The nipple is symmetrical. Does a baby need a pacifier and how to choose a pacifier for a newborn

Many pregnant women, long before upcoming birth They try to buy the child everything he needs, or rather, everything that he could theoretically need. This is especially true for firstborns - they buy almost everything that is on the shelves of children's goods “just in case.” On the one hand, such behavior can be called justified, because after giving birth the woman will not have the time or opportunity to go shopping. But on the other hand, most of the purchased accessories remain unnecessary and unused. After all, if mom successfully established breast-feeding, she won't need a huge number of bottles.

It’s the same with pacifiers – euphoric mothers buy a lot different pacifiers, and in the end the baby refuses them altogether and spits out the pacifier with great pleasure. To find a certain balance, you don't need to buy many different pacifiers. You need to choose the one that will be safe and comfortable, the one that your baby will definitely need. But first, let’s try to figure out why a pacifier is needed at all and whether it is really necessary.

Does a child need a pacifier?

This question worries many generations of mothers. Indeed, in some cases a pacifier is highly discouraged, while in other situations its use is simply necessary. In order to understand whether your baby needs a pacifier, we will try to understand its pros and cons. Let's start with the disadvantages of this baby accessory.

  1. Lactation consultants say that the nipple has a different structure than the physiological mother's nipple. The baby learns to suck a pacifier and becomes unaccustomed to the shape of his mother’s nipple. Because of this, the baby's latch may change and he may not receive the proper amount of milk. Therefore, it is better not to give newborn babies a pacifier, especially if breastfeeding is in its infancy.
  2. Prolonged pacifier sucking can change a child's bite.
  3. Children who suck pacifiers until the age of 2-3 years begin to speak worse and later.
  4. For many children who are accustomed to constantly sucking a pacifier, giving up this habit becomes a real psychological trauma.

These are the main factors that can negatively affect health and emotional state baby. However, sometimes you still need to use a pacifier.

  1. A pacifier is a must for babies artificial feeding. The baby definitely needs to satisfy his sucking reflex.
  2. A pacifier is needed in emergency situations - when the baby is capricious on the road, at a doctor’s appointment, at a party, when changing clothes.
  3. A pacifier is a great alternative to thumb sucking, at least it is more hygienic.
  4. Some babies quickly fall asleep with a pacifier in their mouth, why not take advantage of this moment?

Each parent decides independently whether to use a pacifier or not. In any case, if you decide to soothe your baby with a pacifier, do not do this until the baby is one month old. The first step is to establish breastfeeding. Otherwise, the baby will simply refuse the breast in favor of a rubber pacifier.

How to choose a pacifier according to shape

When choosing a pacifier, the first thing mothers ask is what shape should they buy so that it is familiar to the baby? Here are some forms of pacifiers available on the modern baby products market.

  1. Classic. These are ordinary nipples elongated shape, which are similar to the classic pacifiers popular in Soviet times. For some, the classic remains relevant, and mothers offer their children exactly this form of pacifiers. Among the advantages of such a pacifier is that it does not need to be given in a certain position; the baby can twist the pacifier in his mouth and will not feel the difference. However, such nipples cannot be used for a very long time - they cause malocclusion.
  2. Anatomical nipples are by far the most popular. They are a shape flattened on one side. In the mouth, such a nipple is located more than comfortably, since it closely resembles the mother’s nipple. Many anatomical nipples have different sizes - depending on the age of the baby.
  3. Orthodontic pacifiers are various shapes that your child might like. The most popular pacifier is the cherry shaped pacifier - this pacifier has a long base and a spherical shape at the end. Cherry is suitable for children with a fairly wide and deep sky. Orthodontic nipples can be in the shape of a butterfly or heart.

In addition, there are pacifiers with a protective disc, which are designed to prevent the baby from swallowing the pacifier.

It is difficult to predict what shape of pacifier your baby will like. This can only be understood through trial and error. One thing is for sure - the pacifier that the baby gets used to one day will be his favorite. And he is unlikely to get used to another form later. Therefore, it is better to choose those pacifiers that will not harm your bite in the future.

This selection criterion is the simplest, since many copies indicate the age for which this pacifier is intended. Usually nipples are divided into 0-3, 3-6, 6-12 months. If the baby is large, you need to take this into account and buy a pacifier a size larger than his actual age. For premature and small babies, on the contrary, the nipple should be smaller. Some manufacturers focus not on age, but on the weight of the baby, so that it is more convenient to choose a pacifier. The fact is that children are different and can weigh from 4 to 9 kg or more at three months. In this case, of course, it is better to focus on the weight of the baby.

How to choose a pacifier by material

Separately, I would like to say about the materials from which the pacifier is made. Any children's goods must be of high quality and safe materials, especially if it is a pacifier that is constantly in the baby’s mouth. Here are some popular pacifier materials.

  1. Latex. It's safe and enough soft material. Latex nipples are very flexible and pliable, making them perfect for small babies and newborns. However, latex is quite fragile; pacifiers made from this material need to be changed every month. After prolonged use, the pacifier may become deformed. You cannot boil latex nipples - the material is sensitive to high temperatures. Sometimes (quite rarely, but still) children are allergic to latex nipples because they contain protein molecules.
  2. Silicone. Nipples made of this material are stiffer. Silicone pacifiers can be boiled, they are absolutely hypoallergenic and do not cause any reaction. Unlike latex (yellowish) nipples, silicone has a transparent structure. Because of silicone nipple It is quite elastic, it is easier to chew it. Therefore, such a pacifier should not be given to a baby who already has teeth. And such a pacifier is not very suitable for scratching gums; it is better to choose a latex or rubber analogue.
  3. Rubber. Today, rubber nipples are used very rarely; they are an outdated material that can be allergenic for babies. But if your baby is teething, a rubber pacifier and a rubber teether are better than others at helping the baby get rid of itching and discomfort.

When choosing a pacifier for a child, it is very important to give preference to trusted manufacturers who make safe and comfortable baby products. Among popular brands You can name Avent, Chicco, Pigeon, Nuk Genios, Bibi, Baby Land and others. The price range of these brands is quite wide, you can choose what you can afford. Many models have small holes for ventilation, which are needed to prevent the skin around the lips from rotting. In any case, the pacifier must be of high quality and correctly selected - a lot depends on this.

How to choose a pacifier and how to care for it

These simple rules on choosing a pacifier and caring for it will help you use this item without doubts or worries.

When using a pacifier, it is very important to catch the moment when you need to wean your baby off. bad habit. Do this gradually - distract with games, remove the pacifier from view. Under no circumstances should you scold your baby if he sucks a pacifier, don’t shame him, and especially don’t spank him. After all, it was you who taught the baby! Also, you should not smear the pacifier with anything burning or bitter - this can result in both psychological and physical trauma (burn of the esophagus, etc.). Explain to your baby that sucking can cause crooked teeth. If the baby does not give up the habit, you can use this technique. Every day, cut a piece from the nipple, starting from the very edge. Tell your baby that the pacifier was bitten by fish (dogs, cockroaches, anyone). The baby will gradually get used to the fact that the pacifier is faulty, because sucking on it becomes more inconvenient each time. This way he will quickly and painlessly give up the habit.

Video: how to choose a pacifier for a child

A baby with a pacifier in her mouth is a familiar picture for everyone. No matter what the opponents of pacifiers say, the pacifier is sedative for the baby. Parents decide whether to give it or not. And we will consider the question of which nipples are the best for newborns.

Why is a newborn's pacifier the number one soothing aid? Because it provides vital needs for the baby:

  • satisfies the innate sucking reflex;
  • helps you fall asleep peacefully;
  • promotes the passage of gases;
  • replaces thumb sucking;
  • compensates for the lack of mother's breasts.

There are babies who do not respond to the pacifier - but they are just the exception to the rule. Mothers of such babies are tormented by the issue of accustoming their babies to the pacifier, because it has a beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state baby. Other mothers don’t know how to wean their baby off the pacifier—that’s also a problem. Maybe you just need to choose the right pacifier? Let's look at which nipple is best for a baby.

What types of nipples are there?

Manufacturers are vying with each other to please children and are constantly improving their products for infants. You can see a lot of different sucking devices of the most bizarre shapes and sizes. However, all pacifiers can be divided into two categories based on the material used:

  1. latex;
  2. silicone.

What is the difference? The difference is in the material. Silicone - artificial composition polymers that are safe for health. Latex - natural material, made from specially treated rubber.

Silicone nipples are always transparent and easy to recognize on display. Silicone is wear-resistant and easy to clean. However, when teething occurs, the silicone cannot withstand the baby’s attack, and the pacifier has to be replaced with a new one. Little ones are not allergic to silicone, it does not absorb odors and is always easy to clean. Silicone does not lose its shape for a long time and is most suitable for babies. However, everything has its time, and silicone can crumble from long-term use.

Important! Silicone pacifiers should not be given after teething. Kids easily bite through the material and can swallow pieces of silicone.

Latex is more delicate and unstable to active mechanical stress. However, the advantage of latex is still its natural origin and an unconditional reminder of the skin of the mother's nipple. Disadvantages include the characteristic taste and smell of rubber and rapid wear.

Latex has one more feature - the material contains protein molecules in its composition. It is latex that some babies develop intolerance to.

In addition, latex is more difficult to clean from dirt than silicone. Cheap latex pacifiers are especially dangerous: they may contain carcinogenic substances.

Advice. If you find it difficult to give preference to one or another pacifier, let your baby choose his own pacifier - he won’t go wrong.

Shape and dimensions

How to choose the best pacifier, what shape? First, decide on the size: it is more important for a baby. Manufacturers always indicate the recommended age of the baby in the product instructions, but not all mothers know about this. The fact is that the wrong size pacifier can cause a lot of inconvenience for the baby, and he will push it out with his tongue. Take this moment responsibly!

The shape of the papilla can be standard (round and elongated) and the most bizarre. However, the “whimsiness” was not created to attract buyers to the pacifier, but for very specific purposes - for example, bite formation. Therefore, before purchasing, read the instructions carefully, and then think about what to choose.

Which copies are better not to buy at all? Note:

  • the shield should not be too small so that the baby does not accidentally swallow the papilla;
  • The shield should not be too large so as not to cover the baby’s nose and interfere with breathing.

Advice. It is better to choose a shield with ventilation holes: the baby will breathe calmly, and drool will not collect under the shield.

Popular pacifiers

TO Which pacifier is better, what should I choose? Product ratings are determined by customer demand. In our country, preference is given to foreign manufacturers of pacifiers. Top ten
there are products:

  • Nuk Genius - 270 rubles;
  • Pigeon - 155 rubles;
  • Philips AVENT - 250 rubles;
  • HEVEA - 375 rubles;
  • Bibi cherry silicone - 280 rubles;
  • Canpol Babies latex - 130 rub.

Nuk Genius is an orthodontic structure with a flattened sucking part. This German product is made of silicone or latex. A special advantage is the ease of placement of the sucking part in the baby’s mouth. The price for pacifiers is approximate.

Dummy Pigeon from Japanese manufacturers is affordable and very convenient for the baby. The device of the sucking part stimulates the baby to full nasal breathing.
There are no downsides to this product. Manufacturers have created two types of their products - for active sucking and for weaning the baby from the papilla.

Probably the most popular product in our country. Not only papillae are widely used, but also bottles for milk and formula. The product has ventilation holes, the sucking part is made of high-quality silicone composition. Disadvantages - the papilla has a drop-shaped shape, which is not suitable for many babies due to the rigidity of the material itself.

Dummy HEVEA made of latex. It is convenient because it can withstand any teeth biting. This product is very suitable for little toothies, because they cannot bite off and swallow pieces of material! The product is equipped with ventilation holes and is made in various modifications (orthodontic versions are available). Disadvantage: overpriced.

BIBI The cherry is made of silicone. Parents like this pacifier more because of its stylish design. It is not very convenient for children: small ventilation holes, no anatomical shape. Dummy CANPOL BABIES is different inexpensive price And good performance. The product is made in China, so the price level is not too high. The sucking part is made of latex or silicone and has an orthodontic shape. Distinctive feature— the ring glows in the dark.

Nipple care

Everyone knows that pacifiers often end up on the floor or sidewalk. The picture of an angry baby throwing a pacifier out is also known to everyone. How to disinfect a contaminated item? Not with your own saliva! Saliva contains a lot of bacteria that are unnecessary for a baby, which can upset his health.

How are pacifiers disinfected? Of course, by boiling. The best remedy processing has not yet been invented. The pacifier is washed with running water and then boiled for 3 minutes or disinfected in a sterilizer. The papillae should be stored either in an individual container or in a clean glass jar with a lid.

Important! Don't skimp on pacifiers. If cracks or scratches appear on the surface, replace the nipple with a new one. A damaged surface cannot be subjected to high-quality disinfection.

If you notice that the latex has turned brown, get rid of the pacifier immediately.

If you notice that the walls of the papilla begin to stick together, this is also a signal to immediately replace the product. In general, latex pacifiers last up to a month at most, after which they should be disposed of.

Important! To prevent the papilla from deforming prematurely, do not leave it near heating appliances or under sun rays.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Almost every child knows what a pacifier is. Many parents buy pacifiers even before the baby is born. Today in pharmacies and children's goods stores you can find a huge assortment different models this irreplaceable product. But often adults do not know how to choose the right pacifier. After all, pacifiers are made from different materials, they differ in shape, and are also intended for children of a certain age. Not many parents know that an incorrectly selected pacifier can cause deformation of baby teeth, incorrect bite formation, etc. In order not to harm your child, you need to know what to look for when buying a pacifier.

Why does a child need a pacifier?

Whether or not to accustom a baby to a pacifier is up to parents to decide. However, the opinions of experts on this matter are divided. But many doctors do not forbid mothers from trying to give their baby a pacifier. The main thing is to start weaning your child from it in time. The fact is that a newborn has a strongly expressed sucking reflex. This physiological feature is determined by the feeding method: in order to get food, the baby needs to suck on the mother's breast or a bottle with a nipple.

After childbirth, a woman begins to produce milk, but lactation has not yet been established. The body determines how much milk to produce based on the principle of supply and demand. That is, as much as the baby eats at one feeding, so much will arrive at the next. But if the child is immediately given a pacifier, his sucking reflex will be satisfied. This may cause the newborn to breastfeed less frequently. Thus, the mother will produce insufficient milk.

Most often, the sucking reflex is dissatisfied in children who are bottle-fed. The baby may begin to suck on hands, a blanket, a diaper or other objects that he can reach. Child psychologists explain that during sucking, the child not only receives food, but also calms down. Therefore, a pacifier is a unique means of relaxing and calming the baby. Many experts insist on the benefits of a pacifier for a child:

  • the baby quickly and calmly falls asleep with a pacifier without motion sickness;
  • The baby can be calmed down at any time. And not only mom can do this with the help of a pacifier;
  • active sucking helps improve bowel function: relieves the baby of gas;
  • Artificial babies put in much less effort during feeding. Thus, the facial muscles do not develop enough. Having gotten used to the nipple, the baby trains the maxillofacial apparatus, which contributes to its proper development.

Dr. Komarovsky warns that you should not constantly use a pacifier. It is necessary to dose out time. For example, the baby has fallen asleep, you need to remove the pacifier from the mouth. When a child cries, there is no need to rush and immediately give him a pacifier. Parents must determine what is causing the baby discomfort. Maybe he just wants to be held in his arms or the seam on his clothes is bothering him. That is, the pacifier should be offered to the baby at extreme cases, and the rest of the time you need to listen to the baby and learn to understand his needs.

Do you need a pacifier: pros and cons - video

Which one to choose: types of pacifiers

Experts have developed several types of pacifiers, which differ from each other according to a number of criteria. When purchasing this product, you first need to pay attention to the age criteria. The pacifier for older children has a longer tip and a larger base. It is not suitable for a newborn baby.

Doctors warn that a pacifier of the wrong size can cause changes in the maxillofacial apparatus: malocclusion, underdevelopment of the upper jaw, deformation of the position of baby teeth.

For what age: determine the size

There is an international classification of pacifiers depending on the age of the child:

  • for children from birth to six months: size A;
  • for babies from six months to one and a half years: size B;
  • after one and a half years: size C.

But on store shelves you can find pacifiers specifically for premature babies. They are a product with a small base, so as not to block the baby’s nasal passages, and a small tip, which is shaped like a mother’s nipple. Such pacifiers are designed to develop the sucking reflex, so that after a while the baby learns to eat on its own, and not through a tube.

The pacifier for premature babies with low birth weight is made to size thumb baby

Today, many companies produce pacifiers in a different variety of sizes: from birth to three months, from three months to six months, from six months and older. Parents should definitely select a pacifier for their baby in accordance with his age. After all, if you give the baby big pacifier, he will not be able to suck it, but will choke on it. But a pacifier that is smaller than necessary can negatively affect the formation of a child’s bite.

Pacifiers of different sizes - photo gallery

Pacifiers from birth to three months are very light, and the tip is short so that the baby can suck on it. The pacifier from three months to six months has a larger base and the tip is slightly longer.
Pacifiers for children older than six months are characterized by a long tip so that the child’s bite is formed correctly. A pacifier for premature babies has a special hole for a probe through which the baby receives nutrition.

Silicone and latex pacifiers

Last but not least, the material used to produce pacifiers is also important. Silicone and latex pacifiers are considered modern:

  • silicone- This synthetic material, which is considered hypoallergenic. Children do not experience irritation or allergic reactions when using pacifiers made from this material. It is completely transparent in appearance and does not darken during use. Silicone nipples hold their shape well, do not stick together, and are not subject to deformation. They are also easy to care for: they can withstand high temperatures and are not afraid of boiling. Silicone nipples are most suitable for full-term babies who have a well-developed sucking reflex. But doctors warn that it is better to buy a latex pacifier for a child who has already teethed. The fact is that a baby can easily bite through silicone. Pacifiers made of silicone need to be changed every one and a half to two months;
  • latex - natural material light brown made from rubber. These nipples are much softer and more elastic than silicone ones. These are what doctors recommend for children who are born ahead of schedule. In the mouth, the latex heats up and resembles a mother's nipple. But pacifiers made from this material have one serious drawback - latex can cause allergies. Therefore, if a child experiences a rash, redness or irritation while using a pacifier, it is recommended to replace the pacifier with a silicone one. It should be remembered that latex nipples cannot be boiled. They are also inferior to silicone in terms of durability: latex quickly loses its shape and sticks together. This pacifier needs to be changed at least once every 4 weeks.

Nipples made of different materials - photo gallery

The latex pacifier is very soft and is suitable even for premature babies. There is information on the Internet about “rubber” pacifiers, this is a mistake, they mean latex ones. The silicone pacifier does not cause allergic reactions during use

Variety of shapes: how to choose the right one

If earlier nipples were of one shape, now the variety of models has increased. There are different types of pacifiers according to this criterion:

  • classic: such pacifiers represent a tip round shape, which resembles a mother's nipple. This pacifier can be given to a child from either side; there is no distinction between top and bottom. However, experts warn that the use of classically shaped pacifiers long time may lead to correct formation bite;
  • anatomical: This form of pacifier is made in such a way that it fits snugly on the baby's palate. They have a slightly flattened shape on both sides, resembling an ellipse. Manufacturers make anatomical nipples depending on the weight of the child: small ones for newborns and premature babies, and larger ones for larger babies. The correct placement of a pacifier of this shape in the child’s mouth is tightly so that during sucking the pressure is distributed evenly on the palate;
  • orthodontic: Today these nipples are the most popular. Experts explain this by the fact that orthodontic pacifiers do not spoil the child’s bite. The main rule is to give a pacifier of this shape to your baby correctly. It is an elongated tip with a beveled nipple: flattened on one side, but curved on the other, reminiscent of a drop. It is correct to give such a pacifier with the beveled edge down. These are the pacifiers that orthodontists recommend to help form a correct bite in a baby.

Drop-shaped pacifiers have an advantage over other pacifiers. Such models correspond to the correct formation of the baby’s dentition and lower jaw. Drop pacifiers are conveniently located in oral cavity baby, so the baby does not swallow while sucking a large number of air. This good prevention intestinal colic. Pediatricians recommend teardrop-shaped nipples for newborns and children up to three months: they do not take up much space in the baby’s mouth.

Comparing nipples depending on shape - photo gallery

Orthodontic pacifiers reduce the likelihood of malocclusion several times. Classic pacifiers are similar to the mother's nipple.
The anatomical nipple has an elongated and slightly flattened nipple

Dr. Komarovsky explains that scientists and doctors have not yet figured out the reason why one child prefers only an orthodontic pacifier, and constantly spits out the classic one, while another does the opposite. There is a theory that the baby chooses a pacifier of the same shape as the mother's nipple takes during feeding. But this has not been proven. Therefore, if your baby does not want to take a pacifier, you should try offering him a pacifier of a different shape. Perhaps he will like her more.

Does the use of pacifiers affect the bite: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Protective disk

The protective disc is specially designed to prevent the baby from swallowing the pacifier nipple. But most often, parents pay attention only to the shape of the pacifier and the material of manufacture. But they consider the protective disk only as an aesthetic element: so that it is needed color range or it depicted certain pictures. But the disk plays an important role. Therefore, when choosing a pacifier, be sure to consider the following nuances:

  • plate weight: the protective disc should not be too heavy so that the baby can hold the pacifier in his mouth without effort;
  • width: each model of pacifiers is made depending on the age of the child. The older the baby, the wider and larger the protective disc is so that the baby cannot swallow the pacifier during use;
  • production method: some protective discs consist of several parts. Experts recommend buying nipples with a solid disc. This way, no part can accidentally break off and end up in the baby’s mouth;
  • material: some manufacturers use cheap plastic and low-quality paints to give the disc a certain color. The child puts the pacifier in his mouth, so all materials must be safe so that the baby does not get poisoned or develop an allergy. When choosing a pacifier, give preference to well-known brands that have proven themselves among parents and doctors;
  • holes for ventilation: this is a must when choosing a pacifier. They may differ in shape and size for different models, but such holes must be on the protective disk. If they are not there, during the sucking process the protective disc fits very tightly to the baby’s skin, and saliva accumulates under it. This situation can cause irritation on the baby’s delicate skin.

What to look for when choosing a pacifier - video

What is a night pacifier

Babies often fall asleep with a pacifier. Doctors recommend taking the pacifier away from the child when he is fast asleep. But there are situations when the baby is just starting to fall asleep and turns over on its side or the other side, the protective disk of the pacifier presses on the cheek. This causes discomfort to the baby and he wakes up. To avoid such cases, special night nipples have been developed.

The night pacifier differs from the day pacifier in the form of a protective disk, and it also glows in the dark. The sleep pacifier has a straight surface that follows the contours of the baby's face. Also, the ring on the disc is smaller and made of silicone, or is missing altogether.

The protective disc of the night pacifier is smaller than that of the day pacifier

There are models of night pacifiers that are made entirely of silicone, so they do not disturb the baby during sleep, because... do not press the skin. These nipples also vary in age categories: On sale you can find silicone pacifiers for newborns, children over six months old and babies over one year old. The most popular are pacifiers made entirely of silicone from Chicco, Camera, Babyland, Tommee tippee.

Nipples made entirely of silicone - photo gallery

Italian Chicco company produces pacifiers for children of all ages
The Camera pacifier is made entirely of silicone The Tommy tippe is made in the UK and is of high quality
The Chicco pacifier is designed specifically for babies over twelve months of age.

But doctors warn that a sleep pacifier should not be left in a child’s mouth all night. It also needs to be removed as soon as the baby is fast asleep.

How to care for your pacifier

The pacifier is often in the baby's mouth, so this product must be carefully cared for so that harmful bacteria do not enter the baby's body. To do this, you must follow the basic rules for caring for your pacifier:

  • Before giving your baby a new pacifier, it must be boiled. But remember, this only applies to silicone and rubber pacifiers. For latex models, simply wash with baby soap and rinse generously with boiled water. Boil nipples for no more than 2-3 minutes;
  • Nowadays, most pacifier models are sold together with a special container lid. If the child does not use the pacifier, you need to store it in this container so that dust and bacteria do not settle on it;
  • latex and silicone products should not be stored in direct sunlight or near batteries or other hot surfaces;
  • Every day you need to wash the pacifier with water and baby soap. Afterwards it must be rinsed thoroughly;
  • Constantly check the pacifier to ensure there are no cracks or tears. If, when pressing on the nipple, its walls stick to each other, the shape is deformed, such a nipple must be replaced with a new one;
  • The pacifier needs to be changed depending on the recommendations: latex models last less, but silicone models last much longer.

Do pacifiers need to be sterilized - video

The most popular pacifier manufacturers

Doctors recommend buying pacifiers made famous brands. This way, parents can be confident in the quality of the product and the safety of the material from which the pacifiers are made. The most famous are pacifiers from the following manufacturers:

  • Avent is an English brand under whose brand many children's products are produced. We have a huge selection of pacifier models to choose from different shapes: classical, anatomical and orthodontic, material and intended for children of different ages. The products of this company have earned a large number of positive feedback among experts and parents. Only safe materials are used for production;
  • Nuk is a German brand that produces nipples with a patented nipple shape. Orthodontic nipples are produced with a special indentation on one side, which follows the shape of the mother's nipple. Scientific studies have proven that using such a pacifier reduces the risk of malocclusion. Users note that the products of this brand are quite expensive, so not all families can afford to purchase Nuk pacifiers;
  • Nuby is an American brand whose products are sold all over the world. To produce pacifiers, high-quality materials are used that are tested by dermatologists. The nipples from this company are also popular because of their design. The company produces both anatomical and orthodontic pacifiers. Also available are cherry-shaped nipples designed specifically for babies with small palates or premature babies;
  • Canpol babies is a Polish brand that produces pacifiers made of latex and silicone. Nipples are available in three forms: classical, anatomical and orthodontic. High quality on a par with reasonable price made the products of this brand one of the most purchased in Russia. Also attracts original design and bright colors of the nipples;
  • Chicco - Italian brand, is also popular in our country. The safety of the materials from which pacifiers are made has been clinically proven. On store shelves you can find anatomical and orthodontic pacifiers made of latex and silicone.
  • Nuby are some of the most expensive nipples. But their shape and quality take first place all over the world. Canpol babies pacifiers have a protective cover.
    Chicco pacifiers can be made entirely from silicone or latex

The birth of a new person in the family means pleasant worries, worries, and acquisitions. Before the mother is discharged from the maternity hospital, complete readiness for long-awaited meeting. Although a pacifier may seem like a small thing, it should also be ready and waiting for its little owner.

Nature has decreed that newborns develop a sucking reflex from the first day. The sucking process helps him instantly attach himself to mother's breast, and in between feedings, a pacifier becomes an indispensable soothing item. All you have to do is choose a pacifier that your little one will like. Due to the fact that the number of offers from pacifier manufacturers is quite large, all mothers are concerned with the question: which pacifier to choose for a newborn.

A child may need a pacifier from the first days of life, so put it aside important purchase not worth it. All that remains is to choose the most suitable option

What size and weight should a pacifier be?

What kind of pacifier a newborn baby needs is an individual question, but mothers should not grab the first one they come across from the counter because of its attractiveness. appearance. Before going to a pharmacy or a specialized store of goods for newborns, you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements for nipple parameters and only then purchase the one that is optimal for your baby.

You should not focus primarily on the external attractive design of the pacifier - this factor should come in last place. With regard to all functional characteristics, it must be appropriate for the age of the newborn, safe and useful.

Size is the first parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing a pacifier. It should be light. Sizes are graded by age:

  • from 0 to 3 months;
  • from 3 to 6 months;
  • from 6 to 12 months.

The division into months is arbitrary because children develop differently. Parents themselves must control when the pacifier becomes uncomfortable for the baby. There are also pacifiers for tiny babies whose weight does not exceed 1750 g - such pacifiers are miniature in size and lightweight in design.

Manufacturing materials

Manufacturers of pacifiers for infants know that latex and silicone are the most suitable for making pacifiers:

  • Latex is a natural material made from natural rubber. Pediatricians usually recommend latex nipples for weak and premature newborns. For a baby, they resemble mother's breasts. Latex has its disadvantages. It can be allergic because it contains protein, dirt easily sticks to it, and it is difficult to wash off. Also, latex nipples become deformed in the sun. It is recommended to change them after a month of use.
  • Silicone is a stronger and more durable synthetic material that can last 6 weeks. Regardless of whether the silicone is damaged, it is recommended to change the pacifier after six months. Silicone pacifiers can be washed in hot water, they do not emit odor and are easy to wash. The disadvantage of silicone is that a child can easily chew it with his teeth, so it is better to use them before they appear. The most popular brand pacifiers for infants - Philips AVENT. The brand is popular because it has no smell or taste; children suck on this product with pleasure. The company has released a new, improved model - an orthodontic pacifier, to which dirt does not stick, it is also easy to wash, and does not deform.

Philips AVENT pacifiers are considered one of the best. They are made of hypoallergenic material and have an orthodontic design.

About pacifier shapes

The old classic rubber pacifier was produced taking into account the structure of the child's oral cavity, so modern pacifiers have a similar shape. They are convenient because they resemble mother's breasts when sucking.

Pediatricians believe that ideal pacifiers for newborns should not put pressure on the jaw and interfere with swallowing - a nipple with flat shape on one side and with a thickening on the opposite side. The most correct form suggests the presence of a notch on the side of the tongue. Some models have an air vent valve, which is necessary to reduce pressure on the palate. The space between the ring and the end of the pacifier should be flat. This shape contributes to the formation of a correct bite, so parents should not pay attention to the attractive spherical nipples.

The correct shape of a pacifier is needed not only to calm the child, but also to provide a preventative effect on the formation of the bite. It’s not for nothing that they are called anatomical - the products take the shape of the structure of the child’s oral cavity (we recommend reading:).

What should the protective disk be like?

The ring at one end of the pacifier acts as a protective disk. It helps prevent the baby from swallowing the pacifier. Disk requirements:

  • it should be wide so that the child cannot grab it with his mouth;
  • it should be light;
  • there should be holes and pimples on its surface so that the plastic does not stick tightly to the skin, but at the same time, when sucking, it fits close to the mouth, otherwise saliva will accumulate under the disc and cause irritation on the skin of the chin and near the mouth;
  • its shape should be monolithic without additional parts that could fall off at the most inopportune moment.

The protective disc of the pacifier should be large - this way you can ensure that the child will not be able to put the entire pacifier in his mouth and try to swallow it

Rating of the most popular pacifiers

Information on the Internet, photos of different models of nipples, impressions of mothers who come to a choice by trial and error ideal option, will help parents avoid making mistakes when buying a pacifier for their child. A rating of the most popular pacifiers is offered:

  1. Pigeonbest pacifier from a Japanese manufacturer, aimed at infants aged 0-4 months. The model was developed in collaboration with orthodontists and has a non-standard shape: it is flattened in the center. The shape of the nipple is combined with the dimple in the tongue, which appears during sucking movements. This shape encourages the baby to breathe better through his nose.
  2. Nuk Genius– pacifier made in Germany. When creating it we used Newest technologies. The shape of the sucking part is not only flat, it has a recess that prevents the pacifier from falling out of the mouth. There is an air exhaust channel. The pacifier does not stick together when sucked.
  3. HEVEA– a latex pacifier, considered safe and of high quality, made of natural rubber. The pacifier is popular among mothers because it has a smooth surface and a one-piece design without seams; it is easy to clean. Children with their first teeth manage to chew it, but this in no way harms the body - it is safe and hygienic.
  4. Philips AVENT– a sought-after silicone nipple with a monolithic ring and 6 ventilation holes. It is popular among mothers because it is reliable, comfortable for a newborn, and has long term services. The shape is drop-shaped and does not put pressure on the child’s palate.
  5. Canpol Babies– orthopedic latex anatomical nipple, produced in Poland. It is made in 2 versions: silicone and latex. The pacifier attracts mothers with its quality, convenience and reasonable cost.

Choosing a pacifier is not an easy task, as it performs several functions at once. An acceptable solution is to purchase several pacifiers from different manufacturers to choose the best option.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of the Reproductive Sphere and the Volgograd State Medical University clinical psychologist by specialty