A short conspiracy to fulfill the desire to read. On a handkerchief. So, for this simple rite, an early desire to fulfill a wish must be prepared

The legends and beliefs of our great-grandfathers contain wonderful conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires. Sincere prayers and spells invented by the people can bring you closer to a dream. The main thing is to believe in the possibility of its implementation.

How to fulfill a dream with magic

Any magical rite is aimed at bringing the plan to life, only the result of the rituals is different. Black magic indulges base and sinful passions, human cruelty and hatred more.

The rituals offered by bright sorcerers are able to fulfill any requirements: from a banal increase in finances to ambitions in the realization of talents. They will help you find your soul mate, remove obstacles to wealth, heal from severe ailments, and give you the joy of motherhood.

Like any planned event, conspiracies for desire require a certain technology for conducting.

  1. The dream must be relevant and meaningful. You should not resort to magic to satisfy momentary needs. The misuse of magic can knock down the code of fate for a whole range of generations.
  2. Determination must be supported by a real desire to fulfill the plan and confidence in the result. Importance psychological mood undeniable.
  3. Try to keep things secret. Magic means mystery
  4. Make good wishes that won't hurt anyone.

We present several ceremonies that were preferred by the ancestors.

For action you will need:

  • Three laurel leaves.
  • Blank paper.
  • Pen with red ink (paste).

On the night of the new moon, write a wish and voice it out loud three times. Fold the letter in three, placing bay leaves inside. Repeat request. Fix the ceremony by reading prayers known to you, hide the letters in a secret place.

Every day, until your plan is fulfilled, voice your dream after waking up. As soon as it comes true, burn the paper with leaves, and spread the ashes, not forgetting to thank the Universe.

This ritual will help you get help from the Almighty.

Buy four images: the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Guardian Angel and Christ the Savior. Alone, when it gets dark, cover the table with a white cloth or tablecloth, arrange icons in the form of a pyramid (except personal).

On paper, write what you want to receive, put the letters on the candles. Gently lower the icon of your Angel face up onto the sheet. Before the images, light a candle and read the plot:

Heavenly Father! All the Saints and the Most Holy Mother of God, hear my prayers and help me, the servant of God (your name), fulfill my cherished desire (voice it).

While the wicks are burning, read "Our Father", and then ask the saints for help in fulfilling your plan. When the fire burns out and the wax melts, place the charmed paper in a volume of the Bible and do not take it out for forty days. With the right execution, the dream will soon become a reality.

The strongest magical sacrament is performed on a day off (Saturday or Sunday) before dawn. Prepare water, bread, a pinch of salt and light a candle. Place the slice of bread on the right palm, and take the salt with the fingers of the left hand. Sprinkling bread, say:

Bread and salt prepared for the gods, destined for dreams. I long for my wish (voice) to come true. Eat bread and salt to the crumbs, the wish will come true, I will thank the gods.

Biting and chewing the muffin, imagine that the dream has come true. Wash down what you eat with three sips of water, saying it before drinking:

Just as everything living in the world comes from water, so my cherished desire will be born from it. Spring water, sister water, help me.

At the end of the ceremony, say:

Holy bread, salt and water will always help, this is a joy, it does not matter at all. Therefore, what is said is done. Amen.

It has long been known that the human aura is most susceptible to outside influences. Therefore, practicing psychics are advised to refrain from noisy crowded parties and dangerous events. And to be with positive thoughts alone and try to plan for the coming year, focus on bringing important goals to life with the help of wish magic, will be very useful and effective.

Before starting the ritual, formulate a short, concise phrase that excites you. Mentally repeating the cherished words, light on an empty table church candles(three pieces) and clearly read the spell:

Bless, have mercy, Father, to your servant (s) ... Let the devil, The Dark Knight, will make his way through the window, through the chimney and approach dining table my oak. Let him give me gifts: golden magic dust and three bones of one calf. As the moon walks in the dark night sky, so I, the servant (s) of God (s) (say the name again), will be lucky at that time. Cherished words Now I will close the lock on a strong one, and I will throw the key that opens them to the bottom of the deep ocean-ocyyan. So be it. Amen (thrice).

Say the conspiracy words twelve times. Don't remove the candles, let them burn out.

Finally, we will describe a rite that can fulfill the most cherished, incredible desire. When using the magic of the spirits of fire - salamanders, remember that they can be attracted to help only once. In a dark closed room, draw a triangular equilateral figure on the floor so that one of the peaks is directed south (according to mythology, salamanders live there). Place a glass sphere or a large clear crystal in the center of the square. On a smooth sheet of paper, write (draw) your dream, the implementation of which you entrust to higher powers. Cast the spell while burning the letter in the candle flame:

Father of all uncreated things, you are eternal and indescribable, you rush in a fiery chariot, constantly moving through the worlds-planets. Ruler of the boundless ether, in which you sit on the throne, the Almighty. From there, from the throne, everything is open to your eyes, obvious and secret. Send your children, O Almighty, to the fulfillment of my desire (voice the dream). Let it be so!

Elemental spirits will respond to the call and will definitely help the petitioner.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish is an old way to fulfill your plan and enlist the help of Higher Forces. For a magic spell to really help, you must follow certain recommendations and be sure to believe in success.

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Basic recommendations for reading conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires

Like any real magical act, reading conspiracies for desires requires strict adherence to the prescribed rules.

Before you conduct a ritual for the fulfillment of a desire at home, you need:

  • stay in a secluded place;
  • choose a specific time for the ritual;
  • use magical paraphernalia;
  • to pronounce the words of the conspiracy exactly.

To fulfill a desire with the help of magic is possible only by maintaining the purity of thoughts. It must be understood that in witchcraft nothing comes for free. However, the point here is not about money, but about the amount of energy directed towards a positive result.

In order for the plan to be realized and the spell to work, magical conspiracy should read:

  • if your dream does not run counter to the Divine plan and Christian values;
  • keeping positive attitude and faith in the result;
  • acting with an understanding of where is black and where.

The most powerful rites for the fulfillment of desires

Of the many rituals for the fulfillment of human desires, the most powerful can be distinguished:

  • a conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a handkerchief;
  • ritual with hair;
  • water conspiracy;
  • ritual for the fulfillment of a wish with a candle;
  • "six-day" ritual;
  • ritual "witch's basket";
  • ritual "spirit of desires";
  • ritual for the fulfillment of desires before going to bed;
  • pigtail plot;
  • rite "pot of desires";
  • ritual with paper;
  • conspiracy on the mirror;
  • prayer for the fulfillment of all desires;
  • ritual with photography;
  • ritual with keys.

Strong ritual on a scarf

To perform a strong ritual on a handkerchief, you will need any clean handkerchief.


  1. Having concentrated, you need to think carefully about what you want at the moment.
  2. Say out loud the desire three times and start reading the plot.

May the great spirit of the Lord fulfill my desire, for there will be help from the Heavenly Father to those who believe in him. Unknown ways will help my desire come true, in reality it will find flesh. The Holy Spirit will reward the servant of God (name) what he asks for. I will tighten the handkerchief with a knot, I will pray to the Lord God, I will rely on his will. Amen.

After the plot is executed, it is necessary to store a scarf under the pillow.

Hair conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

In order for a powerful conspiracy to work quickly on the hair, you need to:

  1. Cut off a strand of hair on the growing moon.
  2. Braid the cut curl into a pigtail.
  3. Tie with white thread.

I weave a desire into a braid, what is conceived and conceived, then yes it will come true. Help the guardian angel, with God's help, fulfill the desire. For the good of your servant (name) and good people.

Conspiracy for water

In order for the strongest wish-fulfilling rite on water to work, you need to:

  1. On a clean piece of paper, write your cherished desire.
  2. Get a glass clean water(preferably from a well).
  3. Take three teaspoons of salt.
  4. Stirring the water in the glass clockwise with a spoon, gradually pour salt into it, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.
  5. After - burn the paper with desire.
  6. Pour the ashes into a glass and, stirring, read the following words three times: “Water-voditsa, my sister! Help me - fulfill the desire! May my word be strong, firm, indestructible. Amen".
  7. After the end of the ritual, the water should be drunk.

Conspiracy with a candle

For powerful conspiracy required green candle, symbolizing success, wealth, fulfillment of desires, as well as:

  • lavender oil;
  • ground pepper.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the day of the full moon, you need to take a candle and scratch a wish on it with a needle.
  2. Then thickly grease the base of the candle with lavender oil.
  3. Then sprinkle with ground pepper.
  4. Light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy for seven times: “Light the fire of the candle - the wish come true!”.
  5. You need to stare at the candle and imagine the wish come true.
  6. During the ritual, it is necessary to turn to saints, for example, to Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  7. It is necessary to wait until the candle burns out, and store the wax from it under the pillow for three nights.

Six Day Ritual

It is a universal magical rite that is used to:

  • the embodiment of the most secret desire;
  • fulfillment of daily desires in the near future.

Help me Lord and all the Saints in heaven, I appeal to you with a prayer from the heart going. I ask you for the fulfillment of desire. Amen (three times).

Each time, reading a conspiracy, it is necessary, completing it, to pray, saying: "Our Father." Fulfillment of desires will happen the faster, the more the person conducting the ritual wants this.

Ritual "Witch's Basket"

A simple ceremony should be performed on the last Sunday of the month.

For the ritual you will need:

  • candles;
  • decorative basket;
  • three bay leaves;
  • seven rose petals (red);
  • writing paper;
  • small bag (made of cotton).

Algorithm for performing actions:

  1. Put the basket on the table, light the candles.
  2. Write your cherished desires on a piece of paper within exactly one hour (one for 4 weeks of the next month). Desires must be different. Don't have bad dreams.
  3. Then the candles should be extinguished, the wishes put in the basket and covered with a scarf.
  4. It is unacceptable for a leaf with desires to catch anyone's eyes.
  5. On each subsequent Sunday of the month, you need to light a candle and pull out a wish list.
  6. The procedure is performed with closed eyes.
  7. Next, you should get a note with a desire from the basket and put it in a bag. And carry it around for a week.
  8. Then the paper must be burned, and the ashes scattered in the wind.
  9. Repeat the procedure every next Sunday.

Ritual "Spirit of Desire"

Before making wishes or a wizard of wishes at home, it is worth thinking about the consequences. Communication with otherworldly forces is not always safe, it requires maximum concentration of will and, of course, respect for spirits. If all conditions are met, you can proceed to the ritual.

In order to invoke the Spirit of Desire, you need to do the following:

  1. Clearly formulate a cherished desire in your head.
  2. Close the doors of the room you are in tightly. It should not have mirrors.
  3. Prepare treats for the spirits, such as sweets, fruits, or honey.
  4. Stand with your back to the gifts and say in Latin: “Great Spirit come to me, make your wish come true” / “Magna Spiritus Veni ad me, velle venit verum”.
  5. The spirit must materialize after calling three times. At the time of its appearance, turning around is strictly prohibited.
  6. Then you should ask the spirit for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Then you should thank him and let him go in peace.

Another way to call the Spirit of Desires is presented in the video. The video was filmed by the Cs Gocockroach channel.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires before going to bed

Sleep is important element in any magical rite, thanks to the ability to subconsciously influence the process of fulfilling desires.

For the correct execution of the ritual you need:

  1. On the night of the full moon, swim in clear water.
  2. Then take a glass of consecrated water in your hand and think about the desire.
  3. Ask for help in its implementation of the guardian angels.
  4. Stand at the window into which the moonlight falls and turn counterclockwise three times.
  5. To speak a conspiracy: "Guardian Angel, come to my call, the servant of God (name) is ready for the fulfillment of desire."
  6. You need to speak the fulfillment of desires and ideas by repeating the spell thirty-three times, and then go to bed.

The wish will come true not "right now", but in the very near future.

Pigtail conspiracy

A real way to quickly fulfill a conceived desire is called “magic pigtail”.

To implement an effective rite, you need:

  1. Make a pigtail. Three small red laces are suitable for her. They need to be tied with knots.
  2. After the pigtail, you need to increase to 12 weaves.
  3. At the time of weaving and after it, it is necessary to visualize the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  4. Repeat the words of the conspiracy 12 times: "Weave a pigtail, weave - a wish come true."
  5. After the wish comes true, the pigtail must be burned with gratitude.

Ritual "Pot of desires"

A powerful ritual for the fulfillment of desires, which will work best if you resort to it on your birthday.

For the ritual, you need to prepare:

  • clay pot;
  • white matter;
  • ribbon of gold or red color;

Carrying out algorithm:

  1. You need to buy a small clay pot (200-300 ml).
  2. Put a thing on the bottom that symbolizes your desire.
  3. Pour honey into a bowl and leave on the table, do not cover with a lid.
  4. The next day, you need to cover the pot with a piece of white cloth and tie it with a ribbon.
  5. Hide the pot of desire in a secret place.
  6. Once a week, take out a pot and say a wish over honey.
  7. When the wish comes true, honey should be poured under the bush, and the pot should be washed.

Ritual with a piece of paper

The ritual for the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire is carried out on the growing moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • notebook;
  • laurel leaf;
  • pencil or colored pen.


  1. Need to write to notebook sheet wish.
  2. Then fold in the form of an envelope and place the parsley inside.
  3. Shout out a wish three times.
  4. Pray to guardian angels.
  5. Hide the wish sheet in a secret place.

In the near future, the wish will come true, after which the written paper must be burned, and the ashes should be washed off with clean water.

Conspiracy on the mirror

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Buy a small round mirror.
  2. Wash it in spring water.
  3. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
  4. Then, you should look in the mirror without blinking, and read the plot three times.
  5. Then hide the mirror under the pillow.

Conspiracy words:

I look through the mirror, I serve the Lord God. When I see myself, I will give strength to the mirror. Look, look closely - my desire is sincere. It will not be forgotten, tomorrow it will come true. Amen.

When the wish comes true, you need to wash the mirror and put it off until next year.

Prayer for the fulfillment of all desires

Very strong prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire - an appeal to Saint Martha. It should be addressed if the desire comes from the very heart and will not harm anyone.

Before turning to the Saint for help, you should perform certain actions:

  1. Wash your body and put on clean clothes.
  2. Light a church candle (consecrated).
  3. Put fresh flowers in a vase on the table.
  4. Focus on good thoughts.
  5. Read the plot nine times in a row.

O Holy Martha, You are the Miracle-working! I ask you for help! You are completely in my need, and you will become my intercessor in all endeavors! With goodness in my heart, I vow that I will carry this prayer to people! With humility and hope I cry out - take away my sorrows and sorrows! In the bliss of the Holy Spirit that fills your heart, have mercy on me a sinner! Grant me and my loved ones the intercession of the Lord our God, and do not leave in that care that burdens my heart (name the desire). I humbly beg you, Martha, conquer need and sorrow, as you have overcome the Evil Serpent. Amen.

After saying the prayer to St. Martha, one should read “Our Father” and “Our Virgin Mary” at least once. For the wish to come true, you need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Ritual with a photo for the realization of desires

Very strong ritual aims to realize the innermost dreams in life. It is performed strictly on the new moon.

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Take a thick sheet of paper.
  2. Draw a circle in the center of the sheet.
  3. Paste your favorite photo inside the circle.
  4. Write the most important desires around the perimeter of the photo.
  5. Circle the listed desires.
  6. In the free field between the circles, write the words of the spell: "I am in the circles of invisible forces"! I am part of the creative force of the universe! May all my wishes come true!”

After the ritual, you need to hang the circle of desires so that your eyes always fall on it (you can in the center of the room). In most cases, wishes come true three weeks after the ritual.

Ritual with keys

According to reviews, this rite, together with a conspiracy to fulfill desires, has great power. It must be used in order to acquire something magically.


  • wax candle;
  • seven keys;
  • seven needles;
  • birch bark.


  1. On a new moon, a secret desire should be written on a piece of birch bark. Write down as if the wish has already come true.
  2. Next, you need to take a candle and grease its surface with honey. Then install on the candlestick and stick seven needles into it in turn, on which seven keys are then hung.
  3. Then it is worth lighting a candle and reading a conspiracy to make a wish come true.
  4. After reading the plot, you need to say the desire out loud. Then look at the candle flame until the first key falls, then extinguish the candle.
  5. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish must be reprimanded for seven days in a row.
  6. When the last key falls, you need to burn a piece of birch bark, and hide all the ritual items in a secluded place until your wishes come true.

Every person dreams of fulfilling the most cherished dream. Before going to bed, people often imagine perfect life fantasizing how their wildest wishes come true. Thoughts have a certain power, but the desired will come true faster if you add to dreams magical power conspiracies that have been tested over the years. Most of those who are interested in rituals for the fulfillment of desires believe that they will immediately help them fulfill their plans. Prayers that are read, and to achieve the fulfillment of desires, belong to white magic, are harmless in themselves and will not have in the future negative consequences. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish, which must be read before going to bed, refers to protective charms. Its main purpose is to attract happiness, good luck and prosperity.

Wish fulfillment magic: how does it work?

If a person decides to perform this simple and effective magical rite There are a few important conditions to keep in mind:

  1. The desire on which the conspiracy is read should not harm anyone.
  2. You should not use a conspiracy against your enemies, for example, for revenge.
  3. One must firmly believe in the magical power of prayer, otherwise it will not work.
  4. It is important to sincerely strive for your dream and want it to come true.
  5. A request to higher powers must be clearly formulated before the start of the ceremony.

What is the best time to read the plot?

In white magic Special attention is given to the circumstances under which prayers, conspiracies and spells are read. The main role is played by the phases of the moon - rituals and conspiracies that are read and performed before going to bed are directly related to its influence. For example, conspiracies financial well-being it is customary to read on the growing moon, but on the new moon the probability of achieving what you want with the help of conspiracies is very high. Most prayers are read by moonlight.

What conditions are needed to read a conspiracy to fulfill a wish before going to bed

This rite will work faster if you prepare for it properly. Turn everything off a couple of hours before bed. electrical devices in the room and focus on your feelings. You need to concentrate on the desire and try to imagine how life will change for the better after its realization. You should not try to conduct a ceremony for the sake of interest, to check whether it works or not. You need to start reading the conspiracy consciously, and most importantly, believe in it.

How to conduct a ceremony

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish, which is customary to read before going to bed, is very simple. You will need to buy an ordinary candle, you can do it in the church. It is important to pay attention to the color of the candle. In ritual, it will symbolize a specific goal, cause, or aspiration. The main colors of the candle that will symbolize your desire:

  • The white shade symbolizes protection and liberation from negative influences.
  • Orange will help to attract success and good luck.
  • Pink will bring love, romance and help you get married faster.
  • Blue color will help restore health and peace of mind.
  • Green color means favorable changes in life, job change and finances.
  • Red shades are suitable for those who dream of insane passion and victories on the love front.

The text of the prayer is simple, you need to write the lines:

“May my wish come true and bring me joy. Amen!"

For the ritual you need:

  1. Write a request on a piece of paper.
  2. Warm the candle in your hands so that the wax becomes soft, and form seven turns out of it.
  3. Put it on a piece of paper with a written dream.
  4. While the candle flame is burning, visualize desire without taking your eyes off the flame.
  5. As soon as the candle burns down to the last coil, a leaf with a desire to burn.

A conspiracy to fulfill a desire helps us to formulate an intention more clearly and express it more clearly to the Universe. Since man is always in close connection with the outside world, his request does not go unanswered - the Universe provides the necessary opportunities for the implementation of the desired. The most important thing is to see these opportunities, use them and be able to trust God in order to own desires did not turn to our detriment.

As for the ritual, this is just a way of conveying information, and therefore you can choose it freely - from those that appeal to you more. But whatever you choose - a conspiracy to desire from Stepanova, a conspiracy from Vanga, a magic spell or a self-invented ritual - wish and act only for the good (both for yourself and for others).

Basic Rules

Esotericism claims that almost any intention can be realized, but religion believes that God protects us from the realization of desires that can harm. Human consciousness, unfortunately, is limited and short-sighted. While exercising independent freedom of choice, we often cannot predict all the consequences, and therefore suffer from our own thoughts and actions.

The first rule of safety is to keep both of the above opinions in mind and, when expressing your desire, ultimately trust its fulfillment to the will of God.

Of course, for this, God, as such, must have a place in the picture of your world (moreover, it must be such a God who loves his creations and wishes them all the best.)

All other rules are secondary. However, they are also desirable to fulfill, since they create the conditions for the most complete and effective expression of intention. So, it is better to read the plot aloud, translating thought forms into a material state - into words and sounds (although you can first formulate the words of intention on paper). In addition, rituals should be done in solitude, in a calm environment, and without need to tell anyone about them. Also, it is highly desirable to fulfill the requirements prescribed for each individual ritual, as they help to transform the energy of desire into specific actions for the realization of what was conceived.

With water

Water conspiracies are considered one of the fastest and most effective. They are in the arsenal of every magician and healer (including Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova, Wang and many other healers). Water is the best carrier of information, and our body contains a significant amount of it. With the help of H2O, we can "program" our body and psyche, as well as make changes to the world around us.

It is better to read conspiracies on spring water- This perfect option for any rite of passage for the fulfillment of desire. In rituals where you do not need to drink water, you can use rain, river, sea, lake water (just take it in places where as few people as possible walk and bathe). If the ceremony provides for drinking water, but it is impossible to get spring water, use melted water. During freezing, it is necessary to discard the first crust of ice that appears, and after the final freezing, the remaining liquid that has not frozen. When the remaining cubes melt, you will receive the purest water and a powerful tool for fulfilling desires.

Glass of water

This ceremony is best done early in the morning, alone and before breakfast. Ideally, you need to walk to the spring and collect water in a glass there, but you can also use the prepared melt water. It is advisable to pre-read a prayer or meditate in order to clear the mind. Say a cherished desire three times over water in a glass, and then three times - the following conspiracy:

“Water-vodichka, mother and sister, you cleanse me, you fill me; May the day you start give me good luck, every clean sip - for a happy outcome.

Sip the water slowly in small sips.

Water and salt

This rite is very effective, because it combines water and salt - substances that can quickly and effectively "remember" information. You will need a glass of clean water and three pinches of salt (ideally Thursday). Write your desire on a piece of paper and put it on a saucer, pour salt there. Then pour the salt into a glass and stir, uttering your desire and conspiracy in turn, until the crystals are completely dissolved

“As salt dissolves, so desires come true.”

When the crystals dissolve, set fire to a piece of paper with a desire and read your favorite prayer, and then add the ashes to a glass, go outside and pour water into the ground.

For the night

Many people think that the strongest conspiracies and rituals - those that are done at night, before going to bed. This effect is associated with the energy of the moon, and besides, going to bed immediately after the ceremony, we kind of let go of our plans, without interfering with the process with doubts and allowing the desire to calmly come true. In this case, you need to remember two basic rules. If at the heart of your dream is the attraction of something ( happy marriage, money, meeting with worthy man, beauty, etc.), you should speak a desire to the growing moon, and if you want to get rid of something (from illness, infidelity of a husband, excess weight etc.) - work with a conspiracy should be on a waning moon.

With bread

Very simple and effective rituals before going to bed can be done with ordinary bread. It is better to bake it yourself in the evening, but you can also buy it in the store. You will need the whole loaf or loaf - do not give them to anyone, but pray before going to bed, say your desire and conspiracy:

“As bread gives life to a person, so does my desire; what I need - let it be fulfilled, what is not needed - let it be forgotten; help, Lord, your servant "your name" to fulfill his plans for the good. Amen".

Break off a piece of bread and put it under the pillow, and the rest - just at the head. In the morning, eat a piece yourself, and give the rest to the birds.

With a candle

To fulfill a cherished desire with the help of this ceremony, you will need a thin candle, a pen and paper. In the evening, rub the candle in your hands to warm it up well, and gently twist it seven times to make seven turns. Write your desire on paper, light a candle and put it on top of what was written. While the candle is burning, read your favorite prayer seven times, and then think about those desires that you have ever fulfilled - firmly tell yourself that the current intention will be the same. Think about your dream while the candle burns, and on the last coil, say seven times

"The candle burns out - it fulfills my dream."

For the holiday

According to the reviews of those who tried to fulfill a wish on a holiday, much of what was planned really quickly came true, and in the most incomprehensible way. Especially popular for making wishes new year holidays, and also - Angel's Day, birthday, Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. At Christmas, you can bake special "happy cakes" in holy water. When kneading the dough, you need to say three times:

"Blessed Lord and Mother of God they sent grace to people - whoever eats a cake, happiness is in the palm of his hand.

The cake must be eaten and treated to the family, while making good wishes.

On the day of the Angel and on your birthday, you can ask your Guardian Angel for the fulfillment of a wish:

"Bright Angel, give a blessing on the wishes of a good fulfillment."

For speedy implementation, read the request-conspiracy for a burning candle twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime, combining it with three favorite prayers. On Palm Sunday, you can make wishes during traditional rituals: when you are whipped with a twig, when you bring a willow into the house and lay it out in the corners. Exists popular belief: if you eat a willow bud on Palm Sunday and drink it with holy water, then your plan will certainly come true. In addition, on Palm Sunday it was recommended to make wishes “for love” - you just need to think about your loved one so that he comes, calls or sends news about himself (however, this does not mean that in this way you can evoke a response feeling - if the guy came, it means that he already had a feeling, and on Palm Sunday some kind of barrier simply disappeared).

other methods

  1. A quick and easy way to “talk” water is to get caught in the rain and say your wish out loud (for the female half of humanity, this is especially strong remedy). If you happen to walk in the rain for a long time, take the opportunity and meditate on your dream, formulate a desire in one phrase and repeat it out loud several times.
  2. An effective and, most importantly, an emergency way of fulfilling a desire can be realized with the help of an ordinary handkerchief. Formulate a wish, say a conspiracy; "I'll tie a knot - everything will be fulfilled on time, God help me." While saying the words, tie a handkerchief in one knot and carry it with you until your plan is fulfilled.
  3. You will need a red woolen thread (twenty centimeters), a candle, White paper and a pen with black ink. Light a candle and write your desire on paper, and then say it out loud three times. Tie nine knots on a thread in turn saying: “The first one starts, the second one knows the truth, the third one allows, the fourth one strengthens, the fifth one unites, the sixth one fixes, the seventh one directs, the eighth one embodies, the ninth one - God's will performs." Burn the paper with desire, hide the thread with knots, and let the candle burn out to the end.
  4. A shadow plot should be carried out in the morning, facing your shadow (to the sun - with your back). Just say: "On a bright sunny day, I ask you, shadow, be with me in the light to fulfill my dream." Some believe that shadow conspiracies are related to dark magic and appeal to dark forces - this is true with respect to some spells. However, the above ritual only involves bringing light and light into balance. dark side our subconscious to achieve a common goal.
  • Any ritual must be approached in absolute harmony. Very important role has forgiveness and reconciliation - both with other people and with himself. Mentally forgive all people their "debts" and think that you are also forgiven. Spend as much time on this as it takes to start the ritual with with a pure heart and clear mind.
  • Another important skill in magic and life is to be able to accept any result in advance. Whether a wish comes true or not - you should be equally grateful. Similar state the mind will attract good luck to you and, perhaps, after a while your seemingly “unpromising” desire will suddenly come true.
  • Spells and conspiracies were used in Slavic times. There was no trace of Christianity back then, and conspiracies in those distant times were in the order of everyday things. The Slavs were pagans, and therefore requests with desires were addressed to the Gods, and as gifts and sacrifices were various items life, handicrafts, harvest. People knew how to talk with the Gods, what to ask and what to keep silent about, how and what gifts to present. Much of those times turned out to be lost and forgotten, but much has also been preserved. In particular, magical secrets, conspiracies, spells, rules for contact with Higher Powers and many many others. Information has also come down to us on how to conduct strong conspiracies for desire. In this article, we will reveal the technique and principles of conducting such rituals at home, and also give several working spells. In another article, you can learn about effective and career success.

    First of all, I would like to clarify a few important rules, which will need to be followed when performing the ritual. A conspiracy for a cherished desire is critical to the observance of the principles below. So remember:

    • Cheese is always next to the mousetrap. You probably immediately understood what this rule is about. Nothing is free in this world. A conspiracy to quickly fulfill a desire implies that you will pay with your personal strength in any case. If this is a personal desire that affects only you, then your energy will be the payment. The more you wish, the faster the wish will come true. If your desire concerns other people, then completely different rules and laws will work here.
    • Faith, will and imagination. The realization of any dream will depend on these three main qualities. The stronger these qualities you have, the faster and easier you will achieve what you want.
    • Bring the future into the present. Already enjoy the fulfillment of desire. Already enjoy the cherished dream. It is important to treat desire as a dream come true. For example, strong conspiracy on the fulfillment of a wish on a birthday, they are carried out with a special mood of anticipation of a gift. This sets the person up to believe that the wish must come true in any case and no matter what.
    • Your desire belongs only to you. This means that no one should be told about the rituals being performed. Telling strangers about magical actions, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of wish fulfillment.
    • Compare what you want with reality. The dream should be real for you, feasible and be within the life context. You yourself understand that while living in the countryside, you cannot dream of the post of president of some European country. Spend a conspiracy to make a wish come true, and not just to try your luck. The desire may be bold, but it should not be unrealistic.

    We read the spell

    Before choosing a plot and proceeding with the ritual, find out which Forces you work best with, which Forces you are most drawn to and with whom you generally want to have a connection. When choosing a spell, you need to be guided by your personal preferences, conspiracies to fulfill a desire are especially demanding on your elemental predisposition. You may like the water, or you may like to breathe in the fresh mountain air or feel good about the flames of fire. Focus solely on your feelings.

    Let's describe a conspiracy based on the most popular foods. It is universal, because. suitable for almost all people. After all, every person uses water and salt for food. This conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire must be carried out on Saturday or Sunday at sunrise. You will need a candle, some pure salt and a piece of fresh bread. A candle can be ordinary, for household purposes, but you can also use a church consecrated candle. In this case, you can count on the help of a religious egregore. Prepare for the ritual, find a secluded spot and focus carefully. Light a candle, then right hand take a piece or slice of bread, and slowly start salting it with your left hand. At the time when you salt the bread, begin to repeat the following conspiracy:

    “Bread and salt is a helper in everything, help now, be a support in everything. I want to ... (Your desire in the affirmative and very short form). I eat bread and salt and thank you.”

    IN this case it is necessary to perform an active action with the left hand (salting bread), but in general, a conspiracy to desire - for a scarf, for food, etc. - involves the use of any hand as an active one. Carefully, piece by piece, chew salted bread and clearly imagine in your head a picture where your desire has already been fulfilled or is being fulfilled. Concentrate on this image and on all the sensations that come to you at this moment (then you can enhance the effect using). Keep in mind only one desire of yours in the form of a picture-image. This is not at all difficult, for example, a conspiracy to fulfill three desires requires you to already keep in mind a sequence of three cherished desires. After the bread is eaten, start drinking pre-prepared water. Drink exactly 3 sips, while saying the following spell for each sip:

    “Water-water, you are the source of life, you are the basis of everything, help me again. Water-water, fulfill my desire, but do not cause suffering to anyone.

    When downloading the ritual, extinguish the candle by dipping it in a glass of water. Then read the final plot:

    “Salt, bread and water – you have always been. Salt, bread and water never fail. As said, so done. Amen".

    Drink the rest of the water while reciting the spell. Complete the ritual with complete confidence in the fulfillment of your desire. After the ceremony, you no longer need to think about desire. Thoughts of doubt can destroy the inherent strength and potential. Read the plot to make the wish come true, and do not automatically fulfill simple steps. You must sincerely desire the fulfillment of your cherished dream. Do not forget that you pay for any desire with your energy.

    May my dream come true

    The following rite can be used as a conspiracy to fulfill a wish in New Year. IN holidays such rituals acquire special power, which can significantly speed up the realization of a dream. Take a blank piece of paper and write your desire clearly and concisely on it. You can wish for anything. It may be a desire to learn good health to solve temporary problems. Most importantly, do not forget about the rules that should be followed if you decide on a ritual. It is necessary to write in the affirmative form, using energetic words and expressions. At the end of the text, sign and sign it with the following sentence:

    “My wish will bring only good. Amen".

    This is a protective lock that will protect you in case the Power that fulfills the desire wants to realize it through the blood and suffering of other people. Sit down, concentrate, light a candle and put it in a candlestick, and the candlestick itself on a leaf with your desire. While the candle is burning, imagine the realization of desire in the present tense. Completely detach from the environment and immerse yourself in your dreams. Stop after 15-20 minutes. Now take a leaf, set it on fire on a candle and burn it completely, putting it on a plate. This is one of the few spells of white magic - it is the most safe ways change fate. Then collect the remaining wax from the candle and mix together with the ashes from the leaf. From the resulting mass, you need to mold a figure that would symbolize your desire. You can carry this figurine with you for a while, and then bury it in an unsociable place. Now the ritual can be considered successfully completed. This is a pretty strong conspiracy. With your deep intention to achieve the goal, as well as a serious approach to the ritual, you can expect the realization of your cherished dream in the near future.