Beauty from eggshells. Eggshell mosaic. Crafts made from eggshells

If your child is creative personality and loves to create various kinds crafts from improvised materials, invite him to make a mosaic from eggshells . This lesson develops fine motor skills and develops in children the habit of being assiduous, which is undoubtedly a huge plus for little schoolchildren. Creating mosaics will be interesting not only for girls, but also for boys, if you choose the right picture.

In order to do this shell craft, you will need the simplest materials:

Shells from raw eggs.

PVA glue.

Any drawing.

Acrylic paints.

Fig.1 Eggshell mosaic

Eggshell mosaics there are two types:

1. The first, simplest and most suitable for little craft lovers, is when the eggshell, after gluing it onto the main drawing, is painted in different colors using acrylic paints. Or when the shell is painted before gluing it to the surface. This way the main background of the image can be preserved.

Fig.2 Eggshell mosaic

2. The second method is more complex and is suitable for older children. In this case, shells of different natural shades are taken. This creates a mosaic of eggshells in pastel colors. It turns out very beautiful.

Fig.3 Eggshell mosaic in natural colors

Instructions for making a mosaic from eggshells.

1. First you need to prepare the shell.

1.1. Carefully break the raw eggs into two parts and immerse them in cold water for 10-15 minutes.

1.2. Then we remove from inside shell film, after which we dry it well.

As mentioned earlier, you can paint the shell at the very end, after gluing it onto the images.

2. When the egg shells are prepared, you can start choosing a design. It is recommended to select images with large details and clear outlines. It is much more convenient for children to glue over fragments with clearly visible edges.

Fig.4 Eggshell mosaic in the shape of a butterfly

3. Once the design is selected, it needs to be pasted onto a cardboard surface or transferred using carbon paper. This is done so that the surface on which it will be glued eggshell mosaic did not swell or deform.

4. When the drawing and eggshell are prepared for work, you can proceed directly to gluing the mosaic. To do this, apply PVA glue to a small fragment of the image.

5. Then take a large piece of egg shell and gently crush it on a flat surface. This way the mosaic details will be the most suitable friend to friend. They should be glued with a slight indentation from each other (about 1 millimeter). For convenience, it is recommended to use tweezers and a thin wooden stick. With their help it is much easier to pick up and move fragments eggshell mosaics.

Each of you uses chicken eggs when cooking, but most likely not everyone knows that you can create masterpieces from eggshells. The shell is appreciated by craftsmen who compare it to stone and marble. In terms of durability and range of colors, it is not inferior to other ornamental materials, having a good structure of a smooth surface and color shades. That is why crafts made from eggshells are highly valued. So let's make an original mosaic using the master class from already unnecessary eggshells quickly and easily with our own hands!

We create a mosaic from eggshells with our own hands in a master class

Making paintings using the crackle technique has been used since ancient times in the East. Nowadays, many people, having mastered this technique, create paintings or decorate surfaces. various items interior with craquelures - creating the illusion of cracked polishing.

Step-by-step instructions are provided for children, using them you can easily make an unusual picture.

To complete the job you will need:
  • Eggshell.
  • A smooth board for the base of the picture or a thick sheet of cardboard (size - 1/2 format - A 2)
  • Two boards for crushing shells.
  • PVA glue.
  • Flour paste.
  • Tracing paper.
  • Mascara.
  • Sheets of paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Napkin.
  • A wooden stick that you can make yourself by polishing the even tip well.
Shell preparation:
  1. If you have accumulated a sufficient number of shells of different shades, then you can start working. Rinse them well first warm water, then soak for a few minutes in salt water to degrease the surface and dry well.
  2. Then, the dried shells must be crushed. How to do this correctly?

To make it convenient to work, you should glue the shell onto a paper base. To do this, spread a sheet of paper on a thick board, grease it with glue and place shells of the same color on top, with the convex side up. Then cover with a second board and press lightly, the shell should flatten. Keep them in this position for 2-3 minutes so that the glue has time to dry.

  1. Remove the top board and very carefully iron each piece with a stick, which will crumble into many more fragments with small cracks - this is craquelure.
  1. And now you have a finished piece of paper, from which it is now easy to cut out the fragments necessary for the craft. Do the same procedure with the remaining shades of the shells.

The technology for making this painting is quite simple.

  1. Copy the finished sketch from the photo.
  1. Attach tracing paper to it and copy the drawing, carefully drawing the outline of the details. Then transfer the copy onto a thin piece of wood - the basis of your painting. Number each detail according to color and undertones.
  2. Next, attach the patterns of the parts to the plates with craquelures, outline them with a pencil, then apply numbers corresponding to the colors of the main pattern and cut out the parts with ordinary scissors. Then glue the finished parts onto the picture with PVA glue according to the numbers.
  1. Fill in the tone with black ink, let it dry and start painting the fragments of the picture. This is a very exciting process.
  2. The final stage of work is the most important and painstaking, which requires special care; this is grinding and polishing the surface of the product. When working, keep in mind that the shell is thin and careless movement can damage the surface of the painting. Take a wooden block, wrap it first sandpaper and sand the shells well. Then wrap the block plain paper and polish the fragments to the desired result.

We study the design of a bottle with craquelures and decoupage

Craquelures on a bottle, vase or glass will look original.

Degrease the shells washed with warm water saline solution, dry and grind until required sizes. Try to keep them not too convex. Clean the glass surface of the vessel thoroughly from labels and dirt, degrease detergent or alcohol, dry it and get to work.

Apply PVA glue to a small area of ​​glass and begin laying pieces of shell on it. The distance between the fragments must be immediately adjusted using a toothpick or pin. Continue to cover the bottle in this manner until the end. When the entire surface is covered, prime it with acrylic paint.

U creative person nothing goes to waste, not even eggshells. There are eggs in every refrigerator, but most people don’t even suspect that you can create a real work of art from their shells. In terms of its hardness, many professionals compare it to marble. Surface chicken egg very difficult to scratch. This is why eggshell mosaics are so highly prized and look amazing. Using eggshells you can create magnificent panels and paintings, do decoupage, create original mosaics and much more. Eggshells are a wonderful material for creativity, and we will prove it!

Creating picturesque paintings from broken shells is called crackle. In the East, this technique has been known since ancient times. Today, with its help, you can interestingly transform any object. This creates the effect of a cracked varnish coating.

Decoupage with eggshells

Let's make decoupage using eggshells using this box as an example. Using this principle, you can decoupage any surface with shells.

To do this, we will need items that are difficult to imagine together under any other circumstances: eggshells, paints, a manicure stick, PVA glue, a brush and the actual cardboard box.

There was an old cardboard box, and we decided to give it to her new life! First you need to “sand” the entire box outside and inside with fairly coarse sandpaper, and then go through it again with a “zero” sandpaper.

For decoupage we will need: eggshells, brush, PVA glue, manicure stick

First, apply glue to a small area of ​​the box (we work with in small areas, because PVA dries quite quickly). Then we take a small piece of the shell, apply it to the surface and lightly press the stick on the shell so that it cracks, as shown in the photo:

Using the sharp end of a stick, we move the shell fragments apart to the required distance, thus forming a mosaic pattern. The shell fragments, as well as the distance between them, can be large or small at your discretion. After the shells are moved apart to the required distance, they must be pressed to the surface with the flat end of the stick.

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Medieval artists came up with the idea of ​​using eggs to create paintings. Based paints natural materials formed the basis of the most outstanding works of art. This master class offers a look at the egg as a tool for creativity from a new perspective. This time the shell will be used.

For the project you will need:

  • eggshell;
  • gouache of different colors;
  • water;
  • brushes for paint and varnish;
  • clear varnish;
  • tweezers;
  • acetone;
  • PVA glue

First you need to prepare the eggshells. If the eggs have traces of dirt, it is better to wash them before cracking. Dry the eggs with a towel and crack into two halves. Let the shell dry. Apply gouache to the dry shell halves. Fresh paint does not need to be diluted with water so that the layer is dense and uniform. Since you need different colors, make sure you have a napkin or towel on the table that you can use to wipe up traces of different colors.

Paint the entire shell. It is better to prepare it with a reserve. Instead of gouache you can use acrylic paint, especially if you want to get a gold or silver shell. Wait completely dry paint before applying varnish. Lift the shell halves with tweezers to avoid damaging the color and coat them with varnish. If you use aerosol varnish, you can spray all the shells directly on the table. If pieces break off during the process, cover them with varnish and paint - they will be useful for mosaics. When finished, wash the varnish brush and tweezers in acetone. Leave the varnish to dry.

After the shells are completely dry, break them into small pieces. It is important that they are almost flat. All that remains is to choose the surface that will be decorated. This could be a cardboard base with a printed design, a vase, or even a mug.

PVA glue is well suited for such mosaics. Apply the base and let it dry a little. Then apply glue to the colored piece of shell, holding it with tweezers. Post your chosen drawing.

You can also decorate large objects with shells, such as vases or flower pots.

You can complement the mosaic with other types of decor. On vases, pots and other objects that perform not only a decorative function, it would be a good idea to additionally coat the mosaic with varnish.

The mosaic made using this technique looks original on costume jewelry.

You can try to imitate the pattern of natural stone.

You can create interesting panels on any topic. For example, such a picture can decorate a bathroom. But for a damp room an additional layer of varnish is required.

What do you usually do with eggshells after you eat the contents of the egg - throw it away? We offer you an interesting alternative - turn the shell into a real work of art together with your child. In addition, they will help develop the imagination and fine motor skills of his fingers.

A little patience, a little more imagination - and DIY eggshell crafts for children can become a worthy decoration for your home.

Eggshell mosaic

Decoration of dishes

Eggshells can become a valuable material for decorating dishes, Easter eggs and other items. Just collect more shells from white and yellowish eggs and break them into pieces different sizes. Lubricate the surface of the object with reliable glue and place “shards” on top one by one, starting from small ones and ending with large ones.

This is interesting: If you open the surface of the vessel with varnish, it can be washed under the tap.

You will need:

  • Jug, decorative vase, Easter Egg or casket;
  • Egg shells;
  • Toothpick;
  • PVA glue.


  1. Prepare the item you will decorate and the shell of various colors.
  2. Break the shell into small pieces, coat the surface of the object with PVA glue, and glue the “shards” one by one.
  3. To make the pattern look beautiful, alternate the colors and sizes of the shell pieces.

Decorating dishes with shells

You can decorate an egg in the same way. Just paint the shell in advance bright colors, and then split it into small pieces.

Helpful advice: Egg mosaic The easiest way to glue it is with a toothpick. Dip its tip into the glue, pick up a piece of the shell, and then transfer it directly to the surface of the vessel.

Candles in eggshells

You can decorate the table with small multi-colored candles dedicated to the Easter theme without special effort. Following our tips, you and your child can make a candle inside a painted candlestick. If you remove the shell, you will get a beautiful wax egg with a real wick.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a candle in a shell


  1. In a shell raw egg Carefully make a couple of holes: a small one on top and a large one on the bottom. Pour out the contents, rinse and dry the shells.
  2. Pass a thick natural thread through it. Secure one end of the thread (coming out of the small hole) with plasticine, and wrap the other end around a toothpick.
  3. Place the shell on the cup, wrap the thread around a toothpick, and pull it tight.
  4. Melt the wax over steam and carefully pour it inside the shell. If you don’t have regular wax, you can melt a candle. Only if a child does this, do not forget to supervise him.
  5. Place the egg filled from the inside with wax evenly and make sure that the thread (that is, the wick) is located strictly in the middle. After the wax has hardened, trim off the excess thread from each end. Paint the shell with paints - for example, acrylic.
  6. Note that it is very convenient to draw flowers using cotton swab or a piece of cotton wool wrapped around a toothpick.

Beautiful candle in an eggshell

From colored wax you will get solemn, bright and beautiful candles. And if you remove the shell from them, you will get something like an egg candle.


From such a banal thing as a broken eggshell, you can create something beautiful - a real panel!

You will need:

  • More eggshells;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • Brush;
  • Special adhesive stick;
  • Regular toothpick;
  • Thin sheet of cardboard (white or colored).

Shell panel

Let's move on to the instructions for creating a panel:

  1. Rinse the eggshells thoroughly and wipe them dry. Then carefully remove the inner skin from them, otherwise it will not be easy to split the outer shell of the egg into small pieces.
  2. If you plan to use white shells, leave them natural color, if multi-colored, first paint them with watercolors and let them dry.
  3. For the panel you need white or tinted cardboard. First, sketch out the outlines of the future drawing with a pencil, and then start filling it on top with a mosaic from the prepared shell.
  4. Starting anywhere, apply glue to a section of cardboard using a glue stick.
  5. Place a coin-sized shell here with the convex part facing up.
  6. Press it with your finger to crack the shell. Then its individual small pieces will also stick to the cardboard.
  7. Fill the entire panel with shells of different shades.

Useful information: To create landscapes or floral motifs You need to prepare in advance small crushed pieces of shells of the colors you need.

Eggshell mosaic

A couple of thousand years ago Chinese masters Lacquer painters began to use eggshells in their works to depict all kinds of buildings or crowns of flowering trees. Eastern masters were able to turn the main disadvantage of eggshells - their fragility - into real artistic merit. Let's find out how you can make a mosaic from eggshells on flat and three-dimensional surfaces.

Beautiful shell mosaic

Crackle technique

Note that decorating the background with a mesh of cracks is widely used both in mosaics and other decorative crafts. Similar patterns can be seen on pottery covered with a special glaze, and even on hand-painted fabrics. No matter what material they are made on, the cracks themselves are always called craquelure. The technique of creating a pattern from them, creating the effect of antiquity, is called crackle.

To create a mosaic using the crackle technique you will need:

  • Eggshells;
  • The base is a sheet of plywood, chipboard or thick cardboard. The size is like a standard notebook sheet;
  • Adhesive mixture – PVA glue or “Moment”;
  • Flour paste;
  • Regular tracing paper;
  • Mascara (black or some bright color);
  • A sheet of writing paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Sandpaper (fine-grained is best);
  • Rag;
  • The so-called “smoothing stick”. It should be wooden, with a smooth and perfectly polished cut on the end side.

Mosaic made using crackle technique

First we need to create facing plates:

  1. Having stocked up on shells, be sure to rinse them in slightly warm water, then put them in a container with a solution baking soda. This way you will degrease the surface of the shell. Dry the workpieces well. If you have a sufficient number of them, let’s start creating facing plates.
  2. If you take a good look at the fresh shell of an egg, you will notice a thin film lining it on the inside. When hit, the shell will not crumble into fragments, because its pieces will be held together by this elastic film. Therefore, under fragile shells you can glue a special lining, for example, a sheet thin paper. Now the blanks together with the lining will be easy to cut with simple scissors - the shells will not crumble. And for gluing semicircular shells to flat paper sheet we will need a ironing iron.
  3. Place the prepared shell with its convex side up on sheets of paper. In the process of performing this work, you can sort the workpieces depending on their color: glue only snow-white shells onto the first sheet, yellowish ones on the second, brown or spotted fragments from quail eggs on the third.
  4. Cover the shells with a sheet of plywood and press them down a little. The workpieces will be flattened.

Creation of facing plates from shells

  1. If your raw materials were glued with PVA glue, hold the plywood in a pressed position for about 60 seconds, if with Moment glue, you can immediately proceed to the next operation.
  2. Take a smoothing iron and, with a little effort, iron each piece of shell.
  3. Your workpieces will crack into hundreds of small pieces and at the same time firmly stick to the base. If you look closely, you will see that a network of cracks, practically indistinguishable from the outside, covers the shell. These are the craquelures mentioned above.

It is advisable to cover the facing plates on top with a protective layer of tracing paper. It will protect the shell from possible crumbling, and will also make it easier to transfer your working drawing onto the material. Please note that it is best to glue tracing paper with a paste that is easily washed off the surface and does not leave marks.

Having prepared enough facing plates, you can begin to create the mosaic itself.

First copy the pattern shown in the picture. Trace the outlines of the image through tracing paper. Then number each piece of the ornament as shown below. This way you can't go wrong when putting together a mosaic.

Mosaic ornament and numbering of its parts

Next, place an image of any part on the shell and outline it with a pencil. After cutting out all the mosaic details from the shell, coat them with glue on the inside and glue them to the background. Wait for the glue to dry and remove the protective layer of paper covering the shell. To do this, you need to slightly moisten the mosaic set with a wide brush. When the paper softens, it will be easy to remove from the shell.

Now color the crafts with black or colored ink. This choice is not accidental, because the components included in this dye penetrate into the finest cracks, carrying paint particles with them. The shellac contained in the paint does not dissolve in water after drying and becomes a kind of cement that holds the tiny shells together.

Helpful Hint: First, cover only the background of the mosaic set with ink. Only after it has dried do you take on the eggshell ornament.

Having developed the craquelure in this way, wipe the eggshell plates with a damp cloth, removing excess ink. After this, the paint will remain only in the cracks, and the ornament will again become white or cream.

Video. Eggshell mosaic

On voluminous objects

Finish the workpiece with eggshells round shape not very difficult, but some subtleties should be taken into account. For example, the fact that you won’t be able to use a press. Instead, to securely connect the component elements, wrap the workpiece tightly with a belt, as in the picture, and leave until the glue has dried completely.

Creating a mosaic on volumetric subject, you need to use a belt

Apply mastic to the workpiece. It may seem that this operation is impossible - after all, the mastic must drain from the convex surface of the product. But it’s easy to overcome this difficulty: just fill the background cells with mastic step by step. First, pour about a quarter of the ornament, wait until the composition hardens. Then rotate the workpiece so that its empty cells occupy a horizontal position, and the already filled ones are on the side.

Useful information: An ornament decorating round-shaped objects should not have a beginning or an end - it should encircle the product, looking great from any side.

Use our tips - and together with your baby you can create real masterpieces from such a simple thing as an eggshell. And in the process of creating crafts, he will develop motor skills, imagination and creative abilities.