Organic shampoos without sulfates. What are sulfates in shampoos, how are they designated. Professional hair care with "Cosmetics Gallery"

Modern means for hair care are not always harmless to the hair, therefore, in Lately women increasingly prefer shampoos without silicone, sulfates and parabens.

These products, unlike those sold in every store, cause minimal damage to the hair, while also taking good care of the hair.

Artificial "chemical" components violate lipid barrier hair and skin heads, because of which the curls become dull, dry and brittle, the ends are split, the hair in general looks unattractive.

Parabens and sulfates act not only on the hair, but also accumulate in the skin and gradually penetrate the body, sometimes causing serious health problems.

Ammonium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate are the most toxic and at the same time the most common surfactants that are used in many detergents Oh.

In turn, sodium laureth sulfate is no longer such a harmful substance, and its small concentration will not cause serious disorders.

Products with sulfates usually wash hair quickly and efficiently, lather well and are not at all expensive.

However, after prolonged use of such products, the skin becomes dry, itchy, and general state hair deteriorates.

Therefore, women are increasingly choosing organic products for their curls that do not contain preservatives and surfactants, and those chemicals that are present in the product cause minimal harm.

Vitamin complexes, plant extracts and natural oils protect curls, nourish and moisturize them.

In addition, organic products do not cause allergies and other unpleasant reactions, and are suitable for even color-treated hair.

After using such products, the hair becomes shiny, silky, strong, does not split or break.

If you have chosen a shampoo without silicone, sulfates, parabens, then you should know that your head will not immediately adjust to a new product.

The first results may appear only after a month or even later. After the first procedures, the hair may even fade at first, but after a while it will shine with renewed vigor.

Natural hair washing products usually have a mild aroma and color, as they do not include various synthetic fragrances and dyes.

The foam of such products is not very plentiful, since they do not include any sulfates and parabens.

Packages with natural products are usually marked with various icons that confirm their natural origin, as well as the absence of harmful chemical components.

The basis of such products is a mild detergent base, which includes safe ingredients - betaines, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, and instead of preservatives - sorbic or lemon acid.

The most common natural shampoos

There are a huge number of products on sale without sulfates, parabens and silicones. We offer you a list of the most common ones that have received good feedback at users.


The composition of MULSAN cosmetic hair products has practically no analogues. Shampoos of this company do not contain SLS, SLES, parabens, silicones and dyes.

The minimum expiration date indicates a completely natural composition, and the natural extracts included in shampoos and balms will take great care not only of your hair, but also of your scalp.

The consistency of the shampoo is very soft, you can feel the difference from other organic shampoos. All Mulsan Cosmetic products have the safest composition, as well as products for children. You can buy such cosmetics only in the official online store

This shampoo is made in Russia and is not at all expensive compared to other natural remedies.

It received mostly positive reviews from Russian women. According to the manufacturer, the product is enriched with essential oils, enzymes, vitamins, which have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

The structure of the hair is restored even with the most severe damage. As a result, the hair becomes elastic, silky, shiny and strong.

Made on the basis of melt water, which refreshes the hair. The shampoo does not contain fragrances, sulfates and parabens, while it is infused with Siberian herbs.

The shampoo restores the health of the hair, its shine and strength, gives the curls elasticity and softness, due to its natural origin.

The composition also includes non-aggressive mild surfactants that do not cause side effects. Shampoo perfectly washes hair, is able to wash off even oily compounds from curls.

It should be borne in mind that the shampoo does not foam very well due to the low content of sulfates and parabens. The cost of funds is very democratic and accessible to everyone.

Another Russian shampoo that can be purchased at many stores. The bottle says organic, free of silicones, parabens, sulfates and mineral oils.

The product is based on extracts of such plants as cedar elfin, nettle, yarrow, milk thistle, oak bark, Siberian fir, mountain ash, elecampane, chamomile, sea ​​buckthorn oil that grow in the ecological zones of Siberia and the Far East.

According to the manufacturer, the product contains a minimum amount of synthetic substances.

Shampoo gently cares for the scalp, fills the curls with health and strength.

The consistency of the product is very pleasant, has a delicate aroma. According to multiple reviews, it washes the curls well, but at the same time slightly dries the skin.

Therefore, regular use of the product will eventually allow you to move away from daily hair washing, as the reviews of those who have tried it on their strands say.

Trademark LOGONA

A German brand that does not use ingredients such as sulfates and parabens. These shampoos have received good reviews from women all over the world.

The manufacturer offers the entire line of hair care products that are considered therapeutic and prophylactic.

When choosing a product, consider your hair type and the problems that your hair has - increased fat content, dandruff, dryness, brittleness and more.

Indian remedy Himalaya

This is a remedy from India, the manufacturers of which claim that the composition includes natural substances such as aloe, lotus, hibiscus, embalia, excluding sulfates and parabens.

This shampoo is rich in proteins, thanks to which the curls acquire shine, strength, health, softness, smoothness.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as dandruff can occur in any person, creating significant inconvenience, giving an untidy, neglected look to the hair. Small scales fall on clothes with every touch of the hair, and if you start seborrhea, then there is a risk of losing a significant part of the hair or bringing the skin to dermatitis. Do not ignore the problem, resort to dubious aggressive recipes - for the successful elimination of dandruff today there are a lot of effective pharmaceutical products, quality cosmetic products, home and salon procedures. One of the main assistants in getting rid of seborrhea is a sulfate-free dandruff shampoo.

What's happened

Sulfate-free shampoo is a hair cleanser with the most natural composition free of sulfates, parabens and other harsh chemicals.

sulfates are usually basic components shampoos, and they are responsible for the elimination of fat, sweat, dirt from the hair and scalp. However, they not only clean, but also significantly harm the hair.

There are no such components in sulfate-free products; instead, formulas have been developed that include various oils, vitamin complexes, natural acids cleaning, others useful components. As a result, the strands acquire a healthy shine, strength and elasticity, and the scalp is gently cleansed, while also receiving nutrition and hydration.

Dirt and grease are dissolved by sorbic, citric acid, components from coconut and apricot, linseed, and stone oils. Other extracts and oils act as emollients, acting as balms and conditioners.

Note! The scalp is easier to wash due to the absence of sulfates, disinfected with natural antiseptics, dandruff gradually disappears.

Composition and benefits

Sulfate-free shampoos do not destroy the protective natural film on the hair, which protects them from the harmful effects of the external environment, does not weaken the bulbs and roots, preventing loss. Foaming components are glutamates, which do not cause irritation.

Unlike sulfate, organic products can also be used for very dry, dyed, weakened curls. The impact of these drugs is mild, there are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, they are suitable even for small children.

How to distinguish a sulfate-free shampoo from a regular one: you need to make sure that the label contains no SLS, SLES, surfactants, diethanols, parabens (the Paraben free sticker will indicate this). Natural components should prevail, the basis is usually the oily substances of coconuts, soap root, beans, glucosides.
Advantages of sulfate-free dandruff products:

  • do not dry the skin and curls;
  • suitable for all types of hair;
  • not only cleanse, but also relieve dryness, dandruff, nourish the bulbs and moisturize the scalp;
  • hypoallergenic and safe;
  • restore the acid-base balance of the skin;
  • ideal after keratin straightening (do not remove the keratin layer).

Pros and cons of using

Benefits of using sulfate-free shampoos:

  • are well washed out, without remaining on the skin, and without causing peeling, itching, irritation, allergies;
  • do not have a harmful effect, like sulfate analogues, which can provoke loss, depletion of hair follicles;
  • acting gently and carefully, they do not wash out the pigment from the colored strands, they are suitable for hair after keratinization, straightening;
  • can often be used, which is important in the treatment of dandruff.

It is worth noting, that organic components are especially useful for damaged, repeatedly clarified, strands, as well as after perms.

Cons of sulfate-free products:

  • not always able to completely remove strong dirt and styling products;
  • do not foam as much as synthetic counterparts;
  • at the beginning of application, they can create the appearance of a smaller volume of curls;
  • relatively high price.


For data natural remedies characterized by almost complete absence of contraindications, o However, individual reactions are possible, so the test will not interfere. A small amount of shampoo is applied to the elbow bend and aged for a while. If there is no redness, burning sensation, itching - you can safely use it.

Review of sulfate-free shampoos

The most popular brands of sulfate-free shampoos:

Natura Siberica

A Russian brand that uses the power of Siberian herbs, proven recipes and modern technologies in the manufacture of its products.

The composition contains:

  • lauryl glucoside, which has a healing effect;
  • vitamins and extracts from herbs normalize the functioning of the glands, removing dandruff and moisturizing the skin.

A popular shampoo with natural ingredients that has earned a lot of positive reviews and ratings. It really helps to improve the hair structure, fights seborrhea with regular use. oakmoss is powerful tool in the fight against the fungus that provokes dandruff, after the systematic use of shampoo, dandruff disappears. In addition, this perfect solution for dry scalp and dry weakened hair.

Volume - 400 ml., Price - 230–300 rubles.


Israeli brand with a wide range of dandruff, in the products:

  • Dead Sea minerals;
  • sheep wool keratin;
  • natural oils;
  • vitamin supplements.

This is a special development for curls that have undergone a keratinization procedure. Ideal for maintaining color, getting rid of dandruff, creating volume of curls. Brand with an excellent reputation, but with a fairly high cost.

Volume -400 ml., Price - 990 rubles.

Botanicus with lavender extract

The product, developed in the Czech Republic, washes well, cleanses, eliminates dandruff, and suits weakened curls. Eliminates peeling of the skin with systematic use, extinguishes irritation.


  • D-panthenol;
  • wheat proteins;
  • sodium salts from coconut, sunflower, castor and other oils;
  • tamanu;
  • lemon acid;
  • silk peptides;
  • extracts of thyme, oak, burdock root, horsetail.

Volume - 400 ml., The price is about 1400–2100 rubles.

Yves Rocher Sulfate-Free Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

A well-known brand has been releasing this natural product for a long time. effective remedy from dandruff. Despite the organic composition, it foams well and really fights dandruff. It is consumed very economically, has a mild pleasant aroma. Pomegranate peel helps exfoliate dead scalp cells, salicylic acid has an antiseptic effect, removing the fungus.

Composed of:

  • pomegranate extract;
  • vitamin complex;
  • salicylic acid.

Volume -300 ml., Price - about 330–420 rubles.


German development, effective cleansing composition, effective against dandruff. After a course of using shampoo, the scalp becomes healthy, the hair is shiny and smooth.

Composed of:

  • vitamin complex;
  • extracts of juniper, nettle, willow bark, poplar buds;
  • rosemary oil.

Attention! The peculiarity of the product is that in the first few applications, the amount of dandruff increases slightly, but then it disappears completely.

Volume - 250 ml., Price - about 780–1450 rubles.

Macadania Natural Oil

Great for getting rid of dandruff and treating dry damaged hair. It is gentle, cleanses gently, disinfects the scalp, nourishes hair follicles. Can be used every day, does not dry, eliminates rashes and peeling.

Composed of:

  • Oil components of macadamia nut and argan;
  • Vitamin complex.

Volume - 100 ml., Price - about 890–1200 rubles.

Volume - 1000 ml., Price - about 2900–3800 rubles.

Vichy Dercos Technique

This is no longer cosmetic, but pharmacy drug, the basis of the shampoo is a set of natural ingredients that heals not only the manifestations of dandruff, but also eliminates the causes of the disease.

Composed of:

  • phyto-complex soothing and moisturizing the head and hair;
  • piroctone-olamine;
  • natural acids.

Does not contain sulfates, soap, aggressive additives. In addition to allergies and individual intolerance, it has no contraindications.

Volume - 200 ml., Price - about 890–1800 rubles.

Application rules

Any products containing organic matter should be stored in a cool room or in a refrigerator container.

Step by step instructions for use:

  1. Before applying to curls, you need to warm a certain amount of the product in the palm of your hand.
  2. Then the anti-dandruff shampoo should be lathered on hair light movements, gradually distributing over the entire surface of the hair and scalp.
  3. Slowly massage your head.
  4. Rinse hair well with running warm or moderately hot water.
  5. Finally, you can use natural rinses, weak, unsaturated decoctions of herbs.

Advice. If you used foam, mousse, or another product during styling and didn’t wash your hair for several days, then you should first apply a regular shampoo, and finish washing your hair with organic dandruff. Experts recommend alternating sulfate-free and synthetic shampoos.

Effect of use

Using natural sulfate-free shampoos, you can not only get rid of dandruff, but also treat the curls themselves. Strands will look stronger, well-groomed, shiny and lush. Not in vain natural compounds are gaining more and more popularity: they are effective, act carefully, have almost no contraindications, do not harm the hair.

Can you get rid of dandruff with sulfate-free shampoos? Of course, yes, but you need to choose the right one for you. certain type hair and skin and observe the regularity of use. After certain course the water-salt balance of the skin will be restored, peeling will disappear, the ability to quickly regenerate will be restored. Along with this, the color and health of the hair improves.

Useful videos

Which dandruff shampoo to choose?

How to get rid of dandruff.

Continuing the theme of chemical additives to shampoos, I can not ignore another "villain". We will talk about parabens, which are present in almost any cosmetics. Perhaps it is they who take second place in the rating of "harmfulness" and controversy after sulfates. Is this component really dangerous for humans, and is it necessary to buy shampoo without parabens? Let's figure it out.

Parabens in shampoos: what is it and why?

Parabens are esters of one acid with an unpronounceable name (in other words, para-hydroxybenzoic). Today they are used as an effective and most common preservative in the production of cosmetics, medicines, and food. Parabens protect products from bacteria, fungi and mold, which strive to settle in an appetizing jar of cream or a cozy shampoo bottle. It turns out that the use of these components greatly simplifies the life of both manufacturers and consumers. Parabens take on the following functions:

  • ensure product hygiene;
  • significantly extend the shelf life;
  • keep the consistency, saving funds from delamination.

Parabens were invented not by chemists, but by nature - they are found in plants and berries: cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries. However, their synthesis from natural products it is too expensive, so a person has been producing a synthetic analogue for a long time. Just as effective, but cheap and potentially dangerous.

Harmful parabens: myths and reality

For more than 400 years, parabens have been used in industry as preservatives, but only recently a cloud of doubts, terrible theories and myths has appeared around them. I will give the most popular arguments of those who are against the broadcasts we are discussing.

  1. Parabens cause breast cancer. Indeed, in 2003, scientists published horrific statistics - in 18 out of 20 cases of tumors, a high concentration of parabens in the cells was found. Supporters of the preservative refuted such a statement: what a statistic if only 20 samples were examined! Not enough for a multi-million population. In general, this fact was refuted, but the sediment remained with consumers.
  2. Parabens contribute to the excessive production of female hormones c - estrogen. This is no longer a myth, but a reality. But many cosmetic additives, including natural ones, “sin” like this.
  3. Parabens are inherited. This assumption was put forward by scientists who conducted experiments on animals. To which paraben advocates responded: “You are not good people experimenting on our smaller brothers. The preservative does not accumulate, but is quickly excreted by the body. Proven!".

Opponents nevertheless came to a compromise - parabens can be used in production, but just a little bit. So certified cosmetics are safe for health. Buy it from reliable sellers.

How to find parabens in your shampoo?

The most frank manufacturers practically do not mask the preservative from their customers. In the composition of their products, you will find words with the ending "-paraben" or paraben. The most common esters found in shampoos are (listed in order of health hazard):

  • butyl;
  • isobutyl;
  • drank;
  • ethyl;
  • methyl.

Often parabens are encrypted with numerical values: E218, E214, E216. In this form, you probably saw them on the labels of purchased yogurts, sausages and other products. The preservative also has more intricate synonyms, you have to remember or write them down. For example: methagin, arahydroxybenzoate, oxybenzoic And hydroxybenzoic acids, PHB.

Paraben free shampoos

Nature has given us a lot of preservatives: these are vitamins C and E, extracts of propolis, seaweed and many other products. They are safe, effective, affordable, but short-lived - cosmetics with such additives will not last longer than 3 weeks. And only under the condition of being in the refrigerator. Understandably, shampoo makers are aiming for more practicality by canning their cosmetics. But not everyone uses parabens. That is why on some bottles we can see the inscription "Does not contain parabens" and at the same time a decent shelf life (up to 2 years).

Of course, I became curious about what kind of paraben-free shampoos Korean and Japanese manufacturers have. Especially for preservative opponents organic means for hair produce the following brands:

  • Real( shampoo without additives);
  • Kurobara ( organ oil shampoo;
  • Ormonika ( organic shampoo);
  • La Miso ( shampoo for volume and hair growth);
  • Gain Cosmetic ( universal shampoo for the scalp and body).

What do manufacturers replace parabens with? Here are the most common analogues: diazolidinyl-urea(diazolidinyl urea), sodium benzoate(sodium benzoate), potassium sorbate(potassium sorbate). In addition, sorbic and salicylic acids, essential oils, ethanol. Like parabens, these products have excellent disinfectant properties. But that doesn't mean they're safer or better. Alcohol, for example, dries out the skin. Essential oils can trigger allergies.

Summing up

Synthetic parabens in the shampoo important role. They have advantages that you can’t argue with - they are cheap, extend the shelf life of products, and maintain its hygiene. In addition, they rarely cause allergies, which cannot be said about natural preservatives. It's almost impossible to get rid of them.

Of course, you can completely switch to organic or homemade cosmetics, but even such a drastic approach will not eliminate possible risks and difficulties. The best option is to minimize cosmetics containing parabens. And in general, any chemical additives. Then you won't have to worry about their share in your favorite shampoo. The main thing is not to worry about the controversial controversy of scientists. Because nerve cells are definitely not restored!

Vorobyova Nastya was with you. And you, dear blog visitors, be vigilant, not suspicious! =)

Recently, there has been a growing interest among the population in organic cosmetics, which include shampoos without sulfates and parabens. The list of sulfate-free shampoos, unfortunately, is not so large on the Russian market, and yet there are such shampoos, and they are very popular. The price is slightly higher than regular shampoos, but manufacturers claim that they are much less harmful, since they do not contain lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and paraben preservative, which are harmful to the body.

So let's figure out how harmful shampoos are, the content of sulfates and parabens, and whether the advertisement of "harmless" sulfate-free shampoos is a marketing ploy from their manufacturers. So what are these mysterious substances hiding under them, so disturbing the public?

What the science says about lauryl sulfate and parabens

Let's see what Wikipedia says about this - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a salt of lauryl sulfuric acid and is an anionic surfactant. This substance is used in industry as a strong detergent and is used for the production machine oils, detergents, car care products for the formation of foam, as well as shampoos and toothpaste. Sounds intimidating - doesn't it? What can be in common between a car body and human teeth or hair?

Sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)

Most well-known manufacturers of cosmetics and, in particular, shampoos, use sodium lauryl sulfate as a foaming agent to enhance detergents. This is the most efficient and cheapest way, but not very secure. What is the danger of using shampoos with sulfates?

Studies have shown that sodium lauryl sulfate at a concentration of 2% caused skin irritation in experimental animals. In humans, this substance can also cause irritation and even allergic reactions. The irritant effect of this substance increases with increasing skin contact time and concentration. Therefore, prolonged use of detergents with lauryl sulfate can cause dry skin, flaking, dermatitis, and even hair loss.

However, it should be noted that sodium lauryl sulfate did not show any carcinogenic or embryotoxic effects even at high concentrations. Experts do not recommend using products containing sodium lauryl sulfate for prolonged skin contact. At the same time, they recognize this substance as safe and allow the use of sodium lauryl sulfate in cleansers that are washed off with water (cleansing gels, foams and shampoos).

Sulfates are difficult to wash off completely, so they accumulate on the scalp and in the hair, they can lead to irritation and allergic reactions. Therefore, people suffering from dermatitis, eczema, acne, dry skin or hair loss are not recommended products containing this component in their composition.

Below is a brief description of lauryl sulfate, which is often found in our shampoos and shower gels:

  • May cause itching and irritation with prolonged contact
  • may cause allergic reactions
  • non-toxic and non-carcinogenic
  • allowed for use with caution and individual tolerance.


Parabens are fully synthetic substances, which are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, which are widely used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and Food Industry as a preservative. It has antiseptic and fungicidal (antifungal) properties.

The safety of parabens has been called into question after they were found in high concentrations in breast cancer. However, the causal relationship between paraben use and cancer remains controversial and unproven.

Experimental studies on rats have shown that parabens have a pathological effect on the body of animals, causing failure in various systems. So, when exposed to these substances, the level of sex hormones decreases, which leads to a decrease reproductive function. Also, certain parabens, in particular, methylparaben, contained in some creams, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, can cause skin aging and irreversible changes in DNA.

And so, for whom parabens can be dangerous:

  • for pregnant women
  • for children

In general, the direct pathological effects of parabens on the human body remains unproven.

The use of parabens and sulfates in modern cosmetics justified by the low cost of these ingredients and greater availability for manufacturers. By replacing a synthetic preservative with a natural one, the manufacturer will spend more money, which will lead to an increase in the price of products and less availability for buyers.

It is important to note that parabens are not banned from the use of perfumery and cosmetic products either in Russia or in other countries. However, there is no single legislation governing the concentration of parabens in cosmetics in any of these countries.

Shampoos without sulfates and parabens - why the price is higher?

The price of shampoos without sulfates and parabens is slightly higher than the usual popular shampoos. famous brands. What is it connected with? The fact is that by replacing cheaper synthetic preservatives and foaming agents, which include sulfates and parabens, with organic components, the manufacturer spends more money, which, accordingly, leads to an increase in the cost of cosmetics in which they are used. What do manufacturers of sulfate-free shampoos replace with cheap preservatives and foaming agents?
Here is a list of those natural ingredients that are used in the production of safe hair shampoos:

  • olive, coconut and almond oil
  • lavender and argan oil
  • jojoba oil and tea tree

On the basis of their manufacturer receives the following substances, which in turn endow sulfate-free shampoos with detergents and foaming.
When you see these ingredients on the shampoo label, you can be sure of the safety this tool for hair:

  • laureth sulfosuccinate (lauret sulfosuccinate)
  • cocoglucoside (cocoglucoside)
  • lauryl glucoside (lauril glucoside)

But it must be understood that often, plant components used for the production of sulfate-free shampoos do not produce abundant foam and do not have the same washing properties as shampoos based on synthetic components. But, the safety of such shampoos for humans is obvious.

And instead of the paraben preservative, organic shampoos often use:

  • grapefruit seeds
  • oregano extract (or oregano)
  • thyme extract
  • rosemary

What are the benefits of booze sulfate shampoos?

Is the high cost of shampoos that do not contain harmful parabens, sulfates and dyes justified?
Let's look into this issue. So, manufacturers of sulfate-free shampoos replace harmful aggressive chemicals with natural (organic) ingredients. And this means that:

  • hair care with such products will be safer;
  • shampoos with natural ingredients are less likely to cause allergic skin reactions;
  • natural oils that are part of sulfate-free shampoos take care of the hair and nourish it, gently cleaning it from impurities;
  • organic components of shampoos do not dry or irritate the scalp;
  • vegetable oils accelerate hair growth, thicken their texture; fill hair with beauty and shine;
  • vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are part of them nourish and moisturize the scalp and revitalize the hair;
  • shampoos without sulfates and parabens are suitable for frequent use;
  • organic shampoos are suitable even for babies;
  • sulfate-free shampoo is the only hair wash that can be used after keratin hair straightening;
  • hair washing products without aggressive chemicals are suitable for daily use;
  • the production of sulfate-free cosmetics pollutes the environment less.

The disadvantages include weak foaming, high consumption of shampoos and a high price.

How to understand - which shampoo is sulfate-free?

Firstly, a conscientious manufacturer always indicates the presence of lauryl sulfate in shampoos. You can read about it in the product. In addition, shampoos without chemicals can be easily recognized by the following features:

  • lack of flavor and too bright color
  • the presence on the packaging of signs confirming the “naturalness” of the product - “Contains organic ingredients”, “Does not contain parabens”, “European certificate of Eco Bio cosmetics”, etc.
  • lack of abundant foam
  • the product contains ingredients - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, betaines, plant extracts and oils, Citric Acid, Sorbic Acid (which means citric or sorbic acid, respectively).
  • In the list of ingredients you can see the names lauret sulfosuccinate (lauret sulfosuccinate), lauril glucoside (lauryl glucoside), cocoglucoside (cocoglucoside)
  • Natural shampoo contains no animal ingredients.
  • organic shampoos tend to come in recycled packaging.

Unfortunately, even organic cosmetics contain chemical additives (emulsifiers, preservatives), because in our time there is nowhere without them, but their share is minimal there.

Inexpensive sulfate-free shampoos - an overview of the best brands

According to the new current trend in the segment of hair and body care products, cosmetic companies have launched the production of organic shampoos without sulfates and parabens. In the production of such shampoos, mainly only natural ingredients are used.

Below we provide a list of the most popular brands of shampoos in the lower and middle price segment.

  1. Grandma Agafia's Recipes
    - one of the most accessible and favorite brands among Russian buyers, due to the affordable cost of products. Natural sulfate-free shampoos of this brand are presented in a fairly wide range. For the manufacture of hair care products, organic additives are used - herbal infusions, natural vegetable oils, fruit extracts, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. In addition, grandmother Agafya's shampoos are at the lowest price level compared to other Russian and foreign brands. According to consumer reviews, shampoos "Grandma Agafya's Recipes" have good washing properties, but require additional application hair balm.
  2. Shampoos without lauryl sulfate brands Estel (Estelle) from Russian company Estel Professional is also represented by a wide range. Estelle shampoos are recommended by hairdressers to their clients as professional hair care. Customer reviews of shampoos of this brand are relatively contradictory - if their washing properties are questioned, then there are only positive reviews regarding other caring properties.
  3. Trademark Yves Rocher has had fans for a long time. Sulfate-free line of hair detergents are presented French company only in the form of one cream-shampoo Low Shampoo. This shampoo, according to the manufacturer, consists of 99% natural ingredients, besides, it has good washing properties and foams pretty well.

  4. Perhaps the most famous organic hair cosmetics is produced by the company Natura Siberica . Natura Siberica shampoos, like all other cosmetics of this company, are made on the basis of unique medicinal plants of Siberia and the Far East. All products are responsible European standards quality and can safely bear the title of "organic cosmetics". Natura Siberica is the first certified organic cosmetic in Russia, which, according to the manufacturer, really works. Shampoos of this brand have a lot of fans. Customer reviews about Natura Siberica cosmetics are only positive.
  5. Company Faberlic also has the only sulfate-free shampoo in its range Faberlic Salon Care Oils Supreme. The shampoo contains valuable vegetable oils - argan, abessinian, avocado oil, as well as the amino acid arginine, which gently cleanse and nourish the hair and scalp. According to users of this shampoo, Salon Care Oils Supreme does not cause allergies, flaking, and improves hair structure. After using it, the hair becomes smooth, obedient and alive.
  6. One of the most affordable shampoos without sulfates and parabens - Nano Organic which gently cares and cleanses the hair. Washing base of this shampoo - saponified oils (coconut and castor), the safest and mildest surfactant from glucose - decyl glucoside coconut oil, arginine, vitamins, and extracts various herbs. This shampoo perfectly cleanses the hair, making it soft and very smooth.

  7. Inexpensive sulfate-free shampoos produced under the brand name Le cafe de beaute (Beauty Cafe), not so long ago came to the shelves of our stores, but have already managed to win their army of fans. Cosmetologists of the company "Beauty Cafe", inspired by sophisticated France, have created delicious and unforgettable "desserts" for your hair, each of which is made according to original recipe from natural ingredients High Quality. To create their unique cosmetics, manufacturers use only organic ingredients. Le cafe de beaute hair shampoos are based on: olive oil, juicy fruits, basil and thyme, fragrant chocolate and flower extracts. Also in the composition of the product you can often find: vitamins, keratin, coconut milk, aloe vera, ginger extract, extracts of goji berries, acai, rosehip, magnolia, camellia, violet, mint, peony, mallow, lotus, currant, strawberry, apricot, lime, papaya, kiwi, mango, fig, coffee, cinnamon, cocoa, honey, tea tree, bamboo and vanilla. High quality products and low prices make this trademark very attractive among competitors.

  8. Shampoos and hair balms from the company ECO Laboratories gained great popularity among Russian buyers. Products of this brand are presented in a wide range. In the production of shampoos, only natural components of plant origin are used, including natural preservatives and dyes.
    Active ingredients of shampoos: organic oils, vegetable, berry and fruit extracts. ECO Laboratorie cosmetics are aimed at cleansing, nourishing, restoring and moisturizing hair. When developing products, all types of hair were taken into account, so you can easily select an individual hair care program. Due to their low cost, these shampoos are available to a wide range of consumers. Reviews of ECO Laboratorie shampoos are very positive - buyers note good washing properties and a pleasant unobtrusive smell. After washing, the hair is easy to comb and look well-groomed.

How to use shampoos without sulfates and parabens?

Many buyers, having tried sulfate-free shampoo, experience mixed impressions - all due to the fact that sulfate-free shampoos do not foam well enough and it seems that the hair is not washed. But this is far from true. All organic shampoos clean both hair and scalp well, but they do it quite delicately. We are accustomed to strong foam and instant degreasing of hair after application. regular shampoos, which contain lauryl sulfate, so it seems to us that shampoos without extensive lather do not wash hair well. And it's pure subjective feeling. Sulfate-free shampoos take some getting used to and then you will appreciate all their benefits.
And in order to “make friends” with organic shampoos, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Before using a natural shampoo, you need to shake the bottle - often some components fall to the bottom, changing the consistency and properties of the detergent.
  2. Wash your hair with organic shampoo warm water rather than cold or hot.
  3. When washing your hair, you first need to distribute the shampoo at the roots of the hair, and then rub it along the entire length of the hair. Add a little more shampoo to your hair before that.
  4. As a rule, such shampoos require repeated washing. If the hair is not heavily soiled, usually two times is enough.
  5. To keep your hair shiny and combable, after using a sulfate-free shampoo, you need to use a hair balm.

Read the instructions for use before use, because the manufacturer always indicates how to use this or that sulfate-free shampoo correctly.

Photo: Natural shampoos for hair without sulfates, without parabens

Consider the most popular natural hair shampoos without parabens, fragrances, sulfates and other chemical muck. We present our rating of the best shampoos.

1. Estel Otium Unique

  • Manufacturer country: Russia
  • Price: 400-500 rubles

Photo: Natural shampoos without parabens Estel Otium Unique

The series includes several professional tools for hair care (to fight dandruff, to oily skin head and dry curls, hair growth activator). Shampoos contain an innovative keratin complex Unique Active, which acts directly on the hair follicles. Otium Unique formulas are enriched with amino acids, peptides, milk proteins. Shampoos nourish the scalp, restore its hydrobalance, promote the regeneration of damaged hair structure.

2. "Tar" from Grandmother Agafia's Recipes

  • Manufacturer country: Russia
  • Price: 250-350 rubles

Photo: Natural tar shampoo Agafya's first aid kit

3. Natural shampoo Natura Siberica

  • Manufacturer country: Russia
  • Price: 100-400 rubles

Photo: Natural hair shampoos Natura Siberica

The brand's product line is represented by hair care products with different "character" (dry, oily, colored and damaged). The composition of shampoos for 95% consists of components natural origin. These are extracts of medicinal wild plants of Siberia and the Far East. As a foaming base, amino acids isolated from natural raw materials are used. Means help to restore the hydrobalance of the scalp and easy combing of curls. The brand's products are ECOCERT and ECO BIO certified.

4. Logona Bier-Honig

  • Manufacturer country: Germany
  • Price: 700-1000 rubles

Therapeutic and prophylactic shampoo for thin, brittle hair. Helps to give curls additional volume. The active ingredients are beer and natural acacia honey extract. Also in the composition there is an extract of calendula flowers and natural glycerin. The shampoo has an intensive nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating effect on the structure of the strands and scalp. The products have successfully passed dermatological tests.

5. Himalaya Herbals

  • Manufacturer country: India
  • Price: 200-300 rubles

The brand offers solutions for the care of hair with different specifics (oily, colored, brittle, etc.). It is based on natural ingredients, the raw materials for which are mined mainly in the Himalayas. Shampoo does not weigh down curls, enriched with proteins that help curls to gain smoothness and shine. Funds from the brand line provide a comprehensive beneficial effect on the strands and scalp - nourish, moisturize, prevent excessive moisture loss.

6. Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure (Germany)

  • Manufacturer country: Germany
  • Price: 700-1000 rubles

Professional products for intensive hair care. The series includes shampoos for regenerating the structure of lifeless and damaged hair, prolonging the effect after dyeing curls and keratin straightening procedures, growth activators. In the formula of means entered UV filters which provide hair with protection against harmful effects sun rays.
Price: 550-800 rubles.

7. L'Oreal Professionnel Source Re-Naitre

  • Manufacturer: France
  • Price: 600-900 rubles

Line tool professional cosmetics based on natural ingredients. The shampoo is specifically designed to care for dry, damaged coloring and other styling treatments that are weakened, very sensitive hair. The formula is based on rice proteins. This component of natural origin strengthens the very core of the curls, softens and smoothes them along the entire length. The shampoo gently cleanses, but at the same time intensively nourishes the strands and scalp, normalizes hydrobalance, restores elasticity and natural shine.

8. Aubrey Organics Balancing Protein

  • A country: USA
  • Price: 900-1100 rubles

Great for owners of very sensitive skin and allergy sufferers. The formula is enriched with soy and milk proteins, which help to make hair soft, smooth and manageable when combing. Complex fruit acids smoothes the scales of curls, quickly returning even a very damaged hairstyle to a natural shine and eliminating the problem of split ends. Extracts and oils of organic plants and herbs strengthen the roots and rods of the strands. The brand's products have BDIH (Germany), NPA and Cruelty Free eco-certificates, Vegan Society certificate.

9. "Krasnopolyanskaya cosmetics"

  • A country: Russia
  • Price: 400-500 rubles

Wellness shampoos that solve various problems with hair (dandruff and color damage, loss, etc.). The formulas are based on decoctions of herbs, extracts of medicinal plants, natural mountain honey, spring water from the relic glaciers of the Caucasus. As part of shampoos, only natural preservatives are used, so their shelf life is limited to 6 months.

10. Cocochoco

  • Manufacturer country: Israel
  • Price: 800-1000 rubles

Natural hair shampoos CocoChoco

Shampoos for gentle care for the weak and damaged hair and their recovery. The line includes tools for intense hydration, giving volume, caring for colored and bleached strands. At the heart of each formula is an innovative molecular complex of proteins, amino acids, natural oils, vitamins, which together have a strengthening, deep nourishing, softening effect on the curls, promotes the regeneration of the hair structure. Read more about the composition and