To do this, three rapports are knitted. In this case, a gradual increase is performed, after which there should be eight repeats in the fifth row, and ten in the eighth. Attaching to the armhole is done using connecting posts. Starting from the tenth row, begin circular knitting. After 40 cm, gradual decreases begin, one rapport three times. As a result, there should be four rapports left. After completing ten cm of knitting from the bevel, the work is completed. To decorate the bottom of the sleeves, you need to make a hem of one cm and hem it.
  5. Collar. Stepping back 11 cm from the shoulder, attach the thread. Next, starting from the neckline, knit a “fan” pattern. At the same time, they distribute half the rapport on the shelves and 12 on the back. For the collar you need to knit four rows.
  6. Shoulder straps. Make a chain of seven loops. Next, perform single crochets. The length of the finished shoulder strap is 8 cm. The second one is knitted in the same way.
  7. Finishing. The edges of the collar of the product and the shelves are decorated with half double crochets. Hem the edges of the right shelf, bending 2 cm. Hem the bottom of the product, bending 2 cm. Form the buttons and sew them on, focusing on the pattern. Shoulder straps are sewn onto the shoulders.

Skirt pattern

Make a chain of 12 loops. Next, make a fabric 42 cm high using double crochets. Then they begin knitting the middle part, along the long side of the resulting strip, making the pattern according to the diagram. Having reached the desired height, knit top part skirts. After knitting all the parts, the product is assembled.

Shawl pattern

For knitting you need to take hook number 3 and yarn - 450 g.

Knitting begins with bottom corner. At the same time, expansion is done in both directions. For knitting use the attached pattern. From the third to the 14th row, repeat the rapport. The shawl in the photo has 84 rows knitted. Scheme No. 2 is used to tie the bottom of the product. An arch is made at the corner. The top is decorated in alternating rows. First, five sc are made, and the sixth row will be a sc with a picot. Fringe tassels are attached under the arches.

Summer jacket scheme

To make a size 44 product you will need fine yarn– 300 g. You also need hook No. 2.

Product execution:

  1. For the front you need to make a chain of 174 loops. The next three rows are made with double crochets. The remaining 12 rows are performed according to pattern 1. After this, they begin to perform the main part of the jacket according to pattern 2. Having reached the neck, they begin to decrease, focusing on diagram 3.
  2. The back is performed according to the front, but focusing only on 1 pattern.
  3. For the sleeve, a chain of 132 loops is made. Then it is connected into a circle and a pattern is made according to 1 scheme.
  4. Finally, the product is assembled and stitched. The edges of the sweater are decorated with a row of “crayfish step”.

Pullover pattern

To knit this elegant pullover you will need a No. 3 hook and sand-colored yarn. For size 44, 750 g. Scheme 1 is used to make the strips of the product. The rest is knitted based on pattern 2.

Product execution:

  1. For the front, a chain of 167 loops is made, taking into account 3 lifting loops. Next, 48 cm of fabric is knitted, focusing on diagram 2. After which the middle two loops are left unknitted for the polo neckline, and the remaining parts are knitted separately. After completing 68 cm of fabric, make a decrease for the neck. You need to gradually decrease 18 loops.
  2. The back is made in the same way as the front, but there is no cutout for the polo. Having completed 66 cm of fabric, leave 14 loops for the neck. In the process of knitting it, you need to decrease 12 more loops.
  3. For the sleeve, 99 air loops are made, taking into account 3 lifting loops. Afterwards, 48 ​​squares of 2 patterns are knitted. Next, one loop is added 24 times per row. Having completed 48 cm of canvas, they finish the work. The second sleeve is knitted in the same way.
  4. Product assembly. The planks are decorated with a pattern in seven rows. The bottom of the sleeves, front, and back is decorated with single crochets in one row. The back and front are sewn together. Sleeves are sewn into the armholes. The neckline, including the polo, is made with single crochets in two rows, and at the end “ lobster step» in one row.

Sirloin crochet - most interesting view handicrafts. This method is especially beautiful for making curtains, napkins and tablecloths.

Filet crochet for beginners

Fillet knitting is based on imitation of fillet lace and is an alternation of filled and empty cells on a mesh. This is very beautiful because it gives an extraordinary play of shadow and light. The fabric, made using the fillet knitting technique, holds its shape perfectly. The fillet technique is perfect for making napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads and original curtains. Equally good in fillet execution are openwork summer blouses, dresses and vests.

Thanks to its simplicity, such knitting is accessible even to novice needlewomen. As a rule, the loin mesh is an alternating column. with nak. and air etc., but there are other variations of combinations: pillar. with 2 or more yarn overs. Number of air. etc. may also be different. Fillet knitting is performed according to a pattern where an empty cell corresponds to an empty cell of the pattern, and a shaded cell corresponds to a filled cell of the pattern, by knitting a post in it. with nak.

Cotton yarn is best suited for the fillet knitting technique, but linen, viscose and other blended yarns made from these fibers are also used.

A good example of knitting a loin net with alternating columns. from 1 ac. and 2 air. p., the filled cell is formed by 3 columns. with nak. An example of knitting a fillet mesh in a checkerboard pattern on the website www.liveinternet.ru.

Addition of cells

To add 1 empty cell at the beginning of the river. 7 air is knitted. lifting point, turn the work and perform art. s/n in column. prev R.

In order to add cells at the end of the r. knit 2 air. p. and a pillar is made. from 3 nak. to the last paragraph before R.

To add a few empty cells at the beginning of the river, you need to calculate the number of lifting cells. For example, to add 2 cells: 3 air. p. for the middle cell + 7 p. rise for the outer cell, then knit st. s/n in the 8th p. from the hook, 2 air. p. and st. s/n in the last column. prev R.

Several empty cells at the end of the river. are added in the same way as 1, repeating the required number of times and knitting a post. with 3 double crochets in the middle part of the last column.

To add 1 full cell at the beginning of the river knit 5 air. p. rise and knitting of double crochets begins in the 3rd st. from the hook, then st. s/n in the next paragraph and art. s/n in the last column. previous p.

In order to add a filled cell at the end of the river. 3 stitches are knitted. with 2 double crochets bottom part previous p.

Crochet fillet napkins

More details on the website masterclassy.ru

You can crochet a beautiful fillet napkin with flowers.

Its size will be about 25 by 45 cm.

  • You need to knit the fillet napkin tightly and evenly. It is necessary to always ensure that the posts do not “loose” and the loops do not stretch too much, so that the resulting product has a neat appearance and is not “crooked”. To do this, you need to choose the right hook. If the upper loops come out stretched, then the hook should be taken half a size smaller than the selected one.
  • You need to start knitting a napkin from a chain of 10 air. p., adding 3 air to them. p. for lifting. The fabric is knitted in a fillet pattern according to the proposed pattern. To knit 1 empty square, cast on 1 tbsp. s/n and 2 air. P.; 1 filled cell - 3 tbsp. s/n. Each new r. start with 3 air. p. instead of 1 tbsp. s/n and finish 1 tbsp. s/n. in the last loop of the ascent on the previous river. To avoid inaccuracies, you need to periodically refer to your diagram.
  • The increase in the ranks is done like this. To add 1 empty cell, first p. 8 air is done. p., 1 tbsp. s/n to the starting point. At the end of the new river: 2 air. p., 1 tbsp. with 4/n into the base loop of the last knitted st. s/n.; then 3 times 1 tbsp with 2/n at the base of the previous one. pillar.
  • The 51st row is the middle of the napkin.
  • After the 51st row, continue working according to the same crochet pattern, but only in the mirror direction from the 44th row. on the 1st.
  • Unlike the first half of the napkin, then in the rows instead of adding, perform a decrease in cells.
  • Reduce the cells of a crocheted napkin as follows. At the beginning of the row: decreasing in p. tie the loops with a connecting post; At the end of the row, leave all the extra loops untied.
  • Starch the finished napkin using the fillet knitting technique (or simply moisten it) and stretch it to size. Then it should be covered with a damp cloth on top and left to dry completely.

Crocheting is simple and convenient. This can be done on the road, because... threads and hook take up little space. Sirloin knitting is amazing nice method, allowing you to create many original things and accessories.

About yarn for knitting using the fillet technique

It is best to use cotton or linen, not preferably synthetics. Select the thickness of the threads so that you can work with crochet hook No. 1.0-1.15. If you use thicker yarn, the pattern in the product will blur. This is not so scary in large products, but for napkins, panels or tablecloths - important condition. For example, our grandmothers knitted napkins from ordinary bobbin thread No. 10.

Products knitted from cotton threads can not only be washed, but even boiled, which cannot be said about things knitted from synthetics.

A characteristic feature of loin fabric is its density, absence of loose and stretched loops, the hook should be taken half a size smaller than recommended for yarn of the same thickness for another type of knitting. Depending on your “handwriting”, the number of yarn overs in the columns and air loops between them, the cells of the fillet mesh may have various sizes and shape.

The vertical dimension is determined by the height of the column, and the horizontal dimension is determined by the size of the arch, i.e. number of air loops. Can be performed on fillet mesh dense pattern of any complexity and configuration.

Even cells in a loin mesh

Many beginning craftswomen do not always get even squares in the fillet mesh. Small subtleties will help to cope with this problem.

If the hook is inserted directly into the body of the column of the previous row, the squares turn out to be even, and the fabric turns out to be more rigid and holds its shape better.

How to start if the edge of the product is scalloped?

Start with the first end-to-end row and start from there using an additional ball (which then or immediately) is used for knitting scallops. Knit the main fabric in the opposite direction. If the edge of the product is even, pick up a chain of air loops and knit from one ball in one direction.

To ensure that a product made using the fillet technique retains its shape longer,
it can be tied in a circle with single crochets. To do this, one single crochet is knitted into each base loop, and 5 stitches are made on the side for every 2 rows of the fillet mesh. In the corners you should knit 3 stitches into one base loop.

Knit as a whole fabric or from parts?

If the design (pattern) allows the product to be divided into several semantic parts, then you can knit them separately and then connect them during the knitting process or sew them. It is important to ensure that the connection point does not distort (“cut”) the drawing. It will still be noticeable on some element of the drawing, no matter how carefully it is done. Every knitter knows her own flaws and the eye involuntarily returns to them, causing annoyance at her own mistakes and negligence. Do not knit from strips “as printed patterns”! It’s better to immediately spend time connecting the circuits into logically complete sections, so as not to “bite your elbows later.”

How to work with diagrams

When knitting large items, the difficulty lies in reading the counting patterns. Makes your work easier if you:

  • print out all parts of the diagram,
  • lay them out on the table and glue them together so that you get a large whole diagram,
  • In order not to lose count while knitting, mark each knitted row with a pencil.

Yarn consumption

It's individual. It all depends on the thickness of the threads, the density of the knitting, the size of the product and the density (sparseness) of the pattern. A large blanket will require about 1.5 kg of cotton yarn, and round tablecloth with a diameter of approximately 1.5 m - 0.5 kg of Iris.

Time spent

Large items sometimes take craftswomen more than one year to complete. It all depends on how much time you can devote to knitting, but don’t give up the work you started, finish it and get satisfaction from the item you receive. Your triumph will be a product from the “family heritage” series. The resulting bedspread or tablecloth will delight not only you, but also your descendants for a long time.

For many beginning craftswomen, fillet crochet seems very complicated and incomprehensible. In fact, this is one of the most simple ways create real masterpieces if you master several principles in this working technique.

The basic principle of creating patterns

Once you see a product using this knitting technique, you will never confuse it with anything else. Filet crochet is popular due to its ability to depict almost any pattern on woven fabric.

At school, everyone drew in their notebooks in cells, sketching some and leaving others blank. In fact, these were designs for fillet knitting. It is also a checkered canvas, which has painted and free areas.

You can turn almost any picture that is divided into cells into a fillet pattern. You just need to remember that loin crochet has its own characteristics. And therefore, patterns need to be created compact, which will fit on a small canvas. Of course, small cells look more elegant, but they are quite complex in execution and are not always successful for novice craftswomen.

Let's start the main cells

To master fillet crochet for beginners, you need to know just a couple of crochet techniques: a double crochet stitch and a chain of chain stitches. This is the basis of the basics of this technique.

We collect a chain of air loops. For each square you need 3 loops and 4 more to decorate the edge. We count 4 loops and in the fifth we knit a double crochet stitch. We knit two air loops and again knit a double crochet into the third loop of the warp. This creates a canvas of “unpainted cells.”

Full cells are obtained if, instead of a chain of two loops, two double crochets are knitted into the base. In fact, you need to make a small piece of four columns to get a fully shaded cell.

Adding full cells

Using the method described above, you can create a square and rectangular product. If there is a need to knit something with uneven edges, you need to master ways to widen and narrow them.

You can add both cells and half-cells to the product, as if cut diagonally. Let's look at how to add full-fledged knitting elements without disturbing its symmetry.

In many fillet crochet books, the description says that at the end of a row you need to make a beginning for the next one. To do this, after you have knitted the last square, we cast on a chain of air loops at the rate of 3 loops per square plus 2 lifting loops. Then we knit them in the same way as in the first row.

Having reached the main fabric, we knit it in accordance with the pattern. At the end of the row we begin to add cells that are missing. To do this, we make a chain of two chain stitches and knit a stitch with four crochets at the base of the double crochet stitch. Exactly in the middle it will bend and form a full-fledged cell. We knit the next square, hooking the base of the double crochet into the middle of the previous one. This can continue until required quantity cells.

Adding half-cells or smooth transitions

With the method described above, the loin crochet turns out angular. This is a good decorative effect, but in some products it may be inappropriate. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to do smooth transition the edges. It only comes out on one cell.

At the end of the row, when you need to add a square, knit a chain of 5 chain stitches and make a stitch of the next row at the base of the last double crochet stitch. When you knit a row above the one you just knitted, knit the outer stitch into the third chain stitch of the new half-cell.

On the other edge of the product, perform an operation similar to adding full cells, only instead of four yarn overs, make two. The top of the new column is the beginning of the next row.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about expanding the edges of the product using the fillet technique. The main thing is to practice a little on the remnants of yarn so that all the cells are even and do not spoil general form products.

Reducing edges

Just like adding edges, you need to learn how to subtract them. There are also two ways to do this. If full square cells are reduced, then on one side the row is not completed exactly as much as it needs to be reduced.

On the second side you need to go back to the same number of loops. Half columns are best suited for these purposes. By knitting them, we practically do not change the appearance of the product, but we move the beginning of the new edge a few cells back.

It’s not difficult to master the second method, which is offered by fillet crochet. It touches the half-cells. On one side we start rad, skipping one bottom double crochet. On the other hand, we knit the outermost square without a chain of air loops. Thus, the edge of the product is smooth and without unnecessary corners.

First products

For beginners, it’s worth starting to learn fillet crochet from the simplest products. Regarding the shape, you should give preference to square and rectangular napkins. They will not require a special level of skill in terms of edge design. The product itself will turn out neat and complete, even if the person has not previously knitted using this technique.

For the first products, you can do something even more cunning. Try knitting a pillowcase for a sofa cushion. In this case, the edges will hide in the seams. To make the product even more impressive, place a contrasting fabric underneath, which will help highlight the beauty of the pattern.

When choosing a motif for your first product, remember that it should be as simple as possible. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting confused and ruining the entire drawing. More complex images can be knitted when you already have some experience in this technique. Then you can knit anything, even paintings and artistic curtains.

Sirloin clothing

Dresses and blouses knitted using this technique look quite impressive. Crochet loin allows you to create both casual clothes, and elegant evening or Cocktail Dresses. Beach tunics also look good. They add charm and modesty to any fashionista who appears near the water in beautiful swimsuit, covered with such clothes.

To create a simple masterpiece, it is not necessary to master all the intricacies of technology. The simplest cut of a tunic is two rectangles. With this pattern, you don't even have to fuss with the sleeve openings and neckline.

When starting to knit a product, think carefully about its concept and choose the right pattern or design. Roughly calculate how long the future clothing will be and how many squares it will be. The width of the cage itself is best measured in practice by knitting a test sample from the same yarn as the entire product.

Sirloin crochet sweaters

You will get a beautiful blouse only if you approach this issue as responsibly and seriously as possible. First you need to find a pattern. According to which future clothes will be created. It must be transferred to cardboard, since during the work you will have to repeatedly apply the finished fabric to it and control its width and the size of the armholes.

Next, choose a pattern. There are no restrictions at all in this matter. You can find any geometric one-color pattern for embroidery, or you can use a monochrome pattern. Or you can draw the future pattern yourself on a checkered leaf.

Next, we begin knitting, using the techniques known to us. At the end of the work, do not forget about finishing the edge. No matter how carefully the work is done, its edge will always be a little sloppy. Therefore, you need to at least cover it with one row of single crochets. But it’s best to knit some kind of decorative border that matches the style of the product.

Art products

Some may think that fillet crocheting a summer sweater is a simple and mundane task. In fact, even with such a simple technique you can reach unsurpassed heights artistic products. The main thing is to show a little ingenuity and creativity.

But crocheted napkins look the most beautiful using this technique. Fillet knitting allows you to create real masterpieces. Craftswomen develop designs for such napkins independently and embody them in works that are worthy of being exhibited in the best art galleries in the world. The main thing is that such a napkin can be knitted by any person who understands the principle of fillet knitting. You just need to add a little creativity to this process.

The fabric using the fillet knitting technique is made in rows in forward and reverse directions and is double-sided. Can be done in the round (tubular knitting), but with each even row knitted in the opposite direction after the closed row, “on the wrong side” of the work. At the same time, at the beginning of the row, instead of the 1st double crochet, 3 lifting air loops are knitted.

Filet knitting patterns consist of empty squares and squares with a cross. For fillet knitting, you can use any pattern for single-color cross stitch.

Empty cells in the diagrams mean square background cells, usually formed from 2 chain loops and a double crochet. Cells with a cross indicate grid cells filled with 2 double crochets.

If you are starting to knit using the fillet technique and have a pattern diagram, it is easy to calculate the number of stitches to cast on.
For example, the circuit contains 10 cells. For each cell you need 3 air loops of the chain (1 loop for the column and 2 loops for the bottom side of the cell). In addition, you need 6 additional loops for the 1st cell of the 1st row.
Thus we get: 10x3+6=36 loops. The 1st stitch in the row is knitted from the 9th loop of the chain from the end. The number of lifting loops when replacing the first column at the beginning of the row is made according to general rules. If you deviate from these rules, the number of lifting loops must be specified in the instructions for the model or in the knitting pattern.
When moving to each next row, 5 loops are knitted (3 lifting loops instead of a column + 2 loops for turning - the upper side of the cell).
As a second option, in order not to bother yourself with the tedious counting of these loops, knit a chain required length(approximately) from a separate thread, then return to its beginning and knit the 2nd row from the ball (spool). The extra loops of the chain can be unraveled at the end of the 2nd row, and the missing ones can be tied up.

Knitting loin fabric requires special care and high density. All cells should be the same shape, the loops should not be stretched, the columns should not be dangling.
When knitting a stitch, the hook must be inserted into the middle of its upper part, and not under the two half-loops of the bottom row. In order for a knitted loin fabric made from cotton yarn to have a distinct pattern, you should use a hook half a size smaller than required for yarn of the same thickness in another type of knitting. This will allow you to achieve automatic knitting of loops with a small diameter and obtain an ideal fabric without “distracting elements” (additional gaps from loosely tightened loops, pulled half-loops when they are attached to lower elements, etc.).


By using the "single chain drop" operation (see below), we can work a double crochet on one chain stitch as described below. In this case, such a CH will be higher than a standard CH, which is important, for example, for adjusting the height of the CH when knitting a fillet mesh to obtain an even cell:

Let's consider main types of cells and principles of increases and decreases in fillet knitting

1. The most often used is a mesh made of double crochet stitches and 1 chain stitch (f. 1); with 1CH and 2ch (f.2) between them; with 1 dc and 3 ch:

The filled cell consists of 3 double crochets, knit it as follows: *1 double crochet over the double crochet of the previous row, 1 (2) double crochets under the arch of 1 (2) chain stitches (or 1(2) double crochet over double crochet from previous row)*, 1 double crochet over next double crochet from previous row.
It should be kept in mind that the last column of the previous cell is also the first column of the next cell. Therefore, for two adjacent filled cells, 7 columns are needed, instead of the expected 8, and for three adjacent cells - 10, instead of the expected 12, etc. (Fig. 4 in the 2nd photo).

In addition to the so-called straight check, which was mentioned above, several modified checks, motifs with chains in the form of spiders, as well as rings and half-rings from air loops and crossed stitches, are also used in fillet patterns. Sometimes the pattern requires that the filling of the cell be sparse. To do this, in these cells the columns need to be knitted not in a row, but through 1 air loop. Having mastered the method of knitting a mesh or, as it is also called, a lattice, with even cells, you can make a pattern of flowers and leaves, geometric shapes, as well as letters of the alphabet (patterns are shown below). In order for the contours of the elements of the figures or the contours of the letter to be more expressive, in the filled cells according to the pattern, instead of a double crochet, knit 2 double crochets with a common vertex or an embossed facial dc. The contours will be expressive and embossed.

2. Tulle background.
Based on a large cell, the fillet pattern can be complemented with a so-called tulle background. To form its cells, instead of a central air loop, the cells are knitted with 1 double crochet stitch, dividing the large cell in half (Fig. 7)
Large square cells are often used as decorative inclusions when making meshes with smaller cells (Fig. 10).
Their width is usually equal to 2 cells, height - 2 rows. In the 1st row, instead of two cells, 11 air loops are knitted, and in the 2nd row, 2 air loops of a small cell located in front of the large cell, and 1 connecting stitch in the 3rd air loop of the chain. On the next 6 chain stitches knit connecting posts and knit 2 chain stitches for the small cell following the large cell on the other side. In the next row, 2 small ones are knitted above the large cell.