Beautiful daring brutal guys. Brutal man

Any man should have a bit of brutality in himself. Brutality in a man allows a lady to feel that behind him she is like behind a stone wall. But what is this concept of "brutal"? And what are the criteria for this very "brutality"?

What does direct meaning mean

"Brutalis" (brutalis) translated from Latin is interpreted as "animal, bestial, carnal", in the version of "brutus" (brutus) the translation will be "heavy, rude, stupid". But this does not mean at all that a brutal man should be a stupid, rude and brutalized male to the end, always thirsting for flesh. In the Russian version of brutality, everything is much more clever.

What is meant by the term

Let's see what the phrase "brutal man" means. So, what qualities should a male representative have in order to be called “brutal”:

1. Physique. The body of a man should not resemble an animal, but it is the man who must be determined by the silhouette in it. If a man is thin, does not play sports and does not take care of himself, he is far from brutality.

2. Hot temper. Only not one in which there is no place for prudence. A man should always be ready to stand up for himself and for his lady of the heart, and this should show through in everything, in his look, in his habits, in his behavior and in his very character. And this should be known to others.

3. Manner hold. No, he shouldn't be arrogant. But he should not behave awkwardly in order to be ridiculed even furtively. Brutal men are slow, but purposeful. They are not snobs, but they do not shield themselves.

4. No macho. Macho man is from another area. From another area and Casanova with womanizers. A brutal man is by no means a womanizer. He never hits on women unless he decides to make a serious acquaintance, and he never flaunts his appearance, although he is not used to getting lost among the extras. You can not call it the "golden mean". Brutal man out of categories. Rather, he is above them all, because if he wishes, he can restore order in any "cohort". But for this there must be really serious reasons.

5. Natural masculinity. In a brutal man, a fraction of natural masculinity should be traced. No, not animal habits, inclinations or other unrestrained reflex habits. He should stand above reflexes, but they should not be alien to him and, when necessary, should always be "at hand". But only in strictly deliberate, thoughtful and appropriate situations. Otherwise, the man will be not so much brutal as an unrestrained and eccentric brawler.

6. Appearance. The fact that a man has brutality does not mean at all that he should not be groomed like an animal. No, appearance they should have one hundred percent, and regardless of whether they are wearing a suit, uniform or ordinary everyday T-shirt with shorts. And even if he is slightly unshaven (which happens often), two or three days of stubble does not look out of place on him and does not speak of his neglect. Rather, he has such a habit and style.

Let's summarize

So, from the foregoing, it can be understood that a brutal man is one who is always taut, is in good physical shape, does not give anyone a descent and does not allow them to tease either themselves or their lady. He is moderately restrained, thoughtful and reasonable, but when necessary, he can instantly turn into a real furious destruction machine. In a word, this is exactly the type of man behind which any woman will be like behind a stone wall. That's what it is, brutality.

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There are different types of men in the world. We call each of these types in our own way, based on certain qualities, character traits and temperament. And what is the meaning of the word "brutal man"? Probably, this question, at one time, was asked by almost every woman. It's no secret that many ladies are very fond of bad guys. And, although, often, this love does not lead to anything good, women are still drawn to negative characters.

The meaning of the word "brutal man" is difficult to describe in one sentence. Moreover, brutality can be not only real, but also simulated. How can you distinguish a pseudo-brutal man from a real one?

First, let's define what this brutality is and what kind of man can be called really brutal. In general, the word "brutality" originally meant cruelty and rudeness. But, in our lexicon, this concept has received a different coloring. If a man is called brutal, he can be considered courageous and tough, but not cruel. In addition, there is always an atmosphere of mystery and mystery around such a guy. Brutal men know how to conquer women with their strength, inflexibility and that special masculine charm that only “ bad Boys". It is difficult to leave such a man and it is almost impossible to refuse him. Even if initially he may annoy a woman with his rudeness, over time this attitude will change, as his toughness will be perceived as masculinity. Next to such a guy, any woman feels like behind a stone wall. Although, of course, such men are not always liked by others, especially parents and other representatives of the stronger sex. Their rigidity, some vulgarity and swagger, makes parents beware, and guys get angry because of envy. It is known that subconsciously, tough and rude guys like women because it feels strong. And other men understand that brutal young people have privileges and simply envy them. Of course, the guys will never admit this and explain their behavior as concern for your feelings and safety, since next to you is by no means a gentleman.

But, nevertheless, let's define what is the difference between real brutality and fake. First, it is worth noting that the pseudo-brutal guy flaunts his rudeness and vulgarity too much. He constantly, with or without reason, lets go of his dirty jokes trying to humiliate and insult someone. This is especially true when a young man is in the company of men. But, here you immediately need to make a reservation and note that the guys next to him should be younger, more cultured or weaker. If such a young man sees that the power of the word and the fist is clearly not on his side, all arrogance disappears at once, and he behaves extremely quietly and complaisantly. Such a man only says a lot about the fact that he is macho and a great defender. And, in fact, it is precisely such pseudo-brutal individuals who are the first to rush headlong away when someone approaches them in a dark alley. Moreover, they behave this way even when his girlfriend is nearby. After such a case, of course, such a guy always tells amazing stories to justify. And here it depends on the literary talents and the girl's love, whether she believes him or not. Also, young people of a similar mindset and character can offend a woman or even raise a hand against her. They believe that in this way they prove their strength and toughness and also constantly try to justify their behavior in the eyes of others. They, in fact, lack neither the strength nor the mind to find a worthy opponent. But, they just need to constantly prove to themselves and others their coolness and masculinity. Normal guys almost always distinguish really brutal guys from such actors and simply do not pay attention to them, or take them out on clean water. But some girls believe in such a theater of one actor, from which, often, they experience and suffer. This is not surprising, because choosing such a guy, a woman counts on protection and love, but gets a man who cannot do anything and asserts himself due to her weakness.

A real brutal man will never raise his hand to a woman. His rigidity can be seen in behavior, words, gestures, attitude towards male gender, but for such a guy to hit a woman is below his dignity. A real brutal man really knows his own worth, so he does not stuff it for himself in all possible and impossible ways. Simply, he behaves the way he is comfortable and always remains the way he is. His toughness and masculinity is manifested in the style of clothing, the vehicles that he chooses to move, the way he speaks, looks, and moves. In such a guy, all this looks and is considered absolutely harmonious. He doesn't try to be better or worse than that who he really is. Feelings are not alien to brutal men, but only the circle of the closest - the chosen ones knows about them. Simply, the fact is that brutal men do not try to seem scoundrels. Simply, they are used to not succumb to emotions and do as they see fit. They will never do something to prove their strength to other people, whether they are boys or girls. These young people simply make their choice and act accordingly.

The meaning of the word "brutal man" is that such a term is understood as a really real man who can always stand up for himself and protect those he loves. And although not everyone likes a brutal man because of his slightly arrogant behavior, straightforwardness and, often, vulgarity, loved ones always know that he good man who you can rely on in any situation. His brutality is not a minus, but a plus. And, in fact, these guys make great husbands and fathers. Simply, over time, they become wiser and calmer, but the strength of masculinity and charm remain with them for life.

The appearance of a man plays an important role in life, profession and personal life Therefore, stylists advise to take a responsible approach to the choice of clothes and shoes. The style of clothing should fully correspond to the character, temperament, age, lifestyle of a man. The most common option today is the brutal style of clothing for men.

Brutality is the personification of masculinity and strength of a man, his charisma and temperament. Stylists note that clothes in this theme will allow a man to always look impeccable, showing his leadership abilities, determination and fortitude. It is only important not to overdo it with brutality in the image, as well as to harmoniously select styles and colors.

The most brutal style among actual styles- these are military, that is, clothes, shoes and accessories that are close to the military theme. This includes formal shirts and trousers, sportswear, all kinds of accessories, military and sports boots and much more. The emergence of this style originates from the time of wars and battles between peoples and countries.

As soon as the wars ended, the uniforms and suits that were issued to the soldiers quickly flowed into everyday civilian life. The direction was completely formed in the early 80s of the XX century, when designers and fashion designers began to use military uniforms and their features, creating men's clothing, but in a freer style and cut.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

The first and world-famous fashion houses that began to produce lines of brutal men's outfits are the brands Mark McNairy, Valentino, Lou Dalto, a collection of clothes from Zegna, etc.

Why brutal men are always in fashion?

Really brutal men's style cannot be called a specific term, since military, sports style, and rocker style can be attributed here. According to experts, a brutal man is an explosive mixture of primitive and undeniable leadership, instincts, strength, masculinity, even some recklessness. And due to the large distribution of refined personalities, artists, office clerks, brutality and masculinity has become a rarity.

Do you like brutal style?


As practice shows, the main connoisseurs of the brutal image of men are female representatives who, by their nature, are in search of a strong and determined man. Therefore, stylists recommend dressing brutally and boldly for those men who seek to attract attention from the opposite sex, to reveal leadership abilities and determination in themselves. In addition, the brutal style of clothing is ideal for men of all ages.

brutal celebrities

To understand all the delights of brutal style, stylists and designers recommend viewing photos famous men all over the world who prefer to dress like this. Among them are male style icons and trendsetters of brutal style, such as:

  1. Jason Statham- the actor always dresses restrainedly and strictly, thereby personifying his natural force and courage. Often he can be seen in the photo in rock style jackets, sportswear, military style outfits.
  2. Gerard Butler- the actor always looks courageous and stylish, preferring outfits in classic colors and styles.
  3. Jean Reno- according to most women, this is one of the most attractive and courageous actors, as he correctly selects his wardrobe, preferring a classic, sporty style of clothing.
  4. John Travolta- this actor often comes across in camera lenses in clothes that resemble military uniforms in camouflage or khaki.
  5. Bruce Willis- offered his own style for bald men, offering men his example of a brutal and courageous man in clothes, shoes and even behavior.

The list of famous men who dress in a brutal style is endless, and this includes Adriano Celentano, and athlete David Beckham, and the famous agent Daniel Craig, and the famous adventurer Hugh Jackman. All these men in photographs, in films, and in real life most often prefer outfits that personify masculinity and strength.

How not to overfill a brutal image?

Despite the fact that the brutal image of a man is most valued by both the opposite sex and society, it is important not to overdo it with such a style so as not to look aggressive, bold and sloppy. Latest fashion trends and design solutions somewhat diluted this style with prints, bright colors, stylish accessories and decorating items.

For reference! The trendsetter today is recognized as the Italian men's fashion, which presented collections of clothes in a brutal style, but with a modern twist.

To emphasize your impeccable sense of taste, as well as look fresh and fashionable, you can dilute the military style or rock clothes from other trends and trends. For example, to stylish pants khaki cargo instead of a similar shirt and military-themed jacket, you can wear a bright T-shirt straight cut or polo shirt sports style. You can beat the image by replacing military-style shoes with sports sneakers, sneakers or moccasins.

We select a brutal wardrobe

Compose basic wardrobe men in brutal style will help leading stylists and designers. IN Everyday life wardrobe should consist of several mandatory elements:

  • a black leather jacket with a cropped style, with a hood (sports style) or with a standing collar (rock style in clothes);
  • leather demi-season raincoat of an elongated style;
  • classic black sunglasses;
  • a jacket of an elongated or short model made of dark dense fabrics;
  • shirts dark shades no military or country print;
  • straight-cut T-shirts, short or long;
  • dark jeans and straight cut;
  • or sports models in khaki or camouflage;
  • pilot jackets, bomber jackets and other models resembling military style (flight jackets);
  • hats - caps, or baseball caps without prints, only inscriptions of logos and brands are allowed;
  • comfortable boots of impressive size with lacing or locks.

If a man does not have the knowledge of how to compose and choose an outfit in a brutal style, experts advise trying the black style of clothing, which already looks bold and bold in itself. It could be classic suit, shoes and a shirt in deep black if required by a formal event or work dress code.


The most popular brutal image today, according to stylists, is the Italian men's style, which combined notes of classic, sports style, as well as rock, military and country styles in men's clothing. Famous designers offer stylish leather jackets, comfortable and practical trousers made of coarse and dense fabrics, raincoats and windbreakers of strict design, suits in brutal black, as well as fashionable and appropriate accessories.

A brutal man is the dream of any woman. Lately a fashionable expression began to be often used - a brutal man. But not everyone knows what meaning is hidden in the meaning of this phrase.

Initially, brutality meant such qualities as cruelty and rudeness. Gradually, this word began to change its meaning, acquiring new characteristics. Now, when they say the expression "brutal man", they mean more the personification of masculinity, strength, special charisma. Women may associate brutality with sexuality. This type of man is especially attracted to the female sex. This makes itself felt ancient, cave instincts: "The stronger the male, the more prey, the healthier the offspring." A kind of dominant type in everything.

Trusting ladies believe that they are not afraid of anything with such a man, and “behind him, like behind a stone wall.” But not always having a relationship with a brutal “Macho” is an easy and serene happiness. A brutal man still retains such qualities as rudeness, often selfishness, a kind of narcissism. He does not often strive for serious relationship one the only woman. He may have the opinion that any woman dreams of him, and this type is not very suitable for family life, at least until he begins to take life more seriously and reckon with others. Many girls imagine that brutal can show violent passion, a hot, irrepressible temperament. And they quite get such emotions. But it does guarantee a stable, permanent relationship.

The increased level of testosterone only enhances the natural polygamy characteristic of men. Often, this type of men is not at all characterized by softness and tenderness, they may despise manifestations of weakness a little. And not even because he is so bad, it's just his nature. In life, he seeks and strives for adrenaline, excitement. It also happens that all this assertiveness and brutality can be a disguise, and a man hiding under it can have a sentimental heart that needs care. Therefore, before losing your head in love with a brutal type, you should figure out what this person really is in order to prevent broken heart and failed family life.

In other words, choosing a man for the purpose of building long term relationship, you need to discard fantasies and illusions so as not to become a victim.

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Male brutality in the picture is good.

And in life you want ordinary decency.

Girls want to be bitches and bitches;

guys tend to be brutal and cynical.

And normal, natural to be no longer in vogue?

A brutal man does not fall - he attacks the floor.

Aphorisms about men

Brutality as a personality trait - a tendency to the ultimate and extreme expression of masculine nature, masculine nature.

The word "brutality" comes from the Latin adjective brutalis- rude, bestial, hard, terrible, treacherous; in the modern sense - emphasized severity, rudeness, extreme naturalness in terms of rigidity, "animality". A brutal man has huge muscles, that is clear signs masculinity. Brutality is rough naturalness, shamelessness of strength and naturalness, developed muscles, deep voice, rudeness of features and manners, harshness, all that in the mass representation is associated with extreme manifestations of belonging to the male sex. Brutality is my unkind and not gentle animal.

Today, when the forces of ignorance and degradation are advancing on all fronts, they are trying to position a brutal man as a dominant, tireless alpha male, breaking female hearts with its animal sexuality. What is attractive "brutal macho"? Women say uncertainly: - He guarantees the physical protection of a woman, you can rely on his strong male shoulder, he is confident, reliable, sexual energy flows from him over the edge, indomitable energy and irresistible pressure are visible in him.

Is it so? Are women right in assessing brutality?

After a three-year study, St. Petersburg psychologists came to more than unpleasant conclusions: 97% of women who marry brutal men are deeply unhappy, and 9 out of 11 such marriages do not last more than 2.5 years. Trying to answer the question of why this happens, and why men who enjoy the constant attention of women cannot make the latter happy, psychologists came to the conclusion that 7 reasons are to blame:

- The vast majority of brutal men are not really brutal, but only hide self-doubt and various other complexes under such a mask. At the same time, they are so afraid of being exposed that they are ready to humiliate and insult their other half, so that she does not find out the truth about them.

- Often the mask of brutality is worn by men who were raised in childhood by tyrannical and not very smart mothers. It was the mothers who eventually made them hate the sons of all women who have become men, in the person of whom brutal men take revenge on their mothers.

- Brutal men rarely get along in a male team, and it is there that real business and big money are “done”. Left on the sidelines because of their nasty temper and constant attempts to prove they are "cooler" than others, they usually never make enough money to adequately support their families.

- The attitude of such men towards children is also abnormal. They do not notice daughters, because they believe that only sons should be born to real men, and they are demanding of sons to the point of cruelty in attempts to raise real men from those. But as you can see, nothing good comes of it.

- Wearing maxi brutality, men easily raise their hand to a woman, and this, as you know, does not require any explanation when answering the question - "why can't you live with them?"

- Constantly proving to themselves and others their hyper-masculinity, they are rampant in alcohol, and in spending money (which, as you know, they never have), and in relationships with random women. All this ultimately drives them into debt and undermines their health, which in turn does not make them - grumpy and rude - more attractive.

- And this is the most main reason of all. Believing in themselves that there is no cooler than them, brutal men do not appreciate female love, attention and care, because they believe that tomorrow they will find a replacement for any woman, girlfriend or wife. And since no woman can endure such an attitude for too long, they end up alone - without money, without a family, without any talents, with one feigned and instantly dissipating brutality when they meet a stronger opponent, the price of which is nothing.

In practice, the ancient Neanderthal man, running through the mountains with a large penis and one gyrus, was deprived of a little stupidity, rudeness and straightforwardness, added a pinch of intelligence, sociability and poise and turned out to be a modern brutal macho. Many effeminate movie stars and showmen mow down under brutality. Now they appear in public stylishly unshaven, with a stern, sullen, and sometimes ferocious expression. The image of a brutal man is now in demand, so movie stars are making great efforts not to be, but to seem brutal.

Brutality is just one of the characteristics, features, properties of masculinity. No more. Therefore, it is not necessary to endow brutality with independent qualities of a person, as is rightly done if the masculinity of a person is analyzed.

What is courage? Masculinity as a quality of personality - the ability to show a certain group male qualities personality, by which those around him accurately determine how much a man has realized his own nature.

Masculinity and brutality are far from synonymous. Courage implies responsibility for oneself and members of one's family. Masculinity in the most difficult situations will fulfill his duty of husband, father, son to the end. She will die, but she will protect the woman, because she is responsible and knows firsthand about honor, manhood and a sense of duty. Brutality tends to be selfish and irresponsible. And where there is irresponsibility, there is betrayal, cowardice, betrayal, lack of desire to protect, patronize, care. It's only in the movies brutality, as Conan the barbarian rushes to the defense of a woman. In life, everything often happens exactly the opposite: brutality, tail between its legs, cowardly hiding its eyes, leaves a woman alone with rapists and robbers.

There are a lot of male personality traits that are elements of the systemic quality "masculinity". Brutality is one of important elements this system. No more. Therefore, by and large, it is not entirely correct to say: - A brutal man.

Let's imagine the periodic system of elements of D.I. Mendeleev. Each element in it in its place. It would never occur to anyone to pull out some element from the system and declare that it fully characterizes all the qualities of the system as a whole, that other elements can be brushed aside. It is all the more incorrect to resort to the help of other elements to characterize the pulled out element. For example, we pulled out their systems of phosphorus elements and say: - The world consists of phosphorus. For a stable existence, it is backed up with oxygen, for beauty - with silver, for reliability - with iron, for strength - with gold.

Card file of masculinity is represented by: imperiousness, gallantry, heroism, audacity, gentlemanship, discipline, valor, rigidity, initiative, intelligence, silence, wisdom, courage, reliability, perseverance, steadfastness, inflexibility, unpretentiousness, fearlessness, commitment, courage, responsibility, constancy, decisiveness, self-control, selflessness, restraint, willpower, courage, stability, perseverance, exactingness, self-confidence, daring, perseverance, poise, composure, courage and purposefulness. No need to steal individual elements from the "masculinity" system. By demonstrating these personality traits, a man voluntarily or involuntarily positions himself as a "real man", in particular a brutal man.

Fans of brutality say: - To be brutal you need to radiate confidence and calmness. Is masculinity possible without self-confidence, calmness, self-control and the ability to fully control situations? Fear and intimidation, confusion and confusion, alarmism and defeatism are alien to masculinity. Why engage in tautology and attribute to brutality the qualities that are integral to masculinity? The only true approach to the study of brutality is to find a zest in it, to open only it intrinsic properties and features. The simplest thing is to tear up the qualities that are part of the "masculinity" system and declare that these are characteristics of brutality.

- Be witty and dynamic. Become unpredictable. Take care of your appearance and maintain a flawless physical form, - brutalists repeat memorized, as if a person in whom masculinity is clearly highlighted is stupid, tongue-tied, static, sloppy and predictable, like a sunrise.

The magnetism of brutality is in indomitability, bestiality, naturalness, insensitivity and rigidity. Women drool at brutality, because the nature of the female is strong in them, accustomed to the fact that a man should be powerful, hairy and smelly. At the same time, they ennoble brutality as best they can, shamelessly pulling out the personality traits inherent in masculinity and unreasonably attributing them to brutality.

Fans of brutality claim: - This is strong man who rarely shows his emotions. With a strong character, preferring to subordinate rather than obey. Powerful, tough, courageous. This is a man for one hundred and even two hundred percent, there can be nothing in him from a metrosexual or other representative of an indeterminate sex, which are common in modern society as a consequence of the promotion of the "unisex" style. External signs brutal man: huge muscles; hard facial features; masculine square chin; direct look; physical strength; confident gait; simple, clear men's clothing rude manner of communication. In a word, brutality, according to women, is a special type of male attractiveness.

Katya liked the brutal bristles, the smell of fish and rough hands, but her husband stubbornly forced her to take care of herself.

Petr Kovalev 2015