The glow of the aura and the magic of stones. Healing properties of stones and crystals, stone treatment

Lithotherapy- ancient science. It was used by Hippocrates and other ancient healers, and was widely practiced in Tibetan medicine. Treatment with stones is one of the methods of alternative medicine. This practice is based on a generalization of historical, as well as various subjective ideas about healing actions on the body of minerals.

This science has little scientific research and justification, however, it has gathered many supporters and admirers who are firmly convinced of the positive effects different minerals on the human condition. So, what is lithotherapy: pseudo-treatment or real healing science?
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Lithotherapy treatment

In the middle of the last century, treatment with minerals crushed into powder came into fashion - it was washed down with water, alcohol, milk, butter, and sometimes with animal blood.

Some doctors have stated that the stone can actually heal. They say chemical processes After such a drug enters the body, they begin to affect the disease: they infect the virus, increase activity, and force the body to fight.

So, chemical reactions help crushed emerald overcome the effects of organic poisons, and one of the medieval treatises says that there are no diseases that cannot be cured with amber. The ancient Scandinavians, Germans and Slavs used it to treat diseases of the throat and metabolic processes.

Justification of the healing properties of stones by healers

Lithotherapists claim that any stone creates certain “vibrations and radiations” (although specific terminological definitions are not given, the physical processes of what is happening are not explained) similar to the “vibrations and radiations” of human organs, as a result of which there is an impact on the body at all levels (physical, mental , astral, ethereal).

That is why healing occurs. The authors practically do not provide any references to scientific or clinical justifications for the methods used (their statements and statements should be taken on faith).

At the same time, healers declare that stones are different from stones. For example, quartz mined in South Africa is used for heart attacks, and the same stone brought from South America treats infertility.

Lithotherapy, or treatment with stones- ancient practices aimed at healing mental or physical ailments using natural stones. First of all, it is not chemical, but bioenergetic impact on the subtle human body.

Lithotherapy methods have been used for thousands of years on all continents, but with the development modern medicine Many folk remedies are becoming a thing of the past. However, in our time, interest in natural stones and products made from them remains and even grows, including designer costume jewelry and handmade jewelry.

Healers of Tibet and Mongolia, among others natural remedies, prepared medicines from more than a hundred different minerals. Stones were used for making balls, rosaries, massagers. The inhabitants of Tibet use quartz structured the water.

Adherents of Chinese medicine used stones to influence special points on the body, aligning and harmonizing the energy of the body, increased vitality, relieved pain and healed many diseases.

Indian yogis using stones strengthened health and aura.

Ayurvedic healers rejuvenated and healed the body of a stone patient through chakras.

In the Feng Shui system, minerals and stones are used to harmonize home space and establishing there correct flow energy.

The influence of stones on humans

Literary sources often provide conflicting information about medicinal and magical properties stones, which is often not easy to understand.

On this site we provide generalized data on the beneficial properties of stones and other minerals, which, according to historical data, have been used for many centuries in various countries and cultures.

The data presented here is based on based on a combination of ancient experience and modern knowledge.

Naturally, you cannot rely entirely on stones. As with herbal medicine, traditional methods Treatments need to be combined with official ones, and, of course, in severe cases, consult a doctor.

But in the case of incipient diseases or as a preventative measure, problems can be solved with the help of herbs and using stones or other natural therapy.

In addition, in most cases, the causes of illness are psychosomatics, i.e. “all diseases come from nerves.” In this case, the pill will only bring temporary relief or relief from symptoms.

Diseases, like any troubles, can develop from two sources: according to a life program to study some lessons or as an indication of destructive behavior in this life. But, in any case, this is a direct indication of the correction of the energy structure of the subtle bodies. Even if the disease is given from birth, that is, it is initially embedded in the DNA, it is also subject to correction starting from energy level. But in this case there may be a predisposition to healing, or maybe not, and complete recovery will occur only if such a predisposition is present according to the program. In any case, cleansing the energy here will be necessary for an easier course of such a disease, without complications, and for practicing this lesson itself.

As it happens treatment with natural stones and minerals? What mechanism of action of lithotherapy?

One theory states that natural stones act like a radio receiver and tune the diseased, desynchronized organ to the correct vibration of the Universe through energy channels in the body, also called chakras.

Now let's look at what stones treat what? Which organs are affected? healing stones and what functions can be restored?

For predictions usually used transparent stones. Amethyst and noble silicon can also contribute to the development of the “third” eye.

Limestone has protective vibrations.

Natural crystalline gypsum- absorbs energy of the astral range.

Marble takes away waste from people.

Basalt - neutralizes aggression, negativity, destructive quarrels in the family.

Sand - retains heat. When coughing, you can warm it up and place it on your chest. For radiculitis - on the lower back.

Silicon - energizes people physical plane, blocks unwanted processes in organism.

Stones in lithotherapy are divided into two categories: those that work with the material shell and those that work with the subtle shell.

Material stones

7th chakra - amethyst

Correction of the human biofield using stones, minerals and crystals

Position - sitting. Possible crystals - rhinestone, amethyst, rauchtopaz, citrine. The sharp end of the crystal in the left hand is towards you, in the right hand it is away from you. The procedure time is 20-45 minutes.

IN modern world The practice of healing with stones is popular. This treatment also involves the use of clay and metals. All these natural substances are medicines for healing the sick body and soul.

The procedure involves exposing each individual to certain minerals. specific person. Treatment occurs due to the energy emitted by the stones. Energy is activated due to the body’s heat. Faith in these wonderful properties only multiplies positive result.

History of lithotherapy

Like many unconventional practices, lithotherapy is based on the experience of our ancestors. Rocks have been studied for several centuries. In ancient times, Indians considered stones to be living matter. Moreover, they were accepted as gifts from the Gods falling from the sky. There are also plenty of recipes for healing with minerals from the times of ancient Egyptian medicine. Aristotle and Herodotus mentioned the unique properties of stones.

Now oriental therapy is quite actively used in many countries and is used in sanatoriums. Despite the huge number pharmaceuticals from various diseases, this treatment are still actively used today.

How do stones affect a person?

Many of them have truly wonderful properties:

  • treat unhealthy joints and organs;
  • improve digestion and vascular function;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • treat skin diseases;
  • help preserve and improve vision;
  • promote rejuvenation;

They are often used to cleanse the aura, relieve stress and fatigue, restore vital energy. Unique properties stones provide protection from damage and the evil eye, negative influences.

How is lithotherapy performed?

Some of the stones are worn as body jewelry. Others purify the water instead of using a filter. With the help of others, massage is performed, and others are crushed and taken orally.

A healing elixir is obtained by infusing ordinary water with certain minerals. The resulting water is drunk and used for cooking. It has an antimicrobial effect when washed, relieves eye fatigue if used as a compress.

Stones are used during massage various shapes, color and weight. Using aromatic oils, a relaxing massage is first performed. The entire session lasts from half an hour to 60 minutes. This treatment helps get rid of anxiety and fatigue, enriches cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Everyone has active centers, which are nerve nodes, blood vessels. They are called chakras. In total, a person has seven of them. They are the ones who are exposed to mineral rocks.

Efficacy of therapy

The effectiveness of this practice has not been proven by science and medicine. That is why lithotherapy is not a generally accepted method of healing. However modern research V Once again prove the possibility natural minerals store information, accumulate energy. Many people who have undergone this treatment report improved physical and mental well-being.

What stones are useful?

Almost all minerals. They are used in their pure, unprocessed form as decoration. To understand which one is suitable for a person, in the old days they used a simple method. Before going to bed, the stone was tied to the outer part of the arm near the left shoulder. If you had a nightmare at night or bad dream- that means it doesn’t fit. If you had a pleasant dream good dream- the stone will bring happiness and good luck, help maintain health. If you didn’t have a dream at all, there is no impact, neither positive nor negative.

Try holding hard mineral in hand. If it becomes warm, it suits you, if it becomes cold, it doesn’t. It is believed that a person feels “his” stone intuitively, feels its power. Surely, many have favorite earrings, bracelets, amulets from various breeds.

It is very important to choose the right natural substance depending on the problem. It is better to contact a real lithotherapist, so as not to harm yourself.

It turns out that even the most famous stones, have amazing properties:

And this is not the entire list of minerals and their amazing properties.

Features of stone treatment, side effects and contraindications

When choosing medicinal minerals, two points must be taken into account:

  1. They must be mined in an environmentally friendly area.
  2. Proper processing is important. You should not drill or damage the integrity.

A full treatment process requires several sessions. Complex diseases will require more long time. There are the following side effects:

  1. Stomach upset.
  2. Loss of sensation.
  3. Headaches and dizziness.
  4. Negative emotions.

Most side effects are short-lived. They manifest themselves purely individually. It will be necessary to adjust the recovery plan.

Despite the fact that there is no evidence of a negative effect from treatment with stones and they do not cause allergic reactions, healers advise taking a responsible approach to their use. It is important to know your diagnosis accurately in order to use one or another stone.

As for massage, such treatment cannot be performed on pregnant women, diabetics, with varicose veins, as well as other patients for whom thermal procedures are prohibited. It is not recommended to resort to lithotherapy methods for hypertensive patients.

Harm or benefit?

Speaking about the advantages, we should highlight:

  • safety of the composition of natural substances;
  • no contraindications;
  • the treatment does not bring pain, and even, on the contrary, pleasant sensations;
  • wearing jewelry is effortless and adds beauty to your appearance.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  • high price of some breeds;
  • lithotherapy does not have scientific evidence, not officially recognized in traditional medicine;
  • There are few real specialists in this field in our country. There is a risk of being treated by a charlatan.

What are amulets for?

Amulets made of stones are amulets against misfortunes, illnesses, and dangers, and talismans enhance these protective qualities. You can make amulets yourself. Various types of amulets are used in the manufacture of amulets. rocks. For example, a talisman from

Try turning your thoughts to the talisman, then perhaps you will be able to fully feel its magical power.

What do patients need to know and remember?

Lithotherapy is only a type of alternative medicine, but not a panacea. Don't be fanatical about similar method healing. It is better to contact real specialists who have sufficient knowledge in the field of this therapy. You should not use such treatment yourself in the absence of medical literacy, without fully understanding the principles of the effects of stones on the body.

First, if problems are detected, you need to consult a doctor and undergo treatment traditional way. You need to understand that in many cases the help of classical medicine and medical supervision are necessary.

Nowadays there are many seminars on the topic of stone healing. Anyone can attend the training and learn about amazing properties natural substances and their effects on humans. In any case, knowledge of the method of magical healing will bring only positive results and favorable emotions.

For a long time, people have passed on the secrets of stone healing from generation to generation. Stones are ancient guardians of the energy of the Universe, using which you can not only find harmony and peace, but also heal from all kinds of ailments.

The magic of nature embedded in crystals helps maintain mental balance and physical health.

The history of science

Lithotherapy is treatment with minerals, one of the methods of alternative medicine. The art of healing with stones has been known since the distant past. During the Paleolithic era in the Mediterranean and Indochina, healers actively used the healing properties of stones in their practices. Gradually, lithotherapy spread throughout the world. In the 1st-2nd millennium BC, the Ancient East, then Asia, became the center of alternative medicine.

The Bible mentions only twelve minerals that adorned the breastplate of Aaron and the biblical high priests. People were convinced that not only these, but also other stones had a beneficial effect on humans. Gradually, minerals acquired an aura of mystery and magic, and stories and legends were formed about them.

Russia became acquainted with the wonderful properties of minerals much later. When studying the teachings emerging in the East, many chronicles were created about the healing power of crystals. During the Middle Ages, interest in stone casting faded away. This was facilitated by the rapid development of science and the negative attitude of the church, which saw pagan roots in lithotherapy.

In the East, science did not occupy such an honorable place. Textbooks on mineralogy, treatises on healing stones and minerals. They described which stones had the greatest healing power and how to choose the appropriate mineral.

In the modern world, interest in lithotherapy has gradually increased. Humanity no longer relies so much on traditional medicine and fixed his gaze on the ancient mystical power nature. Currently being held various studies for interaction human body and mineral energy.

Many medications include mineral components. However healing power has not only reception medicines, but also wearing minerals, decorating with them and simply contemplating crystals. Today, science confirms the interaction of the biofield of the human body with the energy of stones.

Ways to use stones

With a properly built connection with stones, a person’s blood circulation improves, sleep and appetite improve, and tissue regeneration accelerates. The positive impact of mineral energy on humans is absolutely undeniable, although it has not yet been fully studied.

To receive the positive energy that healing stones emit, you need to choose a way to interact with them:

The power of crystals has a beneficial effect on the body, allows you to concentrate positive energy and strengthens the protective forces of the human biofield.

Healing properties of stones

In the modern world, minerals are actively used in the treatment of many diseases. Each stone has certain medicinal properties, thanks to which it is used for this or that ailment:

Features of stone treatment, side effects and contraindications

In order for the healing properties of stones and minerals to be more effective, it is necessary to conduct several sessions of lithotherapy. To influence complex diseases you will need a large number of time.

Sometimes patients experience the following side effects:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • insomnia.

There is no scientific evidence of a negative effect from lithotherapy, but when treating with stones at home, experts recommend taking a responsible and serious approach to the choice of minerals.

It is necessary to have accurate knowledge about your diagnosis in order to correctly use a particular mineral. When choosing a mineral, you should remember three extremely important points:

  • the stone must be mined in an ecologically clean area;
  • the mineral must be properly processed;
  • The crystal must not contain impurities in its composition.

Stone massage is contraindicated for pregnant women, diabetics, and people for whom procedures with a thermal effect are prohibited. Treatment with minerals is not recommended for hypertensive patients.

Almost all minerals are beneficial. Even in ancient times, people knew how to check whether a stone was suitable for a person or whether it was capable of harming him. To do this, they used a fairly simple method: they tied a stone near the left shoulder. After carrying the stone all day, they left it until the morning. If a person had a nightmare at night, the stone was thrown away; if they had a good dream, the mineral was left as a talisman.

There were cases when dreams did not come at all - this meant that the stone was absolutely neutral to human energy and did not have any effect on the body. You can also try holding the mineral in your hand. If he becomes warm, then his energy acts positively.

It is believed that a person can independently feel the stone that suits him. Many people have beads, earrings or rings with stones that are their favorite. It is their energy that is intuitively chosen by those for whom it suits.

Dangerous rocks and minerals

Along with beneficial properties, some minerals may have bad influence for emotional and physical state person. By purchasing healing minerals, you should remember that people seeking profit often sell beautiful, but dangerous stones.

It is difficult for the untrained eye to identify a fake, which is what pseudo-healers and pseudo-healers use. Giving out dangerous rocks Although they are healing, they cause great harm to human health:

It is necessary to contact specialized stores that employ competent specialists. In the modern world, alternative medicine is gaining more and more momentum.

Lithotherapy – treatment with stones – deservedly deserves special popularity. A correctly selected mineral will improve the well-being of its owner and help him find harmony with the world around him.