The ideal girl through the eyes of men: who is she? The ideal girl in the eyes of men

When making new girlfriends or communicating with the opposite sex, situations often arise when you need to make a description of a girl, introducing her to friends or relatives in absentia. And it turns out that this is not an easy task. It is difficult not only to talk about the character, but also to figuratively imagine the appearance of a stranger. The article will be useful to those who want to learn how to do it without problems.

Appearance: first impression

It is, as a rule, the strongest and indicates the mood and expectations of a person. The most striking and essential detail catches the eye. A description of a girl by a guy may differ from that made by a woman or a peer. So, he can pay attention to the alluring look, plump lips or slender legs. And the girl notes unusual color lipstick, stylish haircut or dress shoes. A woman will guess her age, noticing features that betray her, etc. But everyone will most likely pay attention to the general silhouette: tall, short, full, petite, dressed inappropriately for the weather, in a hat, with an umbrella in her hands.

You can start the description with a significant detail through a holistic perception of a person. It develops even when the communication lasted a few seconds. And then it is best to build the algorithm as follows:

Appearance: general impression

It requires concentration on details. It is important to note those moments and features that make a person unique. Even twins have subtle differences that can be detected. Special signs include tattoos, moles and scars in prominent places, features of gait, gestures, facial expressions. There are people with heterochromic eyes, a noticeable asymmetry of the face, a special diction. A description of a girl's appearance is impossible without assessing her posture, her ability to wear clothes, use accessories and perfume. All this makes up a general impression and may indicate individual character traits: neatness / untidiness, confidence / uncertainty, sociability / isolation, etc.

Appearance: mnemonic tricks

In order to better remember, people use associations: verbal and visual. This also applies to a person's appearance. When meeting a stranger, guys often have comparisons that you should try to fix in your memory. So, a blonde with long hair fluttering in the wind is easily associated with a field on which wheat is earing. Blue eyes reminiscent of the waters of the ocean. A freckled girl with an upturned nose takes us to a warm spring day. And a shock of red hair, depending on the shade, can be compared with both a haystack and a fireball.

The description of the girl will be colorful if associations and comparisons are conveyed by epithets: a swan neck, a dancing gait, a cooing dialect, a regal posture, model appearance, healthy hair, icy look, wasp waist, chocolate tan. Conventional expressions also come to the rescue: legs from the ears, gait from the hip, dressed to the nines.

Fashion girl: description

IN Lately In everyday life, the expression "glamorous girl" appeared. Among its characteristics are the following points:

  • Following fashion trends. But not blind. Such girls are distinguished by the selection of outfits suitable for the features of the figure and other wardrobe items.
  • Availability of clothes Pink colour shades matching the look.
  • An impeccable sense of style that allows you to create an integral image.
  • The ability to pick up things, colors and interiors around you.

Today fashion girls- these are not those who dress in expensive boutiques and update their wardrobe every year. Rather, they are those with a sense of style, taste and the ability to radically change the image with a separate detail. The description of the girl should not emphasize the enumeration of the elements of clothing, but their combination and ability to wear. For to have taste means to choose an outfit that best suits inner world its owner and telling about the features of her character.

Character and behavior

Among the signs glamorous girl character traits that make it such stand out. Let's name the main ones:

  • Charming and seductive, it does not go unnoticed. At the same time, scandals and abuse are not her way of attracting attention. When she does not want to express obscenities.
  • She is so well brought up that she is always friendly and smiling. That is why everyone is happy with her. She is always ready to listen to someone else's opinion, respecting it, even if it does not coincide with her beliefs.
  • The focus is on self-development, communication with friends and travel.
  • She does not put her problems at the forefront, loading others around them and falling into hysterics.
  • Knowing about his own shortcomings, he knows how to turn them into a newfangled trend.

The description of a girl, her character and behavior can be considered through her compliance with the requirements of a glamorous person. For for any man this is an ideal to which one should aspire. For more complete picture it should be noted what illustrates the volitional sphere (confidence, purposefulness, determination), intelligence (mind, curiosity), business (hard work, responsibility, laziness) and communicative qualities (responsiveness, kindness, aggression).

According to the type of character among people, introverts stand out, whose attention is directed inward, and extroverts, aimed at communicating with the outside world. This is very important point to understand the way of life of a girl and those of her actions, which we call behavior.

Hardest to describe beautiful girl. Usually, it is quite difficult to decipher the concept itself, although we all understand that we are talking about physical perfection. It turns out that the distance from the line of the eyes to the line of the lips, as well as between the pupils, is important for beauty.

The best ratio for a woman, according to research by scientists from Toronto, is 36% of the width of the face (in the first case) and 46% of the length in the second. The figures closest to the ideal were found in Shania Twain, a country music performer from Canada.

The left side of the face attracts more attention and seems prettier. If a girl needs to take a picture in profile, you should take a picture on the left.

Men are especially attracted to women's smiles, but for the fair sex, this indicator is not a priority. Subconsciously, for men, girls who look like their mother seem more attractive.

This article contains the main male judgments about what an ideal girl should be like: a description of appearance, character, habits. Here women can see what men value and want to see in a life partner, and what annoys them.

Who is the perfect girl? Its description is a combination of the incompatible. Every man wants to see nearby at the same time a saint and a sinner, beautiful and faithful, kind and with character, busy and attentive. IN real life it's usually different people, but after all, it is not forbidden to strive for the ideal?

For centuries, the weak half of humanity has been arguing about who is more attractive: brunettes or blondes, full or thin? But men do not have a single opinion on this matter. Someone is attracted to strict and aggressive brunettes, someone is attracted to cute blondes, and some are passionate redheads. Some men prefer a relief figure, while others prefer a slender body. Some people are turned on by piercings and tattoos, while others are turned on by the romance of the 19th century. The list of the ideal woman includes long legs, And short haircuts, And big breasts or bottomless eyes.

However, all men note that they are important:


Monitor the condition of nails, hair, do depilation in time, do not forget about self-care products. Clothing should always be clean, ironed and sit on the figure, emphasizing advantageous places and hiding flaws.

Ruslan, 32 years old.

“I hate girls with regrown hair roots and sloppy manicures. Let her be better combed or just cut, but the slovenliness in the image is definitely repulsive.

Knowing of limits

Fishnet stockings peeking out from under a miniskirt are good in a nightclub, on theme party and for home striptease. But in ordinary life it is better to dress elegantly and without excessive pretentiousness. Ideally, if you have your own style of dressing and stick to it.

Igor, 27 years old.
“The ideal woman cannot dress vulgarly. Looking at the ideal, I should get aesthetic pleasure, and not feel like a hero of cheap porn "

Ability to present yourself

That is, do not mutter under your breath, but proudly carry yourself, wear clothes for the season and the occasion, wear stilettos if you know how to walk on them.

Sergey, 35 years old.
« perfect girl should walk next to me light gait, with a half-smile on his face, leaving behind a trail of pleasant perfume. I will turn around in her wake and understand: this is the One.

Ideal girl: character description

All men want to see in a woman both a seductress and a fighting girlfriend. They don't need to be understood, but they need to be supported. You can always rely on the perfect girl, she will be next to you in Hard time and on a losing streak.

Absolutely all men distinguish in women two important qualities: fidelity and a sense of humor, or at least a cheerful disposition. They should always be. Especially the first one.

An ideal girl will never arrange a concert in the style of “Where is my 10-carat diamond ring?”, a scene of jealousy due to a protracted corporate party, she will understand and support male hobby football or fishing.

Andrey, 39 years old.
“When on a date I confessed to a girl that my favorite football team was playing at the same time, she took me to the nearest sports bar, and together we cheered for my champions. It was then that I realized: this is my ideal!

Ideal Girl Lifestyle Description

The ideal girl in the view of all men should be a good housewife, be able to cook deliciously, be happy to wash, clean and iron. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, but the stronger sex is ready to forgive the lack of housekeeping, if a woman is attentive to her partner and passionate. The fire in the blood always attracts and excites, and looseness in bed is valued no less than delicious borscht.

Guys don't like smoking and drinking girls. The maximum that can be expected is patience with women's weaknesses. But none of the men will ever turn on bad habits in the list of qualities of his ideal.

Who is the perfect girl? Each man has his own description, so in search of exemplary, do not lose yourself.

Perfect Girl - Description: Video

The ideal appearance of a girl, what is she like, how to achieve it and always look perfectly beautiful? This difficult question it is women who are most interested in, it is practically not important for men. For real men, the ideal appearance is the appearance of his beloved! But females are so often looking for this “ideal appearance” in order to get a little closer to it.

What is such an ideal? Notorious parameters 90-60-90? Are your legs long and slender? Thick hair And perfect skin faces? Not at all! Any will be ideal if she knows how to present herself correctly.

Well-being always comes first!

Any girl who strives to have a perfect appearance must first of all learn how to properly care for all parts of her body. Such care includes not only well-chosen cosmetics and perfumes, not only cleanly washed and beautifully styled hair, not only beautiful and fashion clothes. There are many more components

Sports, even regular exercises in the morning will help keep the body in good shape. Sometimes with the same exercise you can correct some of the shortcomings of your figure - tighten your stomach and hips, make your back straight and walk royal. And it also raises the girl's self-esteem, which makes her steps towards ideality just gigantic.

Hairdresser and dentist best friends girls with perfect looks. And this is not a joke, this is very serious! Properly selected hairstyle, snow-white healthy teeth they simply attract the eyes of not only men, but also other women to their owners.

plus to cosmetic beauty, healthy teeth allow a girl to eat right and avoid gastrointestinal problems - and this will good color face, ease of gait and good mood(if nothing hurts, then there is nothing to worry about).

Now a little about the "competent" hairstyle. Thanks to some nuances when choosing a hairstyle, you can emphasize the main advantages (for example, a long and graceful neck) and hide flaws (for example, protruding ears or overly narrow eyes). You can change your features or style so drastically that even your friends won't immediately recognize you.

Clothes will emphasize and disguise! The real charm is not in the fashion and price of clothing, but in its style. And a girl with a perfect appearance should always know what and when she should wear. Moreover, the selection of clothes, as well as the selection of hairstyles, will help hide all the flaws and highlight and emphasize all the advantages of the figure.

Big and high chest plus a neckline - and you won’t take your eyes off such a girl. Slightly crooked legs with graceful ankles - sandals or shoes with beautiful straps plus a hippie-style skirt will completely change the image and add mystery and grace. There are as many options for combining and selecting clothes for the style of an ideal girl as there are figures - the main thing is to find something of your own, individual!

The mind and charm of any "gray mouse" can make a girl with an ideal appearance.
Wanting to have a perfect appearance, many girls for some reason forget about their inner beauty, which is much more valued than outdoor. Cheeky behavior, swear words, excessive outrageousness can erase any beauty from a girl like an eraser drawing from a piece of paper. And about what then perfect appearance can talk?

Ability to keep up a conversation. This feature always attracts not only men, but also women. Do not interrupt, listen to the interlocutor with real, and not ostentatious attention, with interest - this is what the ability to maintain a conversation is.

Don't be smart, just have a conversation. Eyes open towards the interlocutor, supporting nods - and the appearance of such a girl will immediately become so perfect that it will attract not only the views, but also the hearts of people. And the most important thing here is the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Smile and smile again. Moreover, a sincere smile, and not a “duty grin”, is able to smooth out any flaws in the face and appearance. There are always several such smiles, depending on the situation and on who she communicates with. This may be a slightly condescending smile towards the child, or it may be encouraging for your interlocutor, who is a little embarrassed.

It can be a joyful smile towards your young man, and maybe a little sad if he is wrong. The more such smiles in a girl's arsenal, the more ideal her appearance becomes. She not only disposes, she arouses the admiration of others.

A persuasive voice. This is another important factor for the ideal appearance of a girl. Agree, a beauty who literally deafens you with her loud voice is unlikely to cause admiration. But the softness of intonations, iridescent laughter, can simply attract attention.

The softer and quieter the girl speaks, the more they listen to her. The more “good” attention is paid to her, the more ideal she becomes. A woman is a thunderer, with a bass that can break glass with its decibels, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to attract even her ideal beauty.

It is from these components that the ideal appearance of a girl is formed, which many dream of. It's not about natural data, but about the ability to work on yourself and achieve this ideal appearance!

A prerequisite is the presence of a manicure. Nails should not be too long, men rarely like a scratched back. They like it better when a girl has medium-length nails with a neat manicure. The ideal option is a French or colorless varnish. Chips in the lacquer can spoil the whole impression.

With regard to hairstyles and makeup, men with both hands for naturalness. Many girls think that men like blondes, they are wrong! Men are most attracted to brunettes. As for the length of the hair, here preference will be given medium length. Lack of makeup is perceived as untidy. A woman should look attractive, but at the same time there should not be a feeling that she spent a lot of time and effort on it.

You need to be able to emphasize your best sides and hide your flaws. Men really like women in dresses and skirts. Mini skirts and mini dresses will give a man the idea that the girl is easily accessible.

The colors in the wardrobe can be very different, the main thing is that they are not dull. This does not mean that you need to wear all the colors of the rainbow, the colors should be in harmony with each other.

Not unimportant is the smell. Nobody likes to smell sweat. Perfume with a pungent smell will also not attract a man. But a light plume of a subtle aroma can put a man into a trance.

These are all the moments of the ideal appearance of a girl in the eyes of men. Each of us has different tastes and preferences, so it will not be possible for everyone to be perfect, but I hope the main points are clear. Do not try to stand out with clothes, stand out with good manners and intelligence.

Tell me, has anyone met an ideal girl in life who would be impeccable in everything: style of clothing, appearance, character, behavior? Most likely, no one can accurately describe what the ideal should look like. modern woman. And all this is not for the reason that there is no ideal, because for everyone it is different.

So, what does the ideal woman look like through the eyes of men? Let's try to figure it out.

The image of the ideal girl: basic qualities

1. Modesty

The modesty of a girl is one of the main features that men note when describing their ideal. They really appreciate quiet, well-mannered and calm people who can become good mothers in the future. That is why it is better for a girl to be laconic, mysterious, in order to conquer a man with the aristocratic restraint of her character.

Remember, men do not like vulgar and arrogant girls. They will not choose such women if they are really looking for a soul mate and have serious intentions.

2. Beauty

Beauty - this criterion for an individual man is his own. One and the same girl is able to attract one man to herself, but repel another. However, the generally accepted standards of appearance are the correct oval of the face, gentle lips, gorgeous eyes, well-groomed shiny hair and skin a slim body, elastic, albeit a small chest.

Today, more and more men began to appreciate it natural beauty so the girl has to choose natural makeup and laconic hair styling. It is very important to properly care for the skin, because it is she who gives out the age of the beauty.

3. Intelligence

The intelligence of a girl is an integral part of the ideal female image. Many men do not want to see a girl next to them who surpasses him in terms of intelligence. Therefore, as they say, everything is good in moderation. In truth, a smart lady should skillfully hide her deep mind, analytical abilities, raising a man to a podium of honor and respect.

4. Style

Girl style - this concept is rather vague, but most men prefer that in female image a single line was traced. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer the girl to wear dresses and skirts. At the same time, they do not always like colorful clothes in clothes.

The ideal girl skillfully selects the cut of skirts in accordance with the slimness and length of the legs, and dresses - according to the figure and posture. Don't get caught up in the moment fashion trends if they don't fit into your image.

If you have beautiful breasts, know how to emphasize this dignity with clothes with plunging neckline. Girls who cannot boast of a chic big breasted, should pay attention to the elegant Hollywood armhole, which can emphasize the fragility of a delicate figure.

Stockings, all kinds of hats and jewelry must be selected so that they do not look pretentious and vulgar. The ideal woman will use these details "dosed" to simply focus on the merits of the figure.

5. Ability to cook

The girl's ability to cook delicious food. Let the heart of a man, as you know, lies through the stomach. That's why girls should master this skill. It's good if you learn how to cook yummy even from simple products! For the holiday real woman, according to men, should cover chic table so that guests want to try everything that will be displayed on it. If a girl is to receive important guests, she must please the tastes of everyone. This is especially true for the parents of a man, especially his mother.

6. Support and support

Reliable support and support is what guys value in girls. Even the most strong representatives males need female support and care. The perfect girl should know when to say good word and hug your loved one. She is able to give him real wings that help him fly to the top of his career.

7. Self-confidence

Self-confidence is the hallmark of an ideal girl. Everything should indicate that she has a sense of dignity - facial expressions, gait, gestures, eyes. Such a girl always sets a goal for herself and achieves it, and therefore every man wants to be with her.

Girls! Try to be yourself and don't imitate anyone. But remember that every man chooses a worthy woman!

Be sincere and loving, faithful and devoted, do not prevaricate! Remember, not a single woman has yet managed to become truly happy in life by fraudulent means!