How to measure head height for a hat. How to take measurements and determine the size for a knitted hat - tips for beginners

How to measure head circumference: video

Main measure

To make a hat or hat, several measurements are needed. For a hat, this will be the height of the crown, the diameter of the bottom and the width of the fields, for a knitted cap, the height of the product to the descent, and for a cap made of fabric, these will be the dimensions of the longitudinal and transverse arcs. But you need to know the girth of the head in any case. To measure it, you need an ordinary sewing centimeter - a flexible tape with divisions. On sale, there are usually bilateral centimeters, and on both sides they are divided into centimeters. Sometimes there are imported ones with an inch scale. In most sewing and knitting publications, measurements are given in centimeters, so this is the side of the tape that should be used. Apply a zero mark to the temple, about 1.5-2.5 cm above the eyebrow line. In fact, it doesn’t matter from which point to start measuring the circumference of the head, but this way it will be more convenient for you to control the position of the centimeter. The tape should be parallel to the floor. Cover the frontal tubercles with it, draw over the ear, through the back of the head and close the circle. Look at the result.

Don't pull the tape too tight, but don't let the tape sag either.

Body parameters: measure correctly

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Checking the table

If you are going to buy a hat, it makes sense to know your size. To do this, you will need a table that is in any store that sells hats. Leading online stores also provide such tables to the attention of their customers. Please note that in the table the same head circumference can correspond to two sizes. In this case, it is important what kind of headgear you are going to buy. If this knitted hat, choose a smaller size, as the knitting stretches over time, and the hat in this case will fit more tightly. If we are talking About the hard hat, you can choose a larger size.

What is a longitudinal arc?

To sew a fabric hat, you will need two more measurements. The length of the anthropometric longitudinal arch is measured from a point between the superciliary arches to the occiput. The sewing longitudinal arc will be 3 cm shorter than the anthropometric one, that is, the zero mark of the centimeter should not be applied to the depression between the superciliary arches, but 3 cm higher. The transverse arc also has two meanings - anthropometric and sewing. The anthropometric transverse arch is measured strictly from temple to temple. Sewing will be 3 cm shorter.

Anthropometry in action

Head circumference is not only one of the measurements needed for the manufacture of hats. It is also an important anthropometric indicator, most commonly used in pediatrics. The head of the child is changing, according to this indicator, the doctor determines how well the baby is developing. Anthropometric measurements are carried out with exactly the same centimeter tape, which covers the most protruding parts of the head - the superciliary arches and occipital protuberances.

You want to buy, sew or knit a hat. But not sure if the size is correct? On what circumference should a centimeter tape be applied so that the measurements are accurate? If you take measurements meticulously, then a headdress bought or made by yourself will delight and be worn with pleasure. Let's figure it out!

How to correctly determine the size of the head?

To find out the size, you need to measure the circumference of your head with a tailor's meter as shown in the figure below. If you don't have measuring tape, then you can use any lace or non-stretching ribbon.

Wrap a centimeter around the head along a line slightly above the eyebrows and the most protruding part of the back of the head. Try not to touch your ears. For a more accurate circumference measurement, repeat the measurement two or three times, then take the arithmetic mean of the result. The centimeter should not be overtightened, nor should it be overtightened.

The resulting girth, compare with the tables for hats. If your measurement is between two measurements, choose the smaller one, as a hat or other headgear should fit snugly. And many products stretch a little over time.

Table of head volume and headgear size for children and adult men and women.

Sizes on finished hats can be indicated in inches or letters S M L XL.
Values Russian sizes in cm and US inches S M L XL

The exception is if you want to know the volume of the head to buy a helmet. In this case, when you took measurements, and these measurements according to the table are between 2 sizes, then you should stop at the one that is larger. Besides, in this case you need to measure the depth of the helmet. This value is measured from the lobe of one ear to the lobe of the other through the top of the head.

When buying or knitting knitted hat, you need to subtract 2-3 cm from the volume you received, because the knitted fabric is stretched.

If you are planning to make or purchase a fur hat, then you should add one or two centimeters for your ears to the measured volume.

How to find out the size of a child's head? The procedure must be the same. The only difficulty is that the children are restless, turn their heads, so it’s worth putting the baby in the crib, then it will be much easier for the little one to measure.

We hope after our explanations, you have learned how to decide on the choice of parameters for caps, hats, caps ...

To choose and buy a hat or knit a hat correctly, you just need to know its size. For these purposes, there are special tables. In the domestic market, they use the Russian size table, in which measurements are taken in centimeters native to us. With it, you can determine the size of the cap.

In international tables, inches are most often taken as the unit of measure. Very easy to use table of children's sizes of hats. Age gradation in such a table is presented in detail: from 1 month to 12 years. After 2 years, the circumference of the child's head changes every 6 months by about 0.5 centimeters. In some grids of size tables for children, the age of the child is also indicated.

How to correctly determine the size of the cap for women and children (in centimeters)

The abundance of characteristics can be a little confusing for many, but the bulk of headwear manufacturers are guided not only by the dependence of the head girth on the age of the child, but also on his height. When using so many parameters, the chance to pick up a hat that will definitely fit increases.

On a note: Many manufacturers, in order to make it easier for parents, write on the labels not only the size of the product, but also age category for which it is designed.

Unlike children's tables, adult size tables do not contain age information. The sizes themselves are conceived by standard letters: L, M, XL, XXL and so on.. When choosing a headdress for a woman, a number of features should be considered. Firstly, many of the fair sex love to wear voluminous hairstyles that cannot be pressed strongly to the head with a beret or hat, so as not to spoil it.

For lovers of lush hair, it is necessary to add 1 cm to the designation of the head girth and you should choose more free styles. The range of headwear for women impresses with its variety. The presence of ribbons, laces or other devices designed for a slight change in size should also be considered when choosing a headgear. This option is perfect in case the product stretches.

The main characteristics of hats

Hats have the following characteristics:

  • Diameter.
  • Size.
  • Girth.
  • Depth.

To determine the size of the cap, you need to consider only one indicator: head girth. It is quite easy to measure it yourself. To do this, you only need a centimeter tape, which is used by tailors for work.

How to measure: The tape is applied to the head 1 cm above the level of the eyebrows and the tips of the ears, wraps around the head and brings both ends together in the crown area.

Next, the obtained data should be compared with size chart(mesh) and you can safely order hats in absentia. If there is no measuring tape at hand, then You can use a regular ruler and thread. The thread is wrapped around the head according to the instructions above, then it is applied to the ruler and the exact length of the thread in centimeters is determined.

Children's Hats Size Chart

European and international sizes hats

Factors to consider

The size of the headgear is influenced by three of its characteristics:

  • The material it's made from.
  • Pattern, if any
  • Product density.

Woolen or cotton products tend to "sit down" over time, while viscose, on the contrary, stretches. When choosing a hat, the features of the material must be taken into account so as not to throw away the stretched or, conversely, shrunken product in the future.

Fur hats do not tend to deform, so they should be purchased exactly in size.

Winter hats should fit tightly around the head, so when choosing a hat for the cold season, 1 cm must be taken away from the girth of the head. This is the very “reserve” due to which the hat will not slip or hang out. But there are some pretty important nuances.

For a long time, hats with voluminous patterns have come into fashion. The very first were the famous "pigtails", which still remain at the top of popularity. When choosing a hat with embossed, “heavy” patterns, at least 1 cm must be subtracted from the head coverage value, because such a product will stretch a little over time and will “hang” on its already completely unhappy owner.

Right measurements taken heads are the key to successful work and beautiful hat. Therefore, I advise everyone, before you start knitting any hat, you must first choose the right yarn, and knitting needles or a hook that fits the selected model.

Then knit a control swatch of the pattern. You will need it for the correct calculation of loops and rows in the product.

Moreover, if the product is knitted from several patterns, it is better to knit samples of all and see how they will look, I always do this, sometimes this process is delayed for me if I don’t like the selection of patterns. But it’s better to spend a little more time right away than to dissolve the finished product later.

If you have a suspicion that the yarn is shrinking, then it is better to wash the samples and look at the result. After the samples are connected, they take measurements from the head and find out the size. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

Knitting hats for beginners: preparatory work

If you are a beginner needlewoman, then, of course, it is best to start with the most simple circuits and patterns. So you will be sure of the final result and at the same time gain experience in knitting hats with knitting needles.

Yarn selection

First of all, you need to go to the store with all kinds of knitting materials. It is here that you will purchase yarn for knitting a hat with knitting needles. All yarn is divided into several types, on which the quality of the future product and its wear depend.

First of all, it is worth noting the uniform yarn. These are 100% wool, linen, cotton, bamboo and other yarns. Distinctive features homogeneous yarn - naturalness and environmental friendliness, however, for example, pure wool yarn can be harsh and cause allergies.

In this case, preference should be given to the most popular mixed yarn. characterize this species can be as follows: natural fabric add fibers of acrylic, viscose and others synthetic materials. Knitted products from such threads are very soft, perfectly worn and washed.

The third group is synthetic yarn, which is 100% non-natural fibers.
All threads can be divided by thickness. For knitting a hat, you should choose a thicker thread. In this situation, the question may arise, how to determine the thickness of the thread. It's very simple. Typically, the packaging indicates the length of the thread in 100 grams. The shorter the length, the thicker the thread itself will be.
The color of the yarn is selected according to your preferences and the planned image. Choose the color of the future knitted hat under winter coat or accessories (scarf, gloves, bag). Also remember, if you are thinking of knitting a hat with embossed pattern then give preference to light threads. On them, the pattern will be clearer.

Tool selection

The next step before making a knitted hat for beginners will be the choice of knitting tools, i.e. spokes.
Can be used to knit hats different kinds spokes. Perhaps for the first knitted hat it is worth taking ordinary straight knitting needles with a tip. With the help of them you can knit a knitted hat, which will have a seam on the back.
There are also stocking needles. There are usually five in a set. They can be made of metal, bamboo, plastic, glass. Choose from your preferences, as all needlewomen determine for themselves only by trial optimal material spokes. Hosiery needles are sharp on both sides and are usually not very large.

Circular knitting needles are also used for knitting hats. These are two knitting needles, which are interconnected by a fishing line, wire, silicone tube. The length of the fishing line or wire may be different, which is important to consider when circular knitting hats. After all, it will simply not be convenient for you to place the entire number of loops on

line if it is short. Hat on circular needles for beginners, a fairly easy option, but you need to be careful.
The thickness of the needles must be selected twice as much as the thickness of the thread. If you knit very tight, choose thicker needles. Conversely, if it is very loose, then use thinner knitting needles.
For knitting, you may also need a marker to determine the sequence of rows and a sewing needle. And for those who crochet, be sure to select a hook by number that will fit the yarn.

Choice knitting patterns for hats for beginners

To date, there are a huge number of patterns for knitting hats with knitting needles. For this wardrobe item, it is possible to use both simple patterns, and various volumetric and embossed. However, most often all hats begin with a regular 2 * 2 elastic band.

Garter knitting. This is a very simple pattern that you can easily complete without any patterns. Dial required amount loops, remove the first loop on right needle, then knit all loops facial. The last loop must be purl. The next rows should be knitted in the same way.

Relief patterns. Such patterns include "pearl" and "honeycomb". In these patterns, there is an alternation of facial and purl loops. In the first row it is necessary to knit: one facial, one purl, one facial, one purl, and so on until the end of the row. In the next row, we change the order: we knit one purl, one facial, one purl, one facial, and so on until the end of the row. The third row repeats the first.

Braids or plaits. There are a lot of braid schemes. They can be combined with other patterns to create unique knits. Here is an example of one braid pattern. To do this, you need to dial the number of loops a multiple of eight plus two edge. We knit 4 facial and 4 purl, in the next row knit 4 purl and 4 facial. Next, you need to remove 2 loops on an additional knitting needle, knit the next 2 loops with facial ones, and then two loops from an additional knitting needle. Then repeat the second row. This is a repeat of the braid pattern.

Combination various schemes will allow you to create interesting and unusual models of knitted hats.

Taking measurements from the head for knitting a hat with knitting needles

Before you start knitting a hat with knitting needles, you need to take measurements from your head or the person to whom you decide to knit a hat.

First of all, measure the volume of your head with a centimeter. It is usually marked by the largest girth. Focus on what you want to end up with and how you will wear your future knitted hat.
Next, you need to determine the height of your header. To do this, you need to attach a centimeter to the bridge of your nose and mark the length that ends at the crown. Add 3 cm to the result. However, there are models of caps in which the height can be much larger. For example, beanie hats.

The most important measurements for a hat are:
1. Rim line. This is the circumference of the head. It also determines the size of the headgear. It is removed on the frontal part of the head and the back of the head. A point is taken on the forehead just above the eyebrows, and on the back of the head - the most convex part.
2. Then the distance from the crown to the edge of the product from the front is measured and, similarly, the distance from the crown to the edge of the product from the back.
3. Then the distance from the crown to the edge along the temporal part is measured.
4. The last measurement is the distance from the earlobe to the edge of the back of the head.

Thus, all measurements will be taken and it will be possible to build a pattern for the hat.
At the same time, it must be remembered that the style of the cap greatly affects the values ​​​​of measurements. For example, you need to know whether the hat will be pulled down on the forehead or not.

Measurements for building a hat pattern - an example

Head circumference is measured at its widest point. Ours is 56 cm.

Distance from the point of the base of the skull to the crown (AM) 17 cm;

The distance from the crown to the hairline in front (MB) = 16 cm;

Distance from crown to earlobe (MU) = 21 cm.

Distance from the base of the skull to the earlobe (AU) = 11 cm.

Now let's build the base pattern

We build a right angle with a vertex at point O. Horizontally we set aside a measure of the girth of the head - point G. Down the vertical we set aside the measure AM \u003d 17 and get a line back seam. We divide the distance of the exhaust gas in half and get the point In - the line of the middle of the front. On this line we set aside the measurement MB = 16. From the point O to the right horizontally we set aside the measurement AU = 11 and get the point Uo, down from which we draw a vertical (line of the ear). Distance UoU \u003d MU \u003d 21 cm. We draw a smooth line through the ACF points.

Hat base pattern

If you knit with this pattern, you will get a beanie with a seam at the back, with small ears and a gather at the top. The size of the hat will exactly match the measurements of the head if you knit in a tight, low-stretch knit.

simple beanie consists of a crown and a bottom and is a cylinder.

Decide on the size of the bottom and crown. Suppose that the cap should cover the ears, that is, reach the earlobes. This means that its height as a whole should correspond to the measure MU = 21 cm. The width of the cap at the level of the crown should correspond to the girth of the head - 56 cm. Now we calculate the radius of the circle - the bottom (R). The circumference of the bottom is 56 cm or 2PR, where P is pi equal to 3.14. Then R \u003d 56 / 2x3.14 \u003d 8.9 cm. Round this value to 9 cm. Now you can determine the height of the crown: 21 - 9 \u003d 12 cm.

So, for knitting a simple hat, it is enough to take only two measurements - the girth of the head and the desired height of the hat.

The general formula for calculating the radius of the bottom of the cap is R = Og / 6.28.

How to determine the depth (height) of the cap:

Depth for a hat, skullcap, cap (to the ear) = OG / 3
Depth for panama hats (to the middle of the ear) = OG / 3 + 1 (1.5) cm
Depth for a hat (to the earlobe) = OG / 3 + 2 (3) cm

If for some reason you cannot take measurements, we offer an indicative table of knitted hat sizes depending on age.

Knitted hat sizes


Cap height from crown to bottom, cm

Bottom radius, cm

0 - 3 months


3 – 6 months


6 – 18 months


1.5 - 3 years


36 years


6 - 8 years


8 – 16 years old


16 years old to small adult size (up to 54th)


middle adult (up to 58th)


How to calculate the number of loops using a sample

After determining all the sizes you need, you need to determine the density of knitting, from which you can calculate the number of loops you need for knitting. To do this, dial 10 loops and knit 10 rows. Measure the resulting sample with a ruler and, based on the girth of your head, calculate the number of loops.

Pay your attention to how many loops fit in one centimeter.
To find out how many loops you need to take as a basis, multiply the head circumference by the number of stitches per centimeter. For example, 60x2 = 120 loops.
In order to make it easier to decrease the loops at the end of the work, round the number so that it is a multiple of 8.
Round down, as yarn tends to stretch.

How to correctly measure the density of knitting using a template?

Before knitting a sample, make a pattern. A special template for counting stitches and rows, of course, can be bought at needlework stores, but a simple, yet convenient fixture can be quickly made on your own.

Making a template for sample measurement

Take a thick piece of A5 cardboard and cut out a “window” in it with sides of 10x10 cm. Apply centimeter markings along the edges of the “window” or glue pieces of paper centimeter tape.

When casting on sample loops, be guided by the data on the density for the front surface, which is usually on the label attached to the skein. From them, tie a sample, the size of which should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the "window of your template". The finished sample must be placed on a flat surface and, slightly stretched, secured with pins.

Overlay the prepared template on top of your sample. Pick up a knitting needle and use it to count the number of loops along the horizontal edge of the “window” and the number of rows along its vertical edge. Do not neglect the "halves" of the loops when measuring, in magazine instructions, fractional density numbers are not at all uncommon.

Now that you have determined the density of your pattern, compare it to the magazine: if the numbers match, you can knit, guided by the numbers in the instructions, if not, make the necessary adjustments, after making sure that your canvas turned out exactly as you need - not too dense, but not loose, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Wet Sample Processing

In principle, now you can get to work, if not for one thing. important "BUT": sooner or later things get dirty and have to be washed. This problem is especially relevant when we knit for kids. After all, their clothes often get dirty: panties, overalls and blouses will have to be washed more than once, which means you need to check if the density of your sample changes after washing.

Wash the swatch (or at least get it wet) and dry it flat on a flat surface. Then repeat the measurements. Did your sample noticeably sit down or, on the contrary, stretched out? - there is reason to think: is it worth knitting from such yarn at all? Changed a little? - make the necessary correction for "shrinkage-stretching" in the calculations.

Choosing a knitting technique for knitting hats for beginners

The technique of knitting a hat with knitting needles depends on the model you have chosen. There are several techniques that are used to knit hats. knitting needles: from the gum to the crown, from the crown to the gum, knitting hats on straight knitting needles with a straight fabric, knitting hats with circular or hosiery knitting needles, knitting hats using patterns.

1 - Knitting a hat with knitting needles from the crown
Consider, in my opinion, an easier way to guess from a long capfrom crown to gum. In this case, you first form the crown, and then gradually increase the number of loops, forming a hat.

Knitting classic hat from the top of the head is not very common, it's all about tradition. In addition, a hat knitted in a circle is considered so easy to work with that not every needlewoman will bother with calculations. It's no secret that with the usual knitting from bottom edge the main thing is the distance from the edge from which the reductions begin. This point must be determined very accurately, because if you start earlier, the hat will be short and you will have to pull it all the time, if later, on the contrary, crawl on your face, or fall back. All this can be easily avoided when knitting from the crown, because in the process of work you can try on a hat, and the calculations when doing it are not so complicated as to deliberately avoid them.

To knit a seamless hat, you will need a set of 5 knitting needles, which are usually used to knit socks, and ring knitting needles about 40 cm long. To start work, 8 loops are dialed, which are distributed over 4 knitting needles and close them in a ring. With the help of the fifth knitting needle, the first row is started, knitting 2 loops from each dialed. It turns out 16 loops, on which another row is knitted. Then the loops are added a second time: (*) knit 2 loops from one, 1 front; so repeat from the asterisk to the end of the row - there are 24 loops on the needles. The next row is without additions, and then you need to add again: (*) 2 loops from one, two facial ones; repeat from asterisk to the end of the row on the needles of 32 loops. Then they continue to add in every second row, increasing the number of loops between additions by one loop, that is, the fourth row of additions: (*) 2 loops from one, 3 facial; repeat from star to end of row. Fifth row of additions: (*) 2 loops from one, 4 front; repeat from star to end of row, and so on.

If it is planned to knit a hat completely from an elastic band, then the added loops do not knit stockinette stitch, but include gum in the pattern. As you work, the lines of additions diverge in eight spirals from the center of the knitted disk. This disk is the crown of the hat, and when it covers the head like a skullcap, the additions should be stopped and the hat should be knitted further like a pipe with any elastic band or pattern. When there are already enough loops in the work, it is better to switch from stocking needles to circular ones. Before trying on, it is very convenient to knit a row on circular knitting needles 80 cm long, try on a hat and in the next row they will again return to knitting needles 40 cm long.

If a lapel is not needed, then the cap is simply tied to the earlobe and the loops are closed.

For a classic hat with lapels, knit about 18 cm from last row with additions. The total height of the hat is usually 25 - 28 cm.

The crown of the cap is closed by simply pulling together the initial eight loops with the end of the thread remaining from the set and tucking it in from the inside out. You can add a pom-pom, a knitted flower, or any other decoration you like.

Description of the cap and interesting crown

We collect an even number of loops multiple of 4 + 1 (I have 88 + 1, for a head circumference of 50 cm, knitting needles 5, Cashsilk yarn). Description from Tatiana Odintsova
We close our Knitting in a circle (with the help of an extra loop) and knit our hat, in a circle with an elastic band 1/1, about 24 (for an adult 27) cm.

Next, distribute the markers as follows:
. we divide our loops into two halves front and back;
. now, in each of the parts, we select an odd number of loops (purl / faces / purl) I have 19 (the fewer, in the middle of the loops, the sharper the crown of the cap);
. highlight our mids, front and back with markers (they remain unchanged until the end)
. it turns out that in each part, and in the middle of the crown we have an odd number of loops (I have 19), and from crown to crown too (I have 25) 25/19/25/19;
. we begin to form our crown with the help of decreases, along these 19 loops (in my case);
. to form the crown, decrease two loops in each row, before and after the central part, highlighted with markers
. when three loops remain on the knitting needles on each side of the “crown”, highlighted with markers, we make the last reductions.
On each side we decrease only one loop !!!

The secrets of a beautiful shape when knitting a classic hat with knitting needles from the top of the magazine

Secret 1: when knitting a hat from the top of the head, the addition of loops was carried out simultaneously in eight directions, one loop at regular intervals. To say that such work is much more difficult than the expansion in four directions familiar to modern knitters is impossible, just a little unusual. An old technique that was used when knitting classic hats from thin fluffy threads may seem more unusual. In those days, it was customary to work on eight stocking knitting needles from the crown to the fields. It is believed that if the number of knitting needles matches the number of expansion directions, then the risk of making a mistake when doing them is minimal. So, by the way, they also knitted berets. On the left are photos from a hand knitting textbook half a century ago.

Secret 2: avoid any seams that disfigure the shape and patterns of the cap, therefore an invisible set of loops, connecting parts together knitted seam and knitting parts on loops, cast on the edges already knitted, were used as a means of avoiding them. Photo at the very beginning of the article.

Secret 3: loops were closed with a simple sewing needle, which helped to create a strong elastic edge. So it was accepted and sports models. Knitting them from the crown was different from classical performance extensions: it was allowed to lead it only in six directions. Beautiful and at the same time elastic edge hats were given so much great importance that when working from the fields, they preferred to make a temporary set of loops on an additional thread. When the classic hat was already knitted, the first row was unraveled and the open loops were closed in the manner shown in the photo on the left.

Secret 4: when knitting a hat from the fields to the crown, the reduction of the loops began 17-25 rows before the expected end of the work and performed it in the manner shown in the photograph. So it is possible to avoid unnecessary "hills" at the crown.

That's all the secrets beautiful shape when knitting a classic hat with knitting needles.

2 - Knitting a hat from the elastic to the crown

A hat is usually knitted from the bottom up with knitting needles, this is the most common way for knitters. First, select a pattern and start counting the number of loops for the hat. To do this, we knit a sample of approximately 15 x 15 cm.

In the central part of knitting, we determine how many loops are in one centimeter (both in width and in height). We multiply the number of loops (in width) by the girth of the head. But since in the process of knitting our product will stretch, we reduce the number of loops by the number of loops of 2 cm. So for the calculation we take the volume of the head minus 2 cm. If we knit a hat or its even part with any pattern, we must have the number of loops of rapport of this pattern. If the hat is knitted on two knitting needles, with a seam, then you need to add 2 more edge loops.

Then we knit a flat part of the hat of the desired height. The height depends on how we are going to wear this hat (for example, on the size of the lapel). The usual depth of the hat is about 12-14 cm.

Leave the end of the tying thread longer, so that you can then sew a hat with it.
The cap has a seam at the back, so you need to carefully knit the side edges of the fabric so that they can then be connected in the least noticeable mattress seam.

3 - Knitting a hat on straight knitting needles with a straight fabric

Everything is simple here - knit a straight fabric according to the calculated measurements with the chosen pattern. The place where you will sew the knitted fabric should look very neat. For example - you must start, for example, from the front ones - finish with the wrong ones and sew the product joint to joint, then our seam will not be noticeable. It is better to sew with a mattress seam, pull off the top and the hat is ready.

4 - Knitting hats using patterns

This technique is most often used to make complex models caps.

5 - Knitting hats with circular or stocking needles

In this case, the hat is knitted in one piece and without a seam.

Dial the required number of loops.

Be careful when casting on.

Connect the loops in a circle and knit according to the selected pattern. Tangled stitches cannot be fixed and you will have to start over. Periodically try on the beanie to determine how many rows are left to make.

Circular needles create edges that wrap on their own. Therefore, you will have to knit a little longer to calculate the length of the hat.

Start the reduction.
Mark with pins every 8 or 10 loops. Two loops before the pin, decrease one loop. Continue working, decreasing each circle. After the work done, you will notice how your hat decreases. Don't be afraid to adjust the needles, it won't ruin your work.

When you have 4 loops left, you can say that you are coming to the end of the work. Your hat size ready-made will be approximately 38-50 cm.

Take a darning needle or crochet hook. To finish the work, pull the yarn through the remaining 4 loops.
Pull yarn through each loop.

Leave a free end. You should still have some length left to work. To secure the crown, pull the tip of the thread to the wrong side and crochet through upper part caps.
Then cut the thread to the length of the hat.
At the end of the work, sew the product with a darning needle. This is necessary for strength and masking the seam.

I hope that the material I have collected is useful to you and you will knit fashionable and nice hats and don't forget to brag about them in the comments or in my groups in social networks.

Often one has to face a problem when buying a headgear: ignorance of one's own head size, or the size of the head of a child for whom the headgear is being purchased. The size is also required when ordering a hat or cap individually. Determining the size of the head is not so difficult, it does not require special measurements at all. All you really need is a measuring tape, paper, and a pen. As well as a regular mirror in front of which you will take measurements (in case you need to find out your own size).

How to quickly and accurately find out the size of the head
The size of the head is the circumference of the head in centimeters. Therefore, determining the size of the head comes down to finding the length of this very circle.
  1. The easiest and most obvious way to determine head size is to use a tailor's measuring tape. Fix the beginning of the tape at any point on your head that is convenient for you and wrap the tape around your head so that it passes a little above the ears and eyebrows. Mark with your fingers on the tape where it will meet the starting point. Determine the result on the tape scale.
  2. If you do not have flexible tape on hand, then you can use a piece of thin rope of a suitable length. The general measurement technology in this case will be the same as when using a tailor's tape. Only after determining the circumference of the head will you need to use a ruler to measure the section of the rope from its beginning to the mark. Try not to tighten the rope too much, as this will lead to an underestimation of the actual performance.
    In addition, to the inaccuracies of measuring the length of the circumference of the head with this method, errors in determining the length of the rope segment are also inevitably added. So to get more reliable result it is desirable to carry out several repetitions of measurements and, based on the data obtained, find the average value.
  3. If you plan to purchase hats abroad, then please note that in some countries the size may be indicated in inches. To convert your size from centimeters to inches, divide your head circumference by 2.54.
  4. Be sure to try on hats before purchasing. Indeed, in addition to the fact that you could make a mistake when determining the size of your head, there are a number of other parameters due to which a headdress may not suit you. A hat that sits tight on your head is best left at the store, however much you like it.
When you buy a hat for a child, do not think about how to determine the size of the head, but use special metric tables that calculate the size of the head depending on age, weight and height. Such tables can be asked from sales assistants of children's goods.